Chose the correct word to fill in the gaps


A Choose the correct word to fill in the gaps.
e.g. job work
a) James wants to find a second job because he needs the extra money.
b) Cindy has been looking for work since the beginning of the month.
1 invented found out 4 Geography Earth Science
a) When John…………………….that a
research company wanted to buy his
gadget, he couldn’t believe it. a) Mary wants to travel to all those countries
she studied in her
b) Mike……………………….the device, but
it was his brother who put it on the market. b) Jason finds……………………. fascinating,
because he learns a lot of things about the formation and history of our planet.
2 colleagues employees 5 raise lift
a) Professor Smith thanked his close
for their support in his
research. a) Jake’s back hurts because he tried to
a very heavy box on
his own.
b) The company’s business is growing, so it
needs to hire more b) You don’t have to your
voice. I can hear you very well!
3 salary wage 6 toddler infant
a) The pizza delivery boy thought his
was rather low for a
full day’s work. a) Of course Annie can’t talk yet; she’s just a
four-month old !
b) If Jane gets the promotion, it will add an extra four thousand pounds to her
annual…………………………………………. b) Jamie is such a cute……………………….!
He’s just learning to walk and he keeps
falling down all the time.

1 ответ:



A) When John…<span>found out ..that a research company wanted to buy his
gadget, he couldn’t believe it. a) Mary wants to travel to all those countries
she studied </span><span><span>Geography </span>in her class. b) Mike..</span><span>invented..the device, but it was his brother who put it on the market. b) Jason finds.</span><span>Earth Science.. fascinating,
because he learns a lot of things about the formation and history of our planet.
a) Professor Smith thanked his close</span><span>colleagues for their support in his
research. a) Jake’s back hurts because he tried to</span><span>lift a very heavy box on
his own. b) The company’s business is growing, so it needs to hire more </span><span>employees. b) You don’t have to </span><span>raise your voice. I can hear you very well!
a) The pizza delivery boy thought his</span><span>salary was rather low for a full day’s work. a) Of course Annie can’t talk yet; she’s just a four-month old </span><span>infant!
b) If Jane gets the promotion, it will add an extra four thousand pounds to her
annual.</span><span><span> wage</span>. b) Jamie is such a cute</span><span> toddler! He’s just </span><span> learning to walk and he keeps falling down all the time.</span>

Читайте также


There are bags on the chair.

There are geese on the farm.

There are women in the room.

There are desks in the room.

There are windows in the room.

1 is
4 on

Название ислам цена 150 он может беспроводной зарядить сотку

2) Kelly

3) Mom

4) John

5) I`ve got

6) Her name is

7) Uncle

8) I`ve got

9) Ted







I go to bed at ten o’clock every day. I went to bed at ten o’clock yesterday. My brother washes his face every morning. Yesterday he washed his face at a quarter past seven. My brother did not drink coffee yesterday.

Vocabulary A Choose the correct word to fill in the gaps.

E. g.

Job work a) James wants to find a second job because he needs the extra money.

B) Cindy has been looking for work since the beginning of the month.

1 invented found out 4 Geography Earth Science a) When John.

That a research company wanted to buy his gadget, he couldn’t believe it.

A) Mary wants to travel to all those countries she studied in her class.

B) Mike.

The device, but it was his brother who put it on the market.

B) Jason finds.

Fascinating, because he learns a lot of things about the formation and history of our planet.

2 colleagues employees 5 raise lift a) Professor Smith thanked his close for their support in his research.

A) Jake’s back hurts because he tried to a very heavy box on his own.

B) The company’s business is growing, so it needs to hire more b) You don’t have to your voice.

I can hear you very well!

3 salary wage 6 toddler infant a) The pizza delivery boy thought his was rather low for a full day’s work.

A) Of course Annie can’t talk yet ; she’s just a four — month old !

B) If Jane gets the promotion, it will add an extra four thousand pounds to her annual.

B) Jamie is such a cute!

He’s just learning to walk and he keeps falling down all the time.

