Choose the correct word when i got home

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I woke up late yesterday. I only got up at a quarter to eight and I haven’t got enough time to do my morning exercises or take a shower. I washed my face and hands and dressed quickly. I had a light meal and gave my son some money for his school lunch. “Can I have some money for an ice-cream, too, Daddy” he asked. “Don’t ask silly questions”, I said angrily. “Why did I say that?” I thought as I drove to the office, I went through the red light, and a policeman stopped and fined me. I was five minutes late to work and met my chief at the door. He saw me but didn’t talk to me. I didn’t have much to do, but I was very tired in the afternoon. When I got home I spoke angrily to my wife and son.

I had supper, watched a football match on the telly and went to bed.

1. Choose the correct title for the text.

a) The Best Day in my life
b) A Bad Day
c) A Bad Chief
d) Some Money for an Ice-cream

2. Put the sentences into the correct order.

a) The chief met me at the door.
b) My son asked some money for an ice-cream.
c) I got up late yesterday.
d) I watched TV after supper.
e) I was fined by the policeman.

3. Choose the correct variant to complete the sentences.

1) The text tells about … .

a) a bad father
b) a brave policeman
c) an angry chief
d) an unlucky day

2) The man in the story told about … .

a) a bad dream
b) his great talents
c) a day in his life
d) his son and chief

3) The day was not good that’s why….

a) he broke his leg
b) fell ill
c) his chief punished him
d) at home he was not kind to his wife and son

4) The man drove to his office… .

a) five minutes earlier
b) just in time
c) at the wrong time
d) and was stopped by his chief

4. Write short answers to the questions.

1. What did the man do in the morning?
2. Who met the man at the door of the office?
3. Why did he speak angrily to his wife and son?
4. Was it a good or a bad day for the author?​

Перевод задания
Прочтите текст и выберите лучшее слово A, B или C для каждого пропуска.
Суббота, 14 июня
У меня был, пример − а отличный день! Я проснулся 46) _ 8 часов и небо 47) _ синее. Я встретил Ларри и Джорджа в порту в девять, и мы отправились на Литл−Айленд. Море было спокойным, а поездка заняла всего 48) _ час. Когда мы 49)_ , мы пошли купаться, а потом устроили пикник на пляже.
50) _ днем мы пошли гулять по острову. Мы нашли пустой дом на вершине холма. Там 51) _ много странных картин на стенах дома. Это было круто!
Когда мы вышли из дома, небо было серым, а потом пошел дождь. Мы решили покинуть остров, но тогда море было 52) _ неспокойным. Лодка двигалась вверх−вниз и из стороны в сторону. Мы 53) _ боялись, но было весело. Чтобы вернуться, 54) _ потребовалось два часа, но мы добрались благополучно.
Когда я вернулся домой, мама очень волновалась, но я ей 55) _ , что у меня был действительно отличный день!

A. an

B. the

C. a

A. on

B. at

C. of


A. had

B. was

C. were


A. was

B. last

C. took


A. came

B. got

C. arrived


A. On

B. In

C. At


A. were

B. was

C. had


A. much

B. lot

C. very


A. was

B. were

C. are


A. our

B. us

C. them


A. said

B. heard

C. told

46 – B, 47 – B, 48 – C, 49 – C, 50 – B, 51 – A, 52 – C, 53 – B, 54 – B, 55 – C.

14th June

I had
a great day! I woke up 46) at 8 o’clock and the sky 47) was blue. I met Larry and George at the port at nine and we left for Little Island. The sea was calm and the trip only 48) took an hour. When we 49) arrived, we went swimming and then we had a picnic on the beach.
50) In the afternoon we went for a walk around the island. We found an empty house on the top of a hill. There 51) were a lot of strange paintings on the walls of the house. It was cool!

When we came out of the house, the sky was grey and then it started to rain. We decided to leave the island but then the sea was
52) very rough. The boat moved up and down and from side to side. We 53) were afraid but it was also fun. It took 54) us two hours to get back but we arrived safely.

When I got home, mum was very worried but I
55) told her that I had had a really great day!

Перевод ответа
Суббота, 14 июня
У меня был отличный день! Я проснулся 46) в 8 часов и небо 47) было синим. Я встретил Ларри и Джорджа в порту в девять, и мы отправились на Литл−Айленд. Море было спокойным и поездка 48) заняла всего час. Когда мы 49) приехали, мы пошли купаться, а потом устроили пикник на пляже.
50) Днем мы пошли гулять по острову. Мы нашли пустой дом на вершине холма. Там 51) было много странных картин на стенах дома. Это было круто!
Когда мы вышли из дома, небо было серым, а потом пошел дождь. Мы решили покинуть остров, но тогда море было 52) очень бурным. Лодка двигалась вверх−вниз и из стороны в сторону. Нам 53) было страшно, но было весело. 54) Нам потребовалось два часа, чтобы вернуться, но мы прибыли благополучно.
Когда я пришел домой, мама очень волновалась, но я 55) сказал ей, что у меня был действительно отличный день!


