Choose the right word people want to live in an society legal

Предмет: Английский язык,

автор: bayjigitisakba


Автор ответа: OwochnoiSalat


1. b

2. a

3. c

4. b

5. c

6. b

7. a

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81 см2

18 см2

162 см2

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а) Подекуди зеленіють молоді берізки
б) Це дерево краще,ніж інші
в) Селище показалось раптом
г) раз по раз в місяць заходив у хмари ​

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и пустыне

6 лет назад

Преступление и наказание

Вариант I

  1. Выберите подходящее по смыслу слово:

1. People want to live in an …society.

  1. Legal b) orderly c) primitive

2. We give our state the rights to protect our lives and our….

a) property b) government c) criminals

3. If people …..crimes they must be punished.

a) solve b) make c) commit

4. Serious crimes are called…

a) felonies b) misdemeanors c) punishment

5. Burglary is a …..against the property rights and security of another person.

a) murder b) fingerprint c) crime

6.The investigation of burglary concentrates around the place of entry and

the crime ….

  1. Place b) scene c) appearance

7. The scene is the most possible place to find ….

a) evidence b) money c) a judge

  1. Найдите соответствие:

1.Murder a) изнасилование

2.Selling drugs b) нарушение общественного порядка

3.Kidnapping c) продажа наркотиков

4.Treason d) покупка краденого

5.Rape e) убийство

6.Bribery f) переход улицы в неположенном месте

7.Crossing the street in the wrong place g) кража из магазина

8. Shoplifting h) государственная измена

9.Buying something which was stolen i) похищение человека

10.Violation of public order j) взяточничество

3. Раскройте скобки. Выберите нужное время глагола.

1. She (speak) four foreign languages.

2. I (learn) English at school.

3. The classes (begin) already.

4. Our grandparents (paint) a wall when we came to see them.

5. He (visit) them last year.

6. As a rule I (go) to my school by bus.

7. She (work) abroad next year?

8. She (not like) loud music.

9. Your children usually (ask) many questions.

10. My brother (prepare) a report right now.

4. Поставьте глагол to cook в нужной форме.

1. When he came home, she… …dinner.

2. What is he doing?-He… … salad.

3. She often… chicken for dinner.

4. I am waiting for my guests. I… … tasty dessert already.

5. I… … sandwiches for tomorrow’s party.

6. His girlfriendsoup yesterday.

Преступление и наказание

Вариант II

1.Выберите подходящее по смыслу слово:

1. The scene is the most possible place to find ….

a) evidence b) money c) a judge

2. Serious crimes are called…

a) felonies b) misdemeanors c) punishment

3. If people …..crimes they must be punished.

a) solve b) make c) commit

4. We give our state the rights to protect our lives and our….

a) property b) government c) criminals

5. Burglary is a …..against the property rights and security of another person.

a) murder b) fingerprint c) crime

6.The investigation of burglary concentrates around the place of entry and

the crime ….

  1. Place b) scene c) appearance

7. People want to live in an …society.

b)Legal b) orderly c) primitive

2.Найдите соответствие:

1.Murder a) переход улицы в неположенном месте

2.Selling drugs b) нарушение общественного порядка

3.Kidnapping c) продажа наркотиков

4.Treason d) покупка краденого

5.Rape e) убийство

6.Bribery f) изнасилование

7. Violation of public order g) кража из магазина

8. Shoplifting h) государственная измена

9.Buying something which was stolen i) похищение человека

10. Crossing the street in the wrong place j) взяточничество

3. Раскройте скобки. Выберите нужное время глагола.

1. He (not like) green tea.

2. What you (do) yesterday?

3. I (write) a dictation at the moment.

4. Their sister (talk) on the phone yesterday from 9 to 11 p.m.

5. He (enter) this University next year.

6. They (read) this text already.

7. Usually we (have) a registration at 8 o’clock.

8. He (watch) his favorite film right now.

9. As a rule Jane (get) up at 7.

10. Look! The baby (smile).

4. Поставьте глагол to swim в нужной форме.

1. She… very well. It is her hobby.

2. Look at him, he… … very fast.

3. Robby is so tired. He… … two km already.

4. Last summer we… in the Atlantic Ocean.

5. While my mother was cooking dinner I… … in the pool.

6. Next year I will go to Turkey. I… … in the sea and have fun.

Критерии оценок за выполнение задания по теме «Преступление и наказание»

Задание содержит лексическое задание из 17 пунктов, грамматическое задание на употребление времен из 16 пунктов .

