Choose the word that is a better fit for each sentence

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Word List

  • benefit [ˈbɛnɪfɪt] n. 

benefit is a good thing.

 Being able to fly is a good benefit to birds.

  • certain [ˈsəːt(ə)n] adj. 

If you are certain about something, you know it is true.

 I am certain that zebras have stripes.

  • chance [tʃɑːns] n. 

chance is an opportunity to do something.

 I had a chance to see the Roman Coliseum last summer.

  • effect [ɪˈfɛkt] n. 

An effect is a change made by something else.

 The medicine had a good effect on the boy.

  • essential [ɪˈsɛnʃ(ə)l] adj. 

If something is essential, it is very important and necessary.

 It is essential to have oxygen when you scuba dive.

  • far [fɑ:r] adj. 

If something is far, it is not close.

 It’s far going from the east coast to the west coast of America.

  • focus [ˈfəʊkəs] v. 

To focus on something is to think about it and pay attention to it.

 My mom always helps me to focus on my school work.

  • function [ˈfʌŋ(k)ʃ(ə)n] n. 

The function of something is what it does.

 The function of a flashlight is to help you see in the dark.

  • grass [ɡrɑːs] n. 

Grass is the green leaves that cover the ground.

 The grass looked so soft and green.

  • guard [ɡɑːd] v. 

To guard something is to take care of it.

 The police officer will guard us against any harm.

  • image [ˈɪmɪdʒ] v. 

The image of something is a picture of it.

 The image of her eye was very clear.

  • immediate [iˈmiːdiət] adj. 

If something is immediate, it happens quickly.

 An immediate response came from the pizza place.

  • primary [ˈprʌɪm(ə)ri] adj. 

If something is primary, it is the most important thing.

 His primary thoughts are about money.

  • proud [praʊd] adj. 

If someone feels proud, they are happy about what they have done.

 She is proud of the picture she drew of her house.

  • remain [rɪˈmeɪn] v. 

To remain somewhere is to stay there.

 My sister had to remain home since she was sick.

  • rest [rɛst] v. 

To rest is to stop being active while the body gets back its strength.

 I rested on the couch after work.

  • separate [ˈsepəreit] v. 

If two things are separate, they are not together.

 New York and Los Angeles are in two separate parts of America.

  • site [saɪt] n. 

site is a place.

 We found the perfect site for our picnic.

  • tail [teɪl] n. 

tail is a part of an animal’s body, sticking out from its rear or back.

 Our dog wags its tail when it’s happy.

  • trouble [ˈtrʌbəl] n. 

Trouble is a problem or a difficulty.

 I have trouble working with my boss.

  • Содержание
  • Введение
  • Упражнения для проверки (история)
  • Список 20-ти новых слов
  • Упражнения для проверки (20-ти новых слов)

Упражнения для проверки (20-ти новых слов)

Exercise 1. Part A. Check a word that is similar in meaning to the underlined part.

1. Sam was happy to go back to his house.




2. Her grandfather is a smart old man.




3. William wanted an animal to live with.




4. He studies what the condition of the air is like




5. I have to deal with my rising credit card bill.




Part B. Choose the word that is a better fit for each sentence.

The_______________lives in the old house.
A scary place might cause______________ .

 fright / ghost

 ghost / fright

The tree fell down because it was_______________.
I was_______________when I got a bad grade on the test.

 dead / upset

 upset / dead

After 10 hours of driving, I finally_______________California.
He is smart and has a(n)_______________in class.

 advantage / reached

 reached / advantage

He wanted to_______________from the room.
He lived a long_______________from the school.

 escape / distance

 distance / escape

The man is a nice ______________.
The town is a small ______________.

 community / individual

 individual / community

Exercise 2. Check the one that suits the blank naturally.

1. It rained for two days, __________.

 a. and caused the river to rise

 b. it was dead

2. As I was walking home from school today, _________.

 a. I was a ghost

 b. I hardly noticed that a dog was following me

3. After my vacation, __________ .

 a. I returned to work

 b. I was an advantage

4. Many people like him __________ .

 a. because they make him upset

 b. because he is a wise man

5. They are afraid of the king because ___________ .

 a. he has too much power

 b. he has a quiet voice

6. I love my dog. __________ .

 a. He’s my favorite pet

 b. He causes fright

7. I like living here because __________ .

 a. I make many choices

 b. it is a nice community

8. I want to live in Hawaii because ___________ .

 a. it has good weather

 b. smoking causes lung cancer

9. The storm was very bad, but __________. 

 a. all of the people survived

 b. it went a very long distance

10. We closed the door, but ___________.

 a. the dog escaped

 b. it was an individual

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    Word List

    • alien [ˈeɪljən] n.

      An alien is a creature from a different world.

      The alien came in peace.

    • among [əˈmʌŋ] prep.

      If you are among certain things, they are all around you.

      There was a red apple among the green ones.

    • chart [tʃɑ:rt] n.

      A chart is a list of information.

      We used a chart to see how we had improved.

    • cloud [klaʊd] n.

      A cloud is a group of water drops in the sky.

      The sky was filled with white clouds.

    • comprehend [ˌkɒmprɪˈhɛnd] v.

      To comprehend something is to understand it.

      Henry could not comprehend the message.

    • describe [dɪˈskraɪb] v.

      To describe is to say or write what someone or something is like.

      They described their tree as colorful with gold ribbon and a star.

    • ever [ˈɛvər] adv.

      Ever means at any time.

      Going skiing last winter was the most fun I’ve ever had.

