Choose the correct word we ve got a few a little apples


Упражнение 1, с. 38

1. Write the words under the correct heading. — Напишите слова под правильным заголовком.

DAIRY PRODUCTS: cheese, butter

MEAT & FISH: salmon, beef, chicken
МЯСО И РЫБА: лосось, говядина, курица

FRUIT: bananas, cherries, tomatoes
ФРУКТЫ: бананы, вишня, помидоры

VEGETABLES: cauliflower, onions, beans, lettuce
ОВОЩИ: цветная капуста, лук, фасоль, салат

DRINKS: tea, water, coffee
НАПИТКИ: чай, вода, кофе

OTHER: cereal, bread, rice, sugar, pasta
ДРУГОЕ: хлопья, хлеб, рис, сахар, макароны

Упражнение 2, с. 38

2. Fill in: — Заполните.

1 steamed rice — пропаренный рис
2 green tea — зелёный чай
3 good manners  хорошие манеры
4 slice of toast — ломтик тоста
5 creamy butter — сливочное масло
6 scrambled eggs — яичница
7 cold meat — холодное мясо
8 strong coffee — крепкий кофе


Упражнение 3, с. 38

3. Choose the correct word. — Выберите правильное слово.

1 We’ve got a few apples. Let’s make a pie.
У нас есть несколько яблок. Давай сделаем пирог. 

2 There is too much sugar in my coffee.
В моём кофе слишком много сахара.

3 Are you hungry? There’s a little pasta left.
Ты голоден? Осталось немного пасты.

4 How much cheese is there?
Сколько там сыра?

5 We need some butter for the cake.
Нам нужно немного масла для торта.

6 How many eggs do you need to make an omelette?
Сколько яиц нужно, чтобы сделать омлет?

7 There are some apples in the fridge.
В холодильнике есть яблоки.

8 There is a lot of cereal in the cupboard.
В буфете полно хлопьев.

9 I’ve got a little flour. I can make a pizza.
У меня есть немного муки. Я могу приготовить пиццу.

Упражнение 4, с. 38

4. Circle the correct item. — Обведите правильное слово.

1 A: How many bananas do you want from the supermarket?
B: Oh, just a few.
А: Сколько бананов вы хотите купить в супермаркете?
Б: О, всего несколько.

2 A: Mark eats too many sweets.
B: I know. It’s very bad for his teeth.
А: Марк ест слишком много сладостей.
Б: Я знаю. Это очень вредно для его зубов.

3 A: We’ve got a few lemons.
B: Great! Let’s make some lemonade.
А: У нас есть несколько лимонов.
Б: Отлично! Давай приготовим лимонад.

4 A: How much milk do you want in your tea?
B: Just a little, please.
А: Сколько молока вы хотите в чай?
Б: Совсем чуть-чуть, пожалуйста.

5 A: We need lots of eggs for breakfast.
B: But, we only have a few.
А: Нам нужно много яиц на завтрак.
Б: Но у нас их всего несколько.

6 A: We have a lot of bread in the cupboard.
B: Well, let’s make some sandwiches.
А: У нас в буфете полно хлеба.
Б: Ну, давай сделаем несколько бутербродов.

Упражнение 5, с. 38

5. Look at Tom’s timetable. Complete the sentences with going to. — Посмотри на расписание Тома. Завершите предложения с помощью going to.

2 Are Tom and Laura going to eat Chinese food Monday? No, they arent.
Том и Лора будут есть китайскую еду в понедельник? Нет, это не так.

3 Is Tom going to meet his friends at a café on Wednesday? Yes, he is.
Том собирается встретиться со своими друзьями в кафе в среду? Да, это так.

4 Are Tom and his mum going to go to the supermarket on Friday? No, they arent.
Том и его мама собираются пойти в супермаркет в пятницу? Нет, это не так.

