“You know Christ through The Word. The Word dominating you is the Lordship of Christ in you.” – Prophet T.B. Joshua
Sunday, 17th June, 2018 was another faith-filled time in God’s presence at The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations (SCOAN), where thousands converged from across the globe to partake in the anointing that breaks the yoke! Prophet T.B. Joshua shared a simple, stirring sermon titled, ‘Christ And The Word Are One’, in which he challenged the faith of the multitudes listening around the world via Emmanuel TV.
“Has the Word dominated you? It is the Word dominating you that brings Jesus Christ to the scene. When the Word dominates you, instantly healing takes place. It is the Word dominating us that produces prayer fruit, that produces result – not the Word committed to memory, which is of course valuable in itself but cannot produce prayer fruit,” he emphasised.
Prophet T.B. Joshua encouraged the Church to read their Bibles without harbouring grudges in order for God’s Word to dominate their hearts and in turn, influence their conduct and behaviour. He said, “The Word dominates you when you read it slowly, attentively and repeatedly without grudges. If I hold grudges, the Word will no longer be real to me when talking, preaching, teaching, reading.”
The sermon was capped off with a powerful prayer point, which Prophet T.B. Joshua encouraged people to meditate on: “Lord Jesus, You are the Author of my faith. I need my faith right now to act. Help me – help my words and thoughts, in Jesus’ name.”
After the sermon came an anointed time of Mass Prayer where evil spirits were disgraced and satanic products such as sickness and disease were forcefully cast out! Here are just a summary of the testimonies shared:
A lung transplant was prescribed as the only viable medical option. It was so severe that the damage had consumed 90% of her lungs, leaving life literally hanging on a thread for Mrs Alex Atem. The existence of the South Sudanese lady based in Australia actually depended on the constant use of a breathing machine which supplied oxygen to her frail system. It was so critical to the degree that the Australian government had declared her disabled!
Mrs Atem was under the bondage of this affliction for thirty years – the condition progressively getting worse as she grew older. Before coming to The SCOAN, she could barely even talk as the effort to clearly voice out was too taxing for her feeble body. Discovering Emmanuel TV via YouTube whilst in Australia, Mrs Atem began taking keen interest when she saw someone with a case similar to her own receiving healing. With an operation already booked, she resolved to visit The SCOAN in search of Divine intervention! Last week, Mrs Atem was among the thousands who received prayer – an encounter that proved to be life-changing! “Ever since Prophet T.B. Joshua prayed for me, I have been breathing freely without the use of the machine,” she happily testified.
“I never believed God existed,” Winnie – her doting daughter who supported her mum throughout her ordeal – admitted. “But with my mother’s healing, I have seen that Jesus is real!” What a God we have to worship! What a Son we have to praise! What a future lies before us!
Brought in a car, unable to walk due to lumbar spondylosis and osteoarthritis of both knees, Mrs Grace Uwoloh sat helplessly outside The SCOAN looking unto God for solution. Just as God sent His Son Jesus Christ to give us something, He also sent Prophet T.B. Joshua to be used as a channel of healing where there was sickness in the life of Mrs Uwoloh.
Five years of excruciating pain became a thing of the past as Mrs Uwoloh received prayer in Jesus’ name that loosed every chain of bondage and affliction! When Prophet T.B. Joshua prayed for Mrs Uwoloh, she instantly found strength and walked joyfully out of the vehicle and into good health. One week later, an excited Mrs Uwoloh testified to the entire congregation that she has been walking freely ever since that Divine encounter with Jesus Christ.
Mr Vernumbe Emmanuel was dumbstruck when he learned he had been diagnosed with nose cancer. His search for treatment over the past two years did not come to any fruition as the hospitals he visited held no solution to alleviate the life-threatening nose cancer. His concerned aunt, Mrs Billy Afoke, recalled that the problem caused her nephew sleepless nights as he had difficulty in breathing. In addition to the difficulty he encountered to find sound sleep, he had to endure severe neck pain and chronic headaches.
Testifying to the goodness of what God has done in his life, Emmanuel said that during the Mass Prayer, he felt something burst inside his nose and then the blood flow started immediately. He told people of God that the severe headaches and neck pains ceased instantly, to God be the glory. He advised the congregation and viewers all over the world to believe in God and that there is never a problem Jesus Christ cannot solve and never a sickness Jesus Christ cannot heal.
In 2014, Mrs Jane Sakala was suffering from serious stagnation in her job. As a woman of faith, she came to The SCOAN, believing that God Almighty would provide a solution to her problem. During the service, the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua, gave a prophecy encouraging people to invest in farming – a message which struck Jane’s heart. Fortunately, she owned a 13-acre plot of land she inherited in 2004, but before then, she didn’t know what to do with it.
Prophet T.B. Joshua’s word of prophecy gave her the inspiration to use the land for farming. She started planting a few crops, buying chickens, pigs and other livestock. To the glory of God, the crops and the livestock flourished. She had to build many large pig and poultry houses and even hire a large staff of workers to tend the crops in the field. Mrs Jane became such a successful farmer that she was able to build a large home for her family and buy brand new flats to rent as well as a new car. The Zambian advised the whole world to take the words of the prophet seriously and make the Word of God the standard for their life.
“I now live a life of purpose”, said Mr Keston Brown from the Caribbean Islands of Trinidad and Tobago. After receiving deliverance through praying along with Prophet T.B. Joshua during a Mass Prayer on Emmanuel TV, the spirit that led him to watch pornography and engage in masturbation no longer had a hold on his life but another issue weighed heavy on his home, barrenness for seven years. His wife Mrs Brown suffered from a huge fibroid and ovarian cysts which medically stopped her from conceiving a child.
Knowing what God had done through Emmanuel TV, Mr Brown decided to bring his wife to The SCOAN in Lagos, Nigeria – a journey that took almost 48 hours from the Caribbean Islands! They came to The SCOAN, received prayer and the New Morning Water. Mr Brown encouraged his wife to continue to trust and believe in God’s unfailing promise. Several months later, Mrs Brown herself was the one lifting the banner of faith as she came to her husband with a positive pregnancy test in her hand as proof of Jesus’ mighty power still present in this day and age.
