Choose the correct word which form of entertainment is each sentence related to tv programmes

Choose the correct word. Which form of
entertainment is each sentence related to: TV
programmes? theatre? cinema? books?

 1     The Phantom of the Opera had a very large
2     You need to book/reserve in advance if you are
going to attend a performance.
3     Plays are performed on screen/stage.
4     Have you seen Superman Returns? It got very
good reviews/critics.
5     I don’t really enjoy watching ones with
6     Harry Potter has an unpredictable storyline/
7     Sergei Bodrov directed/starred Prisoner of the
8     I often sing along to the theme music/tune of
soap operas.
9     War and Peace is a best seller/office.
10   They are remaking Anna Karenina and it is
expected to become a box seller/office hit.


ваш ответ

похожие темы

похожие вопросы 5

1 cast — theatre (актерский состав — театр) (cast, т.к. используется в значении «актерский состав», musical — мюзикл)
2 book — theatre (бронировать — театр) (book, т.к. устойчивое словосочетание — «book in advance» — бронировать)
3 stage — theatre (сцена — театр) (stage, т.к. используется в значении «сцена», screen — экран)
4 reviews — cinema (отзывы — кино) (review, т.к. обзор/отзыв фильма, critics — «критики» или «критика» в общем значении)
5 subtitles — cinema/TV programmes (субтитры — кино/телевизионные программы) (subtitles, т.к. используется в значении «субтитры», headings — заголовки)
6 storyline — cinema/books (кино/книги) (storyline, т.к. используется в значении «сюжетная линия», script — сценарий)
7 directed — cinema (кино) (directed, т.к. нет прелога «in»; глагол star (сниматься в главной роли) предполагает после себя данный предлог)
8 tune — TV programmes (телевизионные программы) (tune, т.к. устойчивое словосочетание «theme tune» — мелодия из кинофильма)
9 seller — books (книги) (seller, т.к. устойчивое словосочетание «best seller» — бестселлер)
10 office — cinema (кино) (office, т.к. устойчивое словосочетание «box office» — театральная касса)

                                 Конспект урока

                            по английскому языку

                                   в 10 классе

                по теме “A square-eyed generation”

УМК  Spotlight 10

Цель урока:

— формирование коммуникативной культуры,

— активизировать лексический материал по теме,

— знакомить обучающихся с жизнью стран изучаемого языка



 активизировать употребление в речи лексических единиц по темe «Entertainment » в речи обучающихся;

— развивать умения и навыки аудирования, чтения;

— формировать умения и навыки говорения обучающихся по теме «Entertainment ».


— развивать внимание, память, мышление обучающихся;

— развивать способность самостоятельно находить и использовать необходимую информацию

— развивать коммуникативные навыки обучающихся,

— развивать познавательную активность обучающихся, умение выражать своё мнение по теме.


— формировать устойчивую мотивацию к изучению английского языка;

— формировать навыки культуры общения;

— развивать умения и навыки работы в парах, командах с целью достижения общего результата;

— формировать толерантное отношение к сверстникам ;

-воспитывать цивилизованную личность.

Тип урока: совершенствование знаний, умений и навыков .

Форма урока: фронтальная, индивидуальная, парная, групповая

Применяемые технологии: коммуникативные, компьютерные, игровые, проектные, здоровьесберегающие.

Оборудование и наглядность: компьютер, проектор, экран, учебник Spotlight  10, CD Spotlight 10,презентация ,видеоматериалы, раздаточный материал для выполнения самостоятельных работ учащимися в течение урока.

Ход урока:

1.Организационный момент

Hello, boys and girls! Glad to see you. I hope you’re fine and we’ll have a wonderful time together. Today we’re going to do a lot of interesting exercises. But what is the topic of our lesson?

Watch a video film and guess it.

You’re right. We’re going to talk about teens who watch TV or use other gadgets all the time. And the aim of our lesson is to learn which kinds of entertainment teenagers are interested nowadays. (слайд 1)

2. Speech practice

1)Read the title of the article and look at the picture. Ex1 p122

What do you think “square-eyed generation” means? Do you think this describes today’s teens? (слайд 2)

Possible answer:

The phrase “square-eyed generation” describes teens who do nothing else but watch TV. Also, they spend a lot of time using computers.

