Choose the proper word from the list below she spent most of her as a

Помогите пожалуйста!!!!!!!!
вставить слова:
occupation, profession, work, job, career, position, trade.

1. She spent most of her … as a teacher in Omsk.
2. Thousands of workers lost their … when the factory closed.
3. As wages were low, there were few applicants for the … .
4. Many students have no practical skill for doing hard … .
5. The … of the bank manager is still open.
6. He wasn’t happy about his .., he wanted to be President of the company.
7. Why is it important to find the right …?
8. The construction of the factory in the town created a lot of ….
9. She tried many occupations but finally chose the … of an accountant.
10. There are many … open to our University graduates.
11. Looking for a … is hard work.
12. What is your current … ?
13. Many job hunters send in their résumés and apply for the same … .
14. Is it possible to change … at your factory?
15. She is a tailor and she enjoys her … greatly.​

Задачи урока:

  • Обучающий аспект:
    • активизировать употребление
      лексико-грамматических структур;
    • формировать компетенцию речевого высказывания;
    • проконтролировать и закрепить лексику по теме
      “Выбор профессии”.
  • Развивающий аспект:
    • развивать навыки аудирования и диалогической
  • Воспитательный аспект:
    • содействовать профориентации учащихся;
    • развивать способность принимать
      самостоятельные решения в выборе профессии;
    • учить правильной самооценке своих способностей
      и интересов.

Предполагаемые формы и методы работы:

  • фронтальный опрос;
  • тестирование;
  • монологическая речь;
  • аудирование;
  • парная работа;
  • диалогическая речь.

– Good morning! You are ready for the lesson, so let’s start.
Today we go on working on one of the most essential and troublesome topic “Choosing a

I. But before we start I’d like you to solve a problem. You are the
boss of the company. You’ll have to hire one of the two employees. One of them is a very
efficient worker. The other is not. But he is your close relative. What would you do?

P1. If I were a boss I would never hire any of my relatives, instead
of a talented worker, because I wouldn’t start risking my business and I would offer
this job to the efficient employee.

P2. I am in two minds. On the one hand I would like to help my
relative, but on the other hand I wouldn’t like to run a risk.

P3 –––> P4

II. Good. Let’s pass to the next part of our lesson. At the previous
lesson you were given new words and word combinations on the topic “Career” and I want
to see whether you remembered them and see the difference between them.

Choose and fill in the proper word:

occupation – job – work – career – trade – vocation – position.

  1. Why is it important to choose the right…
  2. Looking for a … is hard…
  3. We finished the test and the teacher collected our…
  4. She spent most of her … as a teacher in London.
  5. He tried many … but finally he chose the …of a shoemaker.
  6. Thousands of workers lost their… when the factory closed.
  7. It had taken her several years before she realized that she had no … for teaching.
  8. What’s your current…?
  9. Indecisive people refuse to face the …problem.
  10. The … of bank manager is still open.
  11. The construction of the factory in the town created a lot of …
  12. There are many … open to the University graduates.

III. Now, paraphrase or give the definitions of the following phrases
and expressions.

a) – to follow in the footsteps of the parents.
P1. – to choose your parent’s profession.
b) – to explore the problem (the choice) from every angle.
P2. – to study the problem thoroughly.
c) – to go through the aptitude test.
P3. – to get to know your own abilities, to find out your strength,
d) – to be cut out for.
P4. – to be created for something.
P5. – to be suited for something.
e) – to be “a square peg in a round hole”.
P6. – not to be suitable for one’s profession.
f) – to evaluate oneself.
P7. – to estimate your personal qualities and inclinations.

– Good.

IV. Now I offer you a sentence making work. Try to use new words and
word combinations. Use the Conditionals and the structure should + infinitive. Translate
from Russian into English.