She said, “If I conceived, the doctor told me that I would have a miscarriage or that my baby would be born premature but to the glory of God, my baby was born after 9 months and she was a big baby weighing 4.6 kg!” Today, they came for the second time with their miracle in their arms to present their child to the church and also show that she was again pregnant with her second child. The couple advised the congregation to continue to trust in God and believe Him in every situation!
Mr Godwin Agrey was at his barber shop when a broken glass cut him in the foot. What began with a small cut soon expanded into a very large sore that covered more than 90% of the foot. When doctors failed to treat the large wound, they suggested amputation of his foot.
The alarming thought of becoming an amputee at his age led him to seek alternative treatment through a native doctor. However, spiritualist had no solution to Mr Agrey’s predicament. After exhausting his search for a solution, he turned to God through watching Emmanuel TV at his home in Gabon.
As Prophet T.B. Joshua ministered healing prayer to viewers all over the world, Mr Agrey raised his affected leg towards the screen of his television and prayed along with Prophet T.B. Joshua. Testifying to the goodness of God’s work in his life, he recalled that he felt a shocking sensation in his diseased foot. Within two days following his encounter through Emmanuel TV, the large ulcer covering his foot began to noticeably dry away along with the associated excruciating pain. A week later, the only thing that remained was a small scar – serving as an undeniable testimony to his remarkable healing! Mr Godwin advised the congregation and viewers all over the world to have faith in the Word of God, and that distance is not a barrier.
“God sent me to you. He said I should tell you that you will see your son on Thursday!” Queen Georgina awoke in a cold sweat. Was that actually Prophet T.B. Joshua? It was the most vivid of dreams in the most drastic of circumstances with the most poignant of messages. Her Majesty’s little son had been kidnapped for almost two weeks, a ransom demanded for N20m and threats of his murder looming large. After an extensive police search proved abortive, the royal monarch turned to God – who supernaturally intervened…
The Queen of Ogoni-land in the Niger-Delta region of Nigeria, Georgina Tenalo was shocked when she returned home from work to discover her young son was not in the house. Pandemonium ensued and the police were quickly called. They searched the creeks of the surrounding area and interviewed countless suspects but none could reveal the whereabouts of her little boy. Finally, the kidnappers established contact, threatening they would kill the little boy and send the picture of his dead body to Queen Georgina unless the sum of N20m was promptly provided.
An extensive search mission, aided by police and security throughout the region, yielded no fruitful result and the kidnappers threats became even more severe. With hope dimming and time running out, the Ogoni monarch contacted a sister who she knew to be a member of The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations (SCOAN). On hearing the pitiable condition, she quickly organised for the Morning Water to be sent to Niger-Delta. After ministering it on herself and all the clothing of her missing son, Queen Georgina was set aside for God’s attention and had a remarkable dream. Prophet T.B. Joshua appeared to her giving words of assurance that her son would be released, even specifying that he would be freed on Thursday.
Immediately after the revelation, the monarch contacted all of the parties involved in the far-reaching rescue mission and told them to call it off as she knew her son would be released! Remarkably, that Thursday, her driver suddenly confessed that he was the one who organised the kidnapping of her son, who was aptly named Goodnews, revealing his location and that of his accomplices. That very Thursday night, mother and son were remarkably re-united! The story was even published on several local newspapers. “This Morning Water is not something to joke with,” she advised. “I gave my son the name Goodnews and God has brought meaning to that name! Thank You, Jesus Christ!”
Mr Jude Oraka came to The SCOAN with a horrific, ‘snake-like’ skin disease covering the entirety of his body. In the words of his sister, he was a “dead man walking”. For six years, he suffered untold pain and agony – rejected by society. All medical help proved abortive as the strange disease refused to yield to any treatment. It was in this critical condition that Mr Oraka chose to visit The SCOAN with the aid of his doting sister. At the prayer of Prophet T.B. Joshua, the
Anambra State indigene began violently coughing and vomiting out a strange substance.
To the glory of God, a healthy, plump and handsome man – almost unrecognizable from the time he initially came to The SCOAN to share the incredible testimony of the transformation in his life, health and fortunes! There are no natural words to describe this, except to say, “Thank You, Jesus Christ!” Truly, the evidence of Jesus Christ is lives changed!
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CHRIST AND THE WORD ARE ONE TB Joshua Sermon 24 06 2018.mp3
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Faith Works By Love Shorts Tbjoshua Scoan Love Faith.mp3
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How Do We Hear God S Word With Our Heart Shorts Tbjoshua Scoan.mp3
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This Is Your Pass To Healing Good Health And Breakthrough Shorts Tbjoshua Scoan Emmanueltv.mp3
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Oh Holy Spirit Shorts Tbjoshua Scoan Holyspirit.mp3
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HOW TO LIVE IN GOD S WORD Prophet T B Joshua Sermon.mp3
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ट ब ज श आ TB Joshua Urdu Hindi Christ And The Word Are One Part 2 ٹی بی جوشوا.mp3
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Prayer Of Grace To Love One Another Shorts Tbjoshua Scoan Prayer.mp3
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The Greatest Problem Of A Christian Shorts Tbjoshua Scoan.mp3
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Your Love For Christ By TB Joshua.mp3
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The Word You Speak Is Life Shorts Tbjoshua Scoan.mp3
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ESSENTIAL Teaching On FAITH Prophet T B Joshua Sermon.mp3
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How To Obey The Written Word Of God Shorts Tbjoshua Scoan.mp3
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Easiest Way To Invite Jesus Christ To Your Heart TB Joshua.mp3
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Be Rescued In Jesus Name Shorts Tbjoshua Scoan Prayer.mp3
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The Reason Why We Are Weak Tbjoshua Scoan Emmanueltv.mp3
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Discover How To See Jesus Through Biblical Meditation Sermon By TB Joshua That Will Empower You.mp3
