Choose three phrases with the word go to

8. Choose three phrases with the word ‘go’. 1) … a party 2) … a concert 3) … dancing 4) … sightseeing 5) … shopping 6) … a meal

Остались вопросы?

Новые вопросы по предмету Английский язык

1. Prices are going       , as usual. (Correct)(Incorrect)

Prices are going up , as usual. (Correct)





2. The alarm clock went       at 5:30. (Correct)(Incorrect)

The alarm clock went off at 5:30. (Correct)





3. This bag doesn’t go       these shoes. (Correct)(Incorrect)

This bag doesn’t go with these shoes. (Correct)





4. I don’t trust him. He promised to help, but he may go       on his word. (Correct)(Incorrect)

I don’t trust him. He promised to help, but he may go back on his word. (Correct)





5. I don’t go       this idea. Actually, I have a better idea. (Correct)(Incorrect)

I don’t go for this idea. Actually, I have a better idea. (Correct)





6. Last week he went       with a bad cold. (Correct)(Incorrect)

Last week he went down with a bad cold. (Correct)





7. He goes       the name of Richard Brown. (Correct)(Incorrect)

He goes by the name of Richard Brown. (Correct)





8. I’m sorry I interrupted you. Please go       . (Correct)(Incorrect)

I’m sorry I interrupted you. Please go on . (Correct)





9. Review the material before the test. Go       Chapters 5 and 6. (Correct)(Incorrect)

Review the material before the test. Go over Chapters 5 and 6. (Correct)





10. His proposal will never go      . Everyone will vote against it. (Correct)(Incorrect)

His proposal will never go through. Everyone will vote against it. (Correct)





Контрольная работа по английскому языку за 1 четверть. 10 класс

Module 2

Variant 2

1. Make phrases with the words and translate them:

1) Pocket

2) Thank-you

3) Sporting

4) Earn

5) Extreme

6) Credit

7) Make ends

8) Placement

9) Action

10) Shopping

a) spree

b) meet

c) money

d) agency

e) extra money

f) note

g) event

h) sports

i) card

j) shot

2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form: -ing formto-infinitive or infinitive without to:

  1. She apologized for ____ (interrupt) the session.

  2. She is looking forward to … (get) a new mobile phone.

  3. John is afraid of ____(fly).

  4. I don’t mind _____(lend) you the book, but you must ___(return) it to me next week.

  5. It’s cold outside. You’d better _____ (take) your coat.

  6. We saw them _____ (do) all the damage.

  7. She enjoys _____ (receive) people at home.

  8. I would like _____ (meet) that writer.

  9. I stopped ______(play) football because of a knee injury.

  10. They couldn’t ______ (find) the way easily.

  11. The English teacher doesn’t let us ____(use) the dictionary while tests.

3. Choose the correct preposition.

1. I’m going to take my parents out/off.

2. Sarrah took after/up jogging in order to lose weight.

3. Take over/off your shoes, please.

4. The new manager will take over/ in next week.

5. She took after/up her mother and acts just like her.

4. Complete the 2nd sentence using the word in bold so that it means the same as the 1st or

fill in with appropriate prepositions: of, in, about, at.

  1. I don’t really love going to basketball matches.

keen I’m ……………………….. to basketball matches.

  1. French painting is up to her liking.

fond She ………………………. French painting.

  1. My younger brother can play DOTS for long hours!

crazy My younger brother ……………………. DOTS!

4. My parents are proud … me.

5. I am really interested … English.

Контрольная работа по английскому языку за 1 четверть. 10 класс

Module 2

Variant 1

1. Make phrases with the words and translate them:

1) dig deep

2) pocket

3) lend

4) play

5) save up

6) borrow

7) household

8) student

9) young

10) window

a) shopping

b) chores

c) for a new mobile phone

d) into the pockets

e) consumers

f) money

g) money to your friends

h) loan

i) money from your friends

j) it cool

2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form: -ing formto-infinitive or infinitive without to:

1) Please, remind me ______ (return) the DVD to the video club.

2) My mother made me ______ (clean) my room today.

3) Would you like ______ (go) shopping tomorrow?

4) I don’t mind _____(watch) this film again.

5) Let me ______ (help) you with these bags.

6) Jane hates ______(take) the car to the garage.

7) I can’t wait ______ (hear) your news.

8) Kate must ____ (see) a doctor as soon as possible.

9) Rick and Diane enjoy _____ (do) extreme sports.

10) I’m looking forward to _____(travel) to South America next week.

11) Wendy is not keen on _____(cycle).

3. Choose the correct preposition.

  1. Ian has taken in/up tennis.

  2. Why don’t you take off/out your coat?

  3. On her birthday I took my sister over/out to an expensive restaurant.

  4. Your daughter has taken off/after you. You are so alike.

  5. I think you need to take these trousers in/out; they’re very loose on you.

4. Complete the 2nd sentence using the word in bold so that it means the same as the 1st or

fill in with appropriate prepositions: of, in, about, at.

