Choose the right word in appropriate forms to complete the sentences join or unite

The newspaper article deals with the current economic situation in the country.

We’re learning to play a new game. Would you like to join in?

Nowadays more and more young people are getting interested in politics.

United by the noble aim of defending their country they became more powerful than ever.

The new generation of washing machines is supposed to be extremely economical.

His policy is rather liberal, especially on the problem of divorce.

By the end of the summer the two banks of the river were joined by a new bridge.

Time has come for us to develop a new policy for our company.

At hard times people need to unite behind a real leader.

During the crisis a lot of people joined the army of the unemployed.

Form 9 Unit 2


I. Use past simple or past progressive to complete the sentences.

1. We (walk) along the street when suddenly we (see) David. He (drive) a brand-new Chevrolet. 2. Mum

(sit) in the armchair for half an hour and then (fall) asleep. 3. Sarah told me she couldn’t recognise Steve.

He (be) very shy. 4. She (take) Andrew with her to show him what the club (be) like. 5. For some minutes

we (walk) in silence, then suddenly Mary (begin) laughing. 6. It (rain) all day yesterday. 7. It was early

spring. The sun (shine) in the blue sky, the trees (get) green and the birds (sing) songs. 8. Whenever I met

June she (talk) constantly about her illnesses. 9. When I (enter) the room Grandma (sit) in the armchair. 10.

Something was wrong. Ann (be) so quiet!

II. Use a, the or zero article to complete the sentences.

1. Jane, dear, there’s ___ Mr Davis wishing to speak with you on the phone. 2. ___ Uncle Jack often invites

us to his country house. 3. We were quite surprised to find ___ genuine Repin in that small picture gallery.

4. ___ poor Lizzy was left behind when the whole family went to the circus. 5. I’m proud of you: you have

acted as ___ true Davidson. 6. ___ sweet Ann never raises her voice at people.

III. Insert in, on, as, like to complete the sentences.

1. He really gets on my nerves. I can’t stand people ___ him. 2. I can’t sleep ___ a train or ___ a bus. 3.

Ann failed her driving test, ___ we expected. 4. I like driving ___ a car when the streets are not very busy.

5. She looks beautiful — ___ a princess. 6. During the war this hospital was used ___ a hospital. 7. I hate

weather ___ this. 8. Some sports, such ___ motor-racing, can be dangerous.

IV. Choose the right word in appropriate forms to complete the sentences.

1. In those days most of the party (joinunite) behind the leader. 2. During the strike the workers (joinunite)

in asking for a pay increase for everyone. 3. The accident happened just outside Philadelphia where the

two roads (joinunite). 4. What (joinunite) them was their love for art. 5. Our (policypolitics) here is to

employ only qualified staff. 6. The government is busy working out a new (policypolitics) on immigration.

7. The guests could talk about nothing but (policypolitics). 8. The University runs a course in modern

(policypolitics). 9. The president spoke on television about the new (economiceconomical) programme.

10. An (economiceconomical) car doesn’t use much petrol.

V. Complete the sentences with the right words in appropriate form from the box.

1. The naughty boy ___ a stone at the little dog but his brother didn’t let him through it at the animal. 2. Mrs

Richardson ___ that estate from her grandparents. 3. They are absolutely ___ with the service given to

them. 4. He is a difficult man to ___ with. 5. The rose bushes are ___ in my garden. 6. That document is

really a great ___ . 7. The Adamses are a ___ family. 8. I know I shouldn’t have ___ your secret but

unfortunately I’ve done it. 9. The moon ___ from behind the clouds. 10. In case of ___ phone this number.

11. I decided to ___ myself to two pies or buns a day.

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Ответ дан

2 года назад

Английский язык


Помогите пж 11 класс очень надо
1.Complete the sentences. Use join or unite in the right tence form.


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2 года назад

Светило науки — 8 ответов — 0 раз оказано помощи


1. join

2. unite

3. join

4. untie

5. join

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Задать вопрос

Choose the appropriate words to complete the sentences.
1) That day Jane felt so sad she could (cry / smile). 2) The pupils (ended / finished) decorating the hall late in the afternoon. 3) Do you watch matches of your favourite football (crew / team) on television? 4) We are playing basketball in the gym, would you like to join (− / in)? 5) No one liked the dish, we thought it was rather (tasteful / tasteless). 6) In the evening the tourists ended (up / with) near one of the most beautiful cathedrals of the city. 7) When Tim was at school, he took part in (athlete / athletic) competitions. 8) You are the only person who can help me, (nobody / somebody) else can do it. 9) Taking other people’s things is a rather (dishonest / honest) thing to do. 10) We ended the concert (in / with) our new song.

ГДЗ Английский язык 8 класс (часть 1) Афанасьева. UNIT 1. Step 10. Номер №3


Перевод задания
Выберите подходящие слова, чтобы завершить предложения.
1) В тот день Джейн было так грустно, что она могла (плакать / улыбаться). 2) Ученики (закончили / закончили) украшение зала во второй половине дня. 3) Смотришь ли по телевизору матчи любимого футбола (экипажа / команды)? 4) Мы играем в баскетбол в тренажерном зале, не хотите ли присоединиться (− / in)? 5) Блюдо никому не понравилось, мы подумали, что оно скорее (со вкусом / безвкусно). 6) Вечером туристы остановились возле одного из красивейших соборов города. 7) Когда Тим учился в школе, он принимал участие в (легкоатлетических) соревнованиях. 8) Вы единственный человек, который может мне помочь, (никто / кто−то) другой не может это сделать. 9) Забирать чужие вещи − довольно (нечестный / честный) поступок. 10) Закончили концерт (в / с) нашей новой песней.

1) That day Jane felt so sad she could cry. 2) The pupils finished decorating the hall late in the afternoon. 3) Do you watch matches of your favourite football team on television? 4) We are playing basketball in the gym, would you like to join ? 5) No one liked the dish, we thought it was rather tasteless. 6) In the evening the tourists ended up near one of the most beautiful cathedrals of the city. 7) When Tim was at school, he took part in athletic competitions. 8) You are the only person who can help me, nobody else can do it. 9) Taking other people’s things is a rather dishonest thing to do. 10) We ended the concert with our new song.

Перевод ответа
1) В тот день Джейн было так грустно, что она могла заплакать. 2) Ученики закончили украшение зала во второй половине дня. 3) Ты смотришь по телевизору матчи любимой футбольной команды? 4) Мы играем в баскетбол в тренажерном зале, не хотите ли присоединиться? 5) Блюдо никому не понравилось, мы подумали, что оно весьма безвкусное. 6) Вечером туристы оказались возле одного из красивейших соборов города. 7) Когда Тим учился в школе, он принимал участие в легкоатлетических соревнованиях. 8) Вы единственный человек, который может мне помочь, никто другой не может это сделать. 9) Забирать чужие вещи − довольно нечестный поступок. 10) Мы закончили концерт нашей новой песней.

69 месяцев назад

police (is/are) here? Has anything happened? 2) I tried not to think about what (has/had) been done the day before. 3) Please don’t turn the television (up/down): it’s my favourite piece of music. 4) She was busy at that moment and did not hear what (had been discussed/was being discussed) in the talk show. 5) Don’t be afraid to keep your money in this bank. (It/They) will be safe here. 6) They are showing a new (serial/series) of programmes about the animal world. 7) Nobody knows what the film is like, it (was not/has not been) shot yet. 8) Mass media (is/are) very important in the life of every social community. 9) In my view it is (im-/in-)possible to spend all your free time in front of the TV or the computer. 10) I felt I was being spied (on/for) and I became frightened.


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