Choosing the correct word тест

TEST for 3 Form

Choose the correct word.

1 Which day comes before Tuesday?



2 Which day comes before Friday?



3 Which day comes after Wednesday?



4 Saturday and Sunday are the…



5 There are _____ days in a week



6 There are ____ working days in a week.



8 The first day of the working week is …



9 Which day comes between Tuesday and Thursday?



10The first month of the year is…



11The last month of the year is…



12There are ____ months in a year.



13 April comes before…



14 ____ is the shortest month.



15 ____ is the twelfth month.



16 The seventh month is….



17April is ____ month.


the fourth

Modal verbs 1                                        Name______________________

Task #1 Choose the correct word.

  1. I think you might/ought to see a doctor.
  2. Should/May I borrow your book, please?
  3. I have to/could go to the grocery store. My fridge is empty.
  4. You must/ought to be very hungry. Would you like an apple.
  5. Could/Should you pass me some sugar?  I like sweet tea.
  6. You must be/can’t be very proud of your son he is a champion.
  7. You must be/should be exhausted after all your hard work.
  8. She mustn’t/shouldn’t stay in bed all day unless she is ill.
  9. It’s very late. The children must/can’t be sleeping.
  10. Susan has broken her leg. She can’t/have to walk now.

Task #2 Fill in:  must(2), mustn’t, can, can’t, could(2), may, might, have to.

  1. Guess what! Our team has just won the game. No way!                        

You ………. be joking!

  1. Excuse me, sir. You ……… park here. It’s forbidden.  
  2. How about to watch a movie? Sorry, but I ……… finish my homework.
  3. Look! It’s Jane! No, it ………. be. She is in Paris on business.
  4. ……….. I turn the light off, please.
  5. ……….. I have your name, please.
  6. I think it ……….. be warm soon.
  7. ……….. you help me please? I think I got lost.
  8. The streets ……….. get very slippery when it rains.
  9. You ……….. be very thirsty, it’s hot outside.


Task #1 Choose the correct word.

  1. I think you might/ought to see a doctor.
  2. Should/May I borrow your book, please?
  3. I have to/could go to the grocery store. My fridge is empty.
  4. You must/ought to be very hungry. Would you like an apple.
  5. Could/Should you pass me some sugar.  I like sweet tea.
  6. You must be/can’t be very proud of your son he is a champion.
  7. You must be/should be exhausted after all your hard work.
  8. She mustn’t/shouldn’t stay in bed all day unless she is ill.
  9. It’s very late. The children must/can’t be sleeping.
  10. Susan has broken her leg. She can’t/have to walk now.

Task #2 Fill in:  must(2), mustn’t, can, can’t, could(2), may, might, have to.

  1. Guess what! Our team has just won the game. No way! You must be joking!
  2. Excuse me, sir. You mustn’t park here. It’s forbidden.  
  3. How about to watch a movie? Sorry, but I have to finish my homework.
  4. Look! It’s Jane! No, it can’t be. She is in Paris on business.
  5. Could I turn the light off, please.
  6. May I have your name, please.
  7. I think it might be warm soon.
  8. Could you help me please? I think I got lost.
  9. The streets can get very slippery when it rains.
  10. You must be very thirsty, it’s hot outside.

Modal verbs 2                                        Name______________________

Task #1 Choose the correct word.

  1. I can/could speak English but I can’t write it very well.
  2. She can’t/needn’t spend 3 weeks in Rome, she has to come back to work.
  3. You mustn’t/shouldn’t park your car on double yellow lines.
  4. You shouldn’t/mustn’t be so rude with Mary, she is very sensitive.
  5. You should/must obey the laws, or you will get in jail.
  6. Should/May I borrow your pen, please?
  7. You needn’t/have to buy any cat food. We’ve got plenty.
  8. I think you ought to/might take your dog to a vet.
  9. May/must I call you next week, please?
  10. It might/should rain tomorrow. You should take an umbrella with you.

Task #2 Fill in: should(2), shouldn’t, must, mustn’t, have to(2), can, can’t, may.  

  1. You ……….. turn your TV off when not watching it.
  2. Excuse me sir, you ……….. smoke here, it’s forbidden.
  3. I can’t go to the movie theater with you today, I ……….. work.
  4. You ……….. obey your parents until you are 18.
  5. You ………… smoke it’s very bad for your health.
  6. We don’t ……….. go to school in August.
  7. I ……….. cook a very delicious chocolate cake with walnuts.
  8. I ……….. speak Spanish, but I would like to learn it.
  9. You ……….. be honest and  sincere with your friends.

10………… I borrow your car for a weekend, please?


Task #1 Choose the correct word.

  1. I can/could speak English but I can’t write it very well.
  2. She can’t/needn’t spend 3 weeks in Rome, she has to come back to work.
  3. You mustn’t/shouldn’t park your car on double yellow lines.
  4. You shouldn’t/mustn’t be so rude with Mary, she is very sensitive.
  5. You should/must obey the laws, or you will get in jail.
  6. Should/May I borrow your pen, please?
  7. You needn’t/have to buy any cat food. We’ve got plenty.
  8. I think you ought to/might take your dog to a vet.
  9. May/must I call you next week, please?
  10. It might/should rain tomorrow. You should take an umbrella with you.

Task #2 Fill in: should(2), shouldn’t, must, mustn’t, have to(2), can, can’t, may.  

  1. You should turn your TV off when not watching it.
  2. Excuse me sir, you mustn’t smoke here, it’s forbidden.
  3. I can’t  go to the movie theater with you, I have to work.
  4. You must obey your parents until you are 18.
  5. You shouldn’t smoke it’s very bad for your health.
  6. We don’t have to go to school in August.
  7. I can cook a very delicious chocolate cake with walnuts.
  8. I can’t speak Spanish, but I would like to learn it.
  9. You should be honest and  sincere with your friends.

10.May I borrow your car for a weekend, please?

Choose the correct word (выбрать правильное слово) Konstantin juggles really good / well Vera walks quickly / quick

She`s a careful / carefully driver

Maxim s really badly / bad at Maths

My teacher speaks softly / soft

Darya sings bad / badly.

Перед вами страница с вопросом Choose the correct word (выбрать правильное слово) Konstantin juggles really good / well Vera walks quickly / quickShe`s a careful / carefully driverMaxim s really badly / bad at MathsMy teacher speak?, который относится к
категории Английский язык. Уровень сложности соответствует учебной программе для
учащихся 5 — 9 классов. Здесь вы найдете не только правильный ответ, но и
сможете ознакомиться с вариантами пользователей, а также обсудить тему и
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который откроет все похожие ответы, или создайте собственный вопрос, нажав
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