Choose the necessary word my sister

Пояснительная записка

Цель промежуточной аттестации определить уровень сформированности

предметных компетенций и предметных умений по английскому языку среди

учащихся 9 классов.

Вид работы: комбинированная контрольная работа


контрольных измерительных материалов для проведения входного контроля по

английскому языку в 9 классе

1.Назначение контрольных измерительных материалов оценить стартовый уровень

общеобразовательной подготовки по английскому языку учащихся 9 класса на начало

учебного года, а также факторов, влияющих на результаты их дальнейшего обучения.

Тексты заданий предлагаемой модели контрольной работы в целом соответствуют

Федеральному компоненту государственного стандарта общего образования (ч.2 среднее

(полное) общее образование), формулировкам, принятым в учебниках и учебных

пособиях, включенным в Федеральный перечень.

2. Документы, определяющие содержание контрольных измерительных материалов

Содержание работы определяется на основе следующих документов: рабочая программа

по учебному предмету «Английский язык» разработана в соответствии с Законом

Российской Федерации от 29.12.2012 г. №273ФЗ «Об образовании в Российской

Федерации», федеральным компонентом государственного стандарта общего образования

(ч.2 среднее (полное) общее образование), основной образовательной программой

основного общего и среднего общего образования МАОУ Заревской СОШ с углубленным

изучением отдельных предметов а также в соответствии с рекомендациями Примерной

программы по иностранным языкам среднее (полное) общее образование базовый

уровень М.: АСТ: Астрель 2012г.; авторской рабочей программы к УМК «Английский в

фокусе,9» (“SPOTLIGHT”), В. Апальков «Просвещение»: Москва, 2016.

3. Структура КИМ контрольной работы

Контрольная работа состоит из пяти разделов:

Задание 1 (лексикограмматическое):. Проверяет лексику и грамматику по курсу 8

класса (Модальные глаголы. Относительные местоимения. Пассивный залог. Наречия


Задание 2 (Лексика): Поставьте правильный предлог. Проверяет у учащихся знание

лексики, пройденной в 8 классе.

Задание 3 (Соотнесите вопросы из 1 колонки с ответами из 2 колонки): проверяет

коммуникативные умения учащихся, навыки разговорной речи.

Задание 4 (Грамматика. Тест): содержит 19 вопросов на проверку усвоения грамматики

английского языка на начало учебного года.

Задание 5 (Чтение): Выберите правильный ответ. умение находить запрашиваемую

информацию. Тип задания: установление соответствия между вопросом и содержанием


Данная контрольная работа предназначена для учащихся 9-х классов, которые

занимаются по УМК Spotlight.

Контрольная работа имеет критерии оценивания результатов и ключ.

За каждый правильный ответ учащийся получает 1 балл. Успешность выполнения работы

определяется исходя из следующего соответствия:

% правильно выполненного задания

Входная контрольная работа по английскому языку в 9 классе

(УМК Spotlight)

Task 1 . Choose the necessary word.

1. My sister, who/ which is very beautiful, is arriving today.

2. He’s bought the toy who/ that she was looking for.

3. Jerry’s father has been building his country house for/since ten years.

4. Alex wanted a car for/since her last birthday.

5. The textbook (wrote/was written) by Andy.

6. Five people (have killed/have been killed) in а plane crash.

7. А famous designer (was built/built) the bridge.

8. Mikki _________ play the piano very well. And what about you?

a) can b) should c) must

9. _________ he help you with this task?

a) Could b) Must c) May

10. It’s raining. You _________ take an umbrella.

a) can’t b) don’t have to c) should

Task 2. Choose the right preposition (of, to, by, boff, in).

11. It contains the largest display… toy dolls.

12. The most successful men and women of that period showed … their wealth wearing silk,

woolen and linen clothes.

13. If I was invited …my friends dinner party, I would think twice what to wear.

14. It was … fashion to wear their hair long with lots of colour threads in it.

15. We‘d recommend you to travel… bus.

Task 3. Match the sentences from column A with the replies from column B.

