Choose the sentence where the word tour is used as a verb





2 года назад

Английский язык

5 — 9 классы

Tourist attractions in Kazakhstan.

Choose the sentence where the word ‘tour’ is used as a verb. 1)

My parents are currently on a two-month tour of Europe.

They will tour the Otrar settlement, Shymkent and Turkistan.

They went on a driving tour of Northern Kazakhstan​

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They will tour the Otrar settlement ,Skymkent and Turkistan


У кого реклама!


(22 оценки)


2 года назад

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(22 оценки)

Choose the sentence where the word ‘tour’ is used as a verb. )
They will tour the Otrar settlement, Shymkent and Turkistan.
They went on a driving tour of Northern Kazakhstan.
My parents are currently on a two-month tour of Europe.

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1. Find the adjective:

A) Happiness  B) health         c) harmful       D)
help                        E) hesitate

2. Find a signal word for Past Simple:

A) Tomorrow  B) ever                        C) now                        D)
three days ago       E) next week

3.  Find a signal word for Present

A) Usually      B) Listen!        C) yet              D)
always                   E) seldom

4. Choose the word with the fourth type of

A)  Burn                     B) Dress          C)
Tulip          D) Fire                        E) Bar

5.  Find a sentence in Present

A) Last year we in France.      B) Have you cleaned
the floor?                     C) Are you from New Zealand?

                         D) I’m making a cheese cake
right now.      E) They are going to kook for a present.

6. Choose the right verb form:

A) we is playing                     B) we has playing       C)
we are playing       D) we are plaing                     E) we was playing

7. Choose the right verb form:

A) He sung     B) He singed   C) He sungs    D) He
sang      E) He sangs   

8. Choose the correct variant:

A: What … in your spare time?                     B: I
often go swimming

A) do you do  B) are you doing                    C)
have you done       D) are you do             E) does you do

9. Find the verb form in Present Perfect

A) Has V3         B) Had V3         C)
am, is, are +Ving     D) Have/has been Ving                       E)
Have/Has been V3

10. Choose the correct variant: 
There are 584 students at the department:

А) Five and hundred
В) Five hundred and eighty-four.      С)
Five eighty-four hundred.

            D) Five hundred eighty fourth.          E)
Five hundred and eighty four.

11. Choose the word to the definition:
It is a person who doesn’t wear fur and leather clothes, and doesn’t eat diary
products, meat and fish.

A) A meat-eater          B) my Granny C) a child        D)
a vegetarian           E) a sick person

12. Choose the correct variant:  
… you at school yesterday? – Yes, I …

А) Were/was   В)
С) Were/were D) Was/was    Е)Was/were

13 Choose the correct variant:  Listen!
That boy … the saxophone.

A) plays                      B) played        C) is
playing   D) will play     E) is going to play

14. Choose the correct
Mark … swimming yesterday.

A) go              B) has gone     C) is going      D)
went                      E) will play

15. Choose the correct answer:

A: Have you ever been to England?  B:  …

A) No, I haven’t         B) No, I did    C) No, I have
D) No, I don’t             E) No, I hasn’t

16. Find the sentence in Present Perfect:

A) She’s not from Canada.   B) Mark’s moved to
California.        C) Mom’s wearing an old shirt.                                                         D)
She doesn’t play the violin.                     E) Michele’s going to sleep.

17. Choose the correct preposition: 
I haven’t seen Lena … many years.

A) since                      B) at                C)
before        D) after                       E) for

18. Choose the correct variant:  There
are 14 pupils in my group.

A) four                        B) forty                      C)
fourteen     D) fourth        E) fourteenth

19. Choose the correct
There … very many children in the park yesterday.

A) were                       B) is                C)
did             D) was            E) are

20. Choose the correct pronoun:  
… husband is a travel agent.

A) She’s                      B) His             C)
Her             D) Mine                      E) Hers

21. Find the noun:

A) Different   B) dangerous  C) discussion  D) damage      E)

22. Find a sentence in Present Simple:

A) He was from China.          B) We are playing
chess.        C) Mary doesn’t play chess

              D) My friend invited me to the party.                     E)
I have had a cup of tea.

23. Find the adjective
with negative meaning:

A) Treatment  B) responsible C) careful        D)
painless      E) social

24. Find the suffix of a

A) –ous                       B) –ness                      C)
–full                       D) –y              E) –fy

25. Find the suffix of an

A) –tion                      B) –ly              C)
–ous                       D) ness                       E) –ment

26. Find the English equivalent: 

A) Tasty                      B) tasteless     C)
taste                       D) tasteful      E) untasty

27. Choose the correct
John’s uncle has been doing the same job …10 years.

А) During       В)
С) In               D) Of              Е)

28. Finish the idiom:
“to have a sweet …”

A) Tongue      B) tooth                      C) eye             D)
lip               E) hands

29. Finish the idiom: “on
the tip of one’s …”

A) Tongue      B) tooth                      C) eye             D)
lip               E) hands

30. Finish the idiom: “button
your …”

A) Tongue      B) tooth                      C) eye             D)
lip               E) hands


                Variant I


































1. Choose the correct verb form:

A) I drinked    B) I drank       C) I drunk       D) I
drinks      E) I dranks

2. Find a signal word for Future Simple.

A) Yesterday  B) today                     C) now                        D)
next Monday                     E) ever

3.  Find a signal word for Present Perfect

A) Since                      B) yet              C)
often                      D) already       E) just

4. Choose the correct variant:
There … much ice cream in the fridge.

A) were                       B) is                C)
are              D) has             E) have

5. Find the sentence in Present Perfect.

A) I have a brother      B) She visited her uncle 
yesterday  C) Last year I was in Salt Lake City

                         D) They have been reading for
an hour        E) I’ve forgotten my homework

6. Choose the word with the second type of

A) Car                         B) Dress          C)
Tulip                      D) Fire            E) Burn

7. Choose the correct verb form:

A) Susan have written            B) Susan have wrote  C)
Susan has written  D) Susan has writing  E) Susan has wrote  

8. Find the sentence in Past Perfect.

A) She hadn’t translated the text       B) Mark’s
moved to New York.        C) Dad’s wearing an old shirt.                                                           D)
Nobody came to the meeting                   E) Meg’s going to sleep.

