Choose the odd word that is not directly connected with business and management

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81) Which are productive principles of looking for a job?

82) Установите последовательность этапов поиска работы, начиная от самого первого:

83) Money in the form of banknotes and coins is called ___

84) CEO is deciphered as ___

85) Установите последовательность расположения информации в резюме от начала:

86) Organization and coordination of business activities is called ___

87) Установите соответствие между синонимами:

88) Установите соответствие между синонимами: (вар 2)

89) Установите последовательность руководящих должностей, начиная от старшей:

90) It’s widely known that management is the art of getting things done. A presentation is a fast and potentially effective method of getting things done through other people. In managing any project, presentations are used as a formal method for bringing people together to plan, monitor and review its progress.

91) A CV should be …

92) Which words are synonyms for the word «money»?

93) Choose the odd word that is not directly connected with business and management:

94) Which are present-day ways of finding a job?

95) Choose the odd word that is not directly connected with business and management: (вар 2)

96) Which words are synonyms for the word «businessman»?

97) Which are parts of a CV?

98) Установите соответствие между синонимами: (вар 3)

99) CV is deciphered as ___

100) It is widely known that under tough labor-market HRs and other personnel professionals receive hundreds of CVs, which makes a question of attracting attention essential.

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The key principle of business telephone talks is …:





If you disturbed someone by phone you should say …:

It is a pity to have troubled you.

Sorry to have troubled you.

Excuse me to have troubled you.

I am afraid to have troubled you.

Telephone talks …:

are practically ununderstandable

are as easy to understand as face-to-face speech

are more difficult to understand than face-to-face speech

are easier to understand than face-to-face speech

Business letters usually …:

require a written reply

require certain actions in reply

are left without reaction

are sent back

Which phrases suit telephone etiquette in business?

You are calling at a wrong moment.

I cannot talk with you now.

Could you call again a bit later, please?

Try calling again later.

In business letters prevail …:

emotions and feelings




If you need to phone later it is correct to say:

Can I call you back?

Could I call you back?

Must I call you back?

Mustn’t I call you back?

Which phrases suit telephone etiquette in business?

I’ll call back later.

Who are you?

It’s Ivanov here

Who is it there?

In business telephone talks …:

are becoming rarer and rarer

have never been used

are an inseparable part

are not used

Why are telephone talks more difficult to understand?

You do not see how the person is dressed

You do not see the mimics

Technical factors

Absence of visual contact

Mr. Brown is not available at the moment. Please, try _______ again later.

Установите последовательность предложений в деловом письме с начала:

We will keep you informed as to our decision concerning terms and conditions of your offer.

Dear Mr. Ganson.

Truly yours, Smith Brown.

Thank you very much for your offer sent to us.

Установите последовательность предложений в деловом письме с начала:

All other models can be supplied by the middle of January 2001, subject to our receiving your form order by 15th of November. Our c.i.f. prices are understood to be for sea/land transport to Chicago. If you would prefer the goods to be sent by air freight, this will be charged extra at cost.Nearly all the models are obtainable and could be delivered to you in March.

You will be receiving price-list, cutting of materials and a colour chart. These were airmailed to you this morning.

Suits sizes 8-16 in white, yellow, red, green, navy blue, black. Sizes 12,14 also in pink per 100 $2.650.000. Dresses sizes 8-16 in white., yellow, red., green, black per 100 S 1,845.000.

We are pleased to make you an offer regarding our products in the size you require.

A letter in which a company asks for certain information or certain actions is called an __________ letter.

Установите соответствие между этикетными фразами в деловом письме и их переводом:

Надеемся, что Вы поступите, как мы Вас просим.

С интересом ожидаем развития торговли с Вами к взаимной выгоде обеих сторон.

С нетерпением ожидаем Вашего ответа в будущем.

Мы будем благодарны за Ваш скорый ответ.

We look forward to trading with you to the mutual benefit of our companies.

We hope that you will act as requested.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Your prompt (early) reply will be appreciated.

Sorry, you must have dialed a __________ number.

A letter in which a company gives a reply is called an ________ letter.

It’s widely known that a business letter has a certain pattern and structure.

Which is a suitable variant to write a date?

What is usually mentioned in addressing introduction?

What is the normal variant of addressing in a business letter?

Which is a typical way to end a letter?

Which is a correct form to express “с нетерпением … “?

It’s is universally known that business letters are an inseparable part of business.