16. I can’t stand brightly dyed hair.

17. Would you like a cup of coffee?

19. Are you keen on football?

20. I’d like to see this film.

21. My brother likes sport.

Task 4.

22. Mathematics … hard. I don’t understand it.

a) are c) is

b) was d) were

23. Last summer we wanted a relaxing holiday, so we … to stay on a small island.

a) chose c) had chosen

b) have chosen d) choose

24. Excuse me, do you speak English? I … for a hotel.

a) look c) was looking

b) have been looking d) am looking

25. There is going to be a big art exhibition. It… a lot of visitors.

a) will attract c) has attracted

b) attracts d) attracted

26. The police officer said that every house in that street … already by the police.

a) had been searched c) search

b) were searched d) searched

27. While we … for the train, it started to rain.

a) waited c) were waiting

b) are waiting d) was waiting

28. The result of his investigation … in the newspaper soon.

a) publish c) be published

b) will be published d) is published

29. We … a new computer not long ago. Now the job will be done much more quickly.

a) bought c) had bought

b) was bought d) have bought

30. When they arrived home, their children … outside the door waiting for them.

a) sit c) was sitting

b) were sitting d) are sitting

31. He was sorry that he … to me for so long.

a) didn’t write c) haven’t been writing

b) hadn’t been writing d) hasn’t been writing

32. Everybody in our team played … except the captain.

a) the worst c) worst

b) badly d) bad

33. Small shops are not as … as supermarkets.

a) more convenient c) convenient

b) most convenient d) the most convenient

34. You know much, but you know … than your teacher.

a) little c) less

b) least d) much

35. The ring you found … be returned to an old lady who had lost it.

a) must c) are to

b) can d) have to

36. Sarah is a very good pianist. She plays … piano very well.

a) a c) an

b )the d)-

37. The comic told silly jokes, but nobody laughed … him.

a) on c) under

b) at d)about

38. That’s an easy question! … knows the answer!

a) All c) Each

b )Every d) Everybody

39. I didn’t have much time, but I … visit a lot of places of interest in London.

a) had to c) must

b) was able to d) can

40. We feel sorry … Sam because he hasn’t got any friends.

a )by c) with

b)about d) for


Read the text and answer the following questions, сhoosing the correct variant

The Christmas Tree

No one knows for sure who decorated the first Christmas tree. The custom of bringing an

evergreen tree indoors and decorating it at Christmas started in Germany. One legend says that

Martin Luther started the practice. Luther was an important Christian leader. According to the

story, he noticed the starlit sky as he walked home one Christmas Eve about the year 1513. He

thought the stars looked as if they were shining on the branches. When he arrived home, Martin

Luther placed a small fir tree inside his house. He decorated it with lighted candles.

Decorating Christmas trees became popular in Germany. Prince Albert of Sachsen-Coburg-

Gotha, the German husband of Queen Victoria, took the tradition to England. Both German and

English people brought it to America. And now nearly every family in Great Britain and the

USA has a Christmas tree.

The biggest Christmas tree in Britain is put up in Trafalgar Square in London. The people of

Norway still give this tree every year to the British people to thank them for helping Norway

against Hitler in the Second World War.

41. … started the practice of decorating the Christmas tree.

a) Nobody knows who

b) Queen Victoria

c) Martin Luther King

d) Prince Albert

42. The first Christmas trees in Britain were introduced and popularized by …

a) Prince Albert and Queen Victoria

b) Martin Luther King

c) The Norwegians

d) The Germans

43. What follows from the text?

a) Martin Luther decorated the Christmas tree with toys.

b) American people do no decorate Christmas trees.

c) Every year the people of Norway give the city of London a present a big Christmas tree.

d) Queen Elisabeth I took the tradition to decorate Christmas tree to England.

Пояснительная записка

промежуточной аттестации
– определить  уровень
сформированности   предметных      компетенций и предметных умений
 по английскому языку среди учащихся  9 классов.