Оценка «5» 29-33 правильных ответа.

Оценка «4» 23-28 правильных ответов.

Оценка «3» 17-22 правильных ответа.




1. b



















1. speaks

2. learn

3. have begun

4. were painting

5. visited

6. go

7. will she work

8. doesn’t like

9. ask

10. is preparing


1. was cooking

2. is cooking

3. cooks

4. have cooked

5. am cooking/have cooked

6. cooked






















1. doesn’t like

2. did you do

3. am writing

4. was talking

5. will enter

6. have read

7. have

8. is watching

9. gets

10. is smiling


1. swims

2. is swimming

3. has swum

4. swam

5. was swimming/swam

6. will swim

                                Test for the 9th form, 3 term

Variant 1

1. Choose the right word.

1. People want to live in an …society.

a)legal b) orderly c) primitive

2. We give our state the rights to protect our lives and our….

a) property b) government c) criminals

3. If people …..crimes they must be punished.

a) solve b) make c) commit

4. Serious crimes are called…

a) felonies b) misdemeanors c) punishment

5. Burglary is a …..against the property rights and security of another person.

a) murder b) fingerprint c) crime

6.The investigation of burglary concentrates around the place of entry and the crime ….

a)place b) scene c) appearance

7. The scene is the most possible place to find ….

a) evidence b) money c) a judge

2. Match the word and its translation

  1. Mugging
  1. Похищение человека
  1. Kidnapping
  1. Кража со взломом
  1. Fraud
  1. Мошенничество
  1. Burglary
  1. Уличное ограбление
  1. Pickpocketing
  1. Карманные кражи
  1. Scam
  1. Кража в магазине
  1. Shoplifting
  1. Афера

3. Put the following words and phrases under the right headings of the table.

steal, vandal, judge, criminal, shop-lifting, mugger, fraudster, smuggle, theft, thief,

life imprisonment, fine, community service

Crime and punishment





4. Complete the sentences. Use will, be going to, the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.

  1. The train… (leave) at 10 a.m. every day.
  2. I’m hungry. I .. (have) a sandwich.
  3. -What are you going to do during the weekend?

— We… (fish) on Sunday.

  1. He… (visit) me on Saturday.
  2. – The phone is ringing!
  • I …(get) it!

5. Choose the correct answer.

1) It’s a secret. You ….. tell anyone.

  1. needn’t
  2. mustn’t
  3. shouldn’t

2) You … smoke so much.
a) would 
b) can’t
c) shouldn’t
3)  I … sleep for hours when I was a little girls.
a) could
b) am able to
c) can
4)Where are my gloves? — I … put them on because it’s cold today.
a) can’t
b) have to 
c) needn’t
5)  Well, it’s 9 o’clock. I … go now.
a) can
b) has to
c) must
6) …you turn down the music? I have a terrible headache.

a) could

b) should

c) have to

6. Complete the text with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets and answer the questions.

Where do you go when you want to know the latest business news, follow commodity prices, оr stay abreast of the latest scientific and technological developments? Today, the answer is obvious: you log on to the internet. Three centuries ago, the answer ____1(be) just as easy: you_____2 (go) to a coffee-house. There, for the price of a cup of coffee, you _____3(can) attend scientific lectures, or chat with like-minded people about literature or politics. Like today’s websites, coffee-houses _____4(be) lively. Collectively Europe’s interconnected web of coffee-houses _______5(form) the internet of the Enlightenment era.

The contrast between coffee and alcoholic drinks was reflected in the decor of the coffee houses that _______6(begin) to appear in European cities, London in particular. They______7(decorate) with bookshelves, mirrors, gilt-framed pictures and good furniture, in contrast to the rowdiness and gloom of taverns. According to custom, social differences _______8 (leave) at the coffee-house door and anyone who started a quarrel had to atone for it by buying an order of coffee for all present.

 Coffee________9( be) the ideal drink. Its popularity owed much to the growing middle class оf information workers, who _____10(do) mental work in offices rather than performing physical labour in the open, and found that coffee sharpened their mental faculties. Such men _______11)be) not rich enough to entertain lavishly at home, but ______12(can) afford to spend a few pence a day on coffee. Coffee-houses were nicknamed «penny universities» in a contemporary English verse which observed: «So great  Universitie, I think there ne’er was any; In which you may a Scholar be, for spending of a penny.»