1. Lucy is pleased with her son’s achievements.

proud Lucy’s ………………………. achievements.

2.In fact, I can’t cook at all. I burn everything.

terrible I am really …………………….

3. My mother is crazy … photography.

4. Mu teacher is fond … painting.

5. Jack is brilliantfootball.

Ключи к контрольной работе по английскому языку за 1 четверть, 10 класс

Система оценивания:

28-31- «5»(90%) 23-27- «4»(75%) 20-22- «3»(65%)

1 вариант

Задание 1.

  1. d

  2. -f

  3. -g

  4. -j

  5. -c

  6. -i

  7. -b

  8. -h

  9. -e

  10. -a

Задание 2.

1-to return


3-to go




7-to hear





Задание 3.






Задание 4.

1-Lucy’s proud of her son’s achievements.

2-I am really terrible at cooking.




2 вариант

Задание 1.

  1. c

  2. f

  3. g

  4. e

  5. h

  6. i

  7. b

  8. d

  9. j

  10. a

Задание 2.








8-to meet




Задание 3.






Задание 4.

1-I’m not keen on going to basketball matches.

2-She is fond of French painting.

3-My younger brother is crazy about DOTS.



Предмет английский язык

to enjoy guests



to go abroad 

to take place

to invite guests

to enjoy the film

to arrange the date

to collect badges


1. invite guests

2. arrange the date

3. take place

4. collect badges

5. go abroad 

Go or do? How good is your vocabulary?

Divide the words/phrases into two categories.



extreme sports

voluntary work


window shopping

on trips to the countryside

Go or do? How good is your vocabulary?

Divide the words/phrases into two categories.



extreme sports

voluntary work


window shopping

on trips to the countryside

Which word fits the sentence?

Fill in the gaps.

Nowadays surfing the

is one of the most popular pastime with teenagers.

My sisters went window

with my mum.

I really liked to

with my friends in the evenings.

I like to do voluntary

with my classmate.

Jake always plays

games when he finishes his homework.

William and Martha sometimes go on

to the countryside.

Which word fits the sentence?

Fill in the gaps.

Nowadays surfing the

is one of the most popular pastime with teenagers.

My sisters went window

with my mum.

I really liked to

with my friends in the evenings.

I like to do voluntary

with my classmate.

Jake always plays

games when he finishes his homework.

William and Martha sometimes go on

to the countryside.

How well do you know our new words?

Match the words with their meanings. 

заниматься экстремальными видами спорта

How well do you know our new words?

Match the words with their meanings. 

заниматься экстремальными видами спорта

How well do you know our new words?

Complete the table with the words below.













hang out









How well do you know our new words?

Complete the table with the words below.













hang out









Which phrase fits the picture?

Match the pictures and the words.

Chat online

Do voluntary work

Hang out with friends

Do extreme sports

Which phrase fits the picture?

Match the pictures and the words.

Hang out with friends

Chat online

Do extreme sports

Do voluntary work

Which word fits the sentence?

Choose the correct answer.

       My sister always does

work at her school.

       I usually

online about three hours a day.

       Teenagers often send text

on their mobiles.

      Jill really likes to

time with her family.

       I want to take my little brother on a

to the countryside.

       I don’t like to do any

sports because it’s really dangerous.

Which word fits the sentence?

Choose the correct answer.

       My sister always does

work at her school.

       I usually

online about three hours a day.

       Teenagers often send text

on their mobiles.

      Jill really likes to

time with her family.

       I want to take my little brother on a

to the countryside.

       I don’t like to do any

sports because it’s really dangerous.

Which word fits the sentence?

Cross the odd ONE out.

Watch: TV/DVD/the net

Plant: trees/computer games/flowers

Hang out with: emails/friends/the family

Send: text messages/emails/the time

Listen to: music/on a trip/your mum

Chat: the window /with your friends/ online

Which word fits the sentence?

Cross the odd ONE out.

Watch: TV/DVD/the net

Plant: trees/computer games/flowers

Hang out with: emails/friends/the family

Send: text messages/emails/the time

Listen to: music/on a trip/your mum

Chat: the window /with your friends/ online

How good is your vocabulary?

Complete the table with the words below. 

send emails

send text messages

go on a trip

go clubbing

do extreme sports

do the gardening

play computer games

play the piano

to be a teacher

to be a good person

go window shopping

send flowers

to be into fashion

do voluntary work

play the guitar

How good is your vocabulary?

Complete the table with the words below. 

send emails

send text messages

go on a trip

go clubbing

do extreme sports

do the gardening

play computer games

play the piano

to be a teacher

to be a good person

to be into fashion

send flowers

go window shopping

play the guitar

do voluntary work

Which word fits the sentence?

Choose the right answer.

Apart from my homework I usually run

for the elderly.


is my favourite pastime.

My friend lives in another city. We usually send

to each other.