    • fail [feɪl] v.

      To fail means you do not succeed in what you try to do.

      Since he failed to get the job, he was sad.

    • friendly [ˈfrɛndlɪ] adj.

      Friendly is behaving in a pleasant, kind way toward someone.

      The friendly animals came up to the girl.

    • grade [ɡreɪd] n.

      A grade is a score or mark given to someone’s work.

      I managed to get good grades on my report card.

    • instead [inˈsted] adv.

      Instead means in place of.

      He ate the carrot instead of the ice cream.

    • library [ˈlaibrəri] n.

      A library is a place where you go to read books.

      The library at school is full of books.

    • planet [ˈplænət] n.

      A planet is a large round thing in space.

      Saturn is the planet with the ring around it.

    • report [rɪˈpɔrt] n.

      A report is something students write for school.

      Karen had trouble writing her report.

    • several [ˈsɛvərəl] adj.

      Several is more than two but not many.

      He had to read several books for class.

    • solve [sɒlv] v.

      To solve something is to find an answer to it.

      All the students could easily solve the math problem.

    • suddenly [ˈsʌd(ə)nli] adv.

      If something happens suddenly, it happens quickly and unexpectedly.

      I was suddenly surprised by the cake my friends brought me.

    • suppose [səˈpəʊz] v.

      To suppose is to guess.

      I suppose I should go home now.

    • universe [ˈjuːnɪvəːs] n.

      The universe is the known or supposed objects in space.

      The universe is so large that it cannot be measured.

    • view [vjuː] v.

      To view is to look at something.

      Michael likes to view himself in the mirror.

    The Report

    Lee sat among the books at the library and thought about his group project.

    They had to turn it in soon, but he hadn’t even started his part! Jack and Claire were in his group. They had worked hard. They were also very smart, and Lee didn’t want them to get a bad grade.

    Jack did the report. He wrote a lot of very good sentences and described things with great adjectives. Claire drew a nice map of the stars. Now, Lee needed to do his part of the project.

    “Well, I suppose I need to start my model,” Lee thought.

    Making a model of a planet was really hard. Lee tried to read several books, but he couldn’t comprehend any of the charts. “We’re going to fail because of me!” Lee said. He put his head down on the table and said, “I wish I could see a planet, instead of having to read about it!”

    Suddenly, there was a bright light. Lee was pulled from his chair, through the roof, and right into a strange ship! “Hello, kid,” said an alien. “Did you ask for help?”

    Lee told the friendly alien all about his project. The alien agreed to help Lee solve his problem. “First, we’ll fly through space to view the universe. Then, I can help you make a model of my planet.”

    Soon, they were going through the clouds. They passed the moon. Then they viewed Mars. Lee was very excited. Instead of a bad grade, his group would have the best project ever!

    “It’s time to go home,” the alien finally said. On the way back, he helped Lee make a model of the planet Mars. Soon, they were on Earth.

    “Thanks,” Lee said. “My model will be awesome!” Then he took his model and said goodbye to his new friend.

    Reading Comprehension

    Answer the questions.

    1. What is this story about?

      • a. Why a smart boy fails a class
      • b. A boy’s trip into the universe
      • c. A boy who wants to write instead of draw
      • d. An alien living in a library
    2. What is Lee unable to comprehend?

      • a. Howto make a model of a planet
      • b. Why there are maps among the books
      • c. Where the best place is to view the stars
      • d. Howto read the information in a chart
    3. What can you suppose is true of the group’s report?

      • a. It has three sentences.
      • b. It must describe clouds.
      • c. It is not due until several days.
      • d. It is about the stars and planets.
    4. What did the alien want to do to help Lee?

      • a. Get several books from the library
      • b. Hear the best report ever
      • c. Make the model of a planet
      • d. Solve his own problems
    5. What planet did Lee see on his trip

    Answer Key

    Answer Key

    Reading Comprehension

    1. d
    2. d
    3. d
    4. c
    5. He viewed Mars on the trip.

    The activities in «4000 Essential English Words» are specially designed to make use of important learning conditions. Firstly, the words are introduced using sentence definitions and an example sentence. 4000 Essential English Words 2: 600 words (Unit 1 — Unit 30).

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    The activities in «4000 Essential English Words» are specially designed to make use of important learning conditions. Firstly, the words are introduced using sentence definitions and an example sentence. 4000 Essential English Words 3: 600 words (Unit 1 — Unit 30).

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    The activities in «4000 Essential English Words» are specially designed to make use of important learning conditions. Firstly, the words are introduced using sentence definitions and an example sentence. 4000 Essential English Words 4: 600 words (Unit 1 — Unit 30).

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    The activities in «4000 Essential English Words» are specially designed to make use of important learning conditions. Firstly, the words are introduced using sentence definitions and an example sentence. 4000 Essential English Words 5: 600 words (Unit 1 — Unit 30).

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    The activities in «4000 Essential English Words» are specially designed to make use of important learning conditions. Firstly, the words are introduced using sentence definitions and an example sentence. 4000 Essential English Words 6: 600 words (Unit 1 — Unit 30).

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    Дано ответов: 2

    Решение внизу в приложении



    21 Март, 18

    1 a) 


    a record — установить рекорд b)


    the table — накрывать на стол

    2 a)


     work -тяжелая работа  b) work 


    — много работать

    3 a 


    — топик (футболка) /a 


    sportsman — первоклассный спортсмен 



    hard — много тренироваться /  by


    — поездом 

    5) on 


    — на борту  /


    of fame — доска славы?


    21 Март, 18

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