Choose the word of american english

Task No. 5627

Write the text in American English. Choose the correct words.

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Vocabulary List – American and British English

  1. A trip to London

    Last week I drove to London by car. As there was an accident on the M25 I had to take a . I stopped in front of a to ask for directions. A young man told me to turn right at the and ask again at the . There a friendly told me to take the second exit of the . After I had passed a I saw a and a large . I parked my car there and walked to the of London.

Updated on November 04, 2019

While pronunciation, grammar, and spelling are among the many differences between American and British English, perhaps the most difficult to navigate is the difference in American and British vocabulary and word choice. 

American and British Vocabulary and Word Choice

Many students are confused about word differences between American and British English. Generally speaking, it’s true that most Americans will understand British English speakers and vice versa despite the many differences. As your English becomes more advanced, however, it becomes more important to decide which form of English you prefer. Once you’ve decided, try to stick to one form or the other in all aspects including pronunciation differences: General American or Received Pronunciation. This consistency is key to clear English communication.

The following list provides common American English vocabulary and word choices and their British English equivalents arranged in alphabetical order. Which words are already most familiar to you?

American English

British English

antenna aerial
mad angry
anyplace anywhere
fall autumn
bill bank note
attorney barrister, solicitor
cookie biscuit
hood bonnet
trunk boot
suspenders braces
janitor caretaker
drug store chemist’s
french fries chips
the movies the cinema
rubber condom
patrolman constable
stove cooker
wheat corn, wheat
crib cot
thread cotton
wreck crash
intersection crossroads
drapes curtains
checkers draughts
thumbtack drawing pin
divided highway dual carriageway
pacifier dummy
trashcan dustbin, rubbish-bin
garbage can dustbin, rubbish-bin
garbage collector dustman
generator dynamo
motor engine
engineer engine driver
movie film
apartment flat
overpass flyover
yard garden
gear-shift gear-lever
alumnus graduate
boiler grill
first floor ground floor
rubbers gumshoes, wellington boots
sneakers gym shoes, tennis-shoes
purse handbag
billboard hoarding
vacation holiday
vacuum cleaner hoover
sick ill
intermission interval
sweater jersey, jumper, pullover, sweater
pitcher jug
elevator lift
truck lorry
baggage luggage
raincoat mackintosh, raincoat
crazy mad
highway main road
corn maize
math maths
stingy mean
freeway motorway
diaper nappy
vicious, mean nasty
noplace nowhere
private hospital nursing home
optometrist optician
liquor store off-license
kerosene paraffin
sidewalk pavement
peek peep
gasoline petrol
mail post
mailbox postbox
mailman, mail carrier postman
potato chips potato crisps
baby carriage pram
bar pub
restroom public toilet
blow-out puncture
stroller push-chair
line queue
railroad railway
railway car railway carriage
spool of thread reel of cotton
round trip return (ticket)
call collect reverse charges
raise rise (in salary)
pavement road surface
traffic circle roundabout
eraser rubber
garbage, trash rubbish
sedan saloon (car)
Scotch tape sellotape
store shop
muffler silencer
one-way single (ticket)
someplace somewhere
wrench spanner
faculty staff (of a university)
oil pan sump
dessert sweet
candy sweets
faucet tap
spigot tap (outdoors)
cab taxi
dish-towel tea-towel
semester term
pantyhose tights
schedule timetable
can tin
turnpike toll motorway
flashlight torch
hobo tramp
pants trousers
cuffs turn-ups
subway underground railway
shorts underpants
shoulder (of road) verge (of road)
vest waistcoat
closet wardrobe
wash up wash your hands
windshield windscreen
fender wing
zipper zip

Now, test your knowledge with the two quizzes below.

American to British English Vocabulary Quiz

Replace the American English word in italics with a British English word. 

  1. I’d like to hang the drapes tonight. Do you have time?
  2. We took the elevator to the 10th floor.
  3. Would you like to see a movie tonight?
  4. Have you seen Tim’s new apartment yet? It’s very nice.
  5. Run down to the drug store and buy some aspirin, please. 
  6. Let’s go to the bar and get a drink.
  7. I’ll take the garbage out before I leave tomorrow morning.
  8. Take the second exit at the traffic circle.
  9. Let’s get have some potato chips with lunch. 
  10. Could you hand me the flashlight so I can take a look in the closet?
  11. Peter wore a pair of slim fitting pants to the party.
  12. She opened the tap and watered the garden.
  13. Have you ever worn a vest with a suit?
  14. I’ll pick up the mail on the way home from work.
  15. Could you buy me a pair of pantyhose at the mall?


