Choose the correct word you like a cup of tea





6 лет назад

Английский язык

5 — 9 классы

Choose the correct word for each conversation.

(Would/Do) you like a cup of tea? Yes, please. I’m very thirsty.(Would/do) you like steak? No, I don’t eat meat.Tom (would like/likes) something to drink. I’ll bring mineral water.What is your favorite meat?  I (would like/like) chicken.Can I help you?  Yes? I (would like/like) an ice-cream.


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(12 оценок)



6 лет назад

Светило науки — 7 ответов — 0 раз оказано помощи

would like
would like

(12 оценок)

Choose the correct word for each conversation.

(Would / Do) you like a cup of tea?

Yes, please.

I’m very thirsty.

(Would / do) you like steak?

No, I don’t eat meat.

Tom (would like / likes) something to drink.

I’ll bring mineral water.

What is your favorite meat?

I (would like / like) chicken.

Can I help you?

Yes? I (would like / like) an ice — cream.


Вы зашли на страницу вопроса Choose the correct word for each conversation?, который относится к
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программе для учащихся 5 — 9 классов. В этой же категории вы найдете ответ
и на другие, похожие вопросы по теме, найти который можно с помощью
автоматической системы «умный поиск». Интересную информацию можно найти в
комментариях-ответах пользователей, с которыми есть обратная связь для
обсуждения темы. Если предложенные варианты ответов не удовлетворяют,
создайте свой вариант запроса в верхней строке.

30. ______you like a cup of tea?
a) do b) could c) would d) might
31. Exobiology is the study of life ______ other planets.
a) in b) at c) on d) for
32. ______ aspects of his talk have global applications.
a) one of the b) some c) any of the d) none
33. The department ordered ______ new furniture for the office.
a) many b) much of c) some d) any
34. My cousin lives ______ a farm.
a) at b) in c) within d) on
35. She wished she ______ a princess when she was a young girl.
a) were b) was c) is d) be
36. Travelers’ checks are useful when one is travelling be¬cause ______ people refuse to accept them.
a) quite a few b) a few c) few d) many
37. He was angry ______ his friend.
a) with b) at c) on d) about
38. You ______ study a lot if you want to pass the exam.
a) should c) will b) have d) might
39- You ______ be very proud of your son. He has won so many rewards.
a) ought b) had c) will d) must
40.1 was startled ______ the bitterness in his voice.
a) on b) in c) by d) with
41. It has rained ______ to flood the low-lying areas.
a) enough hard c) hard enough
b) quite hard d) enough harder
42. While John was watching television, Maria ______ a
a) read c) was reading
b) has read d) have been reading
43. There are thirty people in the room. Twenty are from Latin America and ______ are from ______ countries.
a) the others, another c) another, others
b) the others, other d) the other, the others
44. ______ Lake Erie is one of ______ five Great Lakes in
______ North America.
a) -, the, the c) -, the, —
b) the, -, — d) the, the, —
45. We have spent ______ time on this homework.
a) too much c) such many
b) too many d) so a much
46. If ______ of you takes a vacation now, we will not be able to finish that work.
a) either c) anybody
b) each c) somebody
47. It’s too hot and my hair needs______.
a) to be cutting c) cutting
b) be cut d) to be cut
48. She will wear a costume to the party, and______.
a) we will too c) so we will
b) so we will too d) we too
49. If we ______ to study, we could go out tonight.
a) hadn’t c) hadn’t have
b) haven’t d) didn’t have
50. I wished that I ______ up yesterday.
a) had washed c) washed
b) have washed d) didn’t washed

Получи верный ответ на вопрос 🏆 «Choose the correct variant and open the brackets. 1. (Would you like / Do you like) a cup of tea? 2. (Would you like / Do you like) books? …» по предмету 📕 Английский язык, используя встроенную систему поиска. Наша обширная база готовых ответов поможет тебе получить необходимые сведения!

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Главная » Английский язык » Choose the correct variant and open the brackets. 1. (Would you like / Do you like) a cup of tea? 2. (Would you like / Do you like) books? 3. (Would you like / Do you like) to go with me? 4. (Would you like / Do you like) to see the ocean? 5.