Business letters are often used …:

Which ending is possible for a business letter?

Which is a type of business letter?

[n business letters addresses are placed …:

A serious company usually

Contract is an agreement between the parties involved that creates .

a moral obligation

a binding obligation

a voluntary obligation


Which are the right translations of the word «contract»?





Which is the right translation for the word «Payment»?





Which are incoterm abbreviations?





Which is the right translation for verb «to sue»?

доставить товар

разорвать контракт

обратиться с иском

заплатить страховку

Which is the right translation for the word «Sample»?





Which is the right translation for the word «Arbitration»?



разрешение споров


Which are the factors that make trade the most rapidly developing spheres of human life?



consuming society


Choose possible clauses of a contract:

Subject of the Contract

Quality and Price of Goods

Terms of Payment

Discussion of Goods

How many clauses does a contract usually contain …



more 3

only 1

Установите соответствие между английскими словами и их русскими переводами:









Установите соответствие между английскими словами и их русскими переводами:









Установите последовательность пунктов договора, начиная с начала:



Subject of the Contract

Other conditions

Прочитайте раздел (модуль 11) рабочего учебника. Как называется описанный ниже способ оплаты?

It is made from the Buyers’ bank account to the Sellers’ in accordance with the Buyers’ letter of instruction. Actually this method of cash payment may sometimes take several months, which is naturally very disadvantageous to the Sellers. The transfer is carried out at current rates of exchange.

Прочитайте раздел (модуль 11) рабочего учебника. Как называется описанный ниже способ оплаты?

It this case the Importer credits the Exporter, for example, the contract may stipulate a 10 or 15 % advance payment, which is advantageous to the Sellers. This method is used when the Buyers are unknown to the Sellers.

Прочитайте раздел (модуль 11) рабочего учебника. О каком разделе контракта идет речь?

It case of a breach of contract the injured party may go to court to sue for money damages or for the contract to be rescinded, for injunction or specific performance if money damages would not compensate for the breach. Specific performance of a contract is the right by one contracting party to have the other contracting party perform the contract according to the precise terms agreed therein.

Установите последовательность пунктов договора, начиная с начала:

Other conditions


Terms of Payment

Subject of the Contract

Установите соответствие между английскими словами и их русскими переводами:









Прочитайте отрывок текста из рабочего учебника. Найдите переводы слов.

(1) The price stated in a contract may be firm, fixed or sliding. (2) Firm prices are not subject to change in the course of the fulfillment of the contract. (3) Fixed price is the price governing in the market on the day of delivery or for a given period. (4) Sliding price is quoted for machinery and equipment which require a long period of delivery.

Укажите номер предложения текста, в котором фигурирует слово «изменять»:

Укажите номер предложения текста, в котором фигурирует слово «доставка»:

Укажите номер предложения текста, в котором фигурирует слово «оборудование»:

Укажите номер предложения текста, в котором фигурирует слово «рынок»:

Укажите номер предложения текста, в котором фигурирует слово «цена»:

Прочитайте отрывок текста из рабочего учебника. Найдите переводы слов.

(1) «Subject of contract» This section names the product for sale or purchase. (2) It also indicates the unit of measure generally employed in foreign trade for specific commodities. (3) Contracts for bulk cargo contain a stipulation “about» or “plus or minus… per cent» denoting the permitted quantity tolerance.

Укажите номер части текста, в которой фигурирует слово «груз»:

Укажите номер части текста, в которой фигурирует слово «покупка»:

Укажите номер части текста, в которой фигурирует слово «измерение»:

Укажите номер части текста, в которой фигурирует слово «зарубежный»:

Укажите номер части текста, в которой фигурирует слово «раздел»:

Which files (or papers) are sent to a company when you are looking for a job?

inquiry letter


request letter

cover letter

Choose the odd word that is not directly connected with business and management:





How else is a resume called?





Who are traditional active participants of a job-interview?

company president


interviewee (candidate)


Which qualities should a good manager possess?

corporate awareness




Choose the odd word that is not directly connected with business and management:





Which are parts of a CV?

political views

key skills

professional experience


Choose the word that is not synonymous with the others:





Management is

mere fun

a theory without any connection with practice

the art of getting things done

a purely metaphysical phenomenon

Which qualities should a good businessman possess?

analytic mind




Установите соответствие между синонимами:









Установите последовательность этапов поиска работы, начиная от самого первого:

composing a CV

getting a job

formulating objectives

agreeing on an interview

Установите соответствие между синонимами:









Organization and coordination of business activities is called ________

Установите соответствие между синонимами:









CV s deciphered as __________

Money in the form of banknotes and coins is called __________

CEO is deciphered as ___________

It is often jokingly said that finding a job is a job itself. Indeed this process has so many subtleties and peculiarities that there is a large deal of truth in this statement.