Вид работы: комбинированная контрольная


измерительных материалов для проведения входного контроля  по английскому языку
в 9 классе

контрольных измерительных материалов —
стартовый уровень общеобразовательной подготовки по английскому языку учащихся 9 
класса на начало учебного года, а также факторов, влияющих на результаты их
дальнейшего обучения. Тексты заданий предлагаемой модели контрольной работы в
целом соответствуют Федеральному  компоненту государственного стандарта  общего
образования (ч.2 среднее (полное) общее образование), формулировкам, принятым в
учебниках и учебных пособиях, включенным в Федеральный перечень.

Документы, определяющие содержание контрольных измерительных материалов

определяется на основе следующих
документов: рабочая программа по учебному предмету «Английский язык» 
разработана в соответствии с Законом Российской Федерации от 29.12.2012 г.
№273-ФЗ «Об образовании в Российской Федерации», федеральным компонентом
государственного стандарта  общего образования (ч.2 среднее (полное) общее
образование), основной образовательной программой основного общего и среднего
общего образования  МАОУ Заревской СОШ с углубленным изучением отдельных
предметов  а  также в соответствии с рекомендациями Примерной программы  по
иностранным языкам среднее (полное) общее образование базовый уровень М.: АСТ:
Астрель  2012г.; авторской рабочей  программы к УМК «Английский в фокусе,9» (“
В. Апальков «Просвещение»: Москва, 2016.

Структура КИМ контрольной работы

Контрольная работа
состоит из пяти разделов:

Задание 1
. Проверяет лексику и
грамматику по курсу 8 класса (Модальные глаголы. Относительные местоимения.
Пассивный залог. Наречия

Задание 2
Поставьте правильный предлог. Проверяет
у учащихся знание лексики, пройденной в 8 классе.

Задание 3 (Соотнесите
вопросы из 1 колонки с ответами из 2 колонки):
коммуникативные умения учащихся, навыки разговорной речи.

Задание 4
(Грамматика. Тест)
: содержит 19 вопросов на
проверку усвоения грамматики английского языка на начало учебного года.

Задание 5
Выберите правильный ответ.
умение находить запрашиваемую информацию. Тип задания: установление
соответствия между вопросом и содержанием текста.

Данная контрольная
работа предназначена для учащихся  9-х классов, которые занимаются по УМК

Контрольная работа
имеет критерии оценивания результатов и ключ.

За каждый
правильный ответ учащийся получает 1 балл. Успешность выполнения работы
определяется исходя из следующего соответствия:

% правильно
выполненного задания


95-100 %


80-94 %


60-79 %


менее 60%


Входная контрольная работа по английскому языку в 9

(УМК Spotlight) 1 вариант

Task 1 . Choose the necessary word.

My sister, who/ which is very beautiful, is arriving

He’s bought the toy who/ that she was looking for.

Jerry’s father has been building his country house  for/since ten

Alex wanted a car for/since her last birthday.

The textbook (wrote/was written) by Andy.

Five people (have killed/have been killed) in а
plane crash.

А famous designer (was built/built) the

8. Mikki _________ play the piano very well. And what
about you?

a) can b) should c) must

9. _________ he help you with this task?

a) Could b) Must c) May

10. It’s raining. You _________ take an umbrella.

a) can’t b) don’t have to c) should

Task 2. Choose the right
preposition (
of, to, by, boff, in).

11.    It
contains the largest display… toy dolls.

12.    The most
successful men and women of that period showed … their wealth wearing silk,
woolen and linen clothes.

13.    If I was
invited …my friends dinner party, I would think twice what to wear.

14.    It was …
fashion to wear their hair long with lots of colour threads in it.

15.    We’d
recommend you to travel… bus.

Task 3 .

