Choose the superfluous word in each answer what do you use for scones

TASK 2 READING (20 points)

1. Read fragments
from stories about famous illusionists. For answers to questions choose the
names designated by letters A-E. “0” is the example for you.

  1. John Henry Anderson was a Scottish magician who performed
    in Europe and the United States in the early 19th century. His
    favourite trick was bullet-catching, but his best remembered for pulling a
    rabbit from a hat. He didn’t think of the trick first, but he made it
    popular and there have been variations on it ever since.
  2. Robert Houdin was born in France in 1805. He was originally
    trained as a clockmaker. He first appeared as a magician in Paris in 1845.
    He used common objects to create illusions rather than complicated pieces
    of machinery. He was known as the father of magic and it was from him that
    Harry Houdini took his name years later.
  3. Howard Thurston was from Ohio. He started by touring and
    doing card tricks. In 1908 he met the magician, Harry Kellar. Kellar sold
    him his tricks and Thurston turned them into a 3-hour long magic show. He
    toured with it for over 20 years. He was well-known for illusions such as
    the “floating lady”.
  4. Harry Houdini was born Erik Weisz in Budapest, Hungary.
    Before taking up magic, he worked in a circus. His world-wide fame
    came from his amazing escapes. One of his most incredible escapes was from
    a box that was locked, roped, weighted then lowered into water. Late in
    his career he went to Hollywood and made films, performing his own stunts.
  5. David Copperfield was born in 1956
    in America. He began performing at the age of twelve. He is noted for his
    ability to make objects disappear, something he has done frequently whilst
    on the air, watched by millions. He once made the Statue of Liberty,
    America’s most famous landmark disappear. He also walked through the Great
    Wall of China. From the late 1970s, he was on TV in The Magic Show of
    David Copperfield.


  1. was born in
    Scotland? __A__
  2. made a famous
    trick he didn’t invent?_____
  3. performed
    illusions with large objects?_____
  4. acted in
  5. pulled
    objects from a hat?_____
  6. performed in
    France and gave his name to another magician?___

Read the text and
do the tasks below. (15 points)

A Trip by

An American
farmer wanted to make an air trip. There was an airport close to his farm. So
one morning he came there to ask if he could make an air trip.

see,» he said to one of the pilots, «I have never flown before, but I
would like to.» The pilot told him that the price of the trip was 10
dollars for a ten-minute trip. «Oh, it’s a dollar a minute,» the
farmer said. «Can’t you reduce the price?» The pilot thought for a
minute and then said, «I won’t take any money if you don’t say a word
during the whole trip.» The farmer agreed.

«By the way,» said the
pilot, «you may take your wife too.» The farmer was happy.

The next
day at three o’clock the farmer and his wife arrived at the airport. Soon they
were up in the air. The plane    flew at a high speed, it went up and down very
quickly, but since  the passengers didn’t say a word.           

are brave people,» said the pilot. «I thought you would be afraid to

“Well,” said the farmer, “I am glad, I will not have to pay
for the trip, as I didn’t have to say a word, but I wanted to speak to you when
my wife fell out of the plane”

A   Write
down whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).

The farmer didn’t like the price of the trip.

7.      It was a trip on the ship.

The farmer decided to take his wife because it could make
the price of the trip less.

The price was 10 dollars for each minute.

10.  The passengers kept silent when they were in the air.

11.  The farmer’s wife was quite well after the trip.

B   Answer
the following questions.

What kind of trip did the farmer want to make?

13.  Did he find the trip cheap or expensive?

14.  What was the price of the trip?

15.  On what condition did the pilot agree to change the price of the trip?

16.  Who joined the farmer?

17.  Did the plane fly slowly or quickly?

18.  Did the passengers speak much during the trip?

19.  Did the farmer pay for the trip?

20.  What happened to his wife in the air?

OF ENGLISH (30 points)

1. Fill
in the gaps, using a suitable word from a box. Use each word only once. “0” is
the example for you.. In the box there is a superfluous word which does not
need to be used. (6 points)

     church       men     priest     prison     couples     stories     gifts     soldiers


Valentine’s Day

There are different (0) stories about St. Valentine.
One story says that Valentine was a roman

(1) ___________ who lived about 1800 years ago. At that time
Roman (2) ____________ were not allowed to marry. Valentine disobeyed the law
and secretly married young (3) __________. Valentine was then sent to prison.
He died in (4) __________ on February 14
in 270 AD. The soldiers took him and buried him at a (5) ___________ in Rome.
If you go to Rome, you can see where he is buried. Valentine’s Day is a day
when people give Valentine cards, (6) ___________ and flowers to people they

2. Choose the right variant (10 points)

1. The Volga is …river in the
territory of Russia.

            a) long     b)
longer     c) the longest

      2. … birthday is it next week?

                  a) Whose    b) Whom        c) Who

      3. Perhaps they …a new house next year.

                  a) will buy      b) buy             c)
shall buy

      4. Two years … Derry bought a car.

                  a) ago       b) for            c) since

      5. My favourite subject at school is … Biology.

                  a) the        b) a           c) –

      6. Do you get … letters every day?

                  a) much     b) many     c) a many

      7. George plays …the violin rather well.

                  a) —             b) on          c) in

      8. My elder sister is afraid … height.

                  a) —             b) of           c) with

      9. Jean always stays in fashion. People like ….

                  a) hers          b) she          c) her

     10. When a student, Mike spent two years in … Germany.

                  a) a              b) the         c) –

3. Choose the right variant (10 points)

  1. Jess was
    watching / watched
    TV when the TV suddenly was
    breaking / broke
  2.  While Dad was
    listening / listened
    to music in the car, he was
    driving / drove
    into the back of a bus!
  3. My parents were
    walking / walked
    home yesterday when they were seeing
    / saw
    an asteroid in the sky.
  4. Oliver climbed
    / was climbing
    a mountain when he was dropping /
    his MP3 player in a river.
  5. Madonna sang/
    was singing
    when we got/ were getting to the

4. Choose the right variant (4 points)

  1. Maria is very
    proud of / good at science, so she wants to be a doctor.
  2. You have to
    be worried about / interested in helping people if you want
    to be a firefighter.
  3. David wasn’t
    very proud of / good at failing his exams.
  4. You shouldn’t
    get interested in / upset about not getting an interview.

