Choose word for the year

When it comes to planning for the year, rather than making New Year’s resolutions, I recommend starting with a word for the year. Having a single word by which to plan your goals is a powerful way to stay focused and keep your goals in sight.

But the one question I get asked most when it comes to choosing a word for the year is how. How do you decide on one word for the year?

For some, it’s trying to figure out how to narrow it down. For others it’s the fear of commitment. And yet for others, it’s simply not knowing where to start.

Whatever brought you to this post, my goal is that by the end of this, you’ll have a clear way forward, and quite possibly, you’ll have your one word.

Choosing a word for the year might be one of the best moves you'll ever make to achieve your goals. Here are some tips to get you started.

What about NEW YEAR’s resolutions?

By now you might know that I’m a not a big fan of New Year’s resolutions. It’s not because I haven’t tried resolutions. It’s because I have.

Studies show that New Year’s resolutions have a very short life.

Many who start New Year’s resolutions give up on them even before January is over. Our good intentions don’t always pan out.

Now, if you happen to be in that very small percentage of people who stick with New Year’s resolutions all the way to the end of the year, please leave a comment on this post, so I can give you a virtual high-five! 😆

For the rest of us, New Year’s resolutions are notorious for failing.

That’s not to say that you shouldn’t have New Year’s resolutions. I opt for a word for the year coupled with SMART goals as opposed to New Year’s resolutions, but it doesn’t have to be either or. In fact, you can have both New Year’s resolutions and a word for the year.

The key is to find what works best for you, and you won’t know what that is until you try.

SMART Goal Setting

For a simple and effective way to set goals, grab my SMART Goal Setting Guide inside the Thrive Resource Library here. It’s free!

Get a free copy of my SMART Goal Setting Tips for the Purpose-Driven Woman when you become a Thrive Insider.

SMART Goal Setting Tips – Free for Thrive Insiders here

This is where I have turned to redeem my year. And I’m certainly not alone.

Having just one word feels a lot less overwhelming than having a long laundry list of do’s and don’ts for my year. But don’t underestimate the power of one word. This one little word, along with the goals inspired by your word, can make all the difference in the world.

What starts as just one word, becomes a beautiful tapestry as it weaves its way into your life. My word becomes the starting point for my annual goals in the various areas of my life. These are then broken down into monthly goals and plans, so you can see how this one word stays with me and keeps me focused.

Often, I don’t see the beauty of my word until I pause to reflect — and then I’m amazed by how God almost literally connected the dots.

Moments that I thought nothing of then begin to take new meaning in light of my word. I become of aware of missed opportunities, appreciate the lessons that were borne out of periods of struggle, and give God thanks for all of it.

And at the start of every year I get excited all over again for the new thing God is doing in my life, starting with prayer and my one little word.

See, I am doing a new thing!
    Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness
    and streams in the wasteland.”

Isaiah 43:19

Because the truth is, my word, as small as it is, keeps me dependent on God.

That’s the beauty of choosing a word for the year.

By the very nature of it, it’s a more intentional and mindful practice than New Year’s resolutions.

No longer am I trying to accomplish goals on my own strength. Instead I am looking in anticipation for how God will show up.

Sure, I do my part by setting goals but I also hold them loosely, allowing God to shape my year.

For more on setting goals, based on your word for the year, check out my article How to Achieve Your Goals in 5 Simple Steps where I share my 5-star goal-setting process.

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How to Choose Your Word for the Year

Let me say this upfront, the way I choose my word for the year is probably the most unconventional thing you’ll ever hear.

To choose my word for the year…

I pray about it.

Yep, that’s the gospel truth.

I turn to God and ask Him to give me a word that will guide and inspire me throughout the year. And you wouldn’t believe (or maybe you would) — He always answers!

Quite often, a word keeps coming to mind. Maybe it’s in a song, a Bible verse, or in a card from a friend. Sometimes it’s in a podcast or book. It sometimes gets to the point where it feels like a word is haunting me. But I’m a little stubborn and I don’t give in that easily, so I pray some more and ask God to make it clear if that’s my word.

Then I get still and listen.

I look for confirmation to see if that word is my word.

And if it is, it will continue to show up over and over again.

Just this year, I wasn’t sure what my word was going to be. I was thinking about a word but second-guessed it because it was a word I was using often in a course. I thought maybe the word was just showing up because I kept using it, not because it was MY word. So I let it go.

After the New Year, I started to think more intentionally about my word and decided to look up Scriptures that included this ‘possible’ word.

And the very first Scripture I turned to was all I needed to see.

Don’t laugh when I tell you that my eyes started to well up. That first Bible verse was like balm to a hurting soul. And I knew then and there that I’d found my word. See? Unconventional, right? But it works.

