Choose the most suitable word from the words

Media plan,
aim at…, determine the exact media vehicles, formulate a media
plan, select media, draw up a time schedule, ultimate aim, major
kinds of media, direct mail, outdoor displays, mass transit vehicles,
daytime TV channel, late night TV, take into account, devise a media
plan, analyze the location, demographic characteristics of people,
appeal to people of different age groups and locations, affect, print
media, broadcast media, present issues, offer high quality colour
reproduction, full-colour magazine ad, in black and white,
complicated process, determine the success of an ad.

2. Translate the following word combinations from Russian into English

Иметь целью сделать
что-то, выбрать средства массовой
информации, медиаплан, составить
медиаплан, определиться с конкретными
средствами передвижения, составить
расписание, основной, конечная цель,
прямая рассылка по электронной почте,
уличные рекламные щиты, реклама в
общественном транспорте, дневные ТВ
каналы, принимать во внимание, разрабатывать
медиаплан, проанализировать местоположение,
демографические характеристики,
обращаться к представителям различных
возрастных групп и местопроживания,
влиять на …, печатные средства информации,
вещательные СМИ, освещать вопросы,
предлагать цветное воспроизведение
высокого качества, цветная реклама в
журнале, черно-белое воспроизведение
изображения, сложный процесс, определять

3. Find words and phrases in the text that mean the following

  • to create a media plan

  • choose media

  • the final and most important

  • to take into consideration

  • to study the location and
    demographic characteristics of people

  • to be interesting for people
    of different age groups

  • to influence

  • a difficult process

Use the words and word
combinations in sentences of your own.

4. Fill in the gaps using the words from Word Study exercises

a. One of the most important
steps in an advertising campaign is a … .

b. The basic objective of
media-planning is to … and dates to be used.

c. A
media-planner selects the media for the campaign to … .

d. Another task for a
media-planner while formulating a media-plan is to … .

e. Radio, television,
newspapers, magazines and direct mail are … .

f. A lot of factors should be
… when a media-planner … .

g. Different media … the
people of different age-groups and locations.

h. The content of the message
… the choice of media.

i. Magazines and TV usually
offer … .

j. The ads of food products
are less effective … .

5. Choose the most suitable word from the words in brackets to complete these sentences

  1. Viacom
    Outdoor is an advertising company that specializes in placing
    adverts on (billboards / public transport / television) such as

  2. Some
    perfume companies provide (leaflets / commercials / free samples) so
    that customers could try the perfume on their skin before they buy.

  3. Advertising
    companies spend a lot of money on creating clever (slogans /
    directories / mailshots) that are short and memorable such as the
    message for the credit card, Access: “Your flexible friend”.

  4. Celebrity
    (exhibition / research / endorsement) is a technique that is very
    popular in advertising at the moment.

  5. If news
    about the product comes to you by (the word of mouth / press / the
    Internet), someone tells you about it rather than you seeing an

  6. If you
    have something to sell, you can (target / place / launch) an advert
    in the local paper.


Answer the following

  1. What role
    does a media plan play in an advertising campaign?

  2. What is the basic aim of a
    media plan?

  3. What should a media-planner
    do to formulate a media plan?

  4. What is the ultimate aim of
    the media planner?

  5. What does a media planner do
    at the very beginning of an advertising campaign?

  6. What are the major kinds of

  7. What are the kinds of media,
    a baby food producer might use, to present his products?

  8. What
    factors do media planners take into account when they devise a media

  9. Why are the location and the
    demographic characteristics oft he people in the advertising target
    especially important for media-planners?

  10. In what way does the choice
    of media depend on the content of the message?

Talking Point

the following questions in groups of 3 or 4. Choose the speaker who
will represent your ideas to the class. Share your ideas with the

  1. Why is a media plan a crucial
    step in an advertising campaign?

  2. Do you agree that the message
    influences the choice of media? Give your own examples to illustrate
    your viewpoint.

  3. What types
    of media would you use to advertise the following objects: a new
    scientific project of your own, a “special” dish cooked by your
    Grandmother, a new soap-opera, flowers, a novel written by your
    friend? Comment on your choice.


  1. Prepare
    a monologue on the following topic:
    tips on how to make media-planning more effective”.
    forget to use active vocabulary!

