Choose the proper word do you pay high

Онлайн-тестыТестыИностранные языкиАнглийский язык (школьное обучение)вопросы46-60

46. Choose the proper word: Do you get __________________ well together?

47. Choose the proper word: Do you pay high __________________?

48. Choose the proper word: Don’t __________________, do as you are told.

49. Choose the proper word: Don’t worry about it, calm __________________.

50. Choose the proper word: Get __________________ touch with me as soon as you arrive.

51. Choose the proper word: He got in touch with an American College and did a correspondence __________________ with them.

52. Choose the proper word: He never married and stayed a __________________ all his life.

53. Choose the proper word: I can’t stand it any longer, I’m fed up __________________ it.

54. Choose the proper word: I had to sleep on the streets but I didn’t __________________.

55. Choose the proper word: I want them to stop bothering me but I have to keep a smile even if I’m angry.

56. Choose the proper word: I’ll keep my fingers crossed __________________ you.

57. Choose the proper word: In spite of the generation __________________ there were no problems in the family.

58. Choose the proper word: It is because __________________ work of this standard he has made about $ 9000.

59. Choose the proper word: It was worse at home. I couldn’t __________________ it any more.

60. Choose the proper word: Keep an eye __________________ him!

Английский язык. 10 класс

Образец диплома «Английский язык. 10 класс»

Блиц-олимпиада состоит из 10 вопросов.
После прохождения олимпиады вы увидите количество набранных баллов. Каждый правильный ответ — 1 балл.

9-10 правильных ответов — 1 место
8 правильных ответов — 2 место
7 правильных ответов — 3 место
Менее 6 правильных ответов — Участник

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Данные, которые будут введены в заявке, будут использованы для оформления диплома в электронном виде.

Вопросов: 10 Максимальный балл: 10  

Вопрос № 1

Choose the correct variant.
Choose the proper word: Do you pay high ___?

Вопрос № 2

Choose the correct prefix
My spell checker corrects a mistake whenever I __spell a word
doesn’t say

Вопрос № 3

Choose the right word:
In our classroom there are __ books on the bookshelf.

Вопрос № 4

Choose the appropriate options to complete the sentence.
____ is a place where you buy medicine
a restaurant
a bookstore
a drugstore
a dance club

Вопрос № 5

Which is not a noun?

Вопрос № 6

Which is a desert?
Black Sea

Вопрос № 7

Which verb’s past and present forms are the same?

Вопрос № 8

Сhoose the right answer.
_______ are something which is used for cutting paper.

Вопрос № 9

Find an American writer.
Charles Dickens
Agatha Christie
Oscar Wilde

Вопрос № 10

I can`t get ___ with my sister.
doesn’t say

Количество баллов:

Процент решения:

Организатор конкурса — Всероссийское СМИ «Время Знаний»
Свидетельство о регистрации ЭЛ № ФС 77 — 63093 от 18.09.2015 г.,
выдано Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций.

 “The backbone” of America are __________________.
the Rocky Mountains

 British rule in India was established in __________________.

 Canada is situated in __________________.
North America

 Choose an appropriate word: British people __________________ to drink tea all the time.
are said

 Choose an appropriate word: He can’t __________________ those parties.

 Choose an appropriate word: How many __________________ is your brother studying?

 Choose an appropriate word: I am __________________ he is right.

 Choose an appropriate word: I am going to the hairdressers __________________.
to have my hair cut

 Choose an appropriate word: I found the film very __________________.

 Choose an appropriate word: I will be __________________ if I get the answer in time.

 Choose an appropriate word: Kate was __________________ at school because she always made people laugh.

 Choose an appropriate word: Sandra is very __________________.

 Choose an appropriate word: She __________________ that she had never been there before.
made out

 Choose an appropriate word: The study of __________________ can be very interesting.

 Choose an appropriate word: What time is the first __________________ of the film?

 Choose an appropriate word: Who __________________ you this story?

 Choose appropriate replies to these: Don’t start yet.
OK. I can wait

 Choose appropriate replies to these: Goodbye, Peter.
It was nice meeting you

 Choose appropriate replies to these: Have you come to London for long?
I’ll probably stay here for a month

 Choose appropriate replies to these: I am eighteen today.

 Choose appropriate replies to these: I like science fiction very much.
So do I

 Choose appropriate replies to these: Please, can you help me?
Yes, of course

 Choose appropriate replies to these: Thank you for a most enjoyable evening.
I’m glad you enjoyed it

 Choose appropriate replies to these: The music is a bit loud, isn’t it?
You may turn it down if you like

 Choose appropriate replies to these: Will you see me off? — Of course.
It’s very kind of you

 Choose appropriate replies to these: Would you like another cup of tea?
I’d love one

 Choose proper Russian equivalents for: He is often seen in the library.
Его часто видят в библиотеке

 Choose proper Russian equivalents for: He said that he preferred to spend his days off at home.
Он сказал, что предпочитает проводить свои выходные дни дома

 Choose proper Russian equivalents for: It is our district that he lives in.
Он живет как раз в нашем районе

 Choose proper Russian equivalents for: The beans have grown.
Бобы выросли

 Choose proper Russian equivalents for: There are a lot of interesting books in our library.
В нашей библиотеке много интересных книг

 Choose proper Russian equivalents for: They seem to be higher than the clouds.
Казалось, они были выше облаков

 Choose proper Russian equivalents for: This competition is much spoken about.
Об этом соревновании много говорят

 Choose proper Russian equivalents for: We knew nothing of the opinion he had.
Мы ничего не знаем о том мнении, которое он имеет

 Choose proper Russian equivalents for: We thought you entered the University.
Мы думали, что ты поступил в университет

 Choose proper Russian equivalents for: You were listened to with great attention.
Вас слушали с большим вниманием

 Choose the proper word: __________________ of the time it’s a great job.

 Choose the proper word: __________________ usually takes place from 6 to 12 months before the marriage.

 Choose the proper word: A flight attendant can get __________________ on hotels.

 Choose the proper word: A housewife __________________ the house.

 Choose the proper word: A working mother usually hires a __________________ for her child.

 Choose the proper word: A working woman juggles a family and a __________________.

 Choose the proper word: Are a lot of people __________________ work?
out of

 Choose the proper word: Can you stay here for __________________?

 Choose the proper word: Divorced parents live __________________.

 Choose the proper word: Do you get __________________ well together?

