Circle the correct word 5 класс the water waters in the cup is hot

Circle the correct word.
1) The water / waters in the cup is hot.
2) We must get some potatoes / potato and bread / breads.
3) Can you buy some milk / miks?
4) She has six packets of sugar / sugars.
5) There are lots of pool / pools after the rain.
6) Snow / Snows covers all the territory in winter.
7) I need two cans of meat / meats and some herb / herbs.
8) When I get a sore throat, my mum gives me tea / teas with lemon.
9) Have you ever eaten original Italian pasta / pastas?
10) She cooks fish / fishes very well.​

Ответы на вопрос


1 water

2 potatoes; bread


4 sugar

5 pools

6 Snow

7 meat; herbs

8 tea

9 pasta

10 fish

Новые вопросы

Выберите верное слово 1)The WATER / WATERS in the cup is ĥot 2)there are a lot of POOL / POOLS after the rain 3) we mast get some POTATOES / POTATO 4) she cooks FISH / FISHES very well 5) have you ever eaten oriĝinal Italian PASTA / PASTAS.

На этой странице сайта размещен вопрос Выберите верное слово 1)The WATER / WATERS in the cup is ĥot 2)there are a lot of POOL / POOLS after the rain 3) we mast get some POTATOES / POTATO 4) she cooks FISH / FISHES very well 5) have you eve? из категории
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Вопрос по английскому языку:

Выберите верное слово
1)The WATER/WATERS in the cup is ĥot
2)there are a lot of POOL/POOLS after the rain
3) we mast get some POTATOES/POTATO
4) she cooks FISH/FISHES very well
5) have you ever eaten oriĝinal Italian PASTA/PASTAS

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Ответы и объяснения 2



1)Water.2)pools.3)Potatoes .4) fish.5)pasta



The water in the cup is hot
there are a lot of pools after the rain
we mast get some potato
she cooke fishes vere well
have you ever eaten original ltalian pasta

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Variant 1.

Write  the –ing forms of the verbs.

1)      Write

2)      Run

3)      Do –

4)      Study

5)      Watch

2. Make these sentences negative and ask general questions.
Use full forms.

e.g. The dog is
eating now. — The dog is not eating now. Is the dog eating now?

1)      Alisa
and Dima are cooking dinner now.


2)      She
is swimming in the river at the moment.


3)      I am
taking a shower now.


4)      Lisa
is dancing with Michael right now.


5)      The
gardener is cutting a grass.


3. Use
present continuous to complete the sentences.

1)      I ___________(to write) the letter to my Granny now.

2)      The author _______________(to work) on his new book at the

3)      We ____________(to read) a book now.

4)      Our parents _________(to watch) TV now.

5)      Tom ________________ (to play) football now.

6)      _______they_______(listen) to music now?

7)      He _______(not do the shopping) at the moment.

8)       The cat _____________(not lie) on the sofa.

9)      _______Natasha _________(ask) for money?

10)  I _______(not
sit) in the armchair.

4. Use
present simple or present continuous to complete the sentences.

1)      Ann
________(go) to school now.

2)      He_______(play)
the guitar every day.

3)      Jane
and Sam________(read) a book now.

4)      Dad
___________(wash) his car at the moment.

5)      He
______(walk) his dog in the evening.

6)      Mary
_________(play) tennis in the yard.

7)      We
often _______(draw) funny pictures for our friends.

8)       He
always ________(do) his homework after school.

9)      I
__________(not do) an English exercise now.

10)  Tom usually __________(read)
a lot.

Circle the correct word.

1)      The water/waters
in the cup is hot.

2)      We
must get some potatoes/potato and bread/breads.

3)      Can
you buy some milk/milks?

4)      She
has six packets of sugar/sugars.

5)      There
are lots of pool/pools after rain.

6. Fill
in a or some/any.

1)      I
can see _____cup of tea on the table.

There is ______pasta in the cupboard.

She doesn’t eat ________bread, she keeps to a diet.

Ask the shop assistant to show you____ box of chocolate.

5)      My
friends usually have ________porridge for breakfast.

7. Fill
in the correct form of the verb to be.

1)      We
_______going to listen to his singing.

2)      ____she
going to wear a scarf?

3)      What
_____you going to do this weekend/

4)      My
Dad ______going to play darts.

5)      I
___not going to study today.

8. Translate
into English.

1)      Он собирается купить новый телевизор.