  1. Prepare
    a dialogue using the following instructions


You are the director of an advertising agency which has just failed
an advertising campaign. You are sure that media-planning wasn’t
effective enough.

are a media-planner. The advertising campaign you were in charge of
has failed. Discuss its drawbacks with the Director of the agency.
Think about the possible ways of overcoming the deadlock.

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

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Test #4 for the 11th

1.       Choose
the most suitable word for each space.

Nowadays people are
more aware that wildlife all over the world is in (1)….many (2)… of animals are
threatened, and could easily become(3)… if we do not make an effort to (4)…them.
There are many reasons for this. In some cases, animals are (5)…for their fur
or for other valuable parts of their bodies. Some birds, (6)…as parrots, are
caught (7)… , and sold as pets. For many animals and birds, the problem is
their habitat- the (8)… where they live-is (9)… More (10)…is used for farms,
for houses or industry, and there are fewer open (11)…than there once were.
Farmers use powerful chemicals to help them grow better (12)…, but these
chemicals pollute the environment and (13) wildlife. The most successful
animals on earth-human beings-will soon be the only once (14)…, unless we can
(15)… this problem.

1.       a) danger   b) threat           c)
problem       d) vanishing

2.       a) marks    b) more                        c)
species         d) forms

3.       a) disappeared        b)
vanished      c)empty                       d) extinct

4.       a) harm      b) safe              c)
protect         d) serve

5.       a) hunted   b) chased         c)
game                        d) extinct

6.       a) like        b) such             c)
or                 d) where

7.       a) lively     b) alive                        c)
for life         d) for living

8.       a) spot       b) point            c)
place                        d)site

9.       a) exhausting         b)
departing     c)escaping        d) disappearing

10.   a) each       b) land             c)
soil               d) area

11.   a) spaces    b) air                c)
up                d) parts

12.   a) products b) fields                      c)
herbs                        d) crops

13.   a) spoil      b) harm                        c)wound

14.   a) survived b) over            c)
missing        d) left

15.   A) answer b) calculate
     c) solve                        d) explain

2. Match the words with
their definitions.


a. a person who kills
wildlife illegally


b. an electricity
generation station which uses radioactive fuel to drive the generators

3.ozone layer

c. no longer
existing, as an animal species


d. the damage done to
air, water or soil by the addition of harmful chemicals


e. the part of the
Earth which contains all the living creatures


f. the process of
treating paper, plastic and metals so that they can be used again

7. acid rain

g. the raising of the
temperature of the earth’s atmosphere caused by the burning of fossil fuels
and increased amount of gases such as carbon dioxide

power station

h. the natural environment
of a plant or animal


i. the act of cutting
down large areas of forest

10. recycling

j. a species which is
in danger of becoming extinct

k. rain that contains
acid from industrial waste


l. a layer of the
chemical ozone in the earth’s atmosphere that block harmful rays from the sun

3. Fill in the gaps with words derived
from the words in brackets.

There are many problems which
(1)__________(threat) our natural environment. Acid rain, (2)__________(globe)
warming and air and water (3)__________(pollute) are among the most serious
ones. There are several ways to help improve the situation. Firstly, we should
encourage (4)__________(recycle) because it is the(5)__________(produce) of new
materials which causes the most damage. We must learn to reuse things like
plastic bags and glass jars. Secondly, driving an environmentally- friendly car
is also(6)__________(help).Furthermore, joining an (7)__________(organize) which
plants trees or cleans up beaches would be a (8)__________(prove) that you are
really (9)__________(concern) about the environment. Lastly, supporting groups
such as Greenpeace, which try to prevent many(10)__________(environment)
disasters, would help to ensure that our planet will be clean and safe for the
future generations.

Complete the sentences with the appropriate prepositions

There is no need to switch ____ the upper light, it isn’t dark in the room.

The scientists should think of a way to prevent rare animals _____ becoming

Water pollution is caused ____human activities.

Air pollution has a negative impact ____climate changes.

Huge areas of rainforests have been cut ____for urban development.

The amount ____waste and rubbish in big cities is increasing.

Almost three quarters of the land in great Britain is used ___ food production.

The governments should make laws to protect the environment ___ the man’s

The shortage __ natural resources is the result of their unreasonable use by

It would be better if you didn’t turn __ the heat in your house when it isn’t

We need to reduce the amount ___electricity we use every day.