TASK 4      
WRITING (20 points)

Write to your foreign friend
the letter how you spent summer holidays (80-100 words).

TASK 5    
SPEAKING (20 points)

  1. Dialogue
    (10 points)

Put the phrases of
the dialogue into the correct order

A)  1. Yes, sure.
Thank you.

2. That’s
exactly what I want.

3. Can I have
a look at this magazine?

4. I think this
article about clothes is interesting.

5. Yes, of
course. I read quickly.

B)   1. Oh, yes,
it is. It tells you how to choose the best clothes for

2. See you
tomorrow then.

3. Yes, sure.
What would you like to read?

4.  Do you
think you will give it back to me tomorrow?

5. You can
also read an article about music.

  1. Monologue
    (10 points)

Speak on your hobbies.


5 апреля 2012

I. Reading.

Read the text and use the sentences (A-H) to complete the gaps.
There are two extra sentences you will not need.

help people get well.

Joan Gray is a nurse. Often her patients are people who have now
returned home from hospital but are not ready to go back to work. She also
spends a lot of her time visiting people still in hospital. 1(   

They look forward to seeing her, especially because she doesn’t
go alone. She takes her dog, Bertie, with her. Joanne says that Bertie makes
her patients feel better. Bertie started going to work with Joanne four years
ago and she is sure that he has made a real difference. » Bertie is
brilliant with people», she says. » For example, he helps patients
who cannot use their arms very well. 2(   ).

He can also help patients who are very nervous or depressed.
They tell me they feel calmer and happier when he is with them.

Joanne realized several years ago how much her patients enjoyed
seeing an animal. “I used to have a cat that I took with me sometimes on my
visits. My patients always asked me about him and all said they loved seeing
him. 3(   ). It’s easier to take a dog to see

Research shows that pets can reduce stress and help people get
better more quickly from all sorts of illnesses. 4(   ). For
instance, one man in hospital didn’t want to talk to anyone but he spoke to
Bertie. He told him he hated the hospital food and didn’t like the people in
the beds next to him. So the hospital was then able to get him the food he
liked. 5(   ).

Not all dogs are suitable for visiting sick people. Some dogs
are afraid of people they don’t know. 6(   ).

But the right dog can help people get better.

A. Joanne can give lots of examples of this.

B. That’ why I got Bertie.

C. There are many other dogs like Bertie.

D. They want to touch him and this makes them try harder to

     their arms.

E. Joanne’s visits are very important to all her patients.

F. Others are too friendly.

G. Of course, not everyone likes dogs.

H. They also arranged to move him to a different bed.


Choose the correct word for each gap from the list. Write the
word in the correct space.
Use each word once.

a, am, asked, at, but,
eating, for, had, her, in, me, must, not, our, the, us, well, were, who,

day at a Language school

I am studying English at a language school in London. I can
remember my first day very…… (1). My friend took……(2) to
the school and said goodbye. I felt a bit nervous but I went to the school
office and asked where I ……. (3) to go. The secretary, ………..(4)
name is Debbie, showed me to a classroom. There……(5) four other
students and a teacher in the room. The teacher ….. ( 6) some
questions and gave ….(7) all a little test.

 After …….(8) test I went to the school
cafe ……..(9) lunch with Anne and Meshad, two of the new
students. We talked about ….. (10) homes and why we were
studying…… ( 11) England. At two o’clock I went to my
first lesson. I did …….(12) feel nervous in class because
everyone was friendly. I sat next to a boy …… (13) came
from Venezuela.

Now , after three months, I…….(14) still very
happy here. I really love living in London……….( 15) I will be
happy to go home next month to see my family.


Decide which answer (A, B, C, D) best fits each space.

Threat to the Environment

Nowadays people are more aware that wildlife all over the world
is in (1).……. Many species of animals (2)……….
, and could easily become (3).……….. if we do not make an
effort to protect them. There are many reasons for this. In some cases, animals(4)..…..for
their fur or for other valuable parts of their bodies. Some birds,(5)……..
as parrots, (6).…… alive, and sold as pets. For many animals
and birds, the problem is that their habitat- the place where they (7).…….-
is disappearing. More (8)…….. is used for farms, for houses or
industry, and there are fewer open spaces than there once were. Farmers use
powerful chemicals to help them grow better crops, but these chemicals(9).……..the
environment and harm wildlife. The most successful animals on earth -human
beings- will soon be the only ones left, unless we (10)…… solve
this problem.


A. danger

B. treat           

C. problem     

D. vanishing


A. are threatened  

B. are threatening  

C. were threatening

D. threatened


A. disappearing   

B. vanished       

C. empty       

D. extinct


A. hunted         

B. are

C. are hunting  

D. hunt



B. such           

C. or          

D. where


A. caught         

B. will be caught  

C. are caught   

D. catch


A. are


C. lived        

D. have lived


A. land            

B. earth          

C. soil          

D. area


A. will

B. polluted       

C. are polluting 

D. pollute



B. will be able to  

C. will          

D. may


Choose the correct answer.

1. What’s the name of the London underground?

Metro                B.
Tube           C. Subway

2.What London street is famous for shops?

