Christmas song with word presents

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Song Lyrics

What do you want for Christmas? Christmas? Christmas?
What do you want for Christmas?
Santa’s on his way.
I want a train. I want a train.
I want a great big train.
A train? A train!
All aboard!

What do you want for Christmas? Christmas? Christmas?
What do you want for Christmas?
Santa’s on his way.
I want a rocket. I want a rocket.
I want a great big rocket.
A rocket? A rocket!
Prepare for lift-off…5, 4, 3, 2, 1, LIFT-OFF!

What do you want for Christmas? Christmas? Christmas?
What do you want for Christmas?
Santa’s on his way.
I want a robot. I want a robot.
I want a great big robot.
A robot? A robot!

What do you want for Christmas? Christmas? Christmas?
What do you want for Christmas?
Santa’s on his way.
I want a teddy bear. I want a teddy bear.
I want a great big teddy bear.
A teddy bear? A teddy bear!
Right leg. Left leg. Right arm. Left arm.
Oh no!

What do you want for Christmas? Christmas? Christmas?
What do you want for Christmas?
Santa’s on his way.
Santa’s on his way!

Нужен язык для поступления?

Рождественские песни — отдельный музыкальный жанр в англоязычных странах. У него есть свои стандарты, клише и звезды. Почти все современные рождественские песни — о любви, но некоторые традиционные гимны тоже до сих пор популярны. Перед тем как приступим к разбору текстов, вот вам короткая инструкция, как учить английский с помощью музыки:

  • Выберете песню. Послушайте все и решите, какая вам нравится больше. Важно, чтобы песня била в самое сердечко и заедала.
  • Проработайте текст. Выпишите все незнакомые слова и посмотрите их значения. Убедитесь, что вы понимаете каждую строчку.
  • Пойте вместе с исполнителем. Сначала проговорите новые слова отдельно, а потом начинайте подпевать. Пытайтесь копировать произношение исполнителя и интонации. Есть у вас музыкальный слух или нет — неважно. Сделайте так, чтобы все соседи слышали, как вы прекрасно поете.

А теперь подборка.

Mariah Carey — All I Want for Christmas Is You

Песня Мэрайи Кэри о том, какой подарок она хочет на Рождество — главный праздничный гимн в англоязычных странах. Она звучит повсюду: в торговых центрах, барах, кафе, домах, квартирах и наушниках. All I Want for Christmas Is You — одна из немногих современных песен, которая сумела добиться такой популярности. Из-за нее Кэри даже получила титул «Королевы Рождества».

I don’t want a lot for Christmas
There is just one thing I need
I don’t care about the presents
Underneath the Christmas tree

I just want you for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true
All I want for Christmas

Is you


want хотеть
a lot много, многое
just просто, всего, только
need нуждаться в чем-то
care about something беспокоиться, заботиться о чем-то
present подарок
underneath под
Christmas tree рождественская елка
for my own для себя
make a wish come true исполнить желание


Я не хочу много подарков на Рождество,
Мне нужен только один.
И мне все равно, что лежит под елкой,
Я хочу только, чтобы ты стал моим.
Больше, чем ты можешь представить,
Исполни мое желание.
Все, что хочу я на Рождество — это ты.

Wham! — Last Christmas

Большинство рождественских песен — о любви и празднике, который объединяет людей. Но если прислушаться к словам Last Christmas, становится довольно грустно — она о разбитом сердце. И несмотря на это, песня создает удивительно уютную атмосферу. Возможно, все дело в колокольчиках, синтезаторах из 80-х и вязаных свитерах.

Last Christmas, I gave you my heart
But the very next day, you gave it away
This year, to save me from tears
I’ll give it to someone special

Last Christmas


give отдавать, давать, дарить
heart сердце
give away (здесь) вернуть
save спасти, сохранить, уберечь
tears слезы
special особенный


На прошлое Рождество я подарил тебе свое сердце,
Но на следующий день ты его вернула.
В этом году, чтобы уберечь себя от слез,
Я подарю его кому-то особенному.

Нужен язык для поступления?

Frank Sinatra — Let it snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow!

Хорошая песня об очень плохой погоде в исполнении Фрэнка Синатры. Самое то, чтобы сидеть лютой зимой в тепле и радоваться празднику, дому и близким.

Oh, the weather outside is frightful
But the fire is so delightful
Since we’ve no place to go
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

Let it snow


weather погода
outside снаружи, на улице
frightful ужасный
fire огонь
delightful очаровательный, восхитительный, упоительный
since так как, потому как; с тех пор, как
snow снег; падать (о снеге), заносить снегом


Погода на улице ужасная,
Но огонь в камине так чудесен.
И раз уж нам некуда пойти,
Пусть метет, пусть метет, пусть метет!