2) Answering questions

  • How important is the television in your house?
  • How many hours a week do you watch the box?
  • How much time do you spend playing computer games/ surfing the net/using your mobile phone?
  • What else do you prefer doing in your free time?

3. Vocabulary exercises

1) Listen to the piece of music.

Is it catchy?

Can you sing along with it?

Where could you hear it: theatre? cinema? TV?

Key: Yes, it’s catchy. If I knew the words, I could sing along with it. But unfortunately I don’t know the words. I believe I could hear it on TV.

2) What forms of entertainment do young people in your country like?

 Discuss your ideas in small groups and add them to our mind map.

3) “Chain”

Which forms of entertainment do you like/not like?

Use the adjectives to support your opinion. (слайд 3)






A good laugh









A:Actually, I enjoy dancing and playing volleyball. I think it’s so relaxing after a hard day. What about you?

B:Well,I prefer going to the cinema with my friend. I find it sociable and interesting. And you?

C:As for me, I like reading books and watching films . I find them educational and entertaining. What do you think?

D:Honestly,I really enjoy listening to music. It’s gripping. But I hate playing computer games. I find it boring and pointless. What’s your opinion?

E:Well,I prefer watching comedies. It’s always a good laugh and moving. .But I don’t like dramas. I think they’re boring. And you?

And so on.

4) Choose the correct word. Which form of entertainment is each sentence related to: TV programmes? theatre? cinema? books?

1.The Phantom of the Opera had a very large cast/ musical.

2.You need to book/reserve in advance if you are going to attend a performance.

3.Plays are performed on screen/stage.

4.Have you seen Superman returns? It got very good reviews/critics.

5.I don’t really enjoy watching ones with subtitles/headings.

6.Harry Porter has an unpredictable storyline/script.

7.Sergei Bodrov directed/ starred Prisoner of the Mountains.

8.I often sing along to the theme music/tune of soap operas.

9.War and peace is a best seller/office.

10.They are remarking Anna Karenina and it is expected to become a box seller/office hit.

Key (слайд 4):

1.The Phantom of the Opera had a very large cast.(theatre)

2.You need to book in advance if you are going to attend a performance. (theatre)

3.Plays are performed on stage. (theatre)

4.Have you seen Superman returns? It got very good reviews.(cinema)

5.I don’t really enjoy watching ones with subtitles. (cinema, TVprogrammes)

6.Harry Porter has an unpredictable storyline (cinema/books).

7.Sergei Bodrov directed Prisoner of the Mountains.(cinema)

8.I often sing along to the theme tune of soap operas. (TVprogrammes)

9.War and peace is a best seller. (books)

10.They are remarking Anna Karenina and it is expected to become a box office hit.(cinema)

5) Fill the gaps to complete the exchanges:

couch potato, I have to admit, It’s such a good laugh, can’t bear, I can take it or leave it, anti-social .

 If you need, use our vocabulary. Work in pairs.(слайд)

1.A:Did you enjoy the new film last night?

  B:Well, …..  . It was rather good.

2.A:Igot this computer game for ten pounds.

  B:You just …. a good price like that.

3.A:Shall I tell the children that joke again?

  B:Oh yes …   .

4.A:What is wrong with her? Why is she sitting by herself?

  B:Oh never mind, she is just being …..  .

5. A:Have you noticed how much weight he has gained?

  B:Well of course, he doesn’t do any exercise.He’s a ….  .

6.A:Do you like to go ice-skating in the wintertime?

  B:Not really ….. .

Key(слайд 5):

1.A:Did you enjoy the new film last night?

  B:Well, I have to admit . It was rather good.

2.A:Igot this computer game for ten pounds.

  B:You just can’t beat a good price like that.

3.A:Shall I tell the children that joke again?

  B:Oh yes it’s such a good laugh .

4.A:What is wrong with her?Why is she sitting by herself?

  B:Oh never mind, she is just being anti-social .

