Что такое compound word

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Алена Пайтылова

Эксперт по предмету «Языки (переводы)»

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Особенности составных слов в английском языке (Compound Words)

Составные слова (Compound words) представляют собой такие слова, которые очень похожи на словосочетания, но являются одной целой отдельной частью речи, обозначающей что-то конкретное. Одна из особенностей составных слов – это их образование от двух совершенно разных по значению слов. Например, brainstorm – мозговой штурм, активная умственная деятельность. Данное слово образовано от слов brain – мозг и storm – шторм, ураган. Это абсолютно разные по значению слова, которые вместе образуют новую лексическую единицу.

Виды сложных слов в английском языке

Следует различать следующие виды сложных слов в английском языке:

  1. Сложные непроизводные (сложные корневые) – слова, образованные сложением двух слов без их внешнего изменения. Home-made — приготовленный дома, hand-made – приготовленный (сделанный) руками, to blacklist – заносить в черный список.
  2. Сложнопроизводные слова – слова, образованные путем сложения двух слов с видоизменением одного из них или обоих слов. green-eyed – зеленоглазый, red-haired – рыжеволосый.
  3. Сложные аббревиатуры (сложносокращенные слова) — аббревиатурные слова, образованные от двух или более отдельных слов. V-Day – День победы, X-mas – Рождество, UAE – ОАЭ (Объединенные Арабские Эмираты).

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Сложные слова часто путают со словосочетаниями, которые также являются сложными образованиями, но имеют отличное морфемное и лексическое значение.

Если в русском языке можно четко разграничить и увидеть разницу между словосочетанием и сложным словом, то в английском языке данное действие реализовать достаточно трудно, а иногда невозможно. В русском языке данное явление прослеживается отчетливо за счет внешнего отличия слов, т. е. при образовании сложных слов используется только отдельная часть сова (как правило, корень). В английском же языке данное явление проследить достаточно сложно ввиду одинакового написания и произношения частей слова и самого слова, например, dark- и dark. По этой причине для правильного определения части речи в английском языке требуется специальный лингвистический анализ, а также синтаксический анализ предложения.

Образование составных слов (Compound Words)

Сложные слова в английском языке образуются путем сложения двух разных по значению слов. При этом часть речи объединяемых слов особого значения не имеет, это могут быть существительное + существительное (noun + noun), которые также называют Compound nouns, существительное + глагол, существительное + прилагательное и т. д.

«Особенности составных слов в английском языке (Compound Words)» 👇


  • background (задний фон) = back (назад) + ground (земля),
  • clockwise (по часовой стрелке) = clock (часы) + wise (мудрый),
  • daredevil (смельчак) = dare (осмелиться) + devil (дьявол),
  • somewhere (где-то) = some (сколько-нибудь) + where (где).

В английской лексике из составных слов наиболее распространены составные существительные, хотя имеются некоторые часто употребляемые слова и других частей речи.

В английском языке можно выделить следующие способы образования сложных слов:

  1. Компрессия предложений и словосочетаний, иными словами сложение нескольких частей предложения в одну часть. Например, do it yourself (сделай это сам) – do-it-yourself principle (принцип самостоятельности); stay slim (оставаться стройным) – stay-slim diet (диета по поддержанию стройности).
  2. Основосложение – образование новых (сложных) слов, при помощи соединения основ нескольких слов или основы одного слова и целого отдельного слова. Например, light-blue – светло-синий, well-known – хорошо известный. В свою очередь можно выделить следующие подвиды основосложения:

    • полноосновные сложные слова, когторые складываются из слова без их изменений. Данным способом образуется большинство сложных слов в английском языке (например, sunglasses – солнечные очки, well-known – хорошо известный);
    • сложносокращенные слова или сложные аббревиатуры, когда складываются усеченные основы слов (например, USA – США, USSR – СССР).

Помимо рассмотренных выше способов образования сложных слов, существует еще один способ, который имеет отличительные характерные черты, не присущие ни одному из вышеупомянутых способов. Подобного рода сложные слова называют нейтральными образованиями. Их характерная черта – это присутствие выраженных признаков, свойственных основосложению и компрессии, но подобные слова не относятся ни к одному, ни к другому способу образования. В нейтральных образованиях также выделяют две группы:

сочетание двух отдельных слов, несвязанных друг с другом (например, pain killer – обезболивающее средство, car park – парковка);
слова с образующей частью, оканчивающейся на –ing (например, washing machine – стиральная машина, sleeping pills – снотворное).

Правила написания сложных слов

Определенных правил написания и составления сложных слов нет. По этой причине, написание сложных слов является исключительным и необходимым для запоминания. Но можно выделить основные случаи написания сложных слов в английском языке:

  • слитно (to babysit, bedroom, somewhere и т. д.);
  • через дефис (mother-in-law, two-year-old, long-haired и т. д.);
  • раздельно (washing machine, to look forward to, football shoe и т. д.)

Ударение в сложных словах

Ударение в сложных словах сохраняется для каждого слова в отдельности и не изменяется в результате сложения слов, но при их произношении выделяется та или иная часть слов, как правило, ударение в данном случае падает на первую образующую часть. Например, políce station – полицейский участок, cár park – парковка.

Однако существуют определенные правила в расстановке ударений при образовании сложных существительных:

  1. Если в сложном существительном присутствует имя собственное, то ударение будет ставиться на первый слог второго слова (например, Mount Éverest – гора Эверест, New Yórk – Нью-Йорк).
  2. При образовании сложного существительного от фразового глагола ударение будет ставиться на первый слог первого слова (например, a cómeback — возвращение, a bréakdown — поломка).

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Поиск по теме

1. The criteria of compounds

2. Semi-affixes

3. Classification of compounds


words are words consisting of at least two stems which occur in the
language as free forms.

describing the structure of a compound one should examine three types
of relations, namely the relations of the members to each other; the
relations of the whole to its members; and the correlation with
equivalent free phrases.

compounds are made up of a determining and a determined part, which
may be called the determinant and the determinatum.

A compound is indivisible. It’s impossible to insert words or
word-groups between its members.

sunbeam, a bright sunbeam, a bright and unexpected sunbeam. But no
insertion is possible between sun and beam, for they are not words
they are morphemes. The second stem beam is the basic part the
The determinant serves to differentiate it from other beams.

determinatum is the grammatically most important part which undergoes
inflection: sunbeams, brothers- in –law, passers-by etc.

for the semantics of the compounds, their meanings are not a mere sum
of the meanings of their components. A compound is often very
different in meaning from a corresponding syntactic group.

blackboard and black board not every black board is a teaching aid
and vice-versa.

the other hand there are non-idiomatic compounds with a perfectly
clear motivation. Here we add the meanings of constituents to create
the meaning of a whole.

seaman – when was first used there was no doubt (a profession
connected with sea).

English compounds consist of free forms, it is difficult to
distinguish them from phrases.

phrase “the top dog” – a person occupying the foremost place;

compound “underdog” – a person who has the worst of an

separating compounds from phrases and also from derivatives is no
easy task, and scholars are not agreed upon the question of relevant

writes, that “the criteria for determining the word units in a
language are of three types: 1) phonological; 2) morphological; 3)
syntactic. No one type of criteria is normally sufficient for
establishing the word unit. Rather the combination of two or three
types is essential”.

doesn’t mention the graphic criterion (namely spelling). It is a
mistake, in ME the written form is as important as the oral.

can see in the dictionaries of different authors and even of the same
author that some words are spelled differently: headmaster –
head-master, airline – air line – air line.

lack of infirmity in spelling is the chief reason why many authors
consider this criterion insufficient. Some combine it with the phonic
criterion or stress.

is a marked tendency in English to give compounds a heavy stress on
the first element. Some scholars consider this unity of stress to be
of primary importance.

Bloomfield writes: ”Wherever we hear lesser or least stress upon a
word which would always show a high stress in a phrase, we describe
it as a compound member: `ice-cream is a compound but `ice `cream is
a phrase although there is no denotative difference in meaning.

`blackboard, `black `board; `blackbird, `black `bird etc.

rule doesn’t hold good with adjectives. Compound adjectives are
double stressed: `gray-`green, `easy-`going, `new-`born.

expressing emphatic comparison are heavily stressed on the first
element: `snow-white, `dog-cheap.

stress can be no help in solving the problem of compounds because
word stress may depend on phrasal stress or upon syntactic function
of the compound.

light-headed has a single stress when it’s used attributively, in
other cases the stress is even.

the stress may be phonological and help to differentiate the meaning
of compounds:

– “extra work”

`work – “hard work injuring ones health”

– “a piece of furniture”

`case – “ a paper cover for books”

for morphological criteria they are manifold.

compares the compound shipwreck
and the phrase (the)
wreck of (a) ship
They comprise the same morphemes. Although they don’t differ in
meaning, they stand in different relation to the grammatical system
of the language. From this example it follows that a word is
characterized by structural integrity non-existent in a phrase.

should remember E.Nida that no one type of criteria is normally
sufficient for establishing whether the unit is a compound or a
phrase. We have to depend on the combination of different types of
criteria. But even then the ground is not very safe and we meet here
a “stone-wall problem” that has received so much attention in
linguistic literature.


problem of distinguishing a compound from a derivative is actually
equivalent to distinguishing a stem from an affix.

most cases the task is simple enough. The immediate constituents of a
compound are free forms and a combination containing bound forms as
its immediate constituents, is a derivative.

there are cases which present difficulties.

such nouns as man, berry, land are very often used as the second
element in a word. They seem to have acquired valency similar to that
of affixes. As you remember they are called semi-affixes. Such
elements as –like, -proof, and –worthy can be referred to as
semi-affixes as well.


of compounds

great variety of compound types brings about a great variety of
classifications. Compound words can be classified according to the
type of a composition and the linking element; according to the
number of stems; according to the number of constituent parts;
according to the part of speech to which the compound belongs;
according to the structural pattern within a part of speech.

classification according to the type of composition permits us to
establish the following groups:

The predominant type without any linking element: heartache,

Composition with a vowel or a consonant as a linking element:

Compounds with linking elements presented by preposition or
conjunction stems: matter-of-fact; up-to-date; son-in-law;
forget-me-not; what’s-her-name (n).

Compound-derivatives or derivational compounds: kind-hearted;

classification of compounds according to the structure of immediate
constituents distinguishes:

consisting of simple stems: film-star

where one of the constituents is a derived stem: chaine-smoker.

where at least one of members is a clipped stem: maths-mistress;
H-bag (handbag) or X mas (Christmas).

in which at least one of the constituents is a compound stem:

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In linguistics, a compound is a lexeme (less precisely, a word or sign) that consists of more than one stem. Compounding, composition or nominal composition is the process of word formation that creates compound lexemes. Compounding occurs when two or more words or signs are joined to make a longer word or sign. A compound that uses a space rather than a hyphen or concatenation is called an open compound or a spaced compound; the alternative is a closed compound.

The meaning of the compound may be similar to or different from the meaning of its components in isolation. The component stems of a compound may be of the same part of speech—as in the case of the English word footpath, composed of the two nouns foot and path—or they may belong to different parts of speech, as in the case of the English word blackbird, composed of the adjective black and the noun bird. With very few exceptions, English compound words are stressed on their first component stem.

As a member of the Germanic family of languages, English is unusual in that even simple compounds made since the 18th century tend to be written in separate parts. This would be an error in other Germanic languages such as Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, German, and Dutch. However, this is merely an orthographic convention: As in other Germanic languages, arbitrary noun phrases, for example «girl scout troop», «city council member», and «cellar door», can be made up on the spot and used as compound nouns in English too.

For example, German «Donaudampfschifffahrtsgesellschaftskapitän» would be written in English as «Danube steamship transport company captain» and not as «Danubesteamshiptransportcompanycaptain».