16. Mathematics … hard.
I don’t understand it.

a) are              
                   c) is

b) was                                d) were

17.  Last summer we
wanted a relaxing holiday, so we … to stay on a small island.

a) chose              
             c) had chosen

b) have chosen            
      d) choose      

18. Excuse me, do you speak English? I … for a hotel.

a) look              
                 c) was looking

b)  have been looking       
         d) am looking

19. There is going to be a big art exhibition. It… a lot
of visitors.

a) will attract            
        c) has attracted

b) attracts            
              d) attracted

20. The police officer said that every house in that street
… already by the police.

a) had been searched          
               c) search  

b) were searched            
  d) searched

21. While we … for the train, it started to rain.

a) waited              
             c) were waiting

b) are waiting            
       d) was waiting

22. The result of his investigation … in the newspaper

a) publish              
           c) be published      

b) will be published d) is published

23.  We … a new computer not long ago. Now the job
will be done much more quickly.

a) bought                           c) had bought  

b) was bought            
       d) have bought

24. When they arrived home, their children … outside the
door waiting for them.

a) sit              
                    c) was

b) were sitting                      d) are sitting  


Read the text and answer the
following questions, с
hoosing the correct variant

The Christmas Tree

No one knows for sure who decorated the first Christmas
tree. The custom of bringing an evergreen tree indoors and decorating it at Christmas
started in Germany. One legend says that Martin Luther started the practice.
Luther was an important Christian leader. According to the story, he noticed
the starlit sky as he walked home one Christmas Eve about the year 1513. He
thought the stars looked as if they were shining on the branches. When he
arrived home, Martin Luther placed a small fir tree inside his house. He
decorated it with lighted candles.

Decorating Christmas trees became popular in Germany.
Prince Albert of Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha, the German husband of Queen Victoria,
took the tradition to England. Both German and English people brought it to
America. And now nearly every family in Great Britain and the USA has a
Christmas tree.

The biggest Christmas tree in Britain is put up in Trafalgar
Square in London. The people of Norway still give this tree every year to the
British people to thank them for helping Norway against Hitler in the Second
World War.

25. … started the practice of decorating the Christmas

a) Nobody knows who

b) Queen Victoria

c) Martin Luther King

d) Prince Albert

26. The first Christmas trees in Britain were introduced
and popularized by …

a) Prince Albert and Queen Victoria

b) Martin Luther King

c) The Norwegians

d) The Germans

27. What follows from the text?

a) Martin Luther decorated the Christmas tree with toys.

b) American people do no decorate Christmas trees.

c) Every year the people of Norway give the city of
London a present – a big Christmas tree.

d) Queen Elisabeth I took the tradition to decorate
Christmas tree to England.

Входная контрольная работа по английскому языку в 9

(УМК Spotlight)

Five people (have killed/have been killed) in а
plane crash.

А famous designer (was
 the bridge

Five people (have killed/have been killed) in а
plane crash.

А famous designer (was built/built) the

8. Mikki _________ play the piano very well. And what
about you?

a) can b) should c) must

9. _________ he help you with this task?

a) Could b) Must c) May

10. It’s raining. You _________ take an umbrella.

a) can’t b) don’t have to c) should


1. Choose the correct word.

1. My sister feels stressed when she takes an exam.

2. When we heard that strange noise, we got so scared.

3. You look so miserable. Did you get the bad news?

4. This was my worst birthday ever. I was bored.

5. Cathy worked so hard yesterday that she feels very tired now.

2. Fill in the gaps with was, wasn’t, were, weren’t.

1. There were two lemons in the fridge yesterday.

2. The boys weren’t at school last Wednesday. They stayed at home.

3. Was James at your party last night?

4. I wasn’t in London last year. I travelled to Spain.

3. Complete the questions with the verbs in brackets. Then answer the questions.

1. What time did Leo get up yesterday? (get up) — He got up at 7:15 am.

2. What did he have for breakfast? (have) — He had a sandwich for breakfast.

3. What time did he go to school? (go) — He went to school at 8 o’clock.

4. What did Leo eat for lunch? (eat) — He ate meat and vegetables.

5. Did he drink coffee? (drink) — No, he didn’t.

6. When did he get home? (get) — He got home at 3 pm.

7. Did he do his homework in the afternoon?(do) — Yes, he did.


Привести слова в скобках правильную форму:

1) My sister is___ (funny) and___ (creative) person in the world.

