Choose the proper word and fill in the blanks people

Помогите пожалуйста с тестом

1. People do this kind of activity … their leisure time.

A) on B) during C) of D) among

2. Four general categories of hobbies may … each other.

A) take part B) enjoy C) include D) overlap

3. Each art form has many … for a hobby.

A) possibilities B) hobbyists C) items D) games

4. Hobbyists can collect … any thing.

A) always B) especially C) almost D) increasingly

5. Learning … languages is his hobby.

A) Spanish B) English C) foreign D) Russian

6. … to me, I am fond of collecting rare books.

A) if B) when C) while D) as

7. I … this hobby with my friends.

A) collect B) attend C) share D) concentrate

8. Hobbies are … into different groups.

A) divided B) concentrated C) collected D) attracted

9. Some book collections are vast with thousands of ….

A) collectors B) volumes C) hobbyists D) people

10. Some collections … of several items.

A) consist B) include C) focus D) concentrate


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работа по дисциплине: Иностранный язык

теме «
Environment pollution.».

Группа: СВ-18,
2 курс, 1 семестр. Макс. балл- 20б.


the proper words and fill in the blanks.

People…their surrounds.

A pollute        B face        C kill           D operate

 Environmental pollution … the ozone layer.

A poison   B destruct        C
cause           D produce

Fertilizer are necessary for growing.

A fish        B rubbish                 
C crops            D land

Factories …gases and smoke.

A dirty      B harm        C
provide             D discharge

We should … radioactive wastes safely.

A increase      B study    C
eliminate            D ban

Many …users turn to crime.

A computer     B drug              C
addiction           D habit

There is a lot of advertising against drugs ….

A addiction  B users      C
dependence           D mind

Environmental pollution causes…processes.

A  survival                     B

C  gradual                       D

Air, water, and soil are necessary to the …of all living

A pollution     B people       C
humanity       D survival

10.  They
scatter rubbish and … everywhere.

A pesticides     B litter     C
fertilizer        D weapons

11.  We
hoped that they …this problem.

A  will solve                 B solve C  is
solving        D would solve

12.  What does the term
«environmental pollution» mean?

A polluted air

B all the ways of polluting

C rubbish and litter

13.  Why
is environmental pollution a serious problem?

A because
it can cause disastrous processes

B because
people dirty the air with gases and smoke

C because
motor vehicles fill the noise

14.  Why
is environmental pollution a complicated problem?

A because people ruin naturally beautiful

B because much pollution is caused by
things that benefit people

C because exhaust from cars causes a
large percentage of all air pollution

15.  How
can we reduce environmental pollution?

A  Governments should enforce laws which
ban the pollution of the environment

B we should work hard

C we should stop using many things that
benefit us.

2.Answer the questions:

16.  What is the climate?

17.  What can you say
about the climate in Russia?

18.  What do you know
about the greenhouse effect?

19.  Why does atmosphere
become warmer?

20.  Do you think our
planet need protection? Why?



A                          6) B                          11)

C                          7) A                          12)

C                          8) B                          13) A

D                          9) D                          14) B

C                         10) B
                        15) A


16. Climate
is the weather a certain place has over a long period of time.

17. Russia lies on a huge
territory from the coast of the Pacific Ocean to the centre of Europe and its
climate in the north, south, east and west is different.

18. Greenhouse effect works
like this: sunlight gives us heat warms the atmosphere and some of the heat
goes back into space.

19. Nowadays the air
surrounding the earth has become much warmer because the heat can’t go back
into space. That’s why winter and summer temperatures in many places have
become higher.

20. Climate changes can
be dangerous for our fragile planet which needs protection.

Составила: СлепцоваА.А.

Помогите пожалуйста с тестом 1.

People do this kind of activity … their leisure time.

A) on B) during C) of D) among 2.

Four general categories of hobbies may … each other.

A) take part B) enjoy C) include D) overlap 3.

Each art form has many … for a hobby.

A) possibilities B) hobbyists C) items D) games 4.

Hobbyists can collect … any thing.

A) always B) especially C) almost D) increasingly 5.

Learning … languages is his hobby.

A) Spanish B) English C) foreign D) Russian 6.

… to me, I am fond of collecting rare books.

A) if B) when C) while D) as 7.

I … this hobby with my friends.

A) collect B) attend C) share D) concentrate 8.

Hobbies are … into different groups.

A) divided B) concentrated C) collected D) attracted 9.

Some book collections are vast with thousands of ….

A) collectors B) volumes C) hobbyists D) people 10.

Some collections … of several items.

A) consist B) include C) focus D) concentrate.

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Помогите пожалуйста с заданием
Choose the proper words, and fill in the blanks (Выберите необходимые слова и заполните пропуски):

1. Our family is neither big… small.

A nor В or С and D but

2. My mother is … 38years old.

A nor В even С only D enough

3. My father’s firm is … from our house.

A the same В twice С near D far

4. It… me half an hour to get to the college.

A goes В takes С looks D consists

5. I go to my college … bus.

A at В by Con D in

6. As to my …. I am slim.

A mother В parents С appearance D father

7. Everybody in our family is easy to get… with.

A each other В along

С others D together

8. We often go … to the country.

A away В down С off D up

9. The carpet is of the … colour.

A some В same С more D most

10. There are a lot of books in the …

A shelves В bookcase С wardrobe D furniture

2) Choose the proper grammar form of the verb and fill in the gaps (Выберите необходимую грамматическую форму глагола и заполните пропуски):

1.My mother usually … a lot of time at her job.

A has spent В spends С is spent D was spent

2.As a rule, she … sweaters for my brother.

A knits В is knit С has knit D had knit

3.Last week we … our friends to our place.

A invited В have invited С invite D were invited

4.All that morning my brother… computer games.

A is playing В was playing С play D plays

5.We … our free time together tomorrow.

A spend В spent С will spend D is spent

6.Yesterday we … by our relatives.

A visited В were visited С was visited D have visited

7.They … down to the country in two days.

A will go В go С have gone D went

8.I… to music all the evening.

A listen В was listening

С has listening D is listening

9.She … the dinner not long ago.

A has cooked В cook

С cooks D cooked

10.She always …me with my homework.

A helps В help С helping D shall help

4) Answer these multiple-choice questions about your friend

(Ответьте на следующие вопросы множественного выбора о вашем друге).

1. What is his father?

A a worker В as a worker С a kind man

2. Where does he study?

A at the college В in the street С in one of the houses

3. How many people does his family consist of?

A four relatives В three members С two brothers

4. What is his height?

A 170 cm В 60 kg С 170 kg

5. What is his weight?

A 170 cm В 60 kg С 170 kg

6. Where does he live?

A in the firm В at the firm С in the flat

7. Where does he spend his free time?

A at the disco В at the college С at the school

1) Choose the proper words and fill in the blanks
1. The scientists solve a … of complicated mathematical problems.
A origin В variety С universe D cell
2. The researchers always try to… the facts.
A refer В measure С satisfy D unify
3. Different kinds of sciences … each other.
A search В overlap С attempt D appear
4. … make our life and work easier. A principles В laws С tools D facts
5. People had to get food, clothes, and ….
A shelter В machines С cars D technologies
6. Science is … much to modern technology. A doing В making С contributing D explaining
7. Digital computers … with numbers.
A deal В refer С solve D measure
8. Analog computers work with a physical… .
A weight В size С quantity О temperature
9. Computers help …for clues to the origin of the universe.
A search В solve С research D investigate
10. Many tasks performed by people are now done… computers.
A among В between С of D by

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