Choose the correct word you have to attend

На данной странице находятся упражнения с ответами по английскому языку из рабочей тетради (Workbook) 8 класса УМК Spotlight. Упражнения из 8f.

Exercise 1. Fill in the gaps with to, up, off or after.
Упражнение 1. Вставьте to, up, off или after.


1) It’s hot outside, you might want to take __ your jacket.
2) The plane took __ at 6:00 pm and landed safely at Berlin-Tegel Airport.
3) Ever since her first diving lesson, Karen has wanted to take __ scuba diving.
4) Neil is so funny! He takes __ his father.
5) Jamie has really taken __ his niece and always buys her expensive presents.
6) My art classes take __ a lot of my free time.

1) It’s hot outside, you might want to take off your jacket. – На улице жарко, может быть, вы захотите снять куртку.
2) The plane took off at 6:00 pm and landed safely at Berlin-Tegel Airport. – Самолет взлетел в 6.00 и благополучно приземлился в Берлинском аэропорту Тегель.
3) Ever since her first diving lesson, Karen has wanted to take up scuba diving. – Начиная со своего первого урока по дайвингу, Карен хотела заняться нырянием с аквалангом.
4) Neil is so funny! He takes after his father. – Нил такой забавный! Он похож на своего отца.
5) Jamie has really taken to his niece and always buys her expensive presents. – Джейми по-настоящему привязана к своей племяннице и всегда покупает ей дорогие подарки.
6) My art classes take up a lot of my free time. – Мои занятия по искусству занимают много времени.

Exercise 2. Fill in the correct preposition: for, in.
Упражнение 2. Вставьте for, in.


Spotlight 8 Workbook 8f

1) FACILITIES FOR HIRE IN NEW COLLEGE SPORTS CENTRE – оборудование напрокат в новом спортивном центре колледжа

2) GUUS HIDDINK NOW IN CHARGE OF RUSSIAN FOOTBALL TEAM – Гус Хиддинк теперь несет ответственность за российскую футбольную команду

3) SPORTS LEAGUE IN FAVOUR OF STRICTER RULES IN BOXING – спортивная лига поддерживает более строгие правила в боксе

4) FOR SALE: WINDSURFING EQUIPMENT IN GOOD CONDITION – продажа: оборудование для виндсерфинга в хорошем состоянии

5) ANDRIY SHEVCHENKO FIT TO PLAY MANCHESTER RIVALS FOR THE TITLE! – Андрей Шевченко готов к победе над соперниками из Манчестера!

Exercise 3. Choose the correct word.
Упражнение 3. Выберите правильное слово.


Rafael Nadal prefers to play tennis on a clay __ .
A. pitch
В. court

2) The LA Lakers __ the Denver Nuggets easily yesterday.
A. beat
В. won

3) Wayne Gretzky is head __ of the Phoenix Coyotes NHL team.
A. instructor
В. coach

4) There were over 10,000 __ in the 2004 Summer Olympics.
A. rivals
В. competitors

5) The team swapped sides after the first __ of the game.
A. half
В. section

6) Anna joined our local hockey __ last month.
A. group
В. team

7) Both soups and salads are part of a __ diet.
A. fit
В. healthy

8) His family came to the victory celebration to share his big __ .
A. minute
В. moment

9) If we get six more points, we’ll be at the top of the __ table.
A. team
В. league

10) You have to attend team __ if you want to play for the county cricket team.
A. match
В. practice

11) I think Kobe Bryant is the best basketball __ in the world.
A. player
В. member

12 Phil scored the winning __ for his school football team.
A. goal
В. point

1) Rafael Nadal prefers to play tennis on a clay court. – Рафаэль Надаль предпочитает играть в теннис на теннисном корте с глиняным покрытием.
2) The LA Lakers beat the Denver Nuggets easily yesterday. – Команда Лос-Анджелес Лейкерс легко победила вчера команду Денвер Наггетс.
3) Wayne Gretzky is head coach of the Phoenix Coyotes NHL team. – Уэйн Гретцки – это главный тренер хоккейной команды Аризона Койотис.
4) There were over 10,000 competitors in the 2004 Summer Olympics. – В летних олимпийских играх 2004 года участвовали 10 тысяч спортсменов.
5) The team swapped sides after the first half of the game. – Команда поменялась местами после первой половины игры.
6) Anna joined our local hockey team last month. – В прошлом месяце Анна присоединилась к местной хоккейной команде.
7) Both soups and salads are part of a healthy diet. – Как супы, так и салаты являются частью здоровой диеты.
8) His family came to the victory celebration to share his big moment. – Его семья пришла на празднование победы, чтобы разделить с ним значительный момент.
9) If we get six more points, we’ll be at the top of the league table. – Если мы наберем еще шесть очков, то мы окажемся на вершине таблицы лиги.
10) You have to attend team practice if you want to play for the county cricket team. – Тебе надо посещать командные тренировки, если ты хочешь играть за окружную команду по крикету.
11) I think Kobe Bryant is the best basketball player in the world. – Я думаю, что Коби Брайант является лучшим баскетболистом в мире.
12) Phil scored the winning goal for his school football team. – Фил забил победный гол за свою школьную команду по футболу.