  1. curtains
  2. lift
  3. film
  4. flat
  5. chemist’s
  6. pub
  7. rubbish
  8. roundabout
  9. crisps
  10. torch
  11. trousers
  12. spigot 
  13. waistcoat
  14. post
  15. tights

British to American English Vocabulary Quiz

Replace the British word in italics with an American English word.

  1. We need to find a public toilet soon.
  2. Let’s get the pram and take a walk with Jennifer. 
  3. I’m afraid I had a puncture and had to get it fixed.
  4. Could you bring in that tin of tuna over there?
  5. He puts his trousers on like any other person.
  6. She’s very mean with her money. Don’t ask her for any help.
  7. I generally don’t wear a suit with a waistcoat.
  8. We should ask a constable for help.
  9. Let’s go to the off-license and get some whiskey. 
  10. Get on queue and I’ll get us something to eat.
  11. Grab a tea-towel and clean that up.
  12. Look at the schedule and see when the train leaves.
  13. The car has a dent in the wing.
  14. Choose a sweater from the wardrobe and let’s get going.
  15. The lights have gone out, and we’ll need a torch.


  1. restroom
  2. baby carriage
  3. blow-out
  4. can
  5. pants
  6. stingy
  7. vest
  8. patrolman
  9. liquor store
  10. line
  11. dish-towel
  12. time table
  13. fender
  14. closet 
  15. flashlight

Home > British and American English Vocabulary Exercise 1

British and American English Vocabulary Exercise 1 uses words expected to know for the Cambridge English C1 Advanced, IELTS and TOEFL tests as well as the English Language B IB Diploma.

British and American English Vocabulary Exercise 1

Choose the British or American English equivalent of each word.

More exercises associated with this theme:

Learning English requires not just a good vocabulary, but a strong foundation of English grammar to communicate effectively.

  • Vocabulary
  • Grammar

Here are some helpful exercises, providing word retention focussing on the English that you need to use to communicate successfully in your community.

Here are some grammar exercise which give you the practice to be confident in communicating in English at this advanced level.

Word puzzles require not just a good vocabulary and a knack for spelling, but the ability to think logically and strategically.

  • Crossword Puzzles
  • Word Searches
  • Word Puzzles

Here are some crossword puzzles that give you a way to think about how to spell and link words correctly to complete the task.

Here are some word searches that provide an excellent way to help to reinforce spellings in your mind.

Doing puzzles like the ones we have on this site will be useful for you as you try to retain new words in a different language.

Input learning is the process of learning things from resources or other people and keeping them in our brain.

  • Reading
  • Listening

Output learning is process of using things we learned or memorized.

  • Writing
  • Speaking

Levels Links:

 This free material is for students at an advanced level of English. This will probably be suitable for students in their fifth or sixth year of English studies. We add exercises on grammar and vocabulary as well as whole text activities on a regular basis. In addirion, we provide test practice activity for students who are preparing for the C1 Advanced which is part of the Cambridge Assessment English Main Suite as well as the English Language B for the IB Diploma. The material will also support students studying for the Cambridge Advanced courses.

We also provide free resources across the full range of levels to provide the tools to communicate in English well.

Elementary | Pre-Intermediate | Intermediate | Upper Intermediate | Advanced


39. British
and American English

How do Americans
say these words? Choose from the words in the box.

American English














in line




Can you buy some crisps for the picnic?

(American English: _____chips_________)


Don’t leave rubbish in the park. Take your empty drinks cans home with

(American English:


Excuse me, where’s the nearest toilet, please?

(American English:


He works as a sales assistant in a big department

(American English:


I can’t walk any further. Let’s take a taxi.

(American English:


I have to go to the chemist’s to buy some film for
my camera.

(American English:


I’d like a return ticket to Bristol, please?

(American English:


It’s quicker to go there by underground than by bus.

(American English:


Take the lift to the fourteenth floor.

(American English:


There’s something wrong with the hot
water tap. I can’t turn it

(American English:


We can leave the car in the car park behind the supermarket.

