Choose the word that is different from the others

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Write the word which is different from the others.

a) rainy, dry, foggy, misty _ (

b) a spaceship, a galaxy, a rocket, a satellite _ (

c) an accident, an earthquake, a flood, a drought _ (

d) to destroy, to ruin, to damage, to construct _ (

e) to attract, to save, to rescue, to evacuate _ (

f) to research, to explore, to limit, to study _ (

Английский язык ENJOY ENGLISH Английский с удовольствием 8 класс (рабочая тетрадь) Биболетова. UNIT 1. TEST YOURSELF. Номер №1


Перевод задания
Напишите слово, которое отличается от других.
а) дождливый, сухой, туманный, неясный _ (1)

космический корабль, галактика, ракета, спутник _ (2)

авария, землетрясение, наводнение, засуха _ (3)

разрушить, разрушить, повредить, построить _ (4)

привлекать, спасти, спасти, эвакуировать _ (5)

исследовать, обследовать, ограничивать, изучать _ (6)


a) dry (
1) (все остальные слова имеют отношение к влажности)

b) galaxy (
2) (все остальное − построено человеком)

c) an accident (
3) (все остальное − природные катастрофы)

d) to construct (
4) (все остальное имеет отношение к разрушению)

e) to attract (
5) (все остальное имеет отношение к спасению)

f) to limit (
6) (все остальное имеет отношение к изучению)

Перевод ответа







Odd Word Out

Odd Word Out

 choose the word that is different from the others in meaning carrot melon cabbage onion potato

choose the word that is different from the others in meaning

  • carrot
  • melon
  • cabbage
  • onion
  • potato

 choose the word that is different from the others in meaning awkward trash rubbish junk garbage

choose the word that is different from the others in meaning

  • awkward
  • trash
  • rubbish
  • junk
  • garbage

 choose the word that is different from the others in meaning baby toddler infant gaffer kid

choose the word that is different from the others in meaning

  • baby
  • toddler
  • infant
  • gaffer
  • kid

 choose the word that is different from the others in meaning peach apple banana chicken pear

choose the word that is different from the others in meaning

  • peach
  • apple
  • banana
  • chicken
  • pear

 choose the word that is different from the others in meaning delete erase eliminate remove refuse

choose the word that is different from the others in meaning

  • delete
  • erase
  • eliminate
  • remove
  • refuse

 choose the word that is different from the others in meaning cat rabbit tail mouse cow

choose the word that is different from the others in meaning

  • cat
  • rabbit
  • tail
  • mouse
  • cow

 choose the word that is different from the others in meaning myth legend tale festive fable

choose the word that is different from the others in meaning

  • myth
  • legend
  • tale
  • festive
  • fable

 choose the word that is different from the others in meaning beer bear tea coffee lemonade

choose the word that is different from the others in meaning

  • beer
  • bear
  • tea
  • coffee
  • lemonade

 choose the word that is different from the others in meaning  sort kind type class weep

choose the word that is different from the others in meaning

  • sort
  • kind
  • type
  • class
  • weep

 choose the word that is different from the others in meaning horrible gorgeous awful terrible dreadful

choose the word that is different from the others in meaning

  • horrible
  • gorgeous
  • awful
  • terrible
  • dreadful

 choose the word that is different from the others in meaning bacon beef pork cockerel lamb

choose the word that is different from the others in meaning

  • bacon
  • beef
  • pork
  • cockerel
  • lamb

 choose the word that is different from the others in meaning  wages draft salary earnings income

choose the word that is different from the others in meaning

  • wages
  • draft
  • salary
  • earnings
  • income

 choose the word that is different from the others in meaning display show exhibit command demonstrate

choose the word that is different from the others in meaning

  • display
  • show
  • exhibit
  • command
  • demonstrate

 choose the word that is different from the others in meaning strawberry eggplant currant raspberry gooseberry

choose the word that is different from the others in meaning

  • strawberry
  • eggplant
  • currant
  • raspberry
  • gooseberry

 choose the word that is different from the others in meaning  faithful robust loyal devoted true

choose the word that is different from the others in meaning

  • faithful
  • robust
  • loyal
  • devoted
  • true

 choose the word that is different from the others in meaning fearless brave bold courageous cunning

choose the word that is different from the others in meaning

  • fearless
  • brave
  • bold
  • courageous
  • cunning

 choose the word that is different from the others in meaning fraction portion section scent part

choose the word that is different from the others in meaning

  • fraction
  • portion
  • section
  • scent
  • part

 choose the word that is different from the others in meaning voyage riddle journey exursion expedition

choose the word that is different from the others in meaning

  • voyage
  • riddle
  • journey
  • exursion
  • expedition

 Festive [ˈfestɪv] прил праздничный scent [sent] запах, ароматный draft [drɑːft] проект, черновик robust [rəˈbʌst] strong powerful cunning [ˈkʌnɪŋ] хитрый gaffer[ˈgæfə]старик Currant (А) смородина