Noise pollution doesn’t only have a negative effect on animals but can also
have a negative impact ___ human health.

for the 11th grade environment


1.         Keys:
1) a; 2)c; 3)d; 4)c; 5)a; 6)b; 7)b; 8)c; 9)d; 10)b; 11)a; 12)d; 13)b; 14)d;

2.         Keys:
1.c; 2.d; 3.l; 4.a; 5.h; 6.e; 7.k; 8.b; 9.j; 10.f; 11.g; 12.i

3.         Keys:
1.threaten; 2. global; 3. pollution; 4. recycling; 5. production; 6.helpful; 7.
organization; 8. proof; 9. concerned; 10. environmental.

4.         Keys:
1) On, 2) from, 3) because of, 4)on, 5)down, 6)of, 7)for,8)from, 9)of, 10)on,
11)of, 12)on

Найди верный ответ на вопрос ✅ «Choose the most suitable word for each space. Last week my friend Sandy and I (1) … to go to the beach on the bus. While we (2) … for …» по предмету 📙 Английский язык, а если ответа нет или никто не дал верного ответа, то воспользуйся поиском и попробуй найти ответ среди похожих вопросов.

Искать другие ответы

Главная » Английский язык » Choose the most suitable word for each space. Last week my friend Sandy and I (1) … to go to the beach on the bus. While we (2) … for the bus, it suddenly (3) … to rain. We (4) … summer clothes, and we (5) … an umbrella. While we (6) …

1) Match the words with their definitions.


a. a person who kills wildlife illegally


b. an electricity generation station which uses radioactive fuel to drive the generators

3.ozone layer

c. no longer existing, as an animal species


d. the damage done to air, water or soil by the addition of harmful chemicals


e. the part of the Earth which contains all the living creatures


f. the process of treating paper, plastic and metals so that they can be used again

7. acid rain

g. the raising of the temperature of the earth’s atmosphere caused by the burning of fossil fuels and increased amount of gases such as carbon dioxide

8.nuclear power station

h. the natural environment of a plant or animal

9.endangered species

i. the act of cutting down large areas of forest

10. recycling

j. a species which is in danger of becoming extinct warming

k. rain that contains acid from industrial waste


l. a layer of the chemical ozone in the earth’s atmosphere that block harmful rays from the sun

2) Choose the most suitable word for each space.

The threat to the environment.

Nowadays people are more aware that wildlife all over the world is in (1)….many (2)… of animals are threatened, and could easily become(3)… if we do not make an effort to (4)…them. There are many reasons for this. In some cases, animals are (5)…for their fur or for other valuable parts of their bodies. Some birds, (6)…as parrots, are caught (7)… , and sold as pets. For many animals and birds, the problem is their habitat- the (8)… where they live-is (9)… More (10)…is used for farms, for houses or industry, and there are fewer open (11)…than there once were. Farmers use powerful chemicals to help them grow better (12)…, but these chemicals pollute the environment and (13) wildlife. The most successful animals on earth-human beings-will soon be the only once (14)…, unless we can (15)… this problem.

  1. a) danger b) threat c) problem d) vanishing

  2. a) marks b) more c) species d) forms

  3. a) disappeared b) vanished c)empty d) extinct

  4. a) harm b) safe c) protect d) serve

  5. a) hunted b) chased c) game d) extinct

  6. a) like b) such c) or d) where

  7. a) lively b) alive c) for life d) for living

  8. a) spot b) point c) place d)site

  9. a) exhausting b) departing c)escaping d) disappearing

  10. a) each b) land c) soil d) area

  11. a) spaces b) air c) up d) parts

  12. a) products b) fields c) herbs d) crops

  13. a) spoil b) harm c)wound d)wrong

  14. a) survived b) over c) missing d) left

  15. A) answer b) calculate c) solve d) explain

3)Fill in the gaps with words derived from the words in brackets.

There are many problems which (1)__________(threat) our natural environment. Acid rain, (2)__________(globe) warming and air and water (3)__________(pollute) are among the most serious ones. There are several ways to help improve the situation. Firstly, we should encourage (4)__________(recycle) because it is the(5)__________(produce) of new materials which causes the most damage. We must learn to reuse things like plastic bags and glass jars. Secondly, driving an environmentally- friendly car is also(6)__________(help).Furthermore, joining an (7)__________(organize) which plants trees or cleans up beaches would be a (8)__________(prove) that you are really (9)__________(concern) about the environment. Lastly, supporting groups such as Greenpeace, which try to prevent many(10)__________(environment) disasters, would help to ensure that our planet will be clean and safe for the future generations.