2) Who is your___ (good) friend?

3) Sally is three years___ (young) than me and she is___ (sensible) person I know.

4) John is___ (selfish) in our family. Besides he is as___ (stubborn) as a mule.

5) I think that___ (little) he could do is to give her some money.

Найдите правильный ответ на вопрос ✅ «Привести слова в скобках правильную форму: 1) My sister is___ (funny) and___ (creative) person in the world. 2) Who is your___ (good) …» по предмету 📘 Английский язык, а если вы сомневаетесь в правильности ответов или ответ отсутствует, то попробуйте воспользоваться умным поиском на сайте и найти ответы на похожие вопросы.

Смотреть другие ответы

Главная » Английский язык » Привести слова в скобках правильную форму: 1) My sister is___ (funny) and___ (creative) person in the world. 2) Who is your___ (good) friend? 3) Sally is three years___ (young) than me and she is___ (sensible) person I know.

Entry Test 9th Form

  1. Read the article and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).

Anti-fur protestor Heather Mills McCartney is threatening to stalk actress Jennifer Lopez. The wife of ex-Beatle Sir Paul McCartney has targeted Ms Lopez because of the singer-actor’s love of fur. Ms Lopez often attends movie premieres and awards shows wearing expensive fur coats. She says she wants to be “educated” as to why she should not wear them. She has angered animal rights activists for many years. They accuse her of making fur fashionable. She has made it an attractive item for the young and wealthy to want to buy.

Ms McCartney’s latest stalking attempt ended painfully when she lost her prosthetic leg in a fight with security guards at the New York offices of Ms Lopez’s fashion company. Ms McCartney wanted to deliver a DVD to Ms Lopez, which contained a documentary of animals pain. Ms McCartney had to replace her artificial leg in a stairwell, as the guards refused her entry to a restroom. She promised to continue her crusade against Ms Lopez, and to “show up” at her home or “get a hold of her at her premieres”.

Jennifer Lopez has been arrested for wearing fur coats.


Jennifer Lopez makes fur trendy and popular.


Ms McCartney lost a leg in a fight with Ms Lopez’s security guards.


Ms McCartney promised to precede her crusade against Ms Lopez.


Ms Lopez wears fur coats at movie premieres and awards shows


2. Choose the right preposition (of, to, by,off, in).

  1. It contains the largest display… toy dolls.
  2. The most successful men and women of that period showed … their wealth wearing silk, woolen and linen clothes.
  3. If  I was invited …my friends dinner party, I would think twice what to wear.
  4. It was … fashion to wear  their hair long with lots of colour threads in it.
  5. We’d recommend you to travel… bus.

3 . Choose the necessary word.

  1. My friend, who/ which is very talented, is arriving today.
  2. She’s bought the book who/ that she was looking for.
  3. Tom’s father has been building his house for/since two years.
  4. Alice wanted a bicycle for/since her last birthday.

4.Fill in the gaps with an appropriate modal verb (must, may, can, need, to have to).

  1. Sandra _________ not come to me tomorrow – I’ve done the job.
  2. There is no need to rewrite the essay completely – it’s quite good. You _____ only rewrite the third passage.  
  3. It’s so late, we _______ be going!  
  4. Students _____________ pay for their education at private school.  
  5. You ________ stay at home today.                                                        
  6. It ________ be your car there. You have parked it today.                
  7. You ______ not take pictures in this museum.                                      
  8. We _________ speak Spanish at the lesson.                                                
  9.  ___________ you help me?                                                                
  10. You _________ be glad to find the best flat.

5. Active or passive? Choose the correct verb form.

  1. The book (wrote/was written) by Hardy.
  2. Four people (have killed/have been killed) in а train crash.
  3. А famous architect (was built/built) the bridge.

