Choose the word which best completes the sentence by exploring space we may

I. Find the word with the same or similar meaning.
Example: research – c)
a) an experiment b) an achievement c) an exploration
1) humid
a) misty b) cool c) wet
2) icy
a) frosty b) snowy c) nasty
3) spaceship
a) space travel b) starship c) space flight
4) violent
a) weak b) strong c) terrible
5) storm
a) wind b) hurricane c) rain
II. Choose the word which best completes the sentence.
Example: I’m sure that one day the scientists will … most of medical problems.
a) take b) solve c) explore
I’m sure that one day the scientists will solve most of medical problems.
1. By exploring space we may find another … we can live on.
a) distance b) planet c) star
2. Natural disasters … cities and towns, they injure and kill people and animals.
a) break b) damage c) destroy
3. But people hope they will travel through … in huge spaceships far from the Earth.
a) space b) galaxies c) satellites
4. Scientists can now predict most weather … and warn people of possible danger in advance.
a) problems b) damage c) disasters
5. … is a sudden shaking of the ground.
a) earthquake b) flood c) drought
6. There are about 1,000 … in our Galaxy.
a) satellites b) planets c) stars
7. Sometimes the British have weather from each … all in one day.
a) climate b) season c) place
8. We don’t know when men began to dream … travelling in space.
a) of b) about c) from
9. Why are you shaking … laughter? — It’s better to laugh than cry.
a) like b) with c) from
10. I haven’t seen them … last Halloween.
a) since b) for
III. The word in capitals above each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space. Fill each blank in this way.
More than 200 people were killed during the disastrous hurricane in 1992.
Thank goodness that our weather isn’t so … .
2. SUN
When we got to Spain, it was very hot and … .
Neil Armstrong was the first … on the Moon.
We have already discussed the most important … problems on our planet.
A very violent wind is … of a tornado.
IV. Choose the correct form of the verb.
1. I … him before we met at the concert.
a) didn’t see b) wasn’t seeing c) hadn’t seen
2. When mother came home, the children … the soup.
a) ate b) were eating c) had eaten
3. The telegram … some minutes after he had left.
a) came b) was coming c) had come
4. While we … the road I saw Victor.
a) crossed b) were crossing c) had crossed
5. When … your sister … to London?
a) did … go b) was … going c) had gone

II. Choose the word which best completes the sentence.

1. Every year different natural disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes and volcanic eruptions happen on our … .

A) star b) satellite c) planet


Jules Verne throws his heroes into … by means of a huge gun.

A) distance b) space c) the Moon


The terrible hurricane had … all the houses by that time.

A) destroyed b) damaged c) broken


We have been doing … into space for many years already.

A) damage b) research c) disasters


… is a long period of dry weather when there is not enough water.

A) flood b) earthquake c) drought


He climbed into his … and in a few minutes he was out in space.

A) spacesuit b) spaceship c) satellite


In Britain people often start conversations by talking about the … .

A) seasons b) weather c) disasters


The satellite was launched … space three days ago.

A) in b) into c) to


I shake … a leaf before every exam.

A) like b) with c) from


I haven’t been to any parties … a long time.

A) since b) for.

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Итоговая контрольная работа за 8 класс.  Вариант 1.

I. Find the word with the same or similar meaning.

Example: research – c)   a) an experiment b) an achievement c) an

1.       humid

a) misty b) cool c) wet

2.       icy

a) frosty b) snowy c) nasty

3.      spaceship

a) space travel b) starship c) space flight

4.       violent

a) weak b) strong c) terrible

5.      storm

a) wind b) hurricane c) rain

II. Choose the word which
best completes the sentence.

Example: I’m sure
that one day the scientists will … most of medical problems.  a) take b) solve
c) explore

I’m sure that one day the scientists will solve most
of medical problems.

1. By exploring space we may
find another … we can live on.

a) distance b) planet c) star

2. Natural disasters … cities
and towns, they injure and kill people and animals.

a) break b) damage c) destroy

3. But people hope they will
travel through … in huge spaceships far from the Earth.

a) space b) galaxies c) satellites

4. Scientists can now predict
most weather … and warn people of possible danger in advance.

a) problems b) damage c) disasters

5. … is a sudden shaking of the

a) earthquake b) flood c) drought

III. The word in capitals
above each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that fits
suitably in the blank space. Fill each blank in this way.