Personal information in CV must be …

For a job interview it is traditionally recommended to come:

During a job interview it is recommended …

Before a job-interview it is recommended …

After the interview it is recommended …

Alongside a CV cover letter is actively used.

Its main function is…

Sending a cover letter is…

A cover letter…

Professional achievements in a cover letter should be …

A cover letter…

Пожалуйста помогите. Даю 30 балов.
I. Choose the odd word out.


2.comedy,mystery,science fiction, novel

3.spiky,wavy,middle aged, curly



6. intelligent, clever, brilliant, artistic

II. Put the verbs into the Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous.

1.I …..( study) in my bedroom at the moment, but I can join you in the park later.

2.Tom ……..(watch)TV when Jane arrived.

3.Water………..(not, boil) at 80C.

4.The policeman asked, «What………(you, do) at the time of the robbery?»

5.This athlete …..( break) the record at the Olympic games last year.

6…….. (he, like) the English countryside?

7.When I was a kid, I……. (not , get) much pocket money.

III. Fill in: why, who, whose, where, which, when.

1.A doctor is someone……..helps sick people.

2.Do you know……book this is?

3. It was summer time……we decided to go on holiday to New York.

4. Tom is very reliable. That’s……I like him.

5.That’s the clinic……Mary works.

6.They take care of the eight big black ravens ……. live in the tower.

I V. Choose the correct response.

1.What’s your sister like?

a) She is tall with freckles. b) She is very sociable.

2.What’s the best way to avoid pickpockets?

a) Don’t be so silly. b) You should look after your wallet.

3. I’ve got some good news.

a) That’s amazing! b) Sure

4. I need to get more exercise.

a) Why don’t you go home b) How about joining a gym?

5.How can we protect our home?

a) Walk in well-lit places. b) Why don’t you fit an alarm system.

V. Read the text and answer the questions.

Help Hearts

On 20th August, a ‘Help Hearts’ charity event took place in the town of Whitefall. A group of nurses from one of the local hospitals came up with the idea and over 1000 people of all ages took part.

Luckily, it was a sunny day. Everyone had fun either swimming, walking or windsurfing. Thanks to the event, 5000$ was raised for the charity.

Bob Keene, one of the people who organized the event , said,’ We wanted to do something useful for others and this seemed the most fun thing to do.

The hospital administrators were so proud, they decided to make the event part of the hospital’s yearly calendar.

1. What was the name of the organizations that raised the money?

2. Who planned the event?

3. How many people took part?

4. What was the weather like during the event?

5. What happened as result of the event?

I. Choose the odd word out.


2.comedy,mystery,science fiction, novel

3.spiky,wavy,middle aged, curly



6. intelligent, clever, brilliant, artistic

II. Put the verbs into the Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous.

1.I …..( study) in my bedroom at the moment, but I can join you in the park later.

2.Tom ……..(watch)TV when Jane arrived.

3.Water………..(not, boil) at 80C.

4.The policeman asked, «What………(you, do) at the time of the robbery?»

5.This athlete …..( break) the record at the Olympic games last year.

6…….. (he, like) the English countryside?

7.When I was a kid, I……. (not , get) much pocket money.

III. Fill in: why, who, whose, where, which, when.

1.A doctor is someone……..helps sick people.

2.Do you know……book this is?

3. It was summer time……we decided to go on holiday to New York.

4. Tom is very reliable. That’s……I like him.

5.That’s the clinic……Mary works.

6.They take care of the eight big black ravens ……. live in the tower.

IV. Complete the sentences using in ,out, up, on, with, into.

1. John gave……boxing two years ago because of a bad injury.

2. That blouse goes really well……your skirt.

3. I ran…….an old friend at the supermarket yesterday.

4. Go…… I’m listening to you.

5. Our class take part…..a clean-up campaign.

6. Many young people hang…….at the shopping centre at the weekends.

V. Choose the correct response.

1.What’s your sister like?

a) She is tall with freckles. b) She is very sociable.

2.What’s the best way to avoid pickpockets?

a) Don’t be so silly. b) You should look after your wallet.

3. I’ve got some good news.

a) That’s amazing! b) Sure

4. I need to get more exercise.

a) Why don’t you go home b) How about joining a gym?

5.How can we protect our home?

a) Walk in well-lit places. b) Why don’t you fit an alarm system.


помогите с тестом пожалуйста
1. Find phrases where the is pronounced as [€i]
A) the end B) the sun C) the other way D) the cinema E) the worlds

2. Replace underlined word with its opposite. She is always obedient.
A) misobedient B) disobedient C) overobedient D) inobedient E) notobodient

3. The correct proverb. Last year I worked very hard at my Math and English. I spent all my time reading and preparing for my entrance exams. My motto was: . . .
A) No pain, no gains B) A bird in hand is worth two in the bush C) Speech is silver but silence is gold D) Better short of pence than short of sense E) Look before you leap

4. A motorbike is . . . a scooter.
A) the most powerful B) most powerful C) as powerful D) powerful E) more powerful than

5. I love watching fireworks, but the noise sometimes makes . . . nervous.
A) our B) me C) their D) his E) my

6. . . . ‘s the doctor. . . . daughter is in this class.
A) she/her B) we/our C) he/himself D) they/their E) we/their F) it/its E) she/we

7. I am afraid the box is . . . to carry.
A) more heavy B) the heaviest C) most heavy D) too heavy E) heavier

8. Match the numbers with its writing: 28.5.
A) twenty eight and five B) twenty eighth point five C) twenty eight point fifth D) twenty eight point five

9. She’s just moved from her flat . . . 38 Azalea Drive.
A) to B) on C) for D) in E) at

10. . I never argue . . . my husband . . . money.
A) with/about B) in/at C) of/for D) for/on E) to/for

11. Find the odd word from the list below:
A) friends B) braces C) tongs D) handcuffs E) leggings

12. Don’t laugh . . . my work. I am doing my best.
A) with B) at C) of D) for E) to

13. I read the paper . . . the taxi on the way.
A) in B) on C) at D) for E) to

14. Crew is often used for the staff of . . .
A) an ambulance B) a plane C) a school D) an engineers E) a hospital

15. 7/9
A) seven and ninth B) seven ninth C) seven and nine D) seven nine E) seventh nine

16. . Look at that . . . window.
A) broke B) is broken C) broken D) to break E) has broken

17. She gave me a … box.
A) small, square, metal, jewelry B) jewelry, metal, small, square C) metal, small, square, jewelry D) small, metal, jewelry, square, E) square, small, metal, jewelry

18. Choose sentences with correct question tags.
A) We’ve met before, haven’t we? B) You are going out with him, don’t you?
C) They didn’t have enough evidence, did they? D) You won’t tell any lies, don’t you?
E) You didn’t know he was a criminal, did you? F) The police have arrested someone, hasn’t he?

19. Choose the odd word from the list below.
A) childhood B) manhood C) neighbourhood D) priesthood E) brotherhood

20. Find the works of the great English writer William Shakespeare.
A) Alice in Wonderland B) King Lear C) Romeo and Juliet D) Pride and Prejudice E) Merchant of Venice F) Treasure Island G) Oliver Twist H) Brown Wolf

21. .If he … a car accident yesterday, he … in hospital now.
A) hadn’t had/wouldn’t B) hadn’t had/wouldn’t be C) wouldn’t had/wouldn’t be D) hadn’t/wouldn’t be E) hadn’t be/wouldn’t had

22. .We ask them when …
A) will they coming back B) d they come back C) they are coming back D) did they come back E) are they come back

23. Match the abbreviation with its meaning: FBI.
A)Full board of interests B) Free Business inquiry C) Interest rate D) Federal Board of Investors E) Federal Bureau of Investigation

24. Find the incorrect phrase.
A) at the same time B) at one time C) at that time D) for a long time E) in the long time

25. Choose an appropriate reported speech sentence “I have found my keys!”
A) She announced that she had found her keys B) She announced that she found her keys
C) She announced she has found her keys D) She announced that she found her keys
E) She announced she have found her keys.

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  • Choose the correct word to fill in the gaps after a few minutes
  • Choose the odd word out перевод
  • Choose the correct word to fill in the blanks there is always the
  • Choose the odd word out view
  • Choose the odd word out straight frizzy skinny curly