Choose the right word look at james

Put the words to the right place and complete the dialogue.

— Hello, Mary!

— Hello, Jane!


— I’m well. And you?

—  Oh, you have a new blouse

— Yes, I was in the yesterday. I was in the . There was a sale on. It was blouse, but yesterday there was a fifty percent discount. It was only 25 pounds!

— That’s great! Were there any jeans in the sale? I need a new .

— No, there weren’t, but there were trousers .

— What a pity! I need blue jeans, not trousers.

— Maybe next week!

— Ok. I have to go now! Nice to see you!

— Me too.

— Bye!

— Bye!

in the sale

an expensive

clothing shop

shopping center

How are you?

I’m well too!

on the sale

pair of jeans


Помогите срочно надо английский : Вот задание:Сhoose the correct word: 1)A: Look at Tony. He’s such a good footballer!  B:Yeah, he’s great/greatly! 2) A: Do you like our new History teacher? B: Yes, his lessons are very interesting/interestingly. 3)A: You play the vilion beautiful/beautifully. B: Thank you. I practies very careful/carefully. 4) A: What do you think of the school dining hall? B: The food is horribly/horrible! 5) A: Are you good/well at Art? B: No! I draw terribly/terrible!

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Найдите правильный ответ на вопрос ✅ «Choose the right word from those in brackets. 1) My granny ofter (tells, says) fairy tales. 2) He (tells, says) we are late. 3) Jim always …» по предмету 📘 Английский язык, а если вы сомневаетесь в правильности ответов или ответ отсутствует, то попробуйте воспользоваться умным поиском на сайте и найти ответы на похожие вопросы.

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Главная » Английский язык » Choose the right word from those in brackets. 1) My granny ofter (tells, says) fairy tales. 2) He (tells, says) we are late. 3) Jim always (tells, says) the truth. 4) (Tell, say) me where you are going. 5) i’m sure he can (tell, say) a lie.

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учебнику Афанасьевой О.В. Михеевой И.В. . для школ с углубленным изучением
английского языка


Неженцева Анна Алексеевна

Учитель иностранных языков МОУ
гимназии № 15 г.Волгограда


                                        Greek Architecture

In architecture the ancient Greeks reached a level of perfection
that has set a standard for all time and established a classic tradition. Their
own homes were rather simple but when they designed and built houses for their
gods they tried hard to make them impressive. The Greeks knew how to build
arches but only used them where they could not be seen. In their temples they
preferred the dignity and restfulness of the monolithic type of architecture
and vertical columns. The Greeks built without mortar, the substance that holds
stones together. They lay their blocks of perfect marble in place and left the force
of gravity to hold them there. When we look at their noble temples we see at a
glance that their structure is solid and logical and it pleases us more than
any lavish ornament could. A Greek temple stands on a platform with steps
leading up to it from any direction. In the centre stands a hall in which the
statue of god or goddess was erected. This is usually surrounded on all sides
by colonnades. There are three distinct styles in Greek architecture. They are known
as the three orders, and they are easily distinguished  by the kind of capital
used at the top of the columns. The earliest was the

Doric order, then came the Ionic, and last the Corinthian. Time
came when either  of the three could be used and a Greek architect had a choice.
But when he had chosen to use one of these three orders, he did not try to make
any radical changes. His aim was to achieve greater perfection within the
limits of his chosen style. This quest for greater perfection is typical of
Greek art. The most important elements of Greek architecture were kept constant
by the Greeks and by the Romans who came after them, and by architects of later
times who have chosen to work within this classical tradition.

A. Read the statements below and decide are they true
or false.

1. The ancient Greeks built all their buildings

a) True                                    b)False

2. The ancient Greeks built and used arches.

a) True                                    b)False

3. A Greek temple stands at some altitude.

a) True                                    b)False

4. Columns are an alternative elements of Greek

a) True                                    b)False

5.The Corinthian order appeared before the Doric

a) True                                    b)False

6.Greek architects often mixed the three styles.

a) True                                    b)False

B. Find the equivalents of these  word combinations in
the text.

1.использовали их там, где они могли быть
не заметными.

2. стоит на платформе со ступенями, ведущими вверх к нему с любого направления.
3. со всех сторон окруженный колоннадами.
4. не пытался делать каких-либо радикальных изменений.
5.достичь большего совершенства в рамках выбранного стиля.
A.   Fill the gaps with the right word to complete the sentences.
Use: on, out, back, upon, at,  for, through ,away.

I hit … the radical solution of the problem.

2.     If
you criticise the way James work, he is sure to hit….

3.     It
was clear that sooner or later the police would hit …..the truth.

4.     The
sneer was obvious,  but he didn’t hit …..

5.     Colin
never starts a fight, but if somebody hits him, he hits them …..

 Love and support helped their family to carry …. the hard

 Sam carried….. reading without raising his eyes.

 The children were so carried …. with the game that they didn’t
notice that it had grown dark.

The road works were carried ….. on time.

  Susan can carry …..  the work on the script.

