Choose the right word face countenance complexion she was

Vocabulary Practice


the right word:

face – countenance
— complexion:

She was a tall lady with dark hair, dark eyes and a pale forehead;
her … was grave.

The girl was thin and had a sharp, bird-like … .

His … expressed astonishment.

The lady praised the old gentleman’s bronzed … .

He looked so funny that I found it difficult to keep my … .

“He must have had bad news,” flashed through Arthur’s mind, as
he looked anxiously at Montanelli’s haggard … .

A fair … is typical of all the women of this clan.

– behaviour:

  1. His strange … on
    the road was discussed by everybody in the village and it was
    explained in many different ways.

  2. I don’t think that
    any one can approve of his … towards his aunt, he ought to be
    polite to her.

  3. You are old enough
    to know the rules of … .

  4. His … towards me
    shows that he does not like me.

  5. I cannot say that I
    approve of his … towards his parents, he ought to help the old

  6. At first David’s …
    at the theatre seemed funny to Agnes.

– awkward:

  1. He sprang to his
    feet in such a(n) … way that he overturned a chair.

  2. He was a
    heavily-built … fellow and the spacious room seemed too small for

– lean – slender:

  1. Arthur
    was a … little creature more like an Italian than an English lad.

  2. She
    is rather … in the face.

  3. His
    domed forehead, great moustache, … cheeks, and a long jaw were
    covered from the sunshine by an old brown Panama hat.

  4. The
    girl was not beautiful, her figure was too small and … .

  5. The
    fellow was as … as a rail.

  6. I
    saw a small … man with sunken cheeks weathered to a tan.

  7. She
    looks … after her illness.

  8. She
    was a … blue-eyed girl with thick golden plaits.


in prepositions if necessary:

  1. When
    I entered the room I heard somebody speak … a ringing voice. Such
    a voice is typical … young age.

  2. Your
    aunt looks young … her age.

  3. When
    she smiled two pretty dimples appeared … her cheeks.

  4. The
    newcomer was a short stout man, carefully dressed, … a round
    good-natured face.

  5. His
    thin face was dark and ended … a short beard that looked Spanish.

  6. Why
    are you shouting … top … your voice? Can you talk … a whisper?

  7. Jane
    was eleven years old, tall … her age and very dark.

  8. The
    girl has a pretty face … brave brown eyes. She is … medium
    height and has a slender figure. Her elder sister Pauline is quite
    different … her.

  9. Her
    lovely hair was done … a knot … the back … her head.

  10. I
    advise you to have your hair parted … the left side.

  11. She
    smiled as he told her of some popular actress … whom she reminded

  12. A
    spot … colour appeared … her high cheekbones.

  13. She
    dried her eyes … the back … her hand like a child.

  14. Her
    manner of talking reminds me … her father.

  15. She
    is so small that she must stand … tiptoe to reach the door bell.

  16. She
    was a big woman, bigger than my grandpa, … a long yellow wrinkled
    face. Her hair was parted … the middle.

  17. Bert
    was a pale-faced boy, fifteen years … age and about four feet nine
    inches … height.

  18. There
    was a startled almost terrified look … his face.

  19. The
    dreamy eyes deep blue … black lashes were an inheritance … his

  20. Although
    he was only fifty-five, he looked much older. Indeed he was too old
    … his age.

  21. Mr.
    Crook saw a friendly old gentleman … a grey goat-like beard and a
    kind smile.

  22. Her
    face was simultaneously marked … cruelty and misery.

  23. The
    man was tall and rather thin … black hair and a very intelligent

  24. I
    didn’t like the sad expression … the child’s face.

  25. Stick
    … your tongue, please. I want to see if it is furred.

  26. They
    spoke … very loud voices and I heard every single word.

  27. Two
    years ago she had to stand … tiptoe to reach the door bell.

  28. The
    father wanted his little daughter to take … her mother.

  29. When
    the boy was four his parents discovered that he had a good ear …
    music as he could sing quite difficult tunes … ear.

  30. The
    baby lay quietly … his nurse’s arms.


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Вставьте face, countenance, complexion


The girl was thin and had a sharp, bird — like .

. 2. His .

Expressed astonishment.

3. The lady praised the old gentleman’s bronzed .

. 4. He looked so fanny that I found it difficult to keep my .

. 5. He must have had bad news, flashed through Arthur’s mind, as he looked anxiously at Montanelli’s haggard .

. 6. A fair .

Is typical of all the women of his clan.