1. Choose the correct word.

1. My sister feels stressed when she takes an exam.

2. When we heard that strange noise, we got so scared.

3. You look so miserable. Did you get the bad news?

4. This was my worst birthday ever. I was bored.

5. Cathy worked so hard yesterday that she feels very tired now.

2. Fill in the gaps with was, wasn’t, were, weren’t.

1. There were two lemons in the fridge yesterday.

2. The boys weren’t at school last Wednesday. They stayed at home.

3. Was James at your party last night?

4. I wasn’t in London last year. I travelled to Spain.

3. Complete the questions with the verbs in brackets. Then answer the questions.

1. What time did Leo get up yesterday? (get up) — He got up at 7:15 am.

2. What did he have for breakfast? (have) — He had a sandwich for breakfast.

3. What time did he go to school? (go) — He went to school at 8 o’clock.

4. What did Leo eat for lunch? (eat) — He ate meat and vegetables.

5. Did he drink coffee? (drink) — No, he didn’t.

6. When did he get home? (get) — He got home at 3 pm.

7. Did he do his homework in the afternoon?(do) — Yes, he did.


A hasn’t done B isn’t done C doesn’t do

10. When is the best time to call you? I usually ……. (work) till nine in the evening. Call me around ten, if you can.

A am working B work C works

Exercise 5

Fill in: beggars, breathtaking, excursion, craftsmen, countless, candlelit.

1. In the town there were _________ cafes, shops, temples and small hotels.

2. In the streets you could see ________ and shoeshine boys.

3. A __________ procession was a part of the festival.

4. The view of this lake was really _________!

5. _________ sell their handicrafts along the streets.

Exercise 6

Choose the correct future tense.

1. This time tomorrow, I will leave/will be leaving for the airport.

2. I will collect/will have collected you from Peter’s house on my way home.

3. ‘How is your project coming along? Is it done?’ ‘Not yet, but I will finish/ will have finished it by the time the

holidays are over.’

4. ‘What are your plans for the weekend?’ ‘I am spending/will have spent some time with my friends.’

5. Richard is such a poor guy, he has got the flu, but his elder sister will have taken/is going to take care of him, she’s a


Exercise 7

Put the adjectives into the correct form.

1. He lives a bit ( far) than his parents.

2. It’s ( interesting ) film I’ve ever seen. I didn’t like it at all.

3. Is he (smart) person in the family? — No, his brother is much (smart) than he.

4. The job of a doctor is (hard) one in the world.

5. It was (bad) hotel in my life, it’s difficult to find something (bad).

Exercise 8

Make these adjectives negative using prefixes UN-; IL-; IM-; IR-; DIS-; MIS-; IN-; -LESS.

1.lucky, 2.understand,, 4.literate, 5.mortal.

Exercise 9

Choose the correct word.

1. Sahara is the biggest dessert/desert in the world.

2. The affect/effect of Mozart’s music is amazing!

3. I wondered weather/whether he liked classical music.

4. Due to climate changes the weather/whether is becoming more and more unpredictable.

5. If you loose/lose your credit card, don’t forget to block it.

Exercise 10

Choose the correct modal verb.

1) I think you might/should see a dentist.

2) You must/may be joking. No one could eat so many cakes.

3) It’s Sunday tomorrow. You mustn’t/needn’t wake up early.

4) Should/May I borrow the car tonight, please?

5) I wonder if Paul and Jim have got lost. They can’t/mustn’t get lost because they have got a map.

6) You must/ought to be very tired. Do you want to sleep for a while?

7) Should/May I borrow your pen, please?

8) I have to/could go to the grocery store. My fridge is empty.

9) Could/Should you pass me some sugar? I like sweet tea.

10) You must be/can’t be very proud of your son, he is a champion.

Choose the correct word.

well from his accident.
a lot of experiments last week.
He came home and realized that he
his keys.
him yesterday.

Choose the correct answer

When he came home, she
with the dinner for two hours.
to call Jean yesterday.
Your room is still very messy. I
you to tidy up two days ago.
I discovered that the meeting
football yesterday at 5 o’clock.

Choose the correct answer

My room
very messy and my mum told me to clean it.
When she came home, he
for two hours.
him home yesterday at noon.
me with my homework yesterday.
a very harmful experiment.

Choose the correct word.

Mark for help yesterday.
I came home and noticed that I
my phone at work.
dinner yesterday at 5 o’clock when he came home.
my mum around the house when my dad came home.
I was taking shower when my little sister

Choose the correct word.

lunch yesterday for two hours when he came home.
TV yesterday from 5 to 6.
Did he
home early yesterday?
a letter to my friend yesterday at 6 o’clock.
dark when we came home.

Match the words with their definition.

damage or make harm to something

Choose the correct word.

I lived in Moscow when the war
When he was in London, he visited the places where he
in his childhood.
She cut her finger when she
my old friend last week.
dinner when he called me.

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