Most of my friends enjoy

the net.

Alan used to do

sports once a week.

Susan spends a lot of time on the Internet chatting


Which word fits the sentence?

Choose the right answer.

Apart from my homework I usually run

for the elderly.


is my favourite pastime.

My friend lives in another city. We usually send

to each other.

Most of my friends enjoy

the net.

Alan used to do

sports once a week.

Susan spends a lot of time on the Internet chatting


Which phrase fits the sentence?

Complete the text. 

Somebody prefers to sleep and relax during their leisure time, but most people prefer to do a great number of interesting things. It can be reading, , watching TV, listening to music and so on.

As for me, I don’t have a lot of free time . In my free time I like to hang out with my friends or surf the Net. And I usually chat with my friends .

because I don`t see some of them for a long time

various types of sport games

because I’m always busy with my school

Which phrase fits the sentence?

Complete the text. 

Somebody prefers to sleep and relax during their leisure time, but most people prefer to do a great number of interesting things. It can be reading, , watching TV, listening to music and so on.

As for me, I don’t have a lot of free time . In my free time I like to hang out with my friends or surf the Net. And I usually chat with my friends .

because I don`t see some of them for a long time

because I’m always busy with my school

various types of sport games

Which word fits the sentence?

Choose the right answer.

Mark listens to/does the music after a long working day.

She often runs/goes errands for her grandmother.

I can’t stand/can’t enjoy doing extreme sports.

Im really onto/into fashion.

And enjoys hanging off /out with her new friends.

I would really like to go on/into trips to the countryside.

Which word fits the sentence?

Choose the right answer.

Mark listens to/does the music after a long working day.

She often runs/goes errands for her grandmother.

I can’t stand/can’t enjoy doing extreme sports.

Im really onto/into fashion.

And enjoys hanging off /out with her new friends.

I would really like to go on/into trips to the countryside.

Making sentences

Match the phrases to get the sentences.

Making sentences

Match the phrases to get the sentences.

Making a dialogue

Match the phrases to get the sentences.

But my favourite free time activity is spending

I can say that I can’t stand shopping, but I really enjoy

Hello, my name is Nick I’m a very sociable person.

I’m also very fond of surfing the Net.

playing computer games. My brother and I can sit in front of the display clicking the mouse all day long.

I can spend hours looking through the feed of my social networks.

I can listen to my favourite songs for hours.

I like hanging out with my friends.

Making a dialogue

Match the phrases to get the sentences.

I’m also very fond of surfing the Net.

But my favourite free time activity is spending

I can say that I can’t stand shopping, but I really enjoy

Hello, my name is Nick I’m a very sociable person.

I like hanging out with my friends.

I can spend hours looking through the feed of my social networks.

playing computer games. My brother and I can sit in front of the display clicking the mouse all day long.

I can listen to my favourite songs for hours.

Reading comprehension

Choose the right answer.

Ways of spending free time, if you have some.

It might be an almost unique situation but let’s imagine that you have got some free time and don’t know what to do. According to the .

On the top of the list we can see “surfing the net”. This way you can kill time by looking through your feed on the Instagram or replying to the comments on Facebook.

The next activity is hanging out with friends. This one is a really great activity especially if you haven’t seen your friends in real life for ages.

Number . Have you ever wanted to try bungee jumping or parachuting? It might be the right time to do it.

The next popular activity is going on the trips to the countryside. Just to countryside with the amazing view of the sunset in the river and fresh air.

The last activity which is listed in the magazine “Teen’s choice” is listening to music. If you your earphones into your smartphone and enjoy your favourite songs?

imagine, what can be better than a trip

in case you have at least some free time

three in the list of the most popular free time activities

is doing extreme sports

have some time why don’t you plug

magazine «Teen’s choice» there are 5 most popular activities

Reading comprehension

Choose the right answer.

Ways of spending free time, if you have some.

It might be an almost unique situation but let’s imagine that you have got some free time and don’t know what to do. According to the .

On the top of the list we can see “surfing the net”. This way you can kill time by looking through your feed on the Instagram or replying to the comments on Facebook.

The next activity is hanging out with friends. This one is a really great activity especially if you haven’t seen your friends in real life for ages.

Number . Have you ever wanted to try bungee jumping or parachuting? It might be the right time to do it.

The next popular activity is going on the trips to the countryside. Just to countryside with the amazing view of the sunset in the river and fresh air.

The last activity which is listed in the magazine “Teen’s choice” is listening to music. If you your earphones into your smartphone and enjoy your favourite songs?

imagine, what can be better than a trip

have some time why don’t you plug

three in the list of the most popular free time activities

is doing extreme sports

in case you have at least some free time

magazine «Teen’s choice» there are 5 most popular activities

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  • Choose there phrases with the word get
  • Choose the wrong word yet
  • Choose the words and word combinations which are used with the
  • Choose the word worksheet
  • Choose the word with the sound перевод