     A.  Oxford
Street       B. Fleet Street 
   C. Lombard Street 

3. Which animal can look at the Queen?

     A. a dog                B. 
a cat           C. a

4. Who wrote ‘Winnnie-the-Pooh’?

     A. L.
   B. O. Wilde   C.   C.

5. What is English marmalade?

      A. apple
jam            B. orange
jam     C. sweets

6. Robert Burns is a ………… poet.

      A. American   
        B. English         C. Scottish

7. What is the name of a man the monument to whom stands in 

    Trafalgar Square? 

Chaplin         C. Scott

8. What is the capital of Australia?

       B. Canberra       C.

9. The capital of Northern Ireland is…….. .

      A. Dublin         
      B. Cardiff          C. Belfast

10. The kilt is ……….. .

      A. a
      B. a shirt        
  C. a pair of trousers.

Помогите пожалуйста.
1.      Choose the correct
word for each sentence.
In most countries policemen carry ______ .
guns      b)
swords     c) masks
Members of Criminal Investigation department are
______ .
officers    b)
volunteers    c) detectives
 A police
officer can stop and search people if he ______ 
them of committing a crime.
prevents     b)
suspects    c) provides
The head of Scotland Yard is appointed by the Crown on
the ________ of Home Secretary.
a)     recommendation   b) provision   c) opinion
Courts decide both criminal and civil ____ .
 crimes    b) cases   
c)  procedures
The jury traditionally ____ of 12 ordinary people.
includes     b)
consists    c)   covers
The jurors discuss their ____ in a special room.                           
b)  situation    c) decision
If a person committed a_____, he/she cannot be a
crime   b)
mistake    c) disease
The jury reaches the verdict, but the ____   passes the sentence.
clerk    b)  judge  
c) police officer
 The verdict of
the jury must be ______ in cases of murder.  
b)  similar   c) different    

Автор: Гость


2. Read the statement from the DataPro Inc. CEO. Then , mark the following statements true(T) or false (F):

    1) The IT Department is increasing. — FALSE

    2) Data processing employees now encode data — FALSE

    4) Supervisors know the employees’ new assignments  — TRUE

3. Match the words with definitions:

    1) software — G

    2) code — I

    3) hardware — B

    4) data processing — F

    5) information security — J

    6) online — C

    7) technical support — H

    8) data — D

    9) quality assurance — E

    10) encoding — A

         A. putting secret information into code;

         B. the physical parts of computer;

         C. connected to the Internet;

         D. numbers entered/held in a computer;

         E. checking products for problems;

         F. the act of using information;

         G. programs/instructions added to computer;

         H. helping people use/understand technology;

         I. program language;

         J. the act of protecting information;

4. Fill in the blanks with the correct words from word bank:

    1) Enter the data into the computer.

    2) The company uses encoding to protect information.

    3) Quality assurance finds and fixes problems in new projects.


2. Read the email about computers available at TEI Inc. Then, choose the correct answers.

    1) What is the email about?

         A. The types of work employees do.

         B. computers that the company sells.

         C. What computers the company uses.

         D. the installation of a server.

    2) According to the passage, employees use laptops when they

         A. respond to email.

         B. work on spreadsheets.

         C. process the largest files.

         D. Work outside the office.

    3) Which of the following is not true?

         A. the company has a mainframe.

         B. employees get email on their cell phones.

         C. All employees receive desktop computers.

         D. The desktop computers are faster than the workstations.

3. Read the sentence and choose the correct word:

    1) My PDA/mainframe notifies me when I have a meeting.

    2) I have a laptop/supercomputer to do work on a plane.

    3) John has server/desktop computer because he only uses simple programs.

    4) This computer/server runs programs, but doesn’t have Internet access.

    5) A workstation/handler PC is smaller than a laptop, but still has a keyboard.

    6) Connect to the server/PDA to use that printer.

    7) A supercomputer/handler PC is the most popular machine in the world.

4. Match the words with the definitions:

    1) Workstation — fast computer that is used by one person and has more memory than an ordinary personal computer.

    2) Mainframe — Large and powerful computer that supports many other computers working at once.

    3) Cell phone — A device that makes and receive calls.


2. Read the technology guide about computer assembly. Then, choose the correct answer:

    1) What is the guide mostly about?

         A. Putting together a computer.

         B. Problems with computer parts.

         C. Uses of expansion cards.

         D. Repairing a broken computer.

    2) When should the hard drive be installed?

         A. Step #1

         B. Step #3

         C. Step #5

         D. Step #6

    3) According to the guide, what is NOT an assembly step?

         A. Collecting parts

         B. Opening the case

         C. Connecting the drives

         D. Installing the RAM card

3. Match the words with definitions:

    1) heat sinkC

    2) RAMB

    3) expansion cardE

    4) processorF

    5) hard driveD

    6) motherboardA

         A. a slotted board with circuits and ports;

         B. a short term, quick memory source;

         C. a part used to cool the processor;

         D. a part used to store large amounts of data;

         E. a part used to increase a computer’s functions;

         F. a part that completes tasks for the computer;

4. Write a word that is similar in meaning to the underlined part:

    1) Spinning blades keep the computer from underlined part. (Fun)

    2) The electrical source directs power throughout the computer. (Power supply).

    3) Joey purchased a protective bag for his computer. (Case)

    4) Can the coded disk reader play DVDs? (disk drive.)


