Choose the wrong word yet

Choose the wrong word connected with sportsmen:

a) jockey; b) archerer; c) canoeist; d) mountaineer; e) archer.

Choose the synonyms used for a group of bees:

a) hive; b) swarm; c) sloth; d) bike; e) drift.

Choose British newspapers usually known as tabloids:

a) The Daily Mail;

b) The Times;

c) The Mirror;

d) The Observer;

e) The Sun.

Остались вопросы?

Новые вопросы по предмету Английский язык

Все категории

  • Фотография и видеосъемка
  • Знания
  • Другое
  • Гороскопы, магия, гадания
  • Общество и политика
  • Образование
  • Путешествия и туризм
  • Искусство и культура
  • Города и страны
  • Строительство и ремонт
  • Работа и карьера
  • Спорт
  • Стиль и красота
  • Юридическая консультация
  • Компьютеры и интернет
  • Товары и услуги
  • Темы для взрослых
  • Семья и дом
  • Животные и растения
  • Еда и кулинария
  • Здоровье и медицина
  • Авто и мото
  • Бизнес и финансы
  • Философия, непознанное
  • Досуг и развлечения
  • Знакомства, любовь, отношения
  • Наука и техника


Choose the correct word I’ve yet /already

2 ответа:



5 Choose the correct word.

1 I’ve already had lunch.

2 She hasn’t done her homework yet.

3 We’ve just had dinner.

4 Have you ever played the guitar?

5 He has never been to Paris.



1. already 2.yet 3.just 4.ever 5.never

Читайте также

1. to teach
2. called
3. to know
4. began
5. were picturing
6.  to appear
7. sold
Такое ощущение, что не хватает одного слова. Пропусков восемь, а слов семь

British students have pocket money. They spend money very quickly. British student buy fust food , for this reason they have o<span>verweight. Russian students spend pocket money with head. They don`t buy fust food. They buy subjects that they need. Британские школьники имеют карманные деньги. Британские школьники покупают фаст фуд, поэтому они имеют лишний вес. Русские школьники не покупают фаст фуд, Они покупают только те вещи которые понастоящему им необходимы. P.S Конечно не для 1-4 классов но все же)))) Чем мог помог :D


Yeah I but the fact is a good idea time I was in the world i love love you too and I love the new update


Какое задания???????????????

* A sudden wave of sickness overpowered him.
* Внезапная волна тошноты накатила на него.

* Turn off the television. I can’t concentrate.
* Выключи телевизор. Я не могу сосредоточиться.

* The only access to the village is from the river.
* Единственный путь в деревню лежит со стороны реки.

* I think you’re right.
* Я думаю, что ты прав.

* I’m at a loss for words.
* У меня нет слов.

Task 3. Underline the right words
1. Police – officers often have to chase/praise the criminals.
2. He was sentenced to five years entertainment/imprisonment.
3. Culprits were taken to the court/country.
4. Speeding/sweeping is an offence.
5. Funny/gullible people can become the victims of fraudsters.
6. She wanted to confess/express to the crime.
Task 4. Choose the right word in the dialogue
Police officer: So, what did you (manage/help) to see?
Man: Well, I saw three people went round the side of the house: a girl, a little boy and an older boy.
Police officer: How did they (get/got) into the house?
Man: The older boy (slept/stood) in the corner – at the kitchen window. He opened it a bit – don’t know how. The girl picked the smaller (boy/toy) up and got onto the big lad’s shoulders and he put him through.
Police officer: He could go and (close/open) the door, yeah?
Man: Oh, yes. Then I saw them outside…
Police officer: How much (later/latter) was this?
Man: Only moments – two or three (hours/minutes) at the most. The girl was taking bags from the younger boy. The older boy took the (bags/balloons), put them in the car and they rode off. I was really shocked – I mean, the little one couldn’t have been more than nine.
Task 5. Cross out the wrong word
In my opinion, a lot of (crime/marriage) is caused through lack of security. My advice would be to (unlock/lock) up carefully and install an (alarm/antenna) in the house. I would also light up the (bedroom/garden) at night. Don’t open up the door to (people/children) you don’t know. Put a (number/chain) on your front door. Remember – it’s your home. If you are (suspicious/gullible), call the police. Don’t become a victim.

Complete the dialogue with the corresponding words.

Mary: Hello, Nick! You look sad. What`s wrong with you? I wish you happy!

Nick: I wish I my Math test yesterday.