(American English:


We could play a game of poker if
someone has a pack od

(American English:


We had to queue for an hour to get tickets for the latest James Bond

(American English:


You shouldn’t cycle on the pavement. It’s dangerous for
the people who are walking.

(American English:


She lives in a modern flat near the university.

(American English:


I work in a bank in the city centre.

(American English:

There are some
possibilities for confusion when British and American people talk about food.

British English





French fries

Answer key

Урок-игра по теме «Британский и американский английский».

Цель урока: формирование представления об особенностях употребления британского и американского английского языка.


1.Образовательные: активизация познавательной деятельности учащихся, повышение качества усвоения изучаемого языка.

2. Развивающие: расширение кругозора учащихся, развитие умений устной речи.

3. Воспитательные: повышение мотивации к изучению английского языка, развитие интереса к изучению языка.

Оборудование: ПК, мультимедийный проектор, экран, раздаточный материал.

Формы организации учебной деятельности учащихся: работа в группе, сотрудничество.

Ход урока.

  1. Приветственное слово учителя, постановка целей урока. Учитель делит группу на команды(4-5 учащихся), поясняет, что они будут участвовать в игре.

  2. Учащиеся просматривают видео, определяют разницу между Британским и Американским английским языком.

— different words

— different spelling

3. Задание №1. Учащиеся в группах записывают слова в 2 колонки.

Br.E Am.E

  1. Задание №2. Учащиеся в группах соотносят слова и картинки, обмениваются листами и проверяют друг друга.

  1. Задание № 3. Каждая команда получает своё задание (1,2,3), время выполнения 3 мин., представляют результаты перед классом.

  1. Write the common American Word instead of the British Word and complete the sentences.

  • Mary ate a biscuit. She ate a ____________.

  • They had three weeks holiday. They had three weeks ____________.

  • Fill up the tank with petrol. Fill up the tank with ____________.

  • He drove his new lorry along the motorway. He drove his new ____________ along the ____________.

  • It was too cold so I had to wear a vest and a jumper. It was too cold so I had to wear a ____________ and a ____________.

  • A pencil and a rubber are necessary tools. A pencil and ____________are necessary tools.

  1. In the box bellow there are British English words and their equivalents in American English.

Write bellow in each flag.

Truck soccer sweets movie petrol cab mad apartment lorry lift shop biscuit candy angry gás film cookie flat elevator rubber store eraser football taxi

  1. Read the following sentences and identify whether the word in bold is British or American English. Then indicate the corresponding word in BrE or in AmE.

1 Where’s your flat in London?

  1. She needs a flash light to go to the attic.

  2. When I approached the bus stop I saw a long line of people .

  3. You shouldn´t ride your bike on the sidewalk.

  4. Doreen lives on the 7th floor. Let´s take the lift.

  5. Waiter, can I have the check, please?

  6. David always wears jeans and trainers everywhere he goes.

6.Задание № 4. Учащиеся в группах заполняют пропуски подходящими словами.

А Write the text in American English. Choose the correct word.

A trip to London

Last week I drove to London by car. As there was an accident on the M25 I had to take a____________________. I stopped in front of _________________ a to ask for directions. A young man told me to turn right at the __________________and ask again at the_______________________. There a friendly __________________ told me to take the second exit of the _______________________. After I passed a ______________________I saw a ___________________and a large__________________. I parked my car there and walked to the ____________________________of London.

В Write the text in British English. Choose the correct word.

A busy day

Mrs. Fisher was very busy today. She drove to a _____________for some ham. Then she went to the supermarket to get some _____________________ and ___________________. She needed ____________ for her baby and some ______________________. Then her daughter Sally saw the ______________________________ and Mrs. Fisher bought her some ___________. At home she put everything into the _____________________. Then she opened the _________________, filled with water into a pot and put it on the ________________.

  1. Заключительный этап.

Подводятся итоги урока , обсуждается проделанная работа и достигнутые результаты. Подсчитываются баллы, выявляется победитель. Все учащиеся получают положительные оценки.

Понравилась статья? Поделить с друзьями:
  • Choose the word from the word bank that best completes the sentence
  • Choose the word from the box and fill in the text
  • Choose the word combinations that belong to a certain topic
  • Choose the word combination that is not used with
  • Choose the word and say a phrase with it