 Choose the proper word: Do you pay high __________________?

 Choose the proper word: Don’t __________________, do as you are told.

 Choose the proper word: Don’t worry about it, calm __________________.

 Choose the proper word: Get __________________ touch with me as soon as you arrive.

 Choose the proper word: He got in touch with an American College and did a correspondence __________________ with them.

 Choose the proper word: He never married and stayed a __________________ all his life.

 Choose the proper word: I can’t stand it any longer, I’m fed up __________________ it.

 Choose the proper word: I had to sleep on the streets but I didn’t __________________.

 Choose the proper word: I want them to stop bothering me but I have to keep a smile even if I’m angry.

 Choose the proper word: I’ll keep my fingers crossed __________________ you.

 Choose the proper word: In spite of the generation __________________ there were no problems in the family.

 Choose the proper word: It is because __________________ work of this standard he has made about $ 9000.

 Choose the proper word: It was worse at home. I couldn’t __________________ it any more.

 Choose the proper word: Keep an eye __________________ him!

 Choose the proper word: Last year we were travelling __________________ the Channel.

 Choose the proper word: My daughter never dreamed __________________ receiving a letter from Holland.

 Choose the proper word: My sister’s son is my __________________.

 Choose the proper word: Oh, you’re pulling my __________________!

 Choose the proper word: She didn’t love him, it was a marriage of __________________ on her part.

 Choose the proper word: She never thought __________________ it again.

 Choose the proper word: Sometimes when I’m annoyed I want to __________________ at them.

 Choose the proper word: Soon he established __________________ as one of the country troubleshooters.
a reputation

 Choose the proper word: Students in Britain and America prefer not to live __________________ with their parents.

 Choose the proper word: Teenagers spent a lot of time with their friends doing nothing special — just hanging __________________.

 Choose the proper word: Ten months later she received a letter __________________ a girl in Scotland.

 Choose the proper word: The girl ran __________________ from home.

 Choose the proper word: The majority of Americans work hard to make their __________________ meet.

 Choose the proper word: The most __________________ thing is when one passenger wants food, or a newspaper or to drink every 5 minutes.

 Choose the proper word: The son took __________________ his father.

 Choose the proper word: The teenager has just put $ 2000 __________________ the bank.

 Choose the proper word: They decided to __________________ a post-office.

 Choose the proper word: This sport requires __________________.

 Choose the proper word: We spent two hours on the road as the __________________ was really heavy then.

 Choose the proper word: What do you __________________ for a living?

 Choose the proper word: What is the __________________ situation in Britain?

 Choose the proper word: What is the weather __________________ for today?

 Choose the proper word: What is your marital __________________?

 Choose the proper word: When do we take __________________? Is there a delay?

 Choose the proper word: When is your gold wedding __________________?

 Choose the proper word: With the money he has bought more __________________.

 Choose the proper word: Without health __________________ people must pay for their healthcare expenses.

 Choose the right form of the verb: __________________ a foreigner she understood them with difficulty.

 Choose the right form of the verb: __________________ better he could speak more loudly.

 Choose the right form of the verb: __________________ he returned by Monday.
 Choose the right form of the verb: __________________ help he got quieter.
being promised

 Choose the right form of the verb: __________________ in the park the children didn’t notice that it got dark.

 Choose the right form of the verb: __________________ in very bad handwriting the letter was difficult to read.
having been written

 Choose the right form of the verb: __________________ into Russian, the book can be read in Russia now.
being translated

 Choose the right form of the verb: __________________ many years abroad he was happy to be back home.
having lived

 Choose the right form of the verb: __________________ she unpacked by the time the party was to begin?

 Choose the right form of the verb: __________________ so far away from home he still felt himself a part of the family.

 Choose the right form of the verb: __________________ the experiments they compared their results.
having finished

 Choose the right form of the verb: __________________ the room the detective found it empty.

 Choose the right form of the verb: __________________ they arrived by Tuesday?

 Choose the right form of the verb: “__________________ a cup of coffee she felt better.”.
having had

 Choose the right form of the verb: “__________________ afraid to fall in the dark, they felt their way about carefully.”.

 Choose the right form of the verb: “__________________ better, he spoke loudly.”.

 Choose the right form of the verb: “__________________ by the critics, the story was accepted by a thick magazine.”.
having been approved

 Choose the right form of the verb: “__________________ for some time in the drawing room he was invited to the hall.”.
having waited

 Choose the right form of the verb: “__________________ he didn’t hear me.”.
being busy

 Choose the right form of the verb: “__________________ in bad handwriting, the letter was difficult to read.”.
having been written

 Choose the right form of the verb: “__________________ my homework I’ll go for a walk.”.
having done

 Choose the right form of the verb: “__________________ on his coat he went out and looked at the cars passing by.”.
having put

 Choose the right form of the verb: “__________________ on the sofa he was reading the book.”.

 Choose the right form of the verb: “__________________ so far away from home she could not see her mother as often as she wanted to.”.

 Choose the right form of the verb: “__________________ some books by Ch. Dickens, he knew the writer very well.”.
having read

 Choose the right form of the verb: “__________________ ten years in France he was happy to be in Britain again.”.
having spent

 Choose the right form of the verb: “__________________ the book I’ll begin reading it at once.”.
having bought

 Choose the right form of the verb: “__________________ the club, he left saying he would be back at 9.”.
having phoned

 Choose the right form of the verb: “__________________ the man was, he was glad to talk to him.”.

 Choose the right form of the verb: “__________________ there long, he knew that the weather in England was changeable.”.
having lived

 Choose the right form of the verb: “__________________ this machine remember instructions.”.

 Choose the right form of the verb: “After he __________________ his exams he went on holiday.”.
had passed

 Choose the right form of the verb: “After the operation the patient was able to tell the dentist that he __________________ out the wrong tooth.”.
had pulled

 Choose the right form of the verb: “All the people __________________ here are pensioners.”.

 Choose the right form of the verb: “Are you going to the seaside alone?” — “Yes, but I wish my friends __________________ with me.

 Choose the right form of the verb: “At first I thought I’d done the right thing but then I realized that I __________________ a serious mistake.”.
had made

 Choose the right form of the verb: “Columbus discovered America __________________ to the west.”.

