Choose the right word my friend and i play computer games





5 лет назад

Английский язык

5 — 9 классы

Choose the right word: 1. It is snowing (noow\in winter) . 2. Carla and John usually eat out(on Sundays\at the moment) . 3. My friend and I play computer games(on Saturday afternoons\at present)

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(27 оценок)



5 лет назад

Светило науки — 3202 ответа — 113615 раз оказано помощи

1. It is snowing now.
2. Carla and John usually eat out on Sundays.
3. My friend and I play computer games on Saturday afternoons.

(27 оценок)




2 года назад

Английский язык


Choose the right word: 1. It isn’t raining at the weekend/now. 2. Clara is having a lesson now/twice a month. 3. My friend and I play computer games on Saturday afternoons/at present

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(0 оценок)


2 года назад

Светило науки — 11 ответов — 0 раз оказано помощи


1. now

4. now

3. today


не уверен но вроде так

(0 оценок)

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Вопрос по английскому языку:

Choose the right word: 1. It is snowing (noowin winter) . 2. Carla and John usually eat out(on Sundaysat the moment) . 3. My friend and I play computer games(on Saturday afternoonsat present)

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Ответы и объяснения 2



1. It is snowing in winter.
2. Carla and John usually eat out on Sundays.
3. My friend and I play computer games on Saturday afternoons.



1. It is snowing now.
2. Carla and John usually eat out on Sundays.
3. My friend and I play computer games on Saturday afternoons.

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Choose the right word:

1. Ron has a piano lesson twice a week/these days .

2. My friend and I play computer games on Saturadays afternoons/at present .

1 ответ:



1. Week
2. Afternoons

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Our family will go to the theatre, won’t it? Yes, it will.</span></span><span> </span>

Найдите правильный ответ на вопрос ✅ «Choose the right word: 1. Kathy cleans her room. 2. Jake is sitting his exams. 3. My friend and I play computer games. …» по предмету 📘 Английский язык, а если вы сомневаетесь в правильности ответов или ответ отсутствует, то попробуйте воспользоваться умным поиском на сайте и найти ответы на похожие вопросы.

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Главная » Английский язык » Choose the right word: 1. Kathy cleans her room. 2. Jake is sitting his exams. 3. My friend and I play computer games.

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