1. Важно, чтобы человек правильно
выбрал свою профессию.
2. Если бы она считала педагогику
(обучение) своим призванием, она бы поступила в
педагогический университет. Но она стала
3. Жаль, что ты не сделал карьеру в науке.
Ты был создан для этого.
4. Невероятно, чтобы ей нравилась
профессия учителя.
5. Если бы живопись была его призванием,
он стал бы художником, а не актером.
6. Родители настаивали, чтобы он выбрал
профессию врача. Если бы он стал врачом, он
сожалел бы об этой ошибке в будущем.
7. Жаль, что у него нет никакой
склонности к математике, он провалился на

V. Well done. You all understand that choosing a career is the problem
of vital necessity for many teenagers and most of them are afraid of facing the real
world. Now listen to the interview and be ready to discuss it.

“Facing the real world”

– Have you already begun developing your plans for the future?
– It is very difficult to give a definite answer right now. But every time I am asked
the question “What do you want to be?” I feel nervous. I usually never tell the truth
and say “I haven’t the slightest idea” and try to sound mysteriously.
– But why?
– That makes other people feel more nervous than me.
– Have you ever turned to your parents for advice?
– Oh. My mother is convinced that I should follow in the footsteps of my father and
become a lawyer. My granny thinks that I should find a nice wealthy man to marry. And my
father says “Just do what makes you happy”. My uncle encourages me by promising a job
in his company. Being child I wanted to be like a cashier in the supermarket with long
hair, blue eye shadows and long fingernail moving the cash. But my mother would say “You
are not suitable for the job like that. You are too smart”. It is very difficult to face
the real world after being spoonfed with knowledge at school. And the question “What do
you want to be?” never used to be threatening like now.
What if I choose the wrong thing and feel regret a mistake in future? Of course like
everyone I have some skills and interests and inclinations. But they seem to be
undeveloped and may not seem outstanding.
I realize that I should plan out the rest of my life and explore my choice from every
angle, but I have never thought more than six months ahead.
There is one thing I know I wouldn’t like to be “a square peg in a round hole”.

Questions for discussion:

1. What problems are involved in this interview?
2. Why is the girl afraid to enter the real world after being spoonfed
with knowledge at school.
3. What does the real world mean for her? And for you?
4. Why does her mother say that she is too smart to be a cashier?
5. Does it mean that a man doing a less prestigious work is a loser?
6. The girl doesn’t want to be a square peg in a round hole. Do you
know someone who is a square peg in a round hole?
7. What would you do if you were in the same situation? Give your piece
of advice.

P1. If I were in her situation I wouldn’t get lost trying to make a
quick decision. I would explore my choice from every angle before jumping into the work

P2. If I were in her shoes I wouldn’t turn to her parents for
advice, because they do not understand her, but I would speak to people I am familiar
with, inquiring about the occupations seem to me attractive, ask them about advantages and
disadvantages of the job. At least it would help me decide what professions I am not
suited for.

P3. If I were in her place I would start with myself. I would make a
list of my interests, talents, and abilities. And then I would try to find out where my
interest lie, and take them into account.

P4. As for me I …

VI. Nowadays many young people aim at getting prestigious, well-paid
jobs. More often they choose professions such as economist, manager, lawyer and
accountant. I want you to describe these jobs to the class.

P1. I think that the job of a manager is to motivate, coordinate and
control other workers. The profession needs the following qualities as: enterprise, the
ability to foresee, and to make decisions, analyze and risk. It needs the ability to keep
promises. The person should also be communicative and know how to handle people and direct
them effectively. He should know at least one foreign language.

P2. The job of an accountant is to apply the principles of accounting,
analyze financial information and prepare financial reports, balance sheet, profit and
loss statement, and other reports to summarize current and projected company financial
position, using calculator or computer.

P3 –––> P4 –––> P5

VII. Practice the dialogue in pairs, choosing the proper word and make
the dialogue of your own.

Susan is applying for a job at the personnel office of National Electronics.

A: Please have a seat, … (name).
B: Thank you.
A: Now, what kind of job are you interested in?
B: Well, I enjoy … (1) and I’m good at … (2).
A: Can you …(3)?
B: Yes, I can.
A: How about a job as a … (4)?
B: Well, that doesn’t sound very … (5). Is there anything else?
A: Would you like to work in the … (6)?
B: As a … (7)? Yes, I think I’d like that.
A: OK. Let’s think about that.