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Spotlight 9 Test 3 (Module 3) + KEY to test — цитаты Теста № 3 с ответами из сборника контрольных заданий УМК по английскому языку серии «Английский в фокусе» для учащихся 9 класса общеобразовательных организаций. Авторы: Ю.Е. Ваулина и др./ М.: Просвещение, 2013.


 A Choose the correct word to fill in the gaps.
1 sightings sights
 a) Old castles are very popular …… sights…… in Britain.
b) Two fishermen reported …… sightings……… of a strange ten-legged creature in the lake yesterday.

2 survived existed
 a) Although many people say they have seen Bigfoot, there are no fossil remains that prove the creature ever ….. existed……….
b) Can you imagine what would happen if a dinosaur somehow …… survived……… and was still alive today?

3 glaring staring
 a) Rosie couldn’t stop ….. staring…….. at the beautiful rainbow, as it was the first time she had ever seen one.
b) Why are you …. glaring……. at Stewart so angrily? Has he done something wrong?

4 extinct mythical
 a) People thought the Coelacanth was a(n) …… extinct…….. species of fish, until a fisherman caught one in 1938.
b) Annie loves story books about dragons, giants and other ….. mythical…… creatures.

5 spotted glanced
a) When Richard and Ian heard the angry shouts they ……. glanced……… around the room to see where they were coming from.
b) Has the research team ….. spotted…….. anything unusual in the area?

6 horrifying violent
 a) Last night I dreamt that a ….. violent……. whirlpool was pulling me to the bottom of the ocean.
b) Andrew’s nightmare was absolutely ……. horrifying……..; he dreamt that a threeheaded monster was approaching him, but he couldn’t move.

7 reflection shadow
 a) The moon was so bright that James could see his ……reflection……. in the lake.
b) When David saw the …..shadow…….. of a strange animal in the bushes, he started shaking like a leaf.

8 imagination illusion
 a) Jonathan’s vivid …… imagination…….. is what makes him able to write spine-chilling ghost stories.
b) Did the magician really make the man disappear or was it just an optical …..illusion….?

B. Fill in the missing word. There are three words you do not need to use.

9 These two paintings look so much ….. • alike…….. that you have to look really closely to see the few differences they have.
10 This couldn’t be a(n) ….. • human……. print; it’s far too wide and half a metre long!
11 Eric has a brilliant ….. • mind……; he’s sure to become a famous scientist one day.
12 The strange creature disappeared before we managed to catch a ….. • glimpse……. of it.
13 According to Norwegian legend, the Kraken was a(n) …… • giant……… monster that lived in the sea.
14 When Natasha is stressed out, she always dreams that a snake-headed monster …… • appears……… suddenly and starts chasing her.
15 Cubism and Surrealism are two styles of painting that have had a great ….• impact……… on modern art.
16 Garry really lives in a(n) …..• fantasy……! He believes that he will be the one who will take pictures of Bigfoot first!
17 I don’t like this painting. I think the …… • dull……. brown and grey colours the artist has used give it a sad feeling.
18 The old castle had a dark, mysterious …… • corridor………. leading to the dungeons below.


 C Put the verbs into the correct past tense.
19 Benjamin ……gasped…… (gasp) in horror when he saw the ghostly figure.
20 Claire …… was driving…… (drive) along a country road when a huge creature came out of nowhere and fell onto her car.
21 While Lisa …… was reading……. (read) a book, her brother was listening to music.
22 It was the first time that Elizabeth ……. had ever seen………. (ever/see) pictures of Bigfoot.
23 Sandra …..had been painting……. (paint) for three years before she sold her first painting.
24 Alex didn’t go to the photographic exhibition because he ……hadn’t finished………. (not/finish) his homework.
25 The research team ….. found……… (find) an unusual fossil and took it back to the lab to examine it.

 D Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets.
26 When I was still at school, I read a new ghost story every week, (would)
When I was stilt at school, I would read a new ghost story every week.

27 In the past, my sister made fun of Surrealist paintings, but now she loves them, (used to)
In the past, my sister used to make fun of Surrealist paintings, but now she loves them.

28 Eleanor’s parents never bought her books about monsters when she was a child, (used to)
Eleanor’s parents never used to buy her books about monsters when she was a child.