 Choose the right form of the verb: “Dad is angry with you.” — ‘I’m sorry. I wish I __________________ that.’.
hadn’t said

 Choose the right form of the verb: “dictionaries we translated the text easily.”
being given

 Choose the right form of the verb: “He __________________ his second book by the autumn”.
had finished

 Choose the right form of the verb: “He __________________ school in 1991.”.

 Choose the right form of the verb: “He bought a new car after he __________________ his old one.”.
had sold

 Choose the right form of the verb: “He decided not to go because he __________________ there three times already.”.
had been

 Choose the right form of the verb: “He looked at me not __________________ what to say.”.

 Choose the right form of the verb: “He realized he __________________ a mistake but it was too late.”.
had made

 Choose the right form of the verb: “He wanted the telegram to be __________________ at once.”.

 Choose the right form of the verb: “I __________________ the work by four o’clock yesterday.”.
had finished

 Choose the right form of the verb: “I didn’t know who she was. I __________________ her before.”.
hadn’t seen

 Choose the right form of the verb: “I don’t want my papers __________________ through.”.
to be looked

 Choose the right form of the verb: “I ran to the platform as fast as I could but the train __________________.”.
had left

 Choose the right form of the verb: “I want the work __________________.”.
to be done

 Choose the right form of the verb: “I want these papers __________________”.
to be signed

 Choose the right form of the verb: “I want to have my watch __________________”.

 Choose the right form of the verb: “I want two bedrooms __________________ for the guests.”.

 Choose the right form of the verb: “I was late because I __________________ into traffic jam.”.
had got

 Choose the right form of the verb: “Last year we went to Denmark. We __________________ there before.”.
hadn’t been

 Choose the right form of the verb: “Mary went home after she __________________ the last letter.”.
had typed

 Choose the right form of the verb: “Mike said he __________________ it before.”.
hadn’t done

 Choose the right form of the verb: “Not __________________ to discuss it he changed the subject.”.

 Choose the right form of the verb: “On __________________ the house, remember to lock the front door.”.

 Choose the right form of the verb: “One needs a lot of speaking practice when __________________ a foreign language.”.

 Choose the right form of the verb: “She __________________ the letter by the time I came to work.”.
had posted

 Choose the right form of the verb: “She __________________ the new dress by the time I saw it.”.
had shortened

 Choose the right form of the verb: “She asked me if I __________________ the play before”.
had seen

 Choose the right form of the verb: “She didn’t want her child __________________ to hospital.”.
to be taken

 Choose the right form of the verb: “She is going to have a new dress __________________”.

 Choose the right form of the verb: “She looked at the enormous bunch of roses with a smile never __________________ given such a present.”.
having been given

 Choose the right form of the verb: “She told me she __________________ there a week before.”.
had moved

 Choose the right form of the verb: “She watched the children __________________ in the park.”.

 Choose the right form of the verb: “She went to the college, __________________ the baby with a nurse”.
having left

 Choose the right form of the verb: “Simon played tennis yesterday. He __________________ before.”.
hadn’t played

 Choose the right form of the verb: “Somebody __________________ the room as it looked really clean.”.
had cleaned

 Choose the right form of the verb: “The __________________ boy was afraid.”.

 Choose the right form of the verb: “The apparatus __________________ in the corner of the lab is quite new.”.

 Choose the right form of the verb: “The boy __________________ all the cakes by the time the guests arrived.”.
had eaten

 Choose the right form of the verb: “The car was three years old but it __________________ very much.”.
hadn’t been used

 Choose the right form of the verb: “The house was dirty. They __________________ it for weeks.”.
hadn’t cleaned

 Choose the right form of the verb: “The man __________________ now is our new director.”.

 Choose the right form of the verb: “The story __________________ by the nurse impressed the child greatly.”.

 Choose the right form of the verb: “The teacher wants our homework __________________ well.”.
to be prepared

 Choose the right form of the verb: “The textbooks __________________ by the time I came to the shop.”.
had been sold

 Choose the right form of the verb: “The vegetables didn’t taste good as they __________________ for too long.”.
had been cooked

 Choose the right form of the verb: “They __________________ the car by the time I arrived.”.
had washed

 Choose the right form of the verb: “They __________________ the child’s temperature by the time the ambulance arrived.”.
had taken

 Choose the right form of the verb: “They __________________ the house by the time I arrived.”.
had decorated

 Choose the right form of the verb: “They reached the oasis at last, __________________ 30 miles.”.
having walked

 Choose the right form of the verb: “Tom came up to a __________________ girl.”.

 Choose the right form of the verb: “Was he at the party when she came? — No, he __________________ home.”.
had gone

 Choose the right form of the verb: “We __________________ the lunch when he came into the café.”.
had finished

 Choose the right form of the verb: “We __________________ the town by noon.”.
had left

 Choose the right form of the verb: “We want our photo __________________”.
to be taken

 Choose the right form of the verb: “When __________________ home yesterday I kept thinking about my friend.”.

 Choose the right form of the verb: “When __________________ the street, pay attention to the street signs.”.

 Choose the right form of the verb: “When he telephoned I __________________.
had left

 Choose the right form of the verb: “When I got home the house was quiet. Everybody __________________ to bed.”.
had gone

 Choose the right form of the verb: “When she arrived home he __________________ to work.”.
had gone

 Choose the right form of the verb: “When we arrived the performance __________________ already.”.
had begun

 Choose the right form of the verb: “When we got home last night, we found that somebody __________________ into the flat.”.
had broken

 Choose the right form of the verb: “Would you like your luggage __________________ downstairs?”.
to be taken

 Choose the right form of the verb: “You must have the roof __________________”.

 Choose the right form of the verb: “You must have your hair __________________”.

 Choose the right form of the verb: “You will have your taxi __________________ at the door.”.

 Choose the right form of the verb: A woman was knocked over while __________________ the street.

 Choose the right form of the verb: After __________________ her job she had no money.

 Choose the right form of the verb: After I __________________ English for so many years it wasn’t difficult to communicate with people in Britain.
had studied

 Choose the right form of the verb: After they __________________ it so carefully it wasn’t difficult to find the way.
had explained

 Choose the right form of the verb: All the people __________________ here are students.

 Choose the right form of the verb: An old lady was in hospital after __________________ attacked.

 Choose the right form of the verb: Be careful when __________________ China. It may break.

 Choose the right form of the verb: Be careful when __________________ the horse.

 Choose the right form of the verb: Call for the ambulance if I __________________ worse.

