Choose the word that best completes both sentences

Choose the word that correctly completes both sentences.

I use my ___ hand when I’m throwing a ball.

My father ___ for work every morning at 7.

A) lives b) leaf c) left d) leaves.

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Choose the word or phrase which best complete each sentence.
1. We … from that company now as their prices are very expensive.
a) don’t buying;
b) doesn’t buy;
c) are not buying;
d) not buying.
2. After three years in the company, we normally expect all employees in this department to apply for … to the next level.
a) help;
b) support;
c) promotion;
d) advance.
3. How much … the product cost next year?
a) will;
b) will be;
c) do;
d) is.
4. After a bad year, I must tell you that our … . Have risen to a very
high level. Sadly, I think that the company must close.
a) credits;
b) debts;
c) profits;
d) debtors.
5. If they … the products from us, we would have offered them a
a) would buy;
b) would have bought;
c) had buy;
d) had bought.
6. As we manufacture many different products, we usually use a …
production process.
a) group;
b) batch;
c) set;
d) bunch.

Остались вопросы?

Ex. 72. choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

1. Maureen needed some money yesterday, so she … to the bank.

(A) didn’t go (B) has gone going (D) went

2. … Maureen was getting cash at an ATM, someone came up be- hind her and robbed her.

(A) After (B) As soon as (C) Before (D) While

3. The thief … a T-shirt and blue jeans and had big tattoos all over his arms

(A) wearing (B) weared (C) wearing (D) wore

4. … she realized what happened, Maureen ran to a phone, called the police, and reported the crime.

(A) As soon as (B) Before (C) During (D) While

5. Luckily, she didn’t have … money.

(A) as much (B) enough (C) too little (D) very much

6. But Maureen still didn’t have … to buy gas to walk she had home.

(A) cash enough (B) enough cash (C) too much cash (D) very cash 7. Later, the police told Maureen that she hadn’t The thief had been standing near the bank and she should have no- ticed him. (A) as careful (B) careful enough (C) enough carefu (D) less careful.

8. The next day, someone … Maureen’s purse, with all of her identification and credit cards, in a trash can.

(A)find (B) found (c) was finding (D) was found

9. Thai food is hotter than Japanese food; by hotter, I mean

(A) as spicy (B) less spicy (C) spicier (D) the spiciest

10. It’s … for people who don’t like spicy food.

(A) as hot (B) hot enough (C) hotter (D) too hot

11. It can be spicy hot like Indian food, but … as Indian food.

(A) as greasy (B) less greasy (C) more greasy (D) not as greasy

12. Thai cuisine is … and more exotic than heavy French food

(A) as light (B) less light (C) lighter (D) more light

13. Like the French chefs, Thai cooks use fresh herbs and spices.

(A) enough (B) many (C) too few (D) too many

14. Sateh was originally Indonesian, but the Indonesian dish isn’t … as the sateh from Thailand.

(A) as spicy (B) less spicy (C) quite spicy (D) spicier

15. In my opinion, of all the world’s cuisines, Asian cooking is…

(A) delicious (B) more delicious (C) most delicious (D) the most delicious

II. Choose the word which best completes the sentence.
1. Every year different natural disasters such as
earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes and volcanic eruptions happen on our … .

a) star               b) satellite        c) planet

2. Jules Verne throws his heroes into … by means of a
huge gun.

a) distance       b) space         c) the Moon

3. The terrible hurricane had … all the houses by that

destroyed        b) damaged          c) broken

4. We have been doing … into space for many years

damage        b) research            c) disasters

5. … is a long period of dry weather when there is not
enough water.

flood          b) earthquake            c) drought

6. He climbed into his … and in a few minutes he was
out in space.

spacesuit          b) spaceship          c) satellite

7. In Britain
people often start conversations by talking about the … .

seasons           b) weather               c) disasters

8. The satellite was launched … space three days ago.

a) in        b) into        c) to

9. I shake … a leaf before every exam.

a) like       b) with         c) from

10. I haven’t been to any parties … a long time.

since         b) for

Choose the word which best completes the sentence. 1. Im sure that one day the scientists will … most of medical problems. a) take b) solove c) explore 2. The famous actor was shaking … laugh. a) with b) from c) to 3. «Why is the little girl crying»-«She has dropped her cup and … it». a) broke b) brought c) destroyed 4. He was … hurt during the earthquake. a) quickly b) badly c) well Choose the correct answer. 1. He … computer games from two till three yesterday. a) played b) playing c) were playing 2. When I … into the kitchen, mother was cooking. a) came b) come c) was coming 3. We … the floor in our flat yesterday. a) to wash b) washed c) were washed 4. The capital of … USA is Washington. a) the b) — c) a 5. … Tokyo is the largest city in the world. a) the b) — c) a 6. Why did she asked you … come a) to b) —




Choose the word which best completes the sentence
Choose the correct answer


Отв. дан
2018-10-05 00:00:00

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  • Choose the word or words that best completes the sentence
  • Choose the word or phrase which would best keep the meaning of the underlined
  • Choose the word or phrase which is not correct
  • Choose the word or phrase which best completes the sentences
  • Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence