Choose the odd word out ring necklace moustache

Английский язык,

вопрос задал sultanalinovs,

8 месяцев назад

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Ответил svetafinchenko


Ответ: 1 dreadlocks 2 tatoo 3 lipstick 4 4dye 5 moustache 6 piercing


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Самолёт пролетел по прямой 600 км, затем повернул под пря­мым углом и пролетел 800 км. Определите путь самолёта.

1. Circle the odd word out:

  1. cotton
    / wool / silk / elegant
  2. trousers
    / blouse / /floral / socks
  3. tsunami
    / collapse / cyclone / flood
  4. ears
    / eyelashes / lips / bushy
  5. velvet
    / nylon / linen / muscular
  6. baggy
    /sporty /scruffy/editor

Underline the correct item:

  1. My grandpa has very bushy eyebrows / lips.
  2. His eyebrows are too thin/ short.
  3. She hides her slim / protruding ears behind
    her hair.
  4. Does my hat match / go my coat?
  5. Can I rent / borrow your black dress for
    tonight’s party?
  6. Look at Sarah. She has grown / developed taller since the
    last time I saw her.

3. Complete the sentences using the adjectives below and too/enough as
in the example: I’m not old enough to drive a car.

He’s too busy to help us.

pretty skinny classy shy troubled

  1. Lisa should put on a little weight;
    she’s………………….. .
  2. Chris thinks that jeans aren’t ……………. to wear to a
  3. There are many teens who are ……………… about their
  4. Olga believes that she isn’t ………………. to be a
    fashion model.
  5. Don’t expect Angela to come and talk to you first. She’s……………
    around new people.

4. Rewrite this sentences in passive.

  1. Mike wrote two letters yesterday.
  2. The government supports endangered species.
  3. The builders are reconstructing the house.
  4. Have John finished his project?
  5. My mother will bring us some sweets.

5. Fill in: slim, frizzy, suits, bushy, try, overweight.

1. Tom is … . He must go on a diet.

2. Tony made a nasty remark about Betty’s … eyebrows.

3 . I don’t think that red hair … her.

4. She’s got a very … figure.

5. Would you like to … on that dress?

6.I am not happy with my … hair! I wish it was straight.

1. Circle the odd word out:

  1. cotton
    / wool / silk / elegant
  2. trousers
    / blouse / /floral / socks
  3. tsunami
    / collapse / cyclone / flood
  4. ears
    / eyelashes / lips / bushy
  5. velvet
    / nylon / linen / muscular
  6. baggy
    /sporty /scruffy/editor

Underline the correct item:

  1. My grandpa has very bushy eyebrows / lips.
  2. His eyebrows are too thin/ short.
  3. She hides her slim / protruding ears behind
    her hair.
  4. Does my hat match / go my coat?
  5. Can I rent / borrow your black dress for
    tonight’s party?
  6. Look at Sarah. She has grown / developed taller since the
    last time I saw her.

3. Complete the sentences using the adjectives below and too/enough as
in the example: I’m not old enough to drive a car.

He’s too busy to help us.

pretty skinny classy shy troubled

  1. Lisa should put on a little weight;
    she’s………………….. .
  2. Chris thinks that jeans aren’t ……………. to wear to a
  3. There are many teens who are ……………… about their
  4. Olga believes that she isn’t ………………. to be a
    fashion model.
  5. Don’t expect Angela to come and talk to you first. She’s……………
    around new people.

4. Rewrite this sentences in passive.

  1. Mike wrote two letters yesterday.
  2. The government supports endangered species.
  3. The builders are reconstructing the house.
  4. Have John finished his project?
  5. My mother will bring us some sweets.

5. Fill in: slim, frizzy, suits, bushy, try, overweight.

1. Tom is … . He must go on a diet.

2. Tony made a nasty remark about Betty’s … eyebrows.

3 . I don’t think that red hair … her.

4. She’s got a very … figure.

5. Would you like to … on that dress?

6.I am not happy with my … hair! I wish it was straight.

to Variant 2:

1. ответы

    1. elegant
    2. floral
    3. collapse
    4. bushy
    5. muscular
    6. editor


  1. eyebrows
  2. short
  3. protruding
  4. match
  5. borrow
  6. grown


  1. too
  2. classy
  3. too
  4. pretty
  5. too


        1. Two letters were written by Mike yesterday.
        2. Endangered species are supported by the government.
        3. The house is being reconstructed by the builders.
        4. Have the project been finished by John?
        5. Some sweets will be brought to us / We’ll be brought some
          sweets by my mother.

Задание 5.1.overweight, 2.bushy, 3.suits, 4.slim, 5.try, 6.frizzy

6. 1С, 2В, 3D, 4Е, 5А

I. Choose the odd word out.


2.comedy,mystery,science fiction, novel

3.spiky,wavy,middle aged, curly



6. intelligent, clever, brilliant, artistic

II. Put the verbs into the Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous.

1.I …..( study) in my bedroom at the moment, but I can join you in the park later.

2.Tom ……..(watch)TV when Jane arrived.

3.Water………..(not, boil) at 80C.

4.The policeman asked, «What………(you, do) at the time of the robbery?»

5.This athlete …..( break) the record at the Olympic games last year.