5 Are Tom and Bob going to go shopping for clothes on Friday? Yes, they are.
Том и Боб собираются в пятницу пойти за одеждой? Да, это так.

6 Is Tom going to have a party on Friday? No, he isnt.
Том собирается устроить вечеринку в пятницу? Нет, это не так.

7 Are Tom and Kate going to visit, a food festival on Sunday? Yes, they are.
Том и Кейт собираются посетить фестиваль еды в воскресенье? Да, это так.

Упражнение 6, с. 38

6. Write which of the following you are/ aren’t going to do this weekend. — Напишите, что из следующего вы собираетесь / не собираетесь делать в эти выходные.

1 I am going to cook fish for dinner.
Я собираюсь приготовить рыбу на ужин.
2 I am not going to watch DVDs.
Я не собираюсь смотреть DVD-диски.
3 I am going to do my homework.
Я собираюсь сделать свою домашнюю работу.
4 I am going to have lunch with friends.
Я собираюсь пообедать с друзьями.
5 I am not going to go to a party.
Я не собираюсь идти на вечеринку.

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ГДЗ. Starlight. 5 класс. Workbook. Рабочая тетрадь. Баранова К. М., Дули Д., Копылова В. В., Эванс В.

Учебник. 5 класс. Starlight.

Английский язык. 5 класс





5 лет назад

Английский язык

5 — 9 классы

Choose the correct word.

1 We’ve got a few/a litle apples.
Les’s make a pei.
2 There is too many/mach sugar in my coffe.
3 Are you hangry?There’s a litle/a few pasta left.
4 How mach/many cheese is there&
5 We need some/a few butter for the cake.

Смотреть ответ



(8 оценок)



5 лет назад

Светило науки — 232 ответа — 2886 раз оказано помощи

1 We’ve got a few apples.2 There is too much sugar in my coffe.3 Are you hungry?There’s a little pasta left.4 How many cheese is there?5 We need some butter for the cake.

(8 оценок)

Choose the correct word. 1 Weve got a few/a litle apples. Less make a pei. 2 There is too many/mach sugar in my coffe. 3 Are you hangryTheres a litle/a few pasta left. 4 How mach/many cheese is thereamp; 5 We need some/a few butter for the cake.



1 Weve got a few apples.2 There is too much sugar in my coffe.3 Are you hungryTheres a little pasta left.4 How many cheese is there5 We need some butter for the cake.


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2018-10-20 11:49:55

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02 Авг, 20


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В двух предыдущих статьях мы изучили правила употребления местоимений-прилагательных. Сейчас вы можете выполнить упражнения, и в конце сверится с ответами, чтобы лучше понять, как вы усвоили пройденный материал.

Вспомнить пройденный материал вы можете по следующим ссылкам: much/many, a few/a little, few/little и затем приступайте к выполнению упражнений. Good luck!

1. Underline the correct word. Подчеркни правильное слово.

1) They’re going away for a few / a little days.

2) I think you’ve put too many / too much sugar in your tea.

3) How many / much time have we got left?

4) Do you know much / many foreign people? — No, I don’t. I know very few / a few.

5) He’s got little / a little time. He can play football.

6) We’ve got little / a little coffee. It’s not enough for all of us.

7) There are a few / few sweets in the box. It’s almost empty.

8) I’ve got few / a few apples. I can make some juice.

2. Correct the mistakes. Исправь ошибки.

1) There isn’t many milk in the fridge.

2) How much tomatoes do you need?

3) There’re a few people at the theatre. It’s almost empty.

4) There is many juice in the cartoon.

5) This dress doesn’t cost many money.

6) How much tigers are there in the zoo?

7) I would like a little biscuits to drink with tea.

8) We’ve got few ham. We can’t make any hamburgers.

3. Fill in many, much, a lot of. Вставь many, much, a lot of.

1) How … sugar would you like?

2) How … peppers have we got?

3) I’ve got … new business ideas.

4) There aren’t … benches in the yard.

