Choose the word out of the list

Identify each underlined word by writing above it CN for common noun, PN for proper noun, or PA for proper adjective. Then, rewrite any underlined word that should be capitalized but is not.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born in salzhurg‾underline{text{salzhurg}}, austria‾underline{text{austria}}.


Упражнение 1, с. 28

1 Choose the words from the list to complete the newspaper headlines. — Выберите слова из списка, чтобы завершить газетные заголовки. 

• burgle — ограбить • vandalising — разрушающий • break — перерыв • spray painted — красить из баллончика • rob — грабить • arrest — арестовывать

Teen pays large fine for 1) vandalising near city hall 
Подросток платит большой штраф за вандализм возле мэрии

Police 2) arrest two men in connection to museum robbery
Полиция арестовала двух мужчин в связи с ограблением музея

Local headmaster shocked by students who 3) spray painted walls of school
Местный директор школы шокирован учениками, которые из баллончика красили стены школы

Thieves 4) break into an Art Galery last night — two paintings missing
Воры ворвались в художественную галерею прошлой ночью — пропали две картины

Teenager caught after trying to 5) burgle police officer’s house
Подросток пойман после попытки ограбления дома полицейского

Two masked men 6) rob London’s largest bank early this morning
Сегодня рано утром двое мужчин в масках ограбили крупнейший банк Лондона

Упражнение 2, с. 28

2. Fill in: star, international, maintenance, conflicting, iron, bulletproof. — Заполнитe: звезда, международная, техническое обслуживание, конфликтующих, железный, пуленепробиваемый.

1 There was an international scandal when the police arrested a Russian spy.
Был международный скандал, когда полиция арестовала русского шпиона.

2 The bank has two maintenance workers who can fix any problems in the building.
В банке работают два ремонтника, которые могут устранить любые неполадки в здании.

3 The Picasso painting is the star attraction in the museum.
Картина Пикассо — главная достопримечательность музея.

4 The cashier works behind bulletproof glass.
Кассир работает за пуленепробиваемым стеклом.  

5 Eight iron pegs hold the painting’s frame in place.
Восемь железных колышков удерживают раму картины на месте.

6 I read conflicting rumours in the newspapers about who stole the painting.
Я читал в газетах противоречивые слухи о том, кто украл картину.

Упражнение 3, с. 28

3. Choose the correct word. — Выберите правильное слово.

1 The theft of the statue from the museum caused a scandal.
Кража статуи из музея вызвала скандал.

2  The guard admitted leaving the door unlocked at the museum.
Охранник признался, что оставил дверь в музее незапертой.

3 The thief served a prison sentence.
Вор отбывал тюремный срок.

4 The burglar committed the crime late at night.
Грабитель совершил преступление поздно ночью.

5 The photographer shot pictures of the sculpture with his camera.
Фотограф сделал снимки скульптуры своим фотоаппаратом. 


Упражнение 4, с. 28

4. Choose the correct tense. — Выберите правильное время. 

1 Someone stole Ted’s car yesterday.
Вчера кто-то угнал машину Теда.

2 Sue was driving quite fast when the police officer stopped her.
Сью ехала довольно быстро, когда полицейский остановил её.

3 The judge sentenced the thief to one year in prison.
Судья приговорил вора к одному году тюрьмы.

4 Tom was talking on his mobile phone while he was riding his motorbike.
Том разговаривал по мобильному телефону, пока ехал на мотоцикле.

5 The thieves ran away when they heard the police sirens.
Воры убежали, когда услышали полицейские сирены.

6 The police caught the burglar as he was escaping from the back door.
Полиция поймала грабителя, когда он убегал через заднюю дверь.

7 The old woman screamed when she saw a stranger in her house.
Старуха вскрикнула, увидев в своём доме незнакомца.

Упражнение 5, с. 28

5. Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the past continuous— Поставьте гланолы в скобках в past simple или past continuous

It was just after 11 pm on 7th January, 2005. Mr and Mrs McKinnon 1) were sleeping upstairs in their bedroom when they 2) heard a loud noise coming from downstairs. Mr McKinnon quickly 3) jumped out of bed and 4) ran downstairs to the front goor. But he 5) didn’t see anyone. Then, he 6) walked into the dark living room and 7) saw a man standing there. The man  8) was wearing dark clothes and he 9) was holding a bag over his shoulders. Mr McKinnon 10) attacked the man and 11) threw him to the floor. Then, he 12) yelled to his wife to call the police. His wife 13) came into the living room and 14) turned on the light. Then, Mr McKinnon 15) realised that the burglar 16) was just the grandad trying to take out the rubbish!

Это было сразу после 11 часов вечера 7 января 2005 года. Мистер и миссис Маккиннон спали наверху в своей спальне, когда услышали громкий шум, доносившийся снизу. Мистер Маккиннон быстро вскочил с кровати и побежал вниз, к входной двери. Но он никого не видел. Затем он вошёл в тёмную гостиную и увидел стоящего там мужчину. Мужчина был одет в тёмную одежду и держал на плечах сумку. Мистер Маккиннон набросился на мужчину и повалил его на пол. Затем он крикнул жене, чтобы та вызвала полицию. Его жена вошла в гостиную и включила свет. И тут мистер Маккиннон понял, что грабитель — всего лишь дедушка, пытающийся вынести мусор!