 We go to the swimming-pool … .


A … is a person who reports on
the important events.


I can get a lot of useful …
from newspapers.

4. SUN

When we got to Spain, it was
very hot and … .


Neil Armstrong was the first …
on the Moon.

IV. Fill in the definite article the if needed.

We’ve booked a holiday for three weeks in ___ Canary Islands.

Located to _____ east of ___ Mariana Islands in ___ western
Pacific Ocean, ___ Mariana Trench is the deepest known area.

___ Astrachan is located on ___Caspian Sea.

Once I went for my holidays to ___ Lake Baikal. It
was great!

In ___North of ___ Britain there are higher lands and mountains.

Is ___ Everest the highest mountain in world?

V. Complete the
sentences. Fill in 
to if

1. Margaret asked the girl …
close the window.

2. “If you want … cross it,
give me your pocket money.”

3. My brother let me … play the
computer game till 10 pm.

4. The policeman asked the boys
not … talk very loudly.

5. Our teacher made me … take
part in the literary competition.

VI. Complete the
sentences, using Conditional II and III.

Example: If we … (throw away) less rubbish, our planet would be
nicer and cleaner. — If we threw away less rubbish, our planet would be nicer
and cleaner.

1. If I (know) the result now,
I would phone her immediately.

2. If I (be) you, I would stay
at home.

3. If you (not miss) the train,
you would have arrived in time.

4. If they had known it before,
they (take) measures.

5. Your brother (become) much
stronger if he took cold baths regularly.

VII. Choose the correct
translation of the sentences.

1. If he had worked hard, he
would have achieved great progress.

a) Если он будет
работать усердно, он добьется больших успехов.

b) Если бы он работал
сейчас усердно, он добился бы больших успехов.

с) Если бы он работал
тогда усердно, он добился бы больших успехов.

2. If I got this book, I would
be happy.

a) Если у меня будет
эта книга, я буду счастлив.

b) Если бы у меня была
эта книга, я была бы счастлива.

с) Если бы у меня была
тогда эта книга, я была бы счастлива.

3. If you had gone to the
theatre last week, you would have enjoyed the evening.

a) Если бы ты сходил в
театр на следующей неделе, ты получил бы удовольствие от вечера.

b) Если бы ты сходил в
театр на прошлой неделе, ты получил бы удовольствие от вечера.

VIII. Choose the correct
form of the verb.

1. I … him before we met at the

a) didn’t see b) wasn’t seeing c) hadn’t seen

2. When mother came home, the
children … the soup.

a) ate b) were eating c) had eaten

3. The telegram … some minutes
after he had left.

a) came b) was coming c) had come

4. While Kate … in America, she
learnt a lot about a famous pop star Madonna.

              a) travelled b)
was travelling c) had traveled

5. When … you … receive a
letter from your friend?

              a) did … receive
b) were … receiving c) had … received

IV. Complete the
sentences. Fill in 
do or make in
an appropriate form.

1. I’ve got nothing to … today.

2. I have to … three phone

3. Can you … a cup of tea?

4. You can … what you want.

5. Did you manage to … a
reservation for a room?

6. I … the housework a bit

7. I … my best to improve my

8. The performance … a great
impression on me.

9. Try not to … any grammar
mistakes in your writing.

10. It … more harm than good.

Итоговая контрольная работа за 8 класс.  Вариант 2.

I. Find the word with the
same or similar meaning.

Example: research – c)        a) an experiment b) an achievement c)
an exploration

6.      cold

a) misty b) windy c) cool

7.       miserable

a) hard b) terrible c) nasty

8.      astronaut

a) spaceman b) space travel c) spaceship

9.       to break

a) to damage b) to destroy c) to hurt

10.  a problem

a) research b) information c) trouble

II. Choose the word which
best completes the sentence.

1.I’m sure that one day the
scientists will … most of medical problems.

a)       take b) solve c) explore

2.Every year different natural
disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes and volcanic eruptions
happen on our … .                a) star b) satellite c) planet

3. Jules Verne throws his
heroes into … by means of a huge gun.

a) distance b) space c) the Moon

4. The terrible hurricane had …
all the houses by that time.

a) destroyed b) damaged c) broken

5. We have been doing … into
space for many years already.

a) damage b) research c) disasters

III. The word in capitals
above each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that fits
suitably in the blank space. Fill each blank in this way.