9. Find the verb form in Future

A) was Ving      B) would Ving  C)
am, is, are +Ving     D) will be Ving            E) shall
be Ving

10. Find the correct verb form in Past

A) liveed         B) tried                       C)
broken        D) planed        E) tryed

11. Choose the correct preposition:
Students will have finished the test3 pm next Friday.

А) by              В)
С) in                D) of               Е)

12. Choose the correct variant:  
… you at school yesterday? – Yes, I …

А) Were/was   В)
С) Were/were D) Was/was    Е)Was/were

13. Find the English equivalent: 

A) painful       B) pain                        C)
unpain        D) painless      E) painly

14. Choose the correct
verb form:
George … swimming yesterday.

A) go              B) has gone     C) is going      D)
went                      E) will play

15. Choose the correct variant:

A: Have you ever been to Germany? B: …

A) No, I haven’t         B) No, I did    C) No, I have
D) No, I don’t             E) No, I hasn’t

16. Find the adjective with negative

A) famous       B) tasteless      C) careful        D)
painful       E) social

17. Choose the correct preposition:  I haven’t
seen Lisa … December.

A) since                      B) for              C)
before        D) after                       E) at

18. Choose the correct variant:  My
Granny has  13 grandchildren.

A) three                      B) thirteen      C)
threeteen    D) third                       E) thirteenth

19. Find the adverb:

A) usually       B) healthy       c) solution       D)
interpreter  E) good

20. Choose the correct variant: 
They have over 15 550 books:

А) fifteen thousands five
hundred and fifty    
В) fifteen thousand five
hundred fifty      
С) fifty thousand five
hundred and fifty

            D) fifteen thousand fifth hundred and
fifty  E) fifteen thousand five hundred and fifty

21. Find the verb:

A) decision     B) decide        C) reading       D)
worker       E) thoughts

22. Find the sentence in Past Simple.

A) I live in Odessa    B) Emily has just come from
school    C) Did you phone me last night?

              D) There will be some rain in the East                    E)
My friend was invited to the party

23. Choose the correct

A: What … in your spare time?                     B: I
often go swimming

A) do you do  B) are you doing        C) have you done       D)
are you do             E) does you do

24 Find the suffix of a noun:

A) –al              B) –ize            C) –full                       D)
–ment         E) –ent

25. Find the suffix of an

A) –ish                        B) –tion                      C)
–or              D) ness                       E) –y

26. Choose the correct verb form: Listen!
That boy … the guitar

A) plays                      B) played        C) is
playing   D) will play     E) is going to play

27. Choose the word to
the definition:
It is a person who  wears fur and leather clothes, and eats
diary products, meat and fish.

A) a meat-eater           B) my Granny            C) a
child        D) a vegetarian           E) a sick person

28. Finish the idiom:
“apple of one’s  …”

A) tongue                   B) tooth                      C)
eye             D) lip              E) hands

29. Finish the idiom: “to
have time on one’s  …”

A) tongue                   B) tooth                      C)
eye             D) lip              E) hands

30. Finish the idiom: “to
have a sweet  …”

A) tongue                   B) tooth                      C)
eye             D) lip              E) hands


                Variant II

1.       B

2.       D

3.       A

4.       B

5.       E

6.       A

7.       C

8.       A

9.       D

10.   E

11.   A

12.   A

13.   D

14.   D

15.   A

16.   B

17.   A

18.   B

19.   A

20.   B

21.   B

22.   C

23.   A

24.   D

25.   E

26.   D

27.   A

28.   C

29.   E

30.   B




Choose the correct answer.

1. In the sentence, «I like
dancing,» what is the word «dancing»?

a. gerund         b. participle    c. adjective                 d.
adverb                     e. infinitive

2. They haven’t had two children, ________

a. did they       b. had they      c. have they                d.
do they                    e. don’t they

3. Finish the question tag? ‘Let’s go for
a walk, ________?’

a. shall we       b. don’t we      c. let us                                   d.
won’t we                 e. will we

4. In
the sentence «You’d better take an umbrella, it might rain» — ‘d
better =

a. would better            b. did better    c. had
better                d. could better            e. food better

5. According to the proverb, ‘There’s no
smoke without _______’.

a. matches       b. cigarettes     c. burning the
dinner              d.  fire                         e. fire place

6. Which form of ‘walk’ starts this
sentence? «________ is good for you.»

a. To walk       b. Walk                       c.
Walking                  d. Walked                   e. To walking

7. How long ________ you lived here?

a. have            b. has               c. been                        d.
is                             e. do

8. What is a synonym of “rude”?

a. inpolite        b. dispolite      c. unpolite                   d.
impolite                   e. anti-polite

9. John ate the meal, ________ the vegetables.

a. except from b. apart for      c. except for               d.
apart                                     e. besides

10. Which of the following nouns is

a. money         b. milk             c. people                     d.
information             e. juice

11. She’s the woman _______ came into the

a. who             b. whom                      c.
whose          d. which                      e. what

12. The Internet  is an amazing ________.

a. invent                      b. inventor      c.
invention     d. inventive                 e. to invent

13. In
which sentence is the Present Perfect used correctly?

a. I has bought a new computer.    b. I have buyed a
new computer.    c. I bought a new computer.

            d. I have bought a new computer.      e. I
have to buy a new computer.