The addition of affix morphemes to words (such as suffixes or prefixes, as in employemployment) should not be confused with nominal composition, as this is actually morphological derivation.

Some languages easily form compounds from what in other languages would be a multi-word expression. This can result in unusually long words, a phenomenon known in German (which is one such language) as Bandwurmwörter or tapeworm words.

Sign languages also have compounds. They are created by combining two or more sign stems.

So-called «classical compounds» are compounds derived from classical Latin or ancient Greek roots.

Formation of compoundsEdit

Compound formation rules vary widely across language types.

In a synthetic language, the relationship between the elements of a compound may be marked with a case or other morpheme. For example, the German compound Kapitänspatent consists of the lexemes Kapitän (sea captain) and Patent (license) joined by an -s- (originally a genitive case suffix); and similarly, the Latin lexeme paterfamilias contains the archaic genitive form familias of the lexeme familia (family). Conversely, in the Hebrew language compound, the word בֵּית סֵפֶר bet sefer (school), it is the head that is modified: the compound literally means «house-of book», with בַּיִת bayit (house) having entered the construct state to become בֵּית bet (house-of). This latter pattern is common throughout the Semitic languages, though in some it is combined with an explicit genitive case, so that both parts of the compound are marked, e.g. Arabic عبد الله ʕabd-u l-lāh-i (servant-NOM DEF-god-GEN) «servant of-the-god: the servant of God».

Agglutinative languages tend to create very long words with derivational morphemes. Compounds may or may not require the use of derivational morphemes also. In German, extremely
extendable compound words can be found in the language of chemical compounds, where, in the cases of biochemistry and polymers, they can be practically unlimited in length, mostly because the German rule suggests combining all noun adjuncts with the noun as the last stem. German examples include Farb­fernsehgerät (color television set), Funk­fernbedienung (radio remote control), and the often quoted jocular word Donau­dampfschifffahrts­gesellschafts­kapitänsmütze (originally only two Fs, Danube-Steamboat-Shipping Company captain[‘s] hat), which can of course be made even longer and even more absurd, e.g. Donau­dampfschifffahrts­gesellschafts­kapitänsmützen­reinigungs­ausschreibungs­verordnungs­diskussionsanfang («beginning of the discussion of a regulation on tendering of Danube steamboat shipping company captain hats») etc. According to several editions of the Guinness Book of World Records, the longest published German word has 79 letters and is Donau­dampfschiffahrts­elektrizitäten­hauptbetriebswerkbau­unterbeamten­gesellschaft («Association for Subordinate Officials of the Main Electric[ity] Maintenance Building of the Danube Steam Shipping»), but there is no evidence that this association ever actually existed.

In Finnish, although there is theoretically no limit to the length of compound words, words consisting of more than three components are rare. Even those with fewer than three components can look mysterious[clarification needed] to non-Finnish speakers, such as hätäuloskäynti (emergency exit). Internet folklore sometimes suggests that lentokone­suihkuturbiinimoottori­apumekaanikko­aliupseerioppilas (Airplane jet turbine engine auxiliary mechanic non-commissioned officer student) is the longest word in Finnish, but evidence of its actual use is scant and anecdotal at best.[1]

Compounds can be rather long when translating technical documents from English to some other language, since the lengths of the words are theoretically unlimited, especially in chemical terminology. For example, when translating an English technical document to Swedish, the term «Motion estimation search range settings» can be directly translated to rörelse­uppskattnings­sökintervalls­inställningar, though in reality, the word would most likely be divided in two: sökintervalls­inställningar för rörelse­uppskattning – «search range settings for motion estimation».


Semantic classificationEdit

A common semantic classification of compounds yields four types:

  • endocentric
  • exocentric
  • copulative
  • appositional

An endocentric compound (tatpuruṣa in the Sanskrit tradition) consists of a head, i.e. the categorical part that contains the basic meaning of the whole compound, and modifiers, which restrict this meaning. For example, the English compound doghouse, where house is the head and dog is the modifier, is understood as a house intended for a dog. Endocentric compounds tend to be of the same part of speech (word class) as their head, as in the case of doghouse.

An exocentric compound (bahuvrihi in the Sanskrit tradition) is a hyponym of some unexpressed semantic category (such as a person, plant, or animal): none (neither) of its components can be perceived as a formal head, and its meaning often cannot be transparently guessed from its constituent parts. For example, the English compound white-collar is neither a kind of collar nor a white thing. In an exocentric compound, the word class is determined lexically, disregarding the class of the constituents. For example, a must-have is not a verb but a noun. The meaning of this type of compound can be glossed as «(one) whose B is A», where B is the second element of the compound and A the first. A bahuvrihi compound is one whose nature is expressed by neither of the words: thus a white-collar person is neither white nor a collar (the collar’s colour is a metonym for socioeconomic status). Other English examples include barefoot.

Copulative compounds (dvandva in the Sanskrit tradition) are compounds with two semantic heads, for example in a gradual scale (such a mix of colours).

Appositional compounds are lexemes that have two (contrary or simultaneous) attributes that classify the compound.

Type Description Examples
endocentric A+B denotes a special kind of B darkroom, smalltalk
exocentric A+B denotes a special kind of an unexpressed different semantic meaning C redhead, scarecrow
copulative A+B denotes ‘the sum’ of what A and B denote bittersweet, sleepwalk
appositional A and B provide different descriptions for the same referent hunter-gatherer, maidservant

Syntactic classificationEdit

Noun–noun compoundsEdit

All natural languages have compound nouns. The positioning of the words (i.e. the most common order of constituents in phrases where nouns are modified by adjectives, by possessors, by other nouns, etc.) varies according to the language. While Germanic languages, for example, are left-branching when it comes to noun phrases (the modifiers come before the head), the Romance languages are usually right-branching.

English compound nouns can be spaced, hyphenated, or solid, and they sometimes change orthographically in that direction over time, reflecting a semantic identity that evolves from a mere collocation to something stronger in its solidification. This theme has been summarized in usage guides under the aphorism that «compound nouns tend to solidify as they age»; thus a compound noun such as place name begins as spaced in most attestations and then becomes hyphenated as place-name and eventually solid as placename, or the spaced compound noun file name directly becomes solid as filename without being hyphenated.

German, a fellow West Germanic language, has a somewhat different orthography, whereby compound nouns are virtually always required to be solid or at least hyphenated; even the hyphenated styling is used less now than it was in centuries past.

In French, compound nouns are often formed by left-hand heads with prepositional components inserted before the modifier, as in chemin-de-fer ‘railway’, lit. ‘road of iron’, and moulin à vent ‘windmill’, lit. ‘mill (that works)-by-means-of wind’.

In Turkish, one way of forming compound nouns is as follows: yeldeğirmeni ‘windmill’ (yel: wind, değirmen-i: mill-possessive); demiryolu ‘railway’ (demir: iron, yol-u: road-possessive).

Occasionally, two synonymous nouns can form a compound noun, resulting in a pleonasm. One example is the English word pathway.

Verb–noun compoundsEdit

A type of compound that is fairly common in the Indo-European languages is formed of a verb and its object, and in effect transforms a simple verbal clause into a noun.

In Spanish, for example, such compounds consist of a verb conjugated for the second person singular imperative followed by a noun (singular or plural): e.g., rascacielos (modelled on «skyscraper», lit. ‘scratch skies’), sacacorchos ‘corkscrew’ (lit. ‘pull corks’), guardarropa ‘wardrobe’ (lit. ‘store clothes’). These compounds are formally invariable in the plural (but in many cases they have been reanalyzed as plural forms, and a singular form has appeared). French and Italian have these same compounds with the noun in the singular form: Italian grattacielo ‘skyscraper’, French grille-pain ‘toaster’ (lit. ‘toast bread’).

This construction exists in English, generally with the verb and noun both in uninflected form: examples are spoilsport, killjoy, breakfast, cutthroat, pickpocket, dreadnought, and know-nothing.

Also common in English is another type of verb–noun (or noun–verb) compound, in which an argument of the verb is incorporated into the verb, which is then usually turned into a gerund, such as breastfeeding, finger-pointing, etc. The noun is often an instrumental complement. From these gerunds new verbs can be made: (a mother) breastfeeds (a child) and from them new compounds mother-child breastfeeding, etc.

Verb-noun compounds derived from classical languages tend to be nouns; rarely, a verb-noun classical compound can be a verb. One example is miscegenate, a word that literally falls into disuse nowadays, which is derived from a Latin verb and a Latin noun. In the Australian Aboriginal language Jingulu, a Pama–Nyungan language, it is claimed that all verbs are V+N compounds, such as «do a sleep», or «run a dive», and the language has only three basic verbs: do, make, and run.[2]

A special kind of compounding is incorporation, of which noun incorporation into a verbal root (as in English backstabbing, breastfeed, etc.) is most prevalent (see below).

Verb–verb compoundsEdit

Verb–verb compounds are sequences of more than one verb acting together to determine clause structure. They have two types:

  • In a serial verb, two actions, often sequential, are expressed in a single clause. For example, Ewe trɔ dzo, lit. «turn leave», means «turn and leave», and Hindi जाकर देखो jā-kar dekh-o, lit. «go-CONJUNCTIVE PARTICIPLE see-IMPERATIVE«, means «go and see». In Tamil, a Dravidian language, van̪t̪u paːr, lit. «come see». In each case, the two verbs together determine the semantics and argument structure.

Serial verb expressions in English may include What did you go and do that for?, or He just upped and left; this is however not quite a true compound since they are connected by a conjunction and the second missing arguments may be taken as a case of ellipsis.

  • In a compound verb (or complex predicate), one of the verbs is the primary, and determines the primary semantics and also the argument structure. The secondary verb, often called a vector verb or explicator, provides fine distinctions, usually in temporality or aspect, and also carries the inflection (tense and/or agreement markers). The main verb usually appears in conjunctive participial (sometimes zero) form. For examples, Hindi निकल गया nikal gayā, lit. «exit went», means ‘went out’, while निकल पड़ा nikal paRā, lit. «exit fell», means ‘departed’ or ‘was blurted out’. In these examples निकल nikal is the primary verb, and गया gayā and पड़ा paRā are the vector verbs. Similarly, in both English start reading and Japanese 読み始める yomihajimeru «read-CONJUNCTIVE-start» «start reading», the vector verbs start and 始める hajimeru «start» change according to tense, negation, and the like, while the main verbs reading and 読み yomi «reading» usually remain the same. An exception to this is the passive voice, in which both English and Japanese modify the main verb, i.e. start to be read and 読まれ始める yomarehajimeru lit. «read-PASSIVE-(CONJUNCTIVE)-start» start to be read. With a few exceptions, all compound verbs alternate with their simple counterparts. That is, removing the vector does not affect grammaticality at all nor the meaning very much: निकला nikalā ‘(He) went out.’ In a few languages both components of the compound verb can be finite forms: Kurukh kecc-ar ker-ar lit. «died-3pl went-3pl» ‘(They) died.’
  • Compound verbs are very common in some languages, such as the northern Indo-Aryan languages Hindustani and Punjabi, and Dravidian languages like Tamil, where as many as 20% of verb forms in running text are compound. They exist but are less common in other Indo-Aryan languages like Marathi and Nepali, in Tibeto-Burman languages like Limbu and Newari, in Turkic languages like Turkish and Kyrgyz, in Korean and Japanese, and in northeast Caucasian languages like Tsez and Avar.
  • Under the influence of a Quichua substrate speakers living in the Ecuadorian altiplano have innovated compound verbs in Spanish:
De rabia puso rompiendo la olla, ‘In anger (he/she) smashed the pot.’ (Lit. from anger put breaking the pot)
Botaremos matándote ‘We will kill you.’ (Cf. Quichua huañuchi-shpa shitashun, lit. kill-CP throw.1plFut.
Likewise in Hindi: तेरे को मार डालेंगे tere ko mār DāleNge, lit. «we will kill-throw you»).
  • Compound verb equivalents in English (examples from the internet):
What did you go and do that for?
If you are not giving away free information on your web site then a huge proportion of your business is just upping and leaving.
Big Pig, she took and built herself a house out of brush.
  • Caution: In descriptions of Persian and other Iranian languages the term ‘compound verb’ refers to noun-plus-verb compounds, not to the verb–verb compounds discussed here.