29 Sally visited her grandparents quite often when she still lived in London, (would)
Sally would visit her grandparents quite often when she still lived in London.

E Underline the correct item.

30 Our house can’t/may be haunted; we’ve lived here for years and we’ve never seen or heard anything unusual going on.
31 The style of that painting must/may be Cubism, because the artist has used square and rectangular shapes.
32 It can’t/may be a coincidence, but isn’t it strange that I was thinking about John at the exact moment he called me?
33 Susan may/must be at the photographic exhibition, but I’m not sure.
34 The magician’s assistant hasn’t truly disappeared; our eyes may/must be playing tricks on us!
35 You may not/can’t have seen a ghost. They’re not real!

Everyday English

 F Choose the correct response.
36 A: Last night I dreamt that a huge spider was chasing me.
B:     a) That’s a thought!        b) What do you think this means?
37 A: I woke up at 2:00 am and couldn’t get back to sleep.
B:      a) Poor you!     b) That’s a relief!
38 A: Your dream might mean that you’ll meet someone new.
B:       a) That’s horrible!        b) You can’t be serious!
39 A: Do you have any idea what dreaming about wild animals means?
В:      a) I can’t say for sure.        b) That can’t be right.
40 A: Don’t worry, your dream probably means that you’re stressed.
B:      a) Is everything alright?      b) Do you really think so?


 G Read the text and match the phrases (A-F) to the gaps (41-45). There is one extra phrase.

The platypus is a strange little creature found only in Australia. When the first platypus was sent to Europe in the 19th century, the scientists who examined it just could not believe their eyes. They believed the platypus was a joke, 41) ….. B) because of its extremely strange appearance…….. They thought some fun-loving Australian had put the feet and nose of a duck onto the body of a rat, 42) …… D) just to play a trick on them ……. !

But platypuses are real, 43) ….. E) and there is no other creature like them on Earth…… Platypuses have a nose like a duck, webbed feet like a duck, soft brown fur on their body and a long, flat tail like a beaver. As if that weren’t strange enough, even though they are mammals (which means they feed their babies milk), platypuses don’t give birth to live babies 44) ….. A) but instead lay eggs just like birds……..! No wonder scientists couldn’t decide for a very long time if platypuses were birds, reptiles or mammals.

But the platypus has even more wonderful characteristics. Platypuses find their food in rivers by using electric fields. And, if they are in danger, male platypuses have sharp hooks on their feet 45) ….. C) that produce poison strong enough to kill a dog…… It’s no surprise then, that this special, shy little animal is one of Australia’s most famous creatures. A picture of the platypus appears on the Australian 20 cent coin. Australians are very proud of their unique platypus.


 H Listen to some people talking on a radio programme about dreams and match the speakers (1-5) to the statements (A-E).
46 Speaker 1 — D The speaker is describing a nightmare he/she had as a child.
47 Speaker 2 — В The speaker believes that dreams have a special meaning.
48 Speaker 3 — E The speaker’s dream came true.
49 Speaker 4 — C The speaker is describing a dream that he/she has often.
50 Speaker 5 — A The speaker’s dream felt very real.

Вы смотрели: Spotlight 9 Test 3 (Module 3) + KEY to test — цитаты Теста № 3 с ответами из сборника контрольных заданий УМК по английскому языку серии «Английский в фокусе» для учащихся 9 класса общеобразовательных организаций. Авторы: Ю.Е. Ваулина и др. Вернуться на страницу «Английский язык 9 класс».

Spotlight 8 Test 3 (Module 3) + KEY to test — контрольные задания Теста № 3 с ответами из сборника УМК по английскому языку серии «Английский в фокусе» для учащихся 8 класса общеобразовательных организаций. Авторы: Ю.Е. Ваулина и др./ М.: Просвещение.