Choosing a word for the year might be one of the best moves you'll ever make to achieve your goals. Here are some tips to get you started.

No Pressure

Choosing a word for the year is one of those things that you just have to try for yourself. Try it and see what God will do. You’ll never come away the same as when you started.

Sometimes I tell others about my word. And there are times I hold it more closely, keeping it to myself. Whatever the case, God always has a powerful way of impacting my life and my world, starting with that one little word.

There have also been times when I started my year with my word firmly planted in my mind and other times when finding a word took much longer, or felt impossible. I don’t sweat it. And I don’t choose a word just for the sake of it. I simply allow God to lead me to my word.

Once you have your word for the year, you might be wondering what to do next. In this article I shared three of my best tips for your next best steps after choosing your one word. (This is a guest post over on — an ideal place for finding some one word inspiration).

25 Word for the Year Ideas

Choosing a word for the year might be one of the best moves you'll ever make to achieve your goals. Here are some tips to get you started.

Speaking of inspiration, if you’re not sure what word to choose for your year, you might want to take one of these for a spin.

  1. peace
  2. become
  3. success
  4. heart
  5. prepare
  6. advance
  7. win
  8. prosper
  9. shine
  10. mercy
  11. marvelous
  12. steadfast
  13. full
  14. love
  15. rich
  16. power
  17. love
  18. commit
  19. trust
  20. one
  21. upright
  22. imagine
  23. humble
  24. joy
  25. persevere…

Don’t have a word for the year yet? Let’s fix that. Here are 25 ideas to get you started. Click To Tweet

Did any of those words speak to you? Pray about it and ask God to show you if He wants you to have a word for the year and which one it will be. Which brings me to the next point.

Do I Need a Word for the Year

You might be wondering if you need a word for the year. That’s kinda like asking if you need ketchup on your French fries. No, you don’t–it’s totally optional. Same with your word for the year. It goes well with your year but it’s up to you if you choose to have one.

Neither should it be a case of divided camps — those who choose a word and those who don’t.

A word for the year is but one of many ways to approach the New Year with all your goals and aspirations. I don’t swear by it, but I find it works well for me and keeps me inspired throughout the year. And that for me, is a good reason to have one.

Choosing a word for the year might be one of the best moves you'll ever make to achieve your goals. Here are some tips to get you started.

No Magic, just impact

The truth is, it’s not as if having a word for the year is the magic pill that will solve all your problems, remove all your mental blocks and automatically deliver your goals to you on a shiny, silver platter. I wish! It doesn’t work that way, but it’s quite possible that this one little word will have a big impact on your life.

Are you willing to give it a try?

If you’ve chosen a word for the year, why not share it below. If you haven’t yet, let me know how this article helped you. And if you need help figuring out your next step, just get in touch. I’d be happy to help you find the clarity you need and maybe your word too!

Encouragement for the Journey

Sticking with your well-intentioned goals is hard work. For some encouragement to help you thrive in work, life and faith, come on over and join me in my private community for women here.

Set meaningful goals the manageable way. Get the Spark Success 90-Day Goal Planner here (aff).

7 ways to choose your word of the year & a list of over 101 words to choose from

How to choose your word of the year by Shovorne Adams at The Hope Table. Ideas and a list for your word of the year 2020

Your word of the year can be life-changing. Of course, there is nothing special about the word itself. Just like a New Years resolution, the power is not in the word but in the actions that accompany it.  

You might be asking:

What’s the difference between a New Years Resolution and a word of the year?

A New Years Resolution

A New Years resolution is a promise that you make to yourself to start doing something good or stop doing something bad on the first day of the year
For example, “Have you made any New Year’s resolutions?” “Yes, I’m going to eat more healthily and give up smoking.”  (Cambridge Dictionary)

And of course, a new years resolution can be great!  But usually what starts off as a great idea can often end up feeling rigid and restrictive and therefore ditched after a few months.

A word or phrase of the year 

I would describe a word of the year as a scripture or faith based-theme that flows through and influences your life throughout the year. It is like a chord that links areas of your life together and brings about faith-based intentionality and focuses your decision-making and underlying behaviours. It’s a word or value that speaks to the physical, the heart, mind and soul. It should inspire personal growth.

I first discovered the idea of having a personal word of the year before I knew it was even a real thing. Around New Years Eve, we’d go to church and pastor’s, prophets and preachers would announce what God has been speaking to them about on behalf of the church. They would then say what the ‘word of the year’ or the theme or scripture would be for the church the following year and then we’d pray the New Year in.  

I remember being at home one NYE and staying home with the family. I read a scripture that stood out to me and new that would be my personal word of the year and we prayed the New Year in. That guided me so much in my life the following year.

