Choose the correct word to match the picture

Обучайтесь и развивайтесь всесторонне вместе с нами, делитесь знаниями и накопленным опытом, расширяйте границы знаний и ваших умений.

поделиться знаниями или
запомнить страничку

  • Все категории
  • экономические
  • гуманитарные
  • юридические
  • школьный раздел
  • разное

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Как научится читать по диагонали? Скорость чтения зависит от скорости восприятия каждого отдельного слова в тексте. 

Как быстро и эффективно исправить почерк?  Люди часто предполагают, что каллиграфия и почерк являются синонимами, но это не так.

Как научится говорить грамотно и правильно? Общение на хорошем, уверенном и естественном русском языке является достижимой целью. 

1 Circle the correct words. Then match the words with the pictures. a Passport / Luggage is all the bags you take on holiday. b Your passport / departures is a little book with your name, photo and information about where you are from. c You use money/magazines to buy things from shops. d You read a suitcase / newspaper to see what is happening in the world. e When you are going on holiday, you go through arrivals / departures at the airport. f When your plane lands, you go through arrivals / departures. g You pack your holiday clothes into a big bag called a coin/suitcase. h Coins / Magazines are money in the shape of circles. i You can read a passenger/magazine at the airport before you get on the plane. j A suitcase/passenger is a person who travels on a plane. a CAR DEPARTURES THE DAILY
Помагите ;—; пожалуйста даю 25 баллов за 2 выполненных заданиев​


Ответы на вопрос

a Luggage

b passport

c money

d newspaper

e departures

f arrivals

g suitcase

h coins

i magazine

j passenger

картинка не показалась.

Новые вопросы

Choosing the words

Choose the correct answer.

Paperboard/matt is made of paper.

walls must conserve/illustrate the nature.

I like reading blank/glossy magazines

My dad always reads a newsprint/newspaper in the morning.

Pulping/line is one of the stages of making paper.

Mika has a lot of posters/harvest on the walls pg his room

Spelling the words

Fill in the gaps.

Have you got any

pages here? I need to write a note. 

What do you use

boxes for?

I need a

of eggs to make an apple pie. 

Melissa enjoys watching colourful


I like to

with my friends online. 

We must

the nature. 

Matching the words

Match the words with their meanings. 

экономить, беречь, сохранять

превращение в волокнистую массу,

сделанный из вторичного сырья

Completing the table

Complete the table with the words below.













Choosing the words

Match the pictures and the words.





Single answer

Choose the correct answer.

What did the

analysis say about the material about this thing?

I like to

with my friends living abroad online. 

I wonder if it is easy to make a

My dad likes reading a

while he has breakfast. 

This bag is used from the


My friends uses

boxes to divide her drawers. 

Crossing out

Cross the odd ONE out.

Glossy, matt, thick, chop

Poster, magazine, pulping, newspaper

Cardboard box, blank, carton, paperboard

Carton, chemical, matt, gloss

Illustrate, line, harvest, hole punch

Completing the table

Complete the table with the words below.



Tear out

of paper





a shoe

a piece

a glossy

a shopping

Single answer

Choose the right answer.

I need some blank paper to write down a


I prefer using

paper if I need to print something. 

paper is good for printing photos. 

Mathew likes putting

on the walls if his room. 

This paper is too

to fold it. 

Suzy’s dream is to

comic books as a job. 

Filling the gaps

Complete the text.

We use to create different things.

Melissa likes reading magazines. 

I need to vegetables to make the salad. 

John, have you written a list? 

Paperboard is a very type of paper. 

is a type of paper which is used to print newspapers. 







Choosing the words

Choose the right answer.

Every piece of paper should be recycled/communicate.

Sometimes it is very interesting to watch colourful chemical/illustrate reactions.

My friend likes to chop/scribble, so I can never understand his handwriting

Marthas blank/shoe cabinet is really huge. She has more than 200 pairs of shoes.

I never tear out/off pages from my notebooks

Is there any blank/carton space on this piece of paper

Completing the table

Fill in the words to make the phrases.













Matching the phrases

Match the phrases to get the sentences.

Do you always follow your shopping

words with some pictures.

list when you are in the shop?

Filling the gaps

Choose the right answer.

As we know, to make some paper we need wood fiber or plant , but the simplest way to get it is to cut down a tree. Now let us imagine the of paper each of us uses every day. There are no doubts, that if we continue to cut down trees to have paper, there soon will be no trees left, , we will run out of oxygen. Nevertheless, there is one more way good paper, it can be recycled from other materials that contain cellulose.






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«Олимпиада по английскому языку 9 класс»

На данной странице находятся упражнения с ответами по английскому языку из рабочей тетради (Workbook) 8 класса УМК Spotlight. Упражнения из 5a.