A).   1 a) found out   b) invented;      2 a) colleagues   b) employees;        3 a) wage   b)salary;       4 a) Geography   b) Earth Science;      5 a) lift   b) raise;        6 a)infant   b)toddler.
В).   7 sound      8 research       9 moved      10 change       11 overtime       12 came      13 bring up      14 freelancer      15 deadline.
C).   16 had been cleaning       17 had prepared      18 hadn’t seen      19 hadn’t gone       20 had been studying.
D).   21 was talking       22 had already gone       23 did James graduate       24 had been trying       25 didn’t win.
E).   26 in      27 At       28 in      29 when       30 As soon as      31 at       32 of      33 under      34 When       35 in.
F).   36 d      37 b      38 e      39 c      40 a.
G).   41 В      42 C      43 A      44 C      45 В.
H).   46 D      47 E      48 F      49 C      50 В.

Test 3. Задания и Ответы


A Choose the correct word to fill in the gaps.

1 invented    found out
a) When John …… found out……….. that a research company wanted to buy his gadget, he couldn’t believe it.
b) Mike …… invented………. the device, but it was his brother who put it on the market.

2 colleagues    employees
a) Professor Smith thanked his close ….. colleagues…….. for their support in his research.
b) The company’s business is growing, so it needs to hire more…. employees………..

3 salary    wage
a) The pizza delivery boy thought his …. wage……. was rather low for a full day’s work.
b) If Jane gets the promotion, it will add an extra four thousand pounds to her annual ……salary……..

4 Geography    Earth Science
a) Mary wants to travel to all those countries she studied in her …… Geography……… class.
b) Jason finds …. Earth Science……. fascinating, because he learns a lot of things about the formation and history of our planet.

5 raise    lift
a) Jake’s back hurts because he tried to …… lift…….. a very heavy box on his own.
b) You don’t have to ……. raise………. your voice. I can hear you very well!

6 toddler    infant
a) Of course Annie can’t talk yet; she’s just a four-month old ….. infant…….. !
b) Jamie is such a cute …… toddler…….. !  He’s just learning to walk and he keeps falling down all the time.

В Fill in the missing word. There are three words you do not need to use.

7 The missing explorers returned home safe and ….. • sound……… after a search team found their whereabouts in the desert.
8 After many years of scientific …… • research……., Albert Einstein won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921.
9 The Smiths …… • moved……… from the city to the countryside, so that their children could grow up in a healthier environment.
10 John had to …… • change………. schools when his family went to live at the other side of town.
11 Jane has worked ……. • overtime……. every day this week, as it is the busiest time of year in the advertising company.
12 George hated working in a bank and …… • came……. to the conclusion that a desk job wasn’t for him.
13 It is amazing how Linda has been able to ….. • bring up……… four children and work at the same time. I really admire her.
14 One of the things Tony loves about working as a …… • freelancer………. is that he doesn’t have to spend eight hours in an office every day.
15 Alex has a tough …… • deadline……… to meet, so he’s been working during the weekend. 


C Put the verbs in brackets into the past perfect or the past perfect continuous.

16 A: Mum was really angry at me.
В: I know. She ……had been cleaning…….. (clean) the house all morning when you stepped in with those muddy shoes.

17 A: Did Sally help you with the dinner party last night?
B: No, we ……. had prepared………. (prepare) everything by the time she got home.

18 A: Why was Tracy so happy to see her uncle?
B: She …… hadn’t seen……….. (not/see) him for eight months.

19 A: Was Jenny upset that I called her so late?
B: No, she ….. hadn’t gone………. (not/go) to bed yet.

20 A: Lisa was exhausted yesterday.
В: I know. She …. had been studying……. (study) for a history exam all day.

D Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple, past continuous, past perfect or past perfect continuous.

21 Peter …….. was talking……….. (talk) on the phone when I went to his office, so I didn’t want to interrupt him.
22 We didn’t see Jane at the party, because when we got there she …… had already gone………. (already/go) home.
23 When …… did James graduate…………. (James/graduate) from university?
24 John …….. had been trying…………. (try) to fix his computer for two hours before he decided to call a professional.
25 Sam ……. didn’t win……….. (not/win) the Young Inventor of the Year Award last year, but he’s sure he will this year.

E Underline the correct item.

26 I believe Sam will have a brilliant career in/by law.
27 In/At the beginning of his career, Thomas Edison mostly invented telegraphic devices.
28 Mary was under/in charge of presenting our science project to the class yesterday.
29 Joe couldn’t believe it while/when he won first prize at the science show.
30 While/As soon as Mike sold his first invention, he started working on some ideas about a new one.