I, later on, found out that this was a thing and thousands choose a personal word of the year. That was over 10 years ago and I’ve had a word of the year ever since. 

How to choose your word of the year by Shovorne Adams at The Hope Table. Ideas and a list for your word of the year 2020 Quote by Bishop Beckwaith

This might change year on year. To me, this is really uncomplicated and tends to come through quite a natural process after doing to for several years. If this is your first year, I’ll share some steps you can follow to discover your word of the year and with a quick google search you’ll find many more.

1) Goal or Purpose Oriented word of the year – 

You may have a mission on your heart for 2020 – maybe God’s calling you to step out in faith and do something new or expand a project. Depending on what it is, you might want to choose your word of the year to help you focus on that. For example:














2) When reflecting on the last year, is there a topic that has repeatedly cropped up?   

For example, you may feel like you are at burnout point now due to being super busy, you may look at words like: 











3.i) Choose a scripture of the year –

Look at scriptures about the topic you have selected in step number 2 and have that as your scripture of the year:

“He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters. He restores my soul; He guides me in the paths of righteousness For His name’s sake” – Psalm 23:2-3  

“Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls” Matthew 11:29 

“Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” Psalm 46:10 

“I lay down and slept; I awoke, for the LORD sustained me” Psalms 3:5  

How to choose your word of the year by Shovorne Adams at The Hope Table. Ideas and a list for your word of the year 2020

3.ii) You can combine step 2 or your chosen scripture from step 3i into a word of the year or a phrase of the year 

Whole Restoration

Rhythms of Grace

Self-care & gentleness

Less is More

He Restores

God Leads Me

In His Presence



Intentionally Still

Be Still & Know

You can follow steps 2, 3i & 3.ii for any topic that stands out to you.

4) Has God been speaking to you about an area of your life that needs to change for the better? 

If you’ve identified an area of improvement or change you don’t want to choose the negative word as your word for the year, you want to choose the positive opposite to motivate you and help you dig deeper and draw closer to God, For example:

How to choose your word of the year by Shovorne Adams at The Hope Table. Ideas and a list for your word of the year 2020


5) Read the Holy Bible  

When reading your Bible is there a theme that arises regularly or a thought that keeps popping up in your mind and touching your heart?  

Maybe you haven’t really paid attention but look back now and think about any recurring themes that came to your mind during your Bible reading time. What Bible story or verse resonated with you the most? That might help you find a theme for the year ahead and your word of the year.

If you are do Bible journaling, look through the notes on your pages and your theme might become clearer. 

Check out my blog post on how I came to my word of 2019 through Bible reading, hearing God through his Holy Word and journaling!  

 Maybe you’ve lost the zeal to read your Bible and reading the Bible more is something you plan to start in the New Year, but why wait. Grab your Bible now, dig in and hear what God has to say through His Holy word. There’s no reason why we can’t dive in today! 

6) Prayer  

During prayer, God often speaks to us. Pray and ask God if there is something specific for your life in the next season that He’d like you to focus or lean into. Align your word of the year to match that. 

7) Developing a spiritual habit 

Maybe you’ve realised there’s a spiritual habit in your spiritual life that is lacking, maybe it’s prayer, or thanksgiving or fasting, reading your Bible, or attending fellowship. Whatever it is you may wish to choose a word of the year that’ll help you encompass the change you want to make and the habit you wish to develop to spend more time in God’s presence. Look at words like: 




Dig Deeper

Jesus First

Deeper Dive



Living Water



Daily Bread


And if none of the 7 ideas above work for you, pop over to for a 2020 word quiz 

Here are some key things to remember: 

  • A word of the year or phrase of the year is personal to you 
  • It’s between you can God and you don’t have to share it with anyone
  • You don’t have to choose one on Jan 1st! Sometimes it will come to you before Jan 1st and sometimes a couple months after. That’s completely ok, don’t rush the process. Last year I didn’t know my word of the year until after the New Year. However, I already know my word for 2020!  
  • Have fun and have faith. This idea of a word of the year is to motivate and encourage you to focus on what is important in this season of your life. 
  • My hubby and I had a word of the year for our marriage last year, it was ‘submit’. And we had a great time exploring it. You can apply it to other areas of your life.
  • You can change it at any time! My word of the year for 2019 took on new meaning as we approached the end of the year. As God spoke to me things evolved and that too is ok. It’s a journey and a journey will take you to different places.  You can read about it here

I don’t know about you, but New Year is one of my favourite times of the year and I feel so thankful!

How to choose your word of the year by Shovorne Adams at The Hope Table. Ideas and a list for your word of the year 2020

I hope you find this helpful in choosing your word of the year! Come on 2020!!!