Mary: Oh, I see. I wish you properly not to have problems. I can help you.

Nick: Oh, it`s a good idea! I wish you me the material.

Mary: Let`s start tomorrow.

Nick: OK, thank you.


would study

hadn`t failed

would explain

              Утверждено на заседании ШМО

№1 от 01.09.2016г.

Медведева Ю.А.


Характеристика  урока

:  среднее  общее образование

:  учащиеся 


Английский язык

 Цель урока
Контроль навыков грамматики и письма.

Тип урока
Урок контроля, оценки и коррекции знаний учащихся

Работа рассчитана на 40 минут.



79 – 72 – «5»

71 –38 – «4»

– 30 – «3»

—  Try again!


1. quiet, isolated 2. convenient, crowded 3. burglars 4. extinct 5. bushes 6.
suddenly 7. solve 8. tiring 9. scared 10. creating 11. reserve 12. obey 13.
successful 14. a hammer and nails

1. shouldn’t 2. use to 3. didn’t use to 4. as soon as 5. where 6. already 7.
need 8. since 9 for 10. yet 11. funniest 12. most talented 13. doesn’t have to
14. have to 15. can she 16. did he

1. did he arrive 2. Have you ever explored 3. were cooking, was tiding 4. am
taking 5. decided 6. study, will pass 7. was listening 8. will be 9. was
watching 10. go, will take 11. has been working 12. will get 13. was reading
14. Will people live 15. have been learning 16. is, will go 17. invent, won’t

1. after 2. up 3.     4.  5.  6. of 7.  8. forward to 9. with 10. 11  12. off
13. for 14. with 15. back 16.

2. b 3. b 4.  b 5. a 6. a 7. b 8. a


контрольная работа



«Английский в фокусе 7»

Авторы: В.
Эванс, Дж. Дули, О. Подоляко, Ю. Ваулина

Издательство: «Просвещение», 2014


A. Complete the sentences with the
following words:

successful, solve, burglars, quiet, suddenly, tiring,
scared, obey, a hammer and nails, bushes, isolated, extinct, creating, crowded,
reserve, convenient

1. I don’t mind the peace and __________ of  the
country, but I can’t stand feeling __________ .

2. __________ public transport and __________ streets
are very important to me.

3. The __________ are stealing things from people’s

4. Edinburg Castle is built on an __________ volcano.

5. The children were scared when they heard the noise
coming from the  __________ .

6. Penny was in the zoo and __________ she hears
people screaming.

7. She can __________  the most mysterious crimes and
put criminals behind bars.

8. How was your flight? — It was __________ .

9. I’m __________ of spiders.

10. She’s a __________ designer. She succeeds in
making her own clothes and jewellers.

11. I’d like to __________ a place at your camp.

12. Swimming in the pool can be great but also very
dangerous, so you must __________ the lifeguards.

13. Plushenko E. is the most __________ figure skater
in Russia.

14. We are using __________ to build nesting boxes.

B. Choose the correct form:

1. You __________ leave expensive items in your car
for all to see.

a. can’t             b. shouldn’t

2. I __________  watch cartoons when I was six.

 a. used to        b. was used to

3. I __________  drive a car when I was six.

a. wasn’t use to               b. didn’t use to

4. They decided to search for treasures __________
they found a map.

a. until                       b. as soon as

5. This is the house __________ he was born.

a. which                  b. where

6. I have __________ seen this film twice. Let’s 
watch something else.

a. never                   b. already

7. You __________ to send a deposit  in order to
reserve your place.

a. must                     b. need

8. She has known him __________ 1996.

a. since                    b. from

9. He has been an actor __________ twenty years.

a. last                   b. for

10. I haven’t finished my project __________ .

a. just                     b. yet

11. It’s the __________ film I’ve ever seen.

a. funniest                  b. funnier

12. Hvorostovsky D. is one of the __________ opera

a. most talented          b. more talented

13. He __________ go tho school. He’s ill.

a. mustn’t                    b. doesn’t have to

14. You __________ do it tonight. It’s urgent.

a. has to                        b. have to

15. She can’t drive, __________?

a. isn’t she                     b. can she

16. He didn’t go to the party yesterday, __________?

a. didn’t he                     b. did he

C. Put the verbs in brackets into the
correct form:

1. Why __________ (hearrive) so late last Monday?

2. __________ (you/ever/explore) a haunted mansion?