Exercise 4.
Упражнение 4.

a) Match the compound adjectives.
Образуйте сложные прилагательные.


1) well-
2) open-
3) old-
4) good-
5) hard-
6) long-

a. fashioned
b. working
с. looking
d. lasting
e. minded
f. built

1) well-built – хорошо сложённый
2) open-minded – широких взглядов, непредвзятый
3) old-fashioned – старомодный
4) good-looking – красивый, с приятной внешностью
5) hard-working – трудолюбивый
6) long-lasting – долговечный

b) Make sentences using the compound adjectives from above.
Вставьте полученные выше прилагательные в предложения.


1) John is so __ . He stays at the office until 8:00 pm every evening.
2) You should be more __ and try new sports. Why don’t you try zorbing?
3) Catherine is very __. She should be a model!
4) Cricket is a(n) __ sport. In fact, the rules haven’t changed since the 19th century.
5) I made many __ friends at secondary school.
6) Jeremy is __ because he spends so much time at his local gym.

1) John is so hard-working. He stays at the office until 8:00 pm every evening. – Джон так трудолюбив. Он остается в офисе до 8.00 каждый вечер.
2) You should be more open-minded and try new sports. Why don’t you try zorbing? – Тебе нужны взгляды пошире и надо попробовать новые виды спорта. Почему бы тебе не попробовать зорбинг?
3) Catherine is very good-looking. She should be a model! – Катарина очень красива. Ей следует быть моделью!
4) Cricket is an old-fashioned sport. In fact, the rules haven’t changed since the 19th century. – Крикет – это старомодный спорт. На самом деле его правила не менялись с 19-го века.
5) I made many long-lasting friends at secondary school. – В средней школе я завел друзей на долгое время.
6) Jeremy is well-built because he spends so much time at his local gym. – Джереми имеет хорошее телосложение, потому что он проводит много времени в местном спортивном зале.

ГДЗ Английский язык 7 класс (Test Booklet) Spotlight Английский в фокусе Ваулина, Дули, Подоляко, Эванс. Test Unit 4c. Номер №1

Choose the correct item.
1. Helen came up _ the idea of organising a Christmas bazaar.

A. to

B. for

C. with

2. Are there any _ animals on the streets of your city?

A. stray

B. insects

C. grown

3. How many _ does your swimming club have?

A. elections

B. members

C. weddings

4. Tom was _ with a prize for his success in the Short Story Competition.

A. awarded

B. proved

C. helped

5. My sister got her degree in Medicine. We’re all _ of her.

A. stray

B. proud

C. brave

6. Did you watch the football _ on TV? It was a great match!

A. final

B. winners

C. members

7. Word soon got _ that Coffee Time Donuts are the best!

A. up

B. across

C. around

8. Did you take _ in the clean−up day last week?

A. part

B. place

C. people

9. Do you have to _ classes at university?

A. go

B. watch

C. attend

10. Who’s the _ of your city?

A. demonstration

B. mayor

C. ceremony

ГДЗ Английский язык 7 класс (Test Booklet) Spotlight Английский в фокусе Ваулина, Дули, Подоляко, Эванс. Test Unit 4c. Номер №1


Перевод задания
Выберите правильный вариант.
1. Хелен пришла _ идея организовать рождественский базар.

A. to

B. for

C. with

2. Есть ли _ животные на улицах вашего города?



3. Сколько _ есть в вашем плавательном клубе?



4. Том был _ приз за успех в конкурсе рассказов.
А. награжден
В. доказан

5. Моя сестра получила степень доктора медицины. Мы все _ ей.
А. бродячий
В. гордый

6. Вы смотрели футбол _ по телевизору? Это был отличный матч!
А. финал
В. победители

7. Вскоре стало _ известно, что пончики Coffee Time − самые лучшие!

A. up

B. across

C. around

8. Вы принимали _ в дне уборки на прошлой неделе?
А. участие
В. место

9. Обязательно ли _ занятия в университете?
А. идти
В. смотреть

10. Кто _ в вашем городе?
А. демонстрация
В. мэр


1 – C, 2 – A, 3 – B, 4 – A, 5 – B, 6 – A, 7 – C, 8 – A, 9 – C, 10 – B.
1. Helen came up with the idea of organising a Christmas bazaar.
2. Are there any stray animals on the streets of your city?
3. How many members does your swimming club have?
4. Tom was awarded with a prize for his success in the Short Story Competition.
5. My sister got her degree in Medicine. We’re all proud of her.
6. Did you watch the football final on TV? It was a great match!
7. Word soon got around that Coffee Time Donuts are the best!
8. Did you take part in the clean−up day last week?
9. Do you have to attend classes at university?
10. Who’s the mayor of your city?