Parasynthetic compoundsEdit

Parasynthetic compounds are formed by a combination of compounding and derivation, with multiple lexical stems and a derivational affix. For example, English black-eyed is composed of black, eye, and -ed ‘having’, with the meaning ‘having a black eye’;[3] Italian imbustare is composed of in- ‘in’, busta ‘envelope’, -are (verbal suffix), with the meaning ‘to put into an envelope’.[4]

Compound adpositionsEdit

Compound prepositions formed by prepositions and nouns are common in English and the Romance languages (consider English on top of, Spanish encima de, etc.). Hindi has a small number of simple (i.e., one-word) postpositions and a large number of compound postpositions, mostly consisting of simple postposition ke followed by a specific postposition (e.g., ke pas, «near»; ke nīche, «underneath»).

Examples from different languagesEdit

Chinese (traditional/simplified Chinese; Standard Chinese Pinyin/Cantonese Jyutping):

  • 學生/学生 ‘student’: 學 xué/hok6 learn + 生 shēng/sang1 living being
  • 太空/太空 ‘space’: 太 tài/taai3 great + 空 kōng/hung1 emptiness
  • 摩天樓/摩天楼 ‘skyscraper’: 摩 /mo1 touch + 天 tiān/tin1 sky + 樓 lóu/lau2 building (with more than 1 storey)
  • 打印機/打印机 ‘printer’: 打 /daa2 strike + 印 yìn/yan3 stamp/print + 機 /gei1 machine
  • 百科全書/百科全书 ‘encyclopaedia’: 百 bǎi/baak3 hundred + 科 /fo1 (branch of) study + 全 quán/cyun4 entire/complete + 書 shū/syu1 book
  • 謝謝/谢谢 ‘thanks’: Repeating of 謝 xiè thank


  • arbeids­ongeschiktheids­verzekering ‘disability insurance’: arbeid ‘labour’ + ongeschiktheid ‘inaptitude’ + verzekering ‘insurance’.
  • rioolwater­zuiverings­installatie ‘sewage treatment plant’: riool ‘sewer’ + water ‘water’ + zuivering ‘cleaning’ + installatie ‘installation’.
  • verjaardags­kalender ‘birthday calendar’: verjaardag ‘birthday’ + kalender ‘calendar’.
  • klantenservice­medewerker ‘customer service representative’: klanten ‘customers’ + service ‘service’ + medewerker ‘worker’.
  • universiteits­bibliotheek ‘university library’: universiteit ‘university’ + bibliotheek ‘library’.
  • doorgroei­mogelijkheden ‘possibilities for advancement’: door ‘through’ + groei ‘grow’ + mogelijkheden ‘possibilities’.


  • sanakirja ‘dictionary’: sana ‘word’ + kirja ‘book’
  • tietokone ‘computer’: tieto ‘knowledge data’ + kone ‘machine’
  • keskiviikko ‘Wednesday’: keski ‘middle’ + viikko ‘week’
  • maailma ‘world’: maa ‘land’ + ilma ‘air’
  • rautatieasema ‘railway station’: rauta ‘iron’ + tie ‘road’ + asema ‘station’
  • kolmivaihe­kilowattitunti­mittari ‘electricity meter’: ‘three-phase kilowatt hour meter’

Sewage-treatment-facility — The German language has many compounds.


  • Wolkenkratzer ‘skyscraper’: Wolken ‘clouds’ + Kratzer ‘scraper’
  • Eisenbahn ‘railway’: Eisen ‘iron’ + Bahn ‘track’
  • Kraftfahrzeug ‘automobile’: Kraft ‘power’ + fahren/fahr ‘drive’ + Zeug ‘machinery’
  • Stacheldraht ‘barbed wire’: Stachel ‘barb/barbed’ + Draht ‘wire’
  • Rinder­kennzeichnungs- und Rindfleisch­etikettierungs­überwachungs­aufgaben­übertragungs­gesetz: literally cattle-marking- and beef-labeling-supervision-duties-delegation law

Ancient Greek:

  • φιλόσοφος philosopher: φίλος phílos ‘beloved’ + σοφία sophíā ‘wisdom’
  • δημοκρατία dēmokratíā ‘democracy’: δῆμος dêmos ‘people’ + κράτος ‘rule’
  • ῥοδοδάκτυλος rhododáktylos ‘rose-fingered’: ῥόδον rhódon ‘rose’ + δάκτυλος dáktylos ‘finger’ (a Homeric epithet applied to the Dawn)


  • járnbraut ‘railway’: járn ‘iron’ + braut ‘path’ or ‘way’
  • farartæki ‘vehicle’: farar ‘journey’ + tæki ‘apparatus’
  • alfræðiorðabók ‘encyclopedia’: al ‘everything’ + fræði ‘study’ or ‘knowledge’ + orðabók ‘dictionary’ (orða ‘words’ + bók ‘book’)
  • símtal ‘telephone conversation’: sím ‘telephone’ + tal ‘dialogue’


  • millepiedi ‘centipede’: mille ‘thousand’ + piedi ‘feet’
  • ferrovia ‘railway’: ferro ‘iron’ + via ‘way’
  • tergicristallo ‘windscreen wiper’: tergere ‘to wash’ + cristallo ‘crystal (pane of) glass’
  • pomodoro: pomo d’oro = apple of Gold = tomatoes
  • portacenere = porta cenere = ashtray


  • 目覚まし(時計) mezamashi(dokei) ‘alarm clock’: 目 me ‘eye’ + 覚まし samashi (-zamashi) ‘awakening (someone)’ (+ 時計 tokei (-dokei) clock)
  • お好み焼き okonomiyaki: お好み okonomi ‘preference’ + 焼き yaki ‘cooking’
  • 日帰り higaeri ‘day trip’: 日 hi ‘day’ + 帰り kaeri (-gaeri) ‘returning (home)’
  • 国会議事堂 kokkaigijidō ‘national diet building’: 国会 kokkai ‘national diet’ + 議事 giji ‘proceedings’ + 堂 ‘hall’


  • 안팎 anpak ‘inside and outside’: 안 an ‘inside’ + 밖 bak ‘outside’ (As two nouns compound the consonant sound ‘b’ fortifies into ‘p’ becoming 안팎 anpak rather than 안밖 anbak)


  • mashkikiwaaboo ‘tonic’: mashkiki ‘medicine’ + waaboo ‘liquid’
  • miskomin ‘raspberry’: misko ‘red’ + miin ‘berry’
  • dibik-giizis ‘moon’: dibik ‘night’ + giizis ‘sun’
  • gichi-mookomaan ‘white person/American’: gichi ‘big’ + mookomaan ‘knife’


  • ciencia-ficción ‘science fiction’: ciencia, ‘science’, + ficción, ‘fiction’ (This word is a calque from the English expression science fiction. In English, the head of a compound word is the last morpheme: science fiction. Conversely, the Spanish head is located at the front, so ciencia ficción sounds like a kind of fictional science rather than scientific fiction.)
  • ciempiés ‘centipede’: cien ‘hundred’ + pies ‘feet’
  • ferrocarril ‘railway’: ferro ‘iron’ + carril ‘lane’
  • paraguas ‘umbrella’: para ‘stops’ + aguas ‘(the) water’
  • cabizbajo ‘keeping the head low in a bad mood’: cabeza ‘head’ + bajo ‘down’
  • subibaja ‘seesaw’ (contraction of sube y baja ‘goes up and down’)
  • limpiaparabrisas ‘windshield wiper’ is a nested compound:[5] limpia ‘clean’ + parabrisas windshield, which is itself a compound of para ‘stop’ + brisas ‘breezes’.


  • In Cemmozhi (Classical Tamil), rules for compounding are laid down in grammars such as Tolkappiyam and Nannūl, in various forms, under the name punarcci. Examples of compounds include kopuram from ‘kō’ (king) + ‘puram’ (exterior). Sometimes phonemes may be inserted during the blending process such as in kovil from ‘kō’ (king) + ‘il’ (home). Other types are like vennai (butter) from ‘veḷḷai’ (white) + ‘nei’ (ghee); note how ‘veḷḷai’ becomes ‘ven’.
  • In koṭuntamizh (Non-standard Tamil), parts of words from other languages may be morphed into Tamil. Common examples include ‘ratta-azhuttam’ (blood pressure) from the Sanskrit rakta (blood) and Cemmozhi ‘azhuttam’ (pressure); note how rakta becomes ratta in Tamil order to remove the consonant-cluster. This also happens with English, for examples kāpi-kaṭai (coffee shop) is from English coffee, which becomes kāpi in Tamil, and the Tamil kaṭai meaning shop.

Tłįchǫ Yatiì/Dogrib:

  • dlòotsǫ̀ǫ̀ ‘peanut butter’: dlòo ‘squirrel’ + tsǫ̀ǫ̀ ‘dung’
  • eyakǫ̀ ‘hospital: eya ‘sick’ + kǫ̀ ‘house’
  • dè gotłeè ‘kerosene’: ‘land’ + gotłeè ‘its fat’
  • dǫ łèt’è ‘bannock’: ‘[Aboriginal] people’ + łèt’è ‘bread’

Germanic languagesEdit

In Germanic languages (including English), compounds are formed by prepending what is effectively a namespace (disambiguation context) to the main word. For example, «football» would be a «ball» in the «foot» context. In itself, this does not alter the meaning of the main word. The added context only makes it more precise. As such, a «football» must be understood as a «ball». However, as is the case with «football», a well established compound word may have gained a special meaning in the language’s vocabulary. Only this defines «football» as a particular type of ball (unambiguously the round object, not the dance party, at that), and also the game involving such a ball. Another example of special and altered meaning is «starfish» – a starfish is in fact not a fish in modern biology. Also syntactically, the compound word behaves like the main word – the whole compound word (or phrase) inherits the word class and inflection rules of the main word. That is to say, since «fish» and «shape» are nouns, «starfish» and «star shape» must also be nouns, and they must take plural forms as «starfish» and «star shapes», definite singular forms as «the starfish» and «the star shape», and so on. This principle also holds for languages that express definiteness by inflection (as in North Germanic).

Because a compound is understood as a word in its own right, it may in turn be used in new compounds, so forming an arbitrarily long word is trivial. This contrasts to Romance languages, where prepositions are more used to specify word relationships instead of concatenating the words. As a member of the Germanic family of languages, English is unusual in that compounds are normally written in separate parts. This would be an error in other Germanic languages such as Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, German and Dutch. However, this is merely an orthographic convention: As in other Germanic languages, arbitrary noun phrases, for example «girl scout troop», «city council member», and «cellar door», can be made up on the spot and used as compound nouns in English too.

Russian languageEdit

In the Russian language compounding is a common type of word formation, and several types of compounds exist, both in terms of compounded parts of speech and of the way of the formation of a compound.[6]

Compound nouns may be agglutinative compounds, hyphenated compounds (стол-книга ‘folding table’, lit. ‘table-book’, «book-like table»), or abbreviated compounds (acronyms: колхоз ‘kolkhoz’). Some compounds look like acronym, while in fact they are an agglutinations of type stem + word: Академгородок ‘Akademgorodok’ (from akademichesky gorodok ‘academic village’). In agglutinative compound nouns, an agglutinating infix is typically used: пароход ‘steamship’: пар + о + ход. Compound nouns may be created as noun+noun, adjective + noun, noun + adjective (rare), noun + verb (or, rather, noun + verbal noun).

