Choose the most suitable word for each sentence


. Choose the most suitable word or phrase underlined in each sentence.
1. Jack decided to take a course term in hotel management.
2. I can’t come to the cinema. I have to read study for the exam.
3. Martin failed missed his mathematics exam and had to sit it again.
4. I hope your work will improve by the end of course subject.
5. You should attend all the lectures not to lag behind keep pace with the program.
6. Are you studying doing well at the university this term?
7. We’ve got three lectures today on the timetable curriculum.
8. Every student must have his student membership card student record book if he’s going to take an exam.
9. My friend doesn’t cope with an avalanche of assignments and relies only on the failure cribs.

Choose the most suitable word of phrase for each sentence

Третий номер, пожалуйста!

Choose the most suitable word of phrase for each sentenceТретий номер, пожалуйста?

Вы зашли на страницу вопроса Choose the most suitable word of phrase for each sentenceТретий номер, пожалуйста?, который относится к
категории Английский язык. По уровню сложности вопрос соответствует учебной
программе для учащихся 5 — 9 классов. В этой же категории вы найдете ответ
и на другие, похожие вопросы по теме, найти который можно с помощью
автоматической системы «умный поиск». Интересную информацию можно найти в
комментариях-ответах пользователей, с которыми есть обратная связь для
обсуждения темы. Если предложенные варианты ответов не удовлетворяют,
создайте свой вариант запроса в верхней строке.

Complete each sentence with one suitable word.

a) I’m trying to cut down …………on….. fatty food.

b) Don’t worry! The smell of garlic wears
…………………………… after a while.

c) Let’s look ……………………… the market before we
buy any vegetables.

d) I can’t understand this recipe. Can you work
……………………. what it means?

e) I’m afraid I don’t feel up ………………………….
eating another cream cake.

f) I visited a farm once, and it put me
…………………… eating meat for a week.

g) I haven’t got ………………………. to cleaning the
fish yet.

h) Why don’t we warm …………………… last night’s
leftovers for lunch?

i) Keith usually makes …………………….. his recipes
as he goes along.

j) The waiter seemed a bit put ……………… when we
didn’t leave a tip.

Choose the most suitable word or phrase to complete each sentence.

a) Would you prefer …………C………………. potatoes or

A) poached        B)
ground           C) mashed          D) powdered

b) I bought this bread four days ago and now
it’s …………………

A) stale                                B)
off                    C) bad                  D) rotten

c) Don’t forget to buy a packet of ……………………

A) chilled             B)
frozen             C) frosted           D) chilly

d) Can you give me the …………………….. for this pie?
It’s delicious.

A) prescription                 B)
instructions                  C)
ingredients                   D) recipe

e) There was a wonderful smell of …………………………. bread
in the kitchen.

A) cooking          B)
roasting          C) baking             D) grilling

f) Don’t buy those fish, they aren’t very

A) fresh                               B)
new                 C) recent             D) young

g) I’d like to eat more of this cake, but it’s
very ………………………….

A) fat                    B)
fatty                C) fattened        D) fattening

h) Waiter, I can’t eat this meat. It’s under —

A) done                               B)
developed                    C) nourished     D) weight

i) Is the hamburger for you to eat here, or to

A) go out             B)
take away                     C) carry on          D) sit down

j) That was fantastic. Could I have a second
……………………….., please?

A) plate                               B)
course            C) helping           D) service

7. Make
a word or compound word to match the description.

a) A spoon used for putting sugar in tea ……teaspoon…….

b) A cloth put on the table at meal

c) A metal device for opening

d) A pot in which tea is made ……………………………………

e) An electrical appliance for making toast

f) A cup specially made for coffee

g) An omelette containing mushrooms …………………….

h) An electrical appliance for mixing food.

i) A napkin made of paper………………………………..

j) The amount contained in a tablespoon

k) An electrical appliance for washing

8. Decide
which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.


This recipe is both (1) …B………. and cheap. If you use dried chickpeas, (2) …………. them for at least twelve hours
in cold water. Drain them and put them in a large (3) ………………….. with plenty of
water. Bring them to the boil, and then let them simmer gently (4) …………………..
the chickpeas are soft. I find it easier to use (5) ………………. Chickpeas, which
are already cooked. This (6) ……………………… time, and also guarantees that the
chickpeas will be soft, since it can take hours of boiling before they (7) …………….
Two small 450 gram cans are usually (8) ………………. Strain the chickpeas, but keep
some of the liquid for the soup. (9) ………………………. Three tablespoons of olive oil
into a saucepan, and gently heat a chopped (10) ………………………, two of three cloves
of garlic and some (11) ………………… carrot. (12) ……………. Half the chickpeas and turn
them in the oil over a low heat. Meanwhile blend the remaining chickpeas in a
food (13) …………………, until they make a smooth cream. Add about half a litre of
water to the vegetables and bring to the boil. Mix in the creamed chickpeas and
cook slowly. Add salt and (14) ……………… and a pinch of mixed herbs. Some (15) …………………………
add lemon juice at the end.

