Choose the right word for each gap tastier newer the longest more beautiful

Выберите правильное слово для каждого пропуска. tastier newer the longest more beautiful longer nicer more interesting older the shortest big long 1. The giraffe has got a … neck. 2. What animal has got the … tail? 3. I think that, bananas аre … than oranges. 4. The elephant has got … ears. 5. The horse has got … tail than the pig. 6. The new doll is … than the old one. 7. I think that the book «Pinocchio» is … than «The Three Little Pigs». 8. There is no place … than home. 9. My grandpa is … than my grandma. 10. Kate’s toys are … than Jane’s.

Получи верный ответ на вопрос 🏆 «Выберите правильное слово для каждого пропуска. tastier newer the longest more beautiful longer nicer more interesting older the shortest …» по предмету 📕 Английский язык, используя встроенную систему поиска. Наша обширная база готовых ответов поможет тебе получить необходимые сведения!

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Главная » Английский язык » Выберите правильное слово для каждого пропуска. tastier newer the longest more beautiful longer nicer more interesting older the shortest big long 1. The giraffe has got a … neck. 2. What animal has got the … tail? 3. I think that, bananas аre ..

80 месяцев назад

older the shortest big long 1. The giraffe has got a … neck. 2. What animal has got the … tail? 3. I think that, bananas аre … than oranges. 4. The elephant has got … ears. 5. The horse has got … tail than the pig. 6. The new doll is… than the old one. 7. I think that the book «Pinocchio» is … than «The Three Little Pigs». 8. There is no place … than home. 9. My grandpa is … than my grandma. 10. Kate’s toys are … than Jane’s.


Будь первым, кто ответит на вопрос

Adjectives Degrees of Comparison


Degrees of Comparison

Adjectives Adjectives of Irregular Short adjectives ( 1 – 2 syllables ) 2 or more syllables forms good bad beautiful long short interesting difficult tasty happy clever Test


Adjectives of


Short adjectives

( 1 – 2 syllables )

2 or more syllables













Let's compare the  small + est Small + er Small

Let’s compare

the small + est

Small + er


 Small   smaller (than) the smallest Long longer (than) the longest Tall taller (than) the tallest   Short shorter (than) the shortest Cold colder (than) the coldest New newer (than) the newest

Small smaller (than) the smallest

Long longer (than) the longest

Tall taller (than) the tallest

Short shorter (than) the shortest

Cold colder (than) the coldest

New newer (than) the newest

Remember ! Big – big g er – the big g est Nic e – nicer – the nicest Happ y – happ i er – the happ i est



Bigbig g er – the big g est

Nic e – nicer – the nicest

Happ y – happ i er – the happ i est

Write the missing words Nice nicer the nicest smaller Small ________ the smallest the biggest Big bigger  ______________ Funny  ___________ _______________  funnier the funniest  Happy happier _________ ___________  the happiest  Clever the cleverest  _________  cleverer  _______________  Long ________ the longest longer  New the newest  ______ newer __________  ______ _______ the hottest  Hot hotter

Write the missing words

Nice nicer the nicest


Small ________ the smallest

the biggest

Big bigger ______________

Funny ___________ _______________

funnier the funniest

Happy happier

_________ ___________ the happiest

Clever the cleverest

_________ cleverer _______________

Long ________ the longest


New the newest

______ newer __________

______ _______ the hottest

Hot hotter

old er than …….  the  old est  of all I am 70 I am 58 I am 64 Bob Barbara Molly Molly is old Bob is old er  than  Molly Barbara is  the  old est  of all

old er than …….

the old est of all

I am


I am 58

I am 64




Molly is old

Bob is old er than Molly

Barbara is the old est of all

Agree or disagree  1. Monkeys are funnier than kittens 2. Dogs are cleverer than cats 3. Oranges are not tasty  4. The horse’s tail is longer than the bear’s 5. The dog’s ears are the biggest 6. I am taller than my mother  7. The crocodile has got the shortest tail

Agree or disagree

1. Monkeys are funnier than kittens

2. Dogs are cleverer than cats

3. Oranges are not tasty

4. The horse’s tail is longer than the bear’s

5. The dog’s ears are the biggest

6. I am taller than my mother

7. The crocodile has got the shortest tail

 Choose the right word for each gap long tastier longer cleverest older biggest  ni c e taller 1. The giraffe has a _____________ neck    2 . Russia is the ____________ country in the world 3. My father is ___________ than my mother 4. Monkey’s tail is ____________ than cat’s tail  5. My little brother is very ________ 6. I think that bananas are _____________ than oranges 7. I am ____________ than my sister 8. Bob is the ____________ pupil in the class

