Choose the right word have you got some any

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Choose the right word and complete the text.
1 — a lot of
2 — some
3 — a lot of
4 — a few
5 — few
6 — any
7 — some
8 — some
9 — little
10 — a lot of
11 — a lot of
12 — a few
13 — few
14 — a lot of

Say the same in Russian.
1. Ты хотел бы немного масла на свой хлеб? Намажь хлеб маслом, дорогой.
2. В прошлую субботу у нас была прекрасная вечеринка. Сегодня день рождения Тома, давай отметим.
3. Пожалуйста, скажи, что ты думаешь. Я тоже хочу высказать свое мнение.
4. Я видел отличное шоу по телевизору. Покажи, пожалуйста, свою домашнюю работу.
5. Твоя поездка в Шотландию была интересной? Когда собираешься посетить Шотландию?
6. Отсюда долго идти до театра? Ты предпочитаешь ехать на автобусе или идти пешком?
7. Я обычно принимаю теплый душ вечером. Ты осыпаешь меня подарками.
8. Здесь часто идет дождь? Осенью у нас очень дождливая погода (много дождей).
1. Вы любите бананы? Это банановое мороженое? Я бы съел немного.
2. Москва — большой город. Где находится городской парк?
3. У вас есть помидоры и огурцы? Вам нравится салат из помидоров и огурцов?
4. У Смирновых большая семья. Это генеалогическое дерево семьи Смирновых.
5. В саду уютные скамейки. Это садовые скамейки.
6. На столе мало ветчины и нет сыра. Хочешь попробовать бутербродов с сыром и ветчиной?
7. Куда ты обычно ездишь на каникулы? Блэкпул — курортный город.
8. Папа сейчас дома? Санкт-Петербург — родной город Оли.

Choose the right word.
1. Have you got any friends in your class?
2. There is not much snow this year.
3. Do you read many books?
4. I saw some very good pictures in this gallery.
5. Few people know the names of all capitals in the world.
6. Are there any churches in your town?
7. I have very little time today.
8. Kate has some very interesting English books.
9. I can speak French a little.
10. We learn a lot of English words.
11. There are few restaurants in this town.
12. Are there many teachers in your school?
Make some new words. Use them in the sentences.
a) Joanne Rowling is a famous British writer, a lot of people read her Harry Potter books.
b) Ilya Repin is a famous Russian painter.
c) Do you know any famous swimmers? Yes, Dmitry Popov is one of them.
a) There are a lot of sandy beaches in the South of England.
b) The weather is hot but it is windy
c) The sky is not blue. It is cloudy.
a) Jane usually gets up early, but yesterday she got up late.
b) Mr Frost came into the room and looked at us coldly We understand that he was not a pleasant man.
c) Our new teacher greeted us warmly. We liked him very much.
a) There is some juice on the table.
b) My little cousin doesn’t like tomato soup.
c) Johnny ate a lot of chocolate yesterday.
a) I would like to place the dishes on the table.
b) Who usually waters the flowers in your garden?
c) My mother and I planted apple-trees yesterday.

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Выбери правильное слово и подчеркни его 1.

Ive got some / any water in the glass.

2. We haven t got some / any chairs ln the room.

3. Has he got some / any toys in his bedroom?

4. Have you got some / any sausages in the lunch box?

5. They ve got somy / any vegetables ib the fridge.

6. Can l have some / any pasta?

7. She hasnt got some / any flowers in her garden.

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Выберите правильный вариант
(Подчеркните нужное местоимение.)
1) I have got some/any rice.
2) They have got some/any fruit.
3) Have you got some/any pasta?
4) Has she got some/any sausages?
5) Have we got some/any Coke?

Остались вопросы?

Новые вопросы по предмету Математика

Пж помогите.
Choose the correct word.
1. Have you got a/any tissues?
2. Have you got an/any orange?
3. Have you got a/any key?
4. I`ve got a/some sweets?
5. I`ve got an/some apple.
6. I`ve got a/some hairbrush.
7. I haven`t got a/any mobile phone.
8. I haven`t got a/any money
9. I haven`t got a/any purse

Упражнения по грамматике.

Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные.

К учебнику 5 класса «New millennium English»

  1. Choose the right word (some/ any)

Have you got some/any chocolate in your lunch box?

My mother bought some/ any bottles of juice.

I haven’t got any/some meat in my fridge.

Have you got any/some water?

I haven’t got some/any mushrooms in my basket.

My little brother has some/ any milk for lunch.                                                                                                

  1. Choose the right word.

We have some banana/ bananas in the fridge.

We haven’t got any carrot/carrots in the basket.

I usually have an / some apple for lunch.

Is there some/ a cup of tea on the table?

Have you got any/ an orange in your lunch box?

There is some/ a cheese in my bag.

  1. Choose the right word ( is, are)

There …..(1.) a big packet of milk.

There …. (2.) some cheese on the plate.

There….. (3.) some eggs in my fridge.

There …. (4.) some milk in the bottle.

There …. (5.) an egg in my basket.

There …. (6.) some onions on the table.

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