Bing Crosby & David Bowie — The Little Drummer Boy (Peace On Earth)

В 1977 году Дэвид Боуи пришел в гости на передачу к одному из самых любимых американцами певцу — Бингу Кросби. Вдвоём они спели знаменитый рождественский гимн The Little Drummer Boy, который в исполнении их дуэта стал по-настоящему культовым.

Peace on Earth can it be?
Years from now, perhaps we’ll see?
See the day of glory
See the day, when men of good will
Live in peace, live in peace again
Peace on Earth
Can it be

The Little Drummer Boy


years годы
now сейчас
perhaps возможно, может быть
see видеть, увидеть; узнать, узнавать
day of glory славный день, славный час
men of good will люди доброй воли
live жить
peace мир


Мир на Земле — возможен ли он?
Годы спустя мы, наверное, увидим.
Узрим славный час,
Когда добрые люди
Будут жить в мире, будут жить в мире вновь.
Мир на Земле —
Возможен ли он?

Подобрать курсы

Andy Williams — The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year

Благодаря своим телепередачам Энди Уильямс запомнился нескольким поколениям американцев как «Мистер Рождество». Его самая известная рождественская песня — The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year. Среди прочих прелестей праздника в ней он упоминает «страшные истории о привидениях». Возможно, для нас это не самая первая ассоциация, но для людей из англоязычной культуры призраки — неотъемлемая часть Рождества еще со времен викторианской эпохи. О таких историях писал, например, Чарльз Диккенс в своей «Рождественской песне».

There’ll be parties for hosting
Marshmallows for toasting
And caroling out in the snow
There’ll be scary ghost stories
And tales of the glories
Of Christmases long, long ago

The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year


parties вечеринка, праздник
host хозяин (по отношению к гостю); выступать в роли хозяина, организовать
toast жарить, поджаривать
carol рождественский гимн, веселая песня; петь рождественские гимны
scary страшный
ghost stories истории о привидениях
tale сказка
glory слава, величие
long ago давным-давно


Будут вечеринки и гости,
Маршмеллоу на огне,
И песни на улице в снегу.
Будут страшные сказки,
И предания славные,
О давно минувшем рождестве.

Elvis Presley — I’ll Be Home for Christmas

И конечно, куда же мы без Элвиса-нашего-всё-Пресли. Оригинальная песня 1943 года в исполнении Бинга Кросби была посвящена американским солдатам, сражавшимся во Второй мировой войне. В 1957 году Элвис спел ее и включил в свой альбом рождественских песен. По иронии судьбы на следующие два Рождества он не смог вернуться домой: в 1958 и 1959 годах рядовой Пресли служил в американской армии в Германии.

I’ll be home for Christmas
You can plan on me
Please have snow and mistletoe
And presents for the tree

Christmas Eve will find me
Where the love light leads
I’ll be home for Christmas, oh yes
If only in my dreams

I’ll Be Home for Christmas


home дом
plan планировать, рассчитывать (на кого-то или что-то)
mistletoe омела
Christmas Eve канун Рождества
love любовь
light свет, огонь, фонарь
lead вести; руководить
only только
dream мечта, сон


Я буду дома на Рождество,
Можешь рассчитывать на меня.
Надеюсь, будет омела, и снег,
И подарки под елкой.

Канун Рождества застанет меня
Там, куда приведет любви свет.
Я буду дома на Рождество,
Но разве что только во сне.

Нужен язык для поступления?

Low — Just Like Christmas

Трек Just Like Christmas стал настоящим подарком на Рождество 1999 года от инди-группы Low. Песня состоит всего из двух простых куплетов и рефрена. В ней нет cheesy фраз про «самое волшебное время в году», но есть много искренности и немного тоски по юности. Стоит один раз послушать — и уже невозможно снять песню с повтора.

On our way from Stockholm
Started to snow
And you said it was like Christmas
But you were wrong
It wasn’t like Christmas at all

By the time we got to Oslo
Snow was gone
And we got lost
The beds were small
But we felt so young

It was just like Christmas

Just Like Christmas


on the way по пути, по дороге
Stockholm Стокгольм
start начинать, начинаться
say сказать
be just like (something) быть прямо как (что-то)
be wrong быть неправым
by the time ко времени, когда
get somewhere добраться, попасть куда-то
be gone уйти, исчезнуть
get lost потеряться
bed кровать
small маленький
feel чувствовать, ощущать (здесь — себя)
young молодой


По пути в Стокгольм
Начался снег,
И ты сказал: «Прямо как Рождество».
Но ты был неправ,
Было совсем не как Рождество.