14. The underlined word is:  “The
letter written by her was full of mistakes”.

a. Gerund        b. Participle II c. Participle I              d.
Infinitive                 e. Passive Infinitive

15. Choose the right variant: 
A cold wind ____ for the last three days

a. has been blowing    b. blows          c. is blowing
              d. blew                        e. have been blowing

16. By the year 2020 the population of the
world ________ to 8 billion.

a. will increase   b. increases      c. will have
increased         d. is increasing           e. would increase

17. If  the weather ________ sunny, we’d
go to the beach.

a. had been      b. is                 c. were                        d.
would be                 e. was

18. By the time I arrived at the station,
the train _________.

a. had left                    b. has left        c.
left              d. will leave                e. would leave

19. London’s major airport is … .

a. Stansted      b. Gatwick      c. Thiefrow                 d.
Wimbldon               e. Heathrow

20. Which is the correct reported speech
of — He asked, “Do you have a car?”

a. He asked do I have car?                 b. He asked
do you have a car?                     c. He asked if I had a car.

            d. He asked if you had a car.  e. He asked
if I have a car.

21. Finish the proverb, “Too many cooks …

a. make light work      b. save nine     c. spoil the
broth         d. catch the worm       e. keep the doctor away

22. My brother has ________ my favorite

a. lent              b. loaned         c. lend             d.
adopted                  e. borrowed

23. Which word is odd?

a. huge            b. enormous    c. terrific         d.
gigantic                   e. large

24. Find the synonym to the verb “run

a. resemble      b. hit by a car  c. meet by chance       d.
search          e. be friendly with

25. Finish the idiom: “Walking on the … “

a. air                 b. waters        c.
cloud           d. weather       e. rain

10-th form



Choose the correct answer

Help ___  to sandwiches , please.

a) you       b) me         c)
yourselves       d) your             e) yourselfes

This was the ______ test I’ve ever done

a) easiest          b) easy       c)
easier               d) most easiest       e) more easiest

3.  At this time next Monday we …. an essay.

a) will have      b) having   c) will be
having   d) had had     e) will had had

4. I _____ the flowers all the morning.

a) have been watering   b) watered    c) have watered          d)
did watered            e) has been watering

5. His car runs _____ a race car.

a) as fast as      b) faster       c) faster
like       d)  that fast as        e) faster as

I wonder who ________.

a) did help him to escape      b) to escape
him  help    c) him helped to escape    d) helped him to escape  e) escape

She asked him _________________.

a) how much did he expect to earn         b)
how much he expected to earn       c) how many did he expect to earn                     d)
) how many  he expects to earn                    e) how much he expects to

Anna _____________ swim when she was three.

a) should             b) may         c)
ought to       d) could    e) can

When I was at school we _______ do homework
every day.

a) had to     b) must to        c) are able            d) ought    e)
have to

10. I don’t know where _______ yesterday.

a) did he go       b) he went      c) went
he        d) he has gone     e) he had gone

11. Find
the synonym to the verb “run into”:

a) continue         b)  resemble      c) return           d) take care
of              e) meet by chance

12 .I__________a decision  yet.

a) made         b) am making        c)
haven’t made         d) will make       e) hadn’t made

13. The nickname of New York is …..

Yellow apple          b. Red apple    c. Green apple             d. Small apple             e.
Big apple

14.  I  must go to the doctor. My  toothache
_______ worse.

a) had got       b) was getting           
c) is getting            d) gets               e) get

15. Find the Russian equivalent to the word “rainbow:

a) капля          b) радуга          c) плащ                   d) ливень  
e) дождевая вода

16. This time last year she___________   for
FCE exam.

a) was preparing            b)
prepared       c) has prepared      d) will prepare         e) prepare

17. Finish
the idiom: “
one’s brain

a) wind            b) ice          c)
air       d) cloud              e) wash

18. One thousand people _________  by the

a) employ           b) are
employing             c) employed            d) are employed              e)

19. The next meeting _________  on April 1st.

a) will hold         b) will be held              c)
helds                         d) is held                                   e)

20. If it________ sunny  tomorrow, I’ll go out.

a)  is              b) will                   c)  
was                    d) is going   e) will be

21. The capital of Wales is … :

a) Glasgow      b)  Edinburgh         c) Cardiff                 d)
Belfast          e) Caernafon

22. We’ll be late if the bus ___________.

a) doesn’t arrive        b) won’t arrive            c) hasn’t
arrive      d) don’t arrive    e) isn’t arrived

23. The underlined word is:  “The girl crying at the window is Emily”:

a) Participle II            b) Infinitive               c) Participle
I         d) Gerund          e) Complex Object     

24. She made her son ________down to music.

a) to turn               b)  turn                 c)
turning               d) turned            e) having turned

25. Complete the sentence:  “The
… is perfect for slalom”:

a) Charyn Canyon      b) Charyn River   c) Turgen
Gorge   d) Singing Hill    e) Medvezhni waterfall

Keys 10 класс

            Variant I


























10    Класс Variant II


























Test                          I

form      Variant I

1.      Choose the right
variant of articles.

… first true robot was
developed in … Japan in … 1927.

