Choose the right word my story is more interesting

Form 8 Test (1)

1.Choose the right verbs

How long … you…the book?

A) has, been

B) have, been

C) have, read

D) are, read

E) has, read

2. Answer the question

What is the capital of Great Britain?

A) Ottawa

B) Paris

C) Astana

D) Washington

E) London

3. Choose the right form of plural nouns:

A) Baby

B) Babys

C) Babies


E) Babyes

4. Find the right verbs:

It ……………for 3 hours already.

A) have been snowing

B) have snow

C) has snow

D) has been snowing

E) snow

5.Find the opposite word:


A) Interesting

B) Kind

C) Big

D) Patient

E) Rude

6. Answer the question:

What does the traditional British Sunday lunch consist of?

A) Yorkshire pudding

B) Apple cake

C) Milk and toast

D) Bread and butter

E) Bacon and eggs

7. Choose the right modal verb:

I…. get up early on Mondays.

  1. Is to

  2. may

  3. able to

  4. have to

  5. must

8. Find the right form of the verb:

My brother … at the theatre yesterday.

  1. Am

  2. Is

  3. Are

  4. Were

  5. Was

9. Choose the right word:

There … a lot of bread on the table.


B) were

C) are

D) weren’t


10. Choose the right word:

There was only……butter left.

A) A few

B) A little

C) Many

D) The

E) A

11. Choose the right verb:

My brother … a bread last year.

A) have grown

B) had grown

C)have grew

D) grew


12. Find the right word:

Cardiff is the capital of……

A) England

B) Wales

C) Northern Ireland

D) Scotland

E) Britain

13. Choose the verb in the right form:

He ………….back home. Here he is.

  1. has come

  2. came

  3. come

  4. have come

  5. came

14. Find the right article

She has got… lovely smile.

A) The


C) An

D) A

E) Any

15. Choose the right word :

There is…. milk in the bottle.

  1. few

  2. many

  3. little

  4. an

  5. are

16. Choose the right form

New hospital ……… the Queen.

A) were opened

B) open

C) opening

D) opens

E) was opened

17. Choose the right word:

He did the work……

A) Herself

B) Myself

C) Itself

D) Himself

E) Themselves

18. Choose the right form of the verb:

Bread is … every day.

  1. eat

  2. eaten

  3. eating

  4. eats

  5. eated

19. Write the right word:

We …going to visit Picture Gallery. We are interested in Kazakh art.


B) were

C) been

D) are

E) was

20. Write the necessary preposition:

I rely…my friend.

  1. at

  2. with

  3. on

  4. after

Form 8 Test (2)

  1. Choose the right variant

He ………… French since 2001.

  1. Has studied

  2. Have studied

  3. Have studying

  4. Is study

  5. Are studied

2.Answer the question

What is the capital of the USA?

A) London

B) Washington

C) New York

D) Astana

E) Berlin

3. Choose the right form of plural noun:

A) Tooth

B) Tooths

C) Teeth

D) Teeths

E) Toothes

4. Find the right verbs:

Why are you hot? I …………..all the way.

  1. Has been run

  2. Have been running

  3. Has run

  4. Has been running

  5. Is running

5. Find the opposite word: Kind

A) Patient

B) Big

C) Wicked

D) Polite

E) Beautiful

6. Answer the question:

What does the British Supper consist of?

  1. Yorkshire pudding

  2. Bread and butter

  3. Roast potatoes

  4. Cornflakes

E) Omelet, sausages

7. Find the right form of modal verb

The policeman told the woman she…….worry.

  1. Needn’t

  2. Couldn’t

  3. ought

  4. mustn’t

  5. couldn’t to

8. Choose the right word:

My sister … in Astana last month.

  1. is

  2. were

  3. am

  4. was

  5. are

9. Find the right word:

There … many books in the bag.


B) –

C) am

D) do

E) are

10. Write the right word:

It took her …….minutes to make coffee.

A) Much

B) A little

C) A few

D) The

E) A

11. Choose the right verb:

We…….. dictation now.

  1. write

  2. are writing

  3. wrote

  4. is writing

  5. writes

12. Find the right word:

Belfast is the capital of…..

  1. Northern Ireland

  2. England

  3. Scotland

  4. Paris

  5. The USA

13. Choose the right verb:

She …….the picture today.

  1. painted

  2. has painted

  3. paint

  4. have painted

  5. are painting

14. Find the right article:

Four times …day.

A) Any

B) An

C) The

D) A

E) —

15. Find the right word:

There are…. books on the shelf.

