Circle the correct word 3 класс can i have

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Circle the correct word.
Например: I’d like some water,pleas.
1)Can I have an/some apple,please?
2)Carole usually has a/some ham sandwich for lunch.
3)My mum often cooks a/some beef for our Sunday dinner.
4) Can I have an/some egg for breakfast, please?
5)My brother likes pasta with a/some cheese.
6)Ben had a/some big chocolate cake for his birthday.
7)We’ve got some/an onion, a/some tomato and a/some ham here.
8)There ar a/some mushrooms and an/some onions in this spaghetti Bolognese
9)There’s a/some bread and a/some butter here.We can make a/some sandwiches.

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Can I have an apple , please?
Carol usually has a ham sandwich for lunch.
My mum often cooks some beef for our Sunday dinner.
Can I have an egg for breakfast, please?
My brother like pasta with some cheese.
Ben had a big cholocate cake for his birthday.
We have got some mushrooms, a tomato and a ham here.
There are some bread and some butter here. We can make some sandwiches.

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Choose the correct word.
1. A: Can i have a few/a little onions, please?
B: OK. Anything else?
2. A: How much/How many cheese do we need?
B: Very few/little.
3. A: Here’s your coffee.
B: There’s too many/too much milk in it.
4. A: We’ve got a few/a little cherries.
B: Great! We can make a cherry pie.
5. A: How much/How many peppers are there?
B: There are too many/lots of. Don’t buy any.

Дано ответов: 2


(78 баллов)

04 Июнь, 20


1. a bottle

2.a bottle

3.a glass

4.a packet

5.a box


(14 баллов)

04 Июнь, 20


1.Can I have a bottle of lemonade.

2.Remember to buy a bottle of olive oil.

3.There’s a glass of mineral water on the table.

4.Why don’t you buy a packet of chips?

5.Can you get me a box of chocolates at the mini-market?


Circle the correct word.
e.g. There is some / any milk in the fridge.
1. Are there some / any biscuits in the cupboard?
2. I’m sorry, but we haven’t got some / any sausages.
3. Can I have some / any lemonade, please?
4. There isn’t some / any water on the table.
5. We’ve got some / any chicken, but we haven’t got any chips.

Английский язык 3 класс (Test Booklet) Spotlight Английский в фокусе Быкова. Modular TEST 3 B (Units 5, 6). Номер №3


Перевод задания
Обведите правильное слово.
например, В холодильнике есть some / any молоко.
1. Есть ли в шкафу some / any печенье?
2. Извините, но у нас нет some / any сосисок.
3. Можно мне some / any лимонада, пожалуйста?
4. На столе нет some / any воды.
5. У нас есть some / any курица, но нет чипсов.

1. Are there some / any biscuits in the cupboard?
2. I’m sorry, but we haven’t got some / any sausages.
3. Can I have some / any lemonade, please?
4. There isn’t some / any water on the table.
5. We’ve got some / any chicken, but we haven’t got any chips.

Перевод ответа
1. Есть ли в шкафу печенье?
2. Извините, но у нас нет сосисок.
3. Можно мне немного лимонада, пожалуйста?
4. На столе нет воды.
5. У нас есть немного курицы, но нет чипсов.

Решить пожалуйста срочно

Read and choose.
1) Can I have a carton / jar of milk?

2) Can I have a kilo / bar of chocolate?

3) Can I have a loaf of bread / beans?

4) Can I have a bottle of jam / juice?

2. Fill in How many or How much.

1) … flour do they want to buy?

2) … coconuts are there in the bag?

3) … sugar do you want in your coffee?

4) … tomatoes have you got?

3. Choose the correct word.

1. We don’t need … sugar.

a) many b) much c) a lot of

2. There are …tomatoes in the fridge.

a) many b) much c) a lot of

3. Do you need … mangoes for the fruit salad?

a) many b) much c) a lot of

4. There is … butter in the box.

a) many b) much c) a lot of

4. Read and match.

1) Can you pass me the pepper, please?

2) How much cheese is there?

3) Can I have a carton of milk, please?

4) May I taste the cake, please?

Not muсh.

Yes, you may.

Sure. Here you are.

Yes, of course. Here you are. That’s 75 p, please.​

2 GRAMMAR word order in questions Circle the correct form. 1 Does your sister have Your sister has a job? 2 Hello, I can / can I help you? 3 Where were you/you were born? 4 Do the children want / Want the children a drink? 5 a Did you see / Saw you the football match on TV last night? 6 What does do your boyfriend / does your boyfriend do? 7 Where she learnt / did she learn to speak English? 8 What time do you get up / get you up in the morning? Re-order the words to make questions. 1 do / do / parents / what / your What do your parents do? 2 girlfriend / student /is/a/ your 3 what / at / you / do / the / weekend / do 4 out /how/you/go/ often / do 5 did/go/last/where/you / Saturday 6 a/did / time / nice / you/ have ? 2 GRAMMAR word order in questions Circle the correct form . 1 Does your sister have Your sister has a job ? 2 Hello , I can / can I help you ? 3 Where were you / you were born ? 4 Do the children want / Want the children a drink ? 5 a Did you see / Saw you the football match on TV last night ? 6 What does do your boyfriend / does your boyfriend do ? 7 Where she learnt / did she learn to speak English ? 8 What time do you get up / get you up in the morning ? Re — order the words to make questions . 1 do / do / parents / what / your What do your parents do ? 2 girlfriend / student / is / a / your 3 what / at / you / do / the / weekend / do 4 out / how / you / go / often / do 5 did / go / last / where / you / Saturday 6 a / did / time / nice / you / have ?​

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