1. working with people
2. working under the pressure
3. operate a computer
4. secretary
5. interesting
6. customer relations department
7. customer service representative
office work
dealing with customers
work independently
sales clerk
sales department
sales representative
do accounting
financial section

VIII. Summary of the lesson. Home task.

«Мир профессий. Выбор профессии»

Методическая разработка урока

с использованием

информационно – компьютерных технологий

Выполнила: Нерубенко И.В.

Учитель английского языка


Белгород, 2011

Тема: «Choosing a profession»

Цель урока: обобщение и систематизация умений и навыков на основе монологических и диалогических высказываний по теме «Профессия»

Обучающий аспект: совершенствование коммуникативных умений; увеличение объёма знаний по теме; увеличение объёма используемых лексических единиц.

Развивающий аспект: Развитие навыков аудирования, диалогической речи и монологического высказывания по теме; развитие лексических и грамматических навыков; развитие воображения, умения высказывать свою точку зрения, личное отношение к поставленной проблеме; умения аргументировать своё высказывание, определить и сформулировать собственные пути решения проблемы.

Воспитательный аспект: воспитание нравственности, чувства трудолюбия, культуры общения в коллективной деятельности;

содействие профориентации учащихся; воспитание толерантного отношения друг к другу.

Оборудование: компьютер, экран, проектор, магнитофон, мяч, микрофон.

Ход урока

I. Greeting. Warm-up.

1) Saying compliments.

T: Hello, everybody. I’m glad to see you! How are you? I’m sure, that you are full of energy and ready to make our lesson interesting and rich. The subject of our lesson today is “Choosing a profession”. There are a lot of professions in the world, so it rather difficult to choose the right one. The choice of the future profession is a very delicate topic. A young boy or a girl has little knowledge about the world of grown-ups. They should take into consideration many factors. We are going to discuss various jobs, we’ll read the text and discuss some problems, we’ll listen to the interviews and presentations and make up short dialogues.

You know that people must be tolerant to each other, so let’s start with saying compliments.

(Учащиеся бросают друг другу мяч и говорят комплименты)

P1 – July, you look wonderful today!

P2 – Thanks, you are very kind. Nastya, your smile is so charming.

P3 – Thanks a lot. I’m pleased to hear that. This hairstyle is just right for you! Etc.

2) Brain storm.

T: And now I’d like you to solve a problem. You are the boss of the company. You’ll have to hire one of the two employees. One of them is a very efficient worker. The other is not. But he is your close relative. What would you do?

P1: If I were a boss I would never hire any of my relatives, instead of a talented worker, because I wouldn’t start risking my business and I would offer this job to the efficient employee.

P2: I am in two minds. On the one hand I would like to help my relative, but on the other hand I wouldn’t like to run a risk. (Р1 –Р2 …)

II. Speech skills

1) Cовершенствование лексических навыков говорения.

Good. Let’s pass to the next part of our lesson. At the previous lesson you were given new words and word combinations on the topic “Career” and I want to see whether you remembered them and see the difference between them. Answer my questions please.

T: What is a job?

P1: It’s what we do regularly to earn money, especially when you work for a company or for a person.

T: What is work?

P2: Work also means something you do to earn money or the place where you do it.

T: What is an occupation?

P3: An occupation is a more formal word than a job. This word is used in official forms.

T: What is a post?

P4: A post is an important job in accompany or in an organization.

T: What is a position?

P5: A position is usually used in advertisements and also means a jod. To find a position you should look in newspapers or Internet career sites.

T: What is a profession?

P6: A profession is an area of work such as law, medicine, or teaching, for which you need special training and education.

T: And now look at the screen, choose and fill in the proper word:

Occupation – job – work – career – trade – vocation – position – post — profession

1. I had a part-time … while I was at college (job)

2. Please, write your age, address, and … in the space below. (occupation)

3. We finished the test and the teacher collected our … (works)

4. She spent most of her … as a teacher in London. (career)

5. He tried many … but finally he chose the … of a shoemaker. (trades, profession)

6. Now there are a lot of women in the teaching … . (profession)

7. It had taken her several years before she realized that she had no … for teaching. (vocation)

8. What is your current … ? (occupation)

9. He was offered a … of Marketing Manager at Sony Corporation. (post)

10. The … of bank manager is still open. (position)

11. The construction of the factory in the town created a lot of … . (jobs)

12. There are many … open to the University graduates. (professions)

2) Совершенствование навыков аудирования

Watching and analyzing video interview.