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Тест «Appearance and Character» по учебному пособию Т.Ю. Дроздовой

Начало теста:

  • <
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
  • 11
  • 12
  • 13

Choose a group of identical words

Варианты ответов:

  • posture, stooping, good-looking, feeble
  • light, halting, high, waist
  • large, small, strong, graceful
  • face, kind,body, attractive

Give Russian equivalents to the following: graceful figure, plump hands, sweet smile

Варианты ответов:

  • подтянутая фигура, пухлые руки, конфетная улыбка
  • хорошая фигура, толстые руки, сладкая улыбка
  • изящная фигура, пухлые руки, милая улыбка

Choose the right words: face, countenance, complexion 1)The girl was thin and had a sharp, bird-like……. 2)His … expressed astonishment. 3) A fair … is typical of all the women of his clan.

Варианты ответов:

  • countenance, face, complexion
  • countenance, face, face
  • complexion, countenance, complexion

Choose the right words: thin lean slender : 1) Through the …….. wall of the next room I could hear a child crying. 2) William compared Tina to a pale gold flower on a ………..stem. 3) The fellow was as …………. as a rail.

Варианты ответов:

  • slender, thin,thin
  • thin, slender, lean
  • lean, slender, lean

Choose the right words: The colonel’s face was cleanly shaven showing a bronzed …

Варианты ответов:

  • wavy
  • complection
  • handsome
  • thick

Choose the right words: Katrine was more beautiful than the rest. She was tall and dark and had a sweet face and fine eyes. Her figure was …

Варианты ответов:

  • face
  • voice
  • waist
  • shapely

Choose the right words: He was a tall elderly man, bronzed after his summer on the Black Sea with a thin… He wore a very neat suit of crean-coloured silk and no hat. His gray hair was cut very short, but was still …

Варианты ответов:

  • wavy, broad
  • complection, voice,
  • handsome, shapely
  • thick, face

Translate into English: сдерживаться/ владеть собой

Варианты ответов:

  • keep one’s temper
  • control one’s temper
  • hold one’s temper

Translate into English: дурной нрав

Варианты ответов:

  • ill nature
  • bed nature
  • out of temper

Complete these sentences: We got up so late this morning that we had to run to the station, and we just caught the train…….

Варианты ответов:

  • by the skin of our teeth
  • on the brain
  • pick your brains

Complete this sentences: I never know whether Sam is being serious or whether he’s…….

Варианты ответов:

  • see eye to eye
  • by the skin of our teeth
  • pulling my leg

Complete these sentences: James is very sensible – he certainly……….

Варианты ответов:

  • has a finger in every pie
  • has his head screwed on
  • sees eye to eye

Complete these sentences: I can’t forget this song – I’ve got it……..

Варианты ответов:

  • by the skin of our teeth
  • on the brain
  • by heart

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    часть тела).

    1. The upper part of a man’s body.
    2. The part of the face above the eyebrows.
    3. The part of the face between the nose and the ears.
    1. Choose the right word. (Выберите правильное слово).

    a) face b) countenance c) complexion

    1. She was a tall lady with dark hair, dark eyes, and a pale and large forehead; her………… was grave.

    2. The girl was thin and had a sharp, bird-like……..

    3. His……..expressed astonishment.

    4. The lady praised the old gentleman’s bronzed……

    5. He looked so funny that I found it difficult to keep my…..

    6. He must have had bad news, flashed through Arthur’s mind, as he looked anxiously at Montanelli’s haggard…..

    7. A fair….. is typical of all the women of this clan.

    III. Read and translate the passages. (Прочитайте и переведите текст)

    The colonel is a fine-looking man. His hair is white. So is his moustache. His face is cleanly shaven showing a bronzed complexion. The expression of his face is kind though firm.

    The colonel has three sons. Basil, the eldest of the boys, is seventeen years of age. He is a fine-looking lad though not handsome. He looks very brave and strong. His hair is straight and black. He is, in fact, the son of his father.

    How very unlike him is Lucien, the second of age. Lucien is delicate, with a light complexion and very fair hair. He is more like what his mother was, for she was a blonde. The colonel’s youngest son is a quick-witted, curly-haired boy- cheerful at all times.

    IV. Expand the situation introduced by the opening sentences. (Продолжите диалог, используя начало разговора)

    A: My favourite film star is Julia Roberts. She is a real beauty!

    B: Well, actually, I don’t think so.



    V. Fill in the blanks with the words given in brackets (Заполните пропуски словами данными в скобках ) :

    1. The colonel’s face was cleanly shaven showing a bronzed …….

    2. When I was 19 years old, I was a ……. .young man. I was not very tall and had a well-made…………….and a ………..chest. My hair was ………….and coal-black and eyes large and dark.

    3. The man’s dress was white and he wore a golden belt round his……….

    4. Katrine was more beautiful than the rest. She was tall and dark and had a sweet face and fine eyes. Her figure was……

    5. The newcomer was very tall, with a dark Spanish……., fine expressive black eyes and curly hair, also black. His well-formed nose, thin lips and his fine figure impressed the company with the idea of something uncommon.