6. Put the sentences into indirect speech.

          Nick said that…

1. My mother isn’t very well.

2. I don’t know what Nina is doing.

3. You can come and stay at my place.

4. You sent me a fantastic card.

5. The new film will be bad.

6. You have watched the game.

7. Match the sentences  from column A with the replies from column B.



  1. I  can’t stand brightly dyed  hair.
  2. Would you like a cup of coffee?
  3. Do you like animals?
  4. Are you keen on football?
  5. I’d like to see this film.
  6. My brother likes sport.
  1. No, thanks.
  2. Yes, I am.
  3. Neither can I.
  4. Let’s go on Sunday.
  5. So do I.
  6. No, I don’t.

Ответы Entry Test 9th Form


































have to










was written

have been killed



1. Nick said that his mother wasn’t very well

2.  Nick said that he didn’t know what Nina was doing.

3. Nick said that I could come and stay at his place.

4. I had sent him a fantastic card.

5. The new film would be bad.

6. I had watched the game.














1. Leaving school, boys and girls choose different educational establishments to get a profession.

2. Mike studies at the economical faculty.

3. Students take exams or credit-tests at the end of each term.

4. You should do sports in this sporting club, it is rather well-equipped.

5. There is a hostel for students from the countryside.

6. I make a research (исследование) for my scientific work.

7. I am good at tennis, and I am going to take part in the tennis tournament.

8. My sister masters a profession of a medical worker in the college.​


1. Окончив школу, мальчики и девочки выбирают разные учебные заведения, чтобы получить профессию.

2. Майк учится на экономическом факультете.

3. Студенты сдают экзамены или зачеты в конце каждого семестра.

4. Вам следует заниматься спортом в этом спортивном клубе, он достаточно хорошо оборудован.

5. Есть общежитие для студентов из сельской местности.

6. Я провожу исследование  для своей научной работы.

7. Я хорошо играю в теннис, и собираюсь принять участие в теннисном турнире.

8. Моя сестра осваивает профессию медицинского работника в колледже.​

Помогите решить 1. Choose the correct word.

1) My sister feels stressed/bored when she takes an exam.

2) When we heard that strange noise, we got so tired/scared.

3) You look so miserable/puzzled. Did you get the bad news?

4) This was my worst birthday ever. I was bored/excited.

5) Cathy worked so hard yesterday that she feels very worried/tired now.

2. Fill in the gaps with was, wasn’t, were, weren’t.

1) There … two lemons in the fridge yesterday.

2) The boys … at school last Wednesday. They stayed at home.

3) … James at your party last night?

4) I… in London last year. I travelled to Spain.

3. Complete the questions with the verbs in brackets. Then answer the questions.

1) What time … Leo … yesterday? (get up) — He … at 7:15 am.

2) What… he … for breakfast? (have) — He … a sandwich for breakfast.

3) What time … he … to school? (go) — He … to school at 8 o’clock.

4) What… Leo … for lunch? (eat) — He … meat and vegetables.

5) … he … coffee? (drink) — No,… .

6) When … he … home? (get) — He … home at 3 pm.

7) … he … his homework in the afternoon? (do) — Yes,….

4. Read the text and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).

Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci was born on the 15th April, 1452. He lived in a small town in Italy with his grandparents. He studied at home and enjoyed music, singing and mathematics. At the age of 16 he wanted to study art, so he moved to the city of Florence for art classes. Leonardo finished his studies after four years. He then worked in Milan as an engineer and he started his life as an inventor. In 1500 he went back to Florence and in 1516 he travelled to France where he stayed for the rest of his life.

Leonardo da Vinci lived and worked before people used electricity and petrol for power, but he had the first ideas for many machines that we use today. For example, he designed the first helicopter but he never made it. He made the first diving suit of leather with long pipes to carry the air to the diver. These are just some of Leonardo’s hundreds of inventions. He also invented a parachute and even high heels!

inventor — изобретатель

petrol — бензин

helicopter — вертолет

heels — каблуки


1) Leonardo da Vinci was born in Italy. _____

2) He studied mathematics in Florence. _____

3) He worked as an engineer in Milan. _____

4) He made the first electric machine. _____

5) He invented the diving suit. _____

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