T: Now, friends, let’s come over to more serious things. And I give the floor to our journalist.

P (journalist): You know, that choosing a profession is a topical problem for our school-leavers. I interviewed some students of the 11-th form about their plans for the future. Let’s listen to them.

T: And after listening our journalist will ask you some questions about your plans for the future.

(Учащиеся смотрят видеозапись, учащийся-журналист комментирует видео интервью)

3) Совершенствование навыков монологической речи

Speaking about plans for the future.

T: As you see our school-leavers have already decided what profession to choose. This year you are finishing school and I suppose you’ve made up your mind as to the future profession. Will you speak about it? But firstly I’d like you to remember the poem “I want to be”.

I Want to Be”

Some people often say to me:

Have you decided what you want to be?”

I usually answer, “I don’t know”,

But it isn’t really so.

I want to win an Olympic race,

I want to see the Earth from space,

I want to travel to Katmandu

I want to be rich and famous, too.

I want to be on Hollywood’s screen,

I want to invent a new machine,

I want to be very clever and wise,

I want to win the Nobel prize,

But most of all, I want to be

Healthy and strong, and nice.

T: And now our journalist will ask you some questions about your plans for the future.

P (J): What are you going to do after the 9th form?

P1: I haven’t decided yet, But I’d like to be a teacher. To teach and bring up children is the most important and noble thing, to my mind.

P (J): What are your plans for the future?

P2: There are a lot of interesting and useful professions, and I want to become a clothes designer. I want all people to be beautifully dressed and look nice and confident.

P3, P4 etc.

T: And now I know that some of our students have made presentations about their future professions. Let’s listen to them.

P1 – P2 – P3

T: And now let’s rest after your hard work.

What should we take into consideration while choosing a profession? Is character important? I think, yes. We’ll play a psychological game which is called “a hot chair”. The game is simple. One of you will sit down on the chair, the others will speak honestly about his (her) traits of character. Then our psychologist Alina will give her comments.

P1. Sits down on the “hot chair”.

Pupils speak in turn. E.g.

I think you are (sociable and communicative)

In my opinion you are (clever and generous)

You are …, but sometimes you are… . Etc.

(После того, как учащиеся высказались по поводу характера своего одноклассника, ученик, выступающий в роли психолога, дает совет о том, какую профессию следует выбрать учащемуся).

Psychologist: I would advise you to become a … because you are… .

T: Well done. And now make yourself comfortable, think about of some pleasant moments in your life and listen to a song.

III. Совершенствование навыков чтения и говорения

1) Reading and discussing problem question.

T: You all understand that choosing a career is the problem of vital necessity for many teenagers. You know there are highly-paid and low-paid, challenging and boring jobs. My job, for example, is not highly-paid, but it is extremely interesting Now I’d like you to read the text and then discuss the question: Which is more important – a high salary or satisfaction? What’s your opinion of the problem?

(Учащиеся читают текст и потом высказывают своё мнение по данной проблеме, в случае необходимости корректно перебивают друг друга и продолжают беседу)


  • Sorry for interrupting

  • I’m of a different opinion

  • I don’t think so

  • I fully agree with you

  • I have another point of view

  • To a certain extent you are right, but … etc.

2) Совершенствование навыков диалогической речи

T: Your home-work was to make up dialogues about your plans for the future, about jobs and occupation you enjoy. I’d like to listen to you.

(Учащиеся рассказывают диалоги по теме)

T: Thanks a lot.

IV. Cовершенствование навыков аудирования. Подготовка к ГИА.

Listening the text.

T: Let’s continue our lesson. Now you are going to listen an interview with the chef. After that you should choose the right variant. Youll see the task on the slide.

(Учащиеся слушают интервью в записи, затем выбирают правильные варианты ответов, которые представлены на слайде.)

V. Заключительный этап урока.

1) Conclusion.