Choose the right word for each gap







ni c e


1. The giraffe has a _____________ neck

2 . Russia is the ____________ country in the world

3. My father is ___________ than my mother

4. Monkey’s tail is ____________ than cat’s tail

5. My little brother is very ________

6. I think that bananas are _____________ than oranges

7. I am ____________ than my sister

8. Bob is the ____________ pupil in the class

Compare these animals Use the words : small, big, long, short, strong A giraffe An elephant A tiger

Compare these animals

Use the words : small, big, long, short, strong

A giraffe

An elephant

A tiger

Start Compare these fruits Use the words: sweet, tasty, juicy A grapefruit A pear A banana


Compare these fruits

Use the words: sweet, tasty, juicy

A grapefruit

A pear

A banana

Let's compare more the most  beautiful beautiful beautiful

Let’s compare


the most




Write the missing words more interesting Interesting ___________ the most interesting Dangerous the most dangerous _______ more dangerous ___________  more difficult the most difficult Difficult ___________ ___________  more wonderful the most wonderful Wonderful ___________ ___________

Write the missing words

more interesting

Interesting ___________ the most interesting

Dangerous the most dangerous

_______ more dangerous ___________

more difficult the most difficult

Difficult ___________ ___________

more wonderful the most wonderful

Wonderful ___________ ___________

Make up your own sentences The book/the newspaper/the magazine (interesting) The newspaper is interesting. The magazine is more interesting than the newspaper . The book is the most interesting of all. 1. English/Russian/Chinese (difficult)  2. autumn/winter/summer (a beautiful season) 3. New Year’ Day/Christmas/birthday (a wonderful season) 4. tigers/wolves/snakes (dangerous animals) 5. The car/the flat/the TV set (expensive)

Make up your own sentences

The book/the newspaper/the magazine (interesting)

The newspaper is interesting.

The magazine is more interesting than the newspaper .

The book is the most interesting of all.

1. English/Russian/Chinese (difficult)

2. autumn/winter/summer (a beautiful season)

3. New Year’ Day/Christmas/birthday (a wonderful season)

4. tigers/wolves/snakes (dangerous animals)

5. The car/the flat/the TV set (expensive)

Start Compare these fairy tales Use the words: interesting, wonderful “ Little Red Hiding Hood” “ Cinderella” “ Snow White”


Compare these fairy tales

Use the words: interesting, wonderful

“ Little Red Hiding Hood”

“ Cinderella”

“ Snow White”

Start Remember ! Bad – worse – the worst Good – better – the best




Bad – worse – the worst

Good – better – the best

Test Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of adjectives 1. I think that parrots are the …………………… pets ( funny ) 2. Apples are ……………….. than pears ( tasty ) 3.Books are …………………..………. than films ( interesting ) 4. Winter is the ……………… season of the year ( cold ) 5. Ann is ………………………………. than Betty ( beautiful ) 6. The horse is ……………….. than the wolf ( big ) 7. Snakes are very ……………………….. ( dangerous ) 8. St .Petersburg is the ……………… city in the world ( good ) 9. Mary’s toys are …………….. than Ben’s toys ( new ) 10 The weather today is ……………….. than it was  yesterday ( bad )


Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of adjectives

1. I think that parrots are the …………………… pets ( funny )

2. Apples are ……………….. than pears ( tasty )

3.Books are …………………..………. than films ( interesting )

4. Winter is the ……………… season of the year ( cold )

5. Ann is ………………………………. than Betty ( beautiful )

6. The horse is ……………….. than the wolf ( big )

7. Snakes are very ……………………….. ( dangerous )

8. St .Petersburg is the ……………… city in the world ( good )

9. Mary’s toys are …………….. than Ben’s toys ( new )

10 The weather today is ……………….. than it was

yesterday ( bad )

Слайд 1

Adjectives Degrees of Comparison © Л.Б. Гмыря, учитель английского языка, МОУ СОШ № 72, 2007 г.

Слайд 2

Adjectives Short adjectives ( 1 – 2 syllables ) Adjectives of 2 or more syllables Irregular forms long short tasty happy clever beautiful interesting difficult good bad Test © Л.Б. Гмыря, учитель английского языка, МОУ СОШ № 72, 2007 г.

Слайд 3

Small Small + er the small + est Let’s compare © Л.Б. Гмыря, учитель английского языка, МОУ СОШ № 72, 2007 г.

Слайд 4

Small smaller (than) the smallest Long longer (than ) the longest Tall taller (than) the tallest Short shorter (than) the shortest Cold colder (than) the coldest New newer (than) the newest © Л.Б. Гмыря, учитель английского языка, МОУ СОШ № 72, 2007 г.

Слайд 5

Happ y – happ i er – the happ i est ! Big – big g er – the big g est Nic e – nicer – the nicest Remember © Л.Б. Гмыря, учитель английского языка, МОУ СОШ № 72, 2007 г.