6…….. (he, like) the English countryside?

7.When I was a kid, I……. (not , get) much pocket money.

III. Fill in: why, who, whose, where, which, when.

1.A doctor is someone……..helps sick people.

2.Do you know……book this is?

3. It was summer time……we decided to go on holiday to New York.

4. Tom is very reliable. That’s……I like him.

5.That’s the clinic……Mary works.

6.They take care of the eight big black ravens ……. live in the tower.

IV. Complete the sentences using in ,out, up, on, with, into.

1. John gave……boxing two years ago because of a bad injury.

2. That blouse goes really well……your skirt.

3. I ran…….an old friend at the supermarket yesterday.

4. Go…… I’m listening to you.

5. Our class take part…..a clean-up campaign.

6. Many young people hang…….at the shopping centre at the weekends.

V. Choose the correct response.

1.What’s your sister like?

a) She is tall with freckles. b) She is very sociable.

2.What’s the best way to avoid pickpockets?

a) Don’t be so silly. b) You should look after your wallet.

3. I’ve got some good news.

a) That’s amazing! b) Sure

4. I need to get more exercise.

a) Why don’t you go home b) How about joining a gym?

5.How can we protect our home?

a) Walk in well-lit places. b) Why don’t you fit an alarm system.


Пожалуйста помогите. Даю 30 балов.
I. Choose the odd word out.


2.comedy,mystery,science fiction, novel

3.spiky,wavy,middle aged, curly



6. intelligent, clever, brilliant, artistic

II. Put the verbs into the Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous.

1.I …..( study) in my bedroom at the moment, but I can join you in the park later.

2.Tom ……..(watch)TV when Jane arrived.

3.Water………..(not, boil) at 80C.

4.The policeman asked, «What………(you, do) at the time of the robbery?»

5.This athlete …..( break) the record at the Olympic games last year.

6…….. (he, like) the English countryside?

7.When I was a kid, I……. (not , get) much pocket money.

III. Fill in: why, who, whose, where, which, when.

1.A doctor is someone……..helps sick people.

2.Do you know……book this is?

3. It was summer time……we decided to go on holiday to New York.

4. Tom is very reliable. That’s……I like him.

5.That’s the clinic……Mary works.

6.They take care of the eight big black ravens ……. live in the tower.

I V. Choose the correct response.

1.What’s your sister like?

a) She is tall with freckles. b) She is very sociable.

2.What’s the best way to avoid pickpockets?

a) Don’t be so silly. b) You should look after your wallet.

3. I’ve got some good news.

a) That’s amazing! b) Sure

4. I need to get more exercise.

a) Why don’t you go home b) How about joining a gym?

5.How can we protect our home?

a) Walk in well-lit places. b) Why don’t you fit an alarm system.

V. Read the text and answer the questions.

Help Hearts

On 20th August, a ‘Help Hearts’ charity event took place in the town of Whitefall. A group of nurses from one of the local hospitals came up with the idea and over 1000 people of all ages took part.

Luckily, it was a sunny day. Everyone had fun either swimming, walking or windsurfing. Thanks to the event, 5000$ was raised for the charity.

Bob Keene, one of the people who organized the event , said,’ We wanted to do something useful for others and this seemed the most fun thing to do.

The hospital administrators were so proud, they decided to make the event part of the hospital’s yearly calendar.

1. What was the name of the organizations that raised the money?

2. Who planned the event?

3. How many people took part?

4. What was the weather like during the event?

5. What happened as result of the event?

I. Choose the odd word out.


2.comedy,mystery,science fiction, novel

3.spiky,wavy,middle aged, curly



6. intelligent, clever, brilliant, artistic

II. Put the verbs into the Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous.

1.I …..( study) in my bedroom at the moment, but I can join you in the park later.

2.Tom ……..(watch)TV when Jane arrived.

3.Water………..(not, boil) at 80C.

4.The policeman asked, «What………(you, do) at the time of the robbery?»

5.This athlete …..( break) the record at the Olympic games last year.

6…….. (he, like) the English countryside?

7.When I was a kid, I……. (not , get) much pocket money.

III. Fill in: why, who, whose, where, which, when.

1.A doctor is someone……..helps sick people.

2.Do you know……book this is?

3. It was summer time……we decided to go on holiday to New York.

4. Tom is very reliable. That’s……I like him.

5.That’s the clinic……Mary works.

6.They take care of the eight big black ravens ……. live in the tower.

IV. Complete the sentences using in ,out, up, on, with, into.

1. John gave……boxing two years ago because of a bad injury.

2. That blouse goes really well……your skirt.

3. I ran…….an old friend at the supermarket yesterday.

4. Go…… I’m listening to you.

5. Our class take part…..a clean-up campaign.

6. Many young people hang…….at the shopping centre at the weekends.

V. Choose the correct response.

1.What’s your sister like?

a) She is tall with freckles. b) She is very sociable.

2.What’s the best way to avoid pickpockets?

a) Don’t be so silly. b) You should look after your wallet.

3. I’ve got some good news.

a) That’s amazing! b) Sure

4. I need to get more exercise.

a) Why don’t you go home b) How about joining a gym?

5.How can we protect our home?

a) Walk in well-lit places. b) Why don’t you fit an alarm system.


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