2. Read the advertisement from a computer parts catalogue. Then, mark the following answers as true(T) of false (F).

    1) The keyboard has a wireless connection. — FALSE

    2) The LCD monitor does not require a lot of room. — TRUE

    3) The touch screen comes with keyboard. — FALSE

3. Match the words (1-5) with the definitions (A-E)

    1.  keyboard — C

    2.  mouse — E

    3.  scanner — A

    4.  microphone — D

    5.  monitor — B

         A.  a device that reads images and sends them to a computer

         B.  a device that displays images

         C.  a device that enters information into a computer

         D. a device that gathers sounds

         E. a device that is used to control a pointer  or cursor

4. Check the sentence that is true

    1) A. A keyboard reads documents

         B. A USB cable connects computers and devices

    2) A. A peripheral is the main part of a computer

         B. A printer creates documents and pictures

    3) A. An input device   enters information

         B. A microphone creates  sounds

    4) A. A monitor input sounds

         B. A touch screen does not need a mouse

     5) A. A scanner displays pictures and words

         B. A peripheral is a device that is added to a computer


2. Read the article about networks. Then, choose the correct answers.

    1. What is the main idea of the passage?

         A. how to set up a network

         B. correcting network problems

         C. choosing network equipment

         D. a comparison of LANs and WLANs

    2. What  can you infer from the passage?

         A. A computer is not functioning during the cycle

         B. LAN routers do not work well near walls of metals

         C. Interference impacts a routers configuration

         D. Renewing an IP address fixes DHCP errors

    3. According to the passage, a LAN ___

         A. assigns IP address

         B. requires a router

         C. links CAT-5 cables

         D. cycles a network

3. Fill in the blanks with the correct words or phrases from the word bank

DHCP    CAT-5 cable    router  network    cycle    WLAN  Internet  configuration

    1.  The router lets a network connect to the Internet.

    2. A LAN is a type of network.

    3. Businesses communicate on the Internet.

    4. We do not use cables for our network. We have a WLAN.

    5. Routers need a correct configuration to work properly.

    6. Businesses with a LAN use CAT-5 cable to connect computers.

    7. It is something necessary to cycle a network to make it work.

    8. The DHCP provides different IP addresses for computers.

4. Choose the best definition for each word


         A. a part of a computer

         B. a wireless network

         C. a networking device

    2. IP address

         A. a city-wide network

         B. an identification number

         C.  a networking device

    3. LAN

         A. a local network

         B. a networking device

         C. a wireless network


2. Read the introduction to the operating system manual. Then, choose the correct answers.

    1.  What is the main ides of the passage?

         A. where to locate shortcuts

         B. the advantages of the CCC OS

         C. how to identify and use parts of the OS

         D. types of operating systems available

    2. What can you infer about this operating system?

         A. It comes with free software

         B. Files have to stay in one folder

         C. Menus contain multiple commands

         D. Folders do not maximize or minimize

    3. According to the passage, what does the pointer NOT do?

         A. move files

         B. open menus

         C. start software

         D. minimize windows

3. Fill in the blanks with the correct words and phrases from the word bank

Icons   desktop operating system pointer windows  GUI

    1.  Use the pointer to choose files and commands.

    2. Small pictures or symbols in software are icons.

    3. The operating system is the program that makes a computer work.

    4. When something is on the desktop you see in onscreen.

    5. An OS that uses small pictures to represent files is a GUI.

    6. You can minimize files and programs in different windows.

4.  Choose the best definition for each word.

    1. Drag

         A. save an icon

         B. close a desktop

         C. move a file

    2. Folders

         A. organize files

         B. move windows

         C. create shortcuts

    3. Shortcut

         A. a type of software

         B. a type of icon

         C. a type of window.


2.  Read the advertisement for a new word processing program. Then, mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F).

    1) Macros determine the layout of a document. — FALSE

    2)TypeWrite 4.0 features customizable fonts. — FALSE

    3) Not all file formats work with TypeWrite 4.0. — TRUE

3.Fill in the blanks with the correct words and phrases from the word bank.

    1) Use a macro to type out phrases that you use a lot.

    2)My file won’t open in other programs due to a compatibility problem.

    3) Instead of writing by hand use a word processing program.

    4) This fie is in a format that doesn’t open in TypeWrite.

    5) Save each document with a different name so you have a copy of each.

    6) The letter’s layout is wrong. The heading is in the wrong place.

    7) Increase the font size to make the file easier to read.

    8) Most word processors offer spell check to help you find mistakes.

4. Choose the word that is closest in meaning to the underlined part.

    1. The style you use for this document makes it hard to read.

         A — macro

         B — formatting

          C – compatibility

    2.To write a business letter, use the appropriate document pattern.

         A -word processing

         B — compatibility

         C– template

    3. She did not think that her typing command was saving her any time.

         A — formatting

         B – macro

         C– template


2. Read the excerpt from the employee handbook guide at T.B. Brown Inc. Then, mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F).

    1. The company uses a P093 server to receive email. — TRUE

    2. The company provides webmail for all employees. — FALSE

    3. All employees have multiple company email accounts. — FALSE

3. Match the words (1-5) with the definitions (A-E).

    1) Attachment – E

    2) domain name–C

    3) password – D

    4) email client – B

    5) SMTP server – A

         A. a computer that sends email.

         B. a program that saves sends and receives email.

         C. words/letters used to identify companies and addresses.

         D. letters/numbers that let a person access something.

         E. a file that is sent with an email.

4. Choose the word that is closest in meaning to the underlined part.

    1. That company that provides access to the internet has very good service.

         A – ISP

         B —  email address

         C – username

    2. I use an email service available on web browsers so my emails are not saved on my computer.

         A -POP3 

         B — webmail

         C — ISP

    3.Enter your code that identifies you on a computer and ‘press’ Enter.

         A — username

         B — webmail

         C — POP3

    4. Most people use a method to receive emails from a server to get their email.

         A -email address

         B — POP3

         C – webmail


2. Read the email from the IT department of TS. Brown Inc. Then, mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F).