1. What was the alternative of the internet three century ago?

2. What  were the coffee-houses decorated with?

3. Why were the coffee-houses nicknamed «penny universities»?

Test for the 9th form, 3 term

                                        Variant 2

1. Choose the right word.

1. The scene is the most possible place to find ….

a) evidence b) money c) a judge

2. Serious crimes are called…

a) felonies b) misdemeanors c) punishment

3. If people …..crimes they must be punished.

a) solve b) make c) commit

4. We give our state the rights to protect our lives and our….

a) property b) government c) criminals

5. Burglary is a …..against the property rights and security of another person.

a) murder b) fingerprint c) crime

6.The investigation of burglary concentrates around the place of entry and the crime ….

a)place b) scene c) appearance

7. People want to live in an …society.

b)Legal b) orderly c) primitive

2. Match the word and its translation.

  1. Littering
  1. Кража в магазине
  1. Theft
  1. Кража
  1. Assassination
  1. Превышение скорости
  1. Robbery
  1. Убийство политического деятеля наемными убийцами
  1. Murder
  1. Грабеж
  1. Speeding
  1. Убийство
  1. Shoplifting
  1. Сорить на улице

3. Put the following words and phrases under the right headings of the table.

judge, shoplifter,  criminal, kidnap ,fraudster, smuggle, theft, thief, life imprisonment, fine, community service, assassination, speeding

Crime and punishment





4. Complete the sentences. Use will, be going to, the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.

  1. I’m thirsty. I .. (have) a glass of juice.
  2. -What are you going to do during the weekend?

— We… (have) a party on Saturday.

  1. He… (go) to the cinema on Saturday.
  2. – Tim, the phone is calling!
  • I …(get) it!
  1. The bus… (leave) at 6 a.m.

5. Choose the correct answer.

1)  Jack has got a headache. He … sleep well recently.
a) can’t
b) couldn’t have
c) hasn’t been able to
2) Tom … play tennis well but he … play a game yesterday because he was ill.
a) couldn’t, could
b) can, was able
c) can, couldn’t 
3)  I didn’t want to be late for the meeting. We … meet at 5.
a) can
b) had to
c) could
4) You … take an umbrella today. The Sun is shining.
a) needn’t 
b) mustn’t
c) can’t

5) I’m sorry, you didn’t invite me to your birthday party. You … invite me next time.
a) must 
b) should
c) need to

6) My doctor says I … stop eating sweets.

a) have to

b) can

c) would

6. Complete the text with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets and answer the questions.

Where do you go when you want to know the latest business news, follow commodity prices, оr stay abreast of the latest scientific and technological developments? Today, the answer is obvious: you log on to the internet. Three centuries ago, the answer ____1(be) just as easy: you_____2 (go) to a coffee-house. There, for the price of a cup of coffee, you _____3(can) attend scientific lectures, or chat with like-minded people about literature or politics. Like today’s websites, coffee-houses _____4(be) lively. Collectively Europe’s interconnected web of coffee-houses _______5(form) the internet of the Enlightenment era.

The contrast between coffee and alcoholic drinks was reflected in the decor of the coffee houses that _______6(begin) to appear in European cities, London in particular. They______7(decorate) with bookshelves, mirrors, gilt-framed pictures and good furniture, in contrast to the rowdiness and gloom of taverns. According to custom, social differences _______8 (leave) at the coffee-house door and anyone who started a quarrel had to atone for it by buying an order of coffee for all present.

 Coffee________9( be) the ideal drink. Its popularity owed much to the growing middle class оf information workers, who _____10(do) mental work in offices rather than performing physical labour in the open, and found that coffee sharpened their mental faculties. Such men _______11)be) not rich enough to entertain lavishly at home, but ______12(can) afford to spend a few pence a day on coffee. Coffee-houses were nicknamed «penny universities» in a contemporary English verse which observed: «So great  Universitie, I think there ne’er was any; In which you may a Scholar be, for spending of a penny.»