A)       a, the, —       
B) the, the, the          C) the, a, —       D) -, -, the     E) the, -, -.

2.      Find the verb
founded with the prefix.

A)       connected         
B) populate               C) locate       D) disapprove    E) solve

3.      Find a compound

A)       Greenhouse    B)
Development      C) Employment      D) straighten      E) Socialist

4.      The letter «u» is
missed in a word.

A)       to rece…ve      B)
to appr…ach        C) to s…spect          D) to m…an        E) to …btain

5.      Choose the right
variant of numerals:

We finish our school at
fifteen minutes past one

A)       12.15     B) 1. 
15      C) 1.  05      D) 1.  50      E) 1.  45

6.      Choose the write

        The … system was
born about 4.600 million years ago as nebula.

A)       Sun         B)
Moon     C) Sunny    D) Solar       E) Earth

7.      Read the wishes
and complete the reality:

        I wish I lived in London, but I don’t.

      A) I
live in a small town.     B) I go to school every day.

      C) I’m
hungry.     D) It is Thursday.      E) I promise to get up early.

8.      Write
one thing you wish you could do: I wish I … speak Turkish.

A)       need      
B) could      C) must       D) may        E) am

9.      Choose
the suffix of an adverb.

ly         B) – able      C) – ent      D) – ness      E)
– ive

10.  Choose the right 

            -Where is Mary?  … is in the kitchen

A)       we     B)they     
C) she         D) he       E) I

11.  Choose the right
definition to the idiom «to cry for the moon»

A)    – very happy.

B)     – to promise to
give someone something that is beyond ones
power to give.

C)     — to desire
strongly something that can’t be gained.

D)    – once in a very
long time.

E)      – to look at the

12.  Find the Russian
equivalent. «come back»     

A)       Вернуться B)

13.  Choose the right 
variant. “I wish you ______ not so far again”

A)       Was       B) would
be      C) will be      D) were       E) had be

14.  «Favorite topic of
conversation in Britain»

       A) tea party    B) weather    C) discos    D)
T.V.       E)

15.  Choose the correct 
variant. “Today is … than it was yesterday”

     A) the warmest        B) the warmer       C) as
warmer       D) warm E) warmer

16.  Choose
the right  variant: “The capital of Wales is”

A) Cardiff   
B) London     C) Toronto    D) Atlanta   E) Washington

17.  Antonym
of the word “Business” is:

A)       Leisure    
B) Education    C) Lesson     D) Meal    E) Work

18.  Choose
the right variant: “ It is autumn now”    I wish

    A) I
didn’t         B) it wasn’t.        C) there was     D) I could          E) she

19.  Phrasal 
verb “

A)       to
look for    B) to look in   C) to look out  D)to look on     E) to look at

20.  Choose
the right preposition:

have my English class… Monday.

in        B) for        C) at       D) on        E) with

21.  Transfer
into Indirect speech.

« The trees
in the park are yellow :»– he says.

A)       She
says the trees are in the park yellow.

 She says the trees in the park were yellow.

 She says the trees in the park are yellow.

D)       She
say is the trees in the park are yellow.

 She says if the trees are yellow in the park.

22.  Choose
the right variant: “Could you tell me … has happened?”

A)       who       
B) what       C) why  
  D) which         E) where      

23.  Choose
the correct word:   Praises … there quickly.

A)       go
up        B) get along         C) to discuss together
    D) think of         E) take of      

24.  Chose
the word written correctly:

A)       telephon      
B) telefone      C) tellephone       D) telifone
    Е) telephone

25. Choose
the synonym to the word “Foxy”:

A) shy    B)
sly    C) wide    D) Cold    E) Suitable 

     Key  11 form     Variant
1          1 term

  1. E)        6.
    D)        11. C)        16. A)         21.
  2. D)        7.
    12. A)        17.
    A)        22. B)
  3. A)        8.
    B)        13. D)        18. B)         23.
  4. C)        9. A)        14.
    B)        19. A)         24. E)
  5. B)       10.
    D)        15. E)         20. D)       25. B)

I term         

                                11 form     Variant

25.  Find a compound

A)    straighten       B)
Development      C) Employment      D) Greenhouse     E) Socialist

  1. The letter
    «u» is missed in a word.

A)       to rece…ve      B)
to appr…ach        C) to s…spect          D) to m…an        E) to …btain

27.  Choose the right
variant of articles.

… first true robot was
developed in … Janan in … 1927.

A)    a, the, —       
B) the, the, the          C) the, a, —       D) -, -, the     E) the, -, -.

28.  Read the wishes
and complete the reality: I wish I lived in London, but I don’t.

 A) I live in
a small town.     B) I go to school every day.   C) I’m hungry.    

 D) It is
Monday.      E) I promise to get up early.

29.  Write
one thing you wish you could do: I wish I … speak English.

A)    need      
B) could      C) must       D) may        E) am

30.    Choose the right
variant of numerals:

We finish our school at
fifteen minutes past one

A)    12.15     B) 1. 
15      C) 1.  05      D) 1.  50      E) 1.  45

31.  Choose the write

The … system was born
about 4.600 million years ago as nebula.

A)    Sun         B)
Moon     C) Sunny    D) Solar       E) Earth

32.  Choose the right
definition to the idiom «to cry for the moon»

F)     – very happy.

G)     – to promise to
give someone something that is beyond ones
power to give.

H)     — to desire
strongly something that can’t be gained.

I)       – once in a very
long time.

