Choose the reported word and turn the following into reported speech advised asked

Choose a reporting verb and turn the following from Direct into Reported speech.

(advised, asked, ordered, suggested, explained, warned, promised, begged, offered, refused)

1. «I think you should take more exercise,» the doctor said to me.
2. I will not answer your questions,’ the actor said to him.
3. «I really will phone this evening,» he said.
4. «Do you know where I’ve put my hat?» he said to her.
5. «What have you bought me for Christmas?» the little boy said to his parents.
6. «Go to your room now and do your homework,» the mother said to her son.
7. «You will be paid twice a month,» her boss said.
8. «Let’s go for a walk!» he said.
9. «Let’s play in the garden,» Ted said.
10. «Don’t go near the fire because it’s dangerous,» she said To Ben.
11. «I promise I’ll write to you as soon as I arrive, Mary,» said John
12. «Please, don’t shoot me!» he said to the robber.

Exercise №1. Give 3 forms of the following verbs:

Feed — fed — fed

Forgive — forgave — forgiven

Phone — phoned — phoned

Meet — met — met

Know — knew — known  

Think — thought — thought

Call — called — called

Live — lived — lived

Leave — left — left

Do — did — done

 Exercise №2. Give all tense forms (in Active Voice) of the following verbs:

Choose — I choose (Present Simple)

I chose. (Past Simple)

I shall choose. (Future)

I should choose.

He is choosing. (Present Continuous)

He was choosing.(Past Continuous)

He has chosen. (Present Perfect)

He had chosen. (Past Perfect)

They have been choosing. (Present perfect continuous)

We had been choosing. (Past perfect continuous)


He swims.(Present Simple)

She swam. (Past Simple)

We shall swim. (Future)

She is swimming. (Present Continuous)

We were swimming. (Past Continuous)

You have swum. (Present Perfect)

They had swum. (Past Perfect)

We have been swimming. (Present perfect Continuous)

I had been swimming. (Past Perfect Continuous)

Exercise №3.Choose the reported word and turn the following into Reported Speech: advised promised asked suggested refused ordered wondered

“I think you should take more exercise”, the doctor said to me. — The doctor advised me to take more exercise.

 “I will not answer your question!” the lawyer said to him. — The lawyer refused to answer his question.

“Do you know where I’ve put my hat?” he said to her.— He asked her if she knew where He had put his hat.

“Go to your room now and do your homework,” the mother said to her son. — The mother ordered her son to go to his room than and do his homework.

Exercise №4. Complete the sentences.

  1. He asked them what time they would come. 2. Mrs. Smith wondered if he would be in the party. 3. She wanted to know how much money they had.

Choose a reporting verb and turn the following from Direct into Reported speech.

Advised, asked, ordered, suggested, explained, warned, promised, begged, offered, refused.

1. “I think you should take more exercise, “ the doctoir said to me ( The doctor advised me to take more exercise).

2. “I will not answer your questions, » the actor said to him.

3. “I really will phone this evening, » he said.

4. “Do you know where I’ve put my hat?

» he said to her.

5. «What have you bought me for Christmas?

» the little boy said to his parents.

6. «Go to your room now and do your homework, » the mother said to her son.

7. “You wiil be paid twice a month her boss said.

8. «Would you like me to drive you into town?

» she said to me.

9. «Let’s go for a walk!

» he said.

10. “Please let me come with you, » she said to her mother.

11. “Let’s play in the garden, ” Ted said.

12. «The sun is bigger than the earth, » Mary said to the children.

13. «Don’th near the fire because it’s dangerous, » she said to Ben.

14. «Let’s have steak for dinner, » said June.

15. «I promise I’ll write to you as soon as l arrive, Mary, » said John.

16. “Please, don‘t shoot me!

» he said to the robber.

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62 месяца назад

№2. Give all tense forms (in Active Voice) of the following verbs: choose, swim. Exercise №3.Choose the reported word and turn the following into Reported Speech: advised promised asked suggested refused ordered wondered “I think you should take more exercise”, the doctor said to me. “I will not answer your question!” the lawyer said to him. “Do you know where I’ve put my hat?” he said to her. “Go to your room now and do your homework,”the mother said to her son. Exercise №4. Complete the sentences. 1. He asked them what time… 2. Mrs. Smith wondered if… 3. She wanted to know how much…


Будь первым, кто ответит на вопрос

Choose a reporting verb and turn the following from Direct into Reported speech.
advised, asked, ordered, suggested, explained, warned, promised, begged, offered, refused
1. «I think you should take more exercise,» the doctor said to me.
The doctor advised me to take more exercise
2. «I will not answer your questions,» the actor said to him.
. ……………………………………………………………………………………….
3. «I really will phone this evening,» he said. …………………………………
4. «Do you know where I’ve put my hat?» he said to her.
5. «What have you bought me for Christmas?» the little boy said to his parents.
6. «Go to your room now and do your homework,» the mother said to her son.
7. «You will be paid twice a month,» her boss said ……………………………………………………………………………,
8. «Would you like me to drive you into town?» she said to me.
9. «Let’s go for a walk!» he said……………………………………………………………………..
10. «Please let me come with you,» she said to her mother.
11. «Let’s play in the garden,»Ted said ……………………………………………………………………………………………,
12. «The sun is bigger than the earth,» Mary said to the children.
13. «Don’t go near the fire because it’s dangerous,» she said to Ben.
14. «Let’s have steak for dinner,» said June……………………………………………………
15. «I promise I’ll write to you as soon as I arrive, Mary,» said John……………………………………..
16. «Please, don’t shoot me!» he said to the robber. ………………………………………………….

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