  1. Few

  2. Little

  3. An

  4. A

  5. Small

16. Choose the right form:

My book …….by my friend.

A) Taken

B) Takes

C) Was taken

D) Were taking

E) Was took

17. Choose the right word:

Sasha and Omar built the house…….

A) Myself

B) Herself

C) Himself

D) Ourselves

E) Themselves

18. Choose the right translation of the sentences:

This picture is always looked at.

А) Эту картину всегда можно увидеть.

В) На эту картину всегда смотрят.

С) Эту картину всегда видно.

D) Эта картина всегда смотрелась.

Е)Эта картина всегда смотрится.

19. Put the necessary word

He …..going to tell you an interesting story.

  1. Am

  2. Is

  3. Been

  4. Are

  5. Be

20. Put the necessary preposition:

I am afraid…dogs.

  1. in

  2. off

  3. at

  4. of

  5. on

Form 8 Test (3)

1. Choose the right word:

Sasha and Omar built the house…….

A) Myself

B) Herself

C) Himself

D) Ourselves

E) Themselves

2. Choose the right translation of the sentences:

This picture is always looked at.

А) Эту картину всегда можно увидеть.

В) На эту картину всегда смотрят.

С) Эту картину всегда видно.

D) Эта картина всегда смотрелась.

Е)Эта картина всегда смотрится.

3. Put the necessary word

He …..going to tell you an interesting story.

  1. Am

  2. Is

  3. Been

  4. Are

  5. Be

4. Put the necessary preposition:

I am afraid…dogs.

  1. in

  2. off

  3. at

  4. of

  5. on

5. Choose the right variant

He ………… French since 2001.

  1. Has studied

  2. Have studied

  3. Have studying

  4. Is study

  5. Are studied

6.Answer the question

What is the capital of the USA?

A) London

B) Washington

C) New York

D) Astana

E) Berlin

7. Choose the right form of plural noun:

A) Tooth

B) Tooths

C) Teeth

D) Teeths

E) Toothes

8. Find the right verbs:

Why are you hot? I …………..all the way.

  1. Has been run

  2. Have been running

  3. Has run

  4. Has been running

  5. Is running

9. Find the opposite word: Kind

A) Patient

B) Big

C) Wicked

D) Polite

E) Beautiful

10.Choose the right form

New hospital ……… the Queen.

A) were opened

B) open

C) opening

D) opens

E) was opened

11. Choose the right word:

He did the work……

A) Herself

B) Myself

C) Itself

D) Himself

E) Themselves

12. Choose the right form of the verb:

Bread is … every day.

  1. eat

  2. eaten

  3. eating

  4. eats

  5. eated

13. Write the right word:

We …going to visit Picture Gallery. We are interested in Kazakh art.


B) were

C) been

D) are

E) was

14. Write the necessary preposition:

I rely…my friend.

  1. at

  2. with

  3. on

  4. after

15. Find the right form of modal verb

The policeman told the woman she…….worry.

  1. Needn’t

  2. Couldn’t

  3. ought

  4. mustn’t

  5. couldn’t to

16. Choose the right word:

My sister … in Astana last month.

  1. is

  2. were

  3. am

  4. was

  5. are

17. Find the right word:

There … many books in the bag.


B) –

C) am

D) do

E) are

18. Write the right word:

It took her …….minutes to make coffee.

A) Much

B) A little

C) A few

D) The

E) A

19. Choose the right verb:

We…….. dictation now.

  1. write

  2. are writing

  3. wrote

  4. is writing

  5. writes

20. Find the right word:

Belfast is the capital of…..

  1. Northern Ireland

  2. England

  3. Scotland

  4. Paris

  5. The USA

8 класс

1 вариант

2 вариант

3 вариант

























































































































Помогите с полугодовой по английскому. Решите хоть что-то
1.Fill in the right word.
Thriller, documentary, cartoon, horror film, comedy.
1.People watch a ___________________ when they want to laugh.
2._______________________s are films for little children.
3.A _______________________is a film in which strange and frightening things happen.
4. A _______________________ is a film or television programme that gives facts and information about something.
5. A ______________________ is a film that tells an exciting story about murder or crime.
2. Choose the right word.
1.I think this film is really (interested/ interesting).
2.When I feel (bored/ boring) I always rent a movie to watch.
3. I think comedies are very (entertained/ entertaining).
4. we watched a plane (flew/ fly) in the blue sky.
3.Read and put the verbs in the right form
Wind up to 72 mph. Chimneys and road signs are damaged; branches of trees (1) _________break; small trees (2) ____________(push) over.
Wind 73 to 112 mph. Moving cars (3) __________ (push) off the roads; roofs (4) __________(damage).
Wind 113 to 157 mph. Roofs (5) _______________(tear) off; large trees (6) _________(push) over.
Wind 158 to 206 mph. Trains (7) ______________(overturn).
Wind from 207 to 260 mph. Weak structures (8) ___________(throw) some distance away.
Wind above 261 mph. Houses (9) __________(throw) long distances and (10) __________(break) to pieces.
Контрольная работа по разделам 4-5. 7 класс. Английский язык.
1.Fill in the right word.
Thriller, documentary, cartoon, horror film, comedy.
1.People watch a ___________________ when they want to laugh.
2._______________________s are films for little children.
3.A _______________________is a film in which strange and frightening things happen.
4. A _______________________ is a film or television programme that gives facts and information about something.
5. A ______________________ is a film that tells an exciting story about murder or crime.
2. Choose the right word.
1.I think this film is really (interested/ interesting).
2.When I feel (bored/ boring) I always rent a movie to watch.
3. I think comedies are very (entertained/ entertaining).
4. we watched a plane (flew/ fly) in the blue sky.
3.Read and put the verbs in the right form
Wind up to 72 mph. Chimneys and road signs are damaged; branches of trees (1) _________break; small trees (2) ____________(push) over.
Wind 73 to 112 mph. Moving cars (3) __________ (push) off the roads; roofs (4) __________(damage).
Wind 113 to 157 mph. Roofs (5) _______________(tear) off; large trees (6) _________(push) over.
Wind 158 to 206 mph. Trains (7) ______________(overturn).
Wind from 207 to 260 mph. Weak structures (8) ___________(throw) some distance away.
Wind above 261 mph. Houses (9) __________(throw) long distances and (10) __________(break) to pieces.

Автор: Гость

Найдите правильный ответ на вопрос ✅ «Choose the right word from those in brackets. 1) My granny ofter (tells, says) fairy tales. 2) He (tells, says) we are late. 3) Jim always …» по предмету 📘 Английский язык, а если вы сомневаетесь в правильности ответов или ответ отсутствует, то попробуйте воспользоваться умным поиском на сайте и найти ответы на похожие вопросы.

Смотреть другие ответы

Главная » Английский язык » Choose the right word from those in brackets. 1) My granny ofter (tells, says) fairy tales. 2) He (tells, says) we are late. 3) Jim always (tells, says) the truth. 4) (Tell, say) me where you are going. 5) i’m sure he can (tell, say) a lie.

Choose the right word and copy the sentence.
Example: Alice was speaking quickly. (quick/quickly)
1. The sun was shining (bright/brightly).
2. He is a very (nice/nicely) man.
3. He smiled (sad/sadly).
4. Can you drive (slow/slowly), please?
5. It was a (beautiful/beautifully) house.
6. She closed the door (careful/carefully).

ГДЗ Английский язык 5 класс FORWARD часть 1 Вербицкая. UNIT 7. Which way do we go?. Номер №10


Перевод задания
Выберите правильное слово и скопируйте предложение.
Пример: Алиса говорила быстро. (быстрый / быстро)
1. Светило солнышко (яркий / ярко).
2. Он очень (приятный / приятно) мужчина.
3. Он улыбнулся (грустный / грустно).
4. Вы умеете водить (медленный / медленно), пожалуйста?
5. Это был (красивый / красиво) дом.
6. Она закрыла дверь (осторожный / осторожно).

1. The sun was shining brightly.
2. He is a very nice man.
3. He smiled sadly.
4. Can you drive slowly, please?
5. It was a beautiful house.
6. She closed the door carefully.

Перевод ответа
1. Солнце светило ярко.
2. Он очень хороший человек.
3. Он грустно улыбнулся.
4. Можете ли вы вести машину медленно, пожалуйста?
5. Это был красивый дом.
6. Она осторожно закрыла дверь.

Внимание! Все тесты в этом разделе разработаны пользователями сайта для собственного
Администрация сайта не
проверяет возможные ошибки,
которые могут встретиться в тестах.

Данная контрольная работа направлена на контроль лексико-грамматических навыков по модулю 3 Spotlight 7

Список вопросов теста

Вопрос 1

Fill in the correct word













Варианты ответов
  • Peter is very …. He comes up with the most amazing stories
  • My brother is …. He’s friendly and enjoys talking to other people
  • My sister is very …. When she wants something she does everything she can to achieve it
  • Alice was …. She asked a lot of questions
  • Be …! We’ll be out of here in a minute.
  • Michael goes skateboarding in winter and windsurfing in summer. He is very ….