1. What was the alternative of the internet three century ago?

2. What  were the coffee-houses decorated with?

3. Why were the coffee-houses nicknamed «penny universities»?

Test for the 9th form, 3 term

1. Choose the right word.

1. People want to live in an …society.

a)legal b) orderly c) primitive

2. If people …..crimes they must be punished.

a) solve b) make c) commit

3. Serious crimes are called…

a) felonies b) misdemeanors c) punishment

4. Burglary is a …..against the property rights and security of another person.

a) murder b) fingerprint c) crime

5. We give our state the rights to protect our lives and our….

a) property b) government c) criminals

a) murder b) fingerprint c) crime

6. The scene is the most possible place to find ….

a) evidence b) money c) a judge

7.The investigation of burglary concentrates around the place of entry and the crime ….

a)place b) scene c) appearance

2. Match the word and its translation

  1. Mugging

  1. Похищение человека

  1. Kidnapping

  1. Кража со взломом

  1. Fraud

  1. Мошенничество

  1. Burglary

  1. Уличное ограбление

  1. Pickpocketing

  1. Карманные кражи

  1. Scam

  1. Кража в магазине

  1. Shoplifting

  1. Афера

3. Put the following words and phrases under the right headings of the table.

steal, vandal, judge, criminal, shop-lifting, mugger, fraudster, smuggle, theft, thief,

life imprisonment, fine, community service

Crime and punishment





4. Complete the sentences. Use will, be going to, the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.

  1. The train… (leave) at 10 a.m. every day.

  2. I’m hungry. I .. (have) a sandwich.

  3. -What are you going to do during the weekend?

— We… (fish) on Sunday.

  1. He… (visit) me on Saturday.

  2. – The phone is ringing!

  • I …(get) it!

Задание 5 

Установите соответствие между текстами и их темами, выбрав тему из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1. Country’s brave defenders.

2. Textile business links.

3. A nice-sounding building.

4. The initial steps of commerce.

5. A really international place.

6. Governesses of rich children.

A. Moscow has always been a multicultural city. If we look back at its history, we will see that there were several foreign communities living in Moscow on a permanent basis. We all know about German people inhabiting the banks of the Yauza river, where little Peter, the future tsar of all Russia, ran around, made friends and got his first ideas of learning about ships and fleets. But what do we know about the British community of Moscow? Did it even exist?

B. The first ties between Russia and Britain were formed in the middle of the 16th century in the time of Ivan the Terrible. It was then that some wealthy British merchants founded the Muscovy Company which held a monopoly on trade between Britain and Russia until 1698. The building of its Moscow headquarters was granted to the company by the tsar in 1556 and can be still visited at 4, Varvarka Street, known to us now as The Old English Court.

С In the 18th century, British industrialists made themselves known in Russia. One of the most outstanding figures was Robert McGill, who lived in Moscow and served as an intermediary between Lancashire mill engineers and the Russian cotton industry, and built over 180 mills (cotton factories) in Russia. Robert McGill had a house in Spiridonovka Street and together with his wife Jane was a prominent member of the British community in Moscow.

D. If you talk to Moscow concert musicians who were active between the 1970s and the 1990s, they will tell you of the fantastic acoustics of the “Melodiya” recording studio at 8, Voznesensky Lane, which they lovingly called ‘kirche’, mistakenly thinking it was a German church. This building, designed in the English neo-gothic architectural style, was in fact built in 1885 by Robert McGill and is St. Andrew’s Anglican Church, which was used as a recording studio in Soviet times.

E. Beginning from the time of Peter the Great, several talented British military men moved to Russia. Many of them served as army generals and navy admirals, defending Russian borders in different wars and battles. Among the most famous ones were Field Marshall James Bruce, Field Marshall Barclay de Tolly and Admiral Thomas Mackenzie, all of them of Scottish origin.