J)       – to look at the

33.  Find the Russian
equivalent. «come back»     

A)       Вернуться B)

34.  Choose
the suffix of an adverb.

ly         B) – able      C) – ent      D) – ness      E)
– ive

35.  Choose the write

            -Where is John?  … is in the kitchen

      A)we     B)they      C) she         D) he      
E) I

36.  Choose the correct
variant. “Today is … than it was yesterday”

      A) the warmest        B) the warmer       C) as
warmer       D) warm E) warmer

      13. Find the verb founded with the

A)     connected         
B) populate               C) locate       D) disapprove    E) solve

14. Choose
the right variant: “The capital of the Wales is”

A) Cardiff   
B) London     C) Toronto    D) Atlanta   E) Washington

15. Choose the right
variant. “I wish you ______ not so far again”

     A)Was       B) were      C) will be      D) would
be       E) had be

16. «Favorite topic of
conversation in Britain»

       A) tea party    B) weather    C) discos    D)
T.V.       E)

17. Phrasal
verb “

A) to look
for    B) to look in   C) to look out  D)to look on     E) to look at

18. Choose
the right preposition:

have my English class… Monday.

A) in        B)
for        C) on        D) at        E) with

19. Antonym
of the word “Business” is:

Leisure     B) Education    C) Lesson     D) Meal    E) Work

      20. Choose the right variant: “
It is autumn now”    I wish ……                                            

A) I
didn’t         B) it wasn’t.        C) there was     D) I could          E) she

21. Choose
the correct word:   Praises … there quickly.

A) go
up        B) get along         C) to discuss together
D) think of         E) take of      

22. Chose the
word written correctly:

B)    Telefone       
B) telephone        C) tellephone       D) telifone
    Е) telephon

23. Transfer
into Indirect speech.

« The trees
in the park are yellow :»– he says.

A) He says
the trees are in the park yellow.

B) He says
the trees in the park were yellow.

C) He says
the trees in the park are yellow.

D) He say is
the trees in the park are yellow.

E) He says if
the trees are yellow in the park.

24. Choose
the right variant: “Could you tell me … has happened?”

B) why         C) where
which         E) what      

     25. I can’t stand … hard

      A) controlling     B) listening to    C) hurting    D)
picking up    E) wastin

Key 11 form     
variant II             1 term                                        

  1. D)        6.
    B)        11. D)        16. B)         21.
  2. C)        7.
    D)        12. E)        17. A)         22. B)
  3. E)        8.
    C)        13. D)        18. C)         23.
  4. A)        9.
    A)        14. A)        19. A)        24. E)
  5. B)      10.
    A)        15. B)         20. B)        25. B)


2. Fill in the missing word. There are two words you do not need to use.

1. The heavy rain caused the driver to lose control of his car and crash into a tree.

2. What started out as a light breeze soon became a very strong wind.

3. The well-trained lifeguard was able to rescue the drowning swimmer and quickly bring him to safety.

4. The lead actor felt under the  weather and Daniel was asked to replace him in the school play.

5. The big earthquake caused many buildings to collapse and people were left homeless.

6. When the avalanche hit the area, dozens of people were snowed in for many hours.

7. Cars and factories produce toxic fumes that harm the environment.

8. A terrible flood caused by three days of continuous rain has destroyed many houses inthe small fishing village.

9. drought will occur in an area when it hasn’t rained for an unusually long period of time.

10. The terrible fire left dozens of buildings in ruins






George Yule

Advanced Tests




  • Test 1: Sentences
  • Te s t 2 : Te n s e s
  • Test 3: Modals
  • Test 4: Negatives and questions
  • Test 5: The passive
  • Test 6: Articles and nouns
  • Test 7: Determiners and quantifiers
  • Test 8: Pronouns, substitution and ellipsis
  • Test 9: Adjectives and adverbs
  • Test 10: Prepositions
  • Test 11: Infinitives and gerunds
  • Test 12: Reporting
  • Test 13: Noun clauses
  • Test 14: Relative clauses
  • Test 15: Conditionals
  • Test 16: Adverbial clauses
  • Test 17: Connectors and focus structures
  • Exit Test

Complete each sentence in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the
sentence above it.
1 Nick told one of the detectives that he had taken the cash box.
Nick admitted

2 The police said it was too dangerous and we were convinced.
The police persuaded

3 After the princess kissed the frog, he suddenly became a prince.
The frog suddenly turned

4 Two hours won’t be enough to finish the job, he said to us.
He told

5 The wall is white. Someone did it yesterday.
Someone painted

Complete this text with appropriate forms of the verbs plus a complement in each space.
be (×2) become seem stand alone better clear quite satisfied ready

Donald’s presence certainly made a big difference to the speed we arose that day. There was
no question of Tam lounging about in bed until the last minute, and we 1
for work by half past seven. Donald had his own map of the job, with all the fences marked
out in red ink, and the first thing he did was go for a tour of inspection, accompanied by
me. We followed the hill up to the summit, and then came down by way of the cross-
fence, Donald all the time checking for wire tension and, of course, straightness. When
we got to the encircling fence he 2 with what he’d seen.

‘Hmm, quite professional,’ he said.

After a while we came to the gateway that 3. Donald looked
at it for a moment, and then said, ‘Yes, I always think it 4
to do the gate first and build the fences round it.’

Donald had put on some overalls, and it soon 5 that he
intended to work alongside us during his visit.