    1) T.B. Brown Inc. now has a different URL.  — TRUE

    2) The hyperlinks navigate away from the original page. — FALSE

    3) The web site now has fewer meta tags. — FALSE

3. Match the words (1-5) with the definitions (R-E).

    1) Hyperlink – C

    2) Website –  A

    3) HTML –  D

    4) Web host –  E

    5) Web browser – B

         A. a collection of related Internet pages.

         B. a program that lets you look at web pages

         C. a word image that you can clock on to navigate.

         D. a computer language used to make web sites.

         E. a company that provides space for a websites.

4. Choose the word that is closest in meaning to the underlined part.

    1) The text used in webpage codes that provide information to search engines gives us high search rankings.

         A — hyperlink

         B — meta tag 

         C — web host

    2) Type a word into the computer program that allows people to look for particular information to find a web site.

         A — search engine

         B – http

         C — website

    3) Our website is very popular on the system of information that is available on the internet.

         A -meta tag

         B –hyperlink

         C – www

    4) The company’s text and symbols that form a web address is

         A — URI

         B — search engine

         C — web host

    5) Please begin the web address with the part of the web address that allows the computer to connect to the site.

         A –HTML

         B —  web browser

         C — http


2. Read the article from Graphic Arts Magazine. Then choose the correct answers.

    1) What is the article mostly about?

         A. why people edit graphics

         B. how to edit graphics

         C. the causes of poor exposure

         D. how to crops picture

     2) According to the article, how can you remove unwanted parts of images?

         A. crop the picture

         B. resize the image

         C. save the picture as a JPEG

         D. increase the number of pixels

     3) According to the article, what is NOT a way to fix a blurry photo?

         A. resize the photo

         B. increase the lighting

         C. save in JPEG format

         D. increase the amount of pixels 1

3. Match the words (1-6) with the definitions (A-F).

    1. pixel — B

    4. graphics — A

    2. exposure — D

    5. resolution — F

    3. JPEG — C

    6. tint — E

         A images on a computer, in a book or magazine etc.

         B a small dot that makes up part of an image a computer screen

         C a file used to store pictures on a computer

         D the length of time film is open to light when taking a picture

         E a small amount of a color in something

         F a computer or camera’s ability to produce a clear picture

4. Fill in the blanks with the words and phrases from the word bank.

     1) It’s hard to see the details of this picture. Pease ________  it so that it is bigger.( RESIZE)

     2) I want to edit my pictures .I need a__________. (GRAPHIC EDITING PROGRAM)

     3) I don’t like the background of this picture. Lets_________ it out.  (CROP)

     4) This picture is too dark. Make the ____________ a little lighter. (CONTRAST)


2. Read the email from it department of TB. Brown Inc.  Then, read the paraphrase of the email. Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the wont bank.

    Employees often use databases and spreadsheets incorrectly. Use a database to organize largo amounts of information about Clients. A database makes it easy to Search   multiple tables for client information. Use a spreadsheet to perform calculations about sinks data. Spreadsheets are also able to create graphs and charts showing profits.

3. Match the words (1-5) with definitions (A-E).

     1) Worksheet — D

    2) database — B

    3) sort — A

    4) field — E

    5) formula — C

         A to arrange the information in a database

         B a large group of data organized in a computer

         C a mathematical instruction that performs spreadsheet calculations

         D a single page of a spreadsheet

         E a database category that hot a type 01 information

4. Choose the word that is closest in meaning to the Underlined part.

    1) Sue types in a(n) symbol that performs a specific calculation on the line

         A cell

         B operator

         C worksheet

    2) Please arrange the client addresses in a single collection of information a database.

         A table

         B field

         C query

    3) Dave adds up the values with a mathematics spreadsheet calculation

         A worksheet

          B formula

          C database

    4) Jim organizes records in a computer program that organizes information and performs calculations.

         A function

         B query

         C spreadsheet

    5) Martha finds clients who live nearby with a search that locates all information of a specific type

         A query

         B field

         C operator

    6) Some information in one unit of a spreadsheet that holds a piece of information is incorrect.

         A table

         B function

         C cell


2. Read the article from a business newsletter. Then, choose the correct answers.

    1) What does the Web Development class teach?

         A making a website easy to use

         B improving a website’s visibility

         C using code to program a website

         D how to market a new website

    2) What can you inter about the Web Design

         A Attending the class is mandatory.

         B The first class addresses functional

         C it focuses on improving a site’s visual

         D Its registration fee is less than the Web Development class.

    3) What is the function of CSS?

         A It helps improve navigation.

         B It decreases a website’s visibility.

         C It changes the style of a web page.

         D It expands the functionality of a web

3. Match the words (1-6) with the definition (A-F).

    1) web design — A

    2)coding — C

    3) navigation — E

    4) visibility — B

    5) usability — D

    6) content — F

         A choosing a website’s visuals

         B how easily you can find a website on a engine

         C a website’s programming

         D how easily a user can use a website

         E moving around a website

         F everything contained h a website

4. Fill in the blanks with the correct words and phrases from the word bank.

     1) The website doesn’t work well. I want to improve its functionality

     2) My website locks boring. I’ll give it a more interesting appearance

     3) If you are interested in making a website, take a web development class.

     4) I’m learning CSS so that I can change my website.


2. 1. What is the purpose of this advertisement?

         A to post a job opening

         B to describe a company

         C to start a publishing company

         D to sell a desktop publishing program

    2. Which is NOT a job qualification?

         A the ability to make clip art

         B project planning skills

         C a college education

         D the ability to make layouts

    3. What can you infer from this advertisement?

         A The job pays very well.

         B This is a managerial position.

         C The company is hiring from within.