3. My parents __________ (cook) breakfast while I
__________ (tidy) my room.

4. I _________ (take) the plane tomorrow morning.

5. Few minutes later he __________ (decide) to call
the police and report about the incident.

6. If you _________ (study) hard, you __________
(pass) your exams successfully.

7. Mark __________ (listen) to music until 11 pm last

8. I’m sure our life __________ (be) very different in

9. Liza __________ (watch) TV when her father arrived.

10. If I __________ (go) to Spain, I __________ (take)
lots of amazing photos.

11. She __________ (work) as a teacher for ten years.

12. Unless Jim pay the electricity bill, it __________
(get) cut off.

13. Max __________ (read) a newspaper when he
__________(hear)  a loud noise in the garden.

14. __________ (peoplelive) in underwater cities?

15. I __________ (learn) English since 1998.

16.If the weather __________ (be) good, we __________
(go) for a walk.

17. If people__________ (invent) new fuel, cars
__________ (notpollute) the air.

D. Fill in the following sentences:

off (2), of, with, into, for, forward to, up, out of, back, across, out, away,
out with, after

1. If a burglar breaks
in, don’t put a fight and never run __________ him.

2. He gave __________
smoking last year.

3. My alarm clock went
__________ at 7 o’clock.

4. They came __________
this antique book at the market yesterday.

5. He had to stay in hospital
for several weeks, so he fell __________ with his lesson.

6. Our teacher was very
proud __________ her students.

7. We ran __________
bread, so we went to buy some.

8. She is looking
__________ her holidays. She is going to spend this summer in Italy. 

9. He can’t cope
__________ his problems alone. I suppose he needs psychologist’s help and
support of his relatives.

10. The new hit of
Rolling Stones is coming __________ next week.

11.Suddenly I ran
__________ my old friend in the street.

12. It’s hot! Take
__________ your jumper.

13. She is looking
__________ a well-paid job in the city, as there is a high level of
unemployment in the country.

14. She has fallen __________
Max because he lied to her.

15. Can you give me
__________ my book, please?

16. A burger and fries to
take __________ , please.

 E. Choose the correct

1. Do you fancy coming
with me?

a. No, I
haven’t                       b. Thanks, but I’m afraid I can’t

2. Two tickets for King
Kong at 6 pm, please.

a. I’m afraid it’s sold
out          b. Here is your change

3.Try it on and see if it

a. OK! Hang on a
second         b. Really? Thank you very much.

4. I hate reality shows. Can’t
we watch the news?

a. I suppose
so.                       b. Sure, I really like documentaries

5. Can you help me send
an e-mail?

a. No problem. First of
all turn on your computer.        b. Access your e-mail account.

6. Would you like to go
on a picnic?

a. That sounds
great!                       b. What’s that all about?

7. Can you send me an
e-mail with the details?

a. That’s
fine!                       b. Certainly.

8. I find sitting exams
the most stressful.

a. Don’t
mention!                  b. I don’t agree!

F. Listen to the
conversation and choose the correct answer.

1. What happened
to Max?

a. Max and his friends found a snake on
the floor in the living room.

b. They saw a ghost on the second floor.

c. Max couldn’t find his friend who
vanished quietly.

— Hi, Max!

— Hi, John! You’ll never guess what
happened to me.

— Really? What was going on?

— My friends and I spent our last weekend
in my uncle’s big, old house in the country.

— That sounds great! But you look a little

— I had quiet a shock!

— Really? Why?

— We were in the living room downstairs
when we heard a loud noise from the second floor.

— What on earth was it?

— When we went upstairs we saw a long
orange snake with black stripes on the floor and started shouting and

— Oh dear! Was anyone hurt?

— No! My uncle caught it quickly.

— Oh my goodness! You don’t see that every
day, do you?

— No, certainly don’t!

2. What Eco-club has she joined?                          

a. Volunteers club          b. Eco-helpers

3. What has she
been doing for a month and for a week?

a. She’s been recycling cans and reading
about ecology.

b. She’s been collecting rubbish and
building nesting boxes.

c. She’s been watering flowers and
teaching the cycle of life.

d. She’s been planting trees and cleaning
out a pond.

— Hi, Tim!

— Hi, Sally! What are you doing here?

— Oh, I’ve joined the Eco-helpers Club.
I’ve been collecting rubbish for recycling in the park and I’ve been building
nesting boxes.

— What else have you been doing?

— I’ve been planting trees and cleaning
out ponds for a week.

— Your club sounds wonderful. I could join
as well, couldn’t I?

— Of course you could. We really need

Sounds great!