Compound adjectives may be formed either per se (бело-розовый ‘white-pink’) or as a result of compounding during the derivation of an adjective from a multi-word term: Каменноостровский проспект ([kəmʲɪnnʌʌˈstrovskʲɪj prʌˈspʲɛkt]) ‘Stone Island Avenue’, a street in St.Petersburg.

Reduplication in Russian is also a source of compounds.

Quite a few Russian words are borrowed from other languages in an already-compounded form, including numerous «classical compounds» or internationalisms: автомобиль ‘automobile’.

Sanskrit languageEdit

Sanskrit is very rich in compound formation with seven major compound types and as many as 55 sub-types.[7] The compound formation process is productive, so it is not possible to list all Sanskrit compounds in a dictionary. Compounds of two or three words are more frequent, but longer compounds with some running through pages are not rare in Sanskrit literature.[7] Some examples are below (hyphens below show individual word boundaries for ease of reading but are not required in original Sanskrit).

  • हिमालय (IAST Himālaya, decomposed as hima-ālaya): Name of the Himalaya mountain range. Literally the abode of snow.[8] A compound of two words and four syllables.
  • प्रवर-मुकुट-मणि-मरीचि-मञ्जरी-चय-चर्चित-चरण-युगल (IAST pravara-mukuṭa-maṇi-marīci-mañjarī-caya-carcita-caraṇa-yugala): Literally, O the one whose dual feet are covered by the cluster of brilliant rays from the gems of the best crowns, from the Sanskrit work Panchatantra.[7] A compound of nine words and 25 syllables.
  • कमला-कुच-कुङ्कुम-पिञ्जरीकृत-वक्षः-स्थल-विराजित-महा-कौस्तुभ-मणि-मरीचि-माला-निराकृत-त्रि-भुवन-तिमिर (IAST kamalā-kuca-kuṅkuma-piñjarīkṛta-vakṣaḥ-sthala-virājita-mahā-kaustubha-maṇi-marīci-mālā-nirākṛta-tri-bhuvana-timira): Literally O the one who dispels the darkness of three worlds by the shine of Kaustubha jewel hanging on the chest, which has been made reddish-yellow by the saffron from the bosom of Kamalā (Lakshmi), an adjective of Rama in the Kakabhushundi Rāmāyaṇa.[9] A compound of 16 words and 44 syllables.
  • साङ्ख्य-योग-न्याय-वैशेषिक-पूर्व-मीमांसा-वेदान्त-नारद-शाण्डिल्य-भक्ति-सूत्र-गीता-वाल्मीकीय-रामायण-भागवतादि-सिद्धान्त-बोध-पुरः-सर-समधिकृताशेष-तुलसी-दास-साहित्य-सौहित्य-स्वाध्याय-प्रवचन-व्याख्यान-परम-प्रवीणाः (IAST sāṅkhya-yoga-nyāya-vaiśeṣika-pūrva-mīmāṃsā-vedānta-nārada-śāṇḍilya-bhakti-sūtra-gītā-vālmīkīya-rāmāyaṇa-bhāgavatādi-siddhānta-bodha-puraḥ-sara-samadhikṛtāśeṣa-tulasī-dāsa-sāhitya-sauhitya-svādhyāya-pravacana-vyākhyāna-parama-pravīṇāḥ): Literally the acclaimed forerunner in understanding of the canons of Sāṅkhya, Yoga, Nyāya, Vaiśeṣika, Pūrva Mīmāṃsā, Vedānta, Nārada Bhakti Sūtra, Śāṇḍilya Bhakti Sūtra, Bhagavad Gītā, the Ramayana of Vālmīki, Śrīmadbhāgavata; and the most skilled in comprehensive self-study, discoursing and expounding of the complete works of Gosvāmī Tulasīdāsa.[10] An adjective used in a panegyric of Jagadguru Rambhadracharya. The hyphens show only those word boundaries where there is no sandhi. On including word boundaries with sandhi (vedānta=veda-anta, rāmāyaṇa=rāma-ayana, bhāgavatādi=bhāgavata-ādi, siddhānta=siddha-anta, samadhikṛtāśeṣa=samadhikṛta-aśeṣa, svādhyāya=sva-adhyāya), this is a compound of 35 words and 86 syllables.

Sign languagesEdit

Also in sign languages, compounding is a productive word formation process. Both endocentric and exocentric compounds have been described for a variety of sign languages.[11] Copulative compounds or dvandva, which are composed of two or more nouns from the same semantic category to denote that semantic category, also occur regularly in many sign languages. The sign for parents in Italian Sign Language, for instance, is a combination of the nouns ‘father’ and ‘mother’. The sign for breakfast in American Sign Language follows the same concept. The words eat and morning are signed together to create a new word meaning breakfast.[12] This is an example of a sequential compound; in sign languages, it is also possible to form simultaneous compounds, where one hand represents one lexeme while the other simultaneously represents another lexeme. An example is the sign for weekend in Sign Language of the Netherlands, which is produced by simultaneously signing a one-handed version of the sign for Saturday and a one-handed version of the sign for Sunday.[11] In American Sign Language there is another process easily compared to compounding. Blending is the blending of two morphemes to create a new word called a portmanteau.[13] This is different from compounding in that it breaks the strict linear order of compounding. [14]

Recent trends in orthographyEdit

Although there is no universally agreed-upon guideline regarding the use of compound words in the English language, in recent decades written English has displayed a noticeable trend towards increased use of compounds.[15] Recently, many words have been made by taking syllables of words and compounding them, such as pixel (picture element) and bit (binary digit). This is called a syllabic abbreviation.

In Dutch and the Scandinavian languages there is an unofficial trend toward splitting compound words, known in Norwegian as særskriving, in Swedish as särskrivning (literally «separate writing»), and in Dutch as Engelse ziekte (the «English disease»). Because the Dutch language and the Scandinavian languages rely heavily on the distinction between the compound word and the sequence of the separate words it consists of, this has serious implications. For example, the Danish adjective røykfritt (literally «smokefree», meaning no smoking allowed) if separated into its composite parts, would mean røyk fritt («smoke freely»). In Dutch, compounds written with spaces may also be confused, but can also be interpreted as a sequence of a noun and a genitive (which is unmarked in Dutch) in formal abbreviated writing. This may lead to, for example, commissie vergadering («commission meeting») being read as «commission of the meeting» rather than «meeting of the commission» (normally spelled commissievergadering).

The German spelling reform of 1996 introduced the option of hyphenating compound nouns when it enhances comprehensibility and readability. This is done mostly with very long compound words by separating them into two or more smaller compounds, like Eisenbahn-Unterführung (railway underpass) or Kraftfahrzeugs-Betriebsanleitung (car manual). Such practice is also permitted in other Germanic languages, e.g. Danish and Norwegian (Bokmål and Nynorsk alike), and is even encouraged between parts of the word that have very different pronunciation, such as when one part is a loan word or an acronym.

Compounding by languageEdit

  • Classical compounds
  • English compounds
  • German compounds
  • Sanskrit compounds

See alsoEdit

  • Compound modifier
  • Bracketing paradox
  • Etymological calque
  • Genitive connector
  • Incorporation (linguistics)
  • Kenning
  • Multiword expression
  • Neologism
  • Noun adjunct
  • Phono-semantic matching
  • Portmanteau compounds
  • Status constructus
  • Syllabic abbreviation
  • Tweebuffelsmeteenskootmorsdoodgeskietfontein, South African placename
  • Word formation
  • Univerbation: a phrase becomes a word


  1. ^ «Seattle FinnFest ’09».
  2. ^ R. Pensalfini, Jingulu Grammar, Dictionary and Texts, PhD thesis (MIT, 1992), 138–9.
  3. ^ Oxford English Dictionary, Third Edition, June 2005 s.v.
  4. ^ Chiara Melloni, Antonietta Bisetto, «Parasynthetic compounds: data and theory», in Sergio Scalies, Irene Vogel, eds., Cross-Disciplinary Issues in Compounding, ISBN 9789027248275, 2010, p. 199-218
  5. ^ «Diccionario De La Lengua Española : limpiaparabrisas». Real Academia Española. Retrieved 16 February 2013.
  6. ^ Student Dictionary of Compound Words of the Russian Language(1978) ISBN 0-8285-5190-1
  7. ^ a b c Kumar, Anil; Mittal, Vipul; Kulkarni, Amba (2010). «Sanskrit Compound Processor». In Jha, Girish Nath (ed.). Sanskrit Computational Linguistics: 4th International Symposium, New Delhi, India, December 10–12, 2010: Proceedings (Volume 6465 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence Series). Springer. pp. 57–69. ISBN 978-3-642-17527-5.
  8. ^ Harper, Douglas. «Himalaya». Online Etymology Dictionary. Retrieved 2011-07-17.
  9. ^ Kumar, Animesh (May 23, 2007). «Sruti Krta Rama Stuti». Stutimandal.com. Retrieved July 1, 2011.
  10. ^ «Virudavali – Jagadguru Rambhadracharya». Shri Tulsi Peeth Seva Nyas. Retrieved October 25, 2011.
  11. ^ a b Quer, Josep; Cecchetto, Carlo; Donati, Caterina; Geraci, Carlo, eds. (2017-11-20). «Part 4: Morphology». Sign Gram Blueprint. SignGram Blueprint. De Gruyter. pp. 163–270. doi:10.1515/9781501511806-009. ISBN 9781501511806. Retrieved 2019-02-19.
  12. ^ «compounding in american sign language — Google Search». www.google.com. Retrieved 2022-10-25.
  13. ^ «Word formation: compounding and blending in sign language». www.handspeak.com. Retrieved 2022-10-25.
  14. ^ Hill, Joseph C. (2017). «Deaf Culture: Exploring Deaf Communities in the United States by Irene W. Leigh, Jean F. Andrews, and Raychelle L. Harris». Sign Language Studies. 18 (1): 162–165. doi:10.1353/sls.2017.0025. ISSN 1533-6263. S2CID 148714617.
  15. ^ Sedivy, Julie (2017-11-16). «The Rise and Fall of the English Sentence». Nautilus. Retrieved 2020-08-02.


  • Kortmann, Bernd: English Linguistics: Essentials, Cornelsen, Berlin 2005.
  • The Oxford Handbook of Compounding, eds. Lieber, Rochelle & Pavol Štekauer, 2009. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Plag, Ingo: Word-formation in English, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2003.
  • Scalise Sergio & Irene Vogel (eds.) (2010), Cross-Disciplinary Issues in Compounding, Amsterdam, Benjamins.

External linksEdit

  • Compound word, encyclopedia.com
  • Compounds and multi-word expressions in the languages of Europe by Rita Finkbeiner and Barbara Schlücker, 2019
    • Compounds and multi-word expressions in English by Laurie Bauer, 2019
    • Compounds and multi-word expressions in Finnish by Irma Hyvärinen, 2019
    • Compounds and multi-word expressions in French by Kristel Van Goethem, 2018
    • Compounds and multi-word expressions in German by Barbara Schlücker, 2019
    • Compounds and multi-word expressions in Greek by Maria Koliopoulou, 2019
    • Compounds and multi-word expressions in Hungarian by Ferenc Kiefer, 2019
    • Compounds and multi-word expressions in Italian by Francesca Masini, 2019
    • Compounds and multi-word expressions in Polish by Bozena Cetnarowska, 2019
    • Compounds and multi-word expressions in Russian by Ingeborg Ohnheiser, 2019
    • Compounds and multi-word expressions in Spanish by Jesús Fernández-Domínguez, 2019

Published on
April 3, 2023

Jack Caulfield.

compound word (sometimes just called a compound) is a series of two or more words that collectively form a single word. There are three types of compound words, which differ in terms of how they are written:

  • An open compound word is written with spaces between the words (e.g., “high school”).
  • A hyphenated compound word is written with hyphens between the words (e.g., “sister-in-law”).
  • A closed compound word is written with no spaces or punctuation (e.g., “cheesecake”).
Individual words Compound word
Open compound house + party house party
Hyphenated compound mind + blowing mind-blowing
Closed compound pea + nut peanut
If you’re confused about how to write a particular compound word or about whether it qualifies as a compound at all, check out our articles on commonly confused words (e.g., “everyday” vs. “every day”) and on common mistakes (e.g., “now a days” vs. “nowadays”).