         D Students do not meet the requirements.

3. Read the sentence pair. Choose correct word

    1. electronic paper/ assemble electronic pages

         Many books are available on electronic paper.

         Desktop publishing specialists assemble electronic pages.

    2. page layout/clip art

         If you need an extra picture use clip art.

         That page layout looks complete.

    3. Electrostatic printing/Offset lithography

         Electrostatic printing is all done with machines.

         Offset lithography uses oil and water to transfer ink.

4. Match the words (1-4) with the definitions (A-D).

1. comprehensive layout —  B

2. desktop publishing  — C

3. desktop publishing software — D

4. graphic communications — A

         A. a form of visual language

         B. a piece that is ready for print

         C. the design of a layout using software

         D. a computer program used by publishers


2. Read the email from IT professional at Acme Enterprise. Then, mark the following statements with true (T) or false(F)

    1. Videoconferencing reduces traveling time and cost. (TRUE)

    2. The dedicated system comes with a video bridge. (FALSE)

    3. Videoconferencing works best with low bandwidth Internet access.(FALSE)

3. Fill in the blanks with the correct words and phrases from the word bank.

    1) My computer isn’t working. No images are showing on the monitor.

    2) Let’s purchase a dedicated system It comes with everything we need for videoconferencing

    3) Only I can edit the report. The videoconference system does not allow document sharing

    4) You can’t hold a multipoint videoconference without a video bridge

    5) The echo-cancellation feature eliminates unwanted

    6) I want face-to-face meeting. Let’s hold a videoconference

4) Write a word that s similar in meaning to the underlined part.

    1) A high amount of information that a network sends and  receives helps images load quickly on the Internet. Bandwidth

    2) To set up a videoconference system, first connect the equipment that codes and reads signals. Codec

    3) John attached a camera that broadcasts sound and video on the Internet. Webcam

    4) Our offices can hold a videoconference among people in different locations. Multipoint videoconference


2. Read the email from the marketing director of Then, mark the following statements as true(T) or false(F)

    1) has a brick and mortar shop. (False)

    2) TFC Gaming is an affiliate of (False)

    3) Affiliates earn a percentage of sales for increases in page views.(True)

3. Read the sentence pairs. Choose where the words best fit in the blanks.

    1) digital certificate/certificate authority

         I don’t trust this site, it has no digital certificate .

         The certificate authority will tell customers our site is safe.

    2) page views/traffic

         My site has two hundred more page views today.

         Advertising a website should increase  traffic

    3) FAQs/banner

         Let’s display a new banner to attract attention.

         Check the FAQs to find out about tine company.

4 . Fill in the blanks with the correct words and phrases from the word bank.

    1) E-commerce allows people to shop with businesses globally.

    2) My business is a(n) affiliate of that website. We share profits.

    3) There are many brick and mortar shops on Main Street.

    4) Put an item in a shopping cart and pay for it later.

Обучайтесь и развивайтесь всесторонне вместе с нами, делитесь знаниями и накопленным опытом, расширяйте границы знаний и ваших умений.

поделиться знаниями или
запомнить страничку

  • Все категории
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  • гуманитарные
  • юридические
  • школьный раздел
  • разное

Популярное на сайте:

Как быстро выучить стихотворение наизусть? Запоминание стихов является стандартным заданием во многих школах. 

Как научится читать по диагонали? Скорость чтения зависит от скорости восприятия каждого отдельного слова в тексте. 

Как быстро и эффективно исправить почерк?  Люди часто предполагают, что каллиграфия и почерк являются синонимами, но это не так.

Как научится говорить грамотно и правильно? Общение на хорошем, уверенном и естественном русском языке является достижимой целью. 

At the ticket office


need to change my   booking.


there a direct  seat?

At the
check-in desk


I take this as hand  Bill?

In a taxi


take me to the city centre


I have a ,   please ?

At the

8 I have
a   reservation         for two nights .My name’s Burkhard

9 Can I
have an alarm      call    at

10 I am
checking out today .Can I have the  luggage    ,
please ?

11 Can I
have the    password    for the Wi-Fi ,please?

1.1.3 Now
open your Market Leader book on page 45 and develop exercises

A to G on
eating out matters.

A Choose
the odd  one out in each group of food
words below.Use the words from the box to explain you answers

        Fish      Fruit    meat    
vegetable     seafood

Salomon              tuna             cod          onion      onion:
it is a kind of vegetable

2 beef                      apple           lamb        chicken  
apple :it is a kind of fruit

carrots                  peas           trout          broccoli   Trout
:it is a kind of fish

4 veal                      grapes          cherries    peaches  Veal:
it is a kind  of meat

cabbage              prawns          cauliflower   aubergine Gambas: it is of  seafood

B  look at these words for parts of a menu .
write the dishes from the box on the left under the correct headings.

         Soup        steak    Pate   
Salad   Ice 
Cream    Grilled  fish fruit chocolate mousse

         Spring rolls   tiramisu  
cheesecake pork roast duck mutton prawn cocktail    beff 

         apple    pie   
stuffed     mushrooms


Main course




Ice cream


Grilled fish

Chocolate mousse


Spring rolls





Apple pie

Roast duck



Beff stew

Stuffed mushrooms

C  think of some unusual food from your country
or a country you have visited. How can you describe it?

In Colombia
there are several curious dishes like those in the departments of Santander,
Amazon, the Atlantic coast, villavicencio, Cauca, Here I characteristics of
starter, main course and dessert.