1) Match the words with their definitions.


a. a person who kills wildlife illegally


b. an electricity generation station which uses radioactive fuel to drive the generators

3.ozone layer

c. no longer existing, as an animal species


d. the damage done to air, water or soil by the addition of harmful chemicals


e. the part of the Earth which contains all the living creatures


f. the process of treating paper, plastic and metals so that they can be used again

7. acid rain

g. the raising of the temperature of the earth’s atmosphere caused by the burning of fossil fuels and increased amount of gases such as carbon dioxide

8.nuclear power station

h. the natural environment of a plant or animal

9.endangered species

i. the act of cutting down large areas of forest

10. recycling

j. a species which is in danger of becoming extinct warming

k. rain that contains acid from industrial waste


l. a layer of the chemical ozone in the earth’s atmosphere that block harmful rays from the sun

2) Choose the most suitable word for each space.

The threat to the environment.

Nowadays people are more aware that wildlife all over the world is in (1)….many (2)… of animals are threatened, and could easily become(3)… if we do not make an effort to (4)…them. There are many reasons for this. In some cases, animals are (5)…for their fur or for other valuable parts of their bodies. Some birds, (6)…as parrots, are caught (7)… , and sold as pets. For many animals and birds, the problem is their habitat- the (8)… where they live-is (9)… More (10)…is used for farms, for houses or industry, and there are fewer open (11)…than there once were. Farmers use powerful chemicals to help them grow better (12)…, but these chemicals pollute the environment and (13) wildlife. The most successful animals on earth-human beings-will soon be the only once (14)…, unless we can (15)… this problem.

  1. a) danger b) threat c) problem d) vanishing

  2. a) marks b) more c) species d) forms

  3. a) disappeared b) vanished c)empty d) extinct

  4. a) harm b) safe c) protect d) serve

  5. a) hunted b) chased c) game d) extinct

  6. a) like b) such c) or d) where

  7. a) lively b) alive c) for life d) for living

  8. a) spot b) point c) place d)site

  9. a) exhausting b) departing c)escaping d) disappearing

  10. a) each b) land c) soil d) area

  11. a) spaces b) air c) up d) parts

  12. a) products b) fields c) herbs d) crops

  13. a) spoil b) harm c)wound d)wrong

  14. a) survived b) over c) missing d) left

  15. A) answer b) calculate c) solve d) explain

3)Fill in the gaps with words derived from the words in brackets.

There are many problems which (1)__________(threat) our natural environment. Acid rain, (2)__________(globe) warming and air and water (3)__________(pollute) are among the most serious ones. There are several ways to help improve the situation. Firstly, we should encourage (4)__________(recycle) because it is the(5)__________(produce) of new materials which causes the most damage. We must learn to reuse things like plastic bags and glass jars. Secondly, driving an environmentally- friendly car is also(6)__________(help).Furthermore, joining an (7)__________(organize) which plants trees or cleans up beaches would be a (8)__________(prove) that you are really (9)__________(concern) about the environment. Lastly, supporting groups such as Greenpeace, which try to prevent many(10)__________(environment) disasters, would help to ensure that our planet will be clean and safe for the future generations.



a. a person who kills wildlife illegally


b. an electricity generation station which uses radioactive fuel to drive the generators

3.ozone layer

c. no longer existing, as an animal species


d. the damage done to air, water or soil by the addition of harmful chemicals


e. the part of the Earth which contains all the living creatures


f. the process of treating paper, plastic and metals so that they can be used again

7. acid rain

g. the raising of the temperature of the earth’s atmosphere caused by the burning of fossil fuels and increased amount of gases such as carbon dioxide

8.nuclear power station

h. the natural environment of a plant or animal

9.endangered species

i. the act of cutting down large areas of forest

10. recycling

j. a species which is in danger of becoming extinct warming

k. rain that contains acid from industrial waste


l. a layer of the chemical ozone in the earth’s atmosphere that block harmful rays from the sun

Keys: 1.c; 2.d; 3.l; 4.a; 5.h; 6.e; 7.k; 8.b; 9.j; 10.f; 11.g; 12.i (слайд 25-37)

Choose the most suitable word for each space.

The threat to the environment.