1 Sentences

Test 2 Te n s e s

Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.
1 I think Mr Wilson in this school since 2005 or maybe earlier.
a teaches b is teaching c has taught d taught
2 I stopped watching the game before the end, but I thought we.
a had won b have won c have been winning d will have won
3 That’s very sad news. If sooner, I would have tried to help.
a I know b I’ll know c I knew d I’d known
4 My sister me once or twice since she’s been living in Athens.
a was messaging b has messaged c has been messaging d had messaged
5 According to the memo, we’re the meeting at noon tomorrow.
a having b have c going have d will have

Identify the one underlined expression (A, B, C or D) that must be changed in order to
correct the sentence.
1 My next door neighbour, who is usually shy and doesn’t say much, is being very friendly this morning
and has a big party tonight for all his friends.
2 Martin was used to smoke a lot when he was studying, but since he has been working in the bank,
he hasn’t been smoking as much.
3 People were slipping on the wet floor because no one had cleaned up the water that all of us
were knowing had leaked from the coffee machine.
4 When you will make a promise, you tell someone that you will definitely give them something or
that you definitely will or won’t do something.
5 As we were entering the building, I noticed a sign that someone has put above the door
which said, ‘Be alert.’

Complete this text by choosing only one of the verbs from each pair for each space.
had decided was walking hadn’t changed thinking
decide walk wasn’t changing thought

were looking whispered saw wasn’t wearing
are looking was whispering see didn’t wear

I had a very embarrassing moment last Monday. I 1 to school
and 2 about the weekend when I noticed that people
3 at me in a strange way. I couldn’t understand it, and just
when I 4 I was imagining things, I 5
my best friend. ‘Look down!’ he 6 to me. Then I understood.
7 any shoes. I 8 out of my fluffy slippers.





2 Te ns es

Test 3 Modals

Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.
1 You’re 18! You’re to be able to look after yourself by now.
a have b ought c should d supposed
2 A permit is a document which states that you to do something.
a are allowed b cannot c may d shall
3 He have helped us if he’d really wanted to.
a could b  may c must d will
4 My laptop be old, but it still works really well.
a can b could c may d would
5 someone please tell me where the library is?
a Can b May c Must d Should

Identify the one underlined expression (A, B, C or D) that must be changed in order to
correct the sentence.

1 They say it can be going to rain later so you should take an umbrella or you might get wet.
2 I was going to ask you if you would read over my essay before I have to hand it in, but when you read it,
you ought not be too critical or negative.

3 His right hand may have been badly injured and he probably won’t be able to type, so I thought that I
will offer to do some typing for him.
4 Andy was so generous. If I asked him, ‘Could I borrow your car?’, he would always say,
‘Of course, you could!’, and he would immediately start looking for the keys.
5 I really wish I would have a car of my own so that I could go for a drive in the country and I
would be able to go when I want to and not have to wait for a bus or a train.

Combine one modal and one verb phrase to fill each space in this text.
can may not must
will won’t

be charged be paid be used
be familiar be required

Note: Credit cards are used instead of cash, interest is charged and part payment is allowed.
Charge cards are used instead of cash, but no interest is charged and full payment is required.
As a new customer of the bank, you 1 with the difference
between a charge card and a credit card. Both cards 2 instead of
cash in most places to pay for goods and services. Later, when you receive your charge card bill,
the total 3 in full every time. However, when you receive your
monthly credit card bill, you 4 to pay the total amount. If you
choose to pay only part of the bill, you 5 interest on the amount
not paid.






3 Modals

Complete each sentence in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the
sentence above it.
1 Students may not park here.
Students are
2 It’s possible that his trip was cancelled at the last minute.
His trip may
3 She had to get up at five o’clock every morning and she didn’t enjoy it.
She didn’t enjoy
4 It was impossible for him to have committed the crime, according to the report.
5 It was a bad idea to put this shirt in the washing machine.
This shirt

Complete this text with these words.
be able to couldn’t might was able to would (×2)
be willing to had to should was going to

‘Hello! Mr Appleton!’
The voice was some distance behind him. He stopped raking the leaves and turned to see two
women struggling up the driveway towards him. They were wearing identical white T-shirts
which had MADD in large black letters across the front. He had a sudden strange thought that
they 1 be crazy people who 2 spell. But they didn’t
look crazy. As they came closer, he 3 make out smaller letters under each of
the big letters, spelling out the words ‘Mothers Against Drunk Driving’.
‘I’m so glad we found you. I’m Nettie Albright and this is Agnes Miller.’
He shook their outstretched hands. Agnes was wearing thin gloves.
‘We talked to your wife this morning and she’s the one who told us we 4
find you here. She said she hadn’t really witnessed the accident, but
you had. We were hoping you 6 7 testify.’ She
8 stop and take a deep breath.
‘You mean the car crash?’
‘Yes, exactly, the crash. We need witnesses. That awful man says it wasn’t his fault. He
9 be jailed immediately! He’s a menace to society. We need your help to put
him away.’
It had happened one early evening in July. I 10 just
cross the street when a car came racing through the red light, narrowly missing me, but
smashing into another car in the middle of the junction. The woman in that car died. When the
man who hit her turned out to be very drunk, it all changed from being an accident to being a
criminal case.



3 Modals

A ‘Oh, you’re such a spoilsport!’
B ‘No, 4. I’m simply trying to avoid spending money that we haven’t got!’
A ‘ 5 we buy anything at all?’
B ‘No. But you can enjoy looking. That, after all, is what window-shopping means.’

Complete each sentence in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the
sentence above it.
1 The room wasn’t only cold, it was also very damp.
2 Your sister said she gave the money to someone.
Who ?
3 Andreas thinks that something has been stolen.
4 She suggested that I take the train instead of driving.
She said, ‘Why ?’
5 ‘What’s his name and where does he live?’
They asked me.