31 Abraham Lincoln began his political career at/in the young age of twenty-three.
32 The great scientist Alexander Fleming died by/of heart problems.
33 I don’t think Evelyn can work well under/in pressure; maybe someone else should do this project.
34 Before/When Leonardo Da Vinci had a bright idea, he wrote it down in his notebook.
35 Her husband’s new job brings around/in an extra 200 pounds a week.

Everyday English

F Use the sentences (a-e) to complete the dialogue.

Pat: Guess what! I’ve got some great news.
Sue: 36) ……………………………….. d) Really? What happened?

Pat: My brother got a new job last week.
Sue: 37) ……………………………….. b) Wow! That’s fantastic.

Pat: Yes, he works for a company as a computer programmer.
Sue: 38) ……………………………….. e) What does his new job involve?

Pat: Well, he creates software for the company.
Sue: 39) ………………………………… c) How does he like his new job?

Pat: He loves it, but the pay isn’t really that good.
Sue: 40) …………………………………….. a) That’s too bad.

Is he disappointed?
Pat: No, he’s very optimistic that he’ll get a pay rise in the near future.
Sue: That’s great.


G Read the following text and choose the correct answer (А, В, C or D).


 As a teenager, my brother Al used to invent little things as a pastime. After the gadget phase, he started making toy aeroplanes out of wood or plastic. His creations were quite impressive for someone so young. His room was always full of books about famous pilots and jet aeroplanes that he read again and again. His dream was to sell his model aeroplanes in his own shop one day, so he was determined to learn all about flying, and even designed all his models on a 3-D computer programme, before he built them.

 Neither of my parents opposed Al’s decision. They both believed that people should be keen on their jobs, but our father wanted him to get a university degree first. Our mother thought that a good education was necessary, especially because she had doubts about if he could earn a good living with his aeroplanes. On the other hand, she couldn’t see how becoming a lawyer or a doctor for example, would help Al with the job he wanted to do.

 When Al finished school, he finally decided to get a degree in architecture. During his studies, Al continued his hobby in his spare time, but also got involved in other things. He played football for a while, volunteered at the school’s library, and joined the drama club; though he soon decided that acting wasn’t for him.

 As soon as Al graduated, he and another dozen students took a tour of Europe. The highlight of Al’s trip was France. He even considered moving there for a short time to improve his skills in French, but he wanted to return home to prove to himself that he could succeed as a businessman. Three years later, Al accomplished his goal, and today, he is so successful, that he has five shops in our city and is planning to open more around the country. And, who knows, maybe one day his model airplanes will be famous around the world!

41 When Al was young, he wanted to be a(n)
A pilot C computer designer
 В shop owner D inventor

42 Al’s mother believed that
A it wasn’t important for Al to get a good education.
В a good education would help Al with his career.
 C Al might not earn enough money from the job he wanted to do.
 D Al would make a very good lawyer.

43 While Al was at university, he
 A continued to build model airplanes.
 В got a job as an architect.
C trained to be a professional actor.
D worked at the university library.

44 What did Al do soon after graduation? A He lived in France for a while.
В He opened up his own business.
 C He did some travelling.
 D He learned how to speak French.

45 Al wants to open A another shop.
 В shops in different cities.
 C shops in different countries
D five shops in his town.


H Listen to some people talking about their jobs on a radio programme. Then, match the speakers (1-5) to the statements (A-F). There is one extra statement.

46 Speaker 1 — D The speaker is thinking about doing a different job.

47 Speaker 2 — E The speaker turned his/her hobby into a career.

48 Speaker 3 — F The speaker finds it difficult to meet deadlines.

49 Speaker 4 — C The speaker’s job involves a lot of travelling.

50 Speaker 5 — В The speaker wants to become famous.

Вы смотрели: Spotlight 8 Test 3 (Module 3) + KEY to test — цитаты Теста № 3 с ответами из сборника контрольных заданий УМК по английскому языку серии «Английский в фокусе» для учащихся 8 класса общеобразовательных организаций. Авторы: Ю.Е. Ваулина и др.

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