2)      Девочка не собирается учить французский язык.

3)      Павел не собирается ничего делать завтра.

4)      Я собираюсь встретить свою подругу у кинотеатра.

5)      Мы собираемся погулять сегодня вечером.

Variant 2.

Write  the –ing forms of the verbs.

1)      Jump

2)      Fly

3)      Come

4)      Stop

5)      Swim

2. Make these sentences negative and ask general questions.
Use full forms.

e.g. The dog is eating
now. — The dog is not eating now. Is the dog eating now?

Petya is writing an e-mail now.

The children are riding their bikes at the

My brother is taking pictures now.

I am saving money for a new laptop these days.

The girl is running home now.

3. Use present continuous to complete the sentences.

I ________(to have) dinner now.

My dog ______(to sleep) right now.

Our Dad_______(to fish) now.

She ________(to make) a call now.

The cat ____(to jump) with my sister now.

______Phil____(do) the shopping?

The boys________(not dive) into the swimming

The cat ______(catch) the mouse.

_______you_____(write) emails now?

10)  We_______(take) nice photos.

4. Use present simple or present continuous to complete the

David  usually __________(read) a lot.

Listen! Sandy_______(sing) in the bedroom.

My mother __________(make) lunch now.

My sister never ________(help) in the kitchen.

Sarah sometimes ______(read) classics.

We rarely _________(watch) TV in the morning.

They often _________(clean) the garage.

Look! The boys ________(come) home.

His cousin _________(go) for a walk every day.

10)  I _______(chat) online at the moment.

Circle the correct word.

1)      Snow/snows
covers all the territory in winter.

2)      I
need two cans of meat/meats and some salt/salts.

3)      When
I get a sore throat, my mum gives me tea/teas with lemon.

4)      Have
you ever eaten original Italian pasta?

5)      She
cooks fish/fishes very well.

6. Fill
in a or some/any.

1)      ____bottle of milk will be enough for making a cake.

2)      Is there ______flour left?

3)      There’s nothing better for you than _______carrot.

4)      ________cup of instant soup is ready.

5)      Can I have___________water, please?

7. Fill in the correct form of the verb to be

1)      The
snow ________going to melt very quickly.

2)      Postmen
________going to deliver newspapers in the evening.

3)      It
_________going to be windy tomorrow morning.

4)      They
_______going to visit their grandparents on Sunday.

5)      My
friends_________going to have a party in two days.

Translate into English.

1)      Мы собираемся испечь пирог.

2)      Билл собирается поиграть в футбол с друзьями.

3)      На следующей неделе мы собираемся посетить Париж (Paris).

4)      Мама собирается за покупками.

5)      Девочки не собираются устраивать вечеринку в этот уикенд.


Выберите верное слово
1)The WATER/WATERS in the cup is ĥot
2)there are a lot of POOL/POOLS after the rain
3) we mast get some POTATOES/POTATO
4) she cooks FISH/FISHES very well
5) have you ever eaten oriĝinal Italian PASTA/PASTAS

1 ответ:



1)Water.2)pools.3)Potatoes .4) fish.5)pasta

Читайте также

Каждые четыре года во всём мире проходят олимпийские игры. Наша страна не исключение. Как только игры начинаются мы всей семьей болеем за нашу команду и так же переживаем за ее промахи. В нашей стране, символом олимпийских игр является олимпийский мишка. Люди еще с древности участвовали в играх, спортсмены ценились во все времена. Каждый человек, как и я когда-либо хотел так же быть спортсменом на олимпийских играх, но я понимаю что быть спортсменом это большая нагрузка и ответственность. Олимпийские игры это огромная ответственность. Мы должны поддерживать наших спортсменов.

Is there any book on the shelf?
I can’t live in a big city.
He doesn’t like whales.

1 enjoys
2 a: what are you doing? b: i am studying
3 want to, don’t like
4 why is beth running
5 use

Все намааааааааана)))))))))))))))))))))))))]))))))))))))))

Match to make sentences.

1 We d are going to fly to Russia next week!

2 We’re h going to stay in Moscow!

3 Is it a going to be cold?

4 Will you c go to Red Square?

5 I won’t b speak English, I’ll speak Russian!

6 Sadly, we’re not going e to see the Bolshoi Ballet perform.

7 Will g you send me a postcard?

8 Of course f I will!




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