контрольная работа



«Английский в фокусе 7»

Авторы: В.
Эванс, Дж. Дули, О. Подоляко, Ю. Ваулина

Издательство: «Просвещение», 2014


A. Complete the sentences with the
following words:

successful, solve, burglars, quiet, suddenly, tiring,
scared, obey, a hammer and nails, bushes, isolated, extinct, creating, crowded,
reserve, convenient

1. I don’t mind the peace and __________ of  the
country, but I can’t stand feeling __________ .

2. __________ public transport and __________ streets
are very important to me.

3. The __________ are stealing things from people’s

4. Edinburg Castle is built on an __________ volcano.

5. The children were scared when they heard the noise
coming from the  __________ .

6. Penny was in the zoo and __________ she hears
people screaming.

7. She can __________  the most mysterious crimes and
put criminals behind bars.

8. How was your flight? — It was __________ .

9. I’m __________ of spiders.

10. She’s a __________ designer. She succeeds in
making her own clothes and jewellers.

11. I’d like to __________ a place at your camp.

12. Swimming in the pool can be great but also very
dangerous, so you must __________ the lifeguards.

13. Plushenko E. is the most __________ figure skater
in Russia.

14. We are using __________ to build nesting boxes.

B. Choose the correct form:

1. You __________ leave expensive items in your car
for all to see.

a. can’t             b. shouldn’t

2. I __________  watch cartoons when I was six.

 a. used to        b. was used to

3. I __________  drive a car when I was six.

a. wasn’t use to               b. didn’t use to

4. They decided to search for treasures __________
they found a map.

a. until                       b. as soon as

5. This is the house __________ he was born.

a. which                  b. where

6. I have __________ seen this film twice. Let’s 
watch something else.

a. never                   b. already

7. You __________ to send a deposit  in order to
reserve your place.

a. must                     b. need

8. She has known him __________ 1996.

a. since                    b. from

9. He has been an actor __________ twenty years.

a. last                   b. for

10. I haven’t finished my project __________ .

a. just                     b. yet

11. It’s the __________ film I’ve ever seen.

a. funniest                  b. funnier

12. Hvorostovsky D. is one of the __________ opera

a. most talented          b. more talented

13. He __________ go tho school. He’s ill.

a. mustn’t                    b. doesn’t have to

14. You __________ do it tonight. It’s urgent.

a. has to                        b. have to

15. She can’t drive, __________?

a. isn’t she                     b. can she

16. He didn’t go to the party yesterday, __________?

a. didn’t he                     b. did he

C. Put the verbs in brackets into the
correct form:

1. Why __________ (hearrive) so late last Monday?

2. __________ (you/ever/explore) a haunted mansion?

3. My parents __________ (cook) breakfast while I
__________ (tidy) my room.

4. I _________ (take) the plane tomorrow morning.

5. Few minutes later he __________ (decide) to call
the police and report about the incident.

6. If you _________ (study) hard, you __________
(pass) your exams successfully.

7. Mark __________ (listen) to music until 11 pm last

8. I’m sure our life __________ (be) very different in

9. Liza __________ (watch) TV when her father arrived.

10. If I __________ (go) to Spain, I __________ (take)
lots of amazing photos.

11. She __________ (work) as a teacher for ten years.

12. Unless Jim pay the electricity bill, it __________
(get) cut off.

13. Max __________ (read) a newspaper when he
__________(hear)  a loud noise in the garden.

14. __________ (peoplelive) in underwater cities?

15. I __________ (learn) English since 1998.

16.If the weather __________ (be) good, we __________
(go) for a walk.

17. If people__________ (invent) new fuel, cars
__________ (notpollute) the air.

D. Fill in the following sentences:

off (2), of, with, into, for, forward to, up, out of, back, across, out, away,
out with, after

1. If a burglar breaks
in, don’t put a fight and never run __________ him.

2. He gave __________
smoking last year.

3. My alarm clock went
__________ at 7 o’clock.

4. They came __________
this antique book at the market yesterday.

5. He had to stay in
hospital for several weeks, so he fell __________ with his lesson.

6. Our teacher was very
proud __________ her students.

7. We ran __________
bread, so we went to buy some.

8. She is looking
__________ her holidays. She is going to spend this summer in Italy. 

9. He can’t cope
__________ his problems alone. I suppose he needs psychologist’s help and
support of his relatives.

10. The new hit of
Rolling Stones is coming __________ next week.

11.Suddenly I ran
__________ my old friend in the street.