Soup neonalo beef is representative in the department of Cauca, is flavored
with garlic, onions and roasted peanuts, and is served with corn bread and aji
pineapple or stew

Course: culonas ants is the representative in the department of Santander,
these are insects living roasted and seasoned with salt and savored by the
people, is mojojoy tradition of the Amazon, can be eaten raw, fried or grilled
wing, Turtle Stew is tradition of the Atlantic coast prepares boiled with
tomato, onion and coconut milk, guinea pig roast is the tradition of grass is
eaten roasted with salt, the capybara is the preferred meat Villavicencio and
armadillo known as the flesh of the seven flavors is eaten roasted, fried or

Gelatin is representative in the leg is extended Cauca Paw res is a typical
delicacy of Colombia

D Choose
the correct word to complete each of these sentences

1 You ask
for the receipt/menu at
the start of a meal

2 You Ask
for the check /bill at
the end of a meal in London

3 You Ask
for the check / bill at
the end of a meal in new york

4 You Ask
for the tip / receipt
after you pay

 A Use words from the box to complete the Dart leaflet below



   Free   Period 
 Price    Save

Join our Car Hire Gold Club Today


Save   up to 50% on
selected models


Three days for the  price  of two


   period    Insurance and unlimited mileage


Extra 10%   discount   until 
the end of july


For a limited   free      only

B Decide Whether sentences about the Dart leaflet are
True (T) or False (F)

     1 There is
an extra cost for insurance .F


The customer can get some deals for half price T


The Price is cheaper if the customer is quick T


The offer is for the whole year F


Gold Club members have a choice of reward  


Gold Club members get their receipt by express post  T

C Rewrite the false statements in Exercise B to make
them true


There is no extra cost for insurance

2 The offer is no for the whole year

1.2.2 Open your Market Leader book on pages 38 and 39: Develop exercises
A to F of Language Focus 1.

A Ask people in
your class about the languages people can speak

A : Can you speak

B : No,I can’t

andrea can you speak French? no, I can not french

sonia can you speak English? yes, I can speak English

sebastian can you speak Spanish? yes, I can speak

jose can speak Italian? I can not speak Italian

Giovanny can speak mandarin? I can not speak mandarin

Alvaro can speak Arabic? I can not speak Arabic

Work in pairs ,
try to remember the languages people can and can’t speak

In Colombia people can speak Spanish and can usually
speak English it is necessary to ask in universities and colleges, but people
can hardly speak the language very well, and 25% can speak French but find it
difficult, but people say that English is the hardest to pronounce. The other
languages ​​such as Mandarin, Arabic, Portuguese, and other languages ​​are not
able to speak.

B Put this dialogue
into the correct order

Paul: Hi, Judith                                                                                    

Judith: Well, I
can’t do Thursday, but Friday is ok                                                 

Paul: Paul Robinson speaking                                                     

Judith: Oh, hello, Paul. This is
Judith Preiss here                                                     (2)

Paul: I’m sorry, Judith, I can’t
but I can make Thursdays or Friday                         (5)  

Judith: Paul, I’m
calling about that meeting. Can you make next Wednesday?      (4)

Paul: of course.
I can pick you up from the station if you like                                  (9)      

Judith: Ten o’clock fine. Oh, and can
I bring my colleague. Sabrina? You met her at the  conference                                                                                                                        (8)

Paul:  Ok.Friday it is .Can we meet in the morning-say 10
o’clock?                        (7)

Judith: Great. See you on
Friday. Bye                                                                     (10)

C Listen and check your answer

D Look at the dialogue in exercise B .Write questions beginning with can     

Can Judith and Paul meet on Friday?   

Can Judith and Paul meet on Wednesday?

can Judith on Thursday or Friday to attend the meeting?

can be found judith and Paul at 10:00 am on Friday?

 Can picked up at the station Pablo?      

Work in Pairs . Ask each other your questions. How much can you

A: Can Paul meet Judith on Wednesday?

B: No, he can’t

A : Can Judith and Paul meet on Friday?   

B: Yes, They can

A: can Judith on Thursday or Friday to attend the meeting?

B: Yes, She can the Friday

A: can be found Judith and Paul at 10:00 am on Friday?

B: Yes, They can

A: can pick and Sabrina Judith on Pablo station

B: Yes, he can 

F. Complete the e-mail that Judith writes to Sabrina about the

To :        Sabrina Monti

From:     Judith Preiss

Meeting with Paul Robinson


I called
Paul Robinson about the meeting .He says he 


 make it on Wednesday, but he 


can     at 10 o’clock .He says of course  you  can     come with me! And he    can    pick us up from the station.                 .


   You text me today and let me know if
Friday is still Ok for you? I don’t think we need to meet before Friday.


  go through my notes for the meeting on the

See You



1.2.3 Open your Market Leader book on page 41: Develop
exercises A to C of Language Focus 2.

A Complete these
sentences with the correct form of there
is or there are


It’s a very  small airport. there aren’t  any shops in the terminal


There is       A problem with my ticket?


    Any aisle seats available


There is    A stopover in Frankfurt


     Any flights to Zurich tonight?


I’m afraid there is    a flight to Warsaw this afternoon


 Two cafes in the terminal


  Any buses from the airport
to the city center?

B In Pairs, ask and answer questions about the
facilities at the Hilton Tokyo

A: Is there a Health club?          B: yes, there is

B: How many guest rooms are there?                        A: There are 808

A: in the hotel is there Jacuzzi and sauna for relax
24 hours ?                                                                           B: yes, there is

is there advice in the hotel
on places to visit?

B: yes, there is

are there different accesses
to technology and feel at home the guest?

B yes, there are

are there few meeting rooms?

B: there are 16 meeting rooms

there  a business center 24 hours?

B: yes, there is

C Work in pairs. Role –play this situation

Student A: See below                                         
Student B turn to page 139

Student A

Student B

you have new job abroad .student b lives there

ask him/her about these points

international school?

A: is there an international school?