    6. He was a tall elderly man, bronzed after his summer on the Black Sea with a thin ……. He wore a very neat suit of cream-coloured silk and no hat. His grey hair was cut very short, but was still ………….

    7. He tried to disguise his ……… while speaking over telephone, but I recognized him.

    (wavy, broad, figure, handsome, slender, complexion, voice, waist, thick, face)

    Variant II

    I. Give a word for the following definition. (Назовите часть тела).

    1. The part of the body from hand to the shoulder.
    2. The part of the body that connects the head and the shoulders.
    3. The end of the human arm.

    II. Choose the right word. (Выберите правильное слово).

    a) thin b) lean c) slender

    1. Arthur was a……. little creature more like an Italian than an English lad.

    2. She is rather……in the face.

    3. His domed forehead, great moustache, ……….cheeks, and long jaw were shaded from the sunshine by an old brown Panama hat.

    4. The girl was not beautiful, her figure was too small and…..

    5. The fellow was as … a rail.

    6. I saw a small……man with sunken cheeks weathered to a tan.

    7. She looks…..after her illness.

    III. Read and translate the passages. (Прочитайте и переведите текст)

    Among the passengers there were two who interested me very much. One, a man of about thirty, was one of the tallest men I ever saw. He had yellow hair, a thick yellow beard, a handsome face and large eyes. His face made me think of someone I had seen before but at the time I could not remember who it was. The big man’s name was Sir Henry Curtis.

    The other man was short, stout and dark. He was always very neat and clean-shaven; he always wore an eye-glass in his right eye, and he never took it out. At first I thought he even slept in it, but afterwards found that this was not so. He put it in his trousers pocket when he went to bed, together with his false teeth, of which he had two beautiful sets. ( H.R. Haggard)

    IV. Expand the situation introduced by the opening sentences. (Продолжите диалог, используя начало разговора)

    A: Who is that man I saw yesterday at the station among those seeing your brother off?

    B: I really don’t know whom you mean. What does he look like?

    A: ………………………………………………………


    V. Fill in the blanks with the words given in brackets (Заполните пропуски словами данными в скобках ) :

    Near the park I saw a man on horseback. I saw at once that he was a stranger. He was very tall, dressed in rich clothes, with a gold chain hanging about his …….and seemed to be about forty years old. His face was…..and…., the eyes were…..and……, the mouth was small with a cruel……on it, the forehead……and marked with a scar. The man’s complexion was……., his hair like my own was….. He had a beard and moustache. ( R. Haggard)

    ( wavy, dark, long, thin, large, shining, smile, neck, high, black)

    Эталоны ответов.

    Variant I

    1. head
    2. forehead
    3. eye
    1. b
    2. a
    3. a
    4. c
    5. b
    6. a
    7. c


    Полковник приятный мужчина. Его волосы белые. Также как и его усы. Его лицо чисто выбрито, показывающее бронзовый цвет лица. Выражение его лица доброе, хотя и твердое.

    У полковника 3 сына. Басил, старшему из сыновей 17 лет. Он приятный парень, хотя и некрасивый. Он выглядит очень храбрым сильным. Его волосы черные и прямые. Он действительно сын своего отца.

    Как не похож на него Люсьен, второй по возрасту. Люсьен деликатный, со светлым лицом и очень светлыми волосами. Он больше похож на свою покойную мать, так как она была блондинкой. Самый младший сын полковника сообразительный, курчавый мальчик — все время жизнерадостный.


    A: Why? She is tall and well – mannered.

    B: But her complexion is black and I like fair hair.


    1. complexion

    2. handsome, figure, broad, thick

    3. waist

    4. slender

    5. voice

    6. face, wavy

    7. face

    Variant II


    1. elbow
    2. neck
    3. finger


    1. c
    2. b
    3. a
    4. c
    5. a
    6. b
    7. a

    III. Read and translate the passages. (Прочитайте и переведите текст)

    Среди пассажиров было двое, которые меня сильно заинтересовали. Один, мужчина около 30 лет, один из самых высоких людей, которых я когда – либо видел. У него были желтые волосы, густая желтая борода, красивое лицо и большие глаза. Его лицо заставило меня думать о ком – то, кого я видел раньше, но в то же время я не мог вспомнить о ком.Имя большого человека было сэр Генри Кертис.

    Другой мужчина был низким, тучным и черным. Он был всегда очень аккуратным и чисто выбритым, он всегда носил монокль на правом глазу и он никогда его не снимал. Сначала я думал, что он даже спит в нем, но потом обнаружил, что это было не так. Он клал его в карман брюк, когда ложился спать, вместе с его вставной челюстью, для которой он имел два прекрасных местечка.


    A: He is a fine-looking lad though not handsome. His face is cleanly shaven showing a bronzed complexion.

