Choose the proper word it was worse at home i couldn t it any more

1) вопрос
I (to write) a letter to my friend. (make a sentence in present continuous)
1)I are writing a letter to my friend.
2)I am writing a letter to my friend.
3)I am writ a letter to my friend.
4)I was writing a letter to my friend.
Have an impact on …
1)Получить предложение
2)Оказывать влияние на
3)Иметь предположение
4)Иметь все основания для чего-либо
He has to go to the dentist. (make a question)
1)Do he have to go to the dentist?
2)Does he haves to go to the dentist?
3)He haves to go to the dentist?
4)Does he have to go to the dentist?
В этом городе много старых зданий. (choose the right translation)
1)There are a lot of old buildings in this city.
2)There lot of old buildings in this city.
3)It have a lot of old buildings in this city.
4)They are a lot of old buildings in this city.
Choose the proper word: It was worse at home. I couldn’t _________ it any more.
Choose the right form of the verb: “Simon played tennis yesterday. He __________________ before.”.
1)wasn’t played
2)didn’t play
3)hasn’t played
4)hadn’t played
Choose the right word: How much did you pay for these boots? — They are not expensive. I paid ________.
Choose the right verb forms: Now she __________________ some problems at work.
2)is having
3)has been having
Choose an appropriate word: I will be __________________ if I get the answer in time.
Choose the right word: If you want to reach the top you need to work __________________.

Онлайн-тестыТестыИностранные языкиАнглийский язык (школьное обучение)вопросы46-60

46. Choose the proper word: Do you get __________________ well together?

47. Choose the proper word: Do you pay high __________________?

48. Choose the proper word: Don’t __________________, do as you are told.

49. Choose the proper word: Don’t worry about it, calm __________________.

50. Choose the proper word: Get __________________ touch with me as soon as you arrive.

51. Choose the proper word: He got in touch with an American College and did a correspondence __________________ with them.

52. Choose the proper word: He never married and stayed a __________________ all his life.

53. Choose the proper word: I can’t stand it any longer, I’m fed up __________________ it.

54. Choose the proper word: I had to sleep on the streets but I didn’t __________________.

55. Choose the proper word: I want them to stop bothering me but I have to keep a smile even if I’m angry.

56. Choose the proper word: I’ll keep my fingers crossed __________________ you.

57. Choose the proper word: In spite of the generation __________________ there were no problems in the family.

58. Choose the proper word: It is because __________________ work of this standard he has made about $ 9000.

59. Choose the proper word: It was worse at home. I couldn’t __________________ it any more.

60. Choose the proper word: Keep an eye __________________ him!

UCHEES.RU — помощь студентам и школьникам

В 18:13 поступил вопрос в раздел Английский язык, который вызвал затруднения у обучающегося.

Вопрос вызвавший трудности

Choose the proper word: It was worse at home. I couldn’t __________________ it any more.

Ответ подготовленный экспертами Учись.Ru

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    Работы, которые я готовлю для студентов, преподаватели всегда оценивают на отлично. Я занимаюсь написанием студенческих работ уже более 4-х лет. За это время, мне еще ни разу не возвращали выполненную работу на доработку! Если вы желаете заказать у меня помощь оставьте заявку на этом сайте. Ознакомиться с отзывами моих клиентов можно на этой странице.

    Карпова Капитолина Мэлоровна — автор студенческих работ, заработанная сумма за  прошлый месяц 68 700 рублей. Её работа началась с того, что она просто откликнулась на эту вакансию


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Зачтено оказывает услуги помощи студентам с 1999 года. За все время деятельности мы выполнили более 400 тысяч работ. Написанные нами работы все были успешно защищены и сданы. К настоящему моменту наши офисы работают в 40 городах.

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Список вопросов базы знаний

Английский язык (школьное обучение)

Вопрос id:985322

Choose appropriate replies to these: Goodbye, Peter.

?) I’m glad to see you.

?) I’m glad to meet you.

?) Nice to meet you.

?) It was nice meeting you.

Вопрос id:985323

Choose appropriate replies to these: Have you come to London for long?

?) Yes, I’ve just got back.

?) That would be nice.

?) I’ll probably stay here for a month.

?) With pleasure.

Вопрос id:985324

Choose appropriate replies to these: I am eighteen today.

?) You don’t say so.

?) Here you are.

?) You are welcome.

?) Congratulations.

Вопрос id:985325

Choose appropriate replies to these: I like science fiction very much.

?) So do I

?) So am I

?) So was I

?) So did I

Вопрос id:985326

Choose appropriate replies to these: Please, can you help me?

?) What can I do for you?

?) That’s O.K.

?) Don’t worry.

?) Yes, of course.

Вопрос id:985327

Choose appropriate replies to these: Thank you for a most enjoyable evening.

?) Don’t worry.