Let us know if you have another process for finding a word of the year? Let us know about some of your previous words of the year or what you have in mind for the year ahead?

With heart and Hope

Shovorne Adams


List of ideas to choose your word of the year for 2020

word of the year

Don’t forget to check out my Word-of-the-Year Mini Guidebook!

I’ve been picking a Word of the Year since 2012 and if you’ve got the Self-Love Planner then you’ve probably already chosen a word. I’ve always been big on new beginnings and I anxiously wait for the New Year because it’s fresh and shiny with no mistakes in it yet. Every year since I was a teenager I’ve made New Year’s Resolutions and I believe I failed at every single one of them. They were all your usual teenage resolutions – lose weight, make friends, become pretty and popular.

Choosing a word of the year actually coincided with discovering the concept of self-love.

It’s been a game changer. If you’d like to share your word and how you chose it, join our Facebook group, the SoulSisterhood.

These have been my “words”.

Surrender (2012)

Shine (2013)

Strength (2014)

Depth (2015)

Mend (2016)

Magic (2017)

Surrender – Part Two  (2018)

Soften (2019)

Sacred (2020)

Pause (2021)

Why do you choose a Word of the Year for yourself?

Your word takes the place of a New Year’s Resolution. It’s a word that embodies what you want to be/think/feel/do. Something that you can apply in little ways throughout your life instead of a concrete goal that involves either failure or success. It’s a theme, a lantern in the darkness, your guiding light.

I created a workbook specifically to help you choose a word-of-the-year. You can find even more suggestions in the workbook, as well as worksheets that will help you apply the word to your life.

How do you choose?

Ask yourself what you need. Right now and going into the new year, what do you need? My word almost always forms from that question. If that word doesn’t immediately resonate with you, check with a thesaurus and see if one of the words associated with it does. Ask yourself what qualities can help you achieve that thing that you need.

Make a Word List. Write down all of the words that are calling out to you right now. They can be random words, don’t overthink it, just let the words release and flow out.

Write down your goals. If you are someone that likes to make a lot of goals or resolutions, write them all down and then see if there’s a theme that’s connecting them. Maybe your word needs to ‘motivation’ so that you can tackle all of those things and get them done or ‘fit’ to inspire you to move more.

Who do you want to be? I think it’s common to want to turn over a new leaf. I can name several qualities I want to cultivate within myself. What qualities or traits do you want to bring into your life? Let your word inspire you to be that thing.

Don’t overthink it. My word sometimes takes me a while to figure it out. I usually start thinking about it in the beginning of December and sometimes it doesn’t come to me until I’m halfway through January. Your word will feel right. You’ll know it when you find it.

Let it find you. If there’s a word you just feel drawn to – even if it doesn’t make sense right now, take a leap of faith and go with it.

Here are some words that might resonate with you!

  • Discover 
  • Steady
  • Simplify
  • Valued
  • Trust
  • Immerse
  • Inspire
  • Bravery
  • Complete
  • Visible
  • Confidence
  • Radiant
  • Motivation
  • Loyalty
  • Feel
  • Gentleness
  • Healing
  • Home
  • Believe
  • Ease
  • Worth
  • Adapt
  • Emergence
  • Courage
  • Heard
  • Depth
  • Stability
  • Accomplished
  • Improve
  • Capable
  • Boldness
  • Fullness
  • Give
  • Wholehearted
  • Begin
  • Sacred
  • Adventure
  • Boundaries
  • Mindfulness
  • Space
  • Unconditional
  • Tend
  • Connection
  • Daring
  • Progress
  • Determination
  • Cherished
  • Love
  • Enlightened
  • Build
  • Prayer
  • Quiet
  • Vision
  • Communication
  • Reset
  • Clarity
  • Spirituality
  • Forward
  • Blessed
  • Abundance
  • Free
  • Dependable
  • Rebuild
  • Heart
  • Family
  • Gratitude
  • Service
  • Light
  • Slow
  • Bliss
  • Survivor
  • Travel
  • Explore
  • Softness
  • Cultivate
  • Self-Acceptance
  • Encourage
  • Fit
  • Authentic
  • Change
  • Wellness
  • Embrace
  • Patience
  • Tender
  • Available
  • Relax
  • Hope
  • Seek
  • Celebrate
  • Direction
  • Passion
  • Thankful
  • Truth
  • Transformation
  • Peace
  • Intention
  • Start
  • Reflection
  • Breathe
  • Delight
  • Better
  • Dedicated
  • Recovery
  • Express
  • Kindness
  • Present
  • Self-Care
  • Faith
  • Power
  • Forgiveness
  • Learn
  • Fearless
  • Potential
  • Renewal
  • Rest
  • Transparency
  • Open
  • Uplift
  • Consistency
  • Receptivity
  • Unstoppable
  • Devotion
  • Tranquil
  • Dream
  • Journey
  • Uniqueness
  • Commitment
  • Yes
  • Thrive
  • Bright
  • Become
  • Rise
  • Unafraid
  • Calm
  • Grace
  • Listen
  • Friendship
  • Organized
  • Whole
  • Persistence
  • Aware
  • Body-Love
  • Honesty
  • Empower
  • Intuition
  • Joy
  • Compassion
  • Teach
  • Creativity
  • Growth
  • Glowing
  • Play
  • Grounded
  • Centered
  • Sparkle
  • Balance
  • Align
  • Motion
  • Challenged
  • Relationships
  • Nourish
  • Zen
  • Oneness
  • Focus
  • Integrity
  • Release
  • Distance
  • Expand
  • Support
  • Wise
  • Happiness
  • Foundation
  • Finish
  • Soul
  • Stillness

