Choose the right word from the ones given in brackets engineering appears

XXII. Choose the right word (or phrase) from those given in brackets to suit
the statement
1. Karl Benz produced the world’s first … in Germany in 1885,
2. In 1876 Alexander Graham Bell
, an American engineer, invented the …
and opened the world’s first
in Paris
4. In 1908 the US automobile manufacturer Henry Ford started the world’s
first …
5. Aldto Morita (Japan) developed the first personal stereo — …,
6, John Logie Baird from Scotland invented in 1926.
7. Wilbur and Orville Wright built the first … in 1903 (USA).
8. Sergel Korolyev (Russia) designed the first in 1957
9. In 1981 Bill Gates (USA) cretated the first
10. The Scottish scientist Wilmot developed the idea of … in 1997,
(airplane, mass production of cars, telephone, computer, television, cloning,
cinematography, artificial satellite, Sony Walkman, cinema, petrol-driven motor

Choose the right word from the words in brackets and put it in the gap.
1. Excuse me, officer, _____ (could/may) you tell me how to get to the station?
2. _____ (Couldn’t/Can’t) you read? Look at the notice; it says: ‘FOOD _____
3. _____ (Could/May) you phone Jenny about tomorrow’s meeting? – I _____ (may
not/can’t/couldn’t) phone her because she has lost her mobile.
4. _____ (May/Could) someone help me? – What _____ (may/can) I do to help
you? – We need to move the chairs and to clean this room. Can you help? – I’m
afraid I _____ (may not/can’t) move the chairs because of my bad back.
5. _____ (May/Could) you give me one of these forms, please?


  1. Excuse me, officer, could you tell me how to get to the station?
  2. Can’t you read? Look at the notice; it says: ‘FOOD MAY NOT BE EATEN IN THIS WAITING ROOM.’
  3. Could you phone Jenny about tomorrow’s meeting? – I can’t phone her because she has lost her mobile.
  4. Could someone help me? – What can I do to help you? – We need to move the chairs and to clean this room. Can you help? – I’m afraid I can’t move the chairs because of my bad back.
  5. Could you give me one of these forms, please?


  • Can = могу в плане возможности
  • Could = вежливая просьба
  • May = могу в плане разрешения

1. Excuse me, officer, could you tell me how to get to the station? (Простите, офицер, не могли бы вы подсказать мне, как добраться до станции?)

  • Вежливая просьба подсказать дорогу ⇒ could.

2. Can’t you read? Look at the notice; it says: ‘FOOD MAY NOT BE EATEN IN THIS WAITING ROOM.’ (Вы что, читать не умеете? Посмотрите на объявление. Там написано: «НЕЛЬЗЯ ЕСТЬ В ЗАЛЕ ОЖИДАНИЯ».)

  • Сначала речь идет о возможности (умении) читать ⇒ can’t.
  • Потом речь идет о запрете (неразрешении) есть ⇒ may.

3. Could you phone Jenny about tomorrow’s meeting? – I can’t phone her because she has lost her mobile. (Не могли бы вы позвонить Дженни по поводу завтрашней встречи? – Я не могу позвонить ей, потому что она потеряла свой телефон.)

  • Сначала вежливо просят позвонить ⇒ could.
  • Потом отвечают, что позвонить нет возможности ⇒ can’t.

4. Could someone help me? – What can I do to help you? – We need to move the chairs and to clean this room. Can you help? – I’m afraid I can’t move the chairs because of my bad back. (Кто-нибудь может мне помочь? – Что я могу сделать? – Нам надо пододвинуть стулья и убрать комнату. – Боюсь, я не могу двигать стулья из-за больной спины.)

  • Сначала вежливая просьба помочь ⇒ could.
  • Затем спрашивают, что можно (возможно) сделать ⇒ can.
  • Потом говорят, что двигать стулья нет возможности из-за больной спины ⇒ can’t.

5. Could you give me one of these forms, please? (Можете, пожалуйста, дать мне одну из этих форм?)

  • Вежливая просьба дать одну из форм ⇒ could.


Даю 60 баллов

1.documentary а) бульварная газета

2. to subscribe b) книга в бумажной обложке

3. subscription c) подписываться (на газету и др.)

4. tabloid d) документальный фильм

5. choice e) подписка

6. paperbacks f) колонка (в газете)

7. column g) выбор

8. channel h) трансляция, радиовещание

9. broadcasti) жестокий

10. current j) спутник

11. TV listings k) зрители

12. satellite l) доступный

13. violent m) развлечение

14. viewers n) реклама

15. available о) текущие события

16. weekly p) канал (на ТВ)

17. entertainment q) программа (передач)

18. commercial r) еженедельный

Exercise 2. Choose the right word from the given above.

1) The ……… said that there had been an earthquake in Chile.

2) According to the TV ……… there’s a thrilling film on Channel five at ten o’clock.

3) Have you seen the new …….. for soap with that funny dog?

4) Some people pay for …….. TV and they have a kind of dish on their roof to receive the signal from space.

5) You can receive hundreds of TV ……… if you have a …….. dish.

6) Journalists can make mistakes, so don’t believe everything you read in the …….

7) TV companies …….. theirprogrammes across the country or even across the world.

8) Books printed with soft covers are called …….. .

9) I’m quite interested in ……. affairs and watch the news every day.

10) Could you pass me the …….. so I can see what time the film starts?

Найди верный ответ на вопрос ✅ «Choose the right world from those in brackets 1. I have (a little, a few) free time 2. There are (few, little) badges in my collection yet …» по предмету 📙 Английский язык, а если ответа нет или никто не дал верного ответа, то воспользуйся поиском и попробуй найти ответ среди похожих вопросов.

Искать другие ответы

Новые вопросы по английскому языку

Главная » Английский язык » Choose the right world from those in brackets 1. I have (a little, a few) free time 2. There are (few, little) badges in my collection yet 3. There were (few, little) coins on the table 4. There is (a little, a few) soup in my plate. 5.

Срочно помогите пожалуйста /. Use the right word from those given in brackets:

. There is a . . . ‘m my study room, (table, kitchen, desk)

2. Is there any … in that room? (cooker, furniture, fridge)

3. There is no … in the house, it is cold in winter, (mirror, fireplace,

telephone) 4. Is there … in your kitchen? (hot water,

garage, computer) 5. There is no balcony in my … . (garden,

room, bathroom) 6. There are two large … in the sitting room.

(TV sets, wardrobes, windows) 7. Is there a … in your sitting

room? (bath, desk, TV set) 8. Wfe have a table and some… in the

dining room, (chairs, bookshelves, beds) 9. Have you any bookshelves

in your…? (kitchen, garden, study room) 10. They have

no … on Sunday, (visitors, teachers, students) 11. They have

two … near the fireplace, (beds, armchairs, tables) 12. … the

sofa he has a bookcase, (under, to the right of. over)

//. finish the following:

I. have four… in our new ….

How much is it? — Сколько это стоит ?


2. My wife has a lot of things on … in her bedroom.

3. They have no … in the sitting room.

4. She has … in her bedroom.

5. In front of the house there i s ….

6. There is … in his study room.

7. There are a lot of books….

8. They, have a garden behind their….

9. My bedroom faces ….

10. Our bedrooms are ….

11. When we get up in the morning we go to ….

12. If you want to make coffee go to ….

13. In the evening our father likes to watch TV in ….

14. In the corner of her room there is ….

15. Our flat is on ….

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