Слайд 6

Nice nicer the nicest Small ________ the smallest Big bigger ______________ Funny ___________ _______________ _________ ___________ the happiest _________ cleverer _______________ Long ________ the longest ______ newer __________ ______ _______ the hottest smaller the biggest funnier the funniest Happy happier Clever the cleverest longer Hot hotter Write the missing words New the newest © Л.Б. Гмыря, учитель английского языка, МОУ СОШ № 72, 2007 г.

Слайд 7

old er than ……. I am 58 I am 64 I am 70 Molly Bob Barbara Molly is old Bob is old er than Molly Barbara is the old est of all the old est of all © Л.Б. Гмыря, учитель английского языка, МОУ СОШ № 72, 2007 г.

Слайд 8

1. Monkeys are funnier than kittens 2. Dogs are cleverer than cats 3. Oranges are not tasty 4. The horse’s tail is longer than the bear’s 5. The dog’s ears are the biggest 7 . The crocodile has got the shortest tail Agree or disagree 6 . I am taller than my mother © Л.Б. Гмыря, учитель английского языка, МОУ СОШ № 72, 2007 г.

Слайд 9

1. The giraffe has a _____________ neck 2 . Russia is the ____________ country in the world 3. My father is ___________ than my mother 4. Monkey’s tail is ____________ than cat’s tail 5. My little brother is very ________ 6. I think that bananas are _____________ than oranges 7. I am ____________ than my sister 8. Bob is the ____________ pupil in the class taller ni c e biggest older cleverest longer tastier long Choose the right word for each gap © Л.Б. Гмыря, учитель английского языка, МОУ СОШ № 72, 2007 г.

Слайд 10

Use the words : small, big, long, short, strong A giraffe An elephant A tiger Compare these animals © Л.Б. Гмыря, учитель английского языка, МОУ СОШ № 72, 2007 г.

Слайд 11

A pear A grapefruit A banana Compare these fruits Use the words: sweet, tasty, juicy Start © Л.Б. Гмыря, учитель английского языка, МОУ СОШ № 72, 2007 г.

Слайд 12

beautiful more beautiful the most beautiful Let’s compare © Л.Б. Гмыря, учитель английского языка, МОУ СОШ № 72, 2007 г.

Слайд 13

Interesting ___________ the most interesting _______ more dangerous ___________ Difficult ___________ ___________ Wonderful ___________ ___________ more interesting Dangerous the most dangerous more difficult the most difficult more wonderful the most wonderful Write the missing words © Л.Б. Гмыря, учитель английского языка, МОУ СОШ № 72, 2007 г.

Слайд 14

Make up your own sentences The magazine is more interesting than the newspaper . 1. English/Russian/Chinese (difficult) 2. autumn/winter/summer (a beautiful season) 3. New Year’ Day/Christmas/birthday (a wonderful season) 4. tigers/wolves/snakes (dangerous animals) 5. The car/the flat/the TV set (expensive) The book/the newspaper/the magazine (interesting) The newspaper is interesting. The book is the most interesting of all. © Л.Б. Гмыря, учитель английского языка, МОУ СОШ № 72, 2007 г.

Слайд 15

Use the words: interesting, wonderful Compare these fairy tales “ Cinderella” “ Snow White” “ Little Red Hiding Hood” Start © Л.Б. Гмыря, учитель английского языка, МОУ СОШ № 72, 2007 г.

Слайд 16

Remember Bad – worse – the worst Good – better – the best ! Start © Л.Б. Гмыря, учитель английского языка, МОУ СОШ № 72, 2007 г.

Слайд 17

Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of adjectives 1. I think that parrots are the …………………… pets ( funny ) 2. Apples are ……………….. than pears ( tasty ) 3.Books are …………………..………. than films ( interesting ) 4. Winter is the ……………… season of the year ( cold ) 5. Ann is ………………………………. than Betty ( beautiful ) 6. The horse is ……………….. than the wolf ( big ) 7. Snakes are very ……………………….. ( dangerous ) 8. St .Petersburg is the ……………… city in the world ( good ) 9. Mary’s toys are …………….. than Ben’s toys ( new ) 10 The weather today is ……………….. than it was yesterday ( bad ) Test © Л.Б. Гмыря, учитель английского языка, МОУ СОШ № 72, 2007 г.

Слайд 18

Compare these children Jack Tom Betty Sam Liz © Л.Б. Гмыря, учитель английского языка, МОУ СОШ № 72, 2007 г.


Choose the right word for each gap:tooth,women,child,woman,children,teeth,man. This ….. is an enginner. These ….. are workers. This …. is my mother. Those …. are my aunts. This … is four. He does not go to school. These …. go to school. The baby has got one … . My dog’s…. are big and white.

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