    B: Oh! It was my uncle.


    neck, long, thin, black, large, smile, high, dark, wavy

    Контрольная работа №2 по теме 1.3. Межличностные отношения

    Variant I

    I. Answer these questions:

    1. What is your surname?

    2. Have you got a small or a large family?

    3. How many people are there in your family?

    4. How old are your parents?

    5. What does your father do for a living?

    6. Is your mother a housewife or does she work?

    7. Are there small children in your family?

    8. Have you got any sisters or brothers?

    II. Translate these words:

    внучка племянница мать ребенок

    мачеха свекровь дед дочь

    III. Read the definition and make up definitions of your own of the given words.

    e.g. My nephew is my sister’s or my brother’s son.

    my mother my grandfather

    my mother-in-law my grandson

    IV. Translate into English using the possessive case of the nouns:

    шляпа его дяди карандаш их внука

    пальто моей жены рубашка вашего племянника

    ботинки нашего сына стихи моего прадеда

    V. Распределите данные слова в 3 колонки как вы считаете верным. Объясните свой выбор.

    1) a date; 2) an uncle; 3) a playmate; 4) step relatives; 5) a boyfriend; 6) a nephew; 7) an acquaintance; 8) a lover; 9) a niece; 10) a wedding; 11)(grand) daughter; 12) a companion; 13) a spouse; 14) a divorce

    love friendship family

    Variant II

    I. Answer these questions:

    1. How old is your sister/brother?
    2. Is your sister/brother a pupil or a student?
    3. Your mother is a dentist, isn’t she?
    4. Have you got any aunts or uncles? Where do they live?
    5. You’ve got a lot of cousins, haven’t you? What do they do? Where do they live?
    6. How old are you?
    7. Are you married or single?

    II. Translate these words:

    внук племянник отец тетя

    отчим свекор бабушка сын

    III. Read the definition and make up definitions of your own of the given words.

    e.g. My nephew is my sister’s or my brother’s son.

    my sister-in-law my uncle

    my stepbrother my cousin

    IV. Translate into English using the possessive case of the nouns:

    сумка ее свекрови книги вашей мачехи

    комната моих родителей платье ее тети

    телефон его отчима костюм моего мужа

    V. Распределите данные слова в 3 колонки как вы считаете верным. Объясните свой выбор.

    1) a partner; 2) in – laws; 3) an aunt; 4) a colleague; 5) a comrade; 6) a son; 7) an engagement; 8) a sister; 9) a brother; 10) a (grand) mother; 11) a girlfriend; 12) a neighbor; 13) a classmate; 14) a (grand)father; 15) a marriage.

    love friendship family

    Эталоны ответов.

    Variant I


    1. My surname is Petrov.

    2. I have got a small family.

    3. There are 3 people in my family.

    4. My mother is 37. My father is 40.

    5. My father is a doctor.

    6. My mother works.

    7. No, there are not.

    8. No, I haven’t.


    Granddaughter, niece, mother, child, stepmother, mother-in-law, grandfather, daughter.


    1. My mother is my grandmother’s daughter.
    2. My grandfather is my grandmother’s son.
    3. My mother-in-law is my husband’s mother
    4. My grandson is my daughter’s son.


    His uncle’s hat

    There grandson’s pencil

    My wife’s coat

    Your nephew’s shirt

    My grandfather poems


    love friendship family
    1,5,8,10,13,14 3,7,12 2,4,6,9,11

    Variant II


    1. My brother is 4.
    2. My brother is not a pupil or a student.
    3. No, she is not.
    4. I have got 4 aunts and 1 uncles. They live in Bryansk.
    5. Yes, I have. They are students. They live in Bryansk.
    6. I am 17.
    7. I am single.


    Grandson, nephew, father, aunt, stepfather, father – in – law, grandmother, son


    1. My sister-in-law is my husband’s sister.
    2. My uncle is my father’s brother.
    3. My stepbrother is my stepmother’s son.
    4. My cousin is my aunt’s son.


    Her mother –in – law’s bag

    Your stepmother’s books.

    My parent’s room.

    Her aunt’s dress.

    His stepfather’s phone.

    My husband’s suit.


    love friendship family
    7,11,15 1,4,5,12,13 2,3,6,8,9,10,14

    Контрольная работа №3 по теме 1.5.« Спорт. Здоровье»

    Variant I

    1. Переведите следующие выражения и с одним из них составьте предложение:
    1. To be fit
    2. To attract attention
    3. To be popular with
    4. To go in for sports

    II. Соотнесите русские и английские слова.

    1. Gymnasium a. художественная гимнастика
    2. Facilities b. нечестный
    3. Calisthenics c. помещения, оборудование
    4. Unfair d. гребля
    5. Weightlifting e. спортивный зал
    6. Rowing f. поднятие штанги

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