What’s your word of the year for 2021?

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Check out the February Sale on Etsy


Choose a “word of the year” to stay motivated and keep you on the road to success in 2023 with this printable list of positive, motivational, and inspirational words.

First, use this alphabetized printable list of positive, motivational, and inspirational words to help you choose your “word of the year” for 2023. Next, use the positive word you choose as a mantra or focus point to help you stay motivated to achieve your goals and live the life of your dreams!

The alphabetical list of positive motivational words below and on our inspirational words printable is not exhaustive. You can choose several words, not on the list that would make a perfect choice to be your “word of the year.” It can even be a short motivational phrase, a #hashtag, or a group of positive words. You may also be interested in learning how to plan your day.

alphabetical list of Inspirational words printable for 2022 word of the year

Have you ever made a New Year’s resolution that you could keep? Yeah, me neither. So, I found a better idea!

Today, I like to turn my resolutions into SMART Goals and create an action plan to achieve my goals with actionable steps.

Next, I chose an inspirational word for the year to help me stay focused, motivated, and on track to accomplish my goals.

Related Post: How to Use the Power of Habit to Change Your Life

What is the “Word of the Year” and the “One Little Word” Project?

A word of the year is a word or phrase you choose to help you stay focused, motivated, and on track throughout the year. It is usually an uplifting, positive, inspirational word that motivates you to take action, but it can be any word that holds meaning for you somehow. I learned about the one little word project from Ali Edwards. She writes,

In 2006 I began a tradition of choosing one word for myself each January—a word to focus on, to live with, to investigate, to write about, to craft with, and to reflect upon as I go about my daily life. These words have each become a part of my life in one way or another—a process I document via simple creative monthly prompts from January to December.

Related: I Am Grateful: Gratitude Journal Printable Worksheet

How to Chose a Word of the Year  

Choose your word using our free printable list of positive motivational words. Click the link to download and print this printable list of inspirational words and use it to choose your word of the year for 2023.

Although we have updated it to include even more positive and motivational words and put them into alphabetical order–our printable list of “word of the year” ideas is not exhaustive. You can choose other inspirational words that would also make a perfect choice.

Change the plural form or tense of any positive words on this list of ideas. If, for example, you prefer your word be spelled “courageous” instead of “courage,” then, by all means, use the plural form or tense that you like.

Your “one little word” can even be a short phrase, #hashtag, or group of words if you wish it to be. It is, after all, your word. Choose something meaningful for you, and prepare to be amazed!

When thinking about the word that you would like to use, take a moment to consider your goals and any challenges that you may be facing in your life.

What’s going well, and what can you improve?

If you still need to set goals for the New Year, head over to look at our tips in How to Set SMART Goals. We even have a free goal-setting worksheet you can download–click the link!

Choose a positive, inspirational word that will help you balance everything and make it happen–your choices are unlimited! Claim any word that holds heart and meaning to use as your word of the year.

Don’t worry if none cry out to be your word of the year at first. Meditate, reflect, and allow your word for the year to come to you.

5 Fun Ways to Use Your 2023 Word of the Year

Many believe writing down your goals is the quickest way to reach them. And choosing a word for 2023 is a simple thing you can do to get focused and stay motivated to reach them. Bring the word you desire into your life with the fun “word of the year” ideas below. You might also enjoy this list of New Year Traditions and Celebration ideas.

1. Doodle your “Word of the Year.”

Spend some time writing and doodling the motivational word you choose for your word of the year for 2023. Doodling your word or short phrase can help you embody the positive word or words and make it yours for the year. Make sticky notes and put them all around the house.

Once finished, frame your inspirational word and put it somewhere you will see it daily. If you keep a bullet journal, place your inspirational word for 2023 on the cover or front page.