упражнения для 6 класса.

Упражнения на времена для 6 класса.

To be.

Упражнение 1. Выберите правильный вариант

  1. Can I talk to Molly, please? — She _________
    (is/are) busy now.
  2. What ______ (am/is/are) you painting? — I_________
    (am/is/are) not painting now.
  3. My friends______ (am/are) working now.
  4. Where __________ (am/is/are) uncle Patrick on a
    holiday? — In Kenya.
  5. Why___________ (am/is/are) Nickolas crying? —He’s
    lost the

Present Continuous.

Упражнение 2. Определите предложения, в
которых глаголы употреблены Present Continuous.

  1. Frank gets up at 6 o’clock.
  2. What is auntie Pam doing now?
  3. At 4 o’clock Molly is doing her tests.
  4. My friend often goes hiking.
  5. Sandy’s going to eat less fatty food.

Past Simple.

Упражнение 3. Употребите 
Present Perfect
или Past Simple.

  1. Meredith _________ (live) in Кenya
    last year.
  2. The rain_________ (stop) two hours ago.
  3. Masha_________ (buy) a new hat.
  4. The wind _________ (to blow) off the old man’s
    hat, and he cannot catch it.
  5. We just_________ (to meet) our math teacher.
  6. Sergio _________ (to go) home.
  7. He _______ (to leave) the room a moment ago.
  8. Fred_________ (to change) so much.
  9. Anything ______ (to happen)?


Present Perfect.

Упражнение 4. Определите
 предложения, в которых глаголы употреблены в Present Perfect.

  1. My name is Lisa.
  2. Sally has a lot of questions to ask.
  3. Molly has never been to Tanzania.
  4. I had a good holiday last year.
  5. Have Sally and Molly ever been to North Africa?

Упражнение 5. Переведите предложения на
английский язык.

  1. Ты купил подарок бабушке?
  2. Мередит еще не видела этот фильм.
  3. Я только что разбил вазу.
  4. Вероника только что вернулась из
  5. Петр уже сделал домашнее задание.

Упражнение 6. Задайте вопросы к предложениям.

  1. I’ve been to Mir. — When
  2. I’ve read this book. — When
  3. I’ve just come from village. — How long
  4. I’ve broken a vase. — What
  5. I’ve met Kate. — Where


Past Continuous.

Упражнение 7. Underline Past
Continuous forms.

  1. When I saw Nick, he was writing a letter.
  2. At 2 o’clock my mother Fiona was cooking soup.
  3. The father was not sleeping when little Freddie
    opened the door.
  4. At 10 o’clock, Samantha was doing homework.
  5. When the old teacher came in, the children were

Упражнение 8.  Complete
the sentences using Past Continuous.

  1. When my mother came home, I
  2. On Saturday at 9 o’clock my brother
  3. When the telephone suddenly rang, we still
  4. When I met my friend yesterday, he
  5. From 2 till 5 o’clock yesterday I


Упражнение 9. Выберите корректный вариант.

  1. Не_________ (is/are)
    going to be a teacher.
    He likes children.
  2. We’ll go on a bicycle__________ (last/next)
  3. What_______ (am/are) you going to do after
  4. I think I (wan’t/won’t) go to the village next
  5. I_________ (am/is) going to go to the mountains.

Упражнение 10. Найдите в тексте 5 ошибок.

Summer is my favourite time of the year because it are
vacation time. Last summer I go to my granny in Russia. We also go to Moscow. I
loved staying in hotels. There is swimming pools there and I is very happy.

Упражнение 11. Вставьте last night, ever,
just, yet, always в нужном месте:

  1. My uncle went to Bosnia.
  2. Scot has come back from America.
  3. Have you been to Yemen?
  4. You haven’t visited your granny.
  5. I clean my teeth two times a day.

Упражнение 12. Подчеркните правильную

  1. Why (do, have) you bought so much sugar?
  2. What foreign language (have / do) you know?
  3. Where (do, have) you celebrate New Year?
  4. Why (do, have) you broken this toy?
  5. What (do, have) you do every day?