Когда мы добрались до Осло,
Снег растаял,
И мы потерялись.
Кровати были малы,
Но мы чувствовали себя такими юными.

Совсем как на Рождество.

Связанные статьи

Christmas songs for kids that are teacher and parent approved! Need some Christmas songs for your December preschool themes and for some extra movement and action activities? We’ve found some of the best that are fun and help get the wiggles out too.

These Christmas songs for preschoolers are sure to be a hit with some of the best Christmas music and Christmas songs for kid. #songsforkids #Christmasmusic #preschool #kindergarten

Christmas songs for preschool are such a powerful teaching tool that can be used all throughout the day. You can use them to start circle time or to get some good brain breaks in. You can even have them on in the background while doing Christmas activities or Christmas crafts. Below are some of the best Christmas songs for preschoolers. They might even be what you need for a Christmas party.

Since there are lots of great Christmas songs for kids to choose from, I’ve broken the songs into a few categories:

  • Classic Christmas Music for Kids
  • Music and Movement
  • New Christmas Songs for Kids

If you are planning a Christmas preschool theme, here is a great Christmas lesson plan from our friends at Preschool Teacher 101.

Grab some bells or reindeer antlers, and let’s get started! These preschool songs for Christmas are a hit!

Jingle Bells

This is the first Christmas song my kids learned, and the one they most enjoy singing over and over! Super Simple Songs gives a great version because the first time it goes through the song, it leaves space for the kids to repeat the melody, line by line. Repetition is a great method to learn new music! Then once they’ve gone through the whole song with the call-and-response, they get to sing it again all together.

Jingle Bells

This is a more traditional take of the classic Christmas song for kids. The words are included on the screen, so if you can’t remember all of the words, no worries! It also includes a cute new 2nd verse to try.

Frosty the Snowman

Thumpety Thump Thump! Who doesn’t love Frosty? This is a perfect Christmas song for preschoolers. Share his sweet story with a whole new generation!

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

Along with Jingle Bells, this is my kids’ most requested song! The video goes through the song twice with really sweet animations. My heart goes out to Rudolph each time he cries!

Away in a Manger

This classic Christmas song is perfect for faith-based schools and settings! “She gave birth to her firstborn, a Son. She wrapped Him in swaddling cloths and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.”

You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch

The Grinch is a Christmas song that kids have adored for decades! Enjoy all of the ingenious lyrics in this version from the 1966 cartoon special.

Music and Movement Christmas Songs

We Wish You a Merry Christmas

Super Simple Learning is genius at taking classic Christmas music for children and making it hands-on! This is what they call an “action verb twist” on the familiar tune. It’s great to practice following directions, and the calm nature of the song will encourage movement without getting too wild!

10 Little Elves

This Christmas song for toddlers or preschoolers incorporates lots of imaginative movement and can be sung either sitting or standing. It repeatedly counts to 10, giving some early math practice too.

Reindeer Hokey Pokey

I really love it when brilliant people take familiar songs and turn them into great Christmas music for kids! These sweet reindeer will have your whole class up and grooving!

If You’re a Kid [Christmas Remix]

My kids loved the Halloween version of this song so much, I was thrilled to see a Christmas one as well! My favorite is to keep the screen off and just play the music. It makes them listen so much more closely when forced to rely on just the audio!

The Dancing Christmas Tree Song

This Christmas song for preschoolers is another good one to practice following directions. It’s so simple and sweet, I just wish it were longer!

12 Days of Christmas

Buckle up for this action version of the traditional song! Your kids will have a blast with the dance moves. It also includes the lyrics on the screen.

New Christmas Songs for Kids

Santa Shark

You guessed it – Baby Shark is back with a new holiday twist! Meet reindeer and elf sharks, then help Santa shark prepare and deliver presents on Christmas.

I’m a Little Snowman

This sweet little rhyming song is done first as a chant, then the same words repeated with a melody. Chanting and singing are actually different skills and both are very beneficial! Once your class has this memorized, you can use it almost any time you come across a snowman this season!

Rudolph’s Nose

This is a great Christmas song for toddlers, but preschoolers and some older kids are sure to love it too! Practice color recognition while exploring familiar Christmas objects. The video is sure to capture your children’s attention as they answer the questions and wait for the right color to appear.

The Santa Counting Song

Hooray for Christmas music for children that also incorporates learning! While there are several songs out there that help count to ten, I love that this one doesn’t stop there but goes all the way to 20!


