Choose the right word its their problem not ours

  • 0

Choose the right word.
1.It’stheir/theirs problem, not our/ours.Their and ours are right
2.This is a nice camera. Is it your/yours?
3.That’s not my/mine umbrella. My/mine is black.
4.Whose books are these? Your/yours or my/mine?
5.Catherine is going out with her/hers friends this evening.

  • Комментариев (0)

  • 0

1 ours
2 yours
3 my, mine  4 yours , mine  5 her

  • Комментариев (0)

  • 0

1. Their Ours

2. Yours

3. my Mine

4. Yours mine

5. her

  • Комментариев (0)

Выберите правильный вариант.

1. It’s their / theirs problem, not our / ours.

2. This is a nice camera.

Is it your / yours?

3. That’s not my umbrella.

My / mine is black.

4. Whose books are these?

Your / yours or my / mine?

5. Catherine is going out with her / hers friends this evening.

6. My / mine room is bigger than her / hers.

7. They’ve got two children but I don’t know their / theirs names.

8. Can we use your washing machine?

Our / Ours is broken.

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Выберите правильный вариант.
1. It’s their/theirs problem, not our/ours.
2. This is a nice camera. Is it your/yours?
3. That’s not my umbrella. My/mine is black.
4. Whose books are these? Your/yours or my/mine?
5. Catherine is going out with her/hers friends this evening.
6. My/mine room is bigger than her/hers.
7. They’ve got two children but I don’t know their/theirs names.
8. Can we use your washing machine? Our/Ours is broken

1 ответ:



1 Their, ours
2 Yours
3 My
4 Yours, mine
5 Her
6 My, hers
7 Their
8 Our

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Have bought, has gone, have you seen, has broken, have told, has taken, have not seen, has she gone, have forgotten, has invited, have you decided, have not told, have read. 

2)is building
3)are choosing
5)неправильно написали

1 My brother likeS
2 Does Jessica speaK….
3 Where Den liveS…
4 Does the lesson start…
5 Sam Doesn t …
6 Who did…
7 His holidays…
8 Who did  teach you…
9 Where does your sister..
10Diana doesn t 

2. of, to
3. to
4. on
5. with, in
6. with, on
7. about
8. for
9. with
10. for



Вопрос по английскому языку:

Упражнение 5. Выберите из подчёркнутых слов правильные притяжательные местоимения.

Is this yours / your daughter?
It’s theirs / their problem, not our/ours.
It’s a good idea of your / yours to go to the bar tonight.
Are these her / hers shoes?
We’re going swimming with some friends of our/ours.
Is it yours / your article about spiders? -No, it’s not my / mine.
We know their / theirs address but they don’t know our / ours.
That’s not my / mine wallet. Mine / my is black.
His cottage is bigger than her / hers but her / hers is nicer.
My / mine parents live in Vitebsk region, and your / yours?
Упражнение 2. What is Molly Adamauer saying? Add my, your, his, her, our or their.

____ first name is Molly. ____family name is Adamauer. What about you? What’s ____ first name? And what’s ____ family name? I’m married. You can see ___ husband in the picture. ____ name is Aisek. We’ve got one son and one daughter. ____ son is 21. ___ name is Nickolas. _____ daughter is 24. _____ name is Emy. Emy is married. ____ husband’s name is Bred. Emy and Bred have got two children. _____ names are Kevin and Evi.

Трудности с пониманием предмета? Готовишься к экзаменам, ОГЭ или ЕГЭ?

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Ответы и объяснения 1



Ex.1. Is this your daughter?
It’s their problem, not ours.
It’s a good idea of yours to go to the bar tonight.
Are these her shoes?
We’re going swimming with some friends of ours.
Is it  your article about spiders? -No, it’s not  mine.
We know their address but they don’t know  ours.
That’s not my wallet. Mine is black.
His cottage is bigger than hers but hers is nicer.
My  parents live in Vitebsk region, and  yours?

Ex.2. My first name is Molly. My family name is Adamauer. What about you? What’s your first name? And what’s your family name? I’m married. You can see my husband in the picture. His name is Aisek. We’ve got one son and one daughter.Our son is 21. His name is Nickolas. Our daughter is 24. Her name is Emy. Emy is married. Her husband’s name is Bred. Emy and Bred have got two children.Their  names are Kevin and Evi.

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  • Писать без грамматических, орфографических и
    пунктуационных ошибок.

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  • Копировать ответы со сторонних ресурсов. Хорошо ценятся
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  • Отвечать не по сути: «Подумай сам(а)», «Легкотня», «Не
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  • Использовать мат — это неуважительно по отношению к

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Найдите правильный ответ на вопрос ✅ «Выберите нужное притяжательное местоимение. 1. Is this (you/yours) umbrella? 2. Its (their/theirs) problem, not (our/ours).3. Is this …» по предмету 📘 Английский язык, а если вы сомневаетесь в правильности ответов или ответ отсутствует, то попробуйте воспользоваться умным поиском на сайте и найти ответы на похожие вопросы.

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Главная » Английский язык » Выберите нужное притяжательное местоимение. 1. Is this (you/yours) umbrella? 2. Its (their/theirs) problem, not (our/ours).3. Is this camera (your/yours) ?4. (My/mine) room is bigger than (her/hers), but (her/hers) is nicer. 5.

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