 Choose the right form of the verb: Could you ask Helen to call me if you __________________ her tomorrow?

 Choose the right form of the verb: Did anyone see her __________________ on the bus?

 Choose the right form of the verb: Did you hear them __________________?

 Choose the right form of the verb: He couldn’t tell me about the museum because he __________________ it.
hadn’t visited

 Choose the right form of the verb: He got a letter __________________ they would come the next week.

 Choose the right form of the verb: He spent all his spare time __________________ for the contest.

 Choose the right form of the verb: He wouldn’t have done it if I __________________.
hadn’t come

 Choose the right form of the verb: Hurry up! If you __________________ a taxi, you’ll surely meet her at the station.

 Choose the right form of the verb: I __________________ my driving test if I hadn’t practiced enough.
wouldn’t have passed

 Choose the right form of the verb: I __________________ the stop if the conductor had announced it.
wouldn’t have missed

 Choose the right form of the verb: I __________________ you better if you were quieter.
would like

 Choose the right form of the verb: I can give Bob the message if I __________________ him.

 Choose the right form of the verb: I didn’t hear Martha __________________.

 Choose the right form of the verb: I didn’t meet you because I __________________ the letter.
hadn’t got

 Choose the right form of the verb: I saw the girl __________________ the street.

 Choose the right form of the verb: I thanked heartily the family I __________________ with.
had stayed

 Choose the right form of the verb: I thanked him because he __________________ me the books.
had brought

 Choose the right form of the verb: I watched my cat __________________ with her kittens.

 Choose the right form of the verb: I wish he __________________.
hadn’t come

 Choose the right form of the verb: I wish I __________________ so much at the party. Now I feel sick.
hadn’t eaten

 Choose the right form of the verb: I wish I __________________ so much money. Now I’ll have to borrow some.
hadn’t spent

 Choose the right form of the verb: I wish I never __________________ here!

 Choose the right form of the verb: I wish my exams __________________ over.

 Choose the right form of the verb: I wish you __________________ it. But you didn’t.
had done

 Choose the right form of the verb: I’m tired, but if you __________________ strong coffee I’ll go on working.

 Choose the right form of the verb: If anything happens, he __________________.
will be blamed

 Choose the right form of the verb: If B. Franklin hadn’t worked so hard, he __________________ the symbol of America.
wouldn’t have become

 Choose the right form of the verb: If Columbus __________________ such a passion for traveling he wouldn’t have discovered America.
hadn’t had

 Choose the right form of the verb: If Dad __________________ a care we’ll go to the sea-side in summer.

 Choose the right form of the verb: If he __________________ busy tomorrow he’ll give you a lift.
is not

 Choose the right form of the verb: If I __________________ a million dollars I would buy a yacht.

 Choose the right form of the verb: If I __________________ any news I __________________ you.
hear; will phone

 Choose the right form of the verb: If I __________________ her I’ll speak to her.

 Choose the right form of the verb: If I __________________ in the sun all day my face wouldn’t have got sunburnt.
hadn’t stayed

 Choose the right form of the verb: If I had been careful with the knife I __________________ my hand.
wouldn’t have cut

 Choose the right form of the verb: If I had known you were coming, I __________________ you at the airport.
would have met

 Choose the right form of the verb: If I had seen him yesterday I __________________ to him.
would have spoken

 Choose the right form of the verb: If I hadn’t been speeding the police __________________ stopped me.
wouldn’t have

 Choose the right form of the verb: If I training in time I wouldn’t have won the race.
hadn’t started

 Choose the right form of the verb: If I were married to you, I __________________ poison in your coffee.
would put

 Choose the right form of the verb: If it hadn’t been for him you __________________ translated the text.
would have never

 Choose the right form of the verb: If it hadn’t been for your help I really __________________ to do that.
wouldn’t have been able

 Choose the right form of the verb: If Jack __________________ some spare time next weekend we’ll go fishing.

 Choose the right form of the verb: If only I __________________ him then!

 Choose the right form of the verb: If only I __________________ Spanish.

 Choose the right form of the verb: If only she __________________ on time!

 Choose the right form of the verb: If Pete __________________ jogging, he’ll forget about his health problems soon.

 Choose the right form of the verb: If pigs had wings they __________________.
would fly

 Choose the right form of the verb: If the weather __________________ fine tomorrow, we’ll have a picnic.

 Choose the right form of the verb: If they want your advice, they __________________ in touch with you.
will get

 Choose the right form of the verb: If water is heated to 100° C it __________________.

 Choose the right form of the verb: If we work hard, our team __________________ lose the next season.
will not

 Choose the right form of the verb: If you __________________ hard last year you would have passed your exam.
had worked

 Choose the right form of the verb: If you __________________ late I’ll walk your dog for you.

 Choose the right form of the verb: If you __________________ my wife I would drink it.

 Choose the right form of the verb: If you eat less bread you __________________ some weight in a week.
will lose

 Choose the right form of the verb: It would be nice if you __________________ me with my work.

 Choose the right form of the verb: It’s always problematic to get there. I wish I __________________ a car.

 Choose the right form of the verb: John’s father wouldn’t have been so angry if Tim __________________ him the truth.
had told

 Choose the right form of the verb: Maggie has lost her key. She wishes she __________________ so careless.
hadn’t been

 Choose the right form of the verb: Mrs. Clay will go shopping today if she __________________ her work before 4 pm.

 Choose the right form of the verb: Not __________________ to discuss that he changed the conversation.

 Choose the right form of the verb: One needs practice when __________________ a foreign language.

 Choose the right form of the verb: Plants die if you __________________ them.
don’t water

 Choose the right form of the verb: She didn’t tell her granddaughter to water the flowers because she __________________ them herself.
had watered

 Choose the right form of the verb: She looked at the roses with a happy smile never __________________ such a wonderful present.
having been given

 Choose the right form of the verb: She said it __________________ the most enjoyable time in her life.
had been

 Choose the right form of the verb: She went to work __________________ the child with the nurse.
having left

 Choose the right form of the verb: Since he knew who the man was, Paul was very pleased to have a chance of __________________.

 Choose the right form of the verb: The __________________ boy was hungry.

 Choose the right form of the verb: The actress __________________ in the film is very young.