Complete the text and questions with these words. Then answer the questions.
did how never no nothing what where which who why

Your parents have sent you a ticket to fly to New York where they are planning to
celebrate their wedding anniversary. 1 much is happening at work, you’ve
2 been to New York and you’ve had 3 holiday trips for more
than a year, so you’ve quickly packed a couple of large suitcases and headed to the airport.
You are now sitting on board flight YZ-23, non-stop from London to New York, waiting to
take off. The flight attendant hands you a questionnaire. You decide to complete it.

4 is your flight number?
5 are you taking this flight?
6 paid for your flight?
7 you check in bags for this flight?
8 At airport did you board this flight?
9 will you leave this flight?
10 many flights have you made in the
last 12 months?

Business or Leisure
Myself or Somebody else



4 Negatives and questions

Test 5 The passive

Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence.
1 We were told to put it where it was usually.
a belonged b fit c had d stored
2 It wasn’t the first time they had been how it worked.
a taught b reported c explained d described
3 DNA tests accepted in court cases.
a are known b were used c have been d will have
4 Something happened or they would be here by now.
a must b must be c must have d must have been
5 There to be serious flaws in the design.
a claimed b reported c were said d were told

Identify the one underlined expression (A, B, C or D) that must be changed in order to
correct these sentences.
1 When he said they weren’t going to get engaged because they were getting married right away, I
assumed he wasn’t already got married, but I didn’t know he had just got divorced that day.
2 No one died, but four people were injured and had to be taken to hospital after a small plane
was crashed near Dublin last night.
3 The main door couldn’t be opened. It had been locked by a special key that the caretaker
didn’t have. He had been given a large set of keys, but none of them fitted the main door.
4 The sign said parking was prohibited, but my car wasn’t left there more than five minutes while I ran to
pick up the shoes were repaired at Mendems, but I was given a parking ticket anyway.
5 A new company has taken over the office which located next to yours and it’s going to be
redecorated after it’s been cleaned up a bit.

Complete this text with appropriate passive forms of these verb phrases plus by ,
if necessary.
believe bite consider can cure experience recommend may say

A hangover is the unpleasant physical feeling which 1 the day
after drinking too much alcohol. The expression ‘a hair of the dog that bit you’ refers
to another drink of alcohol that you might have to help you recover from a hangover.
In the past, it 2 that, if you 3 a mad dog,
you 4 placing a hair from that dog on the wound. This treatment
5 widely doctors up to the middle of the
18 th century, but it 6 no longer effective. The
same 7 about trying to use more alcohol as a cure for a hangover.





5 The passive

Test 6 Articles and nouns

Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.
1 A demonstration is an act of showing by giving proof or evidence.
a a b an c the d –
2 What’s in this book? Look at the page.
a content b contents c content’s d contents’
3 Dessert is any sweet food eaten at end of a meal.
a a b an c the d –
4 She worked here for a while then afternoon she just quit and left.
a an b one c the d –
5 The police have a new in their search for the bank robbers.
a assistance b clue c progress d information

Identify the one underlined expression (A, B, C or D) that must be changed in order to
correct the sentence.
1 Two metres are about the size of most doorways.
2 I take the bus to the university and meet Tom at the sports complex so we can play the tennis.
3 In one class we had to do a research on the language used in business.
4 He took one pair of shoes, two shirts and two trousers, but he forgot to take socks.
5 Teenagers with credit cards like to buy device’s and clothing.

Complete this paragraph with a , an , the or no article (–).

In 1 morning, Sam listened to 2 performance by 3 Royal
Philharmonic Orchestra on 4 radio. Then he took 5 children to 6
school and went on to 7 hospital where he works. Two new patients were in
hospital with 8 virus, and 9 elderly lady with 10 pneumonia.

Around 11 midday, he met his wife Clara who teaches 12 physics at 13
university. They ate 14 lunch with 15 Hamptons, a couple who work for 16 BBC.





6 Articles and nouns

Rewrite these headlines as sentences with appropriate articles and other
necessary changes.
1 Masked Man Robs Woman Outside Post Office
2 Bank of England Raising Interest Rates by 1%
In business news,
3 Murder of Priest in Kent Shocks Community
Yesterday’s news of
4 New Account of Scottish History by English Writer Criticized
Reviewers have criticized

Write the correct forms of these noun combinations, with articles, in the spaces below.
authors / report earth / health group / latest report
century / middle environmental disaster / threat organization / Sims challenges / urgency
destruction / environment population / world

The Earthguard Institute has issued a report warning of ♦ the threat of environmental disaster
by 1 unless we do something soon.

2 facing us requires action now,’
said Dennis Sims, one of 3.

4 is a watchdog group that regularly
issues reports on 5 and its people.
According to 6 , rising temperatures,
falling water supplies and shrinking forests are problems that will only get worse as
7 increases to 9 billion by 2050.

‘People’s optimism about the future is blinding them to the potential for worldwide
disaster,’ Sims warned. ‘We must try to reduce global warming by replacing coal and
oil with renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power. If we continue
8 , our grandchildren will inherit a wasteland.’



6 Articles and nouns

Complete each sentence in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the
sentence above it.
1 There aren’t a lot of people who are willing to help others.
Not many
2 We’ve written fifty per cent of the report already.
3 We weren’t given any explanation for the delay.
4 We all want to live forever.

Complete this text with these words plus of where necessary.
no many more most (x2) little
twice a great deal 88 per cent 51 per cent

A recent article on “Injuries in Extreme Sports” in the Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research
presented a summary of the findings of medical research in that area, as well as advocating for
more doctors with relevant professional expertise.