2. Paint a rock with your inspirational word for the year.

First, paint a rock, or several rocks, with your inspirational word for 2023. Next, place the rock or rocks where you will see them daily. Inspirational word rocks make an excellent paperweight for a desk and look lovely in the yard or garden. Pop over to look at these fun rock painting tips and ideas to get started on your inspirational word rock.

breathe - one little word of the year 2020

3. Make (or buy) a “Word of the Year” bracelet or necklace.

Here are three ideas in one–use the one you like best:

4. Paint a candle holder with a positive motivational word.

Use our personalized candle holder tutorial to paint a heart with your favorite motivational word of the year. These hand-painted candle holders cast beautiful heart shapes upon the wall when lit. Look at how gorgeous they look in the photo below. You can see the candle holder I painted with the word “focus” written inside the heart. 

5. Buy positive, inspirational word swag.

Make your inspirational word of the year work for you with fun swag you can buy–such as Word Cloud Art Prints–with your motivational word to help you stay focused on your goals all year. A few more things you can buy with your “word of the year” are on the list below.

  • T-shirts
  • Coloring book 
  • Word signs
  • Word Pillows
  • Bags
  • Jewelry
  • Word rings
  • Pendants

Related: Get Organized for Good: 10 Reasons to Make Rhythm a Habit

Word of the Year 2023 Ideas

Once you have decided on your word for 2023, use it to create any of the ideas listed above to help revitalize it and bring your dreams and goals to fruition.

Next, learn how to turn your goals into positive affirmations!

Learn more about Rhythms of Play HERE!

More Helpful Articles

  • How to Raise a Helper
  • Goal Setting: How to Set SMART Goals
  • Achieving Goals: How to Make an Action Plan to Accomplish Goals
  • How to Plan Your Daily Routine for Success
  • DIY Projects for Do-it-Yourself Families
  • Gratitude Journal Prompts Printable

As the New Year approaches, it’s time to reflect on the past year, celebrate achievements and give thought to the year ahead. It is the time of the year when many people think about setting New Year resolutions which they quickly dismiss a few days or weeks later. Dismissed as little forethought went into it. Rather than setting resolutions, why not choose one focus word for the year. Choosing just ONE word can help you determine your priorities for the year and provide you a filter into the actions you take throughout the year.

I believe in setting goals. In fact, I like to set goals in 8 areas of my life. However, I have also learnt about the power of having ONE FOCUS WORD. I attended a goal-setting workshop where a coach said one word is all it takes to help you focus on your goals. The coach explained how to choose a word for the year, breaking it down into a few simple steps.

  1. Reflection
  2. Writing
  3. Visualising
  4. Use your word

word bubble highlighting the values like health give giving work love

Why choose one focus word for the year?

It was during a goal-setting workshop at Kikki K that I first heard about having a focus word for the year. As a group, we were individually choosing personal core values. About five core values each. I remember choosing family, freedom, community, balance and achievement. There were many values to choose from, and making a quick choice was not wise. It is best to choose your words and really think about them and what they mean to you.

You have multiple personal values. One of your core values will become your main focus word, Your power word for the year.

The power of choosing one focus word is to use the word as a lens. A word that guides you in your actions. A word that keeps you true to your overarching core value.

The benefits of just one word.

When you have one focus word you obtain clarity in decision-making. You grow personally through the actions you take by having one focus.
There are multiple differences between setting New Year resolutions vs goals especially if using a one-word focus.

  • One word helps with a vision, a direction. In contrast, New Year’s resolutions are more of a promise to yourself to change something.
  • A resolution looks a the negative aspect. One word provides a lens through which to visualize the future through. It is a positive action.
  • Your one focus word is the word you pass your intended actions through to decide if the action is moving your away or towards your goals.

How to choose your one word for the year.

The first step in choosing your main focus word is to identify the person you would like to become. The best way to do that is to reflect on the past year.

Reflection: Reflect on the past year.

The first step is to reflect on the past year. Reflect on your achievements, what worked, and what didn’t work. Think about your goals, what you achieved, what you are still striving for and what you feel you no longer align with. As we get older, our values may change, and as we grow through personal growth, our goals and values may change too.

Reflect on what you would like to achieve this coming year in different areas of your life. Use the Wheel of Life to guide you through the different areas of your life.

Step 1Reflection

  1. How would you describe your past year?
  2. What are you proud of?
  3. If one word would describe the highlights of your year, what would it be?
  4. What sort of changes are you looking to make in your life throughout 2023?
  5. Write down a few words to summarise your year and the changes you wish to make in 2023.