Example: COURAGE.    Her mother encouraged her to
try her luck in the competition.


1.       In my opinion, kids behave worse in more … societies.


2.       Parents treat their children … .


3.       If technologies aren’t developed, we will not … .


4.       But, you know, I had a life- … illness.


5.       On one hand, … means freedom within reasonable limits, of

IV. Fill in the definite article the if needed.

1. … Nile flows to …
Mediterranean Sea.

2. There are small islands in …
Pacific Ocean.

3. … Hymalayas are the highest
mountains in … Asia.

4. … Lake Baikal is the deepest
lake in the world.

5. … Glasgow is one of the
biggest cities in … United Kingdom.

6. … Red Sea is between …
Africa and … Asia.

7. … Great Britain is situated
in … British Isles.

V. Complete the sentences. Fill in to if

The mother made her son _____ tell the truth.

Let me ___ pay for the meal.

Lisa doesn’t want Pete ____ come back.

I wouldn’t like my friends… see me now.

Don’t let them… upset you so much.

VI. Complete the
sentences, using Conditional II and III.

Example: If we … (throw away) less rubbish, our planet would be
nicer and cleaner. — If we threw away less rubbish, our planet would be nicer
and cleaner.

1. If you (do) your morning
exercises every day, your health would be much better.

2. If I (be) you, I would agree
to go to the museum.

3. If they (not go) to Moscow
last year, they wouldn’t have heard that famous musician.

4. I (write) the composition
long ago if you had not disturbed me.

5. If you really loved music,
you (go) to the Philarmonic much more often.

VII. Choose the correct
translation of the sentences.

1. If he had worked hard, he
would have achieved great progress.

a) Если он будет
работать усердно, он добьется больших успехов.

b) Если бы он работал
сейчас усердно, он добился бы больших успехов.

с) Если бы он работал
тогда усердно, он добился бы больших успехов.

2. If he lived in St
Petersburg, he would go to the Hermitage every week.

a) Если он будет жить в
Санкт-Петербурге, он будет ходить в Эрмитаж каждую неделю.

b) Если бы он жил в
Санкт-Петербурге сейчас, он ходил бы в Эрмитаж каждую неделю.

с) Если бы он жил в
Санкт-Петербурге тогда, он сходил бы в Эрмитаж на прошлой неделе.

3. If you had gone to the
theatre last week, you would have enjoyed the evening.

a) Если бы ты сходил в
театр на следующей неделе, ты получил бы удовольствие от вечера.

b) Если бы ты сходил в
театр на прошлой неделе, ты получил бы удовольствие от вечера.

VIII. Choose the correct
form of the verb.

1. He … the house before I had
time to ask him anything.

a) left b) was leaving c) had

2. When I rang up Mike, he …
still … the poem.

a) did … learnt b) was …
learning c) had learnt

3. I … to the hotel after I had
sent the telegram to my relatives.

a) returned b) was returning c)
had returned

4. While Kate … in America, she
learnt a lot about a famous pop star Madonna.

a) travelled b) was travelling
c) had traveled

5. When … you … receive a
letter from your friend?

a) did … receive b) were …
receiving c) had … received

IX. Complete the
sentences. Fill in 
do or make in
an appropriate form.

1. She doesn’t … much money.

2. They … delicious food in
this restaurant.

3. Will you … me a favour? Help
me carry this table.

4. Harry is expected to … the
final decision.

5. Earthquakes … a lot of

6. Don’t … noise!

7. Louise … the shopping at

8. I hope Helen … her best to
help me.

9. She is fond of … fun of her

10. Sarah is … research on this

Итоговая контрольная работа за 8 класс.  Вариант 3.