Test for the 9th form, 3 term

Variant 2

1. Choose the right word.

1. The scene is the most possible place to find ….

a) evidence b) money c) a judge

2. Serious crimes are called…

a) felonies b) misdemeanors c) punishment

3. If people …..crimes they must be punished.

a) solve b) make c) commit

4. We give our state the rights to protect our lives and our….

a) property b) government c) criminals

5. Burglary is a …..against the property rights and security of another person.

a) murder b) fingerprint c) crime

6.The investigation of burglary concentrates around the place of entry and the crime ….

a)place b) scene c) appearance

7. People want to live in an …society.

b)Legal b) orderly c) primitive

2. Match the word and its translation.

  1. Littering

  1. Кража в магазине

  1. Theft

  1. Кража

  1. Assassination

  1. Превышение скорости

  1. Robbery

  1. Убийство политического деятеля наемными убийцами

  1. Murder

  1. Грабеж

  1. Speeding

  1. Убийство

  1. Shoplifting

  1. Сорить на улице

3. Put the following words and phrases under the right headings of the table.

judge, shoplifter, criminal, kidnap ,fraudster, smuggle, theft, thief, life imprisonment, fine, community service, assassination, speeding

Crime and punishment





4. Complete the sentences. Use will, be going to, the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.

  1. I’m thirsty. I .. (have) a glass of juice.

  2. -What are you going to do during the weekend?

— We… (have) a party on Saturday.

  1. He… (go) to the cinema on Saturday.

  2. – Tim, the phone is calling!

  • I …(get) it!

  1. The bus… (leave) at 6 a.m.

5. Choose the correct answer.

1) Jack has got a headache. He … sleep well recently.
a) can’t
b) couldn’t have
c) hasn’t been able to
2) Tom … play tennis well but he … play a game yesterday because he was ill.
a) couldn’t, could
b) can, was able
c) can, couldn’t 
3) I didn’t want to be late for the meeting. We … meet at 5.
a) can
b) had to
c) could
4) You … take an umbrella today. The Sun is shining.
a) needn’t 
b) mustn’t
c) can’t

5) I’m sorry, you didn’t invite me to your birthday party. You … invite me next time.
a) must 
b) should
c) need to

6) My doctor says I … stop eating sweets.

a) have to

b) can

c) would

6. Complete the text with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets and answer the questions.

Where do you go when you want to know the latest business news, follow commodity prices, оr stay abreast of the latest scientific and technological developments? Today, the answer is obvious: you log on to the internet. Three centuries ago, the answer ____1(be) just as easy: you_____2 (go) to a coffee-house. There, for the price of a cup of coffee, you _____3(can) attend scientific lectures, or chat with like-minded people about literature or politics. Like today’s websites, coffee-houses _____4(be) lively. Collectively Europe’s interconnected web of coffee-houses _______5(form) the internet of the Enlightenment era.

The contrast between coffee and alcoholic drinks was reflected in the decor of the coffee houses that _______6(begin) to appear in European cities, London in particular. They______7(decorate) with bookshelves, mirrors, gilt-framed pictures and good furniture, in contrast to the rowdiness and gloom of taverns. According to custom, social differences _______8 (leave) at the coffee-house door and anyone who started a quarrel had to atone for it by buying an order of coffee for all present.

Coffee________9( be) the ideal drink. Its popularity owed much to the growing middle class оf information workers, who _____10(do) mental work in offices rather than performing physical labour in the open, and found that coffee sharpened their mental faculties. Such men _______11)be) not rich enough to entertain lavishly at home, but ______12(can) afford to spend a few pence a day on coffee. Coffee-houses were nicknamed «penny universities» in a contemporary English verse which observed: «So great Universitie, I think there ne’er was any; In which you may a Scholar be, for spending of a penny.»

1. What was the alternative of the internet three century ago?

2. What were the coffee-houses decorated with?

3. Why were the coffee-houses nicknamed «penny universities»?

Progress check 9th form

Variant 1

Choose the right word.

1. People want to live in an …society.

a) legal b) orderly c) primitive

2. We give our state the rights to protect our lives and our….

a) property b) government c) criminals

3. If people …..crimes they must be punished.

a) solve b) make c) commit

4. Burglary is a …..against the property rights and security of another person.

a) murder b) fingerprint c) crime

5. The investigation of burglary concentrates around the place of entry and the crime ….

a) place b) scene c) appearance

2. Complete the sentences. Use will, be going to, the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.

The bus … (arrive) at 10 a.m. every day.

I’m hungry. I … (have) a sandwich.

-What are you going to do during the weekend?

— We… (fish) on Sunday.

He… (visit) me on Saturday.

– The phone is ringing!

I …(get) it!

3. Choose the correct answer.

1) It’s a secret. You mustn’t / shouldn’t tell anyone.

2) You can’t / shouldn’t smoke so much. 

