Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence the

Ex. 72. choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

1. Maureen needed some money yesterday, so she … to the bank.

(A) didn’t go (B) has gone going (D) went

2. … Maureen was getting cash at an ATM, someone came up be- hind her and robbed her.

(A) After (B) As soon as (C) Before (D) While

3. The thief … a T-shirt and blue jeans and had big tattoos all over his arms

(A) wearing (B) weared (C) wearing (D) wore

4. … she realized what happened, Maureen ran to a phone, called the police, and reported the crime.

(A) As soon as (B) Before (C) During (D) While

5. Luckily, she didn’t have … money.

(A) as much (B) enough (C) too little (D) very much

6. But Maureen still didn’t have … to buy gas to walk she had home.

(A) cash enough (B) enough cash (C) too much cash (D) very cash 7. Later, the police told Maureen that she hadn’t The thief had been standing near the bank and she should have no- ticed him. (A) as careful (B) careful enough (C) enough carefu (D) less careful.

8. The next day, someone … Maureen’s purse, with all of her identification and credit cards, in a trash can.

(A)find (B) found (c) was finding (D) was found

9. Thai food is hotter than Japanese food; by hotter, I mean

(A) as spicy (B) less spicy (C) spicier (D) the spiciest

10. It’s … for people who don’t like spicy food.

(A) as hot (B) hot enough (C) hotter (D) too hot

11. It can be spicy hot like Indian food, but … as Indian food.

(A) as greasy (B) less greasy (C) more greasy (D) not as greasy

12. Thai cuisine is … and more exotic than heavy French food

(A) as light (B) less light (C) lighter (D) more light

13. Like the French chefs, Thai cooks use fresh herbs and spices.

(A) enough (B) many (C) too few (D) too many

14. Sateh was originally Indonesian, but the Indonesian dish isn’t … as the sateh from Thailand.

(A) as spicy (B) less spicy (C) quite spicy (D) spicier

15. In my opinion, of all the world’s cuisines, Asian cooking is…

(A) delicious (B) more delicious (C) most delicious (D) the most delicious

Ex. 72. choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

1. Maureen needed some money yesterday, so she … to the bank.

(A) didn’t go (B) has gone going (D) went

2. … Maureen was getting cash at an ATM, someone came up be- hind her and robbed her.

(A) After (B) As soon as (C) Before (D) While

3. The thief … a T-shirt and blue jeans and had big tattoos all over his arms

(A) wearing (B) weared (C) wearing (D) wore

4. … she realized what happened, Maureen ran to a phone, called the police, and reported the crime.

(A) As soon as (B) Before (C) During (D) While

5. Luckily, she didn’t have … money.

(A) as much (B) enough (C) too little (D) very much

6. But Maureen still didn’t have … to buy gas to walk she had home.

(A) cash enough (B) enough cash (C) too much cash (D) very cash 7. Later, the police told Maureen that she hadn’t The thief had been standing near the bank and she should have no- ticed him. (A) as careful (B) careful enough (C) enough carefu (D) less careful.

8. The next day, someone … Maureen’s purse, with all of her identification and credit cards, in a trash can.

(A)find (B) found (c) was finding (D) was found

9. Thai food is hotter than Japanese food; by hotter, I mean

(A) as spicy (B) less spicy (C) spicier (D) the spiciest

10. It’s … for people who don’t like spicy food.

(A) as hot (B) hot enough (C) hotter (D) too hot

11. It can be spicy hot like Indian food, but … as Indian food.

(A) as greasy (B) less greasy (C) more greasy (D) not as greasy

12. Thai cuisine is … and more exotic than heavy French food

(A) as light (B) less light (C) lighter (D) more light

13. Like the French chefs, Thai cooks use fresh herbs and spices.

(A) enough (B) many (C) too few (D) too many

14. Sateh was originally Indonesian, but the Indonesian dish isn’t … as the sateh from Thailand.

(A) as spicy (B) less spicy (C) quite spicy (D) spicier

15. In my opinion, of all the world’s cuisines, Asian cooking is…

(A) delicious (B) more delicious (C) most delicious (D) the most delicious

1. Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

1 They____________ the Olympic Stadium by 2007.
(A) are building      (C) will have built
(B) had built            (D) have built
2. Would you please________________ write on the textbooks’.’
(A) don’t                  (C) not to
(B) not                      (D) to not
3. I look forward_____________ from you soon.
(A) to hearing         (C) hearing
(B) to hear              (D) to get a letter
4. The talks will_____________ in Paris.
(A) take part          (C) be hold
(B) be held              (D) took place
5. The plane safely landed_________ two mountains.
(A) among              (C) at the foot
(B) nearly               (D) between
6. We’ll be there as soon as we_________ a babysitter for our son.
(A) find                    (C) found
(B) will find             (D) would find
7. They are______________ my other neighbours.
(A) more friendlier than              (C) friendlier than
(B) friendly than                           (D) friendlier as
8. I am especially glad that Bob decided to come to the party because we hadn’t seen him________ several months.
(A) since                                        (C) many
(B) until                                         (D) for
9. We don’t have_____________ homework tonight.
(A) some                                        (C) many
(B ) no                                             (D) any
10. I like him. He makes me____________ •
(A) laughing                                 (C) to laugh
(B) laugh                                      (D) being laughed