Find the word with the
same or similar meaning.

Example: amazing – c)       a) frightening b) vital c) wonderful

11.  to clear up

a) to protect b) to pollute c) to clean

12.  garbage

a) danger b) litter c) bin

13.  to save

a) to help b) to prohibit c) to avoid

14.  human being

a) nature b) man c) animal

15.  to destroy

to recycle b) to pack c) to damage

1. There are about 1,000 … in
our Galaxy.

a) satellites b) planets c) stars

2. Sometimes the British have
weather from each … all in one day.

a) climate b) season c) place

3. We don’t know when men began
to dream … travelling in space.

a) of b) about c) from

4.. … is a long period of dry
weather when there is not enough water.

               a) flood b)
earthquake c) drought

5. He climbed into his … and in
a few minutes he was out in space.

               a) spacesuit b)
spaceship c) satellite

III. The word in
capitals above each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that
fits suitably in the blank space. Fill each blank in this way.

Example: DANGER. It was a very dangerous trip.


People of some professions
should wear … clothing.


If you care about the
protection of the environment, you should buy only … food with no added

              3. ECOLOGY

You have probably already heard
about such a profession as an … .


Scientists have made … and they
are alarming.

5. USE

Many things that we throw away
can still be … .

IV. Fill in the definite article the if needed.

1. … Volga runs into … Caspian Sea.

2. … Pacific Ocean is very deep.

3. … Kazbek is the highest peak of … Caucasus mountains.

4. I have never been to … Lake Onega.

5. … Washington is the capital of … United States.

6. … Europe and … America are separated by … Atlantic

7. … Shetland Islands are situated to the north of … Great

V. Complete the
sentences. Fill in 
to if

1.      Martha didn’t
expect David ___ ask such an embarrassing question.

2.       They would like
us ___ take part in the competition.

3.      Glasses make him
___ look older. The teacher wanted me____read this book.

4.      Who made your
brother ____ do it?

5.      The policeman asked the boys not … talk very loudly.

 VI. Complete the
sentences, using Conditional II and III.

1. If he (to work) hard, he would have achieved great

2. If it is not too cold, I (not to put) on my coat.

3. I (to write) the compo­sition long ago if you had not
disturbed me.

4. If he (not to read) so much, he would not be so clever.

5. If my friend (to be) at home, he will tell us what to do.

VII. Choose the correct
translation of the sentences.

1. If she had asked me
yesterday, I would certainly have told her all about it.

a) Если она спросит меня вчера, я конечно расскажу
ей об этом.

b) Если бы она спросила меня сегодня, я конечно
рассказала бы ей об этом.

с) Если бы она спросила меня вчера, я конечно
рассказала бы ей об этом.

2. If he weren’t such an
outstanding actor, he would not have so many admirers.

a) Если бы он не был столь выдающимся актером
(сейчас), у него не было бы столько поклонников.

b) Если бы он не был столь выдающимся актером
(тогда), у него не было бы столько поклонников.

3. If he lived in St Petersburg,
he would go to the Hermitage every week.

a) Если он будет жить в Санкт-Петербурге, он будет
ходить в Эрмитаж каждую неделю.

b) Если бы он жил в Санкт-Петербурге сейчас, он
ходил бы в Эрмитаж каждую неделю.

с) Если бы он жил в Санкт-Петербурге тогда, он
сходил бы в Эрмитаж на прошлой неделе.

VIII. Choose the correct
form of the verb.

1. I … him before we met at the

a) didn’t see b) wasn’t seeing
c) hadn’t seen

2. When mother came home, the
children … the soup.

a) ate b) were eating c) had

3. The telegram … some minutes
after he had left.

a) came b) was coming c) had

4. While we … the road I saw

a) crossed b) were crossing c)
had crossed

5. When … your sister … to

a) did … go b) was … going c)
had gone

IV. Complete the
sentences. Fill in 
do or make in
an appropriate form.

1. I’ve got nothing to … today.

2. I have to … three phone

3. Can you … a cup of tea?

4. You can … what you want.

5. Did you manage to … a
reservation for a room?

6. Don’t … noise!

7. Louise … the shopping at

8. I hope Helen … her best to
help me.

9. She is fond of … fun of her

10. They … delicious food in
this restaurant.

8th form

Progress Check – 1

V – 1

  1. Listening.

Listen and find out what weather will be in the capitals of the English-speaking countries tomorrow. Fill in the table.