B.    Choose
the right word.

1.     Could
you (bring/fetch) my hat  from the corridor?

2.     He
(took/brought) his friends with him, when he came to see us.

3.     The
child was (weeping/crying ) for his mother.

4.     She
begun to ( cry /sob) uncontrollably.

5.     I
really enjoy manual (labour/work).

6.     Translating
the  texts  is a hard ( labour /toil).

7.     She
is one of  our regular (customer/client).

8.     On
behalf of my ( customer/client), I would like to remind  you about your
obligations on this matter.

9.     The
country is one of the ( main/ chief) sources of timber.

10.  Smoking is one of
the (main/chief) causes of lung cancer.


A.   Use
the right forms of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences.

 Louisa finished the fugue, then played the
siciliana, and all the way through she (1.keep) watching the cat on the sofa.
The final proof for her that the animal (2.listen) came at the end, when the
music (3.stop). It (4.blink), (5.stire) itself a little, (6.stretch) a leg, (7
take) a quick glance round the room, then (8.look ) expectantly in her
direction. It was precisely the way a concert-goer (9.react) when the music
momentarily releases him in the pause between two movements of a symphony. The
behaviour was so thoroughly human it (10.give) her a queer agitated feeling in
the chest.


A.   1
F 2T 3T 4 F 5 F 6 F

B.    1.  used them where they could not be seen

2.  to stand on a platform with steps leading up to it from any

3. to be  surrounded on all sides by colonnades

4. did not try to make any radical changes

5. to achieve greater perfection within the limits of his chosen


A.   1
on 2. back 3.upon 4.out 5.back 6 through 7.on 8. away 9.out 10 through

B.    1.fetch
2.brought 3.weeping 4.sob 5.labour 6.toil 7.customer 8. Client 9.main 10 chief


you visited; have been


you arrive


were watching; came

don’t know

has been raining; stops

is being built; will be finished

is going

came; had already left.

B. 1 – E             

2 — G

3 – A

4 – I

5 – J

6 – C

7 – D

8 – B

9 – F

10 – H


Choose the right word from the words in brackets and put it in the gap.
1. Excuse me, officer, _____ (could/may) you tell me how to get to the station?
2. _____ (Couldn’t/Can’t) you read? Look at the notice; it says: ‘FOOD _____
3. _____ (Could/May) you phone Jenny about tomorrow’s meeting? – I _____ (may
not/can’t/couldn’t) phone her because she has lost her mobile.
4. _____ (May/Could) someone help me? – What _____ (may/can) I do to help
you? – We need to move the chairs and to clean this room. Can you help? – I’m
afraid I _____ (may not/can’t) move the chairs because of my bad back.
5. _____ (May/Could) you give me one of these forms, please?


  1. Excuse me, officer, could you tell me how to get to the station?
  2. Can’t you read? Look at the notice; it says: ‘FOOD MAY NOT BE EATEN IN THIS WAITING ROOM.’
  3. Could you phone Jenny about tomorrow’s meeting? – I can’t phone her because she has lost her mobile.
  4. Could someone help me? – What can I do to help you? – We need to move the chairs and to clean this room. Can you help? – I’m afraid I can’t move the chairs because of my bad back.
  5. Could you give me one of these forms, please?


  • Can = могу в плане возможности
  • Could = вежливая просьба
  • May = могу в плане разрешения

1. Excuse me, officer, could you tell me how to get to the station? (Простите, офицер, не могли бы вы подсказать мне, как добраться до станции?)

  • Вежливая просьба подсказать дорогу ⇒ could.

2. Can’t you read? Look at the notice; it says: ‘FOOD MAY NOT BE EATEN IN THIS WAITING ROOM.’ (Вы что, читать не умеете? Посмотрите на объявление. Там написано: «НЕЛЬЗЯ ЕСТЬ В ЗАЛЕ ОЖИДАНИЯ».)

  • Сначала речь идет о возможности (умении) читать ⇒ can’t.
  • Потом речь идет о запрете (неразрешении) есть ⇒ may.

3. Could you phone Jenny about tomorrow’s meeting? – I can’t phone her because she has lost her mobile. (Не могли бы вы позвонить Дженни по поводу завтрашней встречи? – Я не могу позвонить ей, потому что она потеряла свой телефон.)

  • Сначала вежливо просят позвонить ⇒ could.
  • Потом отвечают, что позвонить нет возможности ⇒ can’t.

4. Could someone help me? – What can I do to help you? – We need to move the chairs and to clean this room. Can you help? – I’m afraid I can’t move the chairs because of my bad back. (Кто-нибудь может мне помочь? – Что я могу сделать? – Нам надо пододвинуть стулья и убрать комнату. – Боюсь, я не могу двигать стулья из-за больной спины.)

  • Сначала вежливая просьба помочь ⇒ could.
  • Затем спрашивают, что можно (возможно) сделать ⇒ can.
  • Потом говорят, что двигать стулья нет возможности из-за больной спины ⇒ can’t.

5. Could you give me one of these forms, please? (Можете, пожалуйста, дать мне одну из этих форм?)

  • Вежливая просьба дать одну из форм ⇒ could.


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