Choose the right word a high level of modern helps people to solve many problems

1) Choose the proper words and fill in the blanks 1.

The scientists solve a .

Of complicated mathematical problems.

A origin В variety С universe D cell


The researchers always try to.

The facts.

A refer В measure С satisfy D unify 3.

Different kinds of sciences .

Each other.

A search В overlap С attempt D appear


. make our life and work easier.

A principles В laws С tools D facts


People had to get food, clothes, and .

A shelter В machines С cars D technologies


Science is .

Much to modern technology.

A doing В making С contributing D explaining 7.

Digital computers .

With numbers.

A deal В refer С solve D measure


Analog computers work with a physical.

. A weight В size С quantity О temperature 9.

Computers help .

For clues to the origin of the universe.

A search В solve С research D investigate


Many tasks performed by people are now done.


A among В between С of D by.

Вы зашли на страницу вопроса 1) Choose the proper words and fill in the blanks 1?, который относится к
категории Английский язык. По уровню сложности вопрос соответствует учебной
программе для учащихся 5 — 9 классов. В этой же категории вы найдете ответ
и на другие, похожие вопросы по теме, найти который можно с помощью
автоматической системы «умный поиск». Интересную информацию можно найти в
комментариях-ответах пользователей, с которыми есть обратная связь для
обсуждения темы. Если предложенные варианты ответов не удовлетворяют,
создайте свой вариант запроса в верхней строке.

Единичный выбор

Choose the right answer:

There were some weak trees growing on that … deserted land.





Выбор текста из выпадающего списка

Choose the right answer:

Modern people are used to have all the


The station was

so we had to wait for the next train.

I was bitten by a snake in my childhood so I have the

fear when I see them.

in some African countries cause a lot of deaths.

People in slums live in


The city

are going to meet people from the district.

Установление соответствий

Match the words with their definitions:

Сортировка элементов по категориям

Sort the words and expressions below into the correct column:

Types of buildings

Urbanisation problems

a shed

a lodge

a stable

terraced houses

a cottage




bad sanitation

Восстановление последовательности

Make up the sentences from the parts:













































Вычеркивание элементов текста

Cross out the false statements:

A shanty is a small untidy hut.

When you can buy something it’s affordable.

When people live in poverty they have no money for necessary things.

A slum is a lot of well-furnished houses.

A slum is a lot of well-furnished houses.

Выделение цветом

Highlight the adjectives:

shanty, slum, overcrowded, community, hut, worthless, poverty, conflict, prospect, vast, decent, affordable, malnutrition, sanitation, loan, authorities, permanent, amenity, dweller, urbanisation

Ввод с клавиатуры пропущенных элементов в тексте

Use the right words to complete the definition:

Everyone who lives in the area is called a

A probable future event is called a

When the quantity of food isn’t enough it’s called

When the thing is reasonably priced it’s called

A strong disagreement is called a

The conditions of health are called


Translate the words to solve the crossword:


Match the problem and the probable solution, then write down the problems:



Answer the questions to solve the crossword:



Translate the words to solve the crossword:

hoose the right word: a. conflict b. conservative c. peacefully d. separatists e. disagree f. reunion g. signs h. human i. wheelchair j. prevent k. discrimination l. tolerant
1. Old people are usually ____________than young people.
2. Are you planning to have a family _________________at Christmass?
3. People who are unable to walk use a _____________________
4. What mathematical ____________did you learn?
5. It listed 29 different ______________rights: protection against cruel punishment, ___________________against racism.
6. People must ____________war conflicts.
7. We must to be _____________ with each other.
8. Spanish ___________are very dangerous.
9. When people ______________with each other, they may have _____________.
10. We can resolve all conflicts ___________.

Task2. Use the words to form new words that fit in the same numbered space in the text.
1. I am more ______ on this point OPTIMIST
2. We need some ___________against religious discrimination. PROTECT
3. ________movements have caused a lot of serious military conflicts. SEPARATE
4.The constitiution guarantees the _______of people of different ethnic groups in the eyes of the law EQUAL
5. We should use all possible_________ means to resolve conflict. PEACE
6. All forms of war conflicts are ____________. HUMAN

Онлайн-тестыТестыИностранные языкиАнглийский язык (школьное обучение)вопросы421-435