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SPEAK FAITH TB Joshua Sermon.mp3
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God S Righteousness Shorts Tbjoshua Scoan.mp3
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What You Should Do When You Are In Trouble Shorts Tbjoshua Scoan Emmanueltv.mp3
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You Are Delivered From Every Reproach Shorts Tbjoshua Scoan.mp3
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ट ब ज श आ TB Joshua Urdu Hindi Christ And The Word Are One Part 3 ٹی بی جوشوا.mp3
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The FUTILITY Of Self Effort TB Joshua Sermon.mp3
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Faith Is Not A Hobby Shorts Tbjoshua Scoan.mp3
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How To Bring Jesus On The Scene Shorts Tbjoshua Scoan.mp3
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How To Take Care Of Your Heart Shorts Tbjoshua Scoan.mp3
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The Right Prayer TB Joshua Legacy.mp3
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The Two Christs In Church Shorts Tbjoshua Scoan.mp3
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Tb Joshua Sermon.mp3
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T B Joshua The Word Of God.mp3
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Prophet Tb Joshua Reviled His Biggest Secret.mp3
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Be Released From Every Generational Cage Shorts Tbjoshua Scoan Prayer.mp3
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Cultivate This Habit Shorts Tbjoshua Scoan.mp3
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Prophetic Words Your Spiritual Life 2 By Prophet TB Joshua Shorts.mp3
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HOW To Get FAITH TB Joshua Sermon.mp3
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Locate Me In Your Mercy Prophet TB Joshua Shorts Inspiration Prayer Tbjoshua.mp3
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Receive A Right Focus Shorts Tbjoshua Scoan Prayer.mp3
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AWAKE MY LOST GLORY SCOAN Mass Prayer 02 04 2023.mp3
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Are You A Genuine Christian TB Joshua.mp3
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One Deep Secret We Don T Know About Prophet T B JOSHUA Meditation Prayer.mp3
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“… the treasure hid in the Scriptures is
Christ, since He was pointed out by means of types and
parables.” (St. Irenaeus of Lyons,
Against Heresies and Fragments, Kindle Loc. 6350-51)
Photo: http://www.wikiwand.com/
Central to the teachings of Christ is that Moses
and the Prophets wrote about Him. We have already
encountered this in several of the blog posts in this
Jesus said: “You search the
scriptures, because you think that in them you have
eternal life; and it is they that bear witness to me; yet
you refuse to come to me that you may have life. . . . If
you believed Moses, you would believe me, for he wrote of
me. But if you do not believe his writings, how will you
believe my words?” (John 5: 39-47)
In this post, we will look at several quotes from St. Irenaeus of
Lyons (d. 202AD) and how he applied Christ’s own
words to the Scriptures.
“For if ye had believed Moses, ye would also
have believed Me; for he wrote of Me;“(John 5:46)
[saying this,] no doubt, because the Son of God is
implanted everywhere throughout his writings: at one time,
indeed, speaking with Abraham, when about to eat with him;
at another time with Noah, giving to him the dimensions
[of the ark]; at another; inquiring after Adam; at
another, bringing down judgment upon the Sodomites; and
again, when He becomes visible, and directs Jacob on his
journey, and speaks with Moses from the bush. And it would
be endless to recount [the occasions] upon which the Son
of God is shown forth by Moses. Of the day of His passion,
too, he was not ignorant; but foretold Him, after a
figurative manner, by the name given to the passover; and
at that very festival, which had been proclaimed such a
long time previously by Moses, did our Lord suffer, thus
fulfilling the passover.” (St. Irenaeus
of Lyons, Against Heresies and Fragments,
Kindle Loc. 5535-41)
In the above quote, St. Irenaeus shows
that in the 2ndCentury Christians believed that the
anthropomorphic appearances of God in the Old Testament
were actually appearances of the pre-incarnate Christ.
It is the Son of God who speaks to Moses from the
burning bush and in every occurrence in which Moses
spoke with God face to face as a man speaks to a friend
(Exodus 33:11). Christ is thus hidden from us in each
manifestation of God in the Old Testament if we read
the Jewish Scriptures with no knowledge of the Holy
Trinity. But in Christ we see in these Old Testament
theophanies that Christ is appearing to the saints of
the people of God. In Christ we come to realize what
these holy men and women are seeing when they encounter
God. The authors of the Old Testament books
themselves did not fully understand what they were
witnessing, but still they reported these
anthropomorphic experiences. In Christ we understand
more fully what they were encountering yet
couldn’t fully describe. That is why the Old
Testament theophanies are not able to fully explain
that it was the Word of God who they encountered. Once
the incarnation occurs in Christ, we are able to see
Christ the Word in the Old Testament texts.
“But since the writings (litera) of Moses are
the words of Christ, He does Himself declare to the Jews,
as John has recorded in the Gospel: “If ye had
believed Moses, ye would have believed Me: for he wrote of
Me. But if ye believe not his writings, neither will ye
believe My words.” He thus indicates in the clearest
manner that the writings of Moses are His words. If, then,
[this be the case with regard] to Moses, so also, beyond a
doubt, the words of the other prophets are His [words], as
I have pointed out. And again, the Lord Himself exhibits
Abraham as having said to the rich man, with reference to
all those who were still alive: “If they do not obey
Moses and the prophets, neither, if any one were to rise
from the dead and go to them, will they believe
him.” (St. Irenaeus of
Lyons, Against Heresies and Fragments, Kindle
Loc. Loc. 5203-8)
Not only did Moses and the prophets
encounter Christ the Word of God, it is Christ the Word
who speaks to them and gives them the words which they
record in the Scriptures. Moses and all the prophets
were telling us what they heard from Christ, so that
when we encounter these same words, phrases, ideas, and
metaphors in the New Testament we recognize Christ in
the Old Testament. Scholars speak about the
New Testament being filled with echoes of Old Testament
ideas and phrases – this is because in fact the
Old Testament authors were hearing Christ and recording
what He said. It is the Old Testament authors who are
actually echoing the New Testament!
And teaching this very thing, He said to the Jews:
“Your father Abraham rejoiced that he should see my
day; and he saw it, and was glad” What is intended?
“Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him
for righteousness.” In the first place, [he
believed] that He was the maker of heaven and earth, the
only God; and in the next place, that He would make his
seed as the stars of heaven. This is what is meant by
Paul, [when he says,] “as lights in the
world.”Righteously, therefore, having left his
earthly kindred, he followed the Word of God, walking as a
pilgrim with the Word, that he might [afterwards] have his
abode with the Word. Righteously also the apostles, being
of the race of Abraham, left the ship and their father,
and followed the Word. Righteously also do we, possessing
the same faith as Abraham, and taking up the cross as
Isaac did the wood? follow Him. For in Abraham man had
learned beforehand, and had been accustomed to follow the
Word of God. For Abraham, according to his faith, followed
the command of the Word of God, and with a ready mind
delivered up, as a sacrifice to God, his only- begotten
and beloved son, in order that God also might be pleased
to offer up for all his seed His own beloved and
only-begotten Son, as a sacrifice for our
redemption. (St. Irenaeus of
Lyons, Against Heresies and Fragments, Kindle
Loc. 5320-29)
Every encounter with the Word of God by the holy men and
women of the Old Testament is thus an encounter with
Christ. And each encounter with Christ is also a
revelation of God the Father, even as Jesus said:
“He who has seen me has seen the Father; how can you
say, ‘Show us the Father’? Do you not believe
that I am in the Father and the Father in me?” (John
14:9-10). Each theophany in the Old Testament was thus
really an encounter with the pre-incarnate Word of God,
but each encounter also revealed the Father to all. For
Christ is the image of the Father. “He is
the image of the invisible God, the first-born of all
creation; for in him all things were created, in heaven
and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or
dominions or principalities or authorities—all
things were created through him and for him”
(Colossians 1:15-16).
Fr. St. Irenaeus, Christ is now obvious in the Old
Testament texts. He reads the Torah (Pentateuch) as a
typology and preparation for the coming of Jesus the
Christ. Joshua, the protégé of Moses, shares
the same name as Jesus in the Old Testament. Thus
everything Joshua does prefigures Christ and is thus
“Take unto you Joshua
(᾿Ιησοῦν) the son
of Nun.”(Numbers 27:18) For it was
proper that Moses should lead the people out of Egypt,
but that Jesus (Joshua) should lead them into the
inheritance. Also that Moses, as was the case with the
law, should cease to be, but that Joshua
(᾿Ιησοῦν), as the
word, and no untrue type of the Word made flesh
should be a preacher to the people. Then again, [it was
fit] that Moses should give manna as food to the
fathers, but Joshua wheat; as the first-fruits of life,
a type of the body of Christ, as also the Scripture
declares that the manna of the Lord ceased when the
people had eaten wheat from the land.(Joshua
5:12)” (St. Irenaeus of
Lyons, Against Heresies and Fragments,
Kindle Loc. 9079-89)
The books of the Old Testament clearly witness to Christ,
but do so by hiding Christ in the very text which records
the events of the Old Testament as well as in the events
and people of the Tanahk. Jesus Christ has
fully revealed the meaning of the Old Testament. His
image, found on every page of the Scriptures, is now
obvious to all of those who are in Christ.
“For every prophecy, before its fulfilment, is
to men [full of] enigmas and ambiguities. But when the
time has arrived, and the prediction has come to pass,
then the prophecies have a clear and certain exposition.
And for this reason, indeed, when at this present time the
law is read to the Jews, it is like a fable; for they do
not possess the explanation of all things pertaining to
the advent of the Son of God, which took place in human
nature; but when it is read by the Christians, it is a
treasure, hid indeed in a field, but brought to light by
the cross of Christ, and explained, both enriching the
understanding of men, and showing forth the wisdom of God
and declaring His dispensations with regard to man, and
forming the kingdom of Christ beforehand…
” (St. Irenaeus of Lyons, Against
Heresies and Fragments, Kindle Loc. 6354-59)
Fr. Ted’s Blog
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Christ,[note 1] used by Christians as both a name and a title, unambiguously refers to Jesus.[5][6][7] It is also used as a title, in the reciprocal use «Christ Jesus», meaning «the Messiah Jesus», and independently as «the Christ».[8] The Pauline epistles, the earliest texts of the New Testament,[9] often refer to Jesus as «Christ Jesus» or «Christ».[10]
The concept of the Christ in Christianity originated from the concept of the messiah in Judaism. Christians believe that Jesus is the messiah foretold in the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Old Testament. Although the conceptions of the messiah in each religion are similar, for the most part they are distinct from one another due to the split of early Christianity and Judaism in the 1st century.
Although the original followers of Jesus believed Jesus to be the Jewish messiah, e.g. in the Confession of Peter, Jesus was usually referred to as «Jesus of Nazareth» or «Jesus, son of Joseph»,[11] Jesus came to be called «Jesus Christ» (meaning «Jesus the Khristós«, i.e. «Jesus the Messiah» or «Jesus the Anointed») by Christians, who believe that his crucifixion and resurrection fulfill the messianic prophecies of the Old Testament.
Christ comes from the Greek word χριστός (chrīstós), meaning «anointed one». The word is derived from the Greek verb χρίω (chrī́ō), meaning «to anoint.»[12] In the Greek Septuagint, χριστός was a semantic loan used to translate the Hebrew מָשִׁיחַ (Mašíaḥ, messiah), meaning «[one who is] anointed».[13]
The word Christ (and similar spellings) appears in English and in most European languages. English-speakers now often use «Christ» as if it were a name, one part of the name «Jesus Christ», though it was originally a title («the Messiah»). Its usage in «Christ Jesus» emphasizes its nature as a title.[8][14] Compare the usage «the Christ».[15]
The spelling Christ in English became standardized in the 18th century, when, in the spirit of the Enlightenment, the spelling of certain words changed to fit their Greek or Latin origins. Prior to this, scribes writing in Old and Middle English usually used the spelling Crist—the i being pronounced either as , preserved in the names of churches such as St Katherine Cree, or as a short , preserved in the modern pronunciation of «Christmas». The spelling «Christ» in English is attested from the 14th century.[16]
In modern and ancient usage, even in secular terminology, «Christ» usually refers to Jesus, based on the centuries-old tradition of such usage. Since the Apostolic Age, the
… use of the definite article before the word Christ and its gradual development into a proper name show the Christians identified the bearer with the promised Messias of the Jews.[17]
Background and New Testament references[edit]
First page of Mark, by Sargis Pitsak (14th century): «The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God».
Pre-New Testament references[edit]
In the Old Testament, anointing was a ceremonial reserved to the Kings of Israel (1 Kings 19:16; 24:7), Psalms 17 (18):51), to Cyrus the Great (Isaiah 45:1), to the High Priest of Israel, the patriarchs (Psalms 104(105):15 and to the prophets.[18][12]
In the Septuagint text of the deuterocanonical books, the term «Christ» (Χριστός, translit. Christós) is found in 2 Maccabees 1:10[19][20] (referring to the anointed High Priest of Israel) and in the Book of Sirach 46:19,[21][22] in relation to Samuel, prophet and institutor of the kingdom under Saul.
