Choose the word that you think is right

Choose the word that you think is right (in some cases both are possible)

tun (s) — can (s)

1. He opened a … of coke. 2. I cant find the … of beans I bought yesterday. 3. How many … of tomateos shall I buy

to spoil-to ruin (and their forms)

4. The cook … the soup as he had rut a lot of of salt in. 5. After the war many towns and villages were … 6. The food will … if you dont keep it cool. 4. Grandmothers often … their frandchildren.

Найди верный ответ на вопрос ✅ «Choose the word that you think is right (in some cases both are possible) tun (s) — can (s) 1. He opened a … of coke. 2. I cant find the …» по предмету 📙 Английский язык, а если ответа нет или никто не дал верного ответа, то воспользуйся поиском и попробуй найти ответ среди похожих вопросов.

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Главная » Английский язык » Choose the word that you think is right (in some cases both are possible) tun (s) — can (s) 1. He opened a … of coke. 2. I cant find the … of beans I bought yesterday. 3. How many … of tomateos shall I buy to spoil-to ruin (and their forms) 4.

Choose the word that you think is right(in some cases both are possible)

tun(s) — can(s)


He opened a .

Of coke.

2. I cant find the .

Of beans I bought yesterday.

3. How many .

Of tomateos shall I buy

to spoil — to ruin(and their forms)


The cook .

The soup as he had rut a lot of of salt in.

5. After the war many towns and villages were .

6. The food will .

If you dont keep it cool.

4. Grandmothers often .

Their frandchildren.

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66 месяцев назад

2. i can’t find the ….. of beans i bought yesterday. 3. how many ….. of tomatoes shall i buy? to spoil- to ruin (and their forms) 1 the cook …. the soup as he had put a lot of salt in. 2.after yhe war many towns and villages were …. 3. the food will … if you don’t keep it cool 4. Grandmother often ….. their grandchildren. crisis- disaster 1. his last day at work was a …. 2. sometimes a rainstorm can be a ….. 3. a few years ago the country had a political …. a bit- a lot 1. lt’s stay here ….. longer, i like the performance ….. 2. he remembered …. more about me than i did about him 3. my sister’s boots were …. too small 4. they talk …. about this problem.


Будь первым, кто ответит на вопрос


Choose the word that you think is right(in some cases both are possible)
1.He opened a …. of coke.2.I cant find the ….. of beans I bought yesterday.3.How many …. of tomateos shall I buy
to spoil-to ruin(and their forms)
4.The cook …. the soup as he had rut a lot of of salt in.5.After the war many towns and villages were ….6.The food will … if you dont keep it cool.4.Grandmothers often …. their frandchildren.

1 ответ:



<span><span>tin — UK, can — USA
</span>1. He opened a </span><span>tin/can of coke.
2. I can’t find the </span><span>tin/can of beans I bought yesterday.
3. How many</span><span><span> tins/can</span>s of tomateos shall I buy?
4. The
cook spoiled the soup as he had put a lot of salt in.
5. After the war
many towns and villages were ruined.
6 .The food will get spoiled if you don’t keep it
7. Grandmothers often spoil their grandchildren.</span>

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Он забыл свой французский с того момента, как он покинул Париж.

Hi Pauline. Before I got your letter, and I of course now I will answer to all your questions. My favorite holiday is New year. I love getting presents, decorate the Christmas tree, to launch salutes and watch them and of course eat the food, prepared by my mother.
What we отмечем holidays? We celebrate the New year, Easter, baptism, March 8, mother’s day, February 23, and our birthdays.
<span>What a gift to you was the best? Not important for me gifts, I can. whatever they were given from the heart. and I love books.
</span>Привет Полина. До меня дошло твоё письмо, и я конечно сейчас отвечу на всё твои вопросы. Мой любимый праздник это Новый год. Я люблю получать подарки, наряжать ёлку, запускать салюты и наблюдать за ними и конечно кушать угощения, которые готовит моя мама. Какие мы отмечем праздники? Мы отмечаем Новый год, пасху, крещение, 8 марта, день матери, 23 февраля и наши дни рождения.<span>Какой подарок для тебя был самым лучшим? Для меня не важны подарки, мне главное. что бы они дарились от души. а так я люблю книги.


1) a stomachache — you shouldn’t eat much
2) an earache — you should wear a warm hat
3) a toothache — you shouldn’t drink cold water
4) a headache — you should go to the doctor

1) a sore throat — you shouldn’t eat ice cream
2) a sore leg — you should stay at home
3) a sore finger — you shouldn’t draw big bictures
4) a sore arm — you shouldn’t carry a big bag

She has a sandwich for lunch.
Vegetables are good for you.
I like chips very much.
We have salad and soup for dinner.

Уже как два года я живу в особняке у моего дедушки. Мне очень нравится жить в загородных домах, потому что только так ты можешь ощутить связь с природой, зарядится энергией и отдохнуть от суетливых городов.Когда подъезжаешь к особняку, замечаешь зеленую живую изгородь. Проходя через ворота, видишь тропинку, клумбы и яркие лужайки. У входа виднеется веранда, на которой мы часто собираемся с друзьями, чтобы отдохнуть и поболтать.Моя комната находится на третьем этаже особняка. Этажом выше расположен чердак, а этажом ниже гостиная и комната моего дедушки. В целом особняк может вмещать до 10 человек. В нем насчитывает 7 спальных комнат и 2 кухни. Каждая вторая спальная комната имеет ванную комнату.<span>Что касается моей комнаты, она очень просторная. Все окна в моей комнате двустворчатые (до пола). Посередине комнаты расположен круглый деревянный столик с моим любимым цветком орхидеей. Правее стоит кровать с 4-мя подушками и голубым покрывалом. Напротив кровати стоит шкаф с одеждой, а слева от шкафа на стене висит книжная полка. Стены покрашены в зеленый цвет, а подвесной потолок в бежевых тонах. Я редко бываю у себя в комнате. Я лучше посижу возле камина в гостиной или на веранде. А больше всего мне нравится просто гулять на свежем воздухе, любоваться природой, слушать пение птиц и собирать цветы.</span>



Вопрос по английскому языку:

Choose the correct answer.
1 I don’t think people should be allowed to perform experiments…..animals.
A for В over С on D to
2 There was an explosion in technology……the beginning of the 20th century.
A in В at С through D on
3 Let’s face ……. — we are destroying the environment and we need to do
something now.
A truth В facts С things D information
4 The distance from the Earth to the Sun isr
…..average, about 149 million
A by В on С from D in
5 It’s amazing that creatures survive……the bottom of the ocean.
A in В by С at D to
6 Fox Talbot…….the first photograph in 1835.
A gave В did С drew D took
7 Researchers have …….to the conclusion that your personality is affected by
your genes.
A come В got С reached D arrived
8 Do you mind if I just……a quick phone call from here?
A do В take С have D make
9 Many lives were saved…… the introduction of antibiotics.
A into В at С with D In
10 The …….. of the nuclear accident is still unknown.
A reason В cause С base D motive
11 My father works at the university, doing research …weather control.
A on В to С of D from
12 The telescope will photograph distant galaxies……an attempt to understand
their past.
A on В for С with D in

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1 — C, 2 — B, 3 — А, 4 — D, 5 — С, 6 — D, 7 — A, 8 — D, 9 — C, 10 — А, 11 — А, 12 — D.

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  • Choose the word that is spelled correctly
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  • Choose the word that is closest in meaning to the underlined part ответы