Temperature, 0C






10 points

  1. Reading.

Read the text.


Tornadoes are the most violent of all storms. Nobody can predict what they might do.

        Tornadoes destroy houses, carry away cars and telephone boxes. Tornadoes consist of very strong winds. They can reach speeds of up to 320 kilometres an hour. That is why they are so dangerous.

        In Russian during one tornado, people saw money falling from the sky. At least a thousand coins fell from the clouds. The wind had removed the earth from some buried treasure and picked up the coins.

        Tornadoes occur throughout the world, but mostly in the United States. The central states of the country have probably more tornadoes than any other place in the world.

        Tornadoes occur in the spring. A hot day in the afternoon or in the early evening is the most likely time for this dangerous storm. Large clouds appear in the sky. They become darker and darker. There are sounds of thunder in the distance. Bright flashes of lightning are seen. A cloud then forms a funnel and begins to twist. It moves faster and faster. The faster the winds, the louder the noise. If the funnel touches the ground, it picks up everything it can. The violent winds of tornadoes blow down almost everything on their way.

        Fortunately tornadoes can be predicted, and these people have a much better chance of protecting themselves.

Complete the following sentences by choosing the correct ending.

  1. Tornadoes consist of …
  1. large clouds and terrible sounds;
  2. very strong winds.
  1. Bright flashes of lightning …
  1. are seen from the distance;
  2. blow down everything on their way.
  1. Tornadoes are dangerous because …
  1. they occur in spring;
  2. they destroy houses and pick up everything they can.

3 points

  1.  Use of English
  1. Find the word with the same or similar meaning.

Example:  research – c)

                a) an experiment        b) an achievement       c) an exploration

1) humid

   a) misty       b) cool      c) wet

2) icy

   a)  frosty       b) snowy      c) nasty

3) spaceship

   a) space travel     b) starship       c) space flight

4) violent

   a) weak        b) strong       c) terrible

5) storm

   a) wind        b) hurricane     c) rain

5 points

II. Choose the word which best completes the sentence.

Example:  I’m sure that one day the scientists will … most of medical problems.

               a) take     b) solve        c) explore

1. By exploring space we may find another … we can live on.

    a) distance      b) planet         c) star

2. Scientists can now predict most weather … and warn people of possible danger in advance.

    a) problems    b) damage        c) disasters

3. … is a sudden shaking of the ground.

    a) earthquake       b) flood         c) drought

4. There are about 1,000 … in our Galaxy.

     a) satellites        b) planets         c) stars

5. I haven’t seen them … last Halloween.

     a) since      b) for

5 points

III. Complete the sentences. Be careful with grammar tenses (the past simple and the past continuous).

  1. She … (play) computer games at 5 o`clock yesterday.
  2. When you … (phone), I … (make) fun of Ann.
  3. They … (write) a dictation when the teacher … (come) into the classroom.

3 points

IV. Complete the sentences. Be careful with grammar tenses (the past simple and the past perfect).

  1. She … (go) home by 4 o`clock yesterday.
  2. Ann … never … (hear) the song before the concert.
  3. When they … (come), the party … already … (begin).
  4. Martin … (buy) a present for his granny before he … (take) the bus.

4 points

30 — 28

27 — 20

19 – 15

< 15





8th  form

Progress Check – 1

V – 2

  1. Listening.

Listen and find out what weather will be in the capitals of the English-speaking countries tomorrow. Fill in the table.



Temperature, 0C






  1. Points
  1. Reading.

Read the text.

What is Antarctica?

Antarctica is a continent that is right at the southern tip of the planet. If you try to find it on a globe, you will see that it is at the bottom.

It takes up one-tenth of the Earth`s surface and is covered with a blanket of ice that can be 1500 thick metres. The South Pole is right in the middle of Antarctica.