 Choose the right form of the verb: The boss didn’t speak to him because he __________________.
hadn’t come

 Choose the right form of the verb: The cake is delicious but I wish there __________________ so much cream in it.
hadn’t been

 Choose the right form of the verb: The children were attacked by dogs after __________________ over a factory wall.

 Choose the right form of the verb: The housekeeper must have heard her mistress __________________.

 Choose the right form of the verb: The man __________________ now is our new boss.

 Choose the right form of the verb: The man was released from prison after __________________ ten years of a sentence.

 Choose the right form of the verb: They __________________ the necessary information by the time we came to help.
had got

 Choose the right form of the verb: They looked at her in surprise as though not __________________ her story.

 Choose the right form of the verb: They sent us a notice saying that they __________________ a family willing to host foreigners.
had found

 Choose the right form of the verb: They told us they __________________ a lot and had made friends in many countries.
had travelled

 Choose the right form of the verb: Tom gave them the slides he __________________ from Scotland.
had brought

 Choose the right form of the verb: Twenty gold bars were stolen after __________________ to the airport.
being taken

 Choose the right form of the verb: Watch the football match at 10 p.m. today if you __________________ at home tonight.

 Choose the right form of the verb: We couldn’t buy many souvenirs because we __________________ all the money on books.
had spent

 Choose the right form of the verb: We had a wonderful holiday in France. I wish we __________________ there next summer.

 Choose the right form of the verb: We were sitting on the beach __________________ the sun setting.

 Choose the right form of the verb: When __________________ remember to turn off the light.

 Choose the right form of the verb: When I __________________ in Manchester next week I’ll call you.

 Choose the right form of the verb: When we __________________ at the party Tom had already gone.

 Choose the right form of the verb: When we got there the table __________________ laid.
had been

 Choose the right form of the verb: Would it be all right if I __________________ around six?

 Choose the right form of the verb: You look tired. If I __________________ you I would take a holiday.

 Choose the right form of the verb: Your parents __________________ if you come home late.
will worry

 Choose the right form of the verb:Before we started on the trip we __________________ everything with his parents.
had discussed

 Choose the right verb forms: __________________ in love at first sight?
Do you believe

 Choose the right verb forms: __________________ it still dark?

 Choose the right verb forms: __________________ Mary go in for skiing?

 Choose the right verb forms: __________________ your friend like watching TV in the evening?

 Choose the right verb forms: — Can you come to me on Friday? — Sorry, I’d love to, but I __________________ for Paris tomorrow.
am leaving

 Choose the right verb forms: — Were you tired after skiing trip yesterday? — Yes, I __________________.

 Choose the right verb forms: — What are you doing? — I __________________ reading a book.

 Choose the right verb forms: — Who speaks French in your family? — I __________________.

 Choose the right verb forms: At 3 o’clock yesterday I __________________ to the news over the radio.
was listening

 Choose the right verb forms: At school I __________________ speaking French, but now it’s the other way round.

 Choose the right verb forms: Before __________________ to sleep, I always read for half an hour.

 Choose the right verb forms: Did he __________________ the weekend in the country?

 Choose the right verb forms: Did she __________________ her plan last month?

 Choose the right verb forms: Does it __________________ in May in your parts?

 Choose the right verb forms: Does the professor __________________ a lot of experiments?

 Choose the right verb forms: Don’t go out. It __________________ hard.
is raining

 Choose the right verb forms: Go on __________________, please.

 Choose the right verb forms: Have you written the letter yet? — No, I haven’t. I __________________ it at the moment.
am writing

 Choose the right verb forms: He __________________ taking his exam just now.

 Choose the right verb forms: He came home late, so I asked him where __________________.
he had been

 Choose the right verb forms: He said that he __________________ to Canada.
had never been

 Choose the right verb forms: He told me he __________________ such beautiful sculptures before.
had never seen

 Choose the right verb forms: Her brother __________________ home at 5 o’clock yesterday.

 Choose the right verb forms: His parents were sick, they didn’t have much money, so they __________________ desperate.

 Choose the right verb forms: How long __________________ it take you to get to work?

 Choose the right verb forms: I __________________ Dick today.
haven’t seen

 Choose the right verb forms: I __________________ this article yet.
haven’t translated

 Choose the right verb forms: I __________________ to him as he was crossing the road.

 Choose the right verb forms: I __________________ to the writer before I read the article about him.
had spoken

 Choose the right verb forms: I am tired __________________ the same things every day.
of doing

 Choose the right verb forms: I can’t translate this text because I __________________ know these words.

 Choose the right verb forms: I don’t want __________________ you ever again!
to see

 Choose the right verb forms: I enjoy __________________ detective stories by A. Christie.

 Choose the right verb forms: I hope __________________ a tennis course during the summer holidays.
to do

 Choose the right verb forms: I know you were in an accident. How __________________?
did it happen

 Choose the right verb forms: It has stopped __________________.

 Choose the right verb forms: It was uncertain whether the concert __________________ outdoors.
will be

 Choose the right verb forms: Look, your father __________________ home.
is going

 Choose the right verb forms: Many new buildings __________________ built in our town last year.

 Choose the right verb forms: My brother __________________ home late as a rule.

 Choose the right verb forms: My sister can’t stop __________________ to those parties.

 Choose the right verb forms: My sister is fond of __________________.

 Choose the right verb forms: Nobody likes __________________ out when it’s cold and wet.
to go

 Choose the right verb forms: Now she __________________ some problems at work.
is having

 Choose the right verb forms: Oh, I’m sorry. I haven’t __________________ you at first.

 Choose the right verb forms: Oh, no! I __________________ my keys!
have lost

 Choose the right verb forms: Perhaps in the future people __________________ on other planets.
will live

 Choose the right verb forms: Peter __________________ for Paris tonight.
is leaving

 Choose the right verb forms: Peter __________________ not go in for sports this winter because he was unwell.

 Choose the right verb forms: Scientists __________________ a lot less about the world than some people think.

 Choose the right verb forms: She didn’t know where her umbrella __________________.

 Choose the right verb forms: She said she __________________ to the party.
wouldn’t come

 Choose the right verb forms: She usually __________________ to bed very early.

 Choose the right verb forms: Since they __________________ near the lake they can often go boating.

 Choose the right verb forms: The letter __________________ sent tomorrow.
will be

 Choose the right verb forms: The report __________________ ready by 6 o’clock yesterday.
had been

 Choose the right verb forms: The sentences were too difficult __________________.
to translate

 Choose the right verb forms: There __________________ many cars in front of the house.