At the time of Jesus, there was no single form of Second Temple Judaism, and there were significant political, social, and religious differences among the various Jewish groups.[23] However, for centuries the Jews had used the term moshiach («anointed») to refer to their expected deliverer.[17]
Opening lines of Mark and Matthew[edit]
Mark 1:1 («The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God») identifies Jesus as both Christ and the Son of God. Matthew 1:1 uses Christ as a name and Matthew 1:16 explains it again with: «Jesus, who is called Christ». The use of the definite article before the word «Christ» and its gradual development into a proper name show that the Christians identified Jesus with the promised messiah of the Jews who fulfilled all the messianic predictions in a fuller and a higher sense than had been given them by the rabbis.[17]
Confession of Peter (Matthew, Mark and Luke)[edit]
The so-called Confession of Peter, recorded in the Synoptic Gospels as Jesus’s foremost apostle Peter saying that Jesus was the Messiah, has become a famous proclamation of faith among Christians since the first century.[23]
Martha’s statement (John)[edit]
In John 11:27 Martha told Jesus, «you are the Christ, the Son of God, who is coming into the world», signifying that both titles were generally accepted (yet considered distinct) among the followers of Jesus before the raising of Lazarus.[24]
Sanhedrin trial of Jesus (Matthew, Mark and Luke)[edit]
During the Sanhedrin trial of Jesus, it might appear from the narrative of Matthew that Jesus at first refused a direct reply to the high priest Caiaphas’s question: «Are you the Messiah, the Son of God?», where his answer is given merely as Σὺ εἶπας (Su eipas, «You [singular] have said it»).[25] Similarly but differently in Luke, all those present are said to ask Jesus: ‘Are you then the Son of God?’, to which Jesus reportedly answered: Ὑμεῖς λέγετε ὅτι ἐγώ εἰμι (Hymeis legete hoti ego eimi, «You [plural] say that I am».[26] In the Gospel of Mark, however, when asked by Caiaphas ‘Are you the Messiah, the Son of the Blessed One?’, Jesus tells the Sanhedrin: Ἐγώ εἰμι (ego eimi, «I am»).[27] There are instances from Jewish literature in which the expression «you have said it» is equivalent to «you are right».[28] The Messianic claim was less significant than the claim to divinity, which caused the high priest’s horrified accusation of blasphemy and the subsequent call for the death sentence. Before Pilate, on the other hand, it was merely the assertion of his royal dignity which gave grounds for his condemnation.[28]
Pauline epistles[edit]
The word «Christ» is closely associated with Jesus in the Pauline epistles, which suggests that there was no need for the early Christians to claim that Jesus is Christ because it was considered widely accepted among them. Hence Paul can use the term Khristós with no confusion as to whom it refers, and he can use expressions such as «in Christ» to refer to the followers of Jesus, as in 1 Corinthians 4:15 and Romans 12:5.[29] Paul proclaimed him as the Last Adam, who restored through obedience what Adam lost through disobedience.[30] The Pauline epistles are a source of some key Christological connections; e.g., Ephesians 3:17–19 relates the love of Christ to the knowledge of Christ, and considers the love of Christ as a necessity for knowing him.[31]
There are also implicit claims to him being the Christ in the words and actions of Jesus.[28][clarification needed]
Use of Messias in John[edit]
The Hellenization Μεσσίας (Messías) is used twice to mean «Messiah» in the New Testament: by the disciple Andrew at John 1:41, and by the Samaritan woman at the well at John 4:25. In both cases, the Greek text specifies immediately after that this means «the Christ.»[15]: 509
Christology, literally «the understanding of Christ,»[32] is the study of the nature (person) and work (role in salvation) of Jesus in Christianity.[33][34][35][36] It studies Jesus Christ’s humanity and divinity, and the relation between these two aspects;[37] and the role he plays in salvation.
From the second to the fifth centuries, the relation of the human and divine nature of Christ was a major focus of debates in the early church and at the first seven ecumenical councils. The Council of Chalcedon in 451 issued a formulation of the hypostatic union of the two natures of Christ, one human and one divine, «united with neither confusion nor division».[38] Most of the major branches of Western Christianity and Eastern Orthodoxy subscribe to this formulation,[38] while many branches of Oriental Orthodox Churches reject it,[39][40][41] subscribing to miaphysitism.
According to the Summa Theologica of Thomas Aquinas, in the singular case of Jesus, the word Christ has a twofold meaning, which stands for «both the Godhead anointing and the manhood anointed». It derives from the twofold human-divine nature of Christ (dyophysitism): the Son of man is anointed in consequence of His incarnated flesh, as well as the Son of God is anointing in consequence of the «Godhead which He has with the Father» (ST III, q. 16, a. 5).[42]
The use of «Χ» as an abbreviation for «Christ» derives from the Greek letter Chi (χ), in the word Christós (Greek: Χριστός). An early Christogram is the Chi Rho symbol, formed by superimposing the first two Greek letters in Christ, chi (Χ) and rho (Ρ), to produce ☧.[43]
The centuries-old English word Χmas (or, in earlier form, XPmas) is an English form of χ-mas,[44] itself an abbreviation for Christ-mas. The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) and the OED Supplement have cited usages of «X-» or «Xp-» for «Christ-» as early as 1485. The terms «Xpian» and «Xren» have been used for «Christian», «Xst» for «Christ’s» «Xρofer» for Christopher and Xmas, Xstmas, and Xtmas for Christmas. The OED further cites usage of «Xtianity» for «Christianity» from 1634.[note 2] According to Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of English Usage, most of the evidence for these words comes from «educated Englishmen who knew their Greek».[46][47]
The December 1957 News and Views published by the Church League of America, a conservative organization founded in 1937,[48] attacked the use of «Xmas» in an article titled «X=The Unknown Quantity». Gerald L. K. Smith picked up the statements later, in December 1966, saying that Xmas was a «blasphemous omission of the name of Christ» and that «‘X’ is referred to as being symbolical of the unknown quantity.»[49] More recently, American evangelist Franklin Graham and former CNN contributor Roland S. Martin publicly raised concerns. Graham stated in an interview that the use of «Xmas» is taking «Christ out of Christmas» and called it a «war against the name of Jesus Christ.»[50] Roland Martin relates the use of «Xmas» to his growing concerns of increasing commercialization and secularization of what he says is one of Christianity’s highest holy days.[51]
See also[edit]
- Chrism
- Ichthys
- Dyophysitism
- Hypostatic union
- Kerigma
- Knowledge of Christ
- Masih
- Names and titles of Jesus in the Quran
- Perfection of Christ
- You are Christ
- ^ Pronounced . From Latin: Christus; from Greek: χριστός, translit. khristós, lit. «anointed, covered in oil»; a semantic loan of Imperial Aramaic: משיחא, romanized: məšīḥā or Hebrew: מָשִׁיחַ, romanized: māšîaḥ, lit. ‘messiah’; from Imperial Aramaic: משח, romanized: məšaḥ or Hebrew: מָשַׁח, romanized: māšaḥ, lit. ‘to anoint’.[3][4] Alternatively (Messiah or Messias): Latin: messias, from Greek: μεσσίας (alternative to χριστός), from the same Semitic word.
