Chose the correct word from the word box

Choose the correct word.

1 There is a drought / flood because it hasn’t rained for months.

2 After the earthquake / hurricane there were some aftershocks

3 when the tornado / tsunami hit land, it washed lots of houses away.

4 The disaster affected / caused thousands of people.

5 The island supplies / suffers from power cuts every time there is bad weather.

6 The rescuelrebuild teams were able to save many people from the rubble.

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Test 4

Variant I

  1. Write the verb in 6 tenses.

                                                                    3л. ед. ч.                                                         мн. ч.





Present  Simple

Past Simple

Future Simple

Present Progressive

Past Progressive

Present Perfect

2. Put the words in the order.

           1. Sue, homework, yesterday, How long, doing, her, was?    


           2. has, This month, a local, Dan, museum, visited.


           3. you, around, of London, walked, yet, the center, Have?


           4. to take, is, photos, Dave, tomorrow, going, of Buckingham Palace.


3. Complete the sentences with words from the box.                                                                                                                                                                                              

   next Sunday, now, every summer, today, all week, last month    

  1. Alex has met his friend _________________.
  2. They swim in the river_______________________.
  3. Clare will watch this film_____________________.
  4. We are listening to music_______________.
  5. Paul went on a trip to Brighton _____________________.
  6. I was reading this book____________________.

4. Put the verb in the correct tense.

              1. They______________(to help) their grandmother at weekends.

              2. We_____________________(to travel) around Europe for two weeks last year.

              3. She_______________________(to live) there since 2010.

              4. Look! Our grandparents_______________________(to work) in the garden.

              5. The Atkinsons___________________________(to arrive) in Paris at 5 pm tomorrow.

              6. Daniel____________________( not buy) a present for his little sister yesterday.

5. Choose the words from the box and write true of them down.

   William Shakespeare, Mark Twain, Daniel Defoe, Queen Victoria, Peter the Great,  James Cook, Christopher Columbus, Admiral Nelson, the Beatles, James Barrie.

Famous people in Britain: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

   Buckingham Palace, Tower of London, Hermitage, Big Ben, Trafalgar Square, Peterhof Palace, the British Museum, Red Square, Hampton Court Palace, White House, Hyde Park.

Famous sights in Britain:


Test 4

Variant II

  1. Write the verb in 6 tenses.

                                                                    3л. ед. ч.                                                         мн. ч.





Present  Simple

Past Simple

Future Simple

Present Progressive

Past Progressive

Present Perfect

2. Put the words in the order.

           1. Harry, yesterday, What, doing, at 5 o’clock, was?    


           2. has, for the football, In Barcelona, a ticket,  Mike, match, bought.


           3. you, a new, watched, yet, cartoon, Have?


           4. to take part, is, in the competition, Carol, next Friday , going.


3. Complete the sentences with words from the box.                                                                                                                                                                                              

   next Sunday, now, every day, all day long, this week, yesterday    

              1. Roy has visited his grandparents  _________________.

              2. Jane does her homework _______________________.

              3. They will go to the theme park_____________________.

             4.  A young man is standing at the window _______________.

  1. The boys raked the leaves in the garden _______________________.
  2. I was walking in the forest____________________.

4. Put the verb in the correct tense.

              1. Pat_______________(write) letters to her pen friend every week .

              2. We_____________________(to play) tennis  for two hours yesterday.

              3. I_____________________(to study) at this school since 2015.

              4. Wendy ________________________(to clean) her room at the moment.

              5. The Wellers___________________________(to arrive) in London at 9 am tomorrow.

              6. Sam ___________________(to make) a model ship last week.

5. Choose the words from the box and write true of them down.

   William Shakespeare, Mark Twain, Daniel Defoe, Queen Victoria, Peter the Great,  James Cook, Christopher Columbus, Admiral Nelson, the Beatles, James Barrie.

Famous people in Britain: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  Buckingham Palace , Alton Towers , Gorky Park, London Eye, Legoland Windsor, Nelson’s Column, the Viking Centre, Disneyland, Hampton Court Maze, City Park Grad .

Famous amusement places in Britain:


notes miss
subject first-year

courses lecturer
take fail

1) Higher
mathematics is my favourite __________ at university.

2) You ______ too many
lectures this term. You’ll have some problems.

3) It’s really hard to
_______ university.

4) No one likes to ______ in
an exam.

5) In July she _______ her
entrance examinations, ______ them well, and now she is a ______

University __________ normally last five years.

7) A ________ gives lectures
and students take _______ .

III. Explain the difference between:

    1. to take an exam – to pass
      an exam

    2. to graduate – to leave

    3. a seminar – a practical

    4. to study full-time – to
      study part-time

IV. Translate from Russian into English:

1) Минский
радиотехнический институт был основан
в 1964 году.

2) Срок обучения
длится 3 года.

3) Сейчас более
11000 студентов обучаются на 9 факультетах.

4).Учебный процесс
обеспечивает высококвалифицированный
преподавательский состав.

5) Этим летом я
поступил в Белорусский государственный
университет информатики и радиоэлектроники,
и теперь я первокурсник факультета
компьютерного проектирования.

6) Не очень то весело
догонять группу, после того, как пропустил
много занятий.

7) Он провалил
экзамен по химии и теперь сидит зубрит.

Ex. 1 Ex.2




















passed, first-year










  1. Supply the missing

    1. In summer I go in …
      swimming and hiking.

    2. Jean is a
      very outgoing person. She is crazy … dancing.

    3. Mrs. Clark never goes …
      … a meal. She’s fond … cooking.

    4. When I travel, I always take
      a camera with me. I’m quite interested … taking photos.

    5. Robert has been collecting
      old bottles for 20 years. I think he’s sick and tired …

    6. Susan uses her walkman
      everywhere. She listens … jazz and pop-music groups.

    7. I’d like to go … the
      club and play a game … billiards. In fact, I’m keen … playing

  2. Match
    the place and the reason for going there.

sportsground, an exhibition, a theatre, a casino, a disco, a

  1. … to watch a perfomance.

  2. … to look at paintings.

  3. … to try to win money.

  4. … to go in for sports.

  5. … to look at things

  6. … to dance and relax, and
    watch people dancing.

  1. Translate
    into English.

  1. Чем ты увлекаешься?

  2. Я очень люблю
    спорт, особенно зимние виды: бег на
    коньках, лыжи.

  3. Я увлекаюсь
    фотографией. Куда бы я ни поехал, я
    всегда беру с собой фотоаппарат.

  4. Ваше увлечение
    мне кажется как познавательным, так и

  5. Джейн интересует
    коллекционирование книг 19 века. В ее
    коллекции около трехсот книг.

  6. Сегодня люди очень
    заняты и у них не очень много свободного

  7. Многие люди
    согласятся, что отдых и смена обстановки
    также важны, как и работа.

  8. Если вы выбрали
    хобби согласно вашему вкусу, то вы –
    счастливый человек.

  9. Хобби предоставляет
    большой выбор деятельности.

  10. Хобби – это делать
    что-либо, создавать что-либо, собирать
    что-либо и узнавать что-либо новое.

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Главная » Английский язык » Помогите с английским. Choose words from the box to put in the gaps. : He’s, she’s, it’s (2), are, is, we, isn’t. 1. New York … in England … in America. 2. Paul … from Germany … German. 3. my sister is doctor … thirty years old. 4 …

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  • Chose the correct word and complete the sentences
  • Chose 1 word and fill in the blanks
  • Choosing the focus word
  • Choosing the correct word тест
  • Choosing one word for the year