Что такое two word verbs

| Май 18, 2022 | Живой английский, практика |

Фразовые глаголы (two-word verbs, three-word verbs) – это глаголы с предлогами, которые в этом случае называются «послелоги». Когда они объединяются вместе, то начинают передавать новый уникальный смысл, который невозможно угадать, если переводить глагол и предлог по-отдельности. Фразовые глаголы нельзя изучать в отрыве от контекста и без примеров использования. Многие фразовые глаголы имеют несколько значений. В позиции particle (послелога) может быть предлог или наречие.

*Hewings, говоря о фразовых глаголах, применяет термины:

  • two-word verbs: глагол + послелог
  • three word verbs: глагол + наречие + предлог

Многие фразовых глаголов нетранзитивные / непереходные, т.е. не присоединяют прямое дополнение.
Но среди них и достаточно транзитивных, которые требуют объект. Обратите внимание на позицию объекта — он может помещаться между глаголом и послелогом. Иногда один и тот же глагол может быть в одном значении переходным, а в другом — непереходным.

Объект может менять позицию — быть либо между глаголом и послелогом (наречием), либо после фразового глагола.

  • Если объект — местоимение, то он всегда стоит между глаголом и послелогом.
  • Если объект — длинная связка, то лучше ставить объект после фразового глагола, хотя это не обязательно.

И, как всегда, готовьтесь к исключениям. С фразовыми глаголами нельзя расслабляться. Объект может стоять в непредсказуемоей позиции,поэтому запоминайте особые случаи, которые не вписываются в стандарты.

С трехсоставными фразовыми глаголами объект идет после предлога (после всей связки).
Но и тут бывают оговорки. Иногда к такому фразовому глаголу относятся два дополнения (по аналогии с прямым и непрямым дополнением). Человек, на которого направлено действие (непрямое дополнение) занимает позицию СРАЗУ ПОСЛЕ глагола (перед наречием и предлогом).

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Two Word Verbs

In English we have some verbs that are formed by putting to two words together. The first word is always the verb. The second word is a noun, an adjective, an adverb or a preposition.
Together, these two word verbs have a particular meaning, but separately the words have a different meaning.

To take a trip   (verb + noun)
To make good   (verb + adjective)
To go away   (verb + preposition)
To get up   (verb + preposition)

Some of the two word verbs have their equivalence as a one word verb, depending on the context of the situation.

To get on   =   to board a plane, train, ship, etc.
To get over   =   to recuperate

The two word verbs are divided into two categories:
Separable and non-separable (transitive or intransitive).

We separate the transitive two word verbs just by putting an object pronoun in between the verb and the preposition, especially when we transform the two word verbs in commands,
but for this the subject must be understood.

Take out the garbage.  Object after the verb.
Take the garbage out.  Object separating the verb and the preposition.
Take it out.  Object pronoun “it” separating the verb and the preposition.

Object Pronouns

  • Me
  • You
  • Him
  • Her
  • It
  • Us
  • You
  • Them

The intransitive two-word verbs are those that are used to talk about actions, habits, or things that we do. We can separate some of them and others we cannot.

  • She gets on the bus at this corner every morning. 
  • I always get lost when I’m in this neighborhood. 
  • Think of me while I’m gone. 

Notice that in the above examples, we CAN NOT SAY:

  • She gets the bus on at this corner every morning.
  • I always get in this neighborhood lost when I’m here.
  • Think while I’m gone of me.

Sometimes you are going to find some two word verbs with the words “one’s” and “someone”.

  • To change one’s mind.
  • To give someone a break.
  • We have to replace “one’s” with the possessive adjective.
  • (my, your his, her, its, our, your, their).
  • We have to replace “someone” with the object pronouns
  • (me, you, him, her, it, us, you, them).
  • To change one’s mind.
  • My brother changed his mind and now he doesn’t want to go to the concert.
  • My girlfriend changed her mind and now she wants to leave me. 
  • The president changed his mind and he doesn’t want to raise taxes. 
  • Don’t change your mind! 
  • To give someone a break.
  • Give me a break! 
  • Give your parents a break! Don’t make too much noise. 

Asked by: Earline Flatley

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  • They are informal; usually there exists another, more «proper» word with the same or similar meaning.
  • They are idiomatic; that is, you cannot easily make out the meaning of the verb by adding up the meanings of its parts.

What are two verbs examples?

Examples are: look at, listen to, stand up and switch off. These combinations are rather like two-word verbs. In grammars these are often called phrasal verbs. The meaning of a two-word verb can be very different from the meanings of the two-parts taken separately.

Can a verb be 2 words?