  • Festive [ˈfestɪv] прил праздничный
  • scent [sent] запах, ароматный
  • draft [drɑːft] проект, черновик
  • robust [rəˈbʌst] strong powerful
  • cunning [ˈkʌnɪŋ] хитрый
  • gaffer[ˈgæfə]старик
  • Currant (А) смородина


Тест. Английский язык, 7 класс

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Тест создан на материале учебника для 7 класса общеобразовательных организаций «Английский язык» (М.: Просвещение, 2016 год) и предназначен для онлайн тестирования обучающихся 7-х классов

Список вопросов теста

Вопрос 1

Write the word that matches the following word-combination

_____ a party

Вопрос 2

Write the word that matches the following word-combination

_____ your leg

Вопрос 3

Write the word that matches the following word-combination

_____ house

Вопрос 4

Write the word that matches the following word-combination

_____ exams

Вопрос 5

Write the word that matches the following word-combination

_____ your finger

Вопрос 6

Write the word that matches the following word-combination

_____ something valuable

Вопрос 7

Write the word that matches the following word-combination

_____ a tooth

Вопрос 8

Write the word that matches the following word-combination

_____ your head

Вопрос 9

Write the word that matches the following word-combination

_____ your ankle

Вопрос 10

Write the word that matches the following word-combination

_____ an instrument

Вопрос 11

Choose the word that is different from the others

Варианты ответов
  • ankle
  • wrist
  • result
  • finger

Вопрос 12

Choose the word that is different from the others

Варианты ответов
  • sore throat
  • earache
  • symptoms
  • fever

Вопрос 13

Choose the word that is different from the others

Варианты ответов
  • chip
  • break
  • bang
  • react

Вопрос 14

Choose the word that is different from the others

Варианты ответов
  • syrup
  • breathing
  • capsules
  • tablets

Вопрос 15

Choose the word that is different from the others

Варианты ответов
  • exhausted
  • worn out
  • tired
  • worried

Вопрос 16

Write the correct word to complete the sentence

I’ve got a __________ throat.

Вопрос 17

Write the correct word to complete the sentence

Don’t forget your __________ appointment at 3 pm.

Вопрос 18

Write the correct word to complete the sentence

He takes his __________ exercises by riding his bike every day.

Вопрос 19

Write the correct word to complete the sentence

You should eat a __________ meal.

Вопрос 20

Write the correct word to complete the sentence

Do you have a __________ fever?

Вопрос 21

Choose the correct preposition for the phrasal verb “fall” in the context

It’s hurtful when you fall _____ with friends.

Варианты ответов
  • apart
  • out
  • behind

Вопрос 22

Choose the correct preposition for the phrasal verb “fall” in the context

If you revise regularly, you won’t fall _____ at school.

Варианты ответов
  • apart
  • out
  • behind

Вопрос 23

Choose the correct preposition for the phrasal verb “fall” in the context

That chair has fallen _____  . It needs fixing.

Варианты ответов
  • apart
  • out
  • behind

Вопрос 24

Choose the correct preposition for the phrasal verb “fall” in the context

Jane has fallen _____ with Sue over a CD.

Варианты ответов
  • apart
  • out
  • behind

Вопрос 25

Choose the correct preposition for the phrasal verb “fall” in the context

He fell _____ in Maths, so he had a few private lessons to catch up.

Варианты ответов
  • apart
  • out
  • behind

Вопрос 26

Write the correct tense form of the verb in brackets to complete the sentence

If you tidy your room, I __________ (take) you to the cinema.

Вопрос 27

Write the correct tense form of the verb in brackets to complete the sentence

Unless Sean studies hard, he __________ (fail) his exams.

Вопрос 28

Write the correct tense form of the verb in brackets to complete the sentence

Unless you rest, you __________ (feel) better.

Вопрос 29

Write the correct tense form of the verb in brackets to complete the sentence

If you mix blue and yellow. you __________ (get) green.

Вопрос 30

Write the correct tense form of the verb in brackets to complete the sentence

Unless the children __________ (behave) well, they can’t go to the movies.

Вопрос 31

Write the numbers of the sentences in the order they form a dialogue. Separate numbers with a comma

1 I’ve got a headache. I feel dizzy and my throat’s sore.

2 What’s the matter?

3 I see. Let’s take your temperature, shall we?

4 I don’t feel well.

5 Tell me what’s wrong.

Помогите пожалуйста Underline the word that is different from the others .

2 . suit, boots , vest 3.

Wool, shorts , belf 4.

Sandals , boots , shorts .

5. Leather, suit , cotton .

На этой странице вы найдете ответ на вопрос Помогите пожалуйста Underline the word that is different from the others ?. Вопрос
соответствует категории Английский язык и уровню подготовки учащихся 1 — 4 классов классов. Если ответ полностью не удовлетворяет критериям поиска, ниже можно
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который покажет аналогичные вопросы в этой категории. Если ни один из
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Понравилась статья? Поделить с друзьями:
  • Choose the word that is closest in meaning to the underlined part ответы
  • Choose the word that is a better fit for each sentence
  • Choose the word that fits in each sentence in the pair
  • Choose the word that does not belong to professions
  • Choose the word that best fits the sentence