 Choose the right verb forms: They __________________ the university three years ago.

 Choose the right verb forms: Three foreign languages __________________ at our college.
are taught

 Choose the right verb forms: We __________________ never been to London.

 Choose the right verb forms: We __________________ the children playing in the yard minutes ago.

 Choose the right verb forms: We __________________ to the theatre this month.
haven’t been

 Choose the right verb forms: We thought they __________________ be late.

 Choose the right verb forms: What __________________ next Saturday evening?
are you doing

 Choose the right verb forms: What __________________ you doing?

 Choose the right verb forms: What are you doing? — I __________________ a book.
am reading

 Choose the right verb forms: What hobby group __________________ you going to join?

 Choose the right verb forms: When __________________ you __________________ the University? — Two years ago.
did, enter

 Choose the right verb forms: When __________________ you buy the new TV set?

 Choose the right verb forms: When Jim came out of army he __________________ what to do.
was wondering

 Choose the right verb forms: Where __________________ your son learn?

 Choose the right verb forms: Who __________________ it speaking?

 Choose the right verb forms: Will Tony agree __________________ if we have the match on Sunday?
to play

 Choose the right verb forms: Will you please stop __________________ that stupid noise!

 Choose the right verb forms: Would you like __________________ for dinner on Saturday?
to come

 Choose the right verb forms: You __________________ the programme tomorrow.
will be given

 Choose the right verb forms: You will help me to move to a new flat, __________________ you?

 Choose the right verb forms: You’ll be eighteen tomorrow, __________________ you?

 Choose the right word to fill in the gap: The oldest university in Britain is __________________.

 Choose the right word: __________________ came with me: I was quite alone.

 Choose the right word: __________________ has been here: there are footsteps in the snow.

 Choose the right word: __________________ homework do you usually get?
how much

 Choose the right word: __________________ is all right, the patient is much better today.

 Choose the right word: __________________ tea do you drink a day?
how much

 Choose the right word: A bit __________________ well, if you ask me.

 Choose the right word: A. Lincoln was president of the US for only __________________ years.

 Choose the right word: Always keep an instrument in its __________________.

 Choose the right word: Anna asked Jim if he __________________ her.

 Choose the right word: Anyway, there is __________________ need to hurry, now that we have missed the train.

 Choose the right word: Are there __________________ German students in your class?

 Choose the right word: At our lessons Spanish __________________ only.
is spoken

 Choose the right word: At University Charles Darwin was interested in __________________.
natural history

 Choose the right word: Buying good quality equipment will be a waste of __________________ if you don’t look after it.

 Choose the right word: Can I have __________________ bread, please?

 Choose the right word: Can one send telegrams at __________________ hour of the night?

 Choose the right word: Could you give me __________________ money?

 Choose the right word: Daily exercise is good __________________ everyone.

 Choose the right word: Did he say anything about it? — No, he said __________________.

 Choose the right word: Did you buy __________________ apples?

 Choose the right word: Didn’t you buy __________________ potatoes yesterday?

 Choose the right word: Do you have __________________ stamps?

 Choose the right word: Do you speak __________________ foreign languages.

 Choose the right word: Do you want __________________ milk in your coffee?

 Choose the right word: Give me __________________ to drink, please.

 Choose the right word: Have you heard __________________ from him since that day?

 Choose the right word: He always has __________________ coffee for breakfast.

 Choose the right word: He asked her where she __________________.
was going

 Choose the right word: He asked why she __________________ to Moscow.
had gone

 Choose the right word: He feels lonely. He’s got __________________ friends.

 Choose the right word: He said he often __________________ tennis in the summer.

 Choose the right word: He said she didn’t think it __________________.
would rain

 Choose the right word: He said that she __________________ to New York.
had gone

 Choose the right word: He travels a lot. He has been to __________________ countries.

 Choose the right word: How much did you pay for these boots? — They are not expensive. I paid __________________.

 Choose the right word: How much is all this lot going to __________________.

 Choose the right word: I __________________ by all that I saw.
was impressed

 Choose the right word: I can see __________________ children in the park. They are playing.

 Choose the right word: I could see __________________, it was quite dark.

 Choose the right word: I couldn’t take __________________ pictures because I left my camera at home.

 Choose the right word: I didn’t take any money, so I couldn’t buy __________________.

 Choose the right word: I have __________________ jobs to do.
a few

 Choose the right word: I have __________________ work to do.
a little

 Choose the right word: I know the place is __________________ about here, but exactly where I don’t know.

 Choose the right word: I saw __________________ in the wood that looked like a tent.

 Choose the right word: I usually have __________________ biscuit and a cup of tea at 11 a.m.

 Choose the right word: I want to buy __________________ new clothes.

 Choose the right word: I’d like to ask you __________________ questions.
a few

 Choose the right word: I’ll believe that when I __________________ it.

 Choose the right word: I’m going for a walk. I need __________________ fresh air.

 Choose the right word: I’m sure everything __________________ properly.
will be arranged

 Choose the right word: I’ve read __________________ good books recently.

 Choose the right word: If someone is not good enough you must get __________________ of them.

 Choose the right word: If there is a romance in the group it may cause __________________.

 Choose the right word: If you leave a guitar near a __________________ you may damage it.

 Choose the right word: If you play the saxophone you need good __________________.

 Choose the right word: If you want to reach the top you need to work __________________.

 Choose the right word: In our classroom there are __________________ books on the floor.

 Choose the right word: Is it a good __________________?

 Choose the right word: Is there __________________ telephone there that you didn’t ring up?

 Choose the right word: It is important to lift __________________.

 Choose the right word: It’ll be our first really big __________________.

 Choose the right word: It’s a __________________ we only had a singer for the last two numbers.

 Choose the right word: Just having good equipment won’t make a good __________________.

 Choose the right word: Lady Macbeth goes __________________ and dies.

 Choose the right word: Let me know when the date of your arrival __________________.
is fixed

 Choose the right word: Lifting weights builds __________________ the muscles.

 Choose the right word: Lomonosov was the founder of __________________ University.

 Choose the right word: Macbeth and Banquo met three __________________ on the heath.

 Choose the right word: May I come to your place tomorrow? — Yes, please, __________________ time.

 Choose the right word: May I give you __________________ more tea?