Перевод ответа
1. Хелен пришла в голову идея организовать рождественский базар.
2. Есть ли на улицах вашего города бездомные животные?
3. Сколько членов в вашем плавательном клубе?
4. Том был награжден призом за успехи в конкурсе рассказов.
5. Моя сестра получила степень доктора медицины. Мы все ею гордимся.
6. Вы смотрели футбольный финал по телевизору? Это был отличный матч!
7. Вскоре распространились слухи, что пончики Coffee Time − самые лучшие!
8. Вы участвовали в уборке на прошлой неделе?
9. Вы должны посещать занятия в университете?
10. Кто мэр вашего города?

Choose the correct word. Which form of
entertainment is each sentence related to: TV
programmes? theatre? cinema? books?

 1     The Phantom of the Opera had a very large
2     You need to book/reserve in advance if you are
going to attend a performance.
3     Plays are performed on screen/stage.
4     Have you seen Superman Returns? It got very
good reviews/critics.
5     I don’t really enjoy watching ones with
6     Harry Potter has an unpredictable storyline/
7     Sergei Bodrov directed/starred Prisoner of the
8     I often sing along to the theme music/tune of
soap operas.
9     War and Peace is a best seller/office.
10   They are remaking Anna Karenina and it is
expected to become a box seller/office hit.


ваш ответ

похожие темы

похожие вопросы 5

В Fill in the correct word.
• stay • have • visit • go • spend • buy • taste • post • fly • travel • attend
6. They are going to … sightseeing in the afternoon.
7. Anna decided to … around the world.
8. She wants to… in a hotel.
9. How are you going to … your weekend?
10. When Sue and Paul go on holiday they always … souvenirs.
11. We can … the museum this afternoon.
12. Why don’t we … a picnic?
13. Do you know where I can … these letters?
14. She wants to … a performance at the theatre.
15. We always … the local food when we’re on holiday.
16. When are you going … to London?

C Choose the correct item.
17. I want to … a picture of the fountain.
A go B take C hire
18. He …fishing in the afternoon.
A sees B goes C takes
19. Excuse me. Where can I … some stamps?
A send B buy C post
20. We want to… shopping.
A have B go C spend
21. Mark is going to … a performance of the Nutcracker.
A be B attend C visit
22. What is the best way to … to Kuala Lumpur?
A be В travel C post

D Underline the correct word.
23. We are late so/because we live too far.
24. I was hungry, so/because I went to the fast food restaurant.
25. He is tired so/because he didn’t sleep.
26. You have got a lot of homework, so/because you can’t play basketball.
27. She is wearing a coat so/because it’s cold today.
E Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Continuous, going to or will.
28. There are black clouds in the sky. It’s _______________ (rain).
29. We _______________(go) to France next week.
30. Be careful! You ‘re _______________(have) an accident.
31. She _______________(study) history at university next year.
32. Someone’s at the door! I ______________ (get) it! СРОЧНО ПОМОГИТЕ ПРОШУ ВАС​

on Module 3

I. Match the words in two columns.


a. staff

2. run

b. job

3. extra-

c. director

4. skilled

d. instincts

5. maternal

e. business

6. highly- qualified

f. activities

II. Fill in the correct words/ phrases.

experience ;   private ;  to participate ;
to pursue;   night shifts ;   armed forces

1. He has always dreamed of being in the  …..  .

2. The professor required from his students …..   in
all his seminars.

3. She didn’t mind working …..  because she got more
money for them.

4. Tom  couldn’t afford to  study at ….. school.

5. Though she didn’t have any ….. as a  teacher ,
children loved  her very much.

6. She hopes ….. a career in Marketing.

 III. Choose the correct answer.

1. Teachers encourage students to …..  classes.

a)  come        b)visit       c) attend

2. I would be….. for the interview at any time.

a)  ready         2) free        c) available

3. The workers demanded a pay….. .

a) raise         b) rise         c) increase

4. He’ll …… from the university next year.

a) graduate       b) finish        c)leave

IV. Use the correct preposition.

for (2); at; in; on; with; out; up;

1. The boy picked sorrowfully ….. his porridge.

2. He doesn’t like his classmates because they always pick
….. him.

3. Read the poem and  pick  …… all the adjectives.

4. Mother picks her child ……  whenever  he  cries.

5. He used to work ….. Smith & Co  in his

6. Who is ….. charge of the investigation?

7. Don’t worry! We’ll deal……  the problem properly.

8. Everyone should be responsible ….. their 

 V. Use the correct form of the words in

1. She is keen on drawing and painting. I think she’ll
be an   …. . ( ART)

2.  ….. from different countries will take part in
the  concert.  ( MUSIC)

3. The ….. advised  me to read this book.   (

4. A good teacher motivates pupils to think ……  .    
   ( DEPEND)

VI. Put the verbs into the correct future
form: Future Simple, Future Perfect, Future Continuous, Future Perfect
Continuous, Present Simple, Present Continuous, to be going to.