Упражнение 13. Choose the
correct word for each conversation.

  1. (Would/Do) you like a cup of tea? Yes, please.
    I’m very thirsty.
  2. (Would/do) you like steak? No, I don’t eat meat.
  3. Tom (would like/likes) something to drink. I’ll
    bring mineral water.
  4. What is your favorite meat?  I (would
    like/like) chicken.
  5. Can I help you?  Yes? I (would like/like) an

Другие упражнения по грамматике для 6

Упражнение 14. Образуйте множественное
число существительных

a wolf —    

a bison —

a sheep —

a tooth —

a glass —

an ox —

Упражнение 15. Образуйте
степени сравнения.

short   —  

bad   —    

boring —

far –

Вопросительные предложения.

Упражнение 16.  Put the
words in the correct order to make the questions.

  1. Did, happen, when, the accident
  2. Do, the boys, do, what, housework
  3. Machines, what, you, can, use
  4. Does, Molly, what, do, her, room, in
  5. You, do, like, film, this

Упражнение 17. 
Complete the questions with the words how much, how many.

  1. _________ milk would you like?
  2. _________ sweets have you eaten?
  3. ________cabbage do you want to buy?
  4. _________ biscuits have you bought?
  5. _________ eggs have you added?

Упражнение 18. Complete the
tail questions.

  1. The book is very interesting,_______?
  2. You haven’t seen The Lost World: Jurassic Park
  3. You can go to granny tomorrow, ________?
  4. My brother thinks adventure stories are exciting,
  5. Kate really likes eating ice-cream, ________?

Упражнение 19. Ask questions.

  1. Greg finished repairing his bicycle yesterday. —
    When __________?
  2. Yesterday Nelly was working at her English from 5
    till 7. — How long ?
  3. My sister is in the kitchen. — Where ?
  4. Little Millie is brushing her teeth at the
    moment. — What ?
  5. Aunt Pam got a postcard from her cousin two days
    ago. — When ?

Упражнение 20. Fill in have
to/has to, don’t / doesn’t have to, etc

  1. Sandy________ buy any milk. Her sister melody has
    already bought it.
  2. I don’t have a pencil. I________ ask somebody for
    a pencil.
  3. Nick is studying literature. He______ read a lot
    of books.
  4. ______ you______learn the poem by heart? No,
    I know it.
  5. I_________ clean the blackboard. Tim has already
    cleaned it.

Лексические упражнения для 6 класса.

Упражнение 21. Соотнесите слова и их









за границей









a) крест

b) удобный

c) столица

d) гимн

e) население

22. Fill in when or while.

  1. Fred was watching TV, ________ Pit was reading.
  2. _________ mother came into the room, Anthony was
  3. Melody was crying ______ Derek first saw her.
  4. Gill was cooking _______ the phone rang.
  5. _________ Steven was thinking, the train left.

Упражнение 23.  Match
these verbs with the words.

1.       Do





a) the plants

b) your homework

c) the bed

d) the dishes

e) the house

24. Put these words into the most suitable column.

Steak, cucumber, onion, ham, potatoes, apple, lemon,
carrot, bacon, grapes




Упражнение 25. Put the words
into the correct order to make sentences.

  1. has to, stay, Ann, at school, lessons, after
  2. get, early, up, tomorrow, don’t, have to, I
  3. the dates, have to, they, learn, by heart
  4. have to, the, blackboard, clean, I
  5. don’t, eat, have to, you, the soup

Упражнение 26. Use the words
to complete the sentences.

 exciting, boring,
amusing, touching, horror

  1. The “Titanic” is a very _________ film.
  2. The film was very_________- , so I fell asleep.
  3. “Car” is an__________cartoon for the whole
  4. The “Star wars” is a very__________ film, so I
    couldn’t stop watching it.
  5. The “Dracula” was a __________ film, so I was not


Exercise 1.  1 is, 2 are / am, 3 are, 4 is, 5 is

Exercise 2.  2 /3 /5

Exercise 3.