5. A:Have you noticed how much weight he has gained?

  B:Well of course, he doesn’t do any exercise.He’s a couch potato.

6.A:Do you like to go ice-skating in the wintertime?

  B:Not really I can’t take it or leave  it.

4. Reading

1) Read the first sentence in each paragraph. What is the text about? Listen, read and check.

Possible answer:

The text is about teenagers from different countries and their free time activities.

2) Read the teenagers’ comments in the text.


-says they aren’t mad about something? (Sanjit from India)

-uses a certain form of entertainment as a way to relax? (Suzy from the UK)

-enjoys something that many other young people enjoy too? (Yoko from Japan)

-mentions actors becoming famous for something else? (Maria from Mexico)

-can’t stop doing something? (Anya from Russia)

3) The game “Pairs”. Work in small groups.

Each group is given cards with the words and their explanations. Their task is to match them correctly as soon as possible.

Key (слайд 6):


 not friendly

Couch potatoes

people who spend a lot of time sitting on the couch and watching TV


not right



Can’t beat

there’s nothing better


making a loud noise


easy to remember

Sing along

join in and sing together with somebody else

It’s such a good laugh!

It’s an enjoyable time!

I can take it or leave it.

It doesn’t matter to me if I do it or not.


obvious what is going to happen

I have to admit

I must confess


somebody who likes a certain activity




large shopping centres

4) Make sentences with these words and read them aloud. Work in groups.

Group 1

anti-social, a couch potato, unfair, unwind, addict

Possible variants:

They say that his behavior is anti-social .

My classmate is such a couch potato . He watched TV for 14 hours yesterday.

They think that this law is unfair.

I wanted to unwind after a hard day.

My friend is a football addict.

Group 2

can’t beat, catchy, blaring, sing along, incredible

Possible variants:

And you can’t beat that view.

This tune is catchy.

Listen! A car alarm system is blaring.

Let’s sing along with your friends.

His story was incredible.

Group 3

It’s such a good laugh, predictable, I can take it or leave it, admit, malls

Possible variants:

Yesterday we went to a theme park. It was such a good laugh.

The plot of this film is so predictable.

Do you like roller-skating? I can take it or leave it.

I have to admit that her essay is better than mine.

We enjoy spending time at the shopping mall.

5)Think of an alternative title for the article

Possible variants:

“Teenage couch potatoes’

“The sitting generation”


Read the text again and make notes about how teenagers entertain themselves.

Use  your notes to tell the class.

Key (слайд 7):

-watch DVD,

-dance to music in clubs,

-watch soap operas,

— enjoy karaoke,

-play videogames,

-go to the cinema,

-go to malls

Well, I believe most teenagers enjoy watching TV or DVD, playing computer games. I think they like to unwind going to the cinema. Some teens prefer going to the malls with their friends. A lot of teenagers are fond of listening to popular songs or dancing to music in clubs. Some teenagers are keen on singing and enjoy karaoke.

6. Listening

Listen to the conversation about plans for the weekend and do the exercises to practise and improve your listening skills.