1) A expensive   B
tasty                  C worth                D cold

2) A soak           B
bury                  C wash                 D water

3) A kettle          B
mug                   C sink                  D saucepan

4) A when          B
until                   C
if                      D enough

5) A the              B
to                       C canned             D crude

6) A makes         B
takes                 C saves                D gives

7) A soften         B
harden             C widen               D lengthen

8) A much           B
enough            C mine                 D few

9) A Grate           B
Peel                   C Beat                  D Pour

10) A onion        B
up                      C one                    D water

11) A melted     B
beaten             C poached          D sliced

12) A One           B
Then                 C Add                   D Serve

13) A just            B
not                     C dish                   D mixer

14) A paper        B
puppy               C pepper             D poppy

15) cookers        B
cooks                                C
cookery           D chiefs


5. a) on                b)
off                    c) around/round             d) out                   e) to      f)
off  g)round                  h) up     i)
up       j) out

6. a) C                   b)
A       c) B        d) D       e) C        f) A        g)
D        h) A       i) B         j) C

7. a) teaspoon                  b) tablecloth                     c)
bottle-opener/corkscrew      d) teapot            e) toaster                           f) coffee cup          g) mushroom omelette                               h)
food mixer    i) paper napkin                 j) tablespoonful               k) dishwasher

8. 1) B                   2)
A                       3) D                       4) B        5) C        6)
C        7)A         8) B        9)D         10) A     11)D                      12)C                               13) D                     14) C                     15)B

Task 2. Choose the most suitable word or phrase underlined in each sentence.

a) Harry was told that fishing in the lake was against/ by/ over the law.

b) Catherine led a secret life for/ in/ of crime before she was caught.

c) Having trouble with your phone? Send at/ for/ to Fix-a-phone!

d) I regret to tell you that you are for/ in/ under arrest

e) I only attacked the young man from/ in/ with self-defence.

f) David was often at/ in / with trouble with the police when be was young.

g) The robbers’ car was hidden below/ by/ from sight behind the bank.

h) The kidnappers have been caught, and the child is no longer at/ in/ on danger.

i) Tony was caught by a policeman who was off / out/ away from duty and cycling to work.

j) The thieves took the wrong painting by/ in/ under mistake.

k) The suspicious manager left the safe unlocked from/ on/ with purpose.


Choose the most suitable word of phrase for each sentence
Третий номер, пожалуйста!

1 ответ:



1. B
2. A
3. C
4. B
5. C
6. C

Читайте также

Слушание и повторение, это ведь правильно, да?


Современный английский имеет свои корни во времена Шекспира. Латынь и греческий имеют большое влияние, потому что они являются языками для ученых. Английский использует много латинских слов, оканчивающихся на-us -um, например, учебный план и цирк. Слова, которые заканчивают вологию (изучение) и -фобию (иррациональный страх) происходят от греческих слов, например, биология и арахнофеки. Исследователи и путешественники приносят много новых слов со всего мира: слова для ани (зебра из Конго, африканский язык), еда (шоколад на языке науатль, ацтекская одежда (пижама из хинди в Индии), напитки (чай из китайского языка), математические термины из арабского языка) и музыкальные термины (фортепиано из итальянского языка). Английский язык продолжает расти, особенно с новыми словами в науке и технике, например, микрочип и киберпространство.

-Просто отлично.Спасибо.Как твои дела
-Чудесно.Не могло быть лучше.Но что с тобой происходит.Ты выглядишь усталым
-Ничего особенного.Я очень занята с моим новым проектом об экологических проблемах.(следующее предложение не могу разглядеть)
-Я тоже.Взбодрись.Мы пройдем через все это.Слушай.У меня несколько идей ,что мы закончим нашу неделю в горах и мы обсуждаем это.
-Чудесно.Позвони мне ночью
-хорошо.Проверим потом.

My sister work in hospital, she is a doctor.
Builder it’s a hard job.
Today policeman find my bag.
I don’t like dentist’s.
My granny marry with farmer.

Today I am going to visit (напр. friend)

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