Exercise 1. Put the letters in the correct order. Then match the words to the pictures.
Упражнение 1. Составьте из букв слова и соотнесите с картинками.


1) r g u h о t d
► drought

2) a e k u q r e h a t
3) h a v a c e a l n
4) c r h r i u e n a
5) о о d f l
6) n t i s a m u
7) a t d о r о n

Spotlight 8 Workbook 5a ex1

1) r g u h о t d
drought – засуха (картинка – F)

2) a e k u q r e h a t
earthquake – землетрясение (картинка – D)

3) h a v a c e a l n
avalanche – лавина (картинка – E)

4) c r h r i u e n a
hurricane – ураган (картинка – C)

5) о о d f l
flood – наводнение (картинка – B)

6) n t i s a m u
tsunami – цунами (картинка – G)

7) a t d о r о n
tornado – торнадо (картинка – A)

Exercise 2. Fill in: rescue, homeless, supplies, floods, lost, drowned.
Упражнение 2. Вставить: rescue, homeless, supplies, floods, lost, drowned.


Heavy rains have hit Angola this week. The rains have caused 1) __ in many parts of the country. Many people have died. Thousands have 2) __ their houses.

These rains are the worst Angola has experienced in the last twenty years. Thousands of people have been left 3) __ and many animals have 4) __ .

5) __ teams have been trying to save as many people as they possibly can who still remain trapped in their homes. Many countries are now sending food, medicines and other 6) __ to the area.

Heavy rains have hit Angola this week. The rains have caused floods in many parts of the country. Many people have died. Thousands have lost their houses.
На этой неделе сильные дожди выпали на Анголу. Дожди вызвали наводнения во многих частях страны. Многие люди погибли. Тысячи потеряли свои дома.

These rains are the worst Angola has experienced in the last twenty years. Thousands of people have been left homeless and many animals have drowned.
Эти дожди – это самое худшее, что Ангола пережила за последние двадцать лет. Тысячи людей остались без дома, и многие животные утонули.

Rescue teams have been trying to save as many people as they possibly can who still remain trapped in their homes. Many countries are now sending food, medicines and other supplies to the area.
Спасательные команды пытаются спасти как можно больше людей, которые все еще остаются в ловушки в своих домах. Многие страны сейчас отправляют еду, лекарства и другое снабжение в этот регион.

Exercise 3. Match the words in column A to those in column B. Then use five to complete the sentences below.
Упражнение 3. Соотнесите слова и пять полученных сочетаний испoльзуйте в предложениях.


1) injured
2) natural
3) recent
4) first
5) cracked
6) massive
7) collapsed

a. roads
b. history
с. bridges
d. aid
e. waves
f. people
g. disasters

1) Rescue workers are able to give immediate __ treatment.
2) Over 80,000 have lost their lives from Burma’s devastating cyclone, one of the worst natural disasters in __ .
3) The __ were immediately taken to hospital.
4) The __ hit the surfers and pushed them onto the shore.
5) Lucy studies __ such as earthquakes and tornadoes.

1) injured people – раненые люди
2) natural disasters – природные катастрофы
3) recent history – недавняя история
4) first aid – первая помощь
5) cracked roads – разбитые дороги
6) massive waves – массивные волны
7) collapsed bridges – рухнувшие мосты

1) Rescue workers are able to give immediate first aid treatment. – Спасатели могут оказывать первую помощь.

2) Over 80,000 have lost their lives from Burma’s devastating cyclone, one of the worst natural disasters in recent history. – Свыше 80 тысяч людей в Бирме потеряли жизнь из-за разрушительного циклона, одного из худших природных катастроф за последнюю историю.

3) The injured people were immediately taken to hospital. – Раненые люди были немедленно доставлены в больницу.

4) The massive wave hit the surfers and pushed them onto the shore. – Массивная волна ударила по сёрферам и заставила их поспешить на берег.

5) Lucy studies natural disasters such as earthquakes and tornadoes. – Люси изучают природные катастрофы, такие как землетрясения и торнадо.

Exercise 4. Underline the correct word.
Упражнение 4. Определить правильное слово.


1) An earthquake in the ocean can generate / occur a tsunami.
2) Food and clothes have been carried / distributed among the homeless.
3) The lifeguard managed to reach / pull the child out of the water.
4) The skiers were buried / lost under the snow.

1) An earthquake in the ocean can generate a tsunami. – Землетрясение в океане может породить цунами.

2) Food and clothes have been distributed among the homeless. – Еда и одежда были распределены среди бездомных.

3) The lifeguard managed to pull the child out of the water. – Охранник смог вытащить ребенка из воды.

4) The skiers were buried under the snow. – Лыжники были погребены под снегом.

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