Girl: So, have you got any plans for the weekend?
Boy: Yeah, me and my mates are going to this activity centre in the mountains.
Girl: Oh, yeah?
Boy: You can do all kinds of things. It’s a new centre; it sounds great. We’re going to go dirtboarding …
Girl: What’s that?
Boy: It’s like skateboarding or snowboarding. You have a board, or deck, to stand on and wheels. They’re pretty strong because you go down rough mountain tracks on them. Steep, rough mountain tracks.
Girl: Sounds a bit risky. Have you done it before?
Boy: No, but I’ve done similar things. Anyway, we’re also going to go canyoning. Before you ask, that’s when you jump and swim down a river canyon. You have to use ropes and special equipment. And maybe we’ll go white water rafting too.
Girl: Phew. It sounds far too difficult to me.
Boy: They have lots of things that you could do too. Like zip-wiring, you know when you go along a wire through the trees or down a mountain.
Girl: Go down a mountain on a wire!
Boy: It’s really easy, and exciting too. You just have to hold on and enjoy the ride. Or there’s bungee jumping.
Girl: Jump off a bridge on a long elastic band! Me? You’ve got to be joking! Anyway, I’m going away this weekend too, thank you for asking.
Boy: I was going to ask. So where are you going?
Girl: Paris! I’m so excited!
Boy: Paris, wow!
Girl: Yeah, it’ll be brilliant! We’re going to do all the sights, like go up the Eiffel Tower and take a boat along the River Seine and see the old parts of the city. It looks so beautiful in the photos. And then there are all the art galleries. You know how much I like art. I can’t wait to go round the Louvre and see all those famous paintings.
Boy: I think the famous Impressionist paintings are somewhere else.
Girl: Yeah, I know, they’re in the Musée d’Orsay. We’re going there too. And then I want to go to the Rodin Museum and see that famous statue, you know, The Thinker. And of course, if we’re in Paris, we’ll have to go shopping. Or look at the shops, at least. And then there’s the restaurants. Just think, French food!
Boy: You’ve got a lot planned for one weekend.
Girl: Oh, we’re going for four days, actually.
Boy: Oh, four days, very nice. And who are you going with?
Girl: Oh, just a friend.


Do this exercise before you listen.

The weekend

Match the words and pictures. Write the correct word in the boxes below the picture.  

(слайд 8)

Image    Image

Image  Image

2) Check your understanding: multiple selection.

 Do this exercise while you listen. Choose the six activities they say they are going to do at the weekend.

Tick () all the correct answers. (слайд9)




bungee jumping

go up the Eiffel Tower

visit Notre Dame cathedral

visit the old parts of the city

go round the Louvre

go to the Musée D’Orsay

visit Montmartre and look at the views

3) Check your understanding: multiple choice. Do this exercise while you listen. Circle the best option to complete these sentences.  (слайд 10)

1.A dirtboard is   a board with wheels that you stand on / a board with no wheels that you stand on / a board that you sit on   .    

2. To go canyoning you need   ropes and a helmet / a guide and special equipment / ropes and special equipment   .

3. Zip-wiring is   scary and difficult / easy and exciting / scary but exciting   .

4. Paris looks so beautiful   at night / on television / in the photos   .

5. The impressionist paintings are in   the Louvre / the Musée D’Orsay / the Rodin Museum   .

6. The famous Rodin statue is called  The Worker / The Thinker / The Philosopher .  

7. The girl is going to Paris for   the weekend / four days / five days   .

8. She’s going with   her friend / her boyfriend / her family   .  

4)Discussion (слайд 10)

1)What do you like doing at the weekend?  

2)What are your plans for next weekend?          

3)Whose weekend would you prefer? The boy’s or the girl’s? Why?

Possible answers:

-I prefer the boy’s weekend because it’s so exciting! I like extreme sports like football , basketball, skating and others. I’m really enjoy it !

— I prefer the boy’s weekend because he had an excited weekend. In my opinion, he likes the extreme sports and I prefer the extreme sports too.

-I would prefer the girl’s weekend, because it looks very interesting. I would like to go to know another country. And Paris would be a good option.

-I prefer the girl weekends because I love Paris and one of my dream is go to Paris with my friends.

-I prefer the girl’s weekend because I always dream that one day I could visit Paris

-I would prefer the girl’s weekend because I like so much to go to Paris and see the Eiffel Tower, The Louvre and the Musée d’Orsay, also I like to do shopping here .

-I prefer the boy weekend. I love danger things to do. I love to go down mountains.

-I prefer the boy’s weekend because I like dangerous sports .

-I prefer the girl’s weekend. I love the city too! I prefer walking around the old city and eat their food, visit the museums and learn about others cultures.
At the weekends I go out with my friend, we love to discover new places around the city!

-I’d prefer the boy’s weekend. Although I think Paris is a wonderful city and I would like to visit it, I have never done any extreme sports so I’d like to try!

-I think that both weekends sound interesting, I was in Paris a year ago. Also I would like to try some of extreme sports like dirtboarding.

-I prefer the boy’s weekend plans. Because it helps if we want to build up our bodies and we can relax ourselves better by touching the nature. Although I am a girl, I prefer something exciting, so the boy’s weekend suits me the most.