?) No trouble at all.

?) I’m glad you enjoyed it.

?) Never mind.

Вопрос id:985328

Choose appropriate replies to these: The music is a bit loud, isn’t it?

?) Thank you.

?) Never mind.

?) Can you turn it down?

?) You may turn it down if you like.

Вопрос id:985329

Choose appropriate replies to these: Will you see me off? — Of course.

?) It’s very kind of you.

?) Don’t mention it.

?) Please.

?) It’s a pleasure.

Вопрос id:985330

Choose appropriate replies to these: Would you like another cup of tea?

?) Of course, I do.

?) I’d love one.

?) No, I don’t.

?) It’s a pleasure.

Вопрос id:985331

Choose proper Russian equivalents for: He is often seen in the library.

?) —

?) Он часто ходит в библиотеку.

?) Его часто видят в библиотеке.

?) Он часто видит его в библиотеке.

Вопрос id:985332

Choose proper Russian equivalents for: He said that he preferred to spend his days off at home.

?) Он сказал, что предпочитал проводить свои выходные дни дома.

?) —

?) Он сказал, что предпочитает проводить свои выходные дни дома.

?) Он говорит, что предпочитал проводить свои выходные дни дома.

Вопрос id:985333

Choose proper Russian equivalents for: It is our district that he lives in.

?) —

?) Он живет в нашем районе.

?) Он живет как раз в нашем районе.

?) Это наш район, и мы в нем живем.

Вопрос id:985334

Choose proper Russian equivalents for: The beans have grown.

?) Бобы должны вырасти.

?) Бобы растут.

?) Бобы выросли.

?) —

Вопрос id:985335

Choose proper Russian equivalents for: There are a lot of interesting books in our library.

?) В нашей библиотеке много интересных книг.

?) —

?) Много интересных книг поступает в нашу библиотеку.

?) В нашей библиотеке можно прочитать много интересных книг.

Вопрос id:985336

Choose proper Russian equivalents for: They seem to be higher than the clouds.

?) Казалось, они были выше облаков.

?) Кажется, они выше облаков.

?) Им казалось, что они выше облаков.

?) —

Вопрос id:985337

Choose proper Russian equivalents for: This competition is much spoken about.

?) Поговорим об этом соревновании.

?) —

?) Об этом соревновании много говорят.

?) Надо много говорить об этом соревновании.

Вопрос id:985338

Choose proper Russian equivalents for: We knew nothing of the opinion he had.

?) —

?) У нас нет о нем никакого определенного мнения.

?) Мы ничего не знаем о том мнении, которое он имеет.

?) Мы ничего о нем не знаем.

Вопрос id:985339

Choose proper Russian equivalents for: We thought you entered the University.

?) Мы думали, что ты пойдешь в университет.

?) Мы думали, что ты поступишь в университет.

?) —

?) Мы думали, что ты поступил в университет.

Вопрос id:985340

Choose proper Russian equivalents for: You were listened to with great attention.

?) Вы слушаете с большим вниманием.

?) Вас слушают с большим вниманием.

?) —

?) Вас слушали с большим вниманием.

Вопрос id:985341

Choose the proper word: A flight attendant can get ___ on hotels.

?) presents

?) gifts

?) discount

?) prizes

Вопрос id:985342

Choose the proper word: A housewife ___ the house.

?) lives

?) looks

?) keeps

?) buys

Вопрос id:985343

Choose the proper word: A working mother usually hires a ___ for her child.

?) baby-sitter

?) teacher

?) grandmother

?) housewife

Вопрос id:985344

Choose the proper word: A working woman juggles a family and a ___

?) husband

?) career

?) house

?) home

Вопрос id:985345

Choose the proper word: Are a lot of people ___ work?

?) for

?) out of

?) behind

?) on

Вопрос id:985346

Choose the proper word: Can you stay here for ___?

?) cheap

?) freely

?) free

?) expensive

Вопрос id:985347

Choose the proper word: Divorced parents live ___

?) together

?) apart

?) without

?) alone

Вопрос id:985348

Choose the proper word: Do you get ___ well together?

Вопрос id:985349

Choose the proper word: Do you pay high ___?

?) payment

?) job

?) taxes

?) money

Вопрос id:985350

Choose the proper word: Don’t worry about it, calm ___

Вопрос id:985351

Choose the proper word: Don’t ___, do as you are told.

?) speak

?) tell

?) cry

?) argue

Вопрос id:985352

Choose the proper word: Get ___ touch with me as soon as you arrive.

Вопрос id:985353

Choose the proper word: He got in touch with an American College and did a correspondence ___ with them.

?) education

?) term

?) course

?) study

Вопрос id:985354

Choose the proper word: He never married and stayed a ___ all his life.