For any words and phrases that we don’t cover, it’s best to consult a reliable dictionary like Merriam-Webster.

Table of contents

  1. Open compound words
  2. Hyphenated compound words
  3. Closed compound words
  4. List of compound words
  5. Pluralizing compound nouns
  6. Compound words vs. other types of words
  7. Worksheet: Compound words
  8. Other interesting articles
  9. Frequently asked questions about compound words

Open compound words

Open compound words are written with spaces between the individual words. For example, “compound word” itself is an open compound word.

Open compounds are normally fairly new terms or are used only in specialist contexts. Over time, as they become more widely used, they tend to become hyphenated or closed compounds. But this is not universal: some well-established compounds such as “high school” continue to be written with spaces.

Many open compound words function as nouns and are formed by combining a noun with another noun or with an adjective.

Examples: Open compound nouns
My favorite part of the theme park was the roller coasters.

Some search engines are experimenting with incorporating artificial intelligence into their services.

Phrasal verbs are also normally written as open compounds. A phrasal verb is a series of two or more words (often a verb and a preposition) that functions collectively as a verb.

Examples: Phrasal verbs
She couldn’t figure out the solution to the riddle.

Should I go ahead and log in, or should I hold off for now?

Note that normally open compounds are instead written as hyphenated or closed compounds in certain contexts. A compound noun is often hyphenated or closed when it’s used attributively (functioning as an adjective before another noun) or as a verb, and a phrasal verb is hyphenated or closed when it’s used as a noun.

Examples: Hyphenating or closing normally open compounds
It’s a commonsense solution to a complicated problem.

She’s gone to test-drive a new car.

Kenan gave me the go-ahead and forwarded my new login details.

Hyphenated compound words

Hyphenated compound words are written with hyphens connecting the words. For example, “well-being” is a hyphenated compound word.

Hyphenated compounds are typically noun phrases being used as adjectives (e.g. “long-term”) or as verbs (e.g., “strong-arm”) or verb phrases being used as nouns (e.g., “check-in”) or as adjectives (e.g., “mind-blowing”).

Compound nouns were quite commonly hyphenated in the past but mostly aren’t now (e.g., “walking-stick” and “living-room” are now usually written “walking stick” and “living room”). But some remain hyphenated, especially if they consist of three or more words (e.g., “father-in-law”).

Examples: Hyphenated compound words
My sisters-in-law are coming to stay on Saturday.

You could see what over-the-counter medication is available, or there’s a walk-in clinic down the street.

A shoplifter had a run-in with an off-duty police officer who caught him red-handed.

Since there are many compounds that are normally open but hyphenated when used in certain ways, people often struggle to understand when they should hyphenate a given term. Check out our article on hyphens for more in-depth guidance on specific hyphenation issues.

Closed compound words

Closed compound words are written without hyphens or spaces. For example, “babysitter” is a closed compound word.

Closed compounds can play a wide variety of roles, functioning as nouns (e.g., “weekend”), pronouns (e.g., “herself”), prepositions (e.g., “into”), adverbs (e.g., “however”), adjectives (e.g., “barefoot”), conjunctions (e.g., “whereas”), or verbs (e.g., “snowball”).

Closed compounds tend to be well-established words. They often start out as open compounds but close over time as they become more familiar. For example, compound indefinite pronouns used to be written as open compounds (e.g., “every one,” “some thing”), but now all except “no one” are closed.

Examples: Closed compound words
I cannot wait for the weekend. I’m going backpacking with my boyfriend!

Andrea couldn’t function without his breakfast.

Few people want to babysit a newborn child.

List of compound words

The table below provides a representative selection of compound words, categorized by whether they are open, hyphenated, or closed and by what part of speech they function as.

You can observe some patterns in the table. For instance, there are many compound nouns; compound adjectives tend to be hyphenated; and some parts of speech only form compounds in certain ways.

Note that some words appear as more than one part of speech but may be written differently depending on their function. There may also be multiple ways of writing a single compound (e.g., “login” or “log-in”). Consult a dictionary if you’re unsure.

List of compound words

Part of speech Open compounds Hyphenated compounds Closed compounds
Noun artificial intelligence, attorney general, common sense, French fries, high school, house party, living room, roller coaster, search engine, test drive, theme park, walking stick check-in, go-ahead, kick-off, know-it-all, man-of-war, merry-go-round, run-in, runner-up, sister-in-law, well-being backpack, boyfriend, breakfast, bypass, checkout, cheesecake, highway, login, newborn, payout, peanut, smartphone, weekend, wherewithal
Pronoun each other, no one, one another anyone, everything, nobody, oneself, themselves
Verb check in, figure out, go ahead, hold off, kick off, log in, pass by, used to strong-arm, test-drive babysit, breakfast, bypass, cannot, snowball
Adjective empty-handed, full-fledged, lightning-fast, long-term, mind-blowing, off-duty, over-the-counter, roller-coaster, run-of-the-mill, up-to-date, walk-in commonsense, everyday, heartbreaking, nearby, newborn, shamefaced, spellbinding
Adverb after all, en route, next to, with feeling lightning-fast, mind-blowingly, red-handed anymore, anyway, awhile, elsewhere, hereby, however, maybe, moreover, nevertheless, nowadays, spellbindingly
Preposition as far as, close by, such as, next to, with regard to insofar, into, throughout, upon, within
Conjunction as far as, in that whenever, whereas
Determiner another, whatever, whichever

Pluralizing compound nouns

When you want to pluralize a noun that consists of multiple words, it can be difficult to know which word to pluralize. In a closed compound, it’s easy: the pluralization always comes at the end, since it’s written as one word (e.g., “backpacks,” “houseboats,” “payouts”).

In open and hyphenated compounds, it varies; the final word is sometimes pluralized (e.g., “high schools,” “know-it-alls”), but sometimes an earlier word is instead (e.g., “attorneys general,” “men-of-war”). Usually, only one word is pluralized (e.g., “men-of-wars” is wrong).

To understand which word should be pluralized, look at the compound logically and consider which word “heads” the group—in other words, which one represents the thing being named?

  • Frenches fry [Frenches that are fry?]
  • French fries [Fries that are French]
  • sister-in-laws [a sister (in multiple laws)?]
  • sisters-in-law [multiple sisters (in law)]

But, admittedly, it can be hard to apply this logic in some cases (e.g., “merry-go-rounds”). If in doubt about how to pluralize a term, check a dictionary, where the correct plural form will be listed in the entry.

Compound words vs. other types of words

Compound words are one way of combining multiple words into one unit, but there are other ways too. Read on to see how compound words differ from:

  • Portmanteaus
  • Contractions
  • Acronyms
  • Simple and complex words


portmanteau (also called a blend) is a word created by blending two words together. A portmanteau is different from a closed compound word because at least one of the words making it up is not used in its complete form: some letters have been removed or moved around.

For example, the portmanteau “chortle” is a combination of “chuckle” and “snort.” A part of the word “snort” has been inserted in the middle of the word “chuckle,” but neither word appears in full. As a closed compound, it might be “chucklesnort” or “snortchuckle” (not real words).

Examples: Portmanteaus
Smog [smoke + fog] is a persistent danger in heavily industrialized environments.

The concept of the multiverse [multiple + universe] describes the collection of all the possible universes in existence.

Jazzercise [jazz + exercise] is a form of aerobic exercise based on jazz dancing.


Contractions are shortenings of existing words where the omitted letters are usually (not always) marked by an apostrophe. Sometimes, a contraction is a single word with some letters omitted (e.g., “talkin’”), but most commonly, it’s two or more words combined (e.g., “don’t,” “it’s,” “wanna”).

Combining contractions like this differ from compound words, again, because they don’t include the full words they are formed from: some letters are replaced with apostrophes and not pronounced.

Another difference is that contractions, especially less common ones like “wouldn’t’ve,” are generally avoided in formal contexts like academic writing, whereas there’s no problem with using compound words in such contexts.

Examples: Contractions
C’mon, let’s go! We’ve gotta hurry.

It’s hard for me to see why you don’t like the plan if you won’t explain your objections to it.


An acronym is another way of shortening a series of words into one unit, in this case by reducing each word to its first letter (e.g., “NATO”: “North Atlantic Treaty Organization”) or occasionally its first syllable (e.g., “Benelux”: “Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg”).

Some acronyms are pronounced as full words (e.g. “NATO” is [nay-toe]), while others, often called initialisms, are pronounced as individual letters (e.g., “BBC” is [bee-bee-see]).

Again, they differ from compound words because they don’t include the full words that are being combined. Acronyms are fine to use in academic writing, as long as you define them on first use.

Examples: Contractions
The WHO [World Health Organization] named the new disease “COVID-19” (short for “coronavirus disease 2019”).

Simple and complex words

Simple words are words that cannot be broken down into smaller meaningful pieces. For example, “run” is a simple word—you could break it down into “ru” and “n,” but it’s clear that these don’t have any meaning on their own.

Complex words are composed of parts that each contribute some meaning to the whole. For example, “runner” consists of “run” (the verb it’s derived from, describing the action in question) and “-er” (a suffix used to indicate a person who does the action).

These individual units of sense are called morphemes: a simple word consists of just one morpheme, while a complex word consists of a main morpheme (called the root; “run” in our example) plus at least one other morpheme.

A compound word differs from a complex word because it’s made up of complete words that could also stand alone. In “runner,” it’s clear that while “run” is a word in its own right, “-er” is not. In contrast, the compound “runner-up” consists of two independent words, “runner” and “up.”

Even words where the prefix is written with a hyphen (e.g., “pre-approve,” “anti-glare”) are normally considered to be complex words rather than compound words, because the prefixes (“pre,” “anti”) cannot stand alone as words in their own right.

Worksheet: Compound words

Want to test your understanding of compound words? Check out the worksheet below. Try to find and highlight all the compound words in each sentence.

  1. My mother-in-law remembers watching the moon landing on television in her teenage years.
  2. We ate ice cream after the football game at the local high school.
  3. A high-profile case is being considered at the courthouse.
  4. A cat burglar has outpaced the night watchman and stolen the crown jewels!
  5. After he was knocked out, it was several minutes before the prizefighter came to.
  1. My mother-in-law remembers watching the moon landing on television in her teenage years.
    • This sentence contains all three kinds of compounds. “Mother-in-law” is a hyphenated compound noun. “Moon landing” is an open compound noun. And “teenage” (“teen” + “age”) is a closed compound adjective.
  1. We ate ice cream after the football game at the local high school.
    • This sentence contains three open compounds, all of them nouns: “ice cream,” “football game,” and “high school.” Additionally, “football” is itself a closed compound formed with “foot” and “ball.”
  1. A high-profile case is being considered at the courthouse.
    • This sentence contains two compound words: the hyphenated compound adjective “high-profile” and the closed compound noun “courthouse” (“court” + “house”).
  1. A cat burglar has outpaced the night watchman and stolen the crown jewels!
    • This sentence contains three open compound nouns—”cat burglar,” “night watchman,” and “crown jewels”—and the closed compound verb “outpaced.” Moreover, “watchman” is itself a closed compound of “watch” and “man.”
  1. After he was knocked out, it was several minutes for the prizefighter to come to.
    • This sentence contains the open compound verbs (aka phrasal verbs) “knocked out” and “come to” and the closed compound noun “prizefighter” (“prize” + “fighter”).

Other interesting articles

If you want to know more about nouns, pronouns, verbs, and other parts of speech, make sure to check out some of our other language articles with explanations and examples.