- ^ Viz. 1485 Rolls of Parliament VI.280/I The most famous, beloved, and Xren Prince. 1573 Baret Alv. s.v. V. «The long mistaking of this woorde Xps standing for Chrs by abbreuiation which fore lacke of knowledge in the greeke they tooke for x,p, and s, and so likewise Xpofer. 1598 Rowlands Betraying of Christ Hunter, Cl. 25 «Xpian the outward, the inward not at all»; 1634 Documents against Prynne, Camden, 33 «Such right…as your Xtianity, place, and function joyntly require.» 1697 Aubrey Lives Milton (MS Aubrey 8, lf. 63) «He was so faire, that they called him the lady of Xts college.»[45]
- ^ Schönborn, Christoph (1994). God’s human face: the Christ-icon. p. 154. ISBN 0-89870-514-2.
- ^ Galey, John (1986). Sinai and the Monastery of St. Catherine. p. 92. ISBN 977-424-118-5.
- ^ Zanzig, Thomas (2000). Jesus of history, Christ of faith. p. 314. ISBN 0-88489-530-0.
- ^ «Etymology Online: messiah«. Etymonline.com. Retrieved November 19, 2010.
- ^ Prager, Edward (2005). A Dictionary of Jewish-Christian Relations. p. 85. ISBN 0-521-82692-6.
- ^ Zanzig, Thomas (2000). Jesus of history, Christ of faith. p. 33. ISBN 0-88489-530-0.
- ^ Espin, Orlando (2007). n Introductory Dictionary of Theology and Religious Studies. p. 231. ISBN 978-0-8146-5856-7.
- ^ a b Pannenberg, Wolfhart (1968). Jesus God and Man. pp. 30–31. ISBN 0-664-24468-8.
- ^ Borg, Marcus (August 31, 2012). «A Chronological New Testament». The Huffington Post.
- ^ «Saint Paul, the Apostle». Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved May 23, 2013.
- ^ «Jesus Christ». Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved May 23, 2013.
- ^ a b χριστός. Liddell, Henry George; Scott, Robert; A Greek–English Lexicon at the Perseus Project
- ^ Messiah Retrieved February 4, 2020
- ^ Doniger, Wendy (2000). Merriam-Webster’s Encyclopedia of World Religions. Merriam-Webster. p. 212. ISBN 0-87779-044-2.
- ^ a b Bauer, Walter, et al., eds. (1957). «Μεσσίας, ου, ὁ». A Greek–English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature (1 ed.). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
- ^ «Christ». Oxford English Dictionary (Online ed.). Oxford University Press. (Subscription or participating institution membership required.)
- ^ a b c Herbermann, Charles, ed. (1913). «Origin of the Name of Jesus Christ» . Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company.
- ^ «What Do ‘Messiah’ and ‘Jesus Christ’ Mean?. Both Christ and Messiah mean anointed or anointed one». January 26, 2011. Archived from the original on June 22, 2016. Retrieved September 17, 2018.
anointing was a rite of kingship in Syria-Palestine in the fourteenth century BCE.
- ^ «1611 King James Bible, Second Book of Maccabees, chapter 1, verse 10». kingjamesbibleonline.org.
- ^ «Greek Septuagint and Wiki English Translation, Second Book of Maccabees, chapter 1». katabiblon.com (in English and Greek). Archived from the original on October 4, 2018.
- ^ «1611 King James Bible, Book of Sirach, chapter 46, verse 19». kingjamesbibleonline.org.
- ^ «Greek Septuagint and Wiki English Translation, Book of Sirach, chapter 46». katabiblon.com (in English and Greek). Archived from the original on October 5, 2018.
- ^ a b Ekstrand, Donald W. (2008). Christianity. pp. 147–150. ISBN 978-1-60477-929-5.
- ^ Ekstrand, Donald W. (2008). Christianity. p. 81. ISBN 978-1-60477-929-5.
- ^ Matthew 26:63–64.
- ^ Luke 22:70.
- ^ Mark 14:61–62.
- ^ a b c Herbermann, Charles, ed. (1913). «Messiah» . Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company.
- ^ Hurtado, Larry W. (2005). Lord Jesus Christ: Devotion to Jesus in Earliest Christianity. p. 99. ISBN 0-8028-3167-2.
- ^ Rahner, Karl (2004). Encyclopedia of theology: A concise Sacramentum mundi. pp. 730–739. ISBN 0-86012-006-6.
- ^ Barclay, William (2002). The letters to the Galatians and Ephesians. pp. 152–153. ISBN 0-664-22559-4.
- ^ Ehrman 2014, p. 108.
- ^ Ehrman 2014, p. 171.
- ^ O’Collins 2009, p. 1-3.
- ^ Ramm 1993, p. 15.
- ^ Bird, Evans & Gathercole 2014, p. 134, n.5.
- ^ Ehrman 2014, p. ch.6-9.
- ^ a b Davis 1990, p. 342.
- ^ Armentrout & Boak Slocum 2005, p. 81.
- ^ Espín & Nickoloff 2007, p. 217.
- ^ Beversluis 2000, p. 21–22.
- ^ Thomas Aquinas (1947). English translation of the «Summa Theologica», with Latin text. dhspriory.org (in Latin and English). Translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province. Benziger Bros. Archived from the original on October 21, 2014. Retrieved July 26, 2019., with a quotation form the Epistle to Palestinians of Pope Leo I
- ^ Steffler, Alva William (2002). Symbols of the Christian faith. p. 66. ISBN 0-8028-4676-9.