7 Determiners and quantifiers

Extreme sports are activities involving high speed, real or perceived danger,
1 physical exertion, specialized equipment and spectacular
stunts. Participation in these activities is associated with 2
injuries and deaths than regular sports. One major reason
is that they often take place in remote locations with 4 or
5 access to medical care. 6 the injuries reported
are fairly predictable.
Since skydiving involves jumping from a plane and waiting as long as possible before
opening a parachute, the majority of injuries, around 7 , occur
during landing, with 8 them involving the lower extremities.
The risk of serious injury from snowboarding is estimated at about
9 that of traditional downhill skiing, with bone fractures the
10 common type of injury.
The number of people participating in extreme sports continues to increase with the
inevitable result that more medical professionals will be needed with specializations
in orthopaedic surgery.

Test 8 Pronouns, substitution and ellipsis

Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.
1 a phone in here?
a Is b Is it c Is it’s d Is there
2 Billy’s shoes look really dirty. Didn’t he bring clean?
a one b ones c any d some
3 You can’t carry all those boxes. I’ll get someone else to for you.
a do b do it c do so d do these
4 He came with his parents and two friends of.
a them b their c theirs d themselves
5 I asked Megan earlier if she thought it would rain and she said, ‘I .’
a hope b hope it c hope not d don’t hope so

Identify the one underlined expression (A, B, C or D) that must be changed in order to
correct the sentence.
1 She didn’t bring a jacket or anything like that with herself, so I gave her one of mine.
2 There were two men arguing with each other in the car park when suddenly one punched other and
knocked him to the ground.
3 After fresh tea is made, she puts milk in the tea cup, then pours the tea and adds a little sugar before
she tastes.
4 The couple who bought the old pub in Torbrex regarded as an opportunity to make money and
enjoy themselves too.
5 I’m not sure why it was necessary to evacuate the whole airport, but there was discovered a knife in
someone’s bag after they had gone through an electronic security check without being stopped.

Complete this text by writing two of these words in each space.
do (×2) else it myself someone something them

I’m not sure exactly why I became a regular blood donor. Perhaps it was because a few years
ago I started feeling a need to do something positive instead of just feeling helpless in a world
full of disasters. It’s sort of the same feeling I would have if I saw someone drowning. It wouldn’t
make any difference whether I knew them or not. I would have to 1 to help.
If I didn’t think I could save 2 , I would try to find 3
who could 4. It’s the same thing for me when I give blood or when
I can get other people to come with me and give blood. It’s just a good thing to do.





8 Pronouns, substitution and ellipsis

Test 9 Adjectives and adverbs

9 Adjectives and adverbs

Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.
1 I’m a swimmer as my sister.
a better b good as c not as good d so good
2 Is St Paul’s the oldest cathedral Britain?
a from b in c of d to
3 When we heard the good news, we were .
a delight b delighted c delighting d delightful
4 I’m waiting up here with Anthony, but Amber has gone.
a already b downstairs c once d yet
5 I left the book on the table. , someone else has borrowed it.
a Perfectly b Personally c Presumably d Properly

Identify the one underlined expression (A, B, C or D) that must be changed in order to
correct the sentence.
1 I stared into the long rectangular black hole, six deep feet, and shuddered.
2 After the first real attack started, some afraid soldiers didn’t want to fight any more so they just
3 I get up early, shower first, then I drink usually some tea and get dressed as fast as I can.
4 We all very agree that some tests are not difficult enough and others are just too hard.
5 The Dutch are playing the Italian first, and then the Spanish and the Portuguese play.

Add one pair of adjectives/adverbs to each sentence in this text.
already / never black / round easier / eventually further / just longer / reading
short / suddenly

1 I know I’m in my 40s, but I imagined that I would need
2 I kept trying to read the newspaper by holding it away.
3 I really had to decide whether to get arms or a pair of
4 , I chose the solution.
5 , with my new glasses, those wiggly lines at the top of the
page turned into words.
6 And the spots that seemed to dance on the floor became ants.






Complete each sentence in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the
sentence above it.
1 We all thought they organized the event well and we were all excited by it.
Everyone thought the event.
2 You will get there quicker if you leave here earlier.
The earlier.
3 Mark is a good cook, but David is a better cook.
Mark is not as .
4 Do you have any scarves? I’m looking for one that’s woollen, green and fairly long.
I’m looking for a scarf..

Choose the most appropriate word from each pair for each space.
acute / acutely colour / coloured far / further just / only pleased / pleasing
certain / certainly early / earlier Japan / Japanese now / yet young / youngest

One evening in the spring of 1936, when I was a boy of 14, my father took me to a dance
performance in Kyoto. I remember only two things about it. The first is that he and I were
the 1 Westerners in the audience; we had come from our home in the
Netherlands only a few weeks 2 , so I had not 3
adjusted to the cultural isolation and still felt it 4. The second is how
5 I was, after months of intensive study of the Japanese language, to
find that I could now understand fragments of the conversations I overheard. As for the
6 7 women dancing on the stage before me, I
remember nothing of them except a vague impression of brightly 8
kimono. I 9 had no way of knowing that in a time and place as
10 away as New York City nearly 50 years in the future, one among them
would become my good friend and would dictate her extraordinary memoirs to me.



9 Adjectives and adverbs

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  • Choose the right word вариант 2
  • Choose the right word to complete the statement
  • Choose the right word to complete the sentences ответы
  • Choose the right word to complete the sentences write the sentences down we have been
  • Choose the right word to complete the sentences where is are