?) one

?) alone

?) unmarried

?) bachelor

Вопрос id:985355

Choose the proper word: I can’t stand it any longer, I’m fed up ___ it.

?) because of

?) of

?) from

?) with

Вопрос id:985356

Choose the proper word: I had to sleep on the streets but I didn’t ___

?) oppose

?) mind

?) argue

?) against

Вопрос id:985357

Choose the proper word: I want them to stop bothering me but I have to keep a smile even if I’m angry.

?) inside

?) outside

?) in my face

?) on my face

Вопрос id:985358

Choose the proper word: In spite of the generation ___ there were no problems in the family

?) gap

?) barrier

?) bar

?) difference

Вопрос id:985359

Choose the proper word: It is because ___ work of this standard he has made about $ 9000

Вопрос id:985360

Choose the proper word: It was worse at home. I couldn’t ___ it any more.

?) stand

?) care

?) have

?) feel

Вопрос id:985361

Choose the proper word: I’ll keep my fingers crossed ___ you.

?) of

?) on

?) for

?) behind

Вопрос id:985362

Choose the proper word: Keep an eye ___ him!

?) behind

?) about

?) after

?) on

Вопрос id:985363

Choose the proper word: Last year we were travelling ___ the Channel.

?) on

?) inside

?) across

?) in

Вопрос id:985364

Choose the proper word: My daughter never dreamed ___ receiving a letter from Holland.

Вопрос id:985365

Choose the proper word: My sister’s son is my ___

?) nephew

?) brother

?) niece

?) cousin

Вопрос id:985366

Choose the proper word: Oh, you’re pulling my ___!

?) hand

?) leg

?) arm

?) foot

Вопрос id:985367

Choose the proper word: She didn’t love him, it was a marriage of ___ on her part.

?) convenience

?) profit

?) friendship

?) luck

Вопрос id:985368

Choose the proper word: She never thought ___ it again.

Вопрос id:985369

Choose the proper word: Sometimes when I’m annoyed I want to ___ at them.

?) quarrel

?) talk

?) yell

?) speak

Вопрос id:985370

Choose the proper word: Soon he established ___ as one of the country troubleshooters.

?) a character

?) news

?) an idea

?) a reputation

Вопрос id:985371

Choose the proper word: Students in Britain and America prefer not to live ___ with their parents.

?) apart

?) under

?) in

?) on

Вопрос по английскому языку:

Variant-2I. Choose the correct word or phrase in each sentence.1. I think you had better / would better take a pullover with you.2. Sorry, I can’t stay any longer. I have to / might go.3. It’s a school rule, all the pupils have to / must wear a uniform.4. Let’s tell Anna. She could / might not know.5. Jones could / must be president if Smith has to resign.II. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains some of these modal verbs: can, could, must, have to or should (including negative forms):1. I’m sure that Brenda isn’t over thirty.2. What would you advise me to do?3. You needn’t come with me if you don’t want to.4. It’s possible for anyone to break into this house.5. The dentist will see you soon. I don’t think he’ll be long.III. Complete each sentence so that it contains might, might not, must, mustn’t, can’t or can. More than one answer may be possible.1. We’re not sure but we _________ go to Prague for Christmas this year.2. Bill cooked the lunch, so you _________ expect anything special!3. You really ________ start spending more time on your work.4. That’s really stupid idea! You _______-be serious, surely!5. You ________ realize it, but this is very important to me.6. Tell Mike he _________ take my book if he needs it.IV. Modal Verbs in the Past. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains can’t, might, must, should or needn’t.1. 1. I’m sure that David took your books by mistake.2. It was a mistake to park outside the police station.3. I’m sure that Liz hasn’t met Harry before.4. It was unnecessary for you to clean the floor.5. Heather possibly hasn’t left yet.6. I’m sure they haven’t eaten all the food. It’s not possible!7. Jack is supposed to have arrived half an hour ago.8. Perhaps Pam and Tom decided not to come.9. I think it was the cat that took the fish from the table!10. It was a waste of time worrying, after all!V. Correct any errors in these sentences. Some sentences are correct.1. It was funny that she should have remembered me.2. You mustn’t have been so unkind!3. I couldn’t have managed without you.4. I have no idea who it was, but I suppose it would have been Ann.5. Look, there’s $30 in my wallet. I shouldn’t have gone to the bank after all.VI. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given.1. Our worrying so much was a waste of time.needn’tWe ____________________________________________________ so much.2. It’s just not possible for the cat to have opened the fridge.possiblyThe cat __________________________________________________________ the fridge.3. It would have been possible for Helen to take us in her car.couldHelen ________________________________________________us a lift.4.It’s possible that the last person to leave didn’t lock the door.mightThe last person ____________________________________ the door unlocked.5. School uniform wasn’t compulsory at my school.wearWe ___________________________________ school uniform at my school.

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