421. Choose the right word: I’d like to ask you __________________ questions.
a few

422. Choose the right word: I’ll believe that when I __________________ it.

423. Choose the right word: I’m going for a walk. I need __________________ fresh air.

424. Choose the right word: I’m sure everything __________________ properly.
will be arranged

425. Choose the right word: I’ve read __________________ good books recently.

426. Choose the right word: If someone is not good enough you must get __________________ of them.

427. Choose the right word: If there is a romance in the group it may cause __________________.

428. Choose the right word: If you leave a guitar near a __________________ you may damage it.

429. Choose the right word: If you play the saxophone you need good __________________.

430. Choose the right word: If you want to reach the top you need to work __________________.

431. Choose the right word: In our classroom there are __________________ books on the floor.

432. Choose the right word: Is it a good __________________?

433. Choose the right word: Is there __________________ telephone there that you didn’t ring up?

434. Choose the right word: It is important to lift __________________.

435. Choose the right word: It’ll be our first really big __________________.

Английский язык 7 класс в формате ГИА: Модуль 5 — ОТВЕТЫ на тренировочные упражнения. Сборник дополнительных заданий в формате ГИА, компонент УМК «Английский в фокусе» для 7 класса.

Spotlight 7. Module 5


№ 1. Read the text and mark the statements True (T), False (F), Not Stated (NS).

  1. Hi-tech libraries look like electronic devices shops. ____ T
  2. All people prefer paper books to electronic versions. ___ F
  3. A number of hi-tech libraries were built in the USA. ___ NS
  4. There are no real books in hi-tech libraries. ___ T
  5. Bookless libraries are good because computers never break. ___ F
  6. The Texas library has more books (their electronic versions) than a traditional library. ____ F
  7. Some people prefer traditional libraries. ____ T
  8. Bookless libraries are becoming more popular in America. ____ NS

№ 2. Match the titles to the paragraphs of the text. One title is extra.


ОТВЕТЫ: A. 2;   B. 4;   C. 1;   D. 5;   E. — ;   F. 3

№ 3. Read the text and choose the right options to complete the sentences.

  1. Robots that the Japanese genius created look like ____.
    a) cars b) instruments c) people
  2. Practical robots give us more ____.
    a) money b) free time c) tasks
  3. A camera inside robots helps them to imitate people’s ____.
    a) actions b) behavior c) looks
  4. Psychologically people who have robots begin to ____ them.
    a) depend on b) be connected with c) dislike
  5. The Japanese professor used a robot himself to _____ instead of him.
    a) do the shopping b) work in the laboratory c) lecture
  6. The conference organisers who invited the Japanese professor ____ the twin robot.
    a) didn’t recognise b) preferred c) didn’t like
  7. The scientist worked out a robot that ____ like people.
    a) has feelings b) sings songs c) studies
  8. Unlike Europeans and Americans Japanese people believe that robots _______.
    a) can change the world
    b) are helpful and kind to people
    c) will rule the world

№ 4. Match the titles to the texts. One title is extra.

ОТВЕТЫ: A. 4;   B. 3;   C. 1;   D. -;   E. 2.

№ 5. Read the text and mark the statements True (T), False (F), Not Stated (NS).

  1. The toys at the show are always modern and technological. ____ T
  2. The Toy Show didn’t present any robotic pets. ____ F
  3. The Show presented toy robots that could help children to study. ____ NS
  4. Robot dogs were very interesting. ____ T
  5. Robotic fish looked unreal and didn’t interest visitors. ___ F
  6. The Smartpet was created by a Japanese scientist. ____ NS
  7. The Smartpet could show if it liked the owner’s behaviour. ____ T
  8. The Super robot is no more attractive for Japanese children. ____ F

№ 6. Read the text and choose the right options to complete the sentences.

  1. Heart Robot is called so because ______.
    a) he reacts emotionally
    b) he has a battery like a heart
    c) his heart really beats
  2. Heart Robot is ______ when somebody shouts at him.
    a) pleased b) displeased c) indifferent
  3. Heart Robot reacts to _____.
    a) his name b) a song c) a hug
  4. His heart beats quickly and his eyes look bigger when he is ____.
    a) frightened b) happy c) interested in something
  5. Heart Robot is designed by _____ scientists.
    a) Japanese b) American c) British
  6. The scientists designed Heart Robot to _____.
    a) make a new toy
    b) analyse people’s reaction
    c) make a film
  7. Heart Robot shows emotions but he can’t ____.
    a) move himself
    b) help about the house
    c) hug children
  8. Heart Robot proves that emotional robots have become ____.
    a) part of science fiction
    b) a reality
    c) film characters


№ 7. Read the text and choose the right options.