Writing: Write down your goals,

Write a list of the goals you would like to achieve in 2023 in different areas of your life.
Next, review your list and look for a common theme.
Note down a few words that could relate to the goals you wish to achieve. Refer to the 40 words of the year list to help you work out interrelated words and guidance on choosing your word of the year.

Step 2Writing

  1. What are the characteristics of the person you wish to become?
  2. To level up, what qualities does the person you need to become have?
  3. Write down some of those qualities.

Highlight the core values in your lists and choose one word for your year.

Visualisation: Visualise the word.

Once you have a list of words, narrow down the list.

Step 3Visualisation

To help you narrow down the list, visualise the word in relation to your goals in all areas of your life.

Example: If your word is ‘Healthy’ – visualize how healthy relates to;
Wellbeing, mind and body
Family and home
Spiritual and Ethical

At first, it may seem strange to connect your one word to the different spheres of your life, but with practice, you will see how the word connects and can be a focus word of the year. Below is how ‘healthy’ connected for me. Try your word to see how it connects with you.

Goal: To love myself and have ongoing healthy relationships with self, family and friends.
Wellbeing, mind and body;
Goal: To create healthy habits, including eating more vegetarian meals for healthy eating. Practice mindfulness daily and attend aerobatics regularly for a healthy mind and body.
Goal:  To create healthy spaces for mindfulness and meditation. Practice mindfulness, visualization and meditation daily.
Family and home;
Goal: To give thanks daily to my wonderful family and the home we have created.
Goal: To finish my studies and work in a job I love in a healthy environment.
Goal: To pay off my debt by the year’s end. Paying off debt helps with stress and living, thus leading to a healthy life.
Goal: To bring positivity to people in the community through kindness. Creating healthy connections.

Tip: If a balanced life is what you’re after, choose a word that could apply to all areas of your life.

Keep your one word in focus.

Throughout 2023 keep your one word in mind. It is important to see it and use your one word daily.

Step 4 – Use your word daily.

Write your one word down where you see it every day and as you take action towards your goals, relate the actions you take to the word.
Think, does this one action bring me closer to my goals and am I in integrity with my core values? How do I feel when this action is seen through the lens of my power word?

Ideas on how to use your power word.

  • Create a vision board and display your chosen word on your Vision board.
  • Write your word of the year in your diary.
  • Write about your word and how it relates to your goals in your journal.
  • Make notes with your chosen word that remind you to take action towards your goals.
  • Write affirmations with your goals and chosen word. A Little Spark of Joy shares 30 Manifestation mantras to help you manifest your dreams.
  • Visualise your word in relation to your daily goals.

The more you see and use your word, the more you bring into your awareness the importance of the word and your goals. Just the ONE word you choose for the year can help you take action towards your goals.

My focus word is a lens that helps guide my actions, Your focus word is a lens which helps guide your actions, the actions that can move you closer to your goals.

How to focus on your goals using your one word.

Every goal is achieved by taking daily steps towards it. This requires creating new positive habits, that help lead you towards your goal. As you go about your day, think about your chosen word.

If, for example, your goal is to lose weight and you go out for lunch with friends. As you look at the menu to choose what to eat, think about your word and your choice. Does it lead you closer or further away from your goal?

If your goal is to work from home, though you do not make time to take action on your home business. Think about how this brings you closer or further away from your goal. What steps do you need to take to achieve your goal? Is you are taking action with your focus word in mind, is it helping you make wise decisions that empower you to achieve your goals?

My One Word for the New Year.

In 2019 some words on reflection for me are consistent, reliable, and supportive. The changes I was looking at in 2020 are healthy changes.
For 2020 my one word was health. Health is a word I can apply to many areas of my life. In my article on work life balance, I talk about the wheel of life and balancing different spheres of life.
Healthy lifestyle, healthy finance, healthy relationships, healthy mind.

Word of the year for 2020

2020 One Word: Healthy
What healthy means to me. Healthy means living each day in gratitude, being aware of the choices I make, and ensuring they lead to a healthier lifestyle. I want to strengthen and create healthy connections with family, friends and people who inspire me and who I may inspire. Healthy means creating a healthy, meaningful abundant lifestyle.

Word of the year for 2021

2021 One Word: Action
What action means to me. Action means taking meaningful action towards my goals and my ideal life. It is asking myself, ‘What can I do today to feel amazing and bring me closer to my goals?‘, or What can I do today to that helps me move to the tomorrow I envision.’ The only way to create the life I imagine is to take action while enjoying life.