 Choose the right word: Most of these people are __________________ doctors.

 Choose the right word: Never stand a drink on top of your amplifier. If it gets knocked __________________, you may go up in smoke.

 Choose the right word: Our flat is very small. We haven’t got __________________ space.

 Choose the right word: People who climb mountains wear heavy boots to __________________ their feet.

 Choose the right word: Pianists often have strong sensitive hands and long __________________.

 Choose the right word: President Abraham Lincoln freed all __________________.

 Choose the right word: Regular exercises help to __________________ heart attacks.

 Choose the right word: Robin Hood dressed in __________________ and lived in the forest with his wife and his men.

 Choose the right word: Robin Hood had many __________________: he was a great sportsman and a brave fighter.

 Choose the right word: Robin Hood was one of the robbers stealing from __________________.

 Choose the right word: Shakespeare’s tragedy “Macbeth” is about a __________________ Macbeth.
Scottish general

 Choose the right word: She __________________ already.
has been spoken to

 Choose the right word: She bought __________________ books yesterday.
a few

 Choose the right word: She said she __________________ with Helen.
would go

 Choose the right word: She said she __________________ with her aunt.
was staying

 Choose the right word: The child __________________ by a van.
was hit

 Choose the right word: The children made __________________ noise.
a lot of

 Choose the right word: The parts of your body that you use for seeing are __________________.

 Choose the right word: The parts of your body that you use to play the guitar with are __________________.

 Choose the right word: The scene in “Macbeth” is laid in __________________.

 Choose the right word: The tickets __________________ already.
have been booked

 Choose the right word: The witches foretold that Macbeth would become the __________________.
king of Scotland

 Choose the right word: There are __________________ pens on the table.

 Choose the right word: There are __________________ people in the park because it’s too cold today.

 Choose the right word: There aren’t __________________ flowers in their garden.

 Choose the right word: There was __________________ in the street because it was very late.

 Choose the right word: They __________________ very well together.
get on

 Choose the right word: This is a very easy question: __________________ can answer it.

 Choose the right word: This problem __________________ next week.
will be solved

 Choose the right word: W. Shakespeare is famous for his __________________.

 Choose the right word: We can discuss it later. — It can’t __________________ later.
be discussed

 Choose the right word: We couldn’t sit at the meeting because there weren’t __________________ vacant seats.

 Choose the right word: We have __________________ dictionaries in the bookcase.

 Choose the right word: We must arrange some extra __________________ sessions if we want to be good for the May concert.

 Choose the right word: We will be able to pay in installments. It will be __________________ it.

 Choose the right word: Were there __________________ interesting people there?

 Choose the right word: What happens if the flight __________________?
is delayed

 Choose the right word: What’s wrong with you? Have you got __________________ headache?

 Choose the right word: Will Friday be __________________ for you?

 Choose the right word: William Shakespeare was born in __________________.

 Choose the right word: Would you like __________________ juice?

 Choose the right word: You can do __________________ you like.

 Choose the right word: You cannot afford a __________________ member of the group.

 Choose the right word: You cannot get a __________________ sound out of a cheap equipment.

 Choose the right word: You don’t need a visa to go to __________________ countries.

 Great Britain consists of __________________ parts.

 He __________________ by the time we came.”.
had packed

 He asked if I __________________ Jim.

 He told me not __________________ them.
to lose

 Henry Longfellow is __________________ poet.
an American

 New York is often referred to as __________________.
modern Babylon

 Poet’s corner is in __________________.
Westminster Abbey

 Robin Hood is a legendary hero who lived in __________________.

 Rudyard Kipling was brought in __________________.

 The capital of the USA is __________________.

 The first New World settlement was established in __________________ in 1607.

 The Great Lakes contain about __________________ of the fresh water of the world.

 The most sparsely populated area in Europe is __________________ of Scotland.
the north-west

 The nearest continental neighbour to Great Britain is __________________.

 The Norman invasion of England started in __________________.

 Westminster Abby was a __________________.

 William Shakespeare was born in __________________.

 William Shakespeare was born in __________________.

 You __________________ yet, __________________ you?
haven’t started, have

UCHEES.RU — помощь студентам и школьникам

В 14:15 поступил вопрос в раздел Английский язык, который вызвал затруднения у обучающегося.

Вопрос вызвавший трудности

Choose the proper word: Do you pay high __________________?

Ответ подготовленный экспертами Учись.Ru

Для того чтобы дать полноценный ответ, был привлечен специалист, который хорошо разбирается требуемой тематике «Английский язык». Ваш вопрос звучал следующим образом: Choose the proper word: Do you pay high __________________?

После проведенного совещания с другими специалистами нашего сервиса, мы склонны полагать, что правильный ответ на заданный вами вопрос будет звучать следующим образом:

  • Ответ: taxes

    Работы, которые я готовлю для студентов, преподаватели всегда оценивают на отлично. Я занимаюсь написанием студенческих работ уже более 4-х лет. За это время, мне еще ни разу не возвращали выполненную работу на доработку! Если вы желаете заказать у меня помощь оставьте заявку на этом сайте. Ознакомиться с отзывами моих клиентов можно на этой странице.

    Данилова Эвелина Протасьевна — автор студенческих работ, заработанная сумма за  прошлый месяц 62 850 рублей. Её работа началась с того, что она просто откликнулась на эту вакансию


Выполняем ученические работы любой сложности на заказ. Гарантируем низкие цены и высокое качество.

Деятельность компании в цифрах:

Зачтено оказывает услуги помощи студентам с 1999 года. За все время деятельности мы выполнили более 400 тысяч работ. Написанные нами работы все были успешно защищены и сданы. К настоящему моменту наши офисы работают в 40 городах.

Площадка Учись.Ru разработана специально для студентов и школьников. Здесь можно найти ответы на вопросы по гуманитарным, техническим, естественным, общественным, прикладным и прочим наукам. Если же ответ не удается найти, то можно задать свой вопрос экспертам. С нами сотрудничают преподаватели школ, колледжей, университетов, которые с радостью помогут вам. Помощь студентам и школьникам оказывается круглосуточно. С Учись.Ru обучение станет в несколько раз проще, так как здесь можно не только получить ответ на свой вопрос, но расширить свои знания изучая ответы экспертов по различным направлениям науки.