Antarctica is the coldest continent, as well as the driest, the highest and the windiest. Very few people live there all year round. Scientists stay there for short periods, living in specially built research stations.

Summer in Antarctica is between October and March. During this time there is non-stop daylight. In winter, April to September, the opposite happens and Antarctica is dropped into six months of constant darkness.

In Antarctica it is colder than you can possibly imagine, even in the summer! The South Pole is the coldest part Antarctica. The average temperature for January, the middle of the summer, is minus 28 degrees Celsius.

In winter, April to September, the average temperature at the South Pole can be as cold as -89 0C. When it is that cold, a mug of boiling water thrown in the air would freeze before it hit the ice. Sometimes the scientists have to use fridges to keep their samples` warm.

For questions 1 – 3, choose an answer (A, B, C, D) which you think fits best according to the text.

  1. Antarctica is the coldest place on the Earth. What other records does it hold?
  1. driest and cloudiest
  2. wettest and windiest
  3. windiest and driest
  4. cloudiest and highest
  1. Why do most people who visit Antarctica choose not to go there between April and September?
  1. because it is summer in Antarctica
  2. because there is non- stop daylight during this time
  3. because it is a period of constant darkness
  4. because it is too dry and sunny
  1. Why do the scientists have to use fridges to keep their samples warm?
  1. because it is too hot outside
  2. because of wild animals
  1. because of constant darkness
  1. because it is too cold outside


  1. Use of English

I. Find the word with the same or similar meaning.

Example:  research – c)

                a) an experiment        b) an achievement       c) an exploration

1) cold

     a) misty       b) windy       c) cool

2) miserable

     a) hard      b) terrible          c) nasty

3) astronaut

     a) spaceman       b) space travel        c) spaceship

4) to break

      a) to damage     b) to destroy       c) to hurt

5) a problem

      a) research          b) information         c) trouble

5 points

II. Choose the word which best completes the sentence.

Example:  I’m sure that one day the scientists will … most of medical problems.

               a) take     b) solve        c) explore

1. Every year different natural disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes and volcanic eruptions happen on our … .

    a) star               b) satellite        c) planet

2. The terrible hurricane had … all the houses by that time.

    a) destroyed        b) damaged          c) broken

3. … is a long period of dry weather when there is not enough water.

    a) flood          b) earthquake            c) drought

4. He climbed into his … and in a few minutes he was out in space.

    a) spacesuit          b) spaceship          c) satellite

5. I haven’t been to any parties … a long time.

    a) since         b) for

5 points

III. Complete the sentences. Be careful with grammar tenses (the past simple and the past continuous).

  1. The girl … (read) her book the whole morning yesterday.
  2. When I … (see) him , I … (stay) at the seaside last summer.
  3. We … (repair) the spacesuit when he … (come) in.

3 points

IV. Complete the sentences. Be careful with grammar tenses (the past simple and the past perfect).

  1. He … (finish) his work by 5 o`clock yesterday.
  2. Ann … never … (see) the film before the cinema.
  3. When I … (come), Martin … (write) 3 invitation letters
  4. John … (do) his homework before he … (go) to the park.

4 points

30 — 28

27 — 20

19 – 15

< 15







Вопрос по английскому языку:

II. Choose the word which best completes the sentence.
Example: I’m sure that one day the scientists will … most of medical problems.
a) take b) solve c) explore
I’m sure that one day the scientists will solve most of medical problems.
1. By exploring space we may find another … we can live on.
a) distance b) planet c) star
2. Natural disasters … cities and towns, they injure and kill people and animals.
a) break b) damage c) destroy
3. But people hope they will travel through … in huge spaceships far from the Earth.
a) space b) galaxies c) satellites
4. Scientists can now predict most weather … and warn people of possible danger in advance.

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Ответы и объяснения 1



1. By exploring space we may find another … we can live on.  b) planet
2. Natural disasters … cities and towns, they injure and kill people and animals.
c) destroy
3. But people hope they will travel through … in huge spaceships far from the Earth.
a) space
4. Scientists can now predict most weather … and warn people of possible danger in advance.

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Английский язык — язык англо-фризской подгруппы западной группы германской ветви индоевропейской языковой семьи.

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