  1. a) for   b) of   c) about
  2. a) do   b) perform   c) create
  3. a) hide   b) show   c) protect
  4. a) good   b) beautiful   c) magical
  5. a) consumer   b) buyer   c) wearer
  6. a) for   b) to   c) from
  7. a) wizard   b) wizard’s   c) wizards
  8. a) operating   b) to operate   c) operate

№ 8. Read the text and fill in the gaps transforming capitalised words.

For the last three years, a group of (1) __lucky__ 8-10-year-olds have taken part in an (2) __exciting__ experiment: to see if replacing (3) __traditional__ pencil and paper with hi-tech (4) __interactive__ desks would help to improve (улучшить) their math skills!

400 students from North East Britain took part in the research project aimed at classroom (5) __learning__ through technology. The new type of desks allowed the (6) __teacher__ to give math problems to the students to solve solo or as a group. What was even cooler was that the (7) __educator__ could (8) __interactively__ give (9) __different__ problems to (10) __different__ groups and send one group’s answer to another, to see if they agreed.

№ 9. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the proper grammatical form of the capitalised words.

At home, robots can be as helpful as or even (1) __better__ than a human being. Early in the morning when we (2) __are still sleeping__, a small robot can (3) __bring__ us some coffee, even add some spices to the coffee. In the future many disabled people (4) __will have__ a domestic robot which (5) __will perform__ specific and detailed functions in order (6) __to help__ them. The future of robots (7) __is looking/looks__ bright. A new medical robot (8) __is making__ its way to hospitals around the world. This robot (9) __performed__ many surgeries last year, and the company (10) __is looking__ at about a 55% increase (увеличение) in its use next year. There (11) __is__ also a Dutch robot (12) __called__ the “TankPitstop” that (13) __fills__ the gas in people’s cars without any help. Samsung, an electronics company, (14) __is making__ a security robot that detects danger. Robots seem to give benefits to the world but there (15) __are__ negative elements about them, for example, people can lose jobs because of the robots.

№ 10. Read the text and fill in the gaps transforming capitalised words.

You will soon be able to create anything you want from thin air. All you will need is some (1) __creativity__ and the (2) __magical__ 3Doodler. it is the world’s first 3D printing pen. The device looks like a thick (3) __marker__. The (4) __user__ can create whatever he or she wants until of course, the plastic ink is spent. The (5) __inventors__ say that most people will be able to create 2D objects on paper very quickly. Not a natural born (6) __artist__? No (7) __worries__. The company is planning to add special kits. All the (8) __user__ has to do is print them, and then use the pen to turn it into a standing 3D object. Of course, school projects are not the only use for this (9) __amazing__ pen. They can be used to create glass art, make jewelry and the list goes on and on-restricted only, by your (10) __imagination__. And, if your 3D (11) __creation__ falls apart, the amazing 3Doodler can even be used to ‘glue’ it back together.

№ 11. Read the text and fill in the gaps transforming capitalised words.

No one really knows what the future holds, but the (1) __reality__now is that our urban spaces are (2) __overcrowded__ and polluted. The time is ripe, say experts, to start designing (3) __smarter__ urban environments. A network of (4) __sensors__ will provide data about how a city is performing. The Internet could provide new (5) __developments__: billboards that communicate with (6) __passers-by__. Technology companies believe that the (7) __cleverest__ cities will be those that are connected with the network. A future where robots are as common as cars and (8) __cheaper__- is on the way. Professor Ishiguro’s lecture about the (9) __possibilities__ for the (10) __relationship__ between humans and robots attracted a huge audience.

№ 12. Read the text and fill in the gaps transforming capitalised words.

(1) __teaching__ and (2) __learning__ in today’s schools can be quite challenging for (3) __teachers__ and students. Students learn a lot more at an (4) __earlier__ age than before. (5) __teachers__ are expected to use gadgets and digital electronic devices in the classroom. If you use gadgets at the lesson it (6) __will help__ to make the learning (7) __interesting__. Smart Boards, iPods, and Mimios are just a few of the gadgets that (8) __are improving__ the quality of (9) __education__. Students are looking for a high-tech experience in the classroom. Using gadgets will make (10) __understanding__ (11) __easier__.


№ 13. You’ve got an e-mail from your English pen friend. Write him/her what changes in your life you expect in twenty years.
Write 50 – 60 words.

№ 14. You’ve got a letter from your friend. Write her/him a letter and answer her/his three questions. What gadgets do you use? What for? Do they help you in your school life?
Write 50 – 60 words.

Вы смотрели: Английский язык 7 класс в формате ГИА: Модуль 5 — ОТВЕТЫ на тренировочные упражнения. Сборник дополнительных заданий в формате ГИА, компонент УМК «Английский в фокусе» для 7 класса.

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