3)  I could / am able to sleep for hours when I was a little girls. 

4) Where are my gloves? — I have to / needn’t put them on because it’s cold today. 
5)  Well, it’s 9 o’clock. I
has to / must go now. 
4. Reading

Read the text and mark the sentences T (True), F (False) or Ns (Not stated).

Hanami: A Flowering Celebration!

The beginning of spring (March-ApriI) is a very special time in Japan, because this is when Japan’s famous cherry trees come into flower. The Japanese celebrate this happy time with festivals and flower-viewing parties.

At the end of winter, everyone’s excitement starts to grow. The whole country wants to know the exact day when the cherry flowers (‘sakura’) will appear. Starting in February, weathermen try to guess when this day will be.

When the first flowers open on the trees, national joy breaks out! There are rides and games for children in the street, music and dance performances, tea ceremonies, flower displays, and much more. But the most special thing that people do at this time is have ‘hanami’ parties. Hanami means flower watching. In hanami parties, families and friends take a picnic and go and sit under a cherry tree to look at and admire the flowers. Hanami parties take place during the daytime and also at night, because when it is dark, lights light up the cherry trees.

Hanami is very important to the Japanese. Cherry blossoms appear on trees for only one week before they fall to the ground and die, and for the Japanese this symbolises the short nature of childhood and life. So hanami is a time when Japanese people like to think about how important life is.

1. Spring is the Japanese people’s favourite time of year. ____

2. It is not easy to know the day the cherry flowers will open. ____

3. Hanami takes place a week after the cherry trees blossom. ____

4. The cherry flowers do not stay on the trees for very long. ____

5. When the cherry flowers appear, people hope for long lives. ____

Progress check 9th form

Variant 2

Choose the right word.

1. The scene is the most possible place to find ….

a) evidence b) money c) a judge

2. People who hit you on the head with a mug.

a) burglars b) muggers c) murderer

3. If people ….. the law they must be punished.

a) make b) do c) break

4. He / she accuses somebody of a committing a crime.

a) criminal b) judge c) victim

5. Judge … somebody to twenty years in prison.

a) sentences b) givesc) arrests

2. Complete the sentences. Use will, be going to, the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.

I’m thirsty. I .. (have) a glass of water.

-What are you going to do during the weekend?

— We… (have) a party on Saturday.

He… (go) to the cinema on Saturday.

– Tim, the phone is calling!

I …(get) it!

The train… (leave) at 6 a.m.

3. Choose the correct answer.

1) Tom can play tennis well but he was able to / couldn`t play a game yesterday because he was ill. 

2)  I didn’t want to be late for the meeting. We had to / could meet at 5. 
3) You
needn’t / mustn’t take an umbrella today. The Sun is shining. 

4) I’m sorry, you didn’t invite me to your birthday party. Youmust / should invite me next time. 

5) My doctor says I have to / can stop eating sweets.

4. Reading

Read the text and mark the sentences T (True), F (False) or Ns (Not stated).

Hanami: A Flowering Celebration!

The beginning of spring (March-ApriI) is a very special time in Japan, because this is when Japan’s famous cherry trees come into flower. The Japanese celebrate this happy time with festivals and flower-viewing parties.

At the end of winter, everyone’s excitement starts to grow. The whole country wants to know the exact day when the cherry flowers (‘sakura’) will appear. Starting in February, weathermen try to guess when this day will be.

When the first flowers open on the trees, national joy breaks out! There are rides and games for children in the street, music and dance performances, tea ceremonies, flower displays, and much more. But the most special thing that people do at this time is have ‘hanami’ parties. Hanami means flower watching. In hanami parties, families and friends take a picnic and go and sit under a cherry tree to look at and admire the flowers. Hanami parties take place during the daytime and also at night, because when it is dark, lights light up the cherry trees.

Hanami is very important to the Japanese. Cherry blossoms appear on trees for only one week before they fall to the ground and die, and for the Japanese this symbolises the short nature of childhood and life. So hanami is a time when Japanese people like to think about how important life is.

1. Japanese people plant trees in the beginning of spring. ____

2. Weathermen try to predict when the cherry flowers will open. ____

3. Hanami is a holiday when people don`t go to their work. ____

4. The cherry flowers stay on the trees for some days.____

5. When the cherry flowers appear, people make a wish. ____

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