- ^ Griffiths, Emma (December 22, 2004). «Why get cross about Xmas?». BBC News. Retrieved April 22, 2022.
- ^ «X». Oxford English Dictionary (Online ed.). Oxford University Press. (Subscription or participating institution membership required.)
- ^ «Xmas» article, Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of English Usage, Merriam-Webster, 1994, p 968, ISBN 978-0-87779-132-4, retrieved via Google Books, December 27, 2008
- ^ O’Conner, Patricia T.; Kellerman, Stewart (2009). Origins of the Specious: Myths and Misconceptions of the English Language. New York: Random House. p. 77. ISBN 978-1-4000-6660-5.
- ^ «Subject Guide to Conservative and Libertarian Materials, in Manuscript Collections». University of Oregon.
- ^ Kominsky, Morris (1970). The Hoaxers: Plain Liars, Fancy Liars and Damned Liars. pp. 137–138. ISBN 0-8283-1288-5.
- ^ American Morning: A Conversation With Reverend Franklin Graham, CNN (December 16, 2005). Retrieved on December 29, 2009.
- ^ Martin, Roland (December 20, 2007). Commentary: You can’t take Christ out of Christmas, CNN. Retrieved on December 29, 2009.
Further reading[edit]
Look up Christ in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
- Armentrout, Donald S.; Boak Slocum, Robert (2005), An Episcopal dictionary of the church, ISBN 978-0-89869-211-2
- Bird, Michael F.; Evans, Craig A.; Gathercole, Simon (2014), «Endnotes – Chapter 1», How God Became Jesus: The Real Origins of Belief in Jesus’ Divine Nature – A Response to Bart Ehrman, Zondervan, ISBN 978-0-310-51961-4
- Beversluis, Joel Diederik (2000), Sourcebook of the world’s religions, ISBN 978-1-57731-121-8
- Cullmann, Oscar (1959). The Christology of the New Testament. Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press. ISBN 978-0-664-24351-7.
- Davis, Leo Donald (1990), The First Seven Ecumenical Councils (325–787): Their History and Theology (Theology and Life Series 21), Collegeville, MN: Michael Glazier/Liturgical Press, ISBN 978-0-8146-5616-7
- Ehrman, Bart (2014), How Jesus became God: The Exaltation of a Jewish Preacher from Galilee, Harper Collins
- Espín, Orlando O.; Nickoloff, James B. (2007), An introductory dictionary of theology and religious studies, ISBN 978-0-8146-5856-7
- Fuller, Reginald H. (1965). The Foundations of New Testament Christology. New York: Scribners. ISBN 0-684-15532-X.
- Greene, Colin J.D. (2004). Christology in Cultural Perspective: Marking Out the Horizons. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans Publishing. ISBN 0-8028-2792-6.
- Kingsbury, Jack Dean (1989). The Christology of Mark’s Gospel. Philadelphia: Fortress Press. ISBN 978-1-4514-1007-5.
- O’Collins, Gerald (2009). Christology: A Biblical, Historical, and Systematic Study of Jesus. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-955787-5.
- Ramm, Bernard L. (1993), «Christology at the Center», An Evangelical Christology: Ecumenic and Historic, Regent College Publishing, ISBN 9781573830089
- Reeves, Michael (2015). Rejoicing in Christ. IVP. ISBN 978-0-8308-4022-9.
Sunday 1st August 2010 was another great day of service in The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations. The turnout of people, especially from other states and countries was truly overwhelming, as four giant canopies had to be erected outside the church to shelter the overflow crowd. The people keep coming because they recognise The SCOAN as a sanctuary where God is solving problems, meeting needs, restoring homes and bringing peace to the people. Glory be to God!
Prophet T.B. Joshua continued the same message he began last week titled: ‘Christ And The Word Are One’. He explained, “Meditation in the Word of God is a visit with Him. The Word of God becomes a part of one by meditation. He is with us in the living Word.” Referring the congregation to the book of Matthew 8 and citing two examples of the power in Jesus’ Words, he said, “The Word in Jesus’ lips prevailed over sickness in the centurion’s servant. Faith comes when the Word prevails over the thinking processes. The Word prevailing in Jesus’ lips over the law of nature. He arose and rebuked the wind and the sea and there was a great calm.”
He also noted the importance of making God’s Word an integral part of your daily life; not just a book you read. “It is not only committing the Word to memory which is valuable but it is letting the Word become an integral part of our being. I want to encourage you to read your Bible with devotion – regularly, attentively and repeatedly. Then you can become familiar with the way God speaks and the way in which we answer Him with our lives. The Word living in us gets into our blood.” He noted that the wonderful works of God in The SCOAN are not due to any philosophy or human logic, but due to the Word of God. “The Word of God is the instrument in the hands of the Holy Spirit,” he concluded, preparing the hearts of the people for the blessing God was about to bestow upon them in the course of the service.
To build the faith of those sitting and waiting to be healed in The SCOAN Prayer Line, and indeed of the entire congregation they all listened to the touching testimony of Mrs Antonia Ikhaobome who was miraculously healed from a severe hand ulcer that had destroyed her life and left her arm on the brink of amputation.Mrs Antonia came with a large sore on the whole of her hand which mysteriously started after she had destroyed an egg she said her housemaid delivered while confessing witchcraft and responsibility for her marital problems.
Doctors had said there was no hope for her hand as all treatments proved ineffective. She came to The SCOAN in desperate search of divine healing with the bones showing through the wound, and especially with the prognosis of amputation by the medical practitioners. Immediately after the prayer of Prophet T.B. Joshua,
Antonia said the constant pains disappeared and the wound started healing and leaving only a small scar.
Joyfully showing her restored hand, Mrs Antonia went personally to those with severe open wounds waiting in the prayer line to encourage them that nothing is impossible with God.
This testimony proves that everyone that comes to The SCOAN prayer line receives their healing and there is never a sickness Jesus cannot heal!
Mrs Charity Udeh, a 29 year old woman residing in Holland and married to a Dutch man, testified to her deliverance from demon during the newcomers’ service the previous Monday. It was during the prayer session at the newcomers’ service that the fire of the Holy Spirit consumed the contrary spirit in her life. During the deliverance the evil spirit began to violently manifest and defiantly taunt one of the wise men. The wise man cast out the evil spirit dwelling in her and immediately afterwards, she became conscious that she was dishevelled on the floor and in Sshame, tried to make an exit. She burst into tears, thanking God that she was finally free.