-I would prefer boys weekend because I love spending time in nature and I like extreme sports too .

-I’d prefer the girl’s weekend because Paris seems to be a nice city. I’d like to visit the museums.

-There is not any difference. They both spend the weekend as they like!

7. Writing a survey (hometask)

Ex8 p123 (слайд 11)

Now prepare Yes-No questions about TV and other popular entertainment forms in your country. And for the next lesson carry out this survey in your class and write a paragraph reporting the results. It will be your home task.


Having Fun




Do you have your own TV?


Do you watch TV for more than two hours a day?


Do you often watch films on line?


Do you play computer games every day?


Do you chat on line with your friends?


Do you surf the net for long hours?


Do you have an iphone or a smart phone?


Do you use phones from morning till night?


Do you use your phones for taking pictures and listening to the music?


Do you play any musical instrument?


Are you interested in any sport?


Do you often go out?


Do you often shop on line?


Can you imagine your life without internet?

Survey (example)

Based on my survey, I found out that most teenagers nowadays are very interested in entertainment. Most teens spend their time blogging, surfing internet, social networking, watching, playing the guitar, doing sport, listening to music.

Talking about entertainment, we can say that internet and television play a main role in a teenager’s lifestyle. The results of the survey showed that half of the students in the class have their own TV. On average, they spend 6 hours in front of  TV screens every day. And they spend lots of time in front of other screens, too. Every teen I spoke with owns a smartphone, and most own or regularly use a variety of devices, like gaming consoles, desktop computers. Teens spend about eleven hours a day on their phones. Teens don’t only spend tons of time online – they shop online too.

To sum up, like people of all ages, teenagers enjoy activities that bring us pleasure or help us relax, like watching television, seeing movies, listening to music, and playing sport or computer games. Unfortunately when we spend too much time watching films, they do not have much time to study or do other activities with our families. This survey made me understand that all the activities I do every day are not good for my health and they are even dangerous. And now it’s the time to change my way of life. I believe I should join a sports club or go dancing.

8. The results of the lesson.

Our lesson is over. You worked so hard. I hope that you enjoyed the lesson and it was interesting for you.

(слайд 12)

Can you talk and write about entertainment?

What new information have you learned at the lesson?

What was the most interesting to you?

Did you have any difficulties?

How did you feel at the lesson?

Thank you for your work. All of you get excellent marks today. See you later.

очень срочно плз прям оч срочно
отдаю все последнее

1. Choose the correct word.
1) I`m making/doing a list of presents for my family members.
2) What activities do you make/do during the celebration?
3) Let`s make/do the invitation cards.
4) We`re making/doing a cake now.
5) In the summer my grandparents make/do the gardening.
6) Linda makes/does all her work before she goes home.

2. Match the words to form the phrases.
1) throw a) the streets
2) watch b) lamps
3) wear c) streamers
4) decorate d) gifts
5) exchange e) a costume
6) light f) the fireworks

3. Put the verbs in brackets in the Present Continuous.
It is Christmas Day. Mrs Foster (1. watch) … TV at the moment. Mr Foster (2. make) … a phone call. The boys (3. sing) … Christmas carols. Their grandparents (4. sit) … on the sofa. (5. They/listen) … to the boys? Yes, they are. The girl (6. Not/listen) … to her brothers, she (7. open) … her gifts. It is very cold outside. It (8. snow) … now. So the Forests (9. stay) … at home tonight.

Задание: Choose the correct word. Which means of transport is each sentence about?


1. Takeoff was delayed/missed for over an hour because of bad weather. (aeroplane)

2. The compartment was so populated/crowded I couldn’t get a seat so I had to stand all the way. (train)

3. I took a new direct route that was fast/speed so I reached my destination in no time. (motorbike/car)

4. The traffic/congestion on the motorway wasn’t heavy so it took us very little time to get there. (car)

5. The crossing was rough/bumpy and we both got seasick. (ship/boat)

6. We broke/fell down outside York and had to wait for over an hour before someone came to get us. (car/taxi)

Starlight 10. Module 1. Unit 1.2. Все задания.