  • Verb tenses
  • Phrasal verbs
  • Sentence structure
  • Active vs passive voice
  • Subject-verb agreement


  • Articles
  • Interjections
  • Adjectives
  • Determiners
  • Prepositions

Frequently asked questions about compound words

Is “today” a compound word?

Yes, today is a compound word, but a very old one. It wasn’t originally formed from the preposition “to” and the noun “day”; rather, it originates from their Old English equivalents, “tō” and “dæġe.”

In the past, it was sometimes written as a hyphenated compound: “to-day.” But the hyphen is no longer included; it’s always “today” now (“to day” is also wrong).

Is “because” a compound word?

Yes, the conjunction because is a compound word, but one with a long history. It originates in Middle English from the preposition “bi” (“by”) and the noun “cause.” Over time, the open compound “bi cause” became the closed compound “because,” which we use today.

Though it’s spelled this way now, the verb “be” is not one of the words that makes up “because.”

Sources in this article

We strongly encourage students to use sources in their work. You can cite our article (APA Style) or take a deep dive into the articles below.

This Scribbr article

Caulfield, J.
(2023, April 03). Compound Words | Types, List & Definition. Scribbr.
Retrieved April 12, 2023,
from https://www.scribbr.com/language-rules/compound-words/


Aarts, B. (2011). Oxford modern English grammar. Oxford University Press.

Butterfield, J. (Ed.). (2015). Fowler’s dictionary of modern English usage (4th ed.). Oxford University Press.

Show all sources (3)

Garner, B. A. (2022). Garner’s modern English usage (5th ed.). Oxford University Press.

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What Are Compound Words?

Compound words are two or more words, each with separate meanings, that join together to form a new word with its own meaning. 

An image of ice cream cones to represent the compound words ice cream.

Why Learn Compound Words?

Children begin learning compound words in The Good and the Beautiful Language Arts Level 1 course. They learn that a compound word is made of two words joined together. Learning to read compound words introduces new readers to longer words.

Children in Language Arts Level 1 read simple one- to two-syllable words like bath, tub, butter, and fly. Joining words like these into compound words boosts confidence as children read longer words with ease.  Learn more about our FREE homeschool curriculum here.

Graphic of dots in a line -1B

Compound Words for Kids

We have gathered a list of more than 300 common compound words for kids. A printable version of this list is in our free download below.

Image of the compound words PDF pages.

Graphic of dots in a line -1B

Compound Words for Advanced Readers

The compound words shared so far in this blog are called closed compound words, two words joined together to form a single new word. Two other types of compound words are open and hyphenated

Readers recognize open compound words as two separate words that team up to have one joint meaning. For example, “peanut butter” is two separate words that team together to form one meaning. Here are some other examples.

Graphic of dots in a line -1B

When to Hyphenate Compound Words

Knowing exactly when to use a hyphen or space between compound words gets tricky. The easiest way to learn when to use each is by becoming familiar with seeing compound words in print. Reading great books builds children’s vocabulary and helps them know when to hyphenate compound words!

Reading great books builds children’s vocabulary!

Hyphenated compound words are easy to identify by a hyphen, rather than a space, used between each word. The rules for when to use a hyphen in a compound word can be a bit confusing.

For example, in the sentence, “He took a year-long journey through South America,” a hyphen is used between the words year and long because the words are used as an adjective.

Used as nouns, however, hyphenated compound words look like this: “We gave the traveler a big send-off as he boarded the plane.”

A red car to represent the compound word fast-paced.

Graphic of dots in a line -1B

Practice compound words with our fun, one-of-a-kind Luke and Lily of the Lighthouse Game (and accompanying Book Set!).

A girl and a boy playing Luke and Lily of the Lighthouse Game to learn compound words.
Front Covers Lily's Pumpkins and Luke's Adventure - 1B

Graphic of dots in a line -1B

Download our free Compound Words list (with more than 300 compound words)!

Image of the compound words PDF pages.

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Do you want to improve your English and want to know what compound words are? If yes, compound words are formed when two or more words are combined to form a new word. However, there are various types of compound words and their application can be tricky! Read this article and never go wrong with their usage.

Table of Contents
  1. Compound words in various forms
    1. Closed compound words
    2. Open compound words
    3. Hyphenated compound words
  2. How are compound words formed?
  3. Common errors in compound words
  4. In a nutshell
  5. FAQs

Many compound words exist in English. There could be many that you probably never realized were compound terms. Words like ‘football,’ for example, are made up of two different words: ‘foot’ and ‘ball.’ When combined, they form the name of a sport.

If you want to delve deep into learning about compound words, then read ahead. We have discussed it all in detail.

Compound words in various forms

Compound words are made up of two or more words that have been combined to form a new word with a distinct meaning. There are three types of compound words-

  • Closed compound word
  • Open compound word
  • Hyphenated compound word

It is crucial to remember, though, that a compound word doesn’t have to consist of just two components. One can also make a compound with more than two terms.

Closed compound words

The most well-known of the three categories are closed compound words. These words are formed when two or more words that were earlier unrelated but are now accepted as one are combined to make a single, larger word.

Consider the following examples

  • Waistcoat
  • Railroad
  • Mailbox
  • Sunflower
  • Breakfast

Let’s have a look at the word ‘mailbox.’ ‘Mail’ and ‘box’ are the two words that make this up. In this example, the word ‘mail’ does not mean ‘to write.’ Additionally, ‘box’ is a word that is added. However, the compound ‘mailbox’ means to store mail in a box. Thus, we get an entirely new word.

Compound words
“Before” is a compound word because, like the word “because,” it’s made up of the two words “be” and “fore.”

Open compound words

Open compound words differ from closed compound words in a way that they still appear as two, separated by a space. A modifying adjective is used with a noun to create a new noun. We classify them as compound words since they have a new and distinct meaning when they’re combined.

Consider the following examples-

  • Living room
  • Real estate  
  • Ice cream

The word ‘room’ is a noun that is complete on its own. However, the word ‘living’ is added to it. So, it specifically becomes a new noun – living room – which means a room meant for living purposes. Another example is ‘reading room,’ which is a room meant for reading.

Hyphenated compound words

There are a lot of things to remember when it comes to hyphenated compound words. The most crucial thing to remember is that if an open compound word is used to modify another noun, it will nearly always be hyphenated.

When modifying a noun like ‘player’ or ‘collector,’ for example, the term ‘video game’ is an open compound that is usually hyphenated. As a result, the new phrases are video-game collectors.

Hyphens are often used when a compound adjective is put before a participle, or a word is framed from an action word. These terms can likewise be utilized to modify a thing’s significance. For example, in the phrase “record-breaking snow,” the adjective occurs before the present participle, and they both refer to the noun “snow.”

Consider the following examples

  • Short-term
  • Father-in-law
  • Cold-hearted
  • Merry-go-round
  • Check-out
Compound words
The compound word usually serves as an adjective, such as “Marathon runners have insane workout programs.”

How are compound words formed?

Like many other aspects of the English language, they are the outcome of linguistic evolution. When two words are used together often in speech and writing, their meanings become increasingly similar over time. This usually happens first in speech and then in writing, when compounds are recognized as separate words.

The closed compound word ‘notebook’ is a perfect example of this. We would have said, “a book to write notes in” before the word “notebook” existed. It’s possible that this was condensed to an open compound, ‘note book’ at that point. This would have eventually turned into the term notebook, which we still use today.

We may also compare words that should be similar in nature to see how the English language evolves through time. Backyard and backseat are closed compound words, but the front yard and front seat are open terms. Nonetheless, they both define a certain area of the yard or a car seat’s location.

However, sometimes compounds are produced as a result of a linguistic gap. For example, the term ‘football’ would have been developed out of necessity because the game would have been without a name otherwise. This compound is regarded to be quite literal, as it is made up of the terms foot and ball, which refer to the act of kicking a ball with one’s foot.

Compound words are sometimes referred to as compound nouns. When two nouns are united to make another noun, it is called compounding. A compound noun is a sort of compound word used to describe someone, somewhere, or something. Compound nouns include toothpaste, rain forest, brother-in-law, etc.

Compound words
Compound word does have its own characteristics. Moreover, they behave grammatically and semantically as single words.

Common errors in compound words

Writers might quickly become lost by compound words. Closed compounds (for example, horseshoe), hyphenated compounds (light-year), and open compounds (income tax) are all terms used to describe compound nouns.

A broad group of words, such as everyday, are rightly closed in one grammatical form and open in the other. This is true for many verb-preposition phrases, such as “log in,” “break down,” and “mark up,” that become closed compounds when used as nouns. There are, however, exceptions, such as come-on, where the compound is hyphenated as displayed.

In a nutshell

All in all, a compound word is one that is made up of two or more terms that have been combined. The two (or more) terms that make up the compound word are separate terms with unique meanings. If you want to clear out more of your English doubts, reach out to us or drop a comment!

Liked this blog? Read more: Parts of Speech in English | An overview on 8 important sections


Q1. What are some tricky compound words?

Answer- The following are a few tricky compound words-

  • A lot- many
  • Allot- to give
  • All together- as a group
  • Altogether- entirely
  • Every day- time or period
  • Everyday- noun or adjective

Q2. How to identify compound words?

Answer- When two words are used together to yield a new meaning, a compound is formed. Some change their type based on their function in a particular sentence. To identify compound words, you must know the word’s function in the sentence such as a noun, an adjective, or a verb.

Q3. What are compound sentences?

Answer- A compound sentence has at least two independent clauses joined by a comma, semicolon, or conjunction. For example, they spoke to him in French, but he responded in English.

Составные слова (Compound Words) в английском составляют немалый пласт повседневной лексики. 

Они образуются из двух слов абсолютно разных по значению и часто принадлежащих к разным частям речи, к примеру, слово notebook = note (глагол «записывать») + book (существительное «книга») 

Сегодня мы ознакомимся с понятием составных слов в английском языке и выучим много примеров, таким образом заметно пополнив свой английский словарный запас. 

Образование составных слов в английском 

Повторюсь еще раз, что составные слова образуются из двух слов и в итоге дают новую лексическую единицу. Очень часто под составными словами подразумевают сложные существительные (Compound Nouns).

Но это не совсем верно, ведь среди составных слов встречаются и прилагательные, к примеру: fire-resistant (огнеустойчивый), high-speed (высокоскоростной) и т.д. 

Что касается правописания английских составных слов, существует несколько вариантов: слитно, раздельно и через дефис.

Если стоит вопрос выбора как писать то или иное составное слово — через дефис или раздельно, преимущественным будет вариант раздельного написания.

Примеры составных английских слов

  • Brainstorm — мозговой штурм  
  • Scapegoat — козел отпущения  
  • Aftermath — последствия  
  • Backfire — обратный результат 
  • Daredevil — смельчак  
  • Frostbite — обморожение
  • Iron clad — нерушимые правила
  • Lighthearted — беззаботный, счастливый
  • Milestone — этап прогресса 
  • Outlaw — бандит, беглец
  • Panhandle — попрошайничать
  • Wholesale — оптовая торговля 
  • Sunflower — подсолнух 
  • Backbone — хребет
  • Sweetmeat — леденец 
  • Lifeboat — спасательная шлюбка 
  • Horseshoe — подкова 
  • Greenhouse — теплица
  • Lighthouse — маяк
  • Jellyfish — медуза
  • Traffic jam — пробка на дороге
  • Grown-up — взрослый
  • Also-ran — неудачник
  • Headache — головная боль 
  • Toothbrush — зубная щетка

Ударение в составных словах 

Как правило ударение в составных словах ставится на первый слог. Это позволяет отличать составные слова от словосочетаний, к примеру, greenhouse и green house.

На самом деле, составных слов в английском языке очень много, возможно, вы просто никогда не обращали на них внимания.