Multi-word verbs are verbs that consist of more than one word. There are three types of multi- word verbs: prepositional verbs, phrasal verbs, and phrasal-prepositional verbs. Many multi-word verbs serve an idiomatic purpose.

What is a two part verb?

Phrasal verbs have two parts: a main verb and an adverb particle.

What is a single word verb?

Single-word verbs are often considered stronger than phrasal verbs (sometimes called multi-word verbs) because single-word verbs allow you to be more direct and concise in your writing. … Most phrasal verbs are informal and conversational, but some are academic (e.g., lead to, result in, followed by).

43 related questions found

What is the single word verb for set up?

Exercises. There is often a choice in English between a two word verb and a single verb — bring up/raise, set up/establish.

Is single a noun or verb?

single (noun) single (verb) single–breasted (adjective)

How do you use two verbs in a sentence?

When you have two verbs or actions next to each other in a sentence, the second verb usually must be the infinitive form, but sometimes it must be a participle form.

How many phrasal verbs are there in English grammar?

Memorising phrasal verbs is inefficient because there are over 10,000 phrasal verbs in the English language.

What is the two verb rule?

When a sentence has two verbs, the first verb is conjugated and the second verb remains in the infinitive form.

How many verbs are in a sentence?

Every sentence needs at least one verb. If there’s no verb, it’s an incomplete sentence or a sentence fragment. Except for imperative sentences (commands), a sentence also needs a subject, the thing doing the action. Subjects are important for a verb because they change how it’s conjugated, which we explain below.

Can you have 2 verbs in a simple sentence?

A simple sentence can have two verbs. This is called a compound predicate.

What is a phrasal verb in English grammar?

In English traditional grammar, a phrasal verb is the combination of two or three words from different grammatical categories – a verb and a particle, such as an adverb or a preposition – to form a single semantic unit on a lexical or syntactic level.

What are the examples of verb?

Action verb examples:

  • Run.
  • Dance.
  • Slide.
  • Jump.
  • Think.
  • Do.
  • Go.
  • Stand.

How do you join two verbs?

A coordinating conjunction is a word that joins two elements of equal grammatical rank and syntactic importance. They can join two verbs, two nouns, two adjectives, two phrases, or two independent clauses. The seven coordinating conjunctions are for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so.

What are help verbs?

Helping verbs are verbs that are used in a verb phrase (meaning, used with a second verb) to show tense, or form a question or a negative. Helping verbs are used to show the perfect verb tenses, continuous/progressive verb tenses, and passive voice. Helping verbs are always followed by a second verb.

Is cut down phrasal verb?

CUT DOWN (phrasal verb) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

What is the phrasal verb of increase?

The phrasal verb go up is often used when prices increase. House prices keep going up. The price of fuel has gone up by 5p a litre. If something suddenly increases by a large amount, you can use verbs such as escalate, rocket, or soar.

Who is called single?

From Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. A person is called single if he or she is not married, not in a civil union, and not in a sexual or romantic relationship. In a more general sense, the word also means that person currently has no exclusive partner, like a boyfriend or girlfriend.

What kind of word is single?

only one in number; one only; unique; sole: a single example. of, relating to, or suitable for one person only: a single room. solitary or sole; lone: He was the single survivor.

Why is Mi single?

Clearly, some people are single because they choose to be. They are simply not interested in being in a serious relationship at this time in their life. Others are single due to the circumstances of their lives. … When it comes to dating and relationships, it’s hard not to feel that you are a victim.

What is the synonym of set up?

In this page you can discover 64 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for set up, like: set, establish, arrange, originate, end, patronize, entrap, assemble, configure, found and begin.

Phrasal verbs in English are verbs that consist of two or sometimes three words, such as check in or come up with.

These expressions always begin with a verb, but also include a preposition, an adverb, or both.  Although phrasal verbs have at least two words, their meanings are usually different from the meanings of each individual word in the expression.  Since English uses a lot of phrasal verbs, it is important to understand as many of them as possible.

Today I give you examples of three types of phrasal verbs: separable, inseparable, and common English phrasal verbs in families At the end there will be a sheet you can download to give you more practice with phrasal verbs.

Here is the video lesson I taught on phrasal verbs in English:

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You can download the practice sheet NOW!

Some phrasal verbs in English are separable.

In phrasal verbs that are separable, you can separate the verb and the the preposition or adverb (also called the particle), and it still makes sense. All separable phrasal verbs are transitive, which means they take a direct object. In a separable phrasal verb, the direct object may be placed between the verb and the preposition or adverb. However, you can also keep the entire expression together. Both ways are correct. Separable phrasal verbs can be used in any tense. Here are some examples.