1. I ( to wait) here until  Jane comes.

2. I ( to miss) the flight because of this terrible
traffic jam!

3. By the end of the month, he ( to work) for the
company for ten years.

4. In twenty -four hours I (to relax) on my yacht.

5.  Next  week  her granny ( to be)  90 years old.

6.  When you ( to leave) for London?  — Tomorrow at 10

7. I hope  one day I ( to return) to my native town.

8. They ( to finish) their project by June.

9.  The match ( to start) at 7 p.m.

10. They ‘ ll move  house as soon as they( to buy) new

11. What you ( to do) at the weekend?

12. By the time you get back she (to get  married).

VII. Put the adjectives into the correct

1. Things are as ( bad) as they can be.

2. Children these days seem to become ( rude) and (

3. Which of these houses is (expensive)?

4. He had to admit that Mary was much ( slim) than his

5. To get promotion you must work ( hard) and be

6. He lives a bit ( far) than his parents.

7. It’s ( interesting ) film I’ve ever seen. I didn’t
like it at all.

8. John is by far (sociable) person in his school.

9. (Much) you stay at home, ( bad) you ‘ll feel in the

10. He is twice as ( clever) as his ( old) brother.

to the   test on Module 3.

I. Match the words in two columns.

1.managing    c.

2. run    e.

3. extra-
curricular   f. activities

4. skilled    b.

5. maternal   
d. instincts

6. highly-
qualified      a. staff

II. Fill in the correct words/ phrases.

1. He has always dreamed of being in the  armed

 2. The professor required from his students to
  in all his seminars.

3. She didn’t mind working  night shifts 
because she got more money for them.

4. Tom  couldn’t afford to  study at  private

5. Though she didn’t have any experience
as a  teacher , children loved  her very much.

6. She hopes  to pursue a career in

 III. Choose the correct answer.

1. Teachers encourage students to  attend classes.

2. I would  be available for the interview at
any time.

3. The workers demanded a pay rise.

4. He’ll  graduate from the university next

IV. Use the correct preposition.

for (2); at; in; on; with; out; up;

1. The boy picked sorrowfully  at his porridge.

2. He doesn’t like his classmates because they always
pick on him.

3. Read the poem and  pick  out all the

4. Mother picks her child up  whenever  he 

5. He used to work  for  Smith & Co  in
his youth.

6. Who is in charge of the investigation?

7. Don’t worry! We’ll deal with  the problem

8. Everyone should be responsible for their 

 V. Use the correct form of the words in

1. She is keen on drawing and painting. I think she’ll
be an   …. . ( ARTIST)

2.  ….. from different countries will take part in
the  concert.  ( MUSICIANS)

3. The ….. advised  me to read this book.   (

4. A good teacher motivates pupils to think ……  .       

VI. Put the verbs into the correct future
form: Future Simple, Future Perfect, Future Continuous, Future Perfect
Continuous, Present Simple, Present Continuous, to be going to.

1. I  am going to /will wait  here until  Jane

2. I  am going to miss the flight because of
this terrible traffic jam!   

3. By the end of the month, he will have been
  for the company for ten years.  

4. In twenty -four hours  I   will be relaxing   
on my yacht.  

5.  Next  week  her granny  will be 90 years

6.  When  are you leaving  for London?  —
Tomorrow at 10 a.m.    

7. I hope  one day I   will return  to my
native town.    

8. They will have finished their project by

9.  The match  starts at 7 p.m.   

10. They ‘ ll move  house as soon as they buy new

11. What  are you going to do at the weekend?

12. By the time you get back she  will have got 

VII. Put the adjective into the correct

1. Things are as bad as they can be.

2. Children these days seem to become  ruder and 

3. Which of these houses is  the most expensive?

4. He had to admit that Mary was much  slimmer
than his wife.

5. To get promotion you must work  harder and
be more responsible.

6. He lives a bit farther/ further  than his

7. It’s the least  interesting  film I’ve ever
seen. I didn’t like it at all.

8. John is by far  the most sociable person in
his school.

9. The more you stay at home,  the worse you
‘ll feel in the street.

10. He is twice as  clever as his ( old)

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Choose the correct word.
1 You don’t have to/ mustn’t practise every day.
2 They don’t have to / mustn’t chat to strangers on
the Internet.
3 We don’t have to / mustn’t sing that song — we
can choose a different one.
4 Do you have to / Must you tidy your room at the

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