This is based on the familiar B-I-N-G-O song, but Christmas-themed to be about Santa! It’s great for letter recognition and also for some critical thinking – it can be hard to remember which letters to say and which not to say!

What do you think of these songs? Are there one or two that your children can’t get enough of? We’d love to hear which ones!

These Christmas songs for kids are perfect Christmas music to use in the classroom or at home. #Christmasmusic #songsforkids #preschool #kindergarten

Need songs for a Christmas concert? Check out these songs from Fantastic Fun and Learning.

If you’re looking for some other Christmas-themed activities and ideas, check out:

How to Make a Pom Pom Christmas Tree Ornament

Peppermint Slime

Jingle Bells Discovery Bottle

Colored Candy Canes Science Experiment

What to Say When a Child Asks if Santa is Real

Want some more songs? We’ve got you covered!

  • Welcome Songs
  • Goodbye Songs
  • Fingerplays
  • ABC and Alphabet Songs
  • Movement and Action Songs
  • Nursery Rhyme Songs
  • Songs that Teach
  • Pumpkin and Halloween Songs for Kids
  • Thanksgiving Songs for Kids
  • The Ultimate Guide to Preschool Songs

Winter holidays are coming! It’s time to bring some magic and joy into the classroom. One of the best ways to do so is through holiday songs. They are a great source of inspiration and make students excited about learning. You can read here and here about how to use songs in the ESL classroom. In this article, we will present the best festive songs you can use to liven up your classes.

Kelly Clarkson — My Grown Up Christmas List

This is an incredible Christmas song originally recorded by David Foster in the 1990s. In 2003, Kelly Clarkson performed «Grown-Up Christmas List» on the Christmas show. The song can be used as a discussion of Christmas wishes people usually have as a child and as an adult. The artist highlights the wishes she has not for herself, but the whole world, such as peace, love and humanity.

Questions for discussion:

What are the main things the singer wishes for Christmas?

What did you use to wish about when you were a child?

Have your wishes changed over time?

Do you believe in Christmas miracles? Has your wish ever come true on Christmas day?

CeeLo Green — White Christmas

The singer dreams of a white Christmas where children listen to sleigh bells in the snow, where he writes Christmas cards wishing everyone merry and bright days. The song can be used to discuss what type of Christmas students are dreaming of and why Christmas means something special for them.

Questions for discussion:

What type of Christmas is the singer dreaming of?

Do you send greeting cards at Christmas?

What do you prefer — handmade gifts or something expensive from a luxurious shop for Christmas?

Are you looking forward to this Christmas? Why? Why not?

Colbie Caillat — Christmas In The Sand

The song is about a different way of Christmas celebration which can be unusual for many people. Here instead of white snow, there is the sand and the beach, instead of freezing cold we have scorching hot weather. Santa’s and elves’ outfits are different, though the colours are the same. They are wearing bathing suits and enjoying summer on the beach. However, there is no Christmas without presents. After listening to this song you can ask your students the following questions:

What can create a Christmas mood for you?

It is said that there is no Christmas without snow. Do you agree with it? Why? Why not?

Have you ever celebrated Christmas in a hot country? If not, would you like to?

What are the key ingredients of a perfect Christmas day?

The Florin Street Band — Christmas Song — My Favourite Time of Year

«My Favourite Time of Year» is a Christmas song performed by The Florin Street Band which was written and sung by British composer Leigh Haggerwood in 2010. His aim was to create a song that would match the classics, and bring back the Christmas magic that he felt had been missing from the UK charts for decades. The song depicts the best elements of Christmas Eve, such as the decorations, carols, snow, goodwill and peace on earth.

Questions for discussion:

What do you associate Christmas with?

What feelings did you have while listening to the song?

Would you like to have a similar Christmas in your city? Why? Why not?

How different is this year’s Christmas decoration in your city from the previous one? Has the pandemic influenced it?

Pentatonix — What Christmas Means To Me

This song is more about what Christmas means to the singer. Not only singing carols and burning candles matter, but also the singer’s partner and her smiling face.

Questions for discussion:

What does Christmas mean to the singers?

What does Christmas mean to you?

Do you have the ideal image of celebrating this Christmas? If so, could you please share it with us?

What matters to you the most — the people around you at Christmas or the place where you celebrate it?

Music plays a crucial role in people’s lives as it has the ability to change one’s mood and to provide a festive atmosphere. Hopefully, the songs mentioned in the article will turn out to be helpful for your holiday classes.

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Christmas gifts (Lesson Plan)

Christmas Quiz: Which character are you?

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