И с каждым днем их становится все больше, потому что люди невольно придумывают их, сливая два слова в одно.

А какие составные английские слова знаете вы?

compound word

Scientists are big into molecular compounds, and there is something kind of magical about them. You can start with a couple of atoms of hydrogen, add another atom of oxygen, and bada bing: water. Two distinct elements come together to create something entirely different.

It’s exactly the same with words. Well, maybe not exactly the same, but English is such a flexible, creative language that it’s filled with compound words—and new ones are popping up all the time to suit our ever-changing world. Some useful compound words recently added to Merriam-Webster are clickbait, photobomb, binge-watch, humblebrag, and spit-take.

So what is a compound word? How do you know whether it should be a closed compound, a hyphenated compound, or an open compound? What about compound sentences? We’ll look at all of these in this post.

When two (or occasionally, three) words work together to express a single idea, that’s a compound word. Compound words can be open, closed, or hyphenated, and they can function as nouns, adjectives, or adverbs. English is full of preexisting compound words—or you can make up your own to suit the situation.

No one at the Star Trek convention really appreciated my Klingon-librarian costume.

The lung-collapsing dead-flower stench of my aunt Penelope’s perfume was headache-inducingly strong.

What is an open compound word?

An open compound word is two separate words (without even a hyphen to link them) functioning as a single idea.

When we were in high school, we regularly ate French fries, hot dogs, and ice cream with peanut butter as an afterschool snack.

What is a hyphenated compound word?

A hyphenated compound word is a term composed of two (or more) words connected by a hyphen. Like other compound words, a hyphenated compound can be a noun, adjective, or adverb.

The gun-toting, card-carrying FBI agent hid her angst well.

What is a closed compound word?

A closed compound word is a single word constructed of two or more other words. Most closed compound words were once open or hyphenated, but continued use solidified them—made them a single unit. Today’s open or hyphenated compounds are tomorrow’s closed compounds.

The moonlight coming through my bedroom window is so bright it outshines my flashlight.

Every afternoon, she wrote another story in her notebook; my favorite is the one about the starfish who loved rainbows and strawberries.

compound words

How do you know whether a compound word is open, hyphenated, or closed?

There’s really no trick to this! You look it up in a dictionary (like Merriam-Webster). Compound words evolve over time, so what was once black-bird is now blackbird, and what was once a web site is now almost always a website.

Don’t worry if you find dictionaries contradicting each other! Not every dictionary agrees on which compounds are open, hyphenated, or closed. Some offer health care and voice mail, for example, as two words, but others hyphenate or close those same compounds. In such cases, you’re free to use the spelling you prefer, except if you’re supposed to be following a particular style guide.

For example, the Chicago Manual of Style (CMoS) says that when a compound modifier comes before a noun, it’s never wrong to hyphenate it, since it can aid readability.

The seventy-year-old professor despaired for the dull-witted students in her late-afternoon class.

But (Chicago goes on to say) when compound modifiers follow the noun, leave them unhyphenated (even if they’re hyphenated in the dictionary).

The professor, who was almost seventy years old, couldn’t understand why her students were so dull witted by late afternoon.

What is a compound noun?

Compound words can be nouns, adjectives, adverbs—and even verbs (like pole-vault or double-click). In each case, they can be open, hyphenated, or closed. Compound nouns are perhaps the most common type of compound word. Here are some examples of compound nouns (some closed, some open, some hyphenated).

Susan’s grandmother, my mother-in-law, had a skylight above the bookcase in her living room that let in rainwater.

Watch out for the sometimes-unusual plurals of hyphenated compound nouns.

The workmen fixing the two merry-go-rounds in the local park typically catcalled all passersby, but they stopped once our attorneys-at-law sent them a warning.

What is a compound name?

A compound name is essentially a compound proper noun—a multiword term (often an open compound, though not always) that names a single entity.

Like Popeye, Black Panther gets at least some of his powers from eating his greens—in his case, the heart-shaped herb. But I bet Superman liked Cheez-Its better.

What’s important here is that these proper nouns are always preexisting compounds, so if you’re turning an open compound name into part of a compound modifier (see more about compound adjectives and adverbs below), you’ll need to use an en dash rather than a hyphen.

My new World War I–era cloche didn’t really go with anything in my New York–style wardrobe, so naturally I had to go shopping.



What is a compound adjective?

A compound adjective is a single adjective made up of more than one word—and it’s often a compound noun (or even compound name) being used to modify another noun. According to CMoS, it’s never wrong to hyphenate multiword adjectives when they precede a noun, even if they’re familiar open compounds like high school.

High-school students often have more brain-draining homework than college students.

My silly-voiced sister found her calling in advertising.

When a compound name functions as an adjective, there’s no need for a hyphen.

Penny was thrilled to win Dolly Parton tickets.

The Los Angeles weather is typically hot and sunny.

As touched on above, when a compound adjective follows a noun, the hyphen is usually not necessary.

Georgia is a well-read academic.

Georgia is well read.

I found a useful list of low-calorie cocktails.

I found a useful list of cocktails, all of them low calorie.

Remember that compound adjectives made from an adverb ending in –ly plus an adjective are never hyphenated. The -ly is enough of a signal that what follows is meant to be read together with the preceding word.

Sarah’s short-tempered grandfather griped about her recital, calling it a really dull concert.

Sarah’s grandfather, always short tempered, griped about her recital, describing it as really dull.

What is a compound adverb?

A compound adverb looks like a single word but (closely examined) is actually made up of two or more words working together to function as a single adverb. They’re often rather old fashioned, and they can sound stuffy and pompous so are best used sparingly: notwithstanding, nevertheless, heretofore, albeit, and so on.

Phrasal adverbs are very similar to compound adverbs, and they’re rather more useful.

I scattered rose petals here and there.

The newly married couple walked arm in arm.

Joseph goes running every day.

What is a compound sentence?

And here’s the bonus section (because the last thing we want to do is compound anyone’s confusion about compounds)!

Compound sentences are grammatically unrelated to compound words, but that still doesn’t answer the key question: What is a compound sentence? A compound sentence is when two or more independent clauses, each with its own subject and verb plus attendant objects and phrases, are joined with a coordinating conjunction (one of the FANBOYS: for, and, nor but, or, yet, so). Here, the key thing to remember is to always include a comma after the first independent clause and before the conjunction.

I read this blog post about compound words, but they didn’t explain about compound sentences, so I had to keep on searching.

My son’s story about the strawberry-loving starfish was really cute, so I sent it to my sister, and she loved it too.

Compound Words - wordscoach.com

A compound word is where two or more root words are merged into a new and different word. There are three different kinds of compounds: open, closed, and hyphenated compound words.

What Are Compound Words?

Compound Words are two or more words that have been grouped together to create a new word that has a different, individual meaning. There are three different kinds of compound words: closed compound words, open compound words, and hyphenated compound words.

1. Closed Compound Words

Closed compound words are formed when two fully independent, unique words are combined to create a new word. For example, you would combine “grand” and “father” to create the closed-form word “grandfather”. These are the most common types of compound words.

For example:

  • Waistcoat
  • sometimes
  • Railroad
  • bullfrog
  • Breakfast
  • Sunflower
  • Mailbox
  • grandmother
  • skateboard
  • everything
  • schoolhouse

Closed Compound Words - wordscoach.com

2. Open Compound Words

Open compound words remain separate when written but are used together to create a new idea. For example, “Cream” and “cheese” are unrelated to each other. But when you combine them and use them as one word, you will have “Cream cheese,” which is already a different noun with its own meaning.

For example:

  • Tea cup
  • Serving spoon
  • Real estate
  • Car pool
  • Cotton bud
  • Upper deck
  • Hand towel
  • Sweet tooth
  • Police officer
  • Vice president

Open Compound Words - wordscoach.com

3. Hyphenated Compound Words

Hyphenated compound words are formed when two separate words are joined together by a hyphen or dash. A common example is “mother-in-law.”

For example:

  • Mother-in-law
  • Merry-go-round
  • Happy-go-lucky
  • Long-term
  • High-speed
  • Left-handed
  • Long-haired
  • Sun-dried
  • Breath-taking

Hyphenated Compound Words - wordscoach.com

List of Compound Words

Open Compound Words

Apple pie Ask around
Ask out Break away
Break up Bus stop
Candy cane Car pool
Cell membrane Christmas tree
Coffee grain Coffee mug
Coffee shop Common sense
Corn dog Corned beef
Cotton ball Cotton bud
Cream cheese Credit card
Dance hall Debit card
Fill in Fill out
Fill up Fire drill
Fire drill Fire exit
First aid Full moon
Hand towel High school
Hot dog Ice cream
Ice cream cake Ice cube
Ice hockey Ice skate
Jumping jack Lift up
Living room Make up
Police officer Post office
Pull down Push down
Radio wave Real estate
Report card Roller coaster
Root word Rubber band
Science fiction Serving spoon
Snack house Sugar plum
Sweet tooth Swimming pool
Table cloth Take away
Take out Tea cup
Turn in Upper deck
Vice president Video game
Web page

Closed Compound Words

Airbrush Anyone
Anything Armpit
Babysit Backstroke
Baseball Basketball
Bedroom Birthday
Blackboard Blueberry
Bookstore Bowtie
Brainwash Bushfire
Candlelight Cheeseburger
Classmate Crossover
Crossroad Crosswalk
Cupcake Everyone
Everything Eyeball
Eyebrow Eyelash
Fireman Flashlight
Football Freelance
Granddaughter Grandfather
Grandmother Grandson
Grasshopper Hamburger
Highlight Homesick
Horseshoe Keyboard
Keyhole Keystone
Lighthouse Lipstick
Mailbox Makeup
Moonlight Necktie
Nightfall Northeast
Northwest Notebook
Notepad Nutcracker
Overpass Pineapple
Playground Playmate
Popcorn Pothole
Proofread Rainbow
Raindrop Rattlesnake
Riverbank Sailboat
Sandwich Schoolmate
Skateboard Snowball
Southeast Southwest
Springtime Stoplight
Strawberry Sunflower
Sunrise Sunshine
Teamwork Toothbrush
Toothpaste Underdog
Uptown Watermelon
Workplace Worldwide

Hyphenated Compound Words

Blush-on Breath-taking
Brother-in-law Cold-blooded
Editor-in-chief Far-flung
Father-in-law Follow-up
Full-length Get-together
Gift-wrap Happy-go-lucky
High-rise High-speed
Ice-cold In-depth
King-size Knee-length
Left-handed Life-size
Long-haired Long-term
Merry-go-round Mother-in-law
Next-door Off-site
One-sided Over-the-counter
Part-time Right-handed
Runner-up Self-centered
Sergeant-at-arms Short-tempered
Single-minded Sister-in-law
State-of-the-art Sugar-free
Sun-dried Tip-off
Up-to-date Warm-blooded
Well-being Well-known

A Huge List of Compound Words

Following is a list of 1000 close compound words in English

Aboveboard Afterbirth
Afterburner Afterglow
Afterimage Afterlife
Aftermath Afternoon
Airbrush Aircraft
Airfield Airlift
Airline Airliner
Airmail Airman
Airmen Airplane
Airport Airship
Airtime Allover
Allspice Alongside
Also Another
Anybody Anyhow
Anymore Anyone
Anyplace Anything
Anytime Anyway
Anywhere Armchair
Armpit Around
Arrowhead Ashtray
Authorship Babysit
Babysitter Backache
Backbite Backbone
Backbreaker Backdrop
Backfield Backfire
Background Backhand
Backlash Backlog
Backpack Backside
Backslap Backslide
Backspace Backspin
Backstage Backstop
Backstretch Backstroke
Backtrack Backward
Ballpark Ballroom
Bankbook Bankroll
Baseball Basketball
Beachcomb Became
Because Become
Bedbug Bedclothes
Bedrock Bedroll
Bedroom Bellbottom
Bellboy Bellhop
Below Birthday
Blackball Blackberries
Blackbird Blackboard
Blackjack Blacklist
Blackmail Blackout
Blacksmith Blacktop
Bluebell Blueberry
Bluebird Bluefish
Bluegrass Blueprint
Boardwalk Bodyguard
Bodywork Boldface
Bookbinder Bookcase
Bookend Bookkeeper
Booklet Bookmark
Bookmobile Bookseller
Bookshelf Bookstore
Bookworm Bootstrap
Bowtie Brainchild
Brainstorm Brainwash
Bugspray Bushfire
Buttercup Butterfat
Butterfingers Butterflies
Buttermilk Butternut
Butterscotch Bypass
Cabdriver Cancan
Candid Candlelight
Candlestick Cannot
Cardboard Cardsharp
Cardstock Carefree
Caretaker Careworn
Carfare Cargo
Carhop Carload
Carpetbagger Carpool
Carport Carrack
Carryall Carsick
Cartwheel Carwash
Cattail Catwalk
Caveman Centercut
Cheeseburger Cheesecake
Classmate Clockwise
Coffeemaker Comeback
Comedown Commonplace
Commonwealth Cornball
Cornmeal Cornstalk
Cornwall Cottonmouth
Cottontail Cottonwood
Countdown Counterattack
Counterbalance Counterclockwise
Counterintelligence Countermeasure
Counteroffensive Counterpane
Counterpart Counterpoint
Counterpoise Courthouse
Courtroom Courtyard
Crewcut Crossbow
Crossbreed Crosscut
Crossover Crossroad
Crosstown Crosswalk
Crossword Cupcake
Dairymaid Daisywheel
Daybed Daybook
Daybreak Daydream
Daylight Daytime
Deadend Deadline
Dishcloth Dishpan
Dishwasher Dishwater
Diskdrive Dogwood
Doorstop Downbeat
Downunder Drawbridge
Driveway Duckbill
Duckpin Earache
Eardrop Eardrum
Earring Earthbound
Earthquake Earthward
Earthworm Egghead
Eggshell Elsewhere
Everyone Everything
Eyeball Eyeballs
Eyebrow Eyecatching
Eye-catching Eyeglasses
Eyelash Eyelid
Eyesight Eyewitness
Fatherland Fatherless
Firearm Fireball
Fireboat Firebomb
Firebox Firebreak
Firecracker Firefighter
Fireflies Firehouse
Fireman Fireproof
Firewater Fireworks
Fishbowl Fisherman
Fisheye Fishhook
Fishlike Fishmonger
Fishnet Fishpond
Fishtail Flashlight
Football Foothill
Foothold Footlights
Footlocker Footnote
Footpath Footprints
Footrest Forbearer
Forbid Forearm
Forebear Forecast
Forecastle Foreclose
Foreclosure Foredoom
Forefather Forefinger
Forefront Forehand
Forehead Foreleg
Foreman Foremost
Forepaws Forerunner
Foresee Foresight
Forestall Forestland
Forever Forget
Forgive Forklift
Format Fortnight
Freelance Friendship
Fruitcup Gearshift
Glassmaking Goodbye
Goodnight Grandaunt
Grandchild Grandchildren
Granddaughter Grandfather
Grandmaster Grandmother
Grandnephew Grandnieces
Grandparent Grandson
Grandstand Granduncle
Grasshopper Graveyard
Gumball Haircut
Hamburger Hammerhead
Hamstring Handball
Handbook Handcuff
Handgun Handmade
Handout Headache
Headdress Headhunter
Headlight Headline
Headquarters Hedgehop
Heirloom Hellcat
Hellhole Helpmate
Helpmeet Hemstitch
Henceforth Henchman
Henpeck Hereabout
Hereafter Hereby
Herein Hereof
Hereupon Herself
Highball Highchair
Highland Highlight
Highway Himself
Homemade Homesick
Hometown Honeybee
Honeycomb Honeydew
Honeymoon Honeysuckle
Hookup Hookworm
Horseback Horsefly
Horsehair Horseplay
Horsepower Horseradish
Horseshoe Houseboat
Housecoat Household
Housekeeper Housetop
Housewife Housework
However Ideal
Inchworm Income
Indoors Inflow
Infold Infuse
Infusion Inhale
Inkblot Inkwell
Inland Inmate
Inpatient Inroad
Inset Inside
Intake Ironwork
Itself Jackpot
Jackson Jailbait
Jailbird Jawbone
Jawbreaker Jaywalk
Jellybean Jellyfish
Jerkwater Jerrybuild
Jetliner Jetport
Jigsaw Jimsonweed
Jitterbug Jobholder
Johnnycake Jumpshot
Keepsake Keyboard
Keyhole Keynote
Keypad Keypunch
Keystone Keystroke
Keyway Keyword
Landmark Landslide
Landward Lapland
Lapwing Larkspur
Laughingstock Lawgiver
Lawmaker Lawsuit
Layman Layoff
Layout Layover
Leapfrog Lifeblood
Lifeboat Lifeguard
Lifelike Lifeline
Lifelong Lifesaver
Lifetime Lifework
Lighthouse Limelight
Limestone Lipstick
Longhand Longhorn
Longhouse Lukewarm
Mailbox Mainland
Mainline Mainspring
Mainstream Makeup
Matchbox Meadowland
Meantime Meanwhile
Moonbeam Moonlight
Moonlit Moonscape
Moonshine Moonstone
Moonstruck Moonwalk
Moreover Mothball
Motherhood Motorcycle
Nearby Necktie
Nevermore Newborn
Newfound Newsboy
Newsbreak Newscast
Newscaster Newsdealer
Newsletter Newsman
Newsmen Newspaper
Newsperson Newsprint
Newsreel Newsroom
Newsstand Newsworthy
Nightfall Nobody
Noisemaker Northeast
Northwest Notebook
Notepad Noteworthy
Nowhere Nursemaid
Nutcracker Oneself
Onetime Overabundance
Overboard Overcoat
Overflow Overland
Overpass Overshoes
Pacemaker Pancake
Parkway Passbook
Passkey Passover
Passport Password
Pasteboard Patchwork
Pathfinder Pathway
Pawnbroker Pawnshop
Paycheck Payload
Paymaster Payoff
Payroll Peppermint
Pickup Pineapple
Pinhole Pinpoint
Pinstripe Pinup
Pinwheel Playback
Playboy Playground
Playhouse Playmate
Playthings Ponytail
Popcorn Postcard
Pothole Proofread
Racquetball Railroad
Railway Rainbow
Raincheck Raincoat
Raindrop Rainfall
Rainmaker Rainstorm
Rainwater Ratline
Ratsbane Rattlesnake
Rattletrap Rawboned
Rawhide Readywitted
Rearmost Rearrange
Rearward Redcap
Redcoat Reddish
Redhead Repairman
Riverbank Riverbanks
Rubberband Sailboat
Salesclerk Sandbox
Sandlot Sandstone
Sandwich Saucepan
Scapegoat Scarecrow
Schoolbook Schoolboy
Schoolbus Schoolhouse
Schoolmate Schoolroom
Schoolwork Seashore
Setback Setoff
Shadyside Sharecropper
Sharpshooter Sheepskin
Shipbottom Shipbuilder
Shipload Shipwreck
Shipyard Shoelace
Shoemaker Shopkeeper
Shortbread Shortcake
Shotgun Showboat
Showoff Showplace
Showroom Sideburns
Sidecar Sidekick
Sideshow Sidewalk
Silversmith Sisterhood
Sixfold Skateboard
Skintight Skylark
Skylight Skyscraper
Slapstick Slowdown
Slumlord Snakeskin
Snowball Snowbank
Snowbird Snowdrift
Snowshoe Snowshovel
Snowstorm Soapstone
Softball Software
Somebody Someday
Somehow Someone
Someplace Something
Sometime Sometimes
Someway Somewhat
Somewhere Soundproof
Southeast Southwest
Soybean Spacesuit
Spacewalk Spearmint
Speedboat Spillway
Spokesperson Springtime
Stagehand Standby
Standoff Standout
Standpipe Standpoint
Standstill Starfish
Steamboat Steamship
Stepson Stickup
Stockroom Stonewall
Stoplight Stopwatch
Storerooms Strawberry
Streetcar Stronghold
Subway Sunbaked
Sunbathe Sunday
Sundial Sundown
Sunfish Sunflower
Sunglasses Sunlit
Sunray Sunrise
Sunroof Sunshine
Suntan Sunup
Supercargo Supercharge
Supercool Superego
Superfine Supergiant
Superhero Superhighways
Superhuman Superimpose
Superman Supermarket
Supermen Supernatural
Superpower Superscript
Supersensitive Supersonic
Superstar Superstrong
Superstructure Supertanker
Superweapon Superwoman
Sweetheart Sweetmeat
Tablecloth Tablespoon
Tabletop Tableware
Tadpole Tagalong
Tailbone Tailcoat
Tailgate Taillight
Taillike Tailpiece
Tailspin Takeoff
Takeout Takeover
Talebearer Taleteller
Tapeworm Taproom
Taproot Target
Taskmaster Tattletale
Taxicab Taxpayer
Teacup Teammate
Teamwork Teapot
Teardrop Teaspoon
Teenager Telltale
Tenderfoot Tenderhearted
Tenderloin Tenfold
Textbook Themselves
Therefore Throwaway
Throwback Thunderbird
Thunderbolt Thundershower
Thunderstorm Timekeeper
Timepieces Timesaving
Timeshare Timetable
Today Together
Toolbox Toothbrush
Toothpaste Toothpick
Touchdown Township
Turnabout Turnaround
Turnbuckle Turncoat
Turndown Turnkey
Turnoff Turnover
Turntable Typewriter
Underachieve Underact
Underage Underarm
Underbelly Underbid
Undercharge Underclothes
Undercover Undercurrent
Undercut Underdevelop
Underdog Underesimate
Underestimate Underexpose
Underfeed Underfinance
Underfoot Underfur
Undergarment Undergird
Undergo Undergraduate
Underground Undergrowth
Underhand Underhanded
Underlayer Underlie
Upbeat Upbringing
Upcoming Update
Updraft Upend
Upgrade Upheaval
Upheld Uphill
Uphold Upkeep
Upland Uplift
Uplink Upload
Upmarket Upon
Uppercase Upperclassman
Uppercut Uppermost
Upright Uprising
Upriver Uproar
Uproot Upset
Upshot Upside
Upstage Upstairs
Upstanding Upstart
Upstate Upstream
Upsurge Upswing
Uptake Upthrust
Uptight Uptime
Uptown Upturn
Upward Upwind
Waistband Waistcoat
Waistline Walkout
Walkways Wallboard
Walleyed Wallflower
Wallpaper Wanderlust
Wardroom Warehouse
Warfare Warhead
Warlike Warlord
Warmblooded Warmhearted
Warmonger Warpath
Warplanes Warship
Wartime Washboard
Washbowl Washcloth
Washout Washroom
Washstand Washtub
Wastebasket Wasteland
Wastepaper Wastewater
Watchband Watchcase
Watchdog Watchmaker
Watchman Watchtower
Watchword Watercolor
Watercooler Watercraft
Waterfall Waterfowl
Waterfront Waterline
Waterlog Watermark
Watermelon Waterpower
Waterproof Waterscape
Watershead Waterside
Waterspout Watertight
Waterway Waterwheel
Waterworks Wavelength
Wavelike Waxwork
Waybill Wayfarer
Waylaid Wayside
Wayward Weathercock
Weatherman Weatherproof
Weekday Weekend
Weeknight Whatever
Whatsoever Wheelbarrow
Wheelbase Wheelchair
Wheelhouse Whitecap
Whitefish Whitewall
Whitewash Widespread
Wipeout Without
Woodshop Workplace
Worldwide Wrongdoing

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