B: Yes, there is a very good American School

good local transport

A: is there a good local transport?

there is and it’s very cheap

big supermarkets ?

A: are there big supermarkets?

B: No, but there are any lots small shops an a
market every day 

houses to rent with gardens ?

A: are there a houses to rent with gardens ?

B: Yes, there are ,but there are a more apartments

student b has a new job abroad .you live in that

use these notes to answer his / her questions

b: are there any good restaurants ?

A:yes ,there are lots of good local restaurants

B: Are there any cinemas ?

A:no,  there
are   any cinemas

B:Is there an swimming pool?

A :no there is , but you can swim in one of the

B: is there a tennis courts?

A: yes, there is 
tennis club with five courts

1.2.4 Now go over exercises A and B on page 47 of your Market
Leader book
 about some/any

A Tick (   ) the correct sentences .Correct the mistakes
in the other sentences

I’d like some any water


Could I have any more coffe,please?

Could I have some any more coffe,please?


Are there any restaurants near here ?


There isn’t some wine left

There isn’t any wine left


I’d like some cheese ,please.


Do you have any soft drinks?

Do you have some soft drinks?

B Choose the correct
words to complete this dialogue  

Mina: There are some /any
good restaurants in the center

Ivan: Yes, but there
isn’t some/any parking. We could go to the Texas Steakhouse near the

Mina: Do they serve
some/any vegetarian dishes?

Ivan: I don’t think
so.How about the marina? They do some / any great fish dishes, and they
have some / any vegetarian starters

Mina: Good idea ,I’ll see if
they’ve got a table for nine o’clock


1.2.5 Develop exercises A to C on page 48 of your Market Leader
 about countable and uncountable nouns

A Tick (     ) the countable nouns


Reservation  : COUNTABLE                            






Luggage    COUNTABLE




Suitcase   COUNTABLE

B Correct the mistakes in these sentences. Use a lot of, many or much


They don’t have much vegetarian dishes here  lot of /many


How many does it cost? Much


The restaurant hasn’t got much tables left  a lot of/many


I don’t have many time at the moment 
a lot of


I drink much coffee  a lot of /many


There aren’t much hotels in the city center   a lot of


It costs much money a lot of


I don’t want many spaghetti .there is ice cream for dessert a lot of /much

C Work in pairs .complete these questions with many or much. Then ask and answer the
questions with a partner.


A: How much cash do you
have in your wallet?

B: About 20 euros


A: How  many  phone
calls do you make a day?

6 calls per day


A :How many  people are there in your company?

B: 500 people


A: How much time do you
have for luch?

B: one hours


A: How  many holiday  do you
get a year?

B:one holidays


A: How much  fast-food restaurants are there where you

B: There are 7 restaurants f


A: How much water do you
drink a day?

B: two liters

1.2.6 Complete exercises A to D on page 55 and A to B on page 57 of
your Market Leader book.

A Listen to how the –ed  endings of these verbs are pronounced

1 saved; delivered /d/               2 launched; worked/t/               3 decided; visited/id/

   Started; lived  ,wanted     
        Finished, advised,                    invited

   Opened,                                     missed

B Listen and put these verbs into the correct group
from Exercise (1,2 or 3)

finished      advised   lived   
wanted  opened missed   booked 

Listen again and practice saying the verbs

C Complete this sales report .Use the past simple of the
verbs in brackets


Last December ,I visited  (visit),
our major customers from big department stores in South Korea.

I arrived  (arrive) in Seoul on Monday 5th
December .The next day ,I            (meet) Mrs. Kyoung Ai lee in Seoul.
On 7th December, I   made   (make) a presentation to Mrs. Lee’s
sales staff on our products and     advised  (advise)
them how to display them.

The following day, I   went    (go) to busan , and our agent  introduced       (introduce)  me to Mrs Ha , the chief buyer of a new
department store in the city..She   asked       (ask)
 me to send her 500 brochures. I     gived   (give)
her some samples of our products. I  flew   (fly) back to head office in Paris on
9th  December .

D Work in pairs. Take turns to describe a trip you made
for business or pleasure

Pag 57

A Underline the correct words to complete this article

Christian Sanchez graduated from Tufts University
at/on / in 2001 .With a
degree in chemistry. As part  of his
course ,he did an internship at Merck for/during/ in eight months. Alter his degree, Merck offered him a
permanent job as a chemical analyst  at
the company research centre in New Jersey. He Worked there in/From/for 2001 to 2003 .During/For on+his time at Merck ,Christian realised he
wanted to change career , so he decided to do an MBA.In/on/for May 2004,he started a two-year MBA at Stanford
University, Following his MBA ,he joined the sales team at Johnson and  Johnson  in/on/for
15th September 2006.Two years since/ago/last,
he became the Regional Sales Manager for the Ameicas.Last/First/Next month, he accepted an
exciting new job as Country Manager in Argentina

B Mikael Ohisson is the Ceo of furniture retailer Ikea.
Listen to an interview about his career and complete the missing information in
these notes,

Born : 27 th December ,1957

Education: Studied  
industrial   design and
    at Linkoping University

Career in Kea

        1979         Worked
as carpet salesman, Linkoping store ,Sweden

         1981        Became Store Manager Sundsvall,

1984-1988 Did management jobs in training and  marketing .

1988 Got a job in Belgium  as country Manager


 Worked as
Country Manager Canada


 Became Managing Director, Sweden

2000-2009   Was
regional Manager for  Southern Europe
and North America

Named Ceo

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  • Choose the right word английский 7 класс
  • Choose the suitable word to fill in the blanks
  • Choose the right word who was there
  • Choose the suitable word keep in mind that only one variant is correct is this
  • Choose the right word who was the last