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Рабочая тетрадь. Starlight. 6 класс. Workbook.

ГДЗ по английскому языку. Starlight. Звёздный английский. Учебник. 6 класс. Баранова К.М., Дули Д., Копылова В.В.

Английский язык. 6 класс

I. Choose the odd word out.


2.comedy,mystery,science fiction, novel

3.spiky,wavy,middle aged, curly



6. intelligent, clever, brilliant, artistic

II. Put the verbs into the Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous.

1.I …..( study) in my bedroom at the moment, but I can join you in the park later.

2.Tom ……..(watch)TV when Jane arrived.

3.Water………..(not, boil) at 80C.

4.The policeman asked, «What………(you, do) at the time of the robbery?»

5.This athlete …..( break) the record at the Olympic games last year.

6…….. (he, like) the English countryside?

7.When I was a kid, I……. (not , get) much pocket money.

III. Fill in: why, who, whose, where, which, when.

1.A doctor is someone……..helps sick people.

2.Do you know……book this is?

3. It was summer time……we decided to go on holiday to New York.

4. Tom is very reliable. That’s……I like him.

5.That’s the clinic……Mary works.

6.They take care of the eight big black ravens ……. live in the tower.

IV. Complete the sentences using in ,out, up, on, with, into.

1. John gave……boxing two years ago because of a bad injury.

2. That blouse goes really well……your skirt.

3. I ran…….an old friend at the supermarket yesterday.

4. Go…… I’m listening to you.

5. Our class take part…..a clean-up campaign.

6. Many young people hang…….at the shopping centre at the weekends.

V. Choose the correct response.

1.What’s your sister like?

a) She is tall with freckles. b) She is very sociable.

2.What’s the best way to avoid pickpockets?

a) Don’t be so silly. b) You should look after your wallet.

3. I’ve got some good news.

a) That’s amazing! b) Sure

4. I need to get more exercise.

a) Why don’t you go home b) How about joining a gym?

5.How can we protect our home?

a) Walk in well-lit places. b) Why don’t you fit an alarm system.


It depends why you are looking up synonyms, e.g. whether you want to vary your language for reasons of style, or when you have found a technical term that does not fit the context. (Often the case when looking up words from one language to translate into another…)

It’s not easy! In English, my native language — I often just ‘know’ which synonym to use. But it’s NOT infallible, so I usually check in one of the following ways.

1. Look up the synonyms you like best in

See more

It depends why you are looking up synonyms, e.g. whether you want to vary your language for reasons of style, or when you have found a technical term that does not fit the context. (Often the case when looking up words from one language to translate into another…)

It’s not easy! In English, my native language — I often just ‘know’ which synonym to use. But it’s NOT infallible, so I usually check in one of the following ways.

1. Look up the synonyms you like best in the thesaurus, and see what other words appear — they are not all synonyms of the first, and this may give you an idea. You will see they approach the original concept from different angles.

E.g. FRIENDSHIP: affection, affinity, alliance, amity, attachment, benevolence, closeness, concord, familiarity, fondness, friendliness, good fellowship, goodwill, harmony, intimacy, love, rapport, regard.

AFFECTION: amity, attachment, care, desire, feeling, fondness, friendliness, goodwill, inclination, kindness, liking, love, passion, propensity, tenderness, warmth.

BENEVOLENCE: altruism, charity, compassion, fellow feeling, generosity, goodness, goodwill, humanity, kind-heartedness, kindness, sympathy.

INTIMACY: closeness, confidence, confidentiality, familiarity, fraternization, understanding.

REGARD is different yet again…

And so on! Benevolence and regard are more what you feel for people you don’t know personally, while other words cover your feelings for your own particular friends.

I use Collins Thesaurus, the ultimate wordfinder,
ISBN 0 00 470454-1.
It also gives proverbs, antonyms and other useful word lists.

2. Check your choice in a large ordinary dictionary that explains the meanings and, if possible, gives contexts.

3. You can search for the word on the Internet to find it in context – this is especially good for technical expressions. For instance, is ‘insert’ the same as ‘screw in’? You can often find the collocations and fixed expressions that match the word.

(You will need to use a longer phrase or a more unusual word for this however, or you will simply get a million useles hits.)

The British National Corpus
is helpful, and the free service is often quite sufficient.

Basically it is a matter of knowing the language well enough and developing your feeling for words – and being aware that you never can know it well enough in all situations!

Have fun!

[Edited at 2004-06-24 14:31]

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  • Choose the word or words that best completes the sentence
  • Choose the word or phrase which would best keep the meaning of the underlined
  • Choose the word or phrase which is not correct
  • Choose the word or phrase which best completes the sentences
  • Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence