Choose the correct word we visit public schools ответы

Вариант 1

Задание 1. Report this questions. Use “wanted to know”

  1. What marks have British children got in Maths exam this year?(your teacher)
  2. Did your parents study well at school? (Lena)
  3. When can Russian children leave school and start working? (your friend from Scotland)
  4. Did your father go to school on Sundays? (your teacher)
  5. If English children have an opportunity, will they study at a private school? (Sergey)

 Задание 2. Choose the correct word

We visit public schools. Though some children attend 1)_____ schools. The school year runs2) ____ September each year ___ June of the next year.  There are some children who3) ____ at home by their parents. Student in high school begin to decide what they want to do with the rest of their lives. In forms 11 and 12, students in England 4)____ to choose from university or college preparation.  Students in almost all provinces and territories must attend school  5)____ they are 16.

  1. private   comprehensive      music
  2. in…to      from…till     as …as
  3. is taught   learn    are taught
  4. are able   can     must
  5. until    to      more

Задание 3. Find the word that does not belong.

1.Attend   go    visit    enter

2.Comprehensive primary   higher  compulsory

3.GCSE  a level     entrance    further

4.College   gymnasium   lyceum    kindergarten

5.University  college   academy    conservatory        

Вариант 2

Задание 1. Report this questions. Report this questions. Use “wanted to know”

  1. When do pupils start school in Russia? (your friend from England)
  2. What school did the President of Russia study at. (a lot of students)
  3. Where will I live if I come to Germany to study German? (Sveta)
  4. Will I get a school  certificate? (your friend)
  5. Has anyone studied at a university in Rostov-on-Don? (Pavel)

Задание 2.  Choose the correct word

We visit comprehensive  schools,  which ______ by the minister of education . The school year begins 2) ____ September every  year.  There are some children who3) ____ at home by their teachers. Student in high school begin to decide what they want to do with the rest of their lives. In forms 9 and 11, students in Russia 4)____ to choose further way of education.  But most students stay ___ till they get a diploma after their 11th form.

  1. Is controlled   is controlling   are controlled
  2. on      from      as  
  3. is taught    learn    are taught
  4. are able      can       must
  5. Further    longer           more

Задание 3. Find the word that does not belong.

  1. compulsory comprehensive higher primary  
  2. Optional  private public state
  3. Fail   pass  enter  take
  4. Attend   go visit  enter
  5. University  college academy conservatory

Приложение. Ответы

Вариант 1

Задание 1. Report this questions. Use “wanted to know”

  1. What marks have British children got in Maths exam this year?(your teacher)

My teacher wanted to know what marks had British children got in Maths exam that year.

  1. Did your parents study well at school? (Lena)

Lena wanted to know if your parents had studied well at school.

  1. When can Russian children leave school and start working? (your friend from Scotland)

 My friend from Scotland wanted to know when Russian children could leave school and start working.

  1. Did your father go to school on Sundays? (your teacher)

My teacher wanted to know if my father went to school on Sundays.

  1. If English children have an opportunity, will they study at a private school? (Sergey)

 Sergey wanted to know if English children would study at a private school if they had an opportunity.

Задание 2. Choose the correct word

We visit public schools. Though some children attend 1)_____ schools. The school year runs2) ____ September each year ___ June of the next year.  There are some children who3) ____ at home by their parents. Student in high school begin to decide what they want to do with the rest of their lives. In forms 11 and 12, students in England 4)____ to choose from university or college preparation.  Students in almost all provinces and territories must attend school  5)____ they are 16.

  1. private   comprehensive      music
  2. in…to      from…till     as …as
  3. is taught   learn    are taught
  4. are able   can     must
  5. until    to      more

Задание 3. Find the word that does not belong.

  1. Attend   go visit  enter
  2. Comprehensive primary   higher  compulsory
  3. GCSE  a level   entrance  further
  4. College   gymnasium lyceum   kindergarten
  5. University  college academy conservatory

Вариант 2

Задание 1. Report this questions. Report this questions. Use “wanted to know”

  1. When do pupils start school in Russia? (your friend from England)

My  friend from England wanted to know when pupils started school in Russia

  1. What school did the President of Russia study at. (a lot of students)

A lot of students wanted to know what school  the President of Russia had studied at.

  1. Where will I live if I come to Germany to study German? (Sveta)

Sveta wanted to know where she would live if she came to Germany to study German.

  1. Will I get a school  certificate? (your friend)

My friend wanted to know if he would get a school  certificate.

  1. Has anyone studied at a university in Rostov-on-Don? (Pavel)

Pavel wanted to know if someone had studied at a university in Rostov-on-Don.

Задание 2.  Choose the correct word

We visit comprehensive  schools,  which ______ by the minister of education . The school year begins 2) ____ September every  year.  There are some children who3) ____ at home by their teachers. Student in high school begin to decide what they want to do with the rest of their lives. In forms 9 and 11, students in Russia 4)____ to choose further way of education.  But most students stay ___ till they get a diploma after their 11th form.

  1. Is controlled   is controlling   are controlled
  2. on     from      as  
  3. is taught   learn    are taught
  4. are able    can       must
  5. Further    longer           more

Задание 3. Find the word that does not belong.

  1. compulsory comprehensive higher primary  
  2. Optional  private public state
  3. Fail   pass  enter  take
  4. Attend   go visit  enter
  5. University  college academy conservatory

Вариант 1

Задание 1. Report this questions. Use “wanted to know”

  1. What marks have British children got in Maths exam this year?(your teacher)
  2. Did your parents study well at school? (Lena)
  3. When can Russian children leave school and start working? (your friend from Scotland)
  4. Did your father go to school on Sundays? (your teacher)
  5. If English children have an opportunity, will they study at a private school? (Sergey)

 Задание 2. Choose the correct word

We visit public schools. Though some children attend 1)_____ schools. The school year runs2) ____ September each year ___ June of the next year.  There are some children who3) ____ at home by their parents. Student in high school begin to decide what they want to do with the rest of their lives. In forms 11 and 12, students in England 4)____ to choose from university or college preparation.  Students in almost all provinces and territories must attend school  5)____ they are 16.

  1. private   comprehensive      music
  2. in…to      from…till     as …as
  3. is taught   learn    are taught
  4. are able   can     must
  5. until    to      more

Задание 3. Find the word that does not belong.

  1. Attend   go visit  enter
  2. Comprehensive primary   higher  compulsory
  3. GCSE  a level   entrance  further
  4. College   gymnasium lyceum   kindergarten
  5. University  college academy conservatory        

Вариант 2

Задание 1. Report this questions. Report this questions. Use “wanted to know”

  1. When do pupils start school in Russia? (your friend from England)
  2. What school did the President of Russia study at. (a lot of students)
  3. Where will I live if I come to Germany to study German? (Sveta)
  4. Will I get a school  certificate? (your friend)
  5. Has anyone studied at a university in Rostov-on-Don? (Pavel)

Задание 2.  Choose the correct word

We visit comprehensive  schools,  which ______ by the minister of education . The school year begins 2) ____ September every  year.  There are some children who3) ____ at home by their teachers. Student in high school begin to decide what they want to do with the rest of their lives. In forms 9 and 11, students in Russia 4)____ to choose further way of education.  But most students stay ___ till they get a diploma after their 11th form.

  1. Is controlled   is controlling   are controlled
  2. on     from      as  
  3. is taught   learn    are taught
  4. are able    can       must
  5. Further    longer           more

Задание 3. Find the word that does not belong.

  1. compulsory comprehensive higher primary  
  2. Optional  private public state
  3. Fail   pass  enter  take
  4. Attend   go visit  enter
  5. University  college academy conservatory

Вариант 1

Задание 1. Report this questions. Use “wanted to know”

  1. What marks have British children got in Maths exam this year?(your teacher)
  2. Did your parents study well at school? (Lena)
  3. When can Russian children leave school and start working? (your friend from Scotland)
  4. Did your father go to school on Sundays? (your teacher)
  5. If English children have an opportunity, will they study at a private school? (Sergey)

 Задание 2. Choose the correct word

We visit public schools. Though some children attend 1)_____ schools. The school year runs2) ____ September each year ___ June of the next year.  There are some children who3) ____ at home by their parents. Student in high school begin to decide what they want to do with the rest of their lives. In forms 11 and 12, students in England 4)____ to choose from university or college preparation.  Students in almost all provinces and territories must attend school  5)____ they are 16.

  1. private   comprehensive      music
  2. in…to      from…till     as …as
  3. is taught   learn    are taught
  4. are able   can     must
  5. until    to      more

Задание 3. Find the word that does not belong.

  1. Attend   go visit  enter
  2. Comprehensive primary   higher  compulsory
  3. GCSE  a level   entrance  further
  4. College   gymnasium lyceum   kindergarten
  5. University  college academy conservatory        

Вариант 2

Задание 1. Report this questions. Report this questions. Use “wanted to know”

  1. When do pupils start school in Russia? (your friend from England)
  2. What school did the President of Russia study at. (a lot of students)
  3. Where will I live if I come to Germany to study German? (Sveta)
  4. Will I get a school  certificate? (your friend)
  5. Has anyone studied at a university in Rostov-on-Don? (Pavel)

Задание 2.  Choose the correct word

We visit comprehensive  schools,  which ______ by the minister of education . The school year begins 2) ____ September every  year.  There are some children who3) ____ at home by their teachers. Student in high school begin to decide what they want to do with the rest of their lives. In forms 9 and 11, students in Russia 4)____ to choose further way of education.  But most students stay ___ till they get a diploma after their 11th form.

  1. Is controlled   is controlling   are controlled
  2. on     from      as  
  3. is taught   learn    are taught
  4. are able    can       must
  5. Further    longer           more

Задание 3. Find the word that does not belong.

  1. compulsory comprehensive higher primary  
  2. Optional  private public state
  3. Fail   pass  enter  take
  4. Attend   go visit  enter
  5. University  college academy conservatory

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«Контрольная работа по английскому языку в 9 классе (6 unit)»

Test 4term 9 form

Задание 2. Choose the correct word

We visit public schools. Though some children attend 1)_____ schools. The school year runs2) ____ September each year ___ June of the next year. There are some children who3) ____ at home by their parents. Student in high school begin to decide what they want to do with the rest of their lives. In forms 11 and 12, students in England 4)____ to choose from university or college preparation. Students in almost all provinces and territories must attend school 5)____ they are 16.

  1. private comprehensive music

  2. in…to from…till as …as

  3. is taught learn are taught

  4. are able can must

  5. until to more

задание 3

Here is an article about the system of education in Canada. Choose the correct word a, b or с to fill the spaces in the sentences.
Most children (0) to public schools, which (1) _________ by the government,
though some children attend (2)_________ schools. There are some children who
(3)_________at home by their parents. These children (4)_________to be home
schooled. In general, Canadian children start their first grade when they are six years old; some of them attend kindergarten for one to two years before
Grade 1, it is (5)__________The school year runs (6)—————September each
year _________June of the next year.
Students in high school begin to decide what they want to do with the rest of
their lives. In Grades 11 and 12, students in Ontario (7) ————— to choose
from workplace preparation, university/college preparation, college preparation, and university preparation courses.
Students in almost all provinces and territories must attend school
(8) _________they are 16. But most students
stay (9) _________ till they get a diploma
after their 11th, 12th or 13th Grade depending on the province they are living in. After high school completion, students can choose to (10) ______________ their education in university, college or Cegep. Cegep is from French for College of General and Vocational
Education and it is between (11)_________of
university general studies or three years of vocational studies and high school.

237 просмотров

1 Choose the correct words.

1 We have much / a lot of / a little students at our school this year.

2 A few / Any / A little friends are coming to dinner this evening.

3 I haven’t got some / much / many time before I catch the train.

4 Do you like some / much / any of the songs on their new album?

5 Terry can speak a few / a little / much Greek.

6 I hope you like black coffee. There isn’t many / some / any milk!

7 I haven’t seen much / many / a few films this year. Have you?

2 Complete the sentences. Use a, the or – (no article).

1 Do you want to speak to Mum? She’s in ______ kitchen.

2 ______ fast cars can be dangerous.

3 There’s a barn and a small house at the end of the lane. Freya lives in ______ house.

4 There’s ______ beautiful lake near our house.

5 Did you see ______ Queen on TV last night?

6 Bella’s dad is ______ teacher at our school.

7 We don’t buy a lot of food from ______ shop in the village.

3. Write affirmative () or negative () sentences or questions (?) with the correct form of there is or there are.

1  a lot of young people / in the village _______________________________________

2 ? much pollution / in the city centre _______________________________________

3  a lot of monuments / in my city _______________________________________

4  any space / in the car park _______________________________________

5 ? any cinemas / in your town _______________________________________

6  a lot of traffic / on Friday afternoons _______________________________________

5 Complete the sentences with the words below. There are two words you do not need.

ban crops economy farmyard law plough respect wheat

1 Fox hunting was important to the rural ____________ . It created jobs.

2 The hunt sometimes went across farmers’ fields and damaged the ____________ .

3 We must ____________ nature and try to protect the environment.

4 The farm welcomes tourists, and children can see the animals in the ____________ .

5 My grandfather grows ____________ for the bakeries in town.

6 Many people in the countryside didn’t want the government to ____________ hunting.

6 Choose the correct words.

1 Drive at / through / over the gate and you will see the main road.

2 He turned in / – / up left.

3 Turn in / to / onto Churchill Road.

4 She was walking at / straight / along Queen Street.

5 Go past / on / after the supermarket.

6 Just follow / along / across the lane towards the café and you’ll see the postbox.

Английский язык

29 Май, 18


237 просмотров

Дан 1 ответ

A lot of

a few



a little



2 the






3 There are a lot of young people in the village.

Is there much pollution in the city centre?

There are a lot of monuments in my city.

There isn’t any space in the car park.

Are there any cinemas in your town?

There is a lot of traffic on Friday afternoons.

5 1 economy

2 crops

3 respect

4 farmyard

5 wheat

6 ban

6 through






29 Май, 18


Помогите пожалуйста.

Choose the correct word.1.We have to/should wear a uniform at school.2.You should/have to listen to your teachers.3.He speaks Spanish very good/well.4.You don’t have to/shouldn’t lie to your parents.5.He drives very careless/carelessly.Огромное спасибо!

1 ответ:



1to 2have 3good 4to 5carelessy

Читайте также

21 eighty 22) 5000. 23) twho hundred and thirty four 24) two/three 25) one. Twenty five 26) 3000000 27) 15 28) two thousand four hundred 29) eighteen 30) 115

.What Charli Chaplin is Famous for ?
<span> have you ever been to Buckingham Palas?
</span>.When the poet will read his poem?
Where the pupils were  yesterday.?
What is take place in the open-air-theatre.

Качество … сделай с другого ракурса

1) Sue went to the cinema with some of her friends.
2) Jane doesn’t have any friends.
3) Have you got any brothers or sisters? 
4) Here’s some food for the cat
5) I think you sohuld put some flowers on the table. 
6) Could you check if there are any calls on my phone.
7) I don’t want any presents for my birthday. 
8) Did they have any news for you? 
9) I’m hungry — I’ll have some sandwichs.
10) There aren’t any apples left.
11) I need some salt,
12) He doesn’t want any help.
13) There are some sheep in the garden,
14) Do you know any faumos pepople? 
15) They often invite some friends to their home.
16) Do you have any idea what are they are doing there?
17) Charly doesn’t have any pets.
18) My little brother already knows some words in English.
19) My mom doesn’t speak any foregin lanquages.
20) I’ve got some sweets for you.
21) We don’t have any milk.
22) I bought some hamburgers for dinner. 
23) They have some videos on that shop.
24) She doesn’t want any beer,
25 (не видно предложения)
26) Can I have some apples, please.
27) I haven’t got any money,
28) They’re doing an exam. Don’t make any noise,
29) He has some stamps for our letter,
30) She tried on some new shoes yesterday,
31) I don’t like any pop music. I opy like Jazz,
32) Nid must do some homework tonight.
33) Only some of his friends went to the party.
34) We saw some cars in the street.
35) Did you have any homework to do?
36) There aren’t any chairs in the room.
37) Can I have some cake, please,
38) My faber gave me some money,
39) I don’t have any money.
40) There aren’t any boys in my familly. 
41) Dan has some sweets,
42) Tell me if you need any help.
43) Luk should eat some fresh fruit.
44) My brother doesn’t know any English words.
45) Would you like some coffee?
46) Do you have any cousins? 
27) I can’t find any books.
28) I have some himework to do.

School is one of the most interesing places which has both advantages and disadvantages. 
There are many positive aspects. To begin with, school has a library where pupils could read books. What is more, there are many people to whom you could talk and who could be your friend. Also, you have an opportunity to learn new things and get knowledge. School is cool because you can meet with your classmates and socialize with them during the break. In addition, there is a such lesson as a Physical Education. It means that you may go in for sport. 
On the other hand, there are disadvantages. Firstly, pupils have to get up in the morning. Secondly, there are so much homework to do! 
All in all, school is very interesting place. 

Предложения длинные. Уж извини, так получилось)

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