12. It’s hot! Take
__________ your jumper.

13. She is looking
__________ a well-paid job in the city, as there is a high level of
unemployment in the country.

14. She has fallen __________
Max because he lied to her.

15. Can you give me
__________ my book, please?

16. A burger and fries to
take __________ , please.

 E. Choose the correct

1. Do you fancy coming
with me?

a. No, I
haven’t                       b. Thanks, but I’m afraid I can’t

2. Two tickets for King
Kong at 6 pm, please.

a. I’m afraid it’s sold
out          b. Here is your change

3.Try it on and see if it

a. OK! Hang on a
second         b. Really? Thank you very much.

4. I hate reality shows.
Can’t we watch the news?

a. I suppose
so.                       b. Sure, I really like documentaries

5. Can you help me send
an e-mail?

a. No problem. First of
all turn on your computer.        b. Access your e-mail account.

6. Would you like to go
on a picnic?

a. That sounds
great!                       b. What’s that all about?

7. Can you send me an
e-mail with the details?

a. That’s
fine!                       b. Certainly.

8. I find sitting exams
the most stressful.

a. Don’t
mention!                  b. I don’t agree!

F. Listen to the
conversation and choose the correct answer.

1. What happened
to Max?

a. Max and his friends found a snake on
the floor in the living room.

b. They saw a ghost on the second floor.

c. Max couldn’t find his friend who
vanished quietly.

— Hi, Max!

— Hi, John! You’ll never guess what
happened to me.

— Really? What was going on?

— My friends and I spent our last weekend
in my uncle’s big, old house in the country.

— That sounds great! But you look a little

— I had quiet a shock!

— Really? Why?

— We were in the living room downstairs
when we heard a loud noise from the second floor.

— What on earth was it?

— When we went upstairs we saw a long
orange snake with black stripes on the floor and started shouting and

— Oh dear! Was anyone hurt?

— No! My uncle caught it quickly.

— Oh my goodness! You don’t see that every
day, do you?

— No, certainly don’t!

2. What Eco-club has she joined?                          

a. Volunteers club          b. Eco-helpers

3. What has she
been doing for a month and for a week?

a. She’s been recycling cans and reading
about ecology.

b. She’s been collecting rubbish and
building nesting boxes.

c. She’s been watering flowers and
teaching the cycle of life.

d. She’s been planting trees and cleaning
out a pond.

— Hi, Tim!

— Hi, Sally! What are you doing here?

— Oh, I’ve joined the Eco-helpers Club.
I’ve been collecting rubbish for recycling in the park and I’ve been building
nesting boxes.

— What else have you been doing?

— I’ve been planting trees and cleaning
out ponds for a week.

— Your club sounds wonderful. I could join
as well, couldn’t I?

— Of course you could. We really need

— Sounds great!


2. Fill in the missing word. There are two words you do not need to use.

1. The heavy rain caused the driver to lose control of his car and crash into a tree.

2. What started out as a light breeze soon became a very strong wind.

3. The well-trained lifeguard was able to rescue the drowning swimmer and quickly bring him to safety.

4. The lead actor felt under the  weather and Daniel was asked to replace him in the school play.

5. The big earthquake caused many buildings to collapse and people were left homeless.

6. When the avalanche hit the area, dozens of people were snowed in for many hours.

7. Cars and factories produce toxic fumes that harm the environment.

8. A terrible flood caused by three days of continuous rain has destroyed many houses inthe small fishing village.

9. drought will occur in an area when it hasn’t rained for an unusually long period of time.

10. The terrible fire left dozens of buildings in ruins

Choose the appropriative words to complete the sentences: unique article calls cheerful courageous fascinating murmurs investigating lies mumbles occasion rewarding Впечатайте вместо пропусков выделенные слова.

1. The … in the latest copy of the magazine was poorly written.
2. Do you know that Julia sometimes … some words in her sleep?
3.Denis knew he had been wrong but he was not … enough to admit it.
4.The problem has a … solution. There is no other way out.
5. The police are still … the murder.
6.Helen … her granny every evening. She wants to wish her good night.
7. I can`t understand Bob when he … and ask him to say the same clearer.
8. This famous actress … about her age. I`m sure she is much older.
9. Yesterday I had no … to speak to him. He was busy all day long.
10. Teaching is a … job.
11. Your report was a kind of … reading for the manager. He was really amused.
12. My mum has a … outlook. You can`t call her a pessimist.

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