She explained how her life had been tormented by a spiritual husband who destroyed her business and wreaked havoc on her marriage and how all her efforts to receive deliverance in the past proved abortive until she came to The SCOAN.
Mrs Felicia Obidimma whose daughter, Onyinye, was kidnapped by ritualists in Anambra state, Nigeria two months ago, had come to the SCOAN Prayer line with a large poster bearing the photograph of her missing daughter. As she cried out to God for mercy, one of the wise men prayed for her and touched the poster, reassuring her that her daughter would return home.
Miraculously, one week later, her daughter walked back into her mother’s house unharmed. She narrated how she was kidnapped on her way from the bank, where she withdrew money for her school fees, and taken to another state, and kept in a room in the middle of a forest to be killed in a money ritual. Fortunately for her, at the exact time that her mother came to The SCOAN for prayer, the ritualist leader told the kidnappers that they had already used someone else and she was no longer needed. After a few days, two of the ritualists led her through the forest in the night and then released her. Alone in a strange state, she didn’t know how she would return home but amazingly, in her pocket, was the sum of N1,500 still intact despite her kidnapping! With this money, she transported herself back to Anambra state to meet her parents. Overjoyed, Mrs Felicia Obidimma together with her daughter, thanked God for His divine protection.
During the time of prayer last Sunday, the man of God prophesied that there was a dangerous man in the midst of the people, who was an armed robber and had a charm against gunshots and knife attacks. The prophet further said that the man had brought the charm to the church and kept it outside. Ndidi Ogu, a Nigerian living in Equatorial Guinea, immediately came forward to confirm the prophecy. On the instruction of the man of God, he went outside the church to collect the charm and brought it inside. Displaying it, he explained how he had used the charm to protect himself against attacks and said that he had been to at least 70% of the witch doctors in Gabon to do charms for protection during his robbery operations. Ndidi narrated how he refused to accompany his gang on one robbery operation paying heed to the advice from a witch doctor that if he went for that operation, he would not come back alive. Later, one of his angry gang members shot at him in the foot but he was unharmed due to the charms. Conscious that his life was now threatened, he left Gabon and fled to Equatorial Guinea where, after efforts to start a business proved abortive, he drank poison in an attempt to end his life. He was rushed to hospital and while recovering on the sickbed, he saw Emmanuel TV. Watching on the Emmanuel TV the deliverance of robbers, he realized that there was hope for a second chance for him. When he was discharged from hospital, Ndidi headed for Lagos with one destination in mind – The SCOAN and sure enough, God located him during the service. After the prophecy and deliverance, Ndidi stayed in the church for reformation. Testifying in the service, he said that, his life has changed; the spirit of stealing, killing and destruction has gone for ever.
One of the prophecy cases called out by Prophet TB Joshua last week that remained imprinted in the minds of all who witnessed it was that of Mr Clarence Julius. The man of God had prophesied that there was a man whose friend died and had a huge amount of money in his possession that only himself and his late friend knew about. He said that he had been seeing his late friend in the dream asking him to pay back the money, and added that if he did not pay back the money, he would soon join his friend in the grave. Mr Clarence Julius came forward, saying that the prophet’s words were completely true. He explained that when his business collapsed, his friend had lent him the huge sum of 1.8 million naira which he had intended to use to build a house for his younger sister. His friend had lent it to him on condition that it should be paid back and used to care for his sister. Mr Julius recounted how his friend fell sick and was hospitalised and at the point of death, he reminded him privately of his instruction to pay back the money to his sister in case he died. Visibly shaken, Mr Julius explained that his friend died and till then, he had not been able to pay back the money. He said that the sister in question was suffering and without a place to stay and that he had been seeing his late friend in the dream, tormenting him. Since this trauma began, he explained that he had not been sleeping and could no longer reason well. After listening to his ordeal, Prophet TB Joshua promised to help him in his predicament by paying half of his debt or loaning him the full amount. The man of God explained that it was better for Mr Julius to owe him than to owe a dead man who had been tormenting him. The man of God proceeded to pray for Mr Julius in the power of the Holy Spirit and he was delivered from the spirit of death. During his deliverance, Mr Julius fell into a deep sleep, something that had not been possible for him for a long time. He slept so soundly that even the noise of the activities in the church could not wake him and the prophet asked that he be carried to comfortable accommodation to continue his sleep!
During the mass prayer, the man of God prophesied that there was a lady was in between her husband and someone else she was dating and that she loved this man more than her husband. The prophet added that she got to know this man through the internet and that she was from a polygamous home. Thirty-six year old Mrs Seyi Awujoola who resides in Abuja came out to confirm that the prophecy was about her. She explained how she met a man over the internet that she had been communicating with. Their relationship grew stronger despite the man in question requesting huge sums of money from her and they began to exchange photographs of themselves. It even reached the stage where Mrs Awujoola sent the sum of half a million naira to this man whom she had never met in person. Mrs Awujoola’s marriage blessed with three children began to suffer a setback, her love having been sold to a strange man who claimed that he resided in far away Australia. After listening to her experience, the man of God asked to meet the Mrs Awujoola’s husband over the issue. He then prayed for her, saying that after the prayer her eyes would open and she would see the reality of the situation. Truly, she received instant deliverance that broke the bond between her and her internet lover. Coming to here senses after the deliverance, she declared that she no longer had any interest in the man that had destroyed her marriage. Addressing the congregation and viewers all over the world, she advised everyone to have the spirit of satisfaction, to be content with their husband or wife and not compare themselves to others. She further warned against the dangers of entering internet chat sites. The Prophet then stressed the danger in using the internet as an avenue for building relationships because of the spiritual implication, explaining that many who are possessed with a contrary spirit use the internet as a medium to possess others.
As the service drew to a close, the man of God declared that no one would return home with their problem. While the wise men ministered prayer to the overflow crowd under the canopies outside the church, people threw away their crutches and rose to their feet; others fell to the ground vomiting poisonous substances in them. Inside the church, the prophet asked the congregation and viewers to place their hands wherever they had pain and prayed with them. Indeed all who left the SCOAN service, left in the knowledge that they had not escaped the anointing of God – anointing that breaks every yoke. It was a day they entered the arena of liberty.