T: Our lesson is coming to an end. Thank you very much for your work. I suppose our lesson was useful and helpful for you in choosing your future profession.

2) Home task: AB Lesson 7 p.103

3) Studentsmarks

VI. Reflection

P1: I’ve learnt …

P2: I’ve known …

P3: I felt …

T: I’m happy, that you liked our lesson. If you were comfortable to work with me it would mean you respect me and respect the profession of a teacher.

Writing a sinkwein poem.

Так как урок был посвящен выбору профессии, ребятам предлагается придумать синквейн о профессиях, например,

Doctor Teacher Actor

Caring, attentive Patient, delicate Creative, talented

Examines, treats, cures Helps, works, teaches Nervous, develops, acts

Helps people Loves children Makes different images

Satisfaction etc. Light Success

Sportsman Designer

Strong, disciplined extraordinary,

Wins, loses, hurts Creates, makes, designs

Trains hard Makes us happy

Victory Beautiful

Exercise 22. a) Choose the proper words from the list below: 1. Mr Hawk is not a very … person. He is a clerk. He is a … in an
office in London. He is a man … imagination. He is a dreamer.
2. Mr Baxter is a very important … . He is a manager and believer in
strict … . He is always …-dressed and punctual. Mr Baxter is a … of
great energy and he is very successful, but he is not very happy. He is …
little too ambitious. He would like to become an … .
3. Miss Clara Flight is a pretty … with a good figure and an interesting
face. She is … well-dressed. Miss Flight is a secretary in an … in
London. … is a hard-working girl. Clara is fond of … and films. She
would like to be a … star, and to visit Paris and … .
4. Mr Baxter … very well-off. He has a big … and a very nice house.
The car is new and very … . The house is … and comfortable, but it is
not new. It is Victorian House with all the … facilities installed: central
heating, gas, electricity and air-conditioning. Mr Baxter has (got) a …
in the house.
girl; with; modern; ambassador; always; clerk; expensive; a; Hollywood;
important; car; well; man; computer; film; she; large; office; person; music;
discipline; is

Exercise 22.

A) Choose the proper words from the list below : 1.

Mr Hawk is not a very … person.

He is a clerk.

He is a … in an office in London.

He is a man … imagination.

He is a dreamer.

2. Mr Baxter is a very important … .

He is a manager and believer in strict … .

He is always … — dressed and punctual.

Mr Baxter is a … of great energy and he is very successful, but he is not very happy.

He is … little too ambitious.

He would like to become an … .

3. Miss Clara Flight is a pretty … with a good figure and an interesting face.

She is … well — dressed.

Miss Flight is a secretary in an … in London.

… is a hard — working girl.

Clara is fond of … and films.

She would like to be a … star, and to visit Paris and … .

4. Mr Baxter … very well — off.

He has a big … and a very nice house.

The car is new and very … .

The house is … and comfortable, but it is not new.

It is Victorian House with all the … facilities installed : central heating, gas, electricity and air — conditioning.

Mr Baxter has (got) a … in the house.

Girl ; with ; modern ; ambassador ; always ; clerk ; expensive ; a ; Hollywood ; important ; car ; well ; man ; computer ; film ; she ; large ; office ; person ; music ; discipline ; is.

На этой странице сайта, в категории Английский язык размещен ответ на вопрос
Exercise 22?. По уровню сложности вопрос рассчитан на учащихся
5 — 9 классов. Чтобы получить дополнительную информацию по
интересующей теме, воспользуйтесь автоматическим поиском в этой же категории,
чтобы ознакомиться с ответами на похожие вопросы. В верхней части страницы
расположена кнопка, с помощью которой можно сформулировать новый вопрос,
который наиболее полно отвечает критериям поиска. Удобный интерфейс
позволяет обсудить интересующую тему с посетителями в комментариях.

Понравилась статья? Поделить с друзьями:
  • Choose the proper word from the list below dramatize the dialogue work in pairs receptionist
  • Choose the correct word to fill in the gaps lift raise
  • Choose the proper word from brackets
  • Choose the correct word to fill in the gaps job work a james wants
  • Choose the proper word do you pay high