Помогите пожалуйста.
1.      Choose the correct
word for each sentence.
In most countries policemen carry ______ .
guns      b)
swords     c) masks
Members of Criminal Investigation department are
______ .
officers    b)
volunteers    c) detectives
 A police
officer can stop and search people if he ______ 
them of committing a crime.
prevents     b)
suspects    c) provides
The head of Scotland Yard is appointed by the Crown on
the ________ of Home Secretary.
a)     recommendation   b) provision   c) opinion
Courts decide both criminal and civil ____ .
 crimes    b) cases   
c)  procedures
The jury traditionally ____ of 12 ordinary people.
includes     b)
consists    c)   covers
The jurors discuss their ____ in a special room.                           
b)  situation    c) decision
If a person committed a_____, he/she cannot be a
crime   b)
mistake    c) disease
The jury reaches the verdict, but the ____   passes the sentence.
clerk    b)  judge  
c) police officer
 The verdict of
the jury must be ______ in cases of murder.  
b)  similar   c) different    

Автор: Гость

Ребят помогите срочно Module 4

6th form


1. Complete the types of TV programmes:

s_tc_ _ r_al_t_ _h_ _ t_l_ s_ _ w

n_w_ m_s_c s_o_ s_ _en_ _ f_ct_ _n

dr_m_ sp_r_s c_m_d_

2. Make up adjectives from the following words: (with the help of suffixes -ing, -ful, -ic, -able)

interest excite disgust wonder fantasy enjoy

3. Choose the correct word.

1. I think pizza is boring/delicious.

2. Mike brushes/washes his teeth twice a day.

3. Molly helps her little brother to get clothed/dressed in the morning.

4. What about a pop newspaper/concert?

5. Rock music is not really my programme/thing.

6. Meg always helps her parents over/around the house.

7. My favourite sitcom is at/on TV tonight.

8. Pupils usually wear a school uniform/suit.

9. Drama is a TV programme which makes you laugh/cry.

10. We have lunch at school canteen/gym during the longer break.

4. Match the questions and the answers.

1. When would you like to meet? A) I think so, why?

2. How about going to the cinema? B) Sure. See you later, then.

3. Are you free tomorrow? C) How about next Friday?

4. Shall we say 8 o’clock at my place? D) I’m afraid I’m busy tonight.

5. Would you like to come to dinner tonight? E) Sounds great!

5. Put the verb in brackets into the correct Present Simple form.

1. Mr.Jones ___ History at our school. (teach)

2. What time ___ you ___ lunch? (have)

3. My sister ___ ___ breakfast in the morning. (not/eat)

4. What days ___ Henry ___ his grandparents? (visit)

5. My friends ___ ___ football at weekdays. (not/play)

6. Read the email and choose the best word for each space.


Hi! Thanks for your email. I hope you are well. I want to tell you about my hobbies and interests. During the week, I do my homework (1)___ the evenings and after (2)___ I watch TV. I like watching sitcoms and reality shows but I don’t like dramas. Sometimes my friends (3)___ around and we watch a DVD.

At the weekend, I do some sports. On Saturday morning, I play football with the school team and in the afternoon I go shopping. I always go to the cinema (4)___ friends on Saturday night. On Sunday, I relax at home and read a book or (5)___ I ride my bike.

Tell me what you like doing in your next email.



1. at/in/on

2. what/them/that

3. coming/comes/come

4. by/for/with

5. never/seldom/sometimes

7. Listen to Kenneth talking to a new friend about his free-time activities. What do he do each day? Match the activities to the days. There is one extra that you don’t need.

1) Monday A goes cycling

2) Tuesday B goes to the cinema

3) Wednesday C watches TV

4) Thursday D goes swimming

5) Friday E plays football

6) Saturday F reads

7) Sunday G goes shopping

H plays basketball

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  • Choose the correct word we don t need
  • Choose the right word and complete the sentences there was a beautiful
  • Choose the correct word we a whole range of local dishes
  • Choose the right word a potato is
  • Choose the right word a high level of modern helps people to solve many problems