To call off    –This means to cancel.

Everyone is sick, so we need to call off the committee meeting. In this case, call off is together.

Everyone was sick, so we  called the committee meeting off. Here, the committee meeting, the direct object, is between called and off.

To pick up  –This means to go somewhere and get someone.

I have to pick up my son from school. Pick up  is together.

I have to pick my son up from school. My son is a direct object. It is between pick and up.

Some phrasal verbs in English are inseparable. Verbs that don’t take a direct object are always inseparable. However, some phrasal verbs that do take a direct object are inseparable, as well.

When phrasal verbs are inseparable, it means that the verb and the preposition or adverb must stay together. If we separate them, the meaning doesn’t make sense. Inseparable phrasal verbs may or may not have a direct object. They can, like separable phrasal verbs, be in any tense.Here are some examples of inseparable phrasal verbs.

To go over  — to review.

The teacher went over the chapter to prepare us for the test. You cannot say,”The teacher went the chapter over.” If you said that, it would be incorrect and many people would not understand you.

To cut down on  — to use less of something.

I need to cut down on sugar because I have too many cavities in my teeth.

To chip in  –to help

Everyone needs to chip in so we can get this mess cleaned up. There is no direct object here.

Now that you know about separable and inseparable phrasal verbs, you may wonder,” How do I know if a phrasal verb with a direct object is separable or inseparable?” Unfortunately, there are no rules to guide you. Native speakers, of course, simply know.  Others, however, have to learn them, verb by verb. If you are not sure, look the phrasal verb up in a good online or paper dictionary, and then you will know.

Some phrasal verbs come in families. Even though they are in the same family, however, these verbs may have many different meaning from each other, and some may have more than one meaning. Below I talk about three common phrasal verb families. I give you the phrasal verb, the meaning or meanings, example sentences, and I tell you whether it is separable or inseparable.

The give family

The go family

The put family

  • To put off (separable)–(1) to delay doing something, or (2) to have a bad impression of someone or something
    • I am putting off doing my homework. (or I am putting doing my homework off.)
    • His bad attitude put me off. (or I felt put off by his bad attitude).
  • To put on (separable)–(1) to wear, or (2) to produce a show,  (3) to trick someone
    • Put your boots on. (or Put on your boots.)
    • They are putting on a great concert at the Pepsi Center. (or They are putting a concert on.)
    • You didn’t win the lottery! You’re putting me onWhen we use put on to mean trick, we always separate the verb and the particle.
  • To put out (separable)–(1) to get rid of a fire, or (2) to publish something, or (3) to inconvenience someone.
    • The fire fighters put out the fire.  (or They put the fire out.)
    • The Denver Post puts out a newspaper every day (or They put a newspaper out.)
    • Would it put you out if I stayed for dinner? ( or Would you be put out if I stayed for dinner?)
  • To put up with (inseparable)–to tolerate something unpleasant.
    • I can’t put up with my nephew’s terrible behavior.

You now know the phrasal verbs are very important parts of English. You know know that these verbs consist of two or three words and may be separable or inseparable. The download contains a list of many common phrasal verbs, their meanings, and whether they are separable of inseparable.

You can download the practice sheet NOW!

Idioms of the Day

    1. To think twice  –to think very carefully before making a decision. I would think twice about driving too fast in this neighborhood. There are policemen everywhere.
    2. To roll with the punches  –to survive and do well, even though things have been hard for you. My friend’s father died when he was small, his mother was often sick, and last month he lost his job. But he always rolls with the punches and never gives up.

Many English verbs can be followed by prepositions or adverb particles.

  • Do sit down.
  • Alice ran down the road without looking at anybody.

Some verbs and prepositions / particles are regularly used together. Examples are: look at, listen to, stand up and switch off. These combinations are rather like two-word verbs. In grammars these are often called phrasal verbs.

The meaning of a two-word verb can be very different from the meanings of the two-parts taken separately.

  • The meeting had to be put off. (The meaning of put off is not the same as the meanings of put and off.)

Some verbs can be used with both an adverb particle and a preposition.
Examples are: get on with, put up with and look out for.

The two parts of a phrasal verb made with a verb + adverb particle are often separable. That means the particle can go before or after noun objects.

  • Can you switch off the light? OR Can you switch the light off?

Note that adverb particles can only go after pronoun objects.

  • She turned it off. (NOT She turned off it.)

The preposition in a verb + preposition combination usually goes with the verb. It can’t be separated from the verb.

  • He fell off the ladder. (NOT He fell the ladder off.)

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