Вопрос 2

Choose the right answer:

Jennifer is tall and ……..

Варианты ответов
  • slim
  • straight

Вопрос 3

Choose the right answer:

Claudia has a pretty face with brown, wavy ……..

Варианты ответов
  • eyes
  • hair

Вопрос 4

Choose the right answer:

John is the young boy with the ……….blond hair.

Варианты ответов
  • spiky
  • skinny

Вопрос 5

Choose the right answer:

My brother has ……. hair.

Варианты ответов
  • big
  • long

Вопрос 6

Choose the right answer:

You have green eyes and  ……… blond hair.

Варианты ответов
  • curly
  • round

Вопрос 7

Choose the right answer:

My uncle is really tall with ……….

Варианты ответов
  • moustache
  • hair

Вопрос 8

Choose the right answer:

My hair is ………….

Варианты ответов
  • tall
  • shoulder-length

Вопрос 9

Choose the correct word:

I found the book really

Варианты ответов
  • bored
  • boring

Вопрос 10

Choose the correct word:

This football match was so

Варианты ответов
  • tiring
  • tired

Вопрос 11

Choose the correct word:

.  Karen is really…….. in diving.

Варианты ответов
  • interesting
  • interested

Вопрос 12

Choose the correct word:

Jack is …….. of spiders.

Варианты ответов
  • scaring
  • scared

Вопрос 13

Choose the correct word:

Our trip to Paris was so ….

Варианты ответов
  • exciting
  • excited

Вопрос 14

Choose the correct word:

Dad said he was really …….. in us.

Варианты ответов
  • dissapointing
  • dissapointed

Вопрос 15

Choose the correct word:

I am talking about the girl  …… sitting on the sofa.

Варианты ответов
  • who
  • which

Вопрос 16

Choose the correct word:

This is the skate-park  ……….. people come to skateboard.

Варианты ответов
  • which
  • where

Вопрос 17

Choose the correct word:

My mum made a cake  …… tasted really delicious.

Варианты ответов
  • which
  • who

Вопрос 18

Choose the correct word:

The girl  ……. hair is very long is my elder sister.

Варианты ответов
  • whose
  • who

Вопрос 19

Choose the correct word:

2004 was the year …….. we visited London. 

Варианты ответов
  • which
  • when

Вопрос 20

Fill in the correct preposition:

Варианты ответов
  • John gave ……………………… boxing two years ago because of health problems.
  • Shelly gave ……………… her book collection to the school library.
  • Give me ……………………….. my skateboard!

Вопрос 21

Put the adjectives into the correct order to complete the phrases:

              a(n) … … … artist

Варианты ответов
  • talented
  • teenage
  • Italian

Вопрос 22

Put the adjectives into the correct order to complete the phrases:

a(n) … … … student

Варианты ответов
  • interesting
  • young
  • Japanese

Вопрос 23

Put the adjectives into the correct order to complete the phrases:

  a … … …. boxer

Варианты ответов
  • famous
  • well-built
  • Russian

Вопрос 24

Read the following text and mark the statements T (true) or F (false). 

Leonardo da Vinci – a great artist and scientist (by Adam Wilson)

The person I admire the most is Leonardo da Vinci. He was born on 15th April 1452 in the town of Vinci, Italy. His full name was Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci, which means Leonardo, son of Piero from Vinci. He was not only one of the greatest painters of all time, but he was also an architect, sculptor, engineer, inventor, mathematician and musician.

Leonardo da Vinci was a very intelligent and imaginative man. He created many different designs. Some of them were for a bicycle, a helicopter, a parachute and even an aeroplane! He also liked to study everything in nature. You can find some of his notebooks in museums today. In them you can see drawings of plants and animals as well as detailed sketches of the human body!

Leonardo da Vinci paid a lot of attention to detail and his paintings are very realistic. The Mona Lisa, for example, is one of his best known works of art. It is a painting of a woman whose face often makes people wonder if she is smiling or not.

I admire Leonardo da Vinci for his amazing works of art and his great inventions. His artwork will last forever and people around the world admire it even today.

Варианты ответов
  • Leonardo da Vinci was born in Venice, Italy.
  • His father’s name was Paolo.
  • He designed a parachute.
  • Da Vinci studied the human body.

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