5) I saw … interesting films last week.

6) How … is this dress?

4. Choose the correct answer. Выбери правильный ответ.

1) How … cheese should I buy?

A much     B many    C lots of

2) Could I have … more ice in my drink?

A a few     B a little   C many

3) Only … people know that he was a famous actor.

A much     B a few     C a little

4) I’ve got …. free time today. There’re a lot of businesses to do.

A little       B much      C few

5) She doesn’t eat … chocolate because she’s on a diet.

A many     B a lot of     C much

6) How … sweets are there in the bowl?

A lots of     B few      C many

5. Fill in a little, a few, little, few. Вставь a little, a few, little, few.

1) What would you like in your tea? – Just …. sugar, please.

2) I’ve only got … money, so I can’t afford to buy this jacket.

3) There are still …tickets left for the concert next Monday. – Great. I’ll go and buy one.

4) There’s …. wine in the bottle. Would you like some?

5) Are there … chemists near here? Yes, …

6) I eat … fish. I prefer meat.

6. Answer the questions using a lot, many, much, a little, a few. Ответьте на вопросы, используя a lot, many, much, a little, a few.

1) Have you got any envelopes? – Yes, …

2) How much money do you need for your holiday? – Not …

3) Would you like some coffee? – Just …

4) Were there any people at the meeting? – Yes, …

5) Is there any ham in the fridge? – Not …

6) How many cucumbers do we need for the salad? – Not …

Ответы на упражнения:

1. Underline the correct word. Подчеркни правильное слово.

1) They’re going away for a few / a little days.

2) I think you’ve put too many / too much sugar in your tea.

3) How many / much time have we got left?

4) Do you know much / many foreign people? — No, I don’t. I know very few / a few.

5) He’s got little / a little time. He can play football.

6) We’ve got little / a little coffee. It’s not enough for all of us.

7) There are a few / few sweets in the box. It’s almost empty.

8) I’ve got few / a few apples. I can make some juice.

2. Correct the mistakes. Исправь ошибки.

1) There isn’t much milk in the fridge.

2) How many tomatoes do you need?

3) There’re few people at the theatre. It’s almost empty.

4) There is a lot of juice in the cartoon.

5) This dress doesn’t cost much money.

6) How many tigers are there in the zoo?

7) I would like a few biscuits to drink with tea.

8) We’ve got little ham. We can’t make any hamburgers.

3. Fill in many, much, a lot of. Вставь many, much, a lot of.

1) How much sugar would you like?

2) How many peppers have we got?

3) I’ve got a lot of new business ideas.

4) There aren’t many benches in the yard.

5) I saw a lot of interesting films last week.

6) How much is this dress?

4. Choose the correct answer. Выбери правильный ответ.

1) How much cheese should I buy?

2) Could I have a little more ice in my drink?

3) Only a few  people know that he was a famous actor.

4) I’ve got little free time today. There’re a lot of businesses to do.

5) She doesn’t eat much chocolate because she’s on a diet.

6) How many sweets are there in the bowl?

5. Fill in a little, a few, little, few. Вставь a little, a few, little, few.

1) What would you like in your tea? – Just a little sugar, please.

2) I’ve only got little money, so I can’t afford to buy this jacket.

3) There are still a few tickets left for the concert next Monday. – Great. I’ll go and buy one.

4) There’s a little wine in the bottle. Would you like some?

5) Are there any chemists near here? Yes, a few.

6) I eat few fish. I prefer meat.

6. Answer the questions using a lot, many, much, a little, a few. Ответьте на вопросы, используя a lot, many, much, a little, a few.

1) Have you got any envelopes? – Yes, a lot.

2) How much money do you need for your holiday? – Not much.

3) Would you like some coffee? – Just a little.

4) Were there any people at the meeting? – Yes, a few.

5) Is there any ham in the fridge? – Not much.

6) How many cucumbers do we need for the salad? – Not many.

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