2020 — 2023 — UCHEES.RU

часть 23 итогового тестирования по английскому языку. Тест используется для знаний студента по предмету. Мы отметили в нем верные ответы, чтобы вы смогли подготовиться к предстоящему зачету на отлично. Если у вас остались какие-то вопросы, напишите нам в онлайн-чат или на электронную почту.

Тестовый вопрос: Choose the right verb forms: Scientists ___ a lot less about the world than some people think.

Выберите правильный ответ:

[верно] understand

Тестовый вопрос: Choose the right form of the verb: “He wanted the telegram to be ___ at once.”.

Выберите правильный ответ:

[верно] sent

Тестовый вопрос: Choose the right form of the verb: After they ___ it so carefully it wasn’t difficult to find the way.

Выберите правильный ответ:

[верно] had explained

Тестовый вопрос: Choose the right form of the verb: “He bought a new car after he ___ his old one.”.

Выберите правильный ответ:

[верно] had sold

Тестовый вопрос: Choose the right form of the verb: “You must have the roof ___”.

Выберите правильный ответ:

[верно] mended

Тестовый вопрос: New York is often referred to as ___.

Выберите правильный ответ:

[верно] modern Babylon

Тестовый вопрос: Choose the right form of the verb: If the weather ___ fine tomorrow, we’ll have a picnic.

Выберите правильный ответ:

[верно] is

Тестовый вопрос: Choose the right word: Our flat is very small. We haven’t got ___ space.

Выберите правильный ответ:

[верно] much

Тестовый вопрос: Choose an appropriate word: He can’t ___ those parties.

Выберите правильный ответ:

[верно] stand

Тестовый вопрос: Choose the proper word: Soon he established ___ as one of the country troubleshooters.

Выберите правильный ответ:

[верно] a reputation

Тестовый вопрос: Choose the right form of the verb: “___ the club, he left saying he would be back at 9.”.

Выберите правильный ответ:

[верно] having phoned

Тестовый вопрос: Choose the right form of the verb: “___ there long, he knew that the weather in England was changeable.”.

Выберите правильный ответ:

[верно] having lived

Тестовый вопрос: Choose the right form of the verb: The boss didn’t speak to him because he ___.

Выберите правильный ответ:

[верно] hadn’t come

Тестовый вопрос: Choose the right word: There are ___ people in the park because it’s too cold today.

Выберите правильный ответ:

[верно] no

Тестовый вопрос: Choose the right form of the verb: The children were attacked by dogs after ___ over a factory wall.

Выберите правильный ответ:

[верно] climbing

Тестовый вопрос: Choose the right form of the verb: “At first I thought I’d done the right thing but then I realized that I ___ a serious mistake.”.

Выберите правильный ответ:

[верно] had made

Тестовый вопрос: Choose the proper word: With the money he has bought more ___.

Выберите правильный ответ:

[верно] equipment

Тестовый вопрос: Choose the right word: Do you have ___ stamps?

Выберите правильный ответ:

[верно] any

Тестовый вопрос: Choose the right word: If you play the saxophone you need good ___.

Выберите правильный ответ:

[верно] lungs

Тестовый вопрос: Choose the right form of the verb: If only I ___ Spanish.

Выберите правильный ответ:

[верно] knew

Тестовый вопрос: Choose the proper word: A working woman juggles a family and a ___.

Выберите правильный ответ:

[верно] career

Тестовый вопрос: Choose the right verb forms: I know you were in an accident. How ___?

Выберите правильный ответ:

[верно] did it happen

Тестовый вопрос: Choose proper Russian equivalents for: We thought you entered the University.

Выберите правильный ответ:

[верно] Мы думали, что ты поступил в университет

Тестовый вопрос: Choose the right verb forms: Does it ___ in May in your parts?

Выберите правильный ответ:

[верно] snow

Тестовый вопрос: Choose the right word: What happens if the flight ___?

Выберите правильный ответ:

[верно] is delayed

Тестовый вопрос: Choose the right verb forms: — Were you tired after skiing trip yesterday? — Yes, I ___.

Выберите правильный ответ:

[верно] was

Тестовый вопрос: Choose the right verb forms: His parents were sick, they didn’t have much money, so they ___ desperate.

Выберите правильный ответ:

[верно] got

Тестовый вопрос: Choose the right form of the verb: Your parents ___ if you come home late.

Выберите правильный ответ:

[верно] will worry

Тестовый вопрос: Choose the right form of the verb: “She asked me if I ___ the play before”.

Выберите правильный ответ:

[верно] had seen

Тестовый вопрос: Choose the proper word: The most ___ thing is when one passenger wants food, or a newspaper or to drink every 5 minutes.

Выберите правильный ответ:

[верно] annoying

Тестовый вопрос: Choose the right word to fill in the gap: The oldest university in Britain is ___.

Выберите правильный ответ:

[верно] Oxford

Тестовый вопрос: Choose the right form of the verb: “She ___ the letter by the time I came to work.”.

Выберите правильный ответ:

[верно] had posted

Тестовый вопрос: Choose the right form of the verb: A woman was knocked over while ___ the street.

Выберите правильный ответ:

[верно] crossing

Тестовый вопрос: Choose the right form of the verb: “The apparatus ___ in the corner of the lab is quite new.”.

Выберите правильный ответ:

[верно] standing

Тестовый вопрос: Choose the right verb forms: I enjoy ___ detective stories by A. Christie.

Выберите правильный ответ:

[верно] reading

Тестовый вопрос: Choose the proper word: Do you pay high ___?

Выберите правильный ответ:

[верно] taxes

Тестовый вопрос: Choose the right form of the verb: I ___ my driving test if I hadn’t practiced enough.

Выберите правильный ответ:

[верно] wouldn’t have passed

Тестовый вопрос: Choose appropriate replies to these: I like science fiction very much.

Выберите правильный ответ:

[верно] So do I

Тестовый вопрос: Choose the right verb forms: Peter ___ for Paris tonight.

Выберите правильный ответ:

[верно] is leaving

Тестовый вопрос: Choose the right word: Could you give me ___ money?

Выберите правильный ответ:

[верно] some

Тестовый вопрос: Choose the right word: I could see ___, it was quite dark.

Выберите правильный ответ:

[верно] nothing

Тестовый вопрос: Choose the right form of the verb: “We want our photo ___”.

Выберите правильный ответ:

[верно] to be taken

Понравилась статья? Поделить с друзьями:
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