2. Use the required Tense forms.

1. When he (to see) Bob he (to come) straight to him, smiling. 2. When Jimmy (to come) at the cafe a little late, Christine (not to arrive) yet. 3. When Ted (to turn) to thank the doctor, he already (to walk) away. 4. When she (to go) she (to carry) herself like a ballet-dancer. 5. We (not to walk) a hundred yards towards the building when the doctor all of a sudden (to kneel) down. 6. One afternoon I went to play tennis with some neighbours and as soon as I (to return) my mother (to disappear). 7. When she (to speak), she (to seem) kind and generous. 8. When I (to come) to to Hugh’s room he (to lie) at his sofa reading a small book. 9. When Paula (to tidy) up she (to leave) the room. 10. I (to see) her on the beach when I (to finish) my early walk. 11. When he (to finish) speaking, everyone (to clap). 12. I (to complete) a big project when I (to call) her yesterday. 13. The actors (to act) for about twenty minutes when Ann (to find) his seat at the back of the pit. 14. When Jack (to look) back, the Holts (to dance) cheek to cheek. 15. «How do you like that?» he (to ask) her when he (to finish) painting. 16. When she (to come) back, he (to eat) the sandwiches. 17. I (to watch) the TV when she (to arrive). 18. When Theo (to go) for a walk he (to look) exclusively at his own feet. 19. I (not to walk) very far from the corner when I (to notice) there was a stranger behind me. 20. When they (to leave) I (to head for) to the woods. 21. I (to get) out a box of matches when he (to offer) me a light. 22. She (not to speak) to me five minutes when she (to receive) a telephone call.

3. Translate into English.

1. Нас пригласили присутствовать на лекции по истории английской литературы.
2. Он спросил меня, в каком году и где я окончил школу.
3. Несколько дней тому назад он простудился, но сейчас состояние его здоровья улучшается.
4. Поскольку мы не хотели опаздывать к обеду, мы ехали в автомобиле очень быстро.
5. Я должен зайти в бюро путешествий и узнать, когда отходит поезд.

6. Миша недавно поступил в престижный университет

7. Моя кузина сказала что училась в Кембридже и была очень хорошей студенткой

8. Мой отец активно занимался спортом когда посещал университет

9. Вчера мы ходили в оперу хотя достать билеты было очень тяжело.

10. Сколько ты занимался английским до того как поступил в университет?

СРОЧНО! Помогите пожалуйста с английским!!!

Choose the word or phrase which best complete each sentence.
1. We … from that company now as their prices are very expensive.
a) don’t buying;
b) doesn’t buy;
c) are not buying;
d) not buying.
2. After three years in the company, we normally expect all employees in this department to apply for … to the next level.
a) help;
b) support;
c) promotion;
d) advance.
3. How much … the product cost next year?
a) will;
b) will be;
c) do;
d) is.
4. After a bad year, I must tell you that our … . Have risen to a very
high level. Sadly, I think that the company must close.
a) credits;
b) debts;
c) profits;
d) debtors.
5. If they … the products from us, we would have offered them a
a) would buy;
b) would have bought;
c) had buy;
d) had bought.
6. As we manufacture many different products, we usually use a …
production process.
a) group;
b) batch;
c) set;
d) bunch.

Остались вопросы?


Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence

  1. As the day went on, the weather got .

  1. badder b) worse

  1. That was day in my life

  1. the most memorable b) the more memorable

  1. She makes dresses than me. She studied fashion design.

  1. more good b) better

  1. He is player in the team.

  1. the most good b) the best

  1. Ann’s sister is still at school.

  1. younger b) the younger

  1. That was interesting film I’ve ever seen.

  1. the little b) the least

  1. Is Tom then Jim?

  1. younger b) more younger

  1. He is than me.

  1. older b) elder

  1. Your watch is than mine.

  1. moderner b) more modern

  1. In my opinion, it’s watch in the shop. If I were you I would buy it.

  1. the better b) the best


Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

  1. It is building in the city.

  1. the oldest b)the eldest

  1. His illness was than we thought.

  1. more serious b) the most serious

  1. She is student in the class.

  1. more intelligent b) the most intelligent

  1. My sister is nurse.

  1. older b) elder

  1. What is city in your country?

  1. The most large b) the Largest

  1. My toothache is even than it was before I went to the dentist’s.

  1. more painful b) the most painful

  1. Last year it was song.

  1. Most popular b) the most popular

  1. She looks much than she is.

  1. Younger b) more young

  1. It was day of the year.

  1. the hotter b) the hottest

  1. Sorry I am late. It took me to get here than I had expected.

  1. Long b) longer


Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

  1. This is dog in the world.

  1. smallest b) the smallest

  1. I like the countryside. It is to live there than in a town.

  1. more healthy b) healthier

  1. It is car on our market.

  1. the more expensive b) the most expensive

  1. Your clock is 10 minutes than mine.

  1. faster b) more fast

  1. It is restaurant in the town.

  1. the cheapest b) the most cheap

  1. It was day in my life.

  1. the baddest b) the worst

  1. It was film I’ve ever seen.

  1. the most exciting b) more exciting

  1. Nick, what is month of the year?

  1. shorter b) the shortest

  1. She is in the family.

  1. the most practical b) more practical

  1. There were three girls and two boys in the family. My Granny was child.

  1. the oldest b) the eldest


Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

  1. The examination was than we expected.

  1. more easy b) easier

  1. This coat than the one I tried on yesterday, I’ ll buy this

  1. nicer b) more nice

  1. Of course this hotel is than that we last stayed at. But I can’t afford it.

  1. more comfortable b) comfortable

  1. It’s as today as yesterday.

  1. warmer b) warm

  1. It’s street in the city.

  1. the most busy b) the busiest

  1. Yesterday I came back home than I had promised.

  1. latest b) later

  1. The theatre was than I had expected.

  1. farther b) further

  1. His new book is not as as the previous one.

  1. interesting b) more interesting

  1. You should be when you cross the street.

  1. most careful b) more careful

  1. Today’s test is than the one we had last week.

  1. the most difficult b) more difficult


Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

  1. That is place in the world.

  1. the more peaceful b) the most peaceful

  1. This test was as as the previous one .

  1. difficult b) more difficult

  1. I think the test is one of those we have written so far.

  1. most difficult b)the most difficult

  1. It’s room in the hotel.

  1. the better b) the best

  1. The Pacific is of all the oceans.

  1. largest b) the largest

  1. Which planet in the Solar System is from the Earth?

  1. the farthest b) the furthest

  1. These were hours in all my life.

  1. happier b) the happiest

  1. It’s Task I’ve ever done.

  1. the most simple b) the simplest

  1. A Ford is than a Volksvagen.

  1. more expensive b) the most expensive

  1. Plane is means of transport.

  1. more comfortable b) the most comfortable


Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

  1. Bill’s coat is warm, but my coat is .

  1. more warm b) wormer

  1. My stove is than yours.

  1. better b) more good

  1. The doctor’s garden is than yours.

  1. more beautiful b)the most beautiful

  1. ‘‘Inter’’ programme is programme on TV.

  1. more interesting b) the most interesting

  1. Pugachova is singer in Russia.

  1. more famous b) the most famous

  1. What is sportsman in Britain?

  1. the most popular b) the popularest

  1. Fabruary is than January.

  1. more short b) shorter

  1. The elephant is than tiger.

  1. bigger b) biger

  1. The elephant is than tiger.

  1. the finest b) beautifullest

  1. Chinese food is than French.

  1. delicious b) more delicious


Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

  1. Spring is season in a year.

  1. the most pleasant b) more pleasant

  1. In my opinion cats are than dogs.

  1. smarter b) the smartest

  1. English suits are suits in the world.

  1. better b) the best

  1. My brother is than me.

  1. elder b) older

  1. Pete is than his group.

  1. elder b) older

  1. Taras is in his group.

  1. older b) the oldest

  1. This child is in his form.

  1. the most clever b) the cleverest

  1. He is pupil I have ever seen.

  1. the laziest b) the most lazy

  1. What is friend in your group?

  1. the best b) the most good

  1. These are films we have ever watched.

  1. the worse b) the worst


Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

  1. As the day went on, the weather got .

  1. badder b) worse

  1. His illness was than we thought.

  1. more serious b) the most serious

  1. It is car on our market.

  1. the more expensive b) the most expensive

  1. It’s as today as yesterday.

  1. warmer b) warm

  1. The Pacific is of all the oceans.

  1. largest b) the largest

  1. This year January was February. The average temperature in January was six degrees and in February ten degrees below zero.

  1. not as cold as b) colder than

  1. A Volkswagen isn’t a Mercedes

  1. as expensive as b) the same expensive as

  1. His new film is all his previous ones. He is one of the most prominent Russian film – makers.

  1. most popular than b) as popular as

  1. Pugachova is singer in Russia.

  1. more famous b) the most famous

  1. Spring is season in year.

  1. the most pleasant b) more pieasant

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