Nowadays people are more aware that wildlife all over the world is in (1)….many (2)… of animals are threatened, and could easily become(3)… if we do not make an effort to (4)…them. There are many reasons for this. In some cases, animals are (5)…for their fur or for other valuable parts of their bodies. Some birds, (6)…as parrots, are caught (7)… , and sold as pets. For many animals and birds, the problem is their habitat- the (8)… where they live-is (9)… More (10)…is used for farms, for houses or industry, and there are fewer open (11)…than there once were. Farmers use powerful chemicals to help them grow better (12)…, but these chemicals pollute the environment and (13) wildlife. The most successful animals on earth-human beings-will soon be the only once (14)…, unless we can (15)… this problem.

  1. a) danger b) threat c) problem d) vanishing

  2. a) marks b) more c) species d) forms

  3. a) disappeared b) vanished c)empty d) extinct

  4. a) harm b) safe c) protect d) serve

  5. a) hunted b) chased c) game d) extinct

  6. a) like b) such c) or d) where

  7. a) lively b) alive c) for life d) for living

  8. a) spot b) point c) place d)site

  9. a) exhausting b) departing c)escaping d) disappearing

  10. a) each b) land c) soil d) area

  11. a) spaces b) air c) up d) parts

  12. a) products b) fields c) herbs d) crops

  13. a) spoil b) harm c)wound d)wrong

  14. a) survived b) over c) missing d) left

  15. A) answer b) calculate c) solve d) explain

Keys: 1) a; 2)c; 3)d; 4)c; 5)a; 6)b; 7)b; 8)c; 9)d; 10)b; 11)a; 12)d; 13)b; 14)d; 15)c;

Fill in the gaps with words derived from the words in brackets.

There are many problems which (1)__________(threat) our natural environment. Acid rain, (2)__________(globe) warming and air and water (3)__________(pollute) are among the most serious ones. There are several ways to help improve the situation. Firstly, we should encourage (4)__________(recycle) because it is the(5)__________(produce) of new materials which causes the most damage. We must learn to reuse things like plastic bags and glass jars. Secondly, driving an environmentally- friendly car is also(6)__________(help).Furthermore, joining an (7)__________(organize) which plants trees or cleans up beaches would be a (8)__________(prove) that you are really (9)__________(concern) about the environment. Lastly, supporting groups such as Greenpeace, which try to prevent many(10)__________(environment) disasters, would help to ensure that our planet will be clean and safe for the future generations.

Keys: 1.threaten; 2. global; 3. pollution; 4. recycling; 5. production; 6.helpful; 7. organization; 8. proof; 9. concerned; 10. environmental.

Choose the most suitable word for each space.

Last week my friend Sandy and I (1)… to go to the beach on the bus.

While we (2)… for the bus, it suddenly (3)….

To rain.

We (4)… summer clothes, and we (5)… an umbrella.

While we (6)… there in the rain, Sandy’s mother (7)… past, so we (8)… to her.

Luckily, she (9)… us, and (10)… us home in the car.

Вы перешли к вопросу Choose the most suitable word for each space?. Он относится к категории Английский язык,
для 10 — 11 классов. Здесь размещен ответ по заданным параметрам. Если этот
вариант ответа не полностью вас удовлетворяет, то с помощью автоматического
умного поиска можно найти другие вопросы по этой же теме, в категории
Английский язык. В случае если ответы на похожие вопросы не раскрывают в полном
объеме необходимую информацию, то воспользуйтесь кнопкой в верхней части
сайта и сформулируйте свой вопрос иначе. Также на этой странице вы сможете
ознакомиться с вариантами ответов пользователей.

50 месяцев назад

Choose the most suitable word: 1. We still have to (make/book) a hotel and to buy our plane tickets. 2. I’m leaving tomorrow

and I still haven’t (stacked/packed) my suitcases. 3. I always get great deals on hotels because my friend is a (trip/travel) agent. 4. A «bed and (breakfast/food) is a private home which takes in guests. 5. Travel agents often ask you whether or not you would like to buy traveler’s (insurance/policy). 6. When you arrive in a new country, you often have to go through (customs/custom) at the airport. 7. Traveling first — (level/class) is very expensive. 8. I left my bag in a (locker/lock) at the train station.


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  • Choose the most suitable word for each space what do you
  • Choose the most suitable word for each space most people enjoy going
  • Choose the most suitable word for each space i like my house
  • Choose the most suitable word for each sentence
  • Choose the most suitable word and complete the sentences creative people