Word of the year for 2022

2022 One Word: Reconnect
Why I choose reconnect: The world has had a few chaotic years, and I like possibly you and many other people, have felt disconnected in some way or another. Disconnected from family, friends, goals, and self, even disconnected from our work colleagues, systems and processes as working from home became the norm.
What reconnects means to me. Reconnect means reconnecting with myself, my family, and my friends. It is reconnecting to my goals and the goals of my family, friends, and community. It is living life now, living in the present. Reconnect is connecting through friendships, hobbies, and interests. The word reconnect links to my interest and future studies in reducing social isolation.

Word of the year for 2023.

2023 One Word for the year: Growth
Why I chose growth: I’ve chosen GROWTH as my word of the year for 2023. There have been many lessons over the years each guiding and enabling growth. Growth to me is about awareness and understanding of myself and my surroundings which nurtures growth. I feel 2023 is a year of growth in all areas of life.
What GROWTH means to me. Growth means innovation, learning and developing oneself. Growth acknowledges both acquired skills and knowledge as well as the learning required to step out of the comfort zone and find a way through the challenges. I know there will be plenty of growth in 2023.

Tree of life with areas circled around highlighting word of the year growth

Choosing one focus word for the Year can really help you clarify your core values and help you with achieving your goals.
Your turn now. Choose your one word for the New Year.
When you have your One Word for 2023. Decide what it means to you. Share in the comments below.

Looking for a fun way to choose a Word of the Year for 2023? Try this fun Word of the Year Generator! Find your perfect word at the click of a button. Read also: How to Choose a Word of the Year.

Looking for a fun way to choose a Word of the Year for 2020? Try this fun Word of the Year Generator!  Find your perfect word at the click of a button. #wordoftheyear #newyear #happynewyear #newyearswithkids

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A Fun New Way to Choose a Word of the Year

What You’ll Find on This Page

I love choosing my Word of the Year! I started this tradition back in 2015, although I arguably cheated by using one word two years in a row…

  • 2015 Word of the Year
  • 2016 Word of the Year
  • 2017 Word of the Year
  • 2018 Word of the Year
  • 2019 Word of the Year
  • 2020 Word of the Year
  • 2021 Word of the Year
  • 2022 Word of the Year

Why choose a word of the year? It’s really just for fun, but I find picking a word can help me focus on a way of living that I want to emphasize in a coming year. Here’s how past words of the year have impacted my life.

My word for 2015 was BOUNCE, because I was ready to bounce back from the upheaval my life was thrown into when we moved from Massachusetts to California in 2013.

In 2016 things we’d started to feel established in California, but things were still up in the air, including finding a place to live in California that would work for us long term. I picked the word LIVE to help me focus on living in the moment, despite uncertainty.

I loved that word so much that I repeated it for 2017.

In 2018 we were finally moved into a gorgeous house. My kids were growing and changing, and that meant my life was also growing and changing. I picked EXPLORE.

WONDER was my word for 2019. I’d loved reading the book Wonder with my kids the year before. I felt a bit jaded, and I wanted to recapture everyday joy.

CONNECT was my 2020 word of the year. I want to make sure I continue to build strong relationships with my children as they grow older. I also want to connect with more people in my community, and with opportunities to learn and grow as a human being.

My 2021 word of the year was NOW. It worked well for the uncertainty of the year. Focusing on the present really does help when there are a lot of unknowns that are out of your control.

I picked HEAL as my 2022 word of the year. It definitely matched how I felt coming out of the pandemic, and a fall traveling with my family offered all sorts of relationship healing.

Still thinking about how this yearly word game works? Read my post on how to choose a word of the year.

Luckily I found some delightfully nerdy ways to procrastinate. First I wrote yesterday’s post with the printable word list. Then my friend Andie created this fun printable Word of the Year activity.

Then I decided that it was time to dust off my oh-so-dusty coding skills (from the one programming class I took back in 2000) to use to create a custom word generator just for you!

Mama Smiles Word of the Year Generator

Your word of the year is

Word of the year generator

This generator is super easy to use! Click the button below and you’ll get a word! Don’t like the first word? Click again and you’ll get another word.

Mama Smiles Word of the Year Generator

Your word of the year is

The words are selected at random from a list I put together, so you might get the same word more than once, but there are a lot of words to choose from!

Find your word of the year at the click of a button!

Pair Your Word of the Year with a Great Book

Looking for a great read to go along with your Word of the Year? Try Designing Your Life by Bill Burnett and Dave Evans.

I usually use Happy Planners, but this year I splurged on an Agendio planner. It came custom printed with my family birthdays, important events, and to do lists I created.

What word did you get using this Word of the Year Generator?

Share comments and feedback below, on my Facebook page, or by tagging me on InstagramSign up for my newsletter to receive book recommendations, crafts, activities, and parenting tips in your inbox every week.

MaryAnne at Mama Smiles

MaryAnne Kochenderfer

MaryAnne lives is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.

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