1 lived, 2 stopped, 3 has bought, 4 has blown, 5 have
just met, 6 has gone,  7 left, 8 has changed, 9 has … happened  

Exercise 4.  3 /5

Exercise 5.

  1. Have you bought a present for your Granny?
  2. Meredith hasn’t seen this film, yet.
  3. I’ve just broken the vase.
  4. Veronica has just come from Paris.
  5. Petr has already done his homework.

Exercise 6.

  1. When were you in Mir?
  2. When did you read it?
  3. How long have you been in the village?
  4. What have you done? or What have you broken?
  5. Where have you met Kate?

Exercise 7. Was writing, was cooking, was not
sleeping, was doing, were talking

Exercise 8. Your own answers.

Exercise 9. 1 is, 2 next, 3 are, 4 won’t, 5 am

Exercise 10. it are vacation -> it is vacation, I
go ->I went, also go -> also went, There is swimming -> there were
swimming, I is very -> I was very

Exercise 11.

  1. My uncle went to Bosnia last night.
  2. Scot has just come back from
  3. Have you ever been to Yemen?
  4. You haven’t visited your granny, yet.
  5. always clean my teeth two
    times a day.

Exercise 12. 1 have, 2 do, 3 do, 4 have, 5 do

Exercise 13. 1 would, 2 do, 3 would like, 4 like, 5
would like

Exercise 14. Wolves, bison, sheep, teeth, glasses,

Exercise 15. 1 Shorter than – the shortest, 2 worse
than – the worst, 3 more boring – the most boring, farther / further than – the
farthest/ furthest

Exercise 16.

When did the accident happen?

What housework do the boys do?

What machines can you use?

What does Molly do in her room?

Do you like this film?

Exercise 17.







Exercise 18.

1 isn’t it?

2 have you?

3 can’t you?

4 doesn’t he?

5 doesn’t she?

Exercise 19.

  1. When did Greg finish repairing his bicycle?
  2. How long was Nelly working at her English
  3. Where is your sister?
  4. What is little Millie doing? Or What is little
    Millie brushing?
  5. When did aunt Pam get a postcard from her cousin?

Exercise 20. 1 doesn’t have to, 2 have to, 3 has to, 4
do … have to, 5 don’t have to

Exercise 21.

A: Abroad – c,  dangerous – a, plant – b, wild –
e, danger – d.

B: comfortable – b, population – e,  cross – a,
capital – c,  anthem– d.

Exercise 22. 1 while, 2 when, 3 when, 4 when, 5 while

Exercise 23. 1 – b, 2 – c, 3 –e, 4- d, 5-a

Exercise 24.

Vegetable:  cucumber, onion, potatoes, carrot.

Fruit: apple, lemon, grapes

Meat: steak, ham, bacon, grapes

Exercise 26.  1 touching, 2 boring, 3 amusing, 4
exciting, 5 horror


0. Would you like a cup of tea? I’ll switch the kettle on. — Вы хотели бы выпить чашку чая? Я включайте чайник.
1. On a cold evening I like sitting in my warm, cozy living room. — В холодный вечер мне нравится сидеть в своей теплой, уютной гостиной.
2. Oh, no! A gold fountain in the drive! How tasteless! — О, нет! Золотой фонтан на подъезде! Как безвкусно!
3. There’s a lovely spacious kitchen, where the whole family can eat together. – Вот прекрасная просторная кухня, где вся семья может съесть вместе.
4. Wait a minute. Someone is ringing on the doorbell. — Подождите минуту. Кто-то звонит в дверной звонок.
5. Your lawn is very green and well-kept. Do you cut it every week? — Ваш газон очень зеленый и ухоженный. Вы стрижете его каждую неделю?
6. ‘Mum! Where’s my sweater?’ ‘Look in the chest of drawers in your bedroom.’ — ‘Мама! Где мой свитер? » Посмотрите в комоде в своей спальне.
7. I love this room. It’s nice and bright when the sun shines through the window. — Я люблю эту комнату. Она красивая и яркая, когда солнце светит через окно.
8. Why don’t you take the rubbish outside and put it in